Thursday, January 4, 2024

The Iranian Riyal Instead Of The Dollar.. Who Benefits From Financing Trade Between Baghdad And Tehran?, 5 JAN

 The Iranian Riyal Instead Of The Dollar.. Who Benefits From Financing Trade Between Baghdad And Tehran?

Posted On01-04-2024 By Sotaliraq  Ayoub Saad   Iraq began a project to import Iranian goods in the riyal currency instead of the US dollar, as it considered this step important and would contribute to increasing trade exchange with neighboring regional countries.

According to experts, this will put a big question mark on how Iraqi merchants can buy Iranian currency, because that requires either using the US dollar or using the Iraqi dinar, which will be returned again to Iraq for the purpose of being replaced with the dollar, given the very modest volume of Iraqi exports to Iran.

Assistant Director General of the General Foodstuff Company, Muthanna Jabbar, said in an interview with (Al-Mada), “The project was adopted by the Central Bank of Iraq in coordination with Iraqi government banks, starting with the Iraqi Trade Bank, Al-Rafidain and Al-Rashid Bank, and other accredited private banks.”

He adds, “The project depends primarily on reducing the internal demand of importing merchants for the dollar currency,” noting that “imports from Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Saudi Arabia are in the internal currency. It is possible to adopt the internal currency as an alternative currency and calibrate the dollar prices within a specific mechanism in the banks.”

He continues, “Banks have a network of correspondents covering all locations of the world, and are also connected to stock exchanges. If the importer is from China or Iran, he is originally purchasing a specific commodity or commodity in that country’s currency.”

Jabbar explains, “Accreditation is opened on the basis of that country’s currency and is calibrated in dollars, so the Iraqi Trade Bank ensures through the correspondent network that it provides that country’s currency to the merchant applying for the platform for the purpose of import.”

The Assistant Director General of the General Foodstuff Company states, “This step will contribute to increasing trade exchange with regional neighboring countries on the basis of the dinar against the currency, which will help strengthen the dinar and reduce the demand for the import dollar.”[/size]

It is noteworthy that the volume of trade between Iraq and Iran reaches 10 billion dollars per year, and is divided into 95% in favor of Iranian goods, goods and services, and 5% in favor of Iraqi exports, in addition to amounts equivalent to the volume of this trade that Iraq pays to the Iranian side in exchange for importing the gas necessary to operate the stations. electrical.

For his part, economic expert Nasser Al-Kanani said, during a brief interview with (Al-Mada), that “the issue is not easy, and is in the negative interest of Iraq,” noting that “the government is forced to take this measure because it imports from countries under a blockade.”

It is noteworthy that the Central Bank of Iran confirmed the start of a project to settle its country’s exports abroad in the national currency, the riyal, and the issue of settling Iranian exports via the riyal currency outside the borders has been studied by the Central Bank for several months, and that its entry into force will address the requirements of exporters to Iraq and Afghanistan, in addition to the draft regulations. The cross-border riyal was formulated by the Central Bank, and practically two banks have started this project, and soon it will be circulated to all the country's banks.

The American magazine Forbes classified the Iranian riyal as the weakest in the world against the US dollar, as every one US dollar is equivalent to more than 422,000 Iranian riyals. “The difference is greater in parallel markets.”

Specialists believe that continuing to implement the decision to finance trade between the two countries in the Iranian currency would benefit the Iranian riyal but not the Iraqi one, due to the very modest volume of Iraqi exports to Iran.

According to statistics, Iran imported more than $263 million of various Iraqi products, witnessing a decline of 78% compared to previous years, and Iraq was one of Iran’s permanent trading partners over previous years and decades.   LINK



Question: "Why do the [Iraqi] citizens want to keep using the dinar when the value is so low?" 

 Not everybody has access to the US dollar for one thing.  #2 It's artificially low.  A lot of Iraqi's know this.  They know what's  going on.

  There's nothing they can do about it.  That's one of the things, if you watch the parliamentary elections of Iraq one of  the number one campaign promises all these guys make is we're going to add value to the dinar.  They know it's artificially low.   [They look around and think] we're selling more energy, the price per barrel is more, we have more customers and yet the dinar is  [worthless] and we're all running around in poverty.  

Question:  "When it does revalue, when do we get out?  How long do we wait?" 

 That depends on your own needs.  Are you trying to get a house?  Are you trying to pay off a loan?  What is it because once you hit that number get out.  Or if it doesn't go up to that number - Let's say you're trying to make...$250,000 and you realize the investment is only going to get you about $180,000, then get out!   Diversify.  Get into something else.  Don't just stick around.

The only way you can answer those questions is you have to put a piece of paper down and realistically what is it that you want.  You have to be realistic about it.  

You can't say the first thing is I'm going to start off with a $50 million dollar mansion.  Don't be stupid...Let's be a little more practical.  A home over your head, debt free, for you and your family...then you can go for the big stuff.  Your investments are based on that...what it is you want.

Iraqi Dinar🔥Wells Fargo Rare Announcement For RV Of IQD Today 2024🔥iraqi...

Monetary Conflicts: The Iranian-Iraqi Chamber Of Commerce Confirms The Continuation Of Exchanges Despite The Seizure Of The Dollar, 5 JAN

Monetary Conflicts: The Iranian-Iraqi Chamber Of Commerce Confirms The Continuation Of Exchanges Despite The Seizure Of The Dollar

January 3, 2024  Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: Member of the Iranian-Iraqi Chamber of Commerce, Hamid Hosseini, said that the Iraqi Central Bank’s law to control the dollar and the announced restrictions do not mean the end of trade exchanges between the two countries or create problems in trade.

During a televised interview, Hosseini referred to the recent measures of the Central Bank of Iraq to deal with foreign currencies: The restrictions imposed after the adoption of this law were in no way a new or unprecedented event in the face of Iranian-Iraqi trade, as they had existed before in many ways.

He added: Naturally, this law made it difficult to exchange dollars in the markets of this country, which will naturally affect the process of commercial and international exchanges. These restrictions are very similar to the laws on buying and selling currencies in Iran and cannot be considered a complete ban on currency exchange.

He pointed to the consequences of applying this law on the foreign exchange process for Iranian merchants and businessmen in Iraq, and said: Nothing new will happen after this law, especially in a country like Iraq, where such issues can be easily resolved. Of course, perhaps export and import expenditures will rise slightly for a short period of time and the business process will face some risks, but it is unlikely that there will be a major problem in trade exchanges.

Referring to the political developments and events in the region and their impact on similar restrictions, this economic activist added: Such issues are generally related to political situations, relations and regional tensions, especially since Iraq is always under pressure from the United States and is forced to surrender to the demands of the United States often.

Hosseini expressed his hope that the positive trend of foreign exchange and trade between Iran and Iraq would continue, and he said: In Iraq, many people still do not want to transfer, buy and sell dollars through financial and banking networks or letters of credit and the like, and Iraqi exchange offices are still the main agent. To exchange currencies in this country.

He continued: Given the circumstances that Iraq is going through, there has always been a way to buy and sell currencies in this country, and Iran can continue its trade exchanges with this country in different ways. There is no doubt that despite the adoption of the new law in this country, the window is open for foreign exchange between Iran and Iraq, and the export process must continue in this way.

He believed that Iranian businessmen and merchants should not worry too much about the consequences of the new Central Bank of Iraq law, because other countries such as Russia, Syria, Venezuela, and others also face similar problems, but they were able to solve them.

In conclusion, he stressed that the Iranian government and the Central Bank are taking effective steps in this regard by providing more support and solutions for export operations and currency exchange with Iraq.



  The closer we get to this monetary reform, much more will be revealed...So much is already being revealed and put in print but as we get closer you will see so much more.  

 [Iraqi banks] are having a stampede of people going in because of the understanding  of the monetary reform education.  Direct deposit accounts were opened for the citizens that didn't have any accounts...they opened  up about 1 million...and they're not done yet...

These bank accounts are extremely important for the monetary reform...These  accounts are for payments that will be made to the citizens...salaries given to the citizens, for any retirement salaries  given...for HCL payments... What they are doing is extremely important for the monetary reform process...   

  The evidence for the monetary reform was perfectly set up at the start of 2024.  If that's the case, what happened

 Ka-ka happens.  Things happen.  It is what it is.  What...I'm very very excited about, it's not about rumors..Iran stealing...lies...our government here in the United States of America...Right now what it is, is they are announcing the monetary reform to the Iraqi citizens.  There talking about the float and the reason why they're talking about the float IMO is because that's the next phase...

Evening News with MarkZ, joined by Dr. Scott Young. 01/04/2024

From the dollar to the dinar... Iraqis complain about the deterioration of their salaries, 4 JAN

  From the dollar to the dinar... Iraqis complain about the deterioration of their salaries

“I have been waiting for about four months to receive my full salary from the bank, but every time I receive half of it and have to wait two or three weeks until I receive another payment,” says Sakar Mustafa, an Iraqi journalist who works independently with international institutions.

She explains to “ Raise Your Voice ” that “her salary ranges between 1,500 and 2,000 US dollars, depending on the work she performs, but what the bank disburses to her does not exceed 1,000 dollars, which is a very small amount that is not sufficient for all of her monthly expenses, represented by house rent and school tuition.” Bills and transportation.

“I spoke to the bank, and they informed me that they had received instructions to disburse salaries according to their capabilities, and currently they do not have the full liquidity to disburse it in full in dollars,” Mustafa continues.

She confirms that "her salary either arrives incomplete, or is transferred to the Iraqi dinar at the official rate set by the government (1,320 dinars per dollar), at a time when the exchange rate in the parallel market is 1,520 dinars per dollar."

On December 31, the Central Bank of Iraq announced the identification of the categories that receive their transfers in US dollars, which are: diplomatic missions, all international organizations and agencies operating in Iraq, and non-governmental civil society organizations registered in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, in the event that the foreign donor stipulates that they pay sums of money. Foreign transfers received in the dollar currency inside Iraq.

In addition to government contracts in effect in the US dollar currency, ongoing contracts for grants, loans, and foreign agreements, and 40% of the remittances received by Iraqi exporters resulting from their exports abroad.

Since the end of 2022, Iraq has been witnessing an exchange rate crisis, represented by the fluctuation of dinar prices against the dollar and other foreign currencies, and inflation in the prices of goods and services in local markets.

The crisis deepened in 2023, with a significant decline in the price of the dinar against the dollar in the parallel market.

One of the solutions developed by the government is to force merchants to deal in the Iraqi dinar in their local transactions, so that the Central Bank of Iraq adopted the electronic platform in the currency auction to limit the smuggling of the dollar from the country and increase the value of the dinar.

The Central Bank activated the second phase of adopting the platform, with the aim of subjecting individual financial transfers and credit cards, activating electronic payment, reducing dependence on cash, and allowing Iraqi banks to import all currencies, including the dollar, to meet the needs of their customers.

But these solutions did not end the crisis in salaries for Iraqi employees working with foreign institutions.

"arbitrary action"

From the beginning of last December until the 20th of December, Iraqi banks, both governmental and private, have imported 255 million US dollars to meet the needs of their customers, according to the latest Central Bank statistics, published by the  official news agency . 

Economist Hammam Al-Shamaa told “Raise Your Voice,” saying, “Reducing the exchange rate in the parallel market to the official exchange rate will not be achieved in the short or even long term. There are many obstacles that prevent this.”

He wonders: “Does Iraq have enough foreign currencies and dollars if oil prices fall? Can it pump into the markets an amount of dollars that would lead to equality or matching between the official and parallel prices?”

“The answers are left to the future,” adds Al-Shamaa, who considered that “the Central Bank’s insistence on dealing with employee salaries paid in dollars based on the official exchange rate is an arbitrary and unfair measure for employees who receive US currency. This measure will not have a significant impact on the markets, as there will be a decline.” In remittances, resort to banking offices or black money transfers.”

Economist Nabil Jabbar Al-Tamimi points out that “there is a defect in the Central Bank’s dealings with external transfers from oil companies and institutions, media institutions, diplomatic bodies and oil companies, as well as other employee beneficiaries, who receive their salaries in dollars, and complain about the large difference between the price of... Official and parallel exchange if their salaries are converted into dinars.”

He told “Raise Your Voice”: “The cases you mentioned are exceptional, and are not an excuse to stop the campaign to end dollarization represented by the excessive use of the dollar in the local market, and the fate of the dollar exchange rate in the end is to stabilize at the official rate or something close to it within months.”

At the same time, Al-Tamimi believes that “the public interest requires acceptance of the state’s decisions, despite their problems.”  link


  Sandy Ingram 

 The Iraqi dinar is not on the Forex market, yet.  The Iraqi dinar is an exotic currency, as is the Vietnam dong... Currencies are traded in pairs on the Forex Market.

  The 3 main types... majors, minors and exotics...The more liquid an asset the easier and more efficient it is to turn it back into cash.  Major currency pairs have the highest trading volume... Exotic currencies...are not traded that often.  There is little technical analysis or data available to support trading decisions for exotic currencies...

People have been asking, 'Why is the Iraqi dinar one rate in Iraq and a different rate online...?'  There are two major reasons for the different rates.  1. The Iraqi government imposes strict currency controls to limit the flow of dinars out of the country.  This creates a dual exchange rate system:  Official rate - fixed rate imposed by the Central Bank of Iraq...Market Rate - Freely fluctuating rate is used for private transactions and most imports... 2.  The IQD is not widely traded internationally ...Limited demand for dinars outside Iraq weakens its value on

the international market.  But...they are now saying speculation about a potential revaluation of the Iraqi dinar sometimes influences online prices... Speculation investors, that's us.  We are causing fluctuations in the currency value...

In January 2024 foreign currencies will no longer be allowed inside Iraq and any violations will be criminalized.  The Iraqi dinar will be used for all transitions. 

Why are we seeing reports of a meeting with the IMF in Jordan and a meeting with the Department of the Treasury and the US Federal Reserve in Dubai?  ...The meeting with the IMF had to do with the IMF staff team helping the Iraqi authorities reform the banking system... 

This meeting more than any other tells us Iraq may be preparing to join the global financial network, aka Forex Market...Here's the bottom line.  Iraq has never really been on the Forex market.  These reports IMPLY Iraq is headed in the direction of international currency inclusion while using its own currency for transactions within th country beginning January 1, 2024. 

A drone attack on a military base hosting US troops near Erbil in northern Iraq...caused casualties...Iran-backed militants claimed responsibility for the attacks...The attacks occurred on December 25th.

  Inflation...political stability... balance of payment...national debt...recession - each of these seven categories helps determine the currency rate of any country...We want to wish each of you a happy holiday..

Article:  "Iraq links Baghdad US embassy attackers to security services"  

The attacks against US forces have continued.  The Iraqi government said several people who are alleged to have attacked the US embassy in Iraq last week have links to the country security services...

Article: "Iraqi council elections: Almost 17 million voters head to polls on Monday"

  Iraqis have begun voting for the first time in a decade to select new provincial council members who in turn will appoint governors...results are expected to be announced on Tuesday.  

   Iraq cuts oil production by 223,000 barrels per day voluntarily.   Iraq is over 90% dependent on oil revenue and oil prices, therefore when OPEC speaks we listen and we listen very carefully, almost as carefully as when the CBI makes and announcement.

Google don’t lie Google knows every thing BY NADER FROM MID EAST

US Military Strike in Baghdad Kills Hezbollah al-Nujaba Commander, 4 JAN

US Military Strike in Baghdad Kills Hezbollah al-Nujaba Commander

On Thursday, January 4, a US military strike in Baghdad resulted in the death of a commander from the pro-Iranian Shiite movement Hezbollah al-Nujaba, a part of the Hashd al-Shaabi, according to the ex-paramilitary force. The US authorities, suspected to be behind the attack, have indicated that the strike was a response to ongoing attacks by Hezbollah al-Nujaba on US forces in Iraq. Another individual was also claimed in the strike that targeted the commander’s vehicle.

US Military Actions in Baghdad

The identity of the commander killed in the strike has not been disclosed as of now. The attack also resulted in seven other members being wounded. This US action comes amid heightened regional tensions, especially after the war between US ally Israel and Iran-backed Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip. Reports suggest that the strike was possibly carried out by a drone.

Previous Attacks and Repercussions

Previously, a US military strike claimed the life of Saleh Arouri, the deputy political head of Hamas, and a key figure in the group’s military wing. Arouri, along with six other Hamas members in Lebanon, was targeted in a strike suspected to have been carried out by a drone. Israel, believed to be responsible for the attack, has seen some of its politicians praising the assassination. Experts have noted that while such targeted assassinations can provide temporary advantages, their impact is often short-lived as new leaders emerge to fill the vacuum.

Ongoing Tensions and Future Implications

The strike signifies the continuation of tensions and military actions between the US and groups in Iraq aligned with Iran. It reflects the complex security dynamicsin the region and the US’s ongoing efforts to counter perceived threats to its forces. The Iraqi armed forces have held the US-led anti-IS coalition responsible for the attack. This incident has led to a surge in attacks against US targets in Syria and Iraq since mid-October, indicating a potential escalation of conflict in the near future.



 Question:  "Can you give us more details to some of us who don't quite understand the deletion of the zeros...?"  

Here's where people get pissy because there's an article everybody keeps talking about, the study of the deletion of 3-zeros.  Pay attention to the wording.  It doesn't say anything at all about the exchange rate.  It says clear as day, the deletion of the zeros are to remove the 3-zeros off the currency, the bank note.  Nothing about the rate.  The bank note...It's not complicated...The worst thing that can happen for us is those suckers turn around and delete the zeros and then change the exchange rate...I'm not saying they're going to do that, but it is an option...Most likely they're going to change the exchange rate in increments...

I think you're going to start seeing the dinar go up in increments.  That's just my opinion and my feelings.  As they continue to get their ducks in a row.  Let's hope this happens...

 Question: "When you say, managed float, if it hits Forex tonight and comes out let's call it $0.22...if that thing shot up to $1.00 in 24 hours are they going to try to restrict it? 

 There has to be more growth.  You would de-stabilize the economy.  They're just now getting on their feet.  The last thing you want to do is drop some huge exchange rate in their laps because it effects all businesses...there's a lot more involved.  I'm not saying it's not going to go up in value.   Obviously...I believe that it's gonna go up in value but I'm not a person that supports...we're gonna get a $3.22 rate.

Evening News with MarkZ, joined by Dr. Scott Young. 01/04/2024

FRANK26…..1-4-24……LET’S BANK ON IT

Jan. 3rd Recorded Program BY DAVE SCHMIDT

Indefinite Closure of Baghdad’s Green Zone: Implications and Underlying Causes, 4 JAN

 Indefinite Closure of Baghdad’s Green Zone: Implications and Underlying Causes

The Green Zone, a pivotal nerve center in Iraq’s capital city of Baghdad, hosting foreign embassies and Iraqi government buildings, has been indefinitely cordoned off from the public. This unprecedented move, shrouded in ambiguity, is significant as it not only disrupts the operations of diplomatic missions and the government but also hampers the routine life of local residents who frequent the area.

Historical Significance of the Green Zone

Historically, the Green Zone has been a hotbed of attacks, compelling the authorities to adopt escalated security measures. It is a space where diplomatic dialogues are fostered, and governmental policies are shaped, making it a crucial hub for both international and national activities. Its closure, thus, casts a long shadow on the smooth functioning of these essential tasks.

Probable Undercurrents behind the Closure

The reasons for the closure remain undisclosed, but such drastic measures are typically symptomatic of looming security threats or the anticipation of potential unrest. The indefinite nature of the closure implies that the authorities are dealing with a situation of uncertain duration, likely spurred by intelligence reports, persisting threats, or recent regional events.

Implications on the Ground

Though designed as a protective gesture, the closure of the Green Zone impacts the common man’s life in the area, who is accustomed to accessing the zone. It also throws a wrench into the machinery of embassies and government operations housed within the Zone. The closure sets a ripple effect in motion, the end of which is as uncertain as the timeline of the closure itself.



 Question:  "The war is likely escalating in the Middle East.  When Iran gets involved will this negatively affect the rate? the float?"  IMO the war is affecting more the relationships between counties in the Middle East...As far as it affecting the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar that's in a sealed envelope...figuratively speaking.  It has nothing to do with the war.  Once that envelope is opened, it would definitely/probably have some cause and effect on the float, in the basket.  Because what countries are in those baskets?  Yeah, the ones that might be affected but I don't think it'd be affected in a negative way.  War has a tendency to (snap) speed things up.

  2023 was the year of preparation for the monetary reform to be revealed.  We are now in that position. We are now in the position that the monetary reform is being revealed to the citizens of Iraq.  One of the things that is happening, and I pray that it happens faster, is the value of the Iraqi dinar is going up every day causing the dollar to go down...down...down... Once they reach a certain plateau that they're looking for then they're going to float the currency.  That's why they've educated the citizens of Iraq about the float...

Iraqi Dinar update for 01/03/24 - Didn't they promise exchange rate woul...BY PIMPY

A Significant Increase In The Rate Of External Remittances To The Dollar At The Central Bank Of Iraq Auction, 4 JAN

 A Significant Increase In The Rate Of External Remittances To The Dollar At The Central Bank Of Iraq Auction

Wednesday 03, January 2024 | Economical Number of readings: 390  Baghdad / NINA / External remittances increased at the Central Bank auction, today, Wednesday, by 91% at the expense of cash sales, to reach $188 million.

The Central Bank stated in a statement that, “During its auction today for buying and selling the US dollar, it sold 205 million, 298 thousand and 248 dollars, which the bank covered at a base exchange rate of 1,305 dinars, per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements for electronic cards, and at a price of 1,310 dinars per dollar for foreign transfers.” At a price of 1,310 dinars per dollar in cash form,

he added that most of the bank’s dollar sales went to strengthening balances abroad in the form of (transfers, credits), which amounted to 188 million 706 thousand and 693 dollars, an increase of 91%, compared to cash sales amounting to 16 million 592 thousand and 20 dollars.

He pointed out that the number of banks that purchased cash dollars reached 3 banks, while the number of banks that responded to requests to enhance balances abroad reached 18 banks, while the total number of exchange and brokerage companies participating in the auction was 34 companies./End 8



  [via WiserNow]

  I got a call  that said the...US Treasury was going to send out an email to all banks and redemption centers ...when we talk to people like the southeastern regional manager of Wells Fargo and certain other people they say everything is done...everything's done. We don't know why it hasn't happened. And when you get that from your top banking sources, that you really haven't heard what that email was - it tends to make us believe - Yes, we're super close, but we still don't know exactly when it's gonna go...

 A Bond PM with connections in Miami and Geneva expected the Bond Holders to have access and liquidity Wed. 3 Jan. or Thurs. 4 Jan. 

The same PM said that Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) should also get their notifications to set redemption and exchange appointments in that same time frame –  Wed. 3 Jan. or Thurs. 4 Jan. One bank said Wed. 3 Jan. or Thurs. 4 Jan. Formal public announcements of NESARA, GESARA and the new gold/asset-backed US Note were expected on or before Thurs. 11 Jan. 2024. Since Mon. 1 Jan. 2024 Iraq has been doing exchanges inside Iraq at the new Iraqi Dinar in-country rate. In Iraq the US Federal fiat Dollar is dead. They want them to transition to the new lower denoms. It was believed that the ban to exchange the Dinar at the new Dinar international rate would come off on Wed. 3 Jan.

Iraqi Dinar Investment Update!! | Responding To Comments | Remember Frid...

An Economic Center Proposes Changing The Mechanism For Delivering Dollars To Travelers At Iraqi Airports , 4 JAN

An Economic Center Proposes Changing The Mechanism For Delivering Dollars To Travelers At Iraqi Airports  

 Economy     breaking  center     Proposal     changing     Dollar delivery mechanism     Iraqi travelers

2024-01-03 Shafaq News/ Today, Thursday, the Iraqi Political and Economic Center presented a proposal to change the mechanism for delivering dollars to travelers at Iraqi airports, while recording several observations on the currently approved mechanisms.

The center’s director, Wissam Hadmal Al-Helu, said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency,

 “The mechanism for delivering the dollar to travelers has witnessed in the past months   a lot of complexity and    did not provide it to many of its beneficiaries for the purposes permitted by the Central Bank.”

 He added,  "The mechanism adopted links that open at limited times, which causes great pressure on it and deprives many people of the ability to enter and reserve to request dollars, as well as

banks specifying specific numbers that are allowed to purchase, and then closing the application according to what was reported by the complaints of many that reached the Iraqi Central Bank."

 Al-Helu continued,  "Accordingly, the Center proposes another mechanism that is simple and protected at the same time, and that  it should be under the supervision of the Central Bank of Iraq and the competent authorities in Iraqi airports," explaining that

"the proposed mechanism includes enabling the traveler who meets the conditions to request what he needs from the 3,000 US dollars allocated to him."

The traveler brings an amount equivalent to the Iraqi dinar and delivers it immediately from inside the airport after stamping his passport upon departure and presenting the stamp, ticket, and board to the bank outlets located at the airports, whose employees are present 24 hours a day.

He pointed out that "this measure will facilitate the way travelers receive the dollar and ensure fair distribution and that the majority of travelers will not be forced to buy the dollar from the black market with a large difference from the official price, which constitutes pressure that represents one of the factors that contributed to raising the exchange rate months ago."اقتصـاد/مركز-اقتصادي-يقترح-تغيير-لية-تسليم-الدولار-للمسافرين-في-المطارات-العراقية


 MarkZ & Militia Man 

  Question:  What happens if they just print new notes and the dinar we hold are not good anymore?  

MarkZ:  That will never be accepted in the international world. You would have to have a closed economy to do that…like N. Korea. You cannot do that to the international world though.  

Militia Man:   We can clearly see the people behind this – the WTO, The IMF, The world Bank…the BIS, the Federal Reserve bank…

The US, Canada, The UK…all kinds of countries hold dinar in their foreign reserves. Iraq cannot just say…”Sorry guys- we aren’t paying you” That is not going to happen. We are talking trillions. 

Look at the US- The US embassy in Iraq is one of the biggest in the world. One of our presidents said we are going to get paid back for this. They are planning big things over the next few months and need an exchange rate to match. Sudani has been moving on steroids to get this done.

Iraq GOOD NEWS Progress Report - IQD Exchange Rate is Up Slightly BY SANDY INGRAM

Erbil announces completion of over 1000 projects in 2023, 4 JAN

 Shafaq News / The capital of the Kurdistan Region, Erbil Province, disclosed the number of completed projects throughout the past year, 2023.

Erbil Governor Omed Khushnaw, during a press conference stated that the local government in Erbil has succeeded in completing 1053 projects across various sectors during the year 2023.

He further mentioned that the budget for these accomplished projects in Erbil reached 202.5 billion dinars, sourced from the province's budget, ministries, and revenues from service departments. Additionally, he highlighted the allocation of 130 billion dinars from the Provincial Development Budget for the year 2024.

Khushnaw elaborated that the completed projects encompassed several sectors, including road construction, flood prevention initiatives, water, and sanitation projects.


 Judy Note:

  • Wed. 3 Jan. Bitcoin Slumps as $540 million liquidated from Crypto Market in four hours. Stock Market in red all day.

If you were reading this Update on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.


  • On Tues. 26 Dec. 2024 GESARA was softly announced publicly to select media outlets through the Starlink Satellite system, which made it legal. GESARA has started between all governments worldwide. NESARA is now liquid under the USN. The money is flowing
  • Mon. 1 Jan. The RV occurred for Iraq; the new in-country Iraqi Dinar rate was being used in-country in Iraq, while the fiat US Federal Dollar was banned from the country.
  • By sometime Thurs. 4 Jan. according to two contacts Bond Holders to have liquidity and Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) should receive notifications to set redemption and exchange appointments.
  • On Fri. 5 Jan. US Restitution Allowances slated to begin to be paid out (unless Bond Holders have not yet received liquidity).
  • Sun. Midnight Jan. 7 to Mon. Jan. 8 Alexa: The lockdown for disclosure will begin atSun. midnight Jan. 7 to Mon. Jan. 8 and will last for a couple of weeks.
  • Formal public announcements of NESARA, GESARA and the new gold/asset-backed US Note were expected on or before Thurs. 11 Jan. 2024.
  • By Tues. 30 Jan. countries across the Globe would be fully integrated into the Quantum Financial System.

Global Currency Reset:

  • For some time the Iraqi Dinar has been trading upward on the back screens of the Forex. By Jan. 1 2024 the new Dinar in-country Rate was being used within Iraq, while the fiat US Federal Dollar was outlawed in the country.
  • A Bond Paymaster with connections in Miami and Geneva expected the Bond Holders to have liquidity and Tier4b to set appointments by Thurs. 4 Jan. A Banker felt the Tier4b would also be able to set appointments by Thurs. 4 Jan.

Iraq Dinar - Dispurse Payments - Stage Set for Internationalism - Timing...BY MILITIAMAN

Iraqi armed forces hold the international coalition responsible for bombing Baghdad, 4 JAN

 Shafaq News / A military spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces on Thursday blamed the U.S.-led international coalition for the bombing that targeted a popular crowd headquarters in Baghdad, and caused casualties, liking the bombing as an “terrorist act.”

The spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Yahya Rasool Abdullah, said in a statement to Shafaq News, that “in a blatant attack and a blatant attack on the sovereignty and security of Iraq, a drone did nothing different from terrorist acts, targeting one of the security headquarters in the capital Baghdad, on Thursday, which led to victims in this total and detailed rejected incident.”

He added that the Iraqi armed forces hold the international coalition forces responsible for this unprovoked attack on an Iraqi security party acting in accordance with the powers granted to it by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, which undermines all understandings between the Iraqi armed forces and the international coalition forces.

The statement continued, “We consider this targeting a dangerous escalation and an attack on Iraq and away from the spirit and letter of the mandate and the work for which the international coalition existed in Iraq.”أمـن/الجيش-العراقي-يحم-ل-التحالف-الدولي-مس-ولية-قصف-بغداد-ويصفه-بـ-الارهابي

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