Tuesday, March 12, 2024


  Mnt Goat  


Quote:  "On February 21, the Federal Supreme Court ruled that the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government must hand over “all oil and non-oil revenues” to Baghdad. "   This is a solid start to getting the Oil and Gas Law completed and to parliament for a vote. This must be completed to finish a Constitutional requirement to fully implement the new 2005 Iraqi Constitution. This was told to me a decade ago that this is critical to normalizing Iraq

 So this is all excellent news for us today.

Iraqi Dinar🔥Approved RV Of Iraqi Dinar IMF Big Announcement Today 2024🔥i...



 [via PDK]  Comment: I think .76 cents is a sucker rate.  MarkZ:  I also believe .76 cents would be a sucker rate.  Comment:  Maybe .76 cents prepares the forex market for what is to come. So $3.50 to $4.25 won’t surprise them?   MarkZ:  I agree and it also prepares the people for a different rate. This big a change needs to be prepared for.

  Comment:   ...contacts in Iraq...think it will go between the 10th to the 24th of March.  MarkZ:  That’s the general consensus amongst my Iraqi contacts as well….  We will see how it plays out.

Sudani: We are going through a golden opportunity to regain the confidence of the people and the concern about the success of the government is unjustified, 13 MARCH

 Sudani: We are going through a golden opportunity to regain the confidence of the people and the concern about the success of the government is unjustified, 13 MARCH

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani said that the political system in Iraq, “is going through a golden opportunity,” in restoring the people’s confidence in it.

Al-Sudani said in a press interview, “Today, we address the most important thing that the political system has lost is the confidence of the people, which is the secret of success and strength for this government and today we live with a golden opportunity to restore the people’s confidence in this system.”

“We have received 1,542 projects that have been lagging behind since 2005 and they represent a waste of public money and their activation have carried the state many times its cost due to the extinction and price difference,” he added.
Al-Sudani pointed out that “political arguments have hindered and disrupted many achievements and projects,” noting that “solutions exist for all problems and may not be solved, but it can be said that most of them.”

“The current government was formed by a pure Iraqi decision without external disruption,” he continued.
He stressed that “the provision of services needs legislation and the government will continue its work to implement its program,” noting that “services have been developed as a priority because of the need of citizens for them, which is an important task for security, community and therefore political stability.”

“There is unjustified concern about the success of the government and it is reflected in the political competition and the size of that or that political force,” Al-Sudani said.
He stressed that “the government is ready to hold the upcoming parliamentary elections,” stressing that “we do not allow the exploitation of state resources in elections and the government will not tolerate the change of positions in elections.”
“The financial challenge may limit the expansion of projects,” Sudani said.


IMPORTANT NOTICE: When you go to the REDEMPTION CENTRE for Your Appt.. , 13 MARCH

IMPORTANT NOTICE: When you go to the REDEMPTION CENTRE for Your Appt.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: When you go to the REDEMPTION CENTRE for Your Appt. Make Sure You NEVER just hand over your Currencies or ZIM for EXCHANGE w/o asking the following questions first w/ someone from there as a WITNESS. Write everything down and have the person asking and answering your questions print their name and initial or sign what you wrote down.

Here’s why:

1) When the security person asks for your currency and ZIM to verify it with the De la Rue Machine to determine if it is AUTHENTIC, DO NOT just hand it over. I REPEAT, DO NOT just hand it over. Do one Country and one denomination at-a-time. Ask them if by handing it over to them “ ARE YOU EXCHANGING IT?” Their answer should be no.

2) This become MOST IMPORTANT when they are giving you the rates. You MUST make sure you have all your questions answered first before “handing-over” ANYTHING. Have you completed the Summary Sheet for each currency? Have you separated everything by Country and denomination and put in separate clear ZIP-LOCK Bags, ie., Dinar -$1,000, $5,000, $20,000 so you will have a post-it with  of each, then paperclip each stack. Put each in it’s own ZL Bag then put Dinar ZLB’s (3 in this Example) into 1 that Holds All three.

3) People that walk-in “UNPREPARED” will be the 1st to “SPIN-OUT” (their head will not think straight) and they will make HUGE MISTAKES. REMEMBER: They are not there to tell you what to do or fix what you haven’t done. You are on the CLOCK, so you must have your head on straight. Practice w/ a friend or Spouse, etc

4) ZIM STEP ARE EXTRA CRITICAL; Are you aware there could be “LIMITS” on just how many ZIM you can EXCHANGE for FULL PAYOUT. Right, now, your head is on the edge of “SPINNING-OUT” because this is most likely the first time you’ve heard me or anyone else mention it. Now, QUICK! What is the Capital of Rhode Island?

Your answer should be, heck I don’t know. That was your one practice situation. And, so long as you can stay calm and breathe, why are you there? To “EXCHANGE” YOUR CURRENCIES AND ZIM.



Please Share The World!  

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Big News: Is Iraq's RV Happening This Week? 🔥Guru News E...



"The Federal Reserve Board announced that the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) will cease making new loans as scheduled on March 11. The program will continue to make loans until that time and is available as an additional source of liquidity for eligible institutions."   17 hours ago

We talked about this around 2 years ago. Look for banking consolidations to take place. Those capable of meeting Capital 3 requirements will move forward.

Here is where the rubber meets the road. The integration of a Digital Gold Banking System will begin taking its first steps into the Global arena tomorrow. 

© Goldilocks


The logic of power imposes itself. America will not remove its forces from Iraq by peaceful means, 12 MARCH

 The logic of power imposes itself. America will not remove its forces from Iraq by peaceful means

Information / Baghdad...

The logic of force or resorting to the language of weapons is one of the very available options to remove the American occupier from Iraqi territory, as history imposes itself and recreates its events through what happened before 2011 of jihadist operations and painful blows by the Islamic resistance Against the American occupation and its bases spread in the country.

  These strikes prompted the US administration at the time to negotiate a withdrawal from Iraq, despite Washington's many options that could constitute a pressure factor on the federal government to ensure the presence of its forces militarily on the ground of Iraq, but the popular rejection imposes itself and puts dots on the letters in order to get rid of the American occupier.

Hussein al-Karawi, head of the organizing body of the popular movement for the Belt and Road, told Al-Maalouma that "the historical facts with the American side confirm that its military forces will not leave Iraq by peaceful and diplomatic means."

He added, "Their exit from the country in 2011 was preceded by successful strikes and major jihadist work by the Islamic resistance factions to ensure their expulsion from the country."



...This Saturday I had my normal call to my CBI contact in Iraq and was told they too are waiting for the signal to go ahead with the Project to Delete the Zeros. This is the next step. Everything from the Iraqi side has ben cleared but the US Treasury has not yet given their assurance of the reinstatement once the process moves to the next step. The CBI now wants this in writing and a formal document stating the approvals. They are waiting for this to come.

Already we know that what has been accomplished in the de-dollarization process is hard to undo at that point and would only lead to more mistrust of the government and the CBI banking system if they decided to turn back. So, there is no turning back and they must move ahead. But when? What is holding it up?

Don’t be discouraged, the currency reform and banking process has come a very long way in a short period of time since January 2023 compared to waiting since 2011, when the plan originated with the IMF on how to turn the currency back on. So we went 11 years with not much progress then suddenly a huge jump which tells us something is up. This alone is all telling. We must take this solid evidence and use it, not some stupid rumors.

So, my contact in the CBI could NOT answer these questions either, when I asked it. I was told it is now a “political” issue with the Biden administration in the USA. This did not surprise me a bit but to hear it from my contact in Iraq but did surprise me since even now they too recognize political games are getting in the way of Iraqi monetary sovereignty. There is a very good article in today’s news that might sum up what my CBI contact was talking about. I quote from the article – “  The head of the organizing body of the Belt and Road Popular Movement, Hussein Al-Karaawi, warned of European-American attempts to drag Iraq through economic projects towards normalization with the Zionist entity, and the implementation of a new plan in the region.”.

To me this tells a tail of western manipulation of the Iraqi economy and pressure not to let them make their own decision on how to run their own country. If you go to the articles section you can read my further comments on this issue. It is under the article title – “AL-KARAAWI WARNS OF ECONOMIC PROJECTS THAT WILL DRAG IRAQ TOWARDS NORMALIZATION”. But I ask whose version of normalization? Will Iraq succumb to the globalist One World Government bullshit empire or will they truly be able to regain their true identity as a FREE nation? They see it too and how the WEF and the UN are attempting to manipulate countries. They are not dumb. This I believe is the struggle that is ongoing between the west (US and UK) and Iraq and very possibly the issue as to why we have not yet seen what we are being told to expect and the delay. I can’t give you all the details as I do not know them and will not lie to you or make something up. But I can smell something really fishy and it stinks! ....


Iraqi Dinar 🔥Iraqi Dinar Final Round Has Been Started 🔥Dinar update

Evening News with MarkZ. 03/12/2024

Tuesday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Good Evening…….Well its now officially Ramadan for the next month. Really hope that will not stop the RV. 

Member: Did your bond contact have that 4:00 meeting today?

MZ: That 4 pm meeting got moved to tomorrow morning around 10AM. Est. I hope to have an update by tomorrows stream . 

Member: For Canadians: Royal Bank of Canada has recently taken over HSBC private wealth clients, & has been Basel lll compliant since April 2023.

Member:  Did anyone hear the rumor that on March 14th the ATM’s will have the new money?

Member:  I asked the teller at Chase if the ATM’s will have the New Money? She had a smile on her face and told me I cannot confirm nor deny!!!

Member: If we RV before banks go down. Don’t we lose access to our new money too???

MZ: If we RV before banks go down…as we understand it will all then be asset backed and we will have nothing to worry about. 

Member: Mark I am starting to think this is all bullcrap …please talk me off the cliff

MZ:Were you paying attention yesterday morning?   Did you see the article yesterday where they are “OPENLY” talking about changing the rate …and we know they have formed a committee to educate folks on the repricing because of changing rates. We know its going to happen…it’s the “when” that is still the monkey on our backs….

Member: so, has the dinar RV’d at .76 Cents???

Member: the dinar hasn’t RV’d. Until it’s on the Forex (not Forex Live) then we won’t know the actual rate. The .76 is only the delete the zero rate and the REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate) hasn’t been added

Member: was thinking. 76 rate could that be just in country letting that float

Member: If Iraq were to delete the zeros and go from 1,320 to 1.32 per usd how long do you think that would last? Seems low ?

Member: Melody Hines was saying this afternoon that Iraq’s working through Ramadan there has been some debt forgiveness in the country

Member: Just tried to pull up USD/IQD on Forex Live and it is now not showing anything. Not sure what’s going on there.

Member:  Went to my local bank yesterday and asked to buy some Dinar's and she smiled and said we can't sell them at this time !!!! Things are crazy !!!

MZ: In world news: “Vanke-The Developer that will break China’s back”  This is one of the most respected in China and may be forced to sell for liquidity. This may be the last straw in breaking China’s real estate bubble. If it cascades and brings down their entire economy. And that would cause a domino effect in Europe because they are heavily invested in Asian banks. And that will lead to failures in the US because we are invested in Europe. Follow the dominos as they fall from east to west. 

MZ: This is a big one to watch. The time for a reset is nigh. They don’t have a choice. 

Member:  Thanks all….have a nice evening….See you in the AM


Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.



GUYS YOU CAN FIND ALOT OF INFO AT MARK'S WEBSITE: GO TO: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM



"The Iraqi government is currently weighing the question of changing the currency so that the official cost of a US dollar will be 1.32 Iraqi dinars instead of 1,320 dinars. Implementing such a decision is likely to significantly increase Al Sudani’s popularity."

This decision is currently shrouded in political conflict, this is seen as a move to gain popularity by many in the region of Iraq. 

Although this is going to be a reality due to many of the changes in their monetary policies, there are those who still do not want any changes to Iraq's currency. 

The important thing to note in this article is that a rate is being considered. It is also needed due to more countries getting involved in their economy that will require them to raise their current Dinar rate to level the playing field in trade. 

If you look closer at the numbers written into this article, you will notice that the first move on the Dinar would be to drop the three zeros. It makes things very clear what they mean by such a change in their rate. 

Meanwhile, Iraq has agreed to implement their economic reforms this year. They are working with the IMF in this process.

© Goldilocks 


Will American forces leave Iraq through negotiation? , 12 MARCH

 Will American forces leave Iraq through negotiation?

 The head of the organizing body of the Belt and Road Popular Movement, Hussein Al-Karaawi, on Tuesday ruled out the exit of the American occupation from Iraq through the ongoing negotiations between Baghdad and Washington, to end the military presence of the forces of the so-called international coalition.

Al-Karaawi told Al-Maalouma, “Historical facts with the American side confirm that its military forces will not leave Iraq through peaceful and diplomatic means, as their exit from the country in 2011 was preceded by successive strikes and major jihadist work by the Islamic resistance factions to ensure their expulsion from the country.”

He added, "America seeks through many ways to remain militarily inside Iraq, despite the presence of ongoing negotiations between the federal government and the American side regarding military withdrawal from Iraqi territory."

He stated that "Iraq has the ability and potential to protect and secure its lands and preserve them from any risks that may be exposed to them, and it also has the potential to secure the path to development and other economic projects without the need for the presence of any foreign military." link



Spring is just a week away and with it comes renewal and refresh. Soon follows the warmer weather and hazy, lazy days of summer…..

I am having a hard time composing the status of the RV today and want desperately to bring you some more good news, but nothing has really changed much since my last couple Newsletters. At that time, as all the news was telling us, the CBI and the Finance Committee of the GOI were discussing how the Project to Delete the Zeros and change-out of the currency would work. Many still remember the change-out from the Saddam notes in 2004. It will be a similar process. So, from this news we know that they are ready to go with this next step of the process.   

This Saturday I had my normal call to my CBI contact in Iraq and was told they too are waiting for the signal to go ahead with the Project to Delete the Zeros. This is the next step. Everything from the Iraqi side has ben cleared but the US Treasury has not yet given their assurance of the reinstatement once the process moves to the next step. The CBI now wants this in writing and a formal document stating the approvals. They are waiting for this to come.

Already we know that what has been accomplished in the de-dollarization process is hard to undo at that point and would only lead to more mistrust of the government and the CBI banking system if they decided to turn back. So, there is no turning back and they must move ahead. But when? What is holding it up?

Don’t be discouraged, the currency reform and banking process has come a very long way in a short period of time since January 2023 compared to waiting since 2011, when the plan originated with the IMF on how to turn the currency back on. So we went 11 years with not much progress then suddenly a huge jump which tells us something is up. This alone is all telling. We must take this solid evidence and use it, not some stupid rumors.

So, my contact in the CBI could NOT answer these questions either, when I asked it. I was told it is now a “political” issue with the Biden administration in the USA. This did not surprise me a bit but to hear it from my contact in Iraq but did surprise me since even now they too recognize political games are getting in the way of Iraqi monetary sovereignty. There is a very good article in today’s news that might sum up what my CBI contact was talking about. I quote from the article – “ The head of the organizing body of the Belt and Road Popular Movement, Hussein Al-Karaawi, warned of European-American attempts to drag Iraq through economic projects towards normalization with the Zionist entity, and the implementation of a new plan in the region.”.

To me this tells a tail of western manipulation of the Iraqi economy and pressure not to let them make their own decision on how to run their own country. If you go to the articles section you can read my further comments on this issue. It is under the article title – “AL-KARAAWI WARNS OF ECONOMIC PROJECTS THAT WILL DRAG IRAQ TOWARDS NORMALIZATION”. But I ask who’s version of normalization? Will Iraq succumb to the globalist One World Government bullshit empire or will they truly be able to regain their true identity as a FREE nation? They see it too and how the WEF and the UN are attempting to manipulate countries. They are not dumb. This I believe is the struggle that is ongoing between the west (US and UK) and Iraq and very possibly the issue as to why we have not yet seen what we are being told to expect and the delay. I can’t give you all the details as I do not know them and will not lie to you or make something up. But I can smell something really fishy and it stinks! 

So, the RV has not yet happened. As 2024 progresses we are seeing more and more exposure of the USA corruption. This all goes hand in hand with what is happening in Iraq. The parallels are amazing. God’s Hand is at work! I will leave it up to you to decide on your own as to what is holding this progress of currency reform and this next step. I don’t want to put out any lies and my goal is just to bring you the TRUTH and FACTS, then you decide and make your own opinions.

But when you do make your own OPINION, please, please do it on FACTS and not some intel guru rumors. Here are some facts once again to consider. Yes, I will keep reiterating these FACTS because FACTS are FACTS and they are reality. If Iraq is to progress, as they say is their goal, they will need a globally recognized and traded currency once again and get it VERY SOON!  

  • We know they are completely out of Chapter VII sanctions since December 2022, and so why not treat them as such?
  • We know they want the Iraq funds (nearly USD 115+ billion) released from the NY banks and put in their custody to do what they want with it. They are tired of being bullied by the U.S. with their own money.
  • We know they have plans for yet more Sovereign Funds to invest their reserves.
  • We know they are making agreements now for “currency swaps” for trade with Iran, China, Turkey, Kuwait, Emirates, and many EU countries as Iraq will no longer be using any US dollars in Iraq as of January 1st 2024.
  • We know that the IMF is now working on the final stages of pulling together agreements to build a new basket of six (6) currencies to re-peg the IQD.
  • More pressure from Iraqi economics advisors to the government to use a “basket” of currencies for the new dinar peg. This is the IMF plan of 2011 all along.
  • We know since January they have undertaken a massive “de-dollarization” program and told it should have taken 6 years but they decided to do it in 1 year (2023). Why such a hurry?
  • We know the value of the IQD right now does exceed even pre-1991 era but still at 1/6 of a penny for a rate? The value won’t go up, its already there. Get it? Why is it being suppressed? Iraq needs to see a rate reflecting the TRUE VALUE. What is holding it back?
  • We know Iraq now pumps 2/3 more oil than in pre-1991 era.
  • Iraq also has announced 132+ tons of GOLD reserves.
  • We know they are pushing this year alone, more than any other year since 2005, for the passing of Oil and Gas law. Why?
  • We know for a FACT that it is the U.S. through the Treasury Dept. direction that will NOT give sign-off to allow the reinstatement. Why?
  • Finally, the CBI has told us many times already that January is the most opportune time to reinstate for accounting purposes, since it begins their new FISCAL year (for accounting purposes).
  • Imminent World Trade Organization full accession
  • The Central Bank of Iraq is heading to cancel the electronic platform and the currency auction soon.
  • Banks will be responsible for financing foreign trade directly through the dollars they own and not from the CBI reserves.
  • Banks will be fully responsible for auditing invoices and transfers, which is the practice globally.

Please just be patient! The reinstatement is coming and I firmly believe from what we now already know and are about to witness is the major part of the Banking Reforms that everything else was geared up to support over the past 11 years. Iraq is about to get out of the sanctioned mindset / banking practices and return to common global banking practices of how they will be doing business with the rest of the world.

Remember Speedy Gonzales – nothing is done quickly in Iraq!


I'll take the Basel IV compliant exchange rate of $3.80 03/11/24 BY PIMPY



FRANK26: "I LIKE SURPRISES... SMILE!!!"..............F26

Chambers of Commerce reveal their expectations for the “parallel market” in Ramadan: decline is the dominant feature






Today, Monday (March 11, 2024), the head of the Diyala Chamber of Commerce, Muhammad Al-Tamimi, revealed his expectations for the dollar exchange rate in parallel markets during the month of Ramadan, while stating that the decline will be the dominant feature.

Al-Tamimi told "Baghdad Today", "The exchange rate of the dollar in the parallel market at the present time is somewhat stable," indicating that "the government's measures have contributed to reducing the phenomenon of dollarization in the markets, pushing towards electronic circulation of funds, and reducing the phenomenon of smuggling."

He added, "Government policies have greatly reduced speculation that was generating billions of dinars to parallel market whales and smuggling," adding, "If it had not been for government intervention, the dollar exchange rate would have been strongly approaching 200,000 dinars for every $100 "

Al-Tamimi pointed out, “Our expectations for the dollar exchange rate in Ramadan indicate a continuation of the slow decline to below 150,000 dinars per 100 dollars,but we are in a situation where crises or surprises could occur that change the course of the exchange rate within hours, but in all cases the decline is The dominant feature of the parallel market.

The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed on Wednesday (March 6, 2024) that the dollar is controlled by the relevant government agencies, calling for not taking into account the rumors of losing and corrupt parties.

Committee member Moin Al-Kazemi told “Baghdad Today” that “there are some politically losing parties and personalities who have major suspicions of corruption, working to continue spreading rumors that the government is not in control of the dollar market and the Iraqi dinar is declining , for the purpose of political influence as well as influencing the market.”

Al-Kadhimi added, “The government is currently in complete control of the dollar in all its transactions, and there is real and serious work to strengthen the Iraqi dinar,” stressing that “everyone is required not to take into account the rumors of losing and corrupt parties, as they do not want economic stability, to achieve their suspicious agendas.”



🔹RV UPDATES🔹: Sources are affirming Mel’s update!!!, 26 MARCH

 Sources are affirming Mel’s update!!! Please READ: 🔹RV UPDATES🔹 That Mel DOES CONFIRM.(abbreviated version 3/24/25)  She confirms ...