Thursday, May 23, 2024

$277 Million Sales In Currency Auction By CBI Of Iraq Today 2024🔥iraqi d...

Al-Sudani: We will not let the projects stop in any governorate, and their completion will change the economic and social reality , 24 MAY

 Al-Sudani: We will not let the projects stop in any governorate, and their completion will change the economic and social reality


Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani stressed today, Thursday, that we will not let the projects stop in any governorate, indicating that their completion will change the economic and social reality of the governorate.

The media office of the Prime Minister stated, in a statement received by {Al-Furat News}, that “Al-Sudani chaired, in the Najaf Governorate building, a meeting of directors and officials of service departments and formations, during which the reality of services in the governorate was reviewed, and the most prominent problems and obstacles facing the progress of implementation of service projects.” ".

He stressed that "the government kept in mind the citizen's entitlements when preparing the government program, and made the necessary basic services among the most important priorities, especially the lagging and stalled infrastructure projects related to the health, education, and other sectors, due to the conditions of war, terrorism, and instability."

He explained that "there is pressure on services and infrastructure in all sectors in the governorate, for various reasons, the most important of which is the delegations of visitors to Najaf Al-Ashraf."

The Prime Minister said during the meeting: “We look at services starting from the perspective of lagging projects, some of which date back to 2008, such as the treatment plant project,” pointing out that “the continuation of lagging projects causes collapses and changes in prices that burden the state.”

He added, "The federal government and local governments form one team," noting that "the voter for local governments is awaiting the results of his participation in the elections."

He continued: “Our visit aims to develop solutions to the problems, and we do not want to repeat the same excuses after a month or two,” adding: “We are following up on the smallest details and developing solutions, and we have allocated financial allocations, but we are governed by a budget and allocations, and the ability to spend these allocations.”

He added: "We will not let the projects stop in any governorate, and the completion of the projects will change the economic and social reality of the governorate," adding: "Visitors to the Old City come from all over the world, and the level of services in the governorate is measured in light of what is available in this area of ​​the city."

He pointed out that "investing in Najaf Governorate is necessary to develop the industrial city and complete it in various aspects," calling on businessmen to "invest sovereign guarantees to establish agricultural and industrial projects."

He stated that "the indicators of the agricultural season confirm the growth in production, and 5 trillion dinars have been allocated to pay the dues of farmers and farmers, and Iraq is on the path to achieving self-sufficiency in basic crops."  LINK


 Militia Man and MarkZ  

 Militia Man:  Sudani...said in the past that the dinar was going to be stronger than the dollar. And, we are expecting article yesterday he said they were about to strengthen the dinar. 

 MarkZ:  To strengthen the dinar is to add more purchasing power and be stronger than the dollar.  For it to be stronger than the dollar it has to be worth more than a dollar...Things are finally getting tangible enough that I can be excited. 

 Militia Man:  This is an amazing event that we are watching unfold. 


MM: To me it’s no coincidence that Iraq has done all their different advancements  and that Sudani is going to launch his development road projects on May 30th. so Sudani was telling the world he was going to do something in the month of April – and he did it. 

MM he said in the past that the dinar was going to be stronger than the dollar. And , we are expecting that. 

MZ: and yesterday Sudani said they were starting the second phase of their economic reforms. 

MM: And at the bottom of an article yesterday he said they were about to strengthen the dinar. 

MZ: To strengthen the dinar is to add more purchasing power and be stronger than the dollar. For it to be stronger than the dollar it has to be worth more than a dollar. 

MM: yes. 

MZ: People want to know if they can drag this out until next year?

MM: We don’t know the timing. But, I don’t think we are even close to go that long. There is way too much going on in the world and this is not only about Iraq. Remember all boats rise with the tide. 

MZ: Things are finally getting tangible enough that I can be excited. 

MM: This is an amazing event that we are watching unfold.

Member: Thank you so much MM and Mark

Be sure to listen to the full replay for all of MilitiaMan’s information and opinions. 

MZ: This one is important. “Increased capacity in Iraq’s refineries “ They are coming up to speed to produce all of their domestic petroleum needs. $25-$30 millions of dollars worth of gas per day . This is gas for pumps and cars. They are ready to be an exporter of gas. This is new for Iraq and key for their economy. 

MZ:” Zimbabwe applies for ISO code for ZIG currency” To be international. I think this is a big one. 

Member: Okay all, Let’s Be Of The Highest Vibrations! The Universe is listening and will give you more of what you say! If you say you’re tired, you get more tired. The Universe Always Says Yes!!!

Member: Julie Green A turn around coming, per God's prophetic word. Says get ready!

Member: Thank you MarkZ for all you do for us to keep us informed and an early Happy Birthday to you

(MarkZ’s Birthday is tomorrow) 

Member: Mark so they tell me it’s your birthday so happy birthday darling May you live may you love May all your dreams come true Happy Birthday to you……God Bless

MZ: Thank you for the pre birthday wishes.

Contractors Will See Rate = $3.90🚩IQD Will Float!🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

Sudanese calls on the private industrial sector to invest in raw materials available in Iraq, 24 MAY

 Sudanese calls on the private industrial sector to invest in raw materials available in Iraq


Tuesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani called on the Iraqi private industrial sector to invest in the raw materials available in the country.

This came during the launch, in Najaf Governorate, today, of the executive works on the Iraqi Diyar Glass Factory project.

The project is the first to be implemented in accordance with the sovereign guarantees approved in the budget, and in cooperation between the Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) and the German Export Bank. It also represents the most important forms of cooperation between Iraq and Germany, the foundations of which were laid during His Excellency’s visit to the German capital, Berlin.

Al-Sudani stated that this factory is being implemented in an industrial city by an investor who is responsible for providing all services. The industrial city is also preparing to embrace industrialists and provide land and services, which is a feature that we aspire to be implemented in all governorates.

He pointed to the new project, which is the first to produce glass, with a capacity of 800 tons per day, which means 25% of the local market’s need. The factory will rely on silica available in Iraq, stressing the availability of many raw materials that have not been invested. He also directed the necessity of implementation according to the plan and schedule. Timeline.

The Prime Minister affirmed the government’s support for the private sector, and the provision of guarantees for all priority projects, especially the housing and construction sector, which represents a large demand for construction materials, indicating the country’s need to triple the existing factories for coverage.

Al-Sudani called on the serious private sector to invest in this important opportunity, as the government continues to remove obstacles and bureaucracy, as this path will provide real job opportunities, and larger industries will settle in this city and other industrial cities.  LINK


The Big Bopper:  Hi KTFA Family, Does this represent the first project to start from the 2024 budget schedules? IMO, it sure reads like that….. on Wednesday’s CC, Frank asked if we could produce an article that showed the new sovereign guarenteed contracts at work from the 2024 budget schedules, if im not mistaken, this looks like the first!!

 Am I wrong on this, my opinion mistaken? Please anyone that has an opinion or can clarify this articles meaning, other than the very clear and obvious words in it, we should see something soom? Thanks Clare for this!   Thank You kindly, The Big Bopper


The project is the first to be implemented in accordance with the sovereign guarantees approved in the budget,




 Another budget is getting ready to come and go and there is no talk of the rate change.  Isn't that what they told you It would be in the new budget because there was no way for them to do large projects, there was no way for them to move forward without an exchange rate change...Why so secret now?  Is this one of those things they're trying to keep from the people?  

They didn't keep it from the people last time [they increased the value] and there's no mention of it this time...Keep your fingers crossed, it hasn't passed yet so maybe they'll change it between now and the time they pass it...You guys know what I think.

 Floating the currency means the value is determined by the market, so if people for whatever reason want to start investing in the Iraqi dinar and the start buying up the Iraqi dinar that means the demand for it is there, think supply and demand. 

 Since they have a liquidity issue, there's not going to have a lot of Iraqi dinar out there and if that's the case then they don't have the supply to feed the demand...But we'll be more than happy to sell our Iraqi dinar back to them if they get the exchange rate up around a quarter or more. I know I would.

latest exchange rates of iraqi dinar against USD today 2024

What Are The Reasons For The World Bank’s Demand To Reform The Retirement System In Iraq?.. Economic Clarification., 23 MAY

What Are The Reasons For The World Bank’s Demand To Reform The Retirement System In Iraq?.. Economic Clarification

Posted On05-22-2024 By Sotaliraq   Economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi explained the reasons for the World Bank's demand to reform the retirement system in Iraq.

Al-Marsoumi said in a blog post, “According to data from the General Retirement Directorate, the total number of civilian and military retirees in Iraq in 2020 reached 2.486 million retirees, while the number of retirees who receive their salaries from the retirement fund reached 544 thousand retirees.”

He pointed out that “the budget bears the disbursement of the salaries of 1.942 million retirees,” noting that “the total value of the monthly salaries of retirees amounts to 1.551 trillion dinars, and the annual value is 18.612 trillion dinars.”

He stated that “the total annual pension salaries borne by the general budget are 11.772 trillion dinars in 2020, while 6.840 trillion dinars are paid from the retirement fund.”

He stressed that “today’s numbers have risen a lot, especially since 120,000 employees annually are referred to retirement after reducing the retirement age to 60 years,” noting that “retirement referrals before 1/1/2008 are all paid from the public treasury according to the laws of transitional justice, political dismissals, and all others.”

 Laws legislated by the House of Representatives. As for those referred to retirement after 1/1/2008, their salaries are paid from the Retirement Fund, while retirement rewards are paid from the state treasury.”

He continued, “The government depends, in its financing of pensioners’ salaries and all other forms of social protection programs, on financial resources financed by oil revenues, which exposes it to delaying or even to the risk of stopping due to the fluctuation of these revenues, especially linked to highly volatile global oil prices, due to external rather than internal factors on the one hand, and low efficiency in Managing the funds of the pension fund, which lacks transparency in disclosing its assets and aspects of its investments, on the other hand.”  LINK

"What Is a Private Wealth Manager?" BY GOLDILOCKS, 23 MAY


What Is a Private Wealth Manager?

A bank's ledger balance is a record of all transactions that have been processed and approved at the end of a business day, including deposits, withdrawals, interest income, and bill payments.

That being said, is it really a stretch to anyone's imagination that we are moving into a digital processing center on a Global scale, and the banking system is just simply one section interfaced onto a Quantum Technological Systematic set of protocols designed to run numbers on equations until a balance between two parties are cleared?

Yes, we are finding that many positions in the banking system and around the world can be automated. Still, the need for a personal touch remains. This would account for why Personal Wealth Manager positions are on the rise and Banks are currently making these changes to meet the needs of a new society.

The synchronization of human behavior and technological advances are currently being held at a balance. Where we go from here will be determined by the choices both AI and Human Nature co-create in this new world. 

There will always be pros and cons to each choice we make going forward, but the integration of the Techno-Human Race is forging a new path. It is an experimentation beyond everything we have encountered so far in history.

Movement forward is both scary and filled with opportunity. Yet, inside each of us is an explorer of space and time. We are walking into new frontiers and decisions will have to be made by each of us how far we are willing to go.

The transition into digital money and sudden wealth is a much larger step than many realize. We will cross over into a dimension of life few have seen in this lifetime.

We are at a crossroads, and movement into a new digital world that moves our money and the choices we make is rapidly approaching.

True freedom will not be the result of sudden wealth. Freedom comes from a much deeper place. The more that is given to us, the more is required for us to reach into those places hands can no longer touch. Here, we ask for wisdom and guidance from a place of creativity. Our creative nature knows how to walk beside the presence of our Creator forming a relationship that always has, is, and will be with us to the end.

The time to evolve is right in front of us now, and the choice to become creative entrepreneurs exploring New Frontiers is calling on us to resonate with new vibrations capable of moving our attention into higher ground.  |  CFA Institute

© Goldilocks 

FRANK26…5-23-24….SOUP’S ON

Iraqi dinar ✅WOW Its , Massive Update Frome Wolverine Today 2024 ✅ RV U...

IMF Calls Zimbabwe Switch to ZiG Unit an ‘Important’ Step, 23 MAY

IMF Calls Zimbabwe Switch to ZiG Unit an ‘Important’ Step

IMF Calls Zimbabwe Switch to ZiG Unit an ‘Important’ Step. The welcomed the introduction of a new gold-backed currency as an important step. “The introduction of ZiG represents an important policy action accompanied by several complementary policy changes — including monetary, exchange rate, and fiscal policy measures,” a spokesperson for the #IMF said in an emailed response to questions.

Iraq Launches Loan Program for Industrial Projects

Iraq's General Directorate for Industrial Development (GDID) has launched a new loan mechanism for small, medium, and micro enterprises (MSMEs).

The loans are made in conjunction with the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI), and can be worth up to 20 million Iraqi dinars ($15,000) per loan.

Dr. Ali Ibrahim Janaan, Director General of the Directorate, called on young people and graduates to go to the Directorate and register their industrial projects.



 [via WiserNow]  ... the rates are moving in the direction that we actually expect them to be ...Rates are populating and...they were...moving at 90 miles an hour...I don’t know if we are going to  have fixed rates when we go in or whether we're going to have variable rates because they're still being traded up or down...But whichever it is they're going to be... 

very good. And I heard... that  the contract rate on the dinar is going to be very very high... the contract rate is based on what a barrel of oil in Iraq can be sold to a buyer like Turkey who's buying oil by the barrel from Iraq, that created a...contract rate for us... So I think we're going to be very pleasantly surprised by that...we're looking forward to getting this very soon.

 We know that...Iraq paid back the IMF – a loan that they got in 2003...that's when the new 25 10,000 5000 1000 dinar notes were printed.  Our notes that we have now are printed starting in 2003.  And they paid the IMF back at $8 billion against a loan Iraq  received in 2003... Now, to do that, you had to have a revalued make that doable...

the rates are actually on the ATM’s in Baghdad in airports and other places. So have they converted over to I think the new rate in country – yes... they're keeping it hidden until they're ready for everything to be released.  

 ...we have about 17 - 18 currencies that are going up substantially in value. We know that you know that obviously dinar and Dong  - Dong is one of those...

Iraqi dinar | IQD Dinar Update 2024 | Iraqi Dinar News Today 2024 | dina...

Within the 2024 budget. Sudani announces a package of projects for the upper threshold, 23 MAY

 Within the 2024 budget. Sudani announces a package of projects for the upper threshold

Baghdad Today - Baghdad

Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani announced on Thursday (May 23, 2024) the launch of executive works in urban development projects for the southwestern side of the Haidari Sahn.

The Sudanese Media Office said in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", that "Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, launched the executive work in urban development projects for the southwestern side of the Haidari Al-Sharif courtyard, during his visit to the city of Najaf, which he arrived on Thursday morning."

According to the statement, Al-Sudani stressed that "the visit to Najaf within the periodic visits to all our provinces, to follow up on the progress of services and implement priorities in infrastructure projects and economic development, in addition to the province's privacy that necessitates attention and dedication to it."

The Prime Minister indicated that "infrastructure projects have a great deal of attention, and there will be follow-up by specialized teams present in the province for the purpose of overcoming obstacles," noting that "additional financial allocations are being made to the governorate, And that there is a follow-up to the lagging projects that are being completed, as the focus is on infrastructure and service projects, because they are the basis of any development process."

He explained that "the (multi-layered garage) project comes in line with the government's vision to alleviate urban problems in the city center of Najaf, including improving infrastructure, using renewable energy and sustainability for the green environment, and facilitating and streamlining the movement of visitors and serving them."

According to the statement, Al-Sudani announced "the approval of a package of important projects for the shrine, which were included in the 2024 budget tables, namely:
- The project of expropriating buildings located on the southern side of the upper holy shrine, at a cost of 65 billion.
- The project of the Afaf Women's Hospital, at a cost of 10.312 billion.

- Carpet washing project for the Haidari plate, at a cost of 3.406 billion.
- A project of acquisitions for the development of the southern side of the Haidari courtyard, at a cost of 75 billion.
- The project of constructing the tunnel of the Prophet (PBUH) at a cost of 12 billion.

- Tusi tunnel project, farewell square, at a cost of 16.4 billion.
- Adaptation of the Haram and Abu Talib Gallery, at a cost of 11 billion.
- Equipping Al-Afaf Hospital, at a cost of 11 billion.

It is noteworthy that the multi-storey garage project (Najaf Grand Garage) consists of eight floors with a capacity of 2,500 wheels, and includes 4 parts, in which the standard of preserving the architectural identity of the city of Najaf was adopted, as it It includes a tunnel linking the new Hajjah (Aj) Street and the Haidari courtyard, in addition to tourist and recreational facilities.



MM: To me it’s no coincidence that Iraq has done all their different advancements  and that Sudani is going to launch his development road projects on May 30th. so Sudani was telling the world he was going to do something in the month of April – and he did it. 

MM he said in the past that the dinar was going to be stronger than the dollar. And , we are expecting that. 

MZ: and yesterday Sudani said they were starting the second phase of their economic reforms. 

MM: And at the bottom of an article yesterday he said they were about to strengthen the dinar. 

MZ: To strengthen the dinar is to add more purchasing power and be stronger than the dollar. For it to be stronger than the dollar it has to be worth more than a dollar. 

MM: yes. 

MZ: People want to know if they can drag this out until next year?

MM: We don’t know the timing. But, I don’t think we are even close to go that long. There is way too much going on in the world and this is not only about Iraq. Remember all boats rise with the tide. 

MZ: Things are finally getting tangible enough that I can be excited. 

MM: This is an amazing event that we are watching unfold.

Member: Thank you so much MM and Mark

Be sure to listen to the full replay for all of MilitiaMan’s information and opinions. 

MZ: This one is important. “Increased capacity in Iraq’s refineries “ They are coming up to speed to produce all of their domestic petroleum needs. $25-$30 millions of dollars worth of gas per day . This is gas for pumps and cars. They are ready to be an exporter of gas. This is new for Iraq and key for their economy. 

MZ:” Zimbabwe applies for ISO code for ZIG currency” To be international. I think this is a big one. 

Member: Okay all, Let’s Be Of The Highest Vibrations! The Universe is listening and will give you more of what you say! If you say you’re tired, you get more tired. The Universe Always Says Yes!!!

Member: Julie Green A turn around coming, per God's prophetic word. Says get ready!

Member: Thank you MarkZ for all you do for us to keep us informed and an early Happy Birthday to you

(MarkZ’s Birthday is tomorrow) 

Member: Mark so they tell me it’s your birthday so happy birthday darling May you live may you love May all your dreams come true Happy Birthday to you……God Bless

MZ: Thank you for the pre birthday wishes.

IRAQ NEWS: The Iraqi government has yet to take concrete steps to resume oil exports from the Kurdistan Region, 26 MARCH

 IRAQ NEWS The Iraqi government has yet to take concrete steps to resume oil exports from the Kurdistan Region, which have been halted for ...