Friday, June 21, 2024
Sudanese Advisor: We have prepared a comprehensive plan to combat corruption and recover funds, 22 JUNE
Sudanese Advisor: We have prepared a comprehensive plan to combat corruption and recover funds
Today, Friday, Advisor to the Prime Minister for Oversight and Integrity, Muayyad Al-Saadi, confirmed today, Friday, the existence of a comprehensive plan to combat corruption and recover smuggled funds, while stating that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani provided unlimited support to recover the funds and wanted persons.
Al-Saadi said, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani paid great attention and daily follow-up to anti-corruption measures, and worked in different directions,” noting that “teams were formed to receive news and reports about corruption, follow up on them, uncover them, and refer them to the Integrity and Public Prosecution Commission for the purpose of holding violators accountable, prosecuting them, and recovering the money.”
He continued, "Among the trends that have been focused on is the periodic evaluation through semi-annual and annual reports through the regulatory agencies that follow up on the procedures of ministries and governorates in the field of combating corruption on a daily basis, as well as the issue of digital transformation and the procedures of the unified storage system for the purpose of controlling, following up and knowing funds." Balances and their movement,” noting that “all of these measures serve to combat corruption.”
He added, "The Prime Minister provided unlimited support to the Integrity Commission, the Financial Supervision Bureau, and law enforcement agencies, in order to recover funds and fugitive fugitives by providing all facilities," noting, "The procedures resulted in bringing in the fugitive defendants and depositing them with law enforcement agencies for the purpose of issuing special rulings." “With them.”
Al-Saadi pointed out, “There is a fund to recover the former regime’s funds, which operates according to its own law,” stressing that “a lot of money has been recovered, most recently from Swiss banks, where it was deposited in the Central Bank.” link
Sudanese Advisor: We have prepared a comprehensive plan to combat corruption and recover funds
Today, Friday, Advisor to the Prime Minister for Oversight and Integrity, Muayyad Al-Saadi, confirmed today, Friday, the existence of a comprehensive plan to combat corruption and recover smuggled funds, while stating that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani provided unlimited support to recover the funds and wanted persons.
Al-Saadi said, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani paid great attention and daily follow-up to anti-corruption measures, and worked in different directions,” noting that “teams were formed to receive news and reports about corruption, follow up on them, uncover them, and refer them to the Integrity and Public Prosecution Commission for the purpose of holding violators accountable, prosecuting them, and recovering the money.”
He continued, "Among the trends that have been focused on is the periodic evaluation through semi-annual and annual reports through the regulatory agencies that follow up on the procedures of ministries and governorates in the field of combating corruption on a daily basis, as well as the issue of digital transformation and the procedures of the unified storage system for the purpose of controlling, following up and knowing funds." Balances and their movement,” noting that “all of these measures serve to combat corruption.”
He added, "The Prime Minister provided unlimited support to the Integrity Commission, the Financial Supervision Bureau, and law enforcement agencies, in order to recover funds and fugitive fugitives by providing all facilities," noting, "The procedures resulted in bringing in the fugitive defendants and depositing them with law enforcement agencies for the purpose of issuing special rulings." “With them.”
Al-Saadi pointed out, “There is a fund to recover the former regime’s funds, which operates according to its own law,” stressing that “a lot of money has been recovered, most recently from Swiss banks, where it was deposited in the Central Bank.” link
TNT UPDATE 6/21/2024
Tony’s bankers went in at 5:00am today in anticipation for something to happen this afternoon, which still could happen at any moment. As of right now, our first opportunity is after 4:00pm today or anytime over the weekend.
Bank contacts in FL, NY, Chicago and Indiana advised that they had all received massive amounts of money, in preparation for this to occur.
Banks advised that there will be security in the parking lots, as well as inside of the banks. “Some people” told Tony that it started 2 days ago, and that it “just hasn’t gotten to us yet.”
Regional banks advised that it has started for them, and that as of yesterday, people who had SKR funds pending were supposed to “be showing live” in their accounts.
The “technical issues” from last Friday were apparently still missing a component, which has now been resolved. The electronic and physical issues were previously satisfied, however, satellite transmission capabilities for fund transfers are now complete.
Bank staff have already been informed that they will be working extended hours this weekend.
There is no “fussing or fighting” in Iraq, there has been no mention of the budget, the only issue being reported on, is their focus on recovering the stolen money.
Tony advised that a contract rate of $28.50 for the Dinar should be available to those who ask for it.
Tony was asked how certain he was, that this was finally our weekend and his response was “99%.”
Tony received a text during the call which made him laugh, and he stated that “the word is, that the sooner we get off the phone, the sooner things get started.” 🥳
That’s it for the highlights, let’s pray that this is the final call. Much love to everyone, have an amazing day and an awesome weekend. 🙏🥳🤗❤️”
Parliament calls on government to send important laws that affect people's lives, 22 JUNE
Parliament calls on government to send important laws that affect people's lives
Baghdad - Iraq Today:
The MP for the State of Law Coalition within Radi called on the government to expedite the sending of the law on the salary scale of employees because of its importance in achieving social justice.
Radi said in a press interview that "there are important laws that the government still has waiting to be sent to the House of Representatives in order to legislate them during the current parliamentary session. "
"The House of Representatives called on the government to send bills that serve the government and citizens, including the Federal Court Law, the Oil and Gas Law, the Slums Law and other laws," he said.
Radi expressed his "hope that the government will send important laws as soon as possible in accordance with the government program presented by Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani," stressing that amending the salary scale law has become necessary.
Militia Man
[via PDK] '
Question: will the rate be fixed or a float?
Militia Man: Saleh who is the prime ministers financial advisor has released several articles on this. I think a managed float is exactly what they are talking about. It’s a form of a fixed…and a form of a float. It’s a component of both...If there was to be growth…imo it would be as conservative as they can .
They will need to keep the rate stable on the dinar. Contractors would not appreciate rate or price changes every day...remember the reinstatement rate 20 years ago of $3.22. Even the IMF has documents stating this was a relevant number. If it came out at that…they would keep the rate in a relevant range.Could it grow from there? It could. And they could adjust that accordingly but would probably keep it pretty tight.
During the Eid holiday. 3 northern governorates receive more than 320,000 tourists, 21 JUNE
During the Eid holiday. 3 northern governorates receive more than 320,000 tourists
Economy News - Baghdad
During the Eid al-Adha holiday, resorts and tourist areas in the governorates of Erbil, Sulaymaniyah and Halabja received more than 320,000 tourists, while statistics on the number of tourists who went to Dohuk were not yet available.
According to information and statistics from the Directorate of Tourism in Sulaymaniyah province, "more than 120,000 tourists visited the province and its tourist areas, most of whom are citizens of central and southern Iraq."
Compared to the same time last year, the percentage of tourists to Sulaymaniyah increased by about 20,000 tourists.
For its part, the responsible authorities in Erbil province announced that "117,421 tourists went to the province during the Eid holiday," noting that "54 felonies and 51 misdemeanors were recorded."
As for the province of Halabja, the Directorate of Tourism announced that "84 thousand and 176 tourists went to the province, for the purpose of tourism and vacation, and 40 violations and warnings were recorded by the inspection and control committees," noting that "there were no unfortunate incidents during that period, and the Eid plan was successfully applied, in terms of receiving tourists and creating the appropriate atmosphere for them."
The concerned authorities in Dohuk province did not announce statistics after tourists flocking to the governorate and its tourist areas during the Eid al-Adha holiday.
$3.22 is the actual reinstatement...They're not going to reinstate it...but it would be enough to launch it into the float, let the float take care of it. The float will take it up to...$3.86...$4.25...$4.72. Inflation is the reason why they have been doing this RV that's leading into an RI but the RI is not feasible therefore due to inflation a float is necessary to take it to the real effective exchange rate, which may be around the numbers I suggested...
💢 Latest from Frank ~ 6.19.24
Frank: [The new ATMs] are everywhere now. It's not hundreds, it's not thousands, it's tens of thousands of them. They are everywhere that an Iraqi citizen can walk to. They are at their hookahs...mosques, barber shops...street..banks...corners, they're everywhere...There's going to be a massive rush going into the banks.
Ginger's "Gintel" - audio message
Iraq is preparing to establish a project that will change the oil map.. Will it affect energy producers?"
If you change the oil map, you change the exchange rate/the value of the currency of Iraq.
Quote: "Iraq's financial budget for the current year included the new pipeline project at an amount estimated at approximately 6.5 billion Iraqi dinars ($4.9 billion)"
I don't need to go any further than that...1.32 is what the citizens of Iraq are potentially in a position to receive. This article proves that there's a different rate in the budget...
The investment law is being passed. You'll see it very soon. They have no choice. Sudani is extremely happy about it because that's how you're going to be able to get these new contract with the new exchange rate.
What is the time of the float? ...I want to watch the float. I want to calculate exactly just when I want to go ahead and exchange the rest of my dinar. Here's the problem. In the same manner they are giving [Firefly/Iraq citizens] a specific amount of time to turn them in, they will give us a specific amount of time to turn them in.
Did you see...Iraq and Kuwait are now linking with their fiber optics? This is extremely important part of the monetary reform...They know it's no longer a secret what is happening with the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.
Things are going perfect. Everything is moving with such perfection that no one can do anything about this right now.
How much time will they [Iraqi citizens] have to trade in 3 zero notes?
[Boot's on the ground Firefly's bank friend] told Firefly you're going to be given a short amount of time to exchange your Iraqi dinar. This is the very first time ever that we have information from a very good source [saying] you're going to have a specific amount of time to trade in your 3 zero notes.
Movement to activate the road agreement and the Chinese belt, 21 JUNE
Movement to activate the road agreement and the Chinese belt
Baghdad - Iraq Today:
The head of the parliamentary rights bloc, Saud Al-Saadi, renewed his call on the government to speed up the implementation of the Chinese Belt and Road Agreement, while revealing the collection of 60 deputy signatures to activate the Chinese agreement.
Al-Saadi said in a press interview that "the Belt and Road Initiative occurred in the time of successive governments and was a prelude to linking Iraq to the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative."
He added that "the Belt and Road Initiative to ensure Iraq's strategic and economic projects, pointing out that the agreement was procrastinated in the time of the Al-Kazemi government," pointing out that the current government is obligated to activate the agreement with China and link Iraq to the Belt and Road Initiative.
[via PDK]
In Iraq news: “KBR wins $46 million dollar contract to support sustainable development in Iraq" This is actually more exciting then you think. This is an American engineering firm that was just awarded this 5 year options to support infrastructure and energy ambitions.
This is a long term contract and they are moving forward with these mega projects. What do they need to do these mega projects that they want to start immediately? They need a heck of a lot more money than the current rate will support...It has moved beyond the planning phase and is in the execution stage. For it to be executed it needs dollars…and we certainly think we know where those dollars are coming from.
Question: will the rate be fixed or a float?
MarkZ: I don’t look for a wild float but a very controlled or fixed float. IF there is a float...I can’t see more than a 2-5% change as allowed in a float. I am not looking for wild swings. ...Of course we won’t know until we get there. It’s possible $3.22 or higher. To me it doesn’t make sense to start at .76 cents or $1.32 to take 15-20 years to wait for it to grow. IMO they need to start closer to their end goal…imo. ...It looks like to me $1.32 is our worst case scenario...
Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 06/21/2024
Fnu Lnu
Holding early elections in Iraq could have significant consequences for the country’s stability and politics. While some potential outcomes may be positive, such as the strengthening of political parties and the promotion of democracy, others may be more negative, such as increased political polarization and violence.
Much has been made of the number 90 Trillion. This is the alleged number of Dinar at large...I do not believe this number is valid and here's why. 1) There are always casualties such as fire & natural disasters. 2) We know there has been an effort, for years, to coax three zero notes out from under mattresses, with some success. 3) We know stolen Dinar have been recovered in very large amounts recently. 4) Here's the biggie: I saw a video some years back, where a jet was seized attempting to leave the country, and it was stacked from floor to ceiling with coffin sized cases full of Dinar.
It had to be trillions. Much to my surprise, the jet was eventually cleared to take off. However, it was no surprise to hear the jet was registered to Nuri Al Maliki. The jet landed in Zurich Switzerland where it was then seized and the Dinar ..FOR READ MORE:
There is NO NEED for an NDA, whatsoever, unless you were a participant in the Private Placements, which were concluded in 2011. The only people who otherwise hold NDAs are bank presidents, branch managers, and of course any of the three letter agencies necessarily involved, such as the UST...
There are several regiments to float a currency: FREE FLOAT - The currency's value is determined solely by supply and demand in the market...MANAGED FLOAT - Similar to a free floating...but a government intervenes by buying or selling its own currency to minimize fluctuations.
CURRENCY PEG - The currency's value is pegged to a basket of currencies or to another ..FOR READ MORE:
MM just confirming what I have been saying for a while now Iraq IS using their neer rate in contracts and have been for a while , they could not continue to move forward after the first quarter without using it...
Thank you Birdieorbust, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire 💥⬇️💥 5.29.24
💢Birdie: Zester, Markz son, explained crypto very well the other day and it really is no different from the QFS...they are both ledgers, so eventually we will all need to learn about crypto because we will be going all digital and ledger based in the future and need to be educated on it...he has a show today at 5 est on youtube called Crazy Cryptonaut.
Birdieorbust, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire, offers a valuable update. 5.21.24
💢 Birdie: Well, things are happening in Iraq that they are not letting us in on; and the Iranian thing was needed.
Iranian leaders were not for the RV, they love the almighty US dollar and tried to steal it from Iraq every chance they got. The death of the leader of Iran will make things go faster and, in my opinion, it was planned for that purpose, it was no accident. But saying all that, they are moving forward using the budget in Iraq so it is only a matter of time before we hear the rate change which is included in that budget. The other issue has been they are trying to keep it from Parliament as long as they can so therefore we do not hear it because of that.
Parliament still has some people who would love to foil this RV as well, but Sudani is smart and will do it at the best time possible for it to be successful for all. The citizens are being told more things than we are hearing in articles etc... It cannot be that much longer now.
Clare: National Bank of Iraq
@NBIraq: بخطوات بسيطة هسه تكدر تودع فلوسك من خلال اجهزة الصراف الآلي بكل سهولة
TRANSLATION: With simple steps, you can now deposit your money through ATMs with ease
Ryan1216: We have to be EXTREMELY CLOSE to a rate change now that money can be deposited into ATM’s. IMO. What do you think Clare?
Clare: KBR wins $46m Contract to Support Sustainable Development in Iraq
19th June 2024 By John Lee.
American engineering firm KBR has announced that it has been awarded a five-year contract, with options, to support the Iraqi government's visionary infrastructure and future energy ambitions, including the delivery of megaprojects and sustainable development.
Under the terms of the $46 million contract, KBR will provide its differentiated advisory and consultancy capabilities to the Iraqi Government's Ministry of Planning, with a focus on creating an effective program environment to support successful delivery of strategic megaprojects.
Focus areas of KBR expertise supporting the ministry, who interface with all ministries and formations in the Iraqi government, will include economic planning, strategy development, feasibility studies, technical reviews and large-scale project management.
This contract, which encompasses a comprehensive range of planning and development services, will further elevate the significant role KBR is playing in the development of Iraq's energy sector - working closely with various ministries to identify, design and implement critical projects aimed at enhancing the country's economic and social landscape.
KBR's focus on innovation and sustainability will be integral to delivering the ambitious development plans, aligning with Iraq's long-term vision for growth and environmental stewardship.
Jay Ibrahim, President of KBR Sustainable Technology Solutions, said:
"This is a great example of KBR utilizing its growing global capabilities to support regeneration and sustainable growth of a nation. We are proud to further our partnerships in country, where we are already helping make our customers' ambitious plans a reality. With our deep expertise in engineering and energy solutions, KBR is well positioned to help our valued customers meet their energy security and sustainability objectives."
KBR will support delivery from its global locations, in addition to expanding its well-established footprint in country through the creation of an operational office in Baghdad and the wider prospect of building an engineering design center to enhance the skills of Iraqi engineers. LINK
BuckEyeTree: More good news for Iraq with KBR, an American company, establishing an operational office in Baghdad.
Also, the ATM tutorial about ability to make deposits into the ATMs is not only a convenience for Iraqis, but IMO another way for the CBI to collect 3 zero notes that may be in the dinar mattresses.
IMO in the coming days, Iraqis will be able to withdraw the lower notes as soon as they are released with new rate. Just waiting whatever comes next.
How is our RV/GCR Actually Going to Happen? BY AWAKE IN 3D, 21 JUNE
How is our RV/GCR Actually Going to Happen?
What are the details?
How are RV Exchange Rates likely to be calculated?
What is the real-world financial intervention/shift that brings it home to Humanity?
I’ve recently became“educated” on the answers to these questions.
And it’s not “secret/clandestine/confidential sources” BS.
After a decade and a half of learning and disappointment and waiting for answers, I see the light at the end of the the RV/GCR tunnel.
All of my attention and focus is now on this information.
I will be posting articles about every aspect, as I understand it, for the foreseeable future.
It’s a significant amount of information.
I’ll publish it all, as I understand it, in steps.
It’s powerful stuff.
I’ll do my best to bring it to you in non-technical/financial terms to the best of my ability.
And… no …
It’s not what we’ve all been led to believe in the mainstream RV/GCR internet narratives - over so many years.
The myths, the legends… the whatever.
Stay tuned!
I’m organizing the information in, hopefully, logical and progressive pieces so you can understand without requiring a high degree of financial and economic technobabble.
One piece at a time.
I see it as a user manual to what will finally bring down the global fiat currency financial system once and for all.
And what it means for all of us.
I’ll do this as fast as I can. But you’ll have to bear with me in patience.
Baghdad disburses the salaries of the employees of the Kurdistan Region for the month of March,, 26 MARCH
Baghdad disburses the salaries of the employees of the Kurdistan Region for the month of March Economy News – Baghdad The Ministry of Fina...
Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist Bank Name_________________________________________ Bank 800#____________...
Frank26 [Bank story] This time we didn't go down, we just called [the bank]... We said we want to see if we can exchange some cu...
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