Sunday, June 2, 2024

Unveiling international cooperation to develop Iraq’s capabilities with artificial intelligence, 2 JUNE

Unveiling international cooperation to develop Iraq’s capabilities with artificial intelligence

Baghdad – Mawazine News
Adviser to Prime Minister Hussein Allawi referred today, Saturday, to the nature of Iraq’s work with the United Nations after the end of the UNAMI mission, while pointing out that Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani developed a road map for the work of the government apparatus after the end of the mission’s work in Iraq, stressing on the other hand that there is international cooperation to develop Iraq’s capabilities with artificial intelligence and confront climate change.

Allawi said, in a statement to the official agency, that “the Iraqi state has regained the capabilities and vitality of government institutions and succeeded in managing the economy, and this is what Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani worked on for more than a year and a half,” indicating that “there is very large activity for the Iraqi government in supporting the strengthening of the state, its capabilities and capabilities, as well as its regional and international relations.”

He added, “This made the countries of the world, the United Nations, alliances and international institutions praise the Iraqi government and recognize its capabilities to manage national sovereignty, enforce the law and manage the economy and political life naturally,” pointing out that “this made the Iraqi government, headed by Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, tend to submit a request to the United Nations to end the UNAMI mission as well as to return to the exercise of the normal role of Iraq and the continuation of our relationship with the special institutions of the United Nations and its organizations.”

He stated, “Iraq’s national capabilities have been completed in managing its normal situation and the ability of the Iraqi state to manage national solutions and develop solutions to the problems it has suffered for 20 years,” pointing out that “this is what we have observed in the national renaissance since the government assumed responsibility in the fall of 2022 and until this moment; because there are national solutions to all the problems that we were facing the Kirkuk crisis, which was solved after the Prime Minister made strategic contacts with the leadership in the Kurdistan region and the national leaders in Kirkuk.”

He continued, “We want to develop our capabilities in the field of confronting climate change and in the field of economic reform, information technology, artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, and this requires that cooperation between the Iraqi state and the institutions of the government apparatus be carried out with the corresponding institutions, whether international through the United Nations, the institutions affiliated with international non-governmental organizations or countries corresponding to us through their institutions and ministries, as well as their management.”

He explained, “Cooperation will be continuous with these organizations in terms of exchanging experiences,” pointing out that “the Prime Minister has developed a road map for the work of the government agency in the post-UNAMI mission’s work in Iraq, which is to be the mechanism of the regional coordinator and work with international organizations and United Nations institutions in a natural and sectoral way, that is, the health sector and health organizations are working with the Ministry of Health and relevant ministries, as well as the provinces in which epidemics may be a challenge, as well as challenges facing their diseases in Iraq.”

He continued, “Iraq, according to international reports, is the most vulnerable to climate change, which requires national plans on which Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani worked on,” explaining that “the development of our ability to face the effects of climate challenges is important, whether in our use of water or changing building systems and the sustainability of agriculture and green spaces.”

Allawi, on the other hand, stated that “encouraging the Iraqi private sector, encourages the capabilities of young people in this field and engaging them through the Supreme Council for Youth as well as the initiatives launched by the Prime Minister in the sustainability of environmental life, which will produce large investment projects while reducing the burning of gas to reduce carbon emissions inside Iraq and will thus protect the reality of our southern governorates and the central Euphrates regions of gas burning operations and turning it into national wealth, and this is what the Prime Minister worked in Maysan as well as in Basra and in Nasiriyah.”

He pointed out that “there is sustainable work in other governorates that will increase our capabilities in the process of responding to climate change in addition to raising awareness and educating about the effects of the environment on public life,” noting that “there are awareness campaigns carried out by universities, schools and educational institutions as well as civil society organizations, away from the mission.”



Well folks as we have been told the ideal time for release would be over a Holiday weekend and the banker was hopeful that we would receive notification close to the Reno bank closing time tonight. 

That didn't happen unfortunately.  Have also received comments declaring I am just another Guru scamming you folks.  

Salty is a dear friend who provided this room for me and my ultimate goal is to make available some basic financial planning techniques to avoid you becoming like Lottery Winners and be broke within a year or two of getting paid,

  As a result I don't open very often but the banker is hopeful he will get notified as we progress further into this weekend.  Should I get notification I will surely share,  Happy Memorial Weekend and GOD Bless.

Well folks was advised we would have positive indications today but now am being told it should come on the 24th which is this coming Friday which would give the banks time to deal with their Fridays and Mondays and begin to schedule appointments later into next week.  We can only hope that at some point these projections will be accurate.


A second confirmation of the above post has been received today so please stay alert come Friday, GOD Bless y'al for staying with us thru all this.


Texas Snake, [05/22/2024, 10:04:11 p. m.]:


I have a suggestion to make if everyone could hold off comments until I can type it out.'

Comments being made about banks on Markz and what it could mean to your deposits

My suggestion once again is for each of you to open a brokerage account with a member firm of the NYSE as they insure uo to 500k on each account you open with them and then explore the Money Market

funds with No Load funding and reposition your b ank deposits into as many MMF's as needed to remain insured.

Texas Snake, [05/22/2024, 10:27:08 p. m.]:

I am going to watch the 4th quarter of the Dal Min playoff gamd so good night and GOD Bless everyone.

Iraqi dinar | PL Al Sudani Statement | Iraqi Dinar News Today 2024 | din...

Ahead of tomorrow’s session.. Final meeting of parliamentary finances on the budget, 2 JUNE

Ahead of tomorrow’s session.. Final meeting of parliamentary finances on the budget

The Parliamentary Finance Committee held today, Sunday, a final meeting to finalize its report on the general budget schedules.

A statement by the committee said that “the committee has been continuing its periodic meetings in the building of the guest house of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, to discuss the general budget schedules, until the preparation of the final report, which will be presented in a session tomorrow, Monday,” a statement of the committee said.

The statement added, “The meeting touched on the decision of the Presidency of the House of Representatives to allocate a session on Monday to vote on the tables of the General Budget Law No. 13 of 2024 amended and its annexes to the tables “A / B / C / D / E / F”.



 Question: "Should we watch Forex or the CBI?" CBI.  Forex is waiting for the CBI.

There's an article that says, 'We're not going to come out with the the lower denominations because it won't affect the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.

 What are you stupid?  I'm talking to the media.   The media is owned by the far nasty side and they don't want this to happen.  They don't want anyone to know about the monetary reform success so they put out information that a little misleading...Of course they're going to come out with lower denoms...remove the three zeros...add value to the currency.  That's what they've been telling you...

 Everything is being done in an expedited manner.  But unfortunately it's expedited Middle East manner...You sign a contract in the Middle East, that doesn't mean that it's going to be activated on the day that you sign it, nor tomorrow, nor the next week, nor the next month.  It is activated when they say so.  Why Because you need what they've got...You got to go by their rules.  They have to move by their quicksand pace.  I'm sorry, that's all there is to it.  You have witnessed it.  You have experienced it.  You have tasted it by being involved in the monetary reform investment...

Iraqi Dinar | Some Exiting News For Investors | Hold Your Dinar | Iraqi ...

Sudanese: Development path will restore Iraq’s historic role in global trade,, 2 JUNE

Sudanese: Development path will restore Iraq’s historic role in global trade

aghdad – Mawazine News
The Prime Minister, Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani, stressed that the development road project means, according to the current market equations and the international trade movement, a link between the East and Europe through Iraqi and Turkish territories together.

Al-Sudani, during an interview conducted by the Anadolu Agency, he said: At the beginning, we must historically look at Iraq’s role in trade between the East and West for centuries, and I do not exaggerate if I say since prehistoric times, the land of Mesopotamia has been an easy trade corridor that commercial convoys prefer to follow its paths, stand and trade with its cities, cities and urban centers.

He stressed that the development path is the restoration of this mainly historical role, and the link between the port of Faw and the Turkish border, means, according to the current market equations and the international trade movement, a link between the East and Europe through the Iraqi and Turkish territory together.

The Prime Minister of Iraq explained that the region is witnessing conflicts and tensions that decline at one time and flamel at another time, and this pushes us to the need to focus efforts on projects of intertwining interests and overlap in benefit.
He added: “The development route will provide an opportunity for the emergence of industrial cities on both sides, which will be complementary to the trade passing through it, and later this year we will launch the first docks of the port of Faw, and the flow of goods through the development route will begin initially.”
He continued, saying: All indicators, economic readings and feasibility studies, say that this corridor is the least expensive and fastest among the rest of the corridors, we do not say that it is an alternative, but regional and international trade really needs the path of development, it is a link project and develops overlap in interests and the reasons for economic permanence.

Turkish Transport and Infrastructure Minister Abdulkader Uraloglu said, following President Erdogan’s visit to Iraq, that with the development route running, the volume of trade with Iraq will rise from $20 billion to $30-40 billion.
On the future of the volume of intra-trade between Turkey and Iraq, which is currently estimated at about 20 billion dollars, the Prime Minister of Iraq said: The increase in the volume of intra-trade with Turkey, can be expanded vertically, but we are seeking to expand Affi as well, in short, this is the role of the development road project and the projects attached to it.”

He added: “Expesces and history have proven that the progress of a country alone and in isolation from the neighborhood, is something that carries an unknown future on all possibilities and conflicts, so we focus on that increasing the capacity of exchange and actual partnership (with Turkey), is the guarantor of stability and deep long-term relations.”

He continued: In our relationship with the Turkish brothers, we also focused on one of the most promising sectors in investment and cooperation, which is the agricultural sector, and soon we will witness practical steps in this aspect, and the participation of Turkish companies.

On investments in Iraqi gas fields, the Prime Minister of Iraq, in his interview with Anatolia, said: “Gas investment is a strategic test for Iraq, and our national wealth must be optimally utilized in the service of 
our people and development plans.”

He added: The burning of gas cannot be continued, first from the waste of this wealth that can be used, and secondly from the environmental effects, we announced a special licensing round to invest gas fields.

He continued, “We plan to be satisfied within 3 years of domestic gas production, and Iraq is confidently stepping to be an important element in the gas market within 5 years and we will achieve self-sufficiency in this material to calculate electricity production.”

The prime minister of Iraq said: The specialists know that having a technological base for gas investment is at the same time the base for the widest petrochemical industries and this is what we seek.”
Regarding the potential partnerships in these investments, the Prime Minister of Iraq pointed out that the doors are open to every sober and competent company that wishes to participate in this sector, just as we welcome regional companies because they will expand the base of cooperation in other areas.”

He added: It is important to understand that gas investment means providing additional resources for development in Iraq, which are resources that can be invested in various promising economic rights, and these areas will be open to the participation of Turkish companies and the companies of other friendly countries.

Iraq’s current production of natural gas is about 2.7 billion cubic feet, and according to previous estimates, Iraq has a stock of 132 trillion cubic feet of gas, 700 billion cubic feet of which have been burned, as a result of the weak capacity to exploit it.

Regarding the flow of Iraqi oil, the Iraqi Prime Minister explained that stopping the pumping of Iraqi oil extracted from the fields of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is undoubtedly a loss for Iraq, and at least it is an expected utility miss that can support development plans in the provinces of the region and strengthen the Iraqi economy in general.
He added: We have taken the initiative to find acceptable settlements, legal solutions and exits after a thorough legal study, but the matter is surrounded by a legal obligation, because the federal budget law requires calculating the cost of producing one barrel of oil in all fields to be within the national average of the cost of production, which is up to $8 a barrel, according to the Federal Ministry of Oil announced.
He continued: But the Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Regional Government and within the contracts signed with the oil company operating there, the cost of production is calculated by up to $26 per barrel, and we have proposed that the budget law be amended, or agreements and contracts with these companies be amended.

The Prime Minister of Iraq continued, saying: From this point of view, companies stopped producing, the ban did not come from the federal government, and waiting to find a solution, and the companies refused to amend the contracts, while the regional government agreed.

He explained that for these reasons, more work is required to find a legal way out within the rights of Iraq and its people in its wealth first.
He added: “As for the transport of Basra oil through Turkish ports, it is subject to study and economic feasibility determination above all.”
Currently, Iraq’s oil production is about 4 million barrels per day, according to data from the Ministry of Oil and the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), while about 25 million liters of gas oil, gasoline and white oil are imported daily, in addition to natural gas.
Iraq, according to previous statements to the Sudanese, intends to self-sufficiency in oil derivatives and stop imports, and save $3.2 billion.


   Mnt Goat CBI contact told us the committee was planning to begin the roll out of the currency swap out in November...  You will...