Monday, August 12, 2024


 Mnt Goat  

..we read yet more articles on the banking reforms now in motion, just as I was told would take place... Yes, measures are being put in place just as my [CBI] contact told me would happen and the situation with the banks is going to be resolved, and soon.

WOW! August news from Iraq is explosive. We now see many changes to the banking system and currency auctions. This as I am told is from the pressure of the Feds and the US Treasury. ...As far as timeframes, my [CBI] contact told me to watch the progress of the banking reforms that the Feds are pushing. This includes the parallel market rate vs the CBI official rate and the currency auction levels. 

Mnt Goat 

 WOW! August news from Iraq is explosive. We now see many changes to the banking system and currency auctions.  This as I am told is from the pressure of the Feds and the US Treasury. ...As far as timeframes, my [CBI] contact told me to watch the progress of the banking reforms that the Feds are pushing. This includes the parallel market rate vs the CBI official rate and the currency auction levels.

Mnt Goat 

  My CBI contact said...that the GOI has not yet accepted his [Ali Al-Alaq] resignation and so it is not final...The news media ran off half cocked with the story... She said let’s wait and see what happens to Mr. Alaq. 

 If he stays, he has to agree to work with the Feds and the US Treasury and work out a satisfactory plan, then take it back the Finance Committee and explain it. He is scheduled for a trip to the US for this purpose very soon...

  She [CBI contact] thinks he will remain as the proxy director for a period more...  I believe he does...have   the best interest of the country in mind with his policies. He has talked about reviving the Iraqi dinar to 1980’s levels. This is what we all want as investors...Let’s see what happens


 Quote:  "the government must work on amending and adding new paragraphs to the
law..."   WOW! This is excellent news. This article shows us the Oil and Gas Law is actually farther ahead than the news has been telling us. It actually did reach parliament and the readings were conducted so far...for read more:

Iraqi Dinar🎉 Shocking Announcement About Iraqi Dinar Rate Change Today 2...




Borrower Insurance


Borrower Insurance

August 12, 2024

We refer all licensed small, medium and micro-enterprise financing companies to what was stated in the letter of the Ministry of Finance/Insurance Bureau No. (2129) dated 7/10/2024, which includes, in the event that you wish to insure your borrowers  ...

For more, click here




 The key for Iraq - For them not to be dependent on the dollar.  If the economy is 100% energy then they're going to be 100% dependent on the US dollar. 

How do they get their currency outside of that

 They have to open up to doing business in completely different sectors... Then they can attach that part of the economy to the Iraqi dinar.  And they can add value to the dinar as they see fit.  That's always been the underlying goal of what we want Iraq to do...  


 I've gotten the weirdest hate mail with a capital H.  You people need to just suck it up.  I don't care if it's not what you want to hear... I'm just reporting what the policy in Iraq is and whether it's pushing our speculation forward or not.  That's all it is.  Nothing more than that.


   I beg you.  Do not turn this investment into a religion and do not hide from facts...People that do that always have financial problems...You have to watch policy. 


 [Iraq's] policy has changed for the very first time since we've been in this...speculation together.  The policy is going to change on either side of the aisle...Iraq is going to be punished if they keep moving forward here [moving more and more pro-Iranian].  That's not good.  That's not positive for us.  

 The Untied States is trying to influence [Iraq] to do the right thing.  Hopefully they will do it and everything will be hunky-dory.  Well the reality is IMO if the CBI had that influence it would have been done already.  That's the problem.  That's why I'm in the neutral zone.  It sucks because I put my heart and soul into this.  Don't think for a minute I don't feel it because I do...This could mess up the timeline and push it back, maybe even permanently if Iraq can't handle these financial problems.





Al-Sudani confirms the government's support for the Iraqi Media Network and enhancing professionalism in the media




Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani affirmed, today, Sunday, during his reception of the head of the Iraqi Media Network, Karim Hammadi, the government's support for the network's work and enhancing professionalism in the Iraqi media environment.
The Prime Minister's media office stated in a statement, a copy of which was received by NRT Arabic, that "Al-Sudani received Hammadi and listened to a briefing on the reality of the network's work, the challenges facing national media work, and the role of the network's channels and windows in providing an objective and fair media service to the Iraqi citizen, reflecting the true picture of the performance of government agencies in various fields."
The statement added that the Prime Minister stressed "the government's support for the Iraqi Media Network and its tasks in promoting professionalism within the democratic and constitutional framework, and supporting all media efforts to provide information and preserve Iraqi moral and social values ​​and constants."
The statement indicated that Al-Sudani stressed "providing support to the Iraqi Media Network to host the fourth session of the Arab Media Conference, scheduled to be held in the capital, Baghdad, next April, under the auspices of the Arab States Broadcasting Union, affiliated with the League of Arab States."



 Militia Man 

 Article:  "Referring Al-Alaq to retirement: a legal step or settling political scores?

 It's been ongoing for the last few days there's been a suggestion that he was going to resign.  There wasn't any meat and potatoes to that...Then they went after his age.  They said he was too old.  

Then now there suggesting there's political scores that are doing this battle and giving bad publicity...Some people out there...made a lot of money, they're not going to any more, off those dollar auctions.  They did it for a long long time.

The Central Bank of Iraq has been on top of it.  They've been working in conjunction...with the US Treasury and Federal Reserve to get Iraq to be in compliance with international standards...If you're doing nefarious deals you're going to have a problem...

MILITIAMAN: Iraq Dinar News-IQD Dinar-No Debt-CBI Gov in Place-Digitization-Show Cas...




Government committee issues a series of decisions to expand investment in economic sectors




The Higher Committee for Investment and Reconstruction held its regular meeting today, Sunday, headed by Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, during which they discussed aspects of developing investment mechanisms in various economic and development sectors, discussing the files on the agenda, and taking the necessary decisions regarding them.

According to a statement issued by Al-Sudani’s media office, “the meeting considered the investment file for Wasit Governorate. Within the government’s vision for establishing new cities, approval was given to establish the “New Wasit Residential City,” which includes the distribution of serviced residential lands, in which the private sector real estate developer undertakes the establishment of infrastructure and service institutions and the management of services, and they are sold at low costs to citizens from the categories determined according to the government’s vision for addressing the housing crisis.”

The committee decided to reject the request to convert the plot site (3/6 Umm Al-Khail District) with an area of ​​77 dunums, in the Diwaniyah Governorate, into a residential complex. The Diwaniyah Investment Authority is responsible for announcing the investment opportunity to establish an entertainment project with modern and high-level plans and activities on the aforementioned plot, to be a civilized entertainment area that meets the needs of citizens in the governorate, according to the current investment law, within the framework of expanding domestic tourism activity.

The Committee also issued a number of decisions that would expand investment in various economic sectors, increase private sector involvement, create job opportunities, and support development in all areas.



Your Quantum Financial Service Bank Account, 12 AUGUST

 Your Quantum Financial Service Bank Account

  • All people already have their QFS account set up. It contains all their personal data and their DNA.
  • In the US the money from your birth certificate is already deposited in that account, as well as the repayment of the loans you have requested, student loans, mortgages, etc.
  • We all have monies that is ours in those accounts. You do not need to have Zim Bonds or Dinar. It is money that you have earned during your life and that is in that account.
  • Once everyone has collected the bonuses, the general public will come, they will be called to the redemption center, they will be given a QFS card and they can use their money.

QFS Account, Ben Fulford: The below UBI level is in the US, other countries will have corresponding levels

  • Your QFS account is for yourself and not a joint account with your spouse, children or parents, but details will be announced once we know how it works clause.
  • When you are a child, your parents cannot access your account except for the following reasons. Now if you have a parent, child or spouse who needs care and can’t access their account.
  • There will be no requirement that you be 21 to access your QFS account, as some younger people may want to move out and even get married to access these funds, but you must be Only 18 years old.
  • Through EBS, you will discover that you have a quantum financial system account that has earned interest on your birth certificate and has a lot of money in it.
  • Funds from your bank and credit union will be transferred to your QFS account once you have access to your QFS account.
  • Homeless people need to be notified early so they can go to a designated location to access a QFS account with a temporary address to then find their own place to live and restart their lives.
  • People who go to prison must pay their prison expenses from their QFS account.
  • If there is a death in the family, it is unclear whether the money in the QFS account will be transferred to other family members or if the QFS account will be closed because everyone else has enough money of their own.
  • I don’t think it will get to the point where you have to have a fingerprint or DNA match to access, but if you lose your card, you will have to verify yourself to get a new card.
  • An 18 year old will have at least $3,109,086 in a QFS account, a 30 year old will have at least $5,181,810, a 50 year old will have at least $8,636,350, a 65 year old will have at least $11,227,255.
  • Note: The older the person, the more interest/income/tax refund payments will go into their QFS account.

🚨SPECIAL REPORT: Currency Exchange Reform Completed By The SEC !

Signing a cooperation protocol between the Iraqi and Egyptian stock exchanges...aims at this matter, 12 AUGUST

 Today, Monday, the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Iraq Stock Exchange, Thaer Adnan Hashem, signed a cooperation protocol to enhance joint work with the Egyptian Stock Exchange management.

The media office of the Iraq Stock Exchange stated in a statement received by "Al-Eqtisad News" that "the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Stock Exchange, Ahmed Al-Sheikh, signed a cooperation protocol between the stock exchanges of the two countries with Thaer Adnan Hashem, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Iraq Stock Exchange (Iraqi Stock Exchange), in the presence of Faisal Al-Haimus, Chairman of the Iraqi Securities Commission, and Hiba Al-Sayrafi, Vice Chairman of the Egyptian Stock Exchange."

He added that "the protocol aims to strengthen cooperation ties and raise the level of coordination between the two parties, increase prospects for joint work and exchange of expertise and information in all aspects of investment and develop existing legislative procedures for both parties, in addition to working to increase investment awareness and attract mutual investments between the two countries and direct savings towards investment in securities, as well as support the transition to the digital economy to increase the competitive capabilities of both stock exchanges."

In turn, the Chairman of the Egyptian Stock Exchange, Ahmed El Sheikh, confirmed that "the protocol aims to develop joint cooperation between the two parties and exchange expertise and information regarding updating legislation, regulations, procedures, work programs and methodologies related to trading in securities, as well as exchanging periodic and annual bulletins issued by both stock exchanges, as well as exchanging periodic information related to companies registered and traded in the two markets."

He added: "We are working to provide the basic information that investors in both countries need to increase mutual investments in the two stock markets."

He pointed out that "the two parties will discuss mechanisms to support and diversify the financial products available to investors and increase liquidity in both markets," stressing that "the two parties will work to encourage capacity building and training between brokerage firms and companies listed on the two stock exchanges in a way that serves the achievement of the goals of spreading awareness and exchanging expertise."

He explained that "signing this protocol comes within the framework of implementing Article (58) of the Egyptian Stock Exchange's development strategy, which falls under the sixth axis related to "promoting and spreading financial culture, training and international relations." 

In this context, Faisal Al-Haimus, Chairman of the Iraqi Securities Commission, stressed that “signing this protocol represents a vital step towards deepening cooperation between the stock markets in Iraq and Egypt, which reflects our common keenness to strengthen economic relations between the two countries,” noting that “this agreement does not only aim to exchange expertise and information, but also seeks to develop the infrastructure of the financial markets in both countries by adopting the latest technologies and applying the best international practices.”

Al-Haimas added: “We realize that financial markets represent the cornerstone of developing the national economy, and therefore strengthening the partnership between the two markets will directly contribute to achieving sustainable economic growth and attracting foreign investments. We also believe that this protocol will open new horizons for cooperation in various fields, such as financial innovation and the development of new financial products, which will help enhance the competitiveness of both markets.”

Al-Haimas stressed the “commitment of the Securities Commission to provide full support for the success of this cooperation, noting that the Commission will work to provide the appropriate regulatory environment to implement the provisions of the protocol effectively,” expressing his “confidence that this cooperation will enhance the efficiency of the two markets, and increase levels of transparency and disclosure, which will enhance investor confidence and contribute to achieving the goals of joint economic development.”

For his part, Thaer Adnan Hashim, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Iraq Stock Exchange (Iraqi Stock Exchange), stated: “The signing of this protocol, which was sponsored by the Chairman of the Securities Commission / Faisal Al-Haims, is an important step towards enhancing joint cooperation between Iraq and Egypt in the field of securities markets, as this agreement aims to exchange expertise and information between the two markets, especially with regard to updating the legislation, regulations and procedures related to securities trading.”

He explained that "this protocol is an opportunity to develop the infrastructure of financial markets, increase investment awareness, and attract mutual investments between the two countries. We will also work to support the transition to the digital economy, enhance the competitive capabilities of both stock exchanges, and encourage capacity building and training between brokerage firms and listed companies."  link


 Judy Note:

 In the past we have been told to write up a 1-2 page summary of your project and goals indicating how long we wish your project to last, how many people it can employ, and include a very rough estimate of how much money you will need to run the project. You should also have a short paragraph about yourself and why you are qualified to run the project.

A Reader’s Take on Zim Redemption:

  • I have to disagree with what was posted last night from both party’s suggestions on the Zim Redemption rates.
  • In my research the “Bearer Bond” is to be redeemed to the holder at face value. It is in essence a promise by the country issuing that bond backed by that country’s wealth. A holder can demand the value in that country for anything owned by that country period.
  • The rate is equal to that country’s dollar One For One (1:1). In this case the Zimbabwe dollar or Zig. The USD or any other country’s currency has no bearing in  the value until you exchange it.
  • When I looked up the exchange rate for the ZWL (Zim fiat) on Forbes, the value was .003106. The 100T note was worth in USD $ 310,600,000,000. That is three hundred ten billion , six hundred million dollars. It could potentially be worth five hundred billion in consideration of the Zig.
  • The calculation of 5 billion overall with ten percent (500 million) as front money makes me question where the money is going.
  • According to the numbers quoted with the St Germaine’s Trust  (a number with around 140 zero’s following) and the Rodriguez Estate (a number with about 120 zero’s following) along with possibly Dubai 1 & 2, why would there be a need for them to deduct any of our bond proceeds for Humanitarian use?
  • I can understand for payouts to be trounced due to the excessive amount of monies to be paid out.
  • Just my thoughts. Anon.
  • On International Default Rates, John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram:
  • Dinar will value at a “RI” rate from the time Iraq was invaded which would put it around $3.22 – $3.78.
  • Zim Holders: Zim was being offered at a Default Rate of first two 100T AA Zim Bond Notes up to 30 T notes at $20 Million each, 31 T notes and up would default to $15 million decreasing the more notes you own.
  • HOWEVER (especially for those with Humanitarian Projects that the above will not cover?) the AA Zim are Bonds and we have been told they cannot be renegotiated. ASK for the Contract/ Solverant rate. These ratescan be negotiated on your second visit with your projects and team members.

Iraq will disrupt official working hours throughout the next week, 26 MARCH

Iraq will disrupt official working hours throughout the next week Economy News — Baghdad The Council of Ministers decided, on Tuesday, to su...