Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Final Stage of RV/RI?💣IQD Float = $4.00 - $9.00?!🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 9-19-23   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:24:20  

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, September 19th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks, everybody for tuning in. Yet once again, we managed to get out to 106 countries on last Thursday’s call, we don't know really how many we're getting out to tonight, but hopefully it'll be a good group of people that we're reaching on big call universe. So thanks, everybody for listening and tuning in or clicking on the email. If you're in an international country, you know, it's like there's no such thing as foreign languages if you can speak them. They're not foreign to you. So we use the term modern languages.

All right, so let's talk about the Intel. Let's get into it a little bit. I want to see our rebuild America site become Blue Zones. I want to see our  rebuild America and I want to see our veterans retreat network sites become blue zones.

And I just think we're onto something. And this is the way God brings this stuff to us and to me when I learned about the Gladiator, barley, and that was on the show we just talked about, you know, that's, it's really, really good. So Intel - Well, this is going to be kind of cool.

Let's start off with what happened yesterday and today. We got a visit from Prime Minister Sudani from Iraq. He met with President Trump and a few others, in an undisclosed location that I know where it is. And I think it was just going over last minute stuff. But he flew back, prime minister Sudani  flew back to Iraq - was already there now, and is going to bring out news of the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar to his people tomorrow.

This is the precursor to that. On Friday, this is last Friday, Today's Tuesday, Last Friday he broadcast this out to on television throughout Iraq. He said this week be next week, which is this week for us now. That was on Friday, this week that we're in right now. He said will be a miracle week.

He said not only for the country of Iraq, but for the entire world. 

Now, I'm gonna say the Prime Minister  Al-Sudani  is telling us the RV that we're looking for not only up the dinar, But of all the other currencies that we have or should have is to happen this week.

Now in addition to that he is also intending to put out tomorrow morning, which is already morning there now.

He's talking about putting out the new rate which would be an international rate, not our rate that we're gonna get, but an international rate of the new Iraqi dinar in the printed version of the gazette on Wednesday, That's tomorrow. Okay 

 Now  keep that in mind, you got his declaration last Friday, about what would happen this week and the fact that tomorrow is Wednesday – and it is a printed version of the gazette is going to be should be going into tomorrow with an international rate.

We've also got the oil and gas law which is the HCL the hydrocarbon law HCL, got that passed, and we thought it was passed years ago, but that might have been refined, pardon the pun 10 to 12 days ago but they're going to start paying that out to the people of Iraq, this is something they get proceeds from their portion meted out to each citizen. 

You have to proceed based on oil and gas production, oil and even natural gas. They're reclaiming and using that Iraq to and selling that. So they're getting that out and they're going to be paid on that. I believe starting – don’t want to give you the wrong date.

I noticed this this -  I believe it's this month could be October but I can't remember exactly when but that has been agreed upon.  That will go out to all citizens - they're also increasing their Social Security to like 4000 and I believe it was $20 a month.  Social that will happen in October.

Ours will also go up in October. I think ours is going to be 4717 for Social Security 4717 And we're looking for restitution or allowance and reclamation money we talked about the past that is also supposed to come out in October.

Alright, let's get back to the RV.

We talked to pay masters who have connections with the upper pay masters in Vancouver and Geneva and they're telling our normal level pay masters with Wells Fargo, that tonight at 8pm. Eastern. That would have been an hour before we started the big call. The RV hit the boiling point.

So that's 212 degrees Fahrenheit. We hit a boiling point with RV at 8 PM today, this evening.

And what does that mean? What it means is this paymaster informed us that we would we would be getting notifications and so will the bondholders be getting there, Go ahead for liquidity and access to their funds in 12 to 24 hours from a 8 PM tonight.

Well, that's pretty easy math 8pm Tonight plus 12 hours is 8am tomorrow morning. 24 hours would be 8pm tomorrow night. 

So between 8am in the morning and 8pm tomorrow it is supposed to be our pay day. It is supposed to be the day that we get started with our exchanges - that we do the numbersm- that we set our appointments -  and we go in for exchanges. That is what is meant by that 12 to 24 hour period from a boiling point, which was at 8pm. tonight, Tuesday night. Now this is what we're getting out of Geneva.

I'm going to say was Prime Minister Al-Sudani of Iraq that called it if you will, quote unquote called it for this week. I believe that if the Iraqi dinar international rate gets put in the Gazette tomorrow and the printing Gazette in the morning, usually happens right before right after morning prayer first morning prayer usually when it comes out If it comes out tomorrow, regardless of the time - I think it's go time for us.

I think we should get notified and you know they may bring it overnight to us. And they put emails out overnight. They may put it out in the morning. They may they may wait late afternoon. I don't know but the theory is that tomorrow is a day when we will receive funds because the bondholders remember are getting their emails to go ahead and access to their accounts.

They're supposed to get that tomorrow. We're supposed to get started tomorrow. So I'm going to give you that what President of Iraq said and him bringing out the revaluation of the new Iraqi dinar you know, and bringing it out internationally. That's a big deal that hasn't been done before and to put in the Gazette as their official reference.

So if that occurs, which I'm understanding it will  - Why  did he come over yesterday to meet with President Trump and Stephen Mnuchin and Judy Shelton and whoever else here and then fly back today in order to bring this up tomorrow to his people and essentially to the world. I don't know exactly. Have we been here before? No.  not yet - again, who's calling it?

I think Presidents Sudani is calling it - that's what I think. But I really love the fact that we've got information from the paymasters saying that lining up with that was good news. That the guy from one of our guys from Wells Fargo as a paymastert after talking with these two people on in Vancouver when it's either that or both Uber paymasters upper paymasters for HSBC and Wells Fargo So that gives us I think, everything we need to move forward.

NDAs there was some discussion about how long were the NDA is. The last NDA we saw was one and a half just over one and a half pages barely over one and a half pages long. Not super long. Supposed to be written in layman's language - So we could understand that

Let's see what else -- of course you are going to get cue phone  If you're a Zim holder. You get one at the redemption center and you get $1,000 value certificate at the redemption center for a computer, or a laptop or a tablet or whatever of $1,000 that you can get at one eight different retail locations.

Including, I think it's OfficeMax and several other several places. Your choice -  other than that, I mean, guys, I told you everything that you need to know if you can recollect everything that I've told you so far, five to 8 minute presentation -  information, like several copies of your presentation, so that you can leave one with the staff, leave a copy with them. So they can run it through their computers and see how many other projects applications are similar or the same. If you if you've got zim, they don't have a presentation for it. They will try to assign you projects that they have used to spend your money.

I prefer to do my projects rather than have them impose a project but it'll fly either way. It's all good.

Remember you'll be setting up a quantum account which  you will use a biometric finger thumbprint to activate as well as I believe an email and I believe also a password that you create.

I believe you'd be creating a new email for that purpose and password for the purpose of the quantum account. So to get that quantum account, that's where all the proceeds of your exchange in your option go into and then we'll move funds that using for your projects. into your primary or secondary bank accounts. I suppose it's up to three different banks. You don't have three, they can have up to three different banks that will be tied to your quantum financial analyst, or quantum account. Okay. And you'll move funds.

Remember, the primary bank in this case Wells Fargo will not see your quantum down except for the people that set it up initially. and they're supposed to not retain any information about them. And you won't see the redemption people in more than one place.

Remember, the primary bank in this case Wells Fargo will not see your quantum down except for the people that set it up initially. And they're supposed to not retain any information about them. And you won't see the redemption people, again, more than likely

So, take that information. You'll move funds into and I believe on day one, which could be closing oil, or whatever it is on day one. You'll be able to move on whatever it could be hundreds of millions. That is very true.

And that you're supposed to move what you can use for the first 90 days after 90 days, once they track your spending and the fact that you're not gonna send anybody on your NDA as far as where the money came from, or anything about your redemption experience or your exchange. None of that is spoken.

And then once that happens, they will know she was pretty good. or he was pretty good with not talking about this don't have to freeze their accounts. So they'll let us move whatever we need from the quantum accounting to those primary wells or the bank account - and they'll give us a book. The last time we looked it  was 55 pages of  who you're not allowed to get you give money to o your account will be frozen. and those funds will essentially be seized. We don't want that to happen so  leaf through and look through  that. book before you start will nilly giving money to  certain people – even certain charities – that you think might be good - 

Okay, so stay tuned to that - play by those rules because you don't want your account frozen - That's for sure you want to do the right thing. with the funds are here to rebuild America and essentially rebuild internationally as well. And it's gonna be really cool ride.

Disclosure and NESARA  not sure when NESARA is gonna come out. Could be this week.  We have heard disclosure to come out Friday. – Saturday – 22 / 23rd  

 If that timing is still good. We can get some disclosure starting this weekend. Let[s just see what they do. But I just think you guys have everything that I want I wanted to bring to you tonight. Let's see what let's see if Sudani does what he seems to do. Let's see if that printed version of Gazette - -or not. but we know something has happened when we receive the emails from Wells Fargo servers with a free number.

We'll send out an email that that phone number to call actually put it on an email from boomers that will go out wanting to receive it.

And I believe we'll be able to post it on the page of So we'll say may not be instant, but we'll try to get on there as soon as this could be a big paymaster and we talked to just give them one more day. So let's hope that we, we get everything that we're looking for.

Everybody have a great night

Evening News with MarkZ 09/20/2023

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  GE Everyone... Beautiful day in the neighborhood..

Member:  Happy Wednesday everyone…What’s new-pussycat?

Member: Someone needs to push that RV button!!!!

MZ:  Let’s get down to it. “Iraq reduces US bond holdings by $400 million”  This is a sizable reduction for them to dump on bonds. We are watching this happen all throughout Africa, the middle east and Asia. Andy Schectman warned us about this. What happens when they dump these and the money starts running home to the US. It will cause more inflation. 

MZ: Now to Sudani. His first speech at the UN was more on the military situation , security ect…for the region. Latest reports are that he is now expected to talk again on Friday and address the UN…then hurry home.. 

MZ: There is a lot of speculation that he will announce a rate…..or that they are going international with their currency….when he gives that speech. Cross your fingers and say your prayers that this comes to fruition. 

MZ: “ This is a good one. “House committee passes a bill to ban Fed from creating a CBDC”  This is now out of the committee and needs to go to the full house for a vote. They it goes to the Senate and then to the President’s desk. But imo…this shows we are winning the war of the resets as people are awakened. The villagers have grabbed their torches and pitchforks. 

MZ: “BRICS: US dollar to experience a tragic ending predicts economist”  they are looking to trade in their own local currencies and de-dollarize. This is why we need an asset backed currency. 

Member:   Charlie Ward says fiat paper will be completely dead Jan 1 2024, and at the same time is when rainbow currency comes alive (same day).. So this says to me, we are going to RV this year.

Member:  Mark I still want to know what you think we're going to have to do when we go through the procedures at the redemption

MZ: In a nutshell bring what you would need to open a bank account with you. And your currencies. 

Member: I believe the exchange will be very very easy....smooth...short....THANK OUR LORD

MZ: Here’s a fun one “ Awe inspiring “Ring of fire” solar eclipse to cross the US on grand tour of the Americas-What to know”  This one will be October 14th of this year…..The geek in me really enjoys eclipses. 

Member:  Thanks Mark…..and Hope we cross the finish line soon! keeping my fingers crossed.





Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )





Esto es bastante interesante: tenemos una visita del primer ministro de Irak y se reunió con el presidente Trump y repasó asuntos de último momento, y luego voló de regreso a Irak y va a presentar la revaluación a la gente mañana y el viernes pasado dijo en su TV: esta semana en la que nos encontramos será una Semana del Milagro no sólo para Irak sino para todo el mundo. Entonces estoy diciendo que el RV que estamos buscando con todas las monedas sucederá esta semana y también tiene la intención de publicar mañana la nueva Nueva Tasa Internacional en la versión impresa de la Gaceta del miércoles. Ten todo eso en cuenta.
También aprobaron la ley HCL hace 10 o 12 días y van a comenzar a pagarla al pueblo de Irak, y creo que eso comienza este mes. Pero está acordado y también aumentará su Seguridad Social a $4,020 por mes; nuestro también aumentará en octubre a $4,417 en los EE.UU. y el Pago de Restitución. No hay vehículos recreativos: hablamos con el primer ministro en Vancouver y Ginebra y ellos son los primeros ministros en WF, así que esta noche a las 8 p. m. el vehículo recreativo alcanzó el PUNTO DE EBULLICIÓN esta noche.

¿Qué significa eso? Este primer ministro dijo que recibiríamos las notificaciones y también las de BH. de 12 a 24 horas, es decir, a las 8 a. m., pero mañana debería ser NUESTRO día y obtener nuestros 800, programar nuestras citas y acudir a nuestras citas. Esto es lo que estamos recibiendo de Ginebra y también del Primer Ministro de Irak, que también lo pidió para esta semana y si la tasa aparece en la Gaceta después de la oración de la mañana, generalmente cuando sale, y realmente creo que es hora de que Estados Unidos se vaya, o incluso de la noche a la mañana - pero mañana es el día para nosotros - y también los BH tendrán acceso a sus cuentas. Y que el Primer Ministro de Irak traiga eso a nivel internacional, eso es nuevo y nunca se había hecho antes. Quiero decir, ¿por qué vino a reunirse con el Presidente Trump y voló de regreso para sacar esto a la luz? ¿Hemos estado aquí antes? NO, TODAVÍA NO. Creo que el Presidente Sudani está Lo llamo y me encanta la información de los PM. También están alineando esto y diciendo lo mismo y son los mejores pagadores. Creo que eso nos da todo lo que necesitamos.
Ahora Bruce pasará a hablar sobre Sue y ese Bundle del que habló en su segmento. Ahora, queridos, esa es la MEJOR INFORMACIÓN que hemos recibido de una gran llamada. Estoy seguro de que Bruce agradecerá a todo su equipo: Sue, Bob, el pastor Scott, Jeannie y Larry de GCK. También TODOS LOS FIELES oyentes de todo el mundo. Y sin duda orando por el llamado, así que únanse a Bruce en esa oración.
Ahora hablando de la NDA, dice una página y media en lenguaje sencillo. Diciendo que obtendremos un telĂ©fono Q y un certificado de mil dĂłlares para una computadora portátil nueva. Ahora te he dicho todo lo que necesitas saber: presentaciĂłn de 5 a 8 minutos de tus proyectos y una versiĂłn breve para dejarlos con ellos. Si no tiene proyectos, ellos tendrán proyectos que podrĂ­an ofrecerle; Bruce prefiere hacer sus propios proyectos; configurará sus cuentas QFS y Ă©l cree que tendrá un nuevo correo electrĂłnico y contraseña, solo para esa cuenta. y mueve fondos del QFS a su cuenta principal y puede usar hasta tres bancos diferentes. 

Entonces, WF, el banco principal, no podrá ver esa cuenta QFS. Entonces, tome esto, moverá fondos el primer día y podrá mover lo que necesite y que use durante los primeros 90 días y luego, cuando hayan hecho un seguimiento de lo que ha hecho, y luego Podrás agregar más a esas cuentas y también a ese folleto de 55 páginas de personas a las que NO debes FINANCIAR, así que asegúrate de leer ese libro; incluso incluirá organizaciones benéficas porque no quieres que tus cuentas se congelen. La divulgación no está segura de cuándo saldrá Nesara; podría ser esta semana y la divulgación tal vez este fin de semana. Así que veamos qué nos depara el mañana.
Y sí, Bruce ahora orará por el llamado – por favor únase a él – y seguirá orando con el más sincero y profundo agradecimiento hasta que finalmente se reciba esta Bendición milagrosa. Ahora Bruce también dice que mañana podría ser un GRAN DÍA PARA NOSOTROS y el primer ministro le dijo a Bruce: Solo dale un día más.
Ahora los quiero a TODOS, como siempre Gema

This is quite interesting: we have a visit from the prime minister of Iraq and he met with President Trump and went over last minute issues, and then he flew back to Iraq and he's going to present the reassessment to the people tomorrow and last Friday he said in your TV: this week we are in will be a Miracle Week not only for Iraq but for the entire world. So I am saying that the RV we are looking for with all the currencies will happen this week and also intend to publish the new New International Rate tomorrow in the print version of the Wednesday Gazette. Keep all that in mind.
They also passed the HCL law 10 or 12 days ago and they're going to start paying it to the people of Iraq, and I think that starts this month. But it is agreed upon and will also increase your Social Security to $4,020 per month; our will also increase in October to $4,417 in the US and the Restitution Payment. No RVs - We spoke to the PM in Vancouver and Geneva and they are the PM at WF so tonight at 8pm. m. RV reached BOILING POINT tonight.

What does that mean? This Prime Minister said that we would receive the notifications and also those from BH. from 12 to 24 hours, that is, at 8 a.m. m., but tomorrow should be OUR day and we get our 800s, schedule our appointments, and keep our appointments. This is what we are getting from Geneva and also from the Prime Minister of Iraq, who also asked for it for this week and if the rate appears in the Gazette after morning prayer, usually when it comes out, and I really think it is time to that the United States leaves, or even overnight - but tomorrow is the day for us - and also the BH will have access to their accounts. And for the Prime Minister of Iraq to bring that to the international level, that is new and has never been done before. I mean, why did he come to meet with President Trump and fly back to bring this to light? Have we been here before? NO, NOT YET. I think President Sudani is calling him and I love the information from the PMs. They are also lining this up and saying the same thing and are top payers. I think that gives us everything we need.
Now Bruce will move on to talk about Sue and that Bundle he talked about in his segment. Now darlings, that is the BEST INFORMATION we have ever received from a great call. I'm sure Bruce will thank his entire team: Sue, Bob, Pastor Scott, Jeannie and Larry at GCK. Also ALL THE FAITHFUL listeners around the world. And certainly praying for the calling, so join Bruce in that prayer.

Now talking about the NDA, it says a page and a half in simple language. Saying we'll get a Q phone and a thousand dollar certificate for a new laptop. Now I've told you everything you need to know: 5-8 minute presentation of your projects and a short version to leave them with. If you don't have projects, they will have projects they could offer you; Bruce prefers to do his own projects; will set up your QFS accounts and he thinks you will have a new email and password, just for that account. and moves funds from QFS to your main account and can use up to three different banks. Then WF, the main bank, will not be able to see that QFS account. So take this, you'll move funds on day one and you'll be able to move whatever you need and use for the first 90 days and then when they've kept track of what you've done, and then you'll be able to add more to those accounts and also to that 55 page booklet from people you should NOT FINANCE, so make sure you read that book; It will even include charities because you don't want your accounts to be frozen. Disclosure is not sure when NESARA will come out; It could be this week and the release maybe this weekend. So let's see what tomorrow has in store for us. And yes, Bruce will now pray for the calling – please join him – and will continue to pray with the most sincere and deepest gratitude until this miraculous Blessing is finally received. Now Bruce also says that tomorrow could be a BIG DAY FOR US and the Prime Minister told Bruce: Just give it one more day.
Now I love them ALL, as always Gema

Fed Leaves Interest Rates Unchanged But Forecasts Higher Rates For Longer, 20 SEPT

 RTTNews) - In a widely anticipated move, the Federal Reserve announced on Wednesday that it has decided to leave interest rates unchanged.

The Fed said it decided to maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at 5.25 to 5.50 percent after raising rates by 25 basis points in July.

However, the central bank's latest projections suggest Fed officials expect one more rate hike this year, forecasting a median rate of 5.6 percent by the end of 2023.

While the forecast for the end of the year was unchanged from June, the latest projections indicate officials expect rates to remain higher for longer than previously anticipated.

The forecast for rates at the end of 2024 was raised to 5.1 percent from 4.6 percent in June, while the outlook for rates at the end of 2025 was increased to 3.9 percent from 3.4 percent.

Expectations for rates to remain higher for longer may reflect an improved assessment of the economy, with the Fed's statement saying economic activity has been expanding at a "solid pace" compared to the "moderate pace" described in July.

The statement also said job gains have slowed in recent months but remain strong while noting inflation remains elevated.

The Fed reiterated it remains highly attentive to inflation risks and acknowledged additional policy firming may be appropriate to return inflation to 2 percent over time.

In determining whether future rate hikes are necessary, the Fed said it will take into account the cumulative tightening of monetary policy, the lags with which monetary policy affects economic activity and inflation, and economic and financial developments.

The Fed's next monetary policy meeting is scheduled for October 31-November 1, with CME Group's FedWatch Tool currently indicating a 68.0 percent chance rates will remain unchanged and a 31.3 percent chance of a quarter point rate increase.

Screening for Warren Buffett Stocks by Zach's Podcast

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman 09/20/2023

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning Mark and family!

Member:  Happy Hump day Markz, Mods and everyone else. Hopefully today or tomorrow will "get us over the hump" on this thing!

Member: Well today is the 20th…and the “window” should be open starting today. 

MZ: There is a lot of chatter on groups One group thinks money may start moving today…but I think it’s a little premature….. A number of folks think Iraq make announce today…..but I do not. 

MZ: I think that if they havn’t announced in the morning –then it will wait for the next day. 

Member: Will Mr. C get notified if Iraq goes solo?

MZ: I really don’t expect Iraq to go solo….but, if they do –I imagine he will still get some kind of notice. 

Member: Nader seems very excited lately

MZ: Yes he does…an article dropped today that is screaming “Shades of the Kuwait RV” . this article is just like ones we saw coming out of Kuwait

MZ: “Iraq PM’s visit to the US coincides with dollar exchange rate crisis”  They are talking about external factors and the progress they have made. They are talking about the exchange rate is unstable…... Similar articles dropped in Kuwait before their RV. The rate is only unstable right now because they havn’t released the new rate yet. 

MZ: “Joint leader’s statement:  Elevating United States and Vietnam relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership”  So we really want to work with Vietnam. Be best buddies…….It’s obvious the US is putting a lot of effort into Vietnam right now….this is a good thing. This means the US wants Vietnam to revalue and be successful. 

Member: PhilG says the US debt has been paid off

MZ: Many of you sent this to me…..he has compelling evidence… is very interesting…We all wonder if what he is saying is real…..I am very curious. The documents are very interesting…he may be on to something. 

MZ: I really feel so good about this all right now. 

Member:  Phil G, telegram is where the documents are posted.

Member:  I heard its rumored that the World debt was paid off, not just US debt, $300 trillion, Phil has receipts!

Member: Wish we knew for sure if we had to pay taxes on our exchange.

Member:  According to my friend's accountant, there are no taxes on currency exchange no matter the amount

Member:  I went into B of A yesterday. They were updating all the rooms. I asked my guy if they were getting ready for the RV. He smil ed and walked away!

MZ: Many people are asking me this…..It’ on the back to basics video. If you want to make sure you are notified to exchange go and sign up at Dinar Recaps and the other dinar news aggregating sites……I have been told repeatedly from 2 banks they will be sending this information to the dinar news aggregating sites like Recaps, Chronacles ect…….they will use their automated emails to get the news out to everyone……

MZ: Also I keep getting asked where the redemption centers are?  They will not release that information until the very end as it is a security issue. I have been told these are special facilities by your banks to exchange with trained personnel and authenticating  equiptment like DeLaRue. .  The redemption centers are banks…..maybe empty offices in a banking center….or a separate building depending on the demographics of your area. 

MZ: I am told it should work exactly the same for every country around the world. 

Member: Plus Mark, Bruce, TNT, Frank ect.,…will be sharing exchange info……no one will miss it. 

Member:   Hope deferred makes the heart sick. No more sickness!

Member:  Wishing everyone happiness and blessings!

Andy Schectman from Miles Franklin joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions. 


Iraq Dinar - Militia Man & Angel1 - Update on Iraq's Progress - Al-Sudan...BY MILITIAMAN & ANGEL1



  Question:  "HCL was given to the Iraqi citizens?"  No.  Nothing is given to the Iraqi citizens until you get the new exchange rate.  It's that simple.

 This relationship with Iran is what I have been looking for.  You should have been looking for it too.  I told you we need the floor of the CBI to be so clean that you can eat off of it. 
 You can cook on it because as far as I'm concerned and my strong opinion the RI is here and it is coming to be introduced to the citizens of Iraq...

 Sudani is going to the United Nations.  What's that?  The world!  Has the Prime Minister of Iraq ever been in front of the United Nations that you can remember ?

  ...He's going with great, to tell the world something.  You think he's going to tell the world, 'Hey, we're staying with a program rate?  Hey, we want to remain a third world country?  Hey, we want Iran to continue to abuse us...?' He's going to tell the world what you and I know about the monetary and economic reform of Iraq... 

 Sudani and Alaq have run out of they have no other choice but to press the green button and go International.  IMO that's exactly what they're doing.
Hey, Alaq, how clean is the CBI floor?  'It's dinner time.' ...I never thought I'd see the CBI floor so clean.  Iran, Iraq, U.S. Treasury meeting with the CBI?  Why would you let the wolf back in the chicken coop? ...Iran said we promise [to be good].  Whoa!  How clean is that floor at the CBI Alaq?  'Spotless'.

Iraqi PM's Visit to the US coincides with Dollar exchange rate crisis, 20 SEPT

 Iraqi PM's Visit to the US coincides with Dollar exchange rate crisis, 20 SEPT

Shafaq News/ Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani's visit to the United States to participate in the 78th UN General Assembly session is of significant timing. The visit coincides with a crisis in the country due to the rising exchange rate of the US dollar, with hopes that solutions may be found during his trip.

On the sidelines of the Assembly, PM Al-Sudani met the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, who extended an official invitation from President Joe Biden to visit the White House.

At this time, the dollar exchange rate in Iraqi local markets experiences volatile increases, nearly reaching 160,000 Iraqi dinars per 100 dollars.

According to experts, including the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, internal and external factors influence this fluctuation.

A Iraqi House of Representatives member, Firas Al-Muslimaoui, told Shafaq News Agency that the internal factors include merchants avoiding taxes and acquiring dollars from the black market. There are also administrative obstacles, some requiring individuals to buy dollars to register a company. 

The Central Bank has taken measures to address these issues, allowing individuals to buy dollars if they supply essential, genuine, and official goods. He said.

Smuggling is another internal factor; security efforts have led to the arrest of significant smuggling gangs moving dollars out of Iraq.

Al-Muslimaoui added that the external factors are related to US Treasury policies and are "beyond the control" of the Central Bank, hoping that Al-Sudani's current visit would contribute to addressing the dollar exchange rate, among other issues.

Ahmed Fouad Shukri, a financial affairs researcher, believes the dollar will continue to rise due to the government's inadequate measures to curb its increase. 

Shukri explained to our Agency that despite the preventive or precautionary measures taken by the Iraqi government, such as banning dollar dealings within the local market, Iraq imports a significant portion of goods from neighboring countries subject to US sanctions, complicating trade exchange.

According to Shukri, other contributing factors include Iraq's high budget, leading to fears, negative expectations, and high inflation. Iraq's foreign debts also play a role in currency depreciation. 

The impact of American sanctions, which may escalate, poses another significant threat to the Iraqi economy as financial transfers become restricted to the American Federal Reserve.

US dollar exchange rate declines in Iraq, 20 SEPT

 US dollar exchange rate declines in Iraq, 20 SEPT

Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, the US dollar exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar edged lower in the markets of Baghdad and Erbil.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent reported that dollar prices fell with the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges opening in Baghdad to record 155,600 dinars for every 100 dollars.

Our correspondent indicated that selling prices in exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad also decreased, as the selling price reached 156,500 dinars. In comparison, the purchasing price reached 154,500 dinars for every 100 dollars.

In Erbil, the selling price reached 155,800 dinars, and the purchasing price reached 155,700 dinars for every 100 dollars.

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman 09/20/2023

Iraqi Judiciary affirms commitment to bilateral agreements with Kuwait, 20 SEPT

Iraqi Judiciary affirms commitment to bilateral agreements with Kuwait

Shafaq News / The President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Judge Faiq Zaidan, affirmed on Tuesday the judiciary's respect for and implementation of agreements and treaties concluded between Iraq and Kuwait.

This came during his reception of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Baghdad, Tareq Al-Faraj, to discuss cooperation between the two countries in the field of judiciary.

The President of the Council emphasized during the meeting, "Iraq's respect for the State of Kuwait in the past, present, and future, as well as Kuwait's independence throughout different historical stages. He also highlighted the depth of the relation between the two brotherly peoples and Iraq's appreciation for Kuwait's honorable positions in assisting Iraq in overcoming the dictatorial regime."

The President of the Council also emphasized "the importance of respecting and implementing the agreements and treaties concluded between Iraq and Kuwait per constitutional and legal contexts and respecting the implementation of relevant Security Council resolutions."

On September 4th, the Federal Supreme Court (the highest judicial authority in Iraq) ruled the unconstitutionality of the law ratifying the Maritime Navigation Agreement in Khawr Abd Allah with Kuwait.

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs had handed a protest memorandum to the Iraqi Ambassador to Kuwait regarding the ruling of the Federal Supreme Court on the Navigation Regulation Agreement in Khawr Abd Allah.

Parliamentary Finance describes the Central Bank’s measures as “timid”: It must open new outlets to sell “travelers’ dollars”, 20 SEPT

 Parliamentary Finance describes the Central Bank’s measures as “timid”: It must open new outlets to sell “travelers’ dollars”, 20 SEPT

Parliamentary Finance describes the Central Bank’s measures as timid - It must open new outlets to sell travelers’ dollarsShafaq News/ On Tuesday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee considered the Central Bank of Iraq’s measures regarding the dollar crisis “timid.”
Committee member Faisal Al-Naeli told Shafaq News Agency, “The Central Bank has taken many measures, especially in the recent period, but we believe that these measures are shy and need to be activated, applied, and opening new outlets to sell the dollar to travelers and merchants.”
He explained, “The Parliamentary Finance Committee is closely following the issue of the rise in the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market, and there is a tendency among members of the committee to host the Governor of the Central Bank and the general managers of the bank to find out the reasons for the decline in the value of the Iraqi dinar and the continuous rise in the dollar exchange rate. ”
The exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar witnessed a significant jump during the past few days, touching 160 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars.



  [via PDK]  Question:  When does Sudani return to Iraq?  MarkZ Answer:  Most of my DC and New York sources say he should be in private meetings all week and then head home late this week or over the weekend. But, we do not know for sure. 

 [via PDK]  As to what I expect on timing…From everything I am hearing - I think the window opens tomorrow. It certainly looks great right now. So somewhere between tomorrow and Oct. 8th…But I think it will be sooner rather than later.

[via PDK]  Walkingstick is right...[Reference Guru Walkingstick post 9-18-2023]…having conversations with people in Iraq, people in government sectors there…in finance and oil sectors…the contractors...saying it’s a deafening roar right now is an understatement.

 [via PDK]   He [Sudani] did address the UN and he has more meetings. A big week is already underway. He has meetings with the State Dept and with the Asst. Secretary of the Treasury today...To me they are setting the stage. Sudani is telling everyone that Iraq is in compliance and that they are done before they pull that trigger for the world stage on the currency change. That is my opinion and the opinions of many others I have been talking too high up in this process. They are stage setting and expect Sudani to let the cat out of the bag while at the UN…

I hope that is accurate.
  [via PDK]  Question:  ...Does the passage of the HCL mean we will have a new rate?  MarkZ answer: I was always told HCL before the rate change.

GOLDILOCKS: 🚨SHOCKING NEWS: RV STOP'S because of the Digital Dinar & CBDC??, 26 MARCH

  GOLDILOCKS: 🚨SHOCKING NEWS: RV STOP'S because of the Digital Dinar & CBDC?  Highlights Summary In this informative podcast, the h...