Sunday, November 17, 2024

Opening of the Unified National Card System at the Iraqi Embassy in the Emirates, 18 NOV

 Opening of the Unified National Card System at the Iraqi Embassy in the Emirates

Today, Sunday, November 17, 2024, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussein, inaugurated the unified national card system at the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in the United Arab Emirates, in the presence of Ambassador Muzaffar Mustafa Al-Jubouri and the Consul General in Dubai and the Northern Emirates, Amad Abdul Hamid.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs stressed in a speech on the occasion, according to a statement by the ministry, received by "Baghdad Today", that: "The opening of the unified national card system represents a strategic step towards developing public services, and embodies the government's commitment to providing the best for every Iraqi citizen."

He explained that "the unified national card is not just an official identification document, but rather a symbol of the unity of Iraq and the cohesion of its people. The system aims to facilitate procedures for citizens, ensuring that they obtain services efficiently and quickly, without suffering."

For his part, the Iraqi Ambassador to the UAE, Muzaffar Mustafa Al-Jubouri, praised the “great efforts made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, headed by Minister Fuad Hussein, in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior, headed by Minister Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, to achieve this important project.”

He stressed that "this step comes in response to the needs of the Iraqi community abroad, which aspires to modern and effective services that strengthen its connection to the homeland," adding that "the project places the Iraqi citizen abroad at the heart of the priorities, which provides him with easy access to distinguished services."

At the end of the ceremony, the Minister of Foreign Affairs conducted an inspection tour to see the work of the system, where the specialized team sent by the Ministry of Interior provided a brief explanation of the mechanism for issuing the unified national card.

For their part, a group of Iraqi community members present expressed their thanks and appreciation for the consular services provided by the embassy, ​​praising the facilitation of their official transactions and the strengthening of their communication with their mother country.  link



  [JP Morgan Bank story] 

 ...I was ecstatic, I talked to Vice President of Wealth Management at JP Morgan. 

 The Vice President told me in his office they will 100% most definitely come to the house with security guards and take me to the bank if I need.  They will provide a shuttle because at that point you're walking with money that's worth an ungodly amount... 

They told me when the time comes they would be able to provide an escort with people to take me to and from so I can conduct my business before or after hours...

FRANK26: All they talked about this week was the HCL @DINARREVALUATION


Thirty US companies visit Kurdistan Region, new agreement signed to enhance trade and investment, 18 NOV

 Thirty US companies visit Kurdistan Region, new agreement signed to enhance trade and investment

Kurdish and American companies signed an agreement to enhance coordination in trade and investment, the Kurdistan Region’s Board of Investment announced, on Sunday, during a visit by a delegation of 30 American companies.

In a press conference attended by Shafaq News correspondent, the Head of the Board, Mohammed Shukri, explained that “the American delegation met with Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Prime Minister Masrour Barzani before holding a joint meeting at the Erbil Chamber of Commerce.”

The meeting included local business leaders and members of the Board of Investment, aiming to strengthen commercial cooperation and increase American investments in the region.

“Foreign expertise represents a significant opportunity to support Kurdistan’s economic and commercial sectors to achieve further growth,” Shukri emphasized.

“Kurdish and American businessmen agreed to enhance coordination and expand the scope of trade and foreign investments, despite current economic challenges,” he revealed. link



 Billboards with lower note pictures and explanations about them, if that was true, if that had any possibility, then the moment that would happen would cause...

there cannot be a gap between when they show it and when they release it [the rate] IMO. 

 Once they show [them], the time frame for them to release it [the rate] would have to be extremely short. 

 There should be no gap between the two events.  It should be simultaneously.  



Iraq, World Bank discuss Advisory Project to Support Reforms, 18 NOV

   Iraq, World Bank discuss Advisory Project to Support Reforms

The Iraqi Ministry of Planning held a meeting with the World Bank's Reform, Recovery, and Reconstruction Fund team to discuss a proposal for advisory services and support for implementing selected reform strategies.

The $3.6-million project, funded by the World Bank, aims to enhance transparency and the efficiency of public services through policy advice and strategic implementation support.

Discussions focused on the project's technical aspects and the coordination between governmental agencies and the World Bank. The initiative is structured around three pillars: advancing e-government capabilities, improving public resource management, and providing flexible support for priority reforms. link



 Dr. Shabibi was looking for...the start of a year or at the start of a quarter.  That's why November and December to me is the time frame to show and reveal everything in the manner that Sudani just did...

By confessing to Iraqi citizens that your currency is going to be so powerful very soon and then compares your currency to Kuwait...? ...

All of these things Sudani has ever dreamed about giving Iraqi citizens is now in his hands.  He has the power...Sudani is trying to tell you get ready with our banks!

MARKZ: "They are preparing for that international status" @DINARREVALUATION


IRAQ NEWS: The Iraqi government has yet to take concrete steps to resume oil exports from the Kurdistan Region, 26 MARCH

 IRAQ NEWS The Iraqi government has yet to take concrete steps to resume oil exports from the Kurdistan Region, which have been halted for ...