Monday, January 15, 2024

Al-Saadi directs a request to the President of the Republic regarding Romanowski and warns, 16 JAN

Al-Saadi directs a request to the President of the Republic regarding Romanowski and warns

Today, Monday, a member of the House of Representatives, Saud Al-Saadi, sent a request to the Presidency of the Republic regarding the American ambassador to Iraq, while warning of the continued targeting of the leaders of the Popular Mobilization Forces.

Al-Saadi said, in an interview with the “Al-Ma’louma” Agency, that “The President of the Republic is required, according to the Constitution, and in accordance with the provisions of Articles 1, 9, and 67, to expel the American ambassador to Iraq, in accordance with the constitutional powers granted to him, especially Article 73 of the Iraqi Constitution, after the continued American bombing of the headquarters of the security forces.”

He added, “These attacks are a blatant violation that cannot be tolerated, as they may lead to the continuation of a series of repeated targeting of the leaders of the Popular Mobilization Forces, which is witnessing successive American operations to attack them one after another, in light of the government and parliamentary silence.”

The member of the House of Representatives explained, “These repeated American attacks must be confronted with real reactions from government and parliamentary bodies, and the implementation of the 2020 resolution should proceed.”

Earlier today, Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, called on the government to implement the decision to end the foreign presence in Iraq, indicating that the House of Representatives’ decision to end the presence of foreign forces in Iraq is a principled and firm decision.

Most of the Iraqi political forces issued their support for the Prime Minister regarding the steps to remove American forces from Iraq after a series of attacks against the Iraqi security forces.



Just Waiting for Green Light!💣Iraq's Gold Reserve🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

American politicians: The United States may seize Iraq’s funds if it withdraws its forces, 16 JAN

 American politicians: The United States may seize Iraq’s funds if it withdraws its forces, 16 JAN

A report by the American Century Institute website confirmed that although the numbers have decreased significantly from a peak of about 130,000 soldiers during the American invasion of Iraq in 2003, there are still about 2,500 American soldiers stationed in Iraq and they are mostly there as part of the coalition. The international presence under the pretext of fighting ISIS.

The report, translated by the “Al-Ma’louma” Agency, stated that “demands to remove American forces from Iraq escalated after the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani and the Deputy Head of the Popular Mobilization Forces, Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, near Baghdad Airport, and the demands increased due to the American position in the war in Gaza and the United States’ support for the Israeli aggression.” On the Palestinian people.”

Political analyst Sajjad Jiyad said, “If we are really honest, the discussion about the American presence has moved from the anti-ISIS mission,” adding, “Iraq does not need the same amount of support that it needed in the past, and the Iraqis have sufficient capabilities to prevent ISIS from relaunching.” A widespread insurgency, but the United States sees Iraq as a place from which it can confront so-called Iranian influence, and its bases in the country serve American strategic purposes.

The report stated, “The United States made clear that it wanted to remain in Iraq, while Jiyad explained that if they were to leave permanently, or if they were forced to leave, the Americans indicated that this might change things for the worse.”

Jiyad stated, “Forcing American forces to leave may cause problems, including the threat of sanctions, the possibility of detaining billions of Iraqi foreign reserves currently in the United States, and stopping military cooperation in the field of armaments.”

Jiyad concluded his speech by saying, “I think that the Iraqi government is in a very difficult situation at the present time and may want to negotiate a way out of this situation because it depends only on the seriousness of the events on the ground.”



[via PDK]  There is a lot of expectations in the banking world because it’s a 3 day weekend...there is a lot of “pie in the sky” stuff being talked about …but is it verifiable? ... What is verifiable is they (Iraq) are in a mad dash to get dinar out of circulation to reduce the money supply and support a higher value. We can also verify they are taking strategic, solid steps to increase the value of the dinar opposed to the US dollar.

[via PDK]  There is a lot of good news coming out of Iraq… Lots of good group chatter...There is all kinds of exciting rumors.

  “Sudani: We are proceeding in the wheel of reconstruction and construction despite the challenges facing us”  Sudani says they are meeting and fulfilling their promises to the Iraqi people.  Part of the wheel of reconstruction is the Monetary reform and the White Papers and making the dinar stronger and more valuable.

The news continues to be great…Things look great and I’m not hearing anything negative...We just have to wait and see what is real …We are getting so many things thrown at us…we don’t know yet what is accurate... Most groups are looking for over the weekend or first of next week…let’s see what happens

”Here is a great article written last August..”The Kuwaiti Dinar: A closer look at the world’s strongest currency”   this talks about the history of the Kuwait dinar and why it is so valued…They have many of the same things going for it that Iraq now has.  What does that tell us? The Iraqi dinar should be worth the same or higher…imo

[via PDK]  There is a lot of good news coming out of Iraq… Lots of good group chatter...There is all kinds of exciting rumors.

[via PDK]   “Sudani: We are proceeding in the wheel of reconstruction and construction despite the challenges facing us”  Sudani says they are meeting and fulfilling their promises to the Iraqi people.  Part of the wheel of reconstruction is the Monetary reform and the White Papers and making the dinar stronger and more valuable.

 The news continues to be great…Things look great and I’m not hearing anything negative...We just have to wait and see what is real …We are getting so many things thrown at us…we don’t know yet what is accurate... Most groups are looking for over the weekend or first of next week…let’s see what happens.

 ”Here is a great article written last August..”The Kuwaiti Dinar: A closer look at the world’s strongest currency”   this talks about the history of the Kuwait dinar and why it is so valued…They have many of the same things going for it that Iraq now has.  What does that tell us? The Iraqi dinar should be worth the same or higher…imo

Good news

Iraq returns to the World Trade Organization 14 years after its expulsion, 16 JAN

Iraq returns to the World Trade Organization 14 years after its expulsion

Economy News _ Baghdad

Iraq is preparing for a major change in the file of trade with the countries of the world and is preparing to exceed the limits set for Iraqi goods, with its return to the World Trade Organization 14 years after it was expelled as a result of its failure to adhere to the organization’s meetings.
The head of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s mission to the World Trade Organization/the Saudi Permanent Representative to the World Trade Organization and responsible for the file of Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization, Saqr al-Muqbel, visited Iraq today, Monday, and delivered a speech in which he reviewed the importance of joining the World Trade Organization.

Al-Muqbil said in a press conference followed by Al-Iqtisad News, “I find Iraq’s accession to be a serious message from Iraq to the whole world, that Iraq is continuing its path of engagement with the whole world,” adding: “I find myself among my loved ones and brothers to do everything we have for your participation.” “The Kingdom’s successful experience in joining the World Trade Organization.”

He explained, “The Kingdom joined the World Trade Organization in 2005, and our non-oil merchandise exports amounted to about 18 billion dollars, and exports have now reached 84 billion dollars with the world,” noting that “the Kingdom’s service exports alone amounted to about 11 billion dollars in 2005 and have now reached more than 34 billion dollars.

He pointed out that “these achievements depend on Iraq’s signals to join and accelerate its pace to find Iraq in its usual position and as one of the largest economies in the Arab region and the Middle East.”

For his part, the Iraqi Minister of Commerce, Atheer Al-Ghurairi, said, “Iraq is taking steps to return as a strong economic player by opening relations with Arab countries and all countries of the world,” noting that “today, within a year, we were able to finalize three files and submit them to the committee related to Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization.” global trade in goods and services.

He stated that “Iraq joined as an observer in the World Trade Organization in 2004, and in 2009 Iraq stopped meetings and reached the point of being removed from the organization, and last year 2023, through continuous work on that and with the help of Saudi Arabia and the head of the Saudi mission in the organization, Iraq returned as an observer to the organization.” Global trade, and we accomplished in one year the equivalent of more than 15 years’ work.”

Regarding the benefit of joining, Al-Ghurairi explained, “It means that the Iraqi economy enjoys any specifications enjoyed by world economies, but this does not replace the necessity of internal reform.”

He stated that “opening the doors to Iraqi goods and trade exchange through global controls will protect Iraq from entering the global market with its weight in the event that it fulfills its requirements and that our production is international and not local,” noting that “Iraqi goods are now not allowed to go outside certain borders, and joining is possible.” To reach the farthest country in the world.”


Nader From The Mid East 

  We told you we're going to switch from dollars to dinar and that happened...They talked about it yesterday and I'm really excited about it.  Today they're talking about again about the market and how it's excellent...It's going up slowly.  Listen, it's a lot of steps to do.  They're working on it.  Everyday it's a new step and that's really good.  I'm excited about it.  I hope everybody getting excited.  Don't get too excited though.  Keep grounded.

 It's going to be $3.50 to 1 and it's going to play about Forex between $3.50 and $4.50.  It's true what I tell you. I'm not playing around.

 Many people sending me things, things about 2026.  I don't think they're going to wait till 2026.  I don't think whoever explained you this, he read it wrong...If it start to float it's going to go quick.  We just need to float it...If they did like they said and took off the dollar from the market, from the streets, things going to go quick...I agree with them that it's going to go up gradually but it's not going to take two or three years to reach 1 to 1...

 Question:  "Is the rate and the [lower] currency gonna come out together? I think yes.  This is why I think yes.  First, because they cannot change an exchange rate with a big numbers [rate] and Second, they cannot change a [lower] currency with the small exchange rate...If you change, you've gotta change both.  If you take the 3-zeros from the currency, you're gonna have to take the 3-zeros out of the exchange rate in the same time.    That's what I think.

Happy New Year, best wishes and all that stuff...A lot of people are sending me messages going like do you see any changes?  ...I don't know why you're asking me that. What you guys heard?  Who told you anything?  Some people wrote me tonight at midnight the currency will be launched.  Some people said their new rate will come out tonight at midnight ...I didn't see anything like that.   They didn't say they're going to change the rate tonight.  They didn't say they're coming out with currency tonight... They'll never tell you they're coming out with it...I'm not expecting anything tonight...

Iraqi Dinar | Iraq New Budget 2024 New Exchange Rate | Iraqi Dinar News ...

The Arrival Of The Budget Law For 2024 Is Near, 15 JAN

The Arrival Of The Budget Law For 2024 Is Near, 15 JAN

Today, Monday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee resumed its regular meetings with the beginning of the new legislative term, while confirming the imminent arrival of the budget law for the year 2024.

The media office of the Committee Chairman said in a statement received by “Earth News” that, “Today, the Parliamentary Finance Committee headed by Atwan Al-Atwani resumed its regular meetings with the beginning of the new legislative term; To discuss a number of topics related to its legislative and oversight work,” indicating, “The meeting discussed ways to conduct a rapid review of the committee’s work during the past legislative term and determine the priorities for the next phase in accordance with the ministerial platform, whether in terms of completing the requirements for legislating important laws or monitoring spending and removing obstacles and impediments that delay Implementing service and development plans and programmes.”

Al-Atwani stressed – according to the statement – that “the committee is awaiting the arrival of the budget law for 2024 soon to make the necessary amendments to its schedules,” stressing “the necessity of determining our priorities in accordance with the government program.”

He added, “We will have field visits in the coming days to ministries and governorates to follow up on the implementation of plans and programmes,” addressing the members of the committee by saying: “Your presence in the field is sufficient to solve all the legal and technical problems that delay the referral of strategic projects and hinder the completion of those that are lagging behind.”

He stated, “We have allocated additional funds to the governorates in order to implement strategic projects, and this requires us to follow up on financing and implementation,” pointing out “the necessity of working to overcome obstacles to completing school building projects that have been lagging for years.”



 Why is it that the Iraqi dinar is unstable?  That is because they rely too much on oil sales.   95% of their budget relies on oil sales.  There's too many people out there going, they got so much oil there's no reason why their currency isn't valuable.  No, you don't understand.  That's the problem.  Article quote "The CBI devalued the notation currency in December 2020 amid a sever drop in global crude prices which threatened economic collapse given Iraq's heavy dependence on oil exports..."   If it wasn't for the fact that they devalued the Iraqi dinar they would have collapsed...

 Article:  "Iraq and 4 Arab countries have more than 1 million tons of global gold reserves"   Why do they have so much gold?  Because you need that to strengthen your own local currency.  Gold is way more liquid than anything else.   If you want to make sure the currency stays strong you want to have tons of gold as well as foreign reserve assets in your holding.

Iraq's minimum exchange rate needs to be in order for them to be compliant with the IMF - Take the SDR $1.33 minus 2%...Iraq has to be at an exchange rate at a minimum in order to be in compliant with the IMF...$1.28...

Stop falling for that crap that there's no way Iraq can get all these major projects that they have listed in their budget unless they change the exchange rate.  That's false.  It's already accounted for.   The budget is already created with the proper amount of money set aside for these projects. It's just done in Iraqi dinars with the current exchange rate.

Iraqi Dinar Latest Exchange Rate And Budget Aproval Huge Update-Iraqi Di...

Economist: The Iraqi Central Bank returns to the forefront with a new strange decision!, 15 JAN

  Economist: The Iraqi Central Bank returns to the forefront with a new strange decision!

 Economic researcher, Ziad Al-Hashemi, said on Sunday that the Central Bank opened a new door to withdraw the dollar under the pretext of “borrowing” and then repaid the value of these dollar loans in dinars and at the official rate, without specifying any controls or standards that control dollar borrowing operations, which makes it a potential method. To receive the dollar and smuggle it or sell it for cash at the parallel price, and then repay its value at the official price and profit from the price differences.

Al-Hashemi stated in a post on the “X” platform,  that “the Iraqi Central Bank returns to the forefront with a new strange decision, as many were optimistic about the recent steps of the Iraqi Central Bank and considered them (reform) measures that will contribute to supporting the dinar, controlling the leakage of national hard currency, and stabilizing exchange rates, but It seems that the management of the Central Bank wants to raise controversy, suspicions and speculation again, through some strange decisions.”

He explained, “The Central Bank opened a new door to withdraw the dollar under the pretext of (borrowing) and then repaid the value of these dollar loans in dinars and at the official rate (according to the book below), and this book (according to its wording) does not specify any important controls or standards that control dollar borrowing operations, which This makes it a potential way to receive the dollar and smuggle it or sell it for cash at the parallel price, and then repay its value at the official price and profit from the price differences.”

He stated, “This potential fraudulent exploitation of the Iraqi dollar will refuel the smuggling and money laundering networks with cash dollars, and will increase the wealth of speculative parties (already wealthy) in dollars through differences in exchange rates.”

The economic researcher called on “the Central Bank to reconsider this book and discuss its potential repercussions on the Iraqi markets and economy, and to amend it in a way that preserves Iraqi funds and does not provoke the Fed again.”     link



 Article:  "Iraq returns to the World Trade Organization 14 years after its expulsion"  Quotes:  "Iraq is taking steps to return as a strong economic player by opening relations with Arab countries and all countries of the world..."; "...we accomplished in one year the equivalent of more than 15 years’ work..."


 Article:  "Sudanese participates in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland"

Article:  "More than 800 companies at the Baghdad International active Japanese presence and solid international companies enhancing their presence in the local market"

Iraqi dinar 🔥 Iraq new preparations for dinar rates 🔥 Dinar new rate update

BRICS New Development Bank Prepares to Release Bonds in Local Currencies, 15 JAN

 BRICS New Development Bank Prepares to Release Bonds in Local Currencies, 15 JAN

TEHRAN, Jan. 14 (MNA) – BRICS, a bloc of leading emerging markets, is preparing to launch new bonds in global markets, which will be available in local currencies rather than in the US dollar.

The BRICS bank, known as the New Development Bank (NDB), will soon release the bonds called ‘Maharaja Bonds’ worth $28 billion, IRNA reported on Sunday citing a press release by Watcher Guru, a website introducing itself as a leading source for finance focusing on cryptocurrency.

Watcher Guru did not specify the exact date the bonds will be released but said that NDB Chief Operating Officer Vladimir Kazbekov has announced that the bank is waiting for approvals from regulatory authorities.

The new bonds, according to the website, will be made available for governments, financial institutions, and regular investors.

They will be available for purchase in local currencies in an effort to strengthen them and to help boost their respective economies.

The plan to release the bonds is part of BRICS’s initiatives for de-dollarization as the alliance is moving ahead to reduce dependency on the American currency in an effort to reform the global economy.

BRICS is comprised of Brazil, China, Russia, India, and South Africa as well as six new members namely Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt, Argentina, and Ethiopia.

BRICS leaders, at their latest summit in late 2023, pledged to promote the use of local currencies as a way to ditch the US dollar, as they unanimously rejected exploiting the global economy for political purposes.


Source: Mehr News Agency



 I don't think they're waiting for much of anything right now.  They're moving fast.  They're moving quickly in every aspect of the monetary reform.  The next step is to show the lower exchange rate and to allow it to float on an international platform...These are not subjects we are proposing to you, these are subjects that are in the articles themselves...  

Question:  "Once the black [market] rate gets close to the official rate of 1320 will the CBI wait for a while to move to 1000 to be sure it's stable or will it quickly make the next move to 1000?

 Our desire is to see another exchange rate movement which would be somewhere between let's say 1,200 or 1,000 to 1.  We believe that's what will happen next.  But I don't think we'll get to see it because of the speed things are happening right now...

You are involved in this dinar investment.  The next step is the most crucial.  It's the most  dangerous for you...I'm concerned for you...I wish you well.  I've already prepared you.  I've already told you what to do...

 Question:  " Is the US government placing a hold on the currency revaluation to keep people from becoming wealthy?"

  No, our government has nothing to do with the monetary reform of the Central Bank of Iraq...We did everything possible to make them modern and they are.  But can we tell them, Okay go ahead do it now?  

 No.  It is strictly their prerogative.

The lower denoms to me is the most top secret subject of the monetary reform of Iraq.  The lower denoms and the new exchange rate that they have selected through the RV process.  That to me is the most critical piece of information to release and that should be released in the last seconds of the monetary reform.

Question: "Do you feel the dong will go with the dinar?

 I believe the dong is still a little bit behind the race of the monetary reform.  I believe Vietnam has a lot of issues with China.  I believe Vietnam ...dong has great potential...But unfortunately it is being shackled ...retarded ...abused by the banking policies that China continues to use...

Breaking News Iraqi Prime Minister and Central Bank Governor Attend Davo...

Iraq plans to stop international borrowing this year, 15 JAN

   Iraq plans to stop international borrowing this year

 Mawazine News-Baghdad
Advisor to the Prime Minister for Technical Affairs, Engineer Muhammad Al-Daraji, Chairman of the Committee to Review Foreign Foreign Loans to Iraq, revealed that the government is seeking to stop loans that do not benefit the country.

Al-Daraji said, in a statement to the newspaper (Al-Sabah) followed by / Mawazine News / "Iraq entered after 2003 a new wave of foreign loans and debts due to low oil prices and insufficient budget in most cases."

He added that "there was clear confusion and differences in estimating the size of Iraq's new foreign debt due to the existence of other debts before 2003," noting that "the new debts must have a clear picture of them in order to take appropriate measures in dealing with them in order to preserve the country's economy and its credit rank globally."

Al-Daraji explained that "loans are distributed between ministries and provinces in exchange for projects, and the task of the committee, which formed the inventory of loans and find out what projects, ministries or provinces benefited from them and what is their condition," noting that "debts entail interest that burdens Iraq and must be liquidated and reach final results in knowing the size of debts and how to repay them and their value for the economy."

The Prime Minister's Advisor for Technical Affairs said that "these debts may have been taken for certain reasons, but there is no added value to the Iraqi economy, which makes us study the debts again and proceed with the implementation of the projects for which the debt was borrowed, and if they are useless, they must be stopped and the debts returned to improve Iraq's financial situation internationally."

It is noteworthy that foreign foreign loans to Iraq are estimated at $ 25 billion, and the formation of this committee comes after those loans burdened the country during the past twenty years.


Monday January 15, 2024

Sheila Dakkar: Says


— Hernán in Baghdad IRAQ, there is a lot of fervor in the streets of Baghdad with the hope that they will give the green light to our DINAR currency today, Monday, January 15 or Tuesday, January 16, 2024, to enter internationally and Forex and thus revalue.

—The Prime Minister of our country

Mohamed Shia al Sudani, who is in DAVOS Switzerland, emphasized its REVALUATION in our currency.


Hernán Robert Hbravo



 Lunes 15 Enero 2024

Sheila Dakkar : Dice
Hernán en Bagdad IRAK, hay mucho fervor en las calles de Bagdad con la esperanza que den la luz verde a nuestra moneda DINAR hoy Lunes 15 o Martes 16 de Enero 2024, para ingresar internacionalmente y Forex y así revaluar.
— El primer ministro de nuestro país
Mohamed Shia al Sudani, que se encuentra en DAVOS Suiza, enfatizó en nuestra moneda su REVALUACION.
Hernán Robert Hbravo

🔥Iraqi Dinar🔥Thats the Plan🔥News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to USD🤑💵🤑🎉

Al-Sudani reaffirms the need to end the tasks of the international coalition in Iraq, 15 JAN

 Al-Sudani reaffirms the need to end the tasks of the international coalition in Iraq

Information/Baghdad.Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani on Monday reiterated Iraq's vision on ending the mission of the international coalition to fight ISIS.

A statement by the Sudanese office received by Al-Maalouma said that he "received, the Dutch ambassador to Iraq, Hans Sande, and during the meeting they reviewed bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to enhance them."During the meeting, he pointed to Iraq's openness to all forms of partnership and joint work in various fields, in particular the activation of the Joint Water Council between the two countries, in addition to the importance of the Netherlands assuming the leadership of the NATO mission in Iraq in mid-May.

According to the statement, Al-Sudani renewed "Iraq's vision on the mission of the international coalition to fight ISIS, in the next stage, which must include joint technical work to end this mission, and move to the levels of bilateral security and military cooperation .

For his part, the ambassador handed over, during the meeting, an official invitation to Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte to visit the Netherlands in order to discuss more partnership opportunities between the two countries, and to convey his government's desire to increase levels of cooperation, Pointing to the positive relations between the Netherlands and Iraq, as well as the desire of Dutch companies to work within Iraqi development programs and infrastructure reconstruction.


 Timing of GCR Events:

  • On Mon. 15 Jan. all new international currency rates including the Iraqi Dinar, was planned to be trading on the Forex. The RV was believed to have happened on Sun. 14 Jan.
  • Mon. 15 Jan. begins the World Economic Forum at DAVOS, where the Deep State Cabal was attempting to save their Great Reset of fiat digital currency – that has been rejected by a majority of people across the Globe including the US Congress.
  • On Tues. 16 Jan. we move to the final rule stage of Basel 3 compliance in our banking system.
  • As of Tues. 23 Jan. all banks across the Globe not Basel 3 Compliant (have gold asset-backed monies) will automatically collapse.

Global Currency Reset:

  • On Mon. 8 Jan. Redemption Center leaders and bank managers gave their individual access codes to the US Treasury, where they were locked into the new Quantum Financial System (QFS).
  • On Wed. 10 Jan. 2024 all qualified banks around the World connected to the new gold/ asset-backed QFS on the new Star Link Satellite System.
  • On Sat. 13 Jan. the SWIFT Home Page ( Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT))said that the new ISO 2022 System (Digital Data Interchange between financial institutions) for payments was now live.
  • Sat. 13 Jan. RV Highlights on Telegram: 15/16th yes. Basel 3 complete implementation. Rising Metals from Tier 3 to Tier 1. Kinda feels like Black Swan at any moment over the next 3 or 4 days.
  • Sun. 14 Jan. The International Monetary Fund (IMF), which was responsible for the RV timing, said that the RV could occur any time by Sun. 14 Jan.
  • Iraqi Prime Minister Al Sudani and the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq AlAllaq would both be attending the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland for the annual meeting January 14th to 19th. “Everyone is expecting the RV on Sun. 14 Jan.” according to Sudani. The IMF, which is in charge of timing, said, “Anytime Friday to Sunday.”
  • On Mon 15 Jan all new international currency rates including the Iraqi Dinar, was planned to be trading on the Forex.
  • On Tues. 16 Jan. we move to the final rule stage of Basel 3 compliance in our banking system. At this time, final guidance will be given on Capital requirements held in the banking system in terms of gold and other assets to support it. For the first time in 45 years, US Treasuries have more of a downturn volatility risk potential than gold. This is why we are moving to Basel 3 compliance in our banking system. Monetary gold now qualifies as a Tier 1 asset, and it is 100% valued for the purposes of bringing stability to the banking system. Gold will set us free. … Goldilocks,requirements%20before%20the%20banking%20crisis.
  • Texas Snake: Tier4b will receive notification around the first of next week and be able to set appointments starting Thurs. 18 Jan.
  • Sun. 14 Jan. RV: The IMF uses a special monetary unit called SDR (Special Drawing Rights) to determine special drawing rights and determine the value of the currencies of member countries. Suggests new initial exchange rate: USD $1.33 x 1 DINAR. …Goldilocks

Iraqi dinar circulation has decreased by billions of billions if it not ... BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Romanowski: Our embassy in Baghdad is safe and continuous in operation, 15 JAN

The US ambassador in Baghdad, Elena Romanowski, confirmed on Monday that her country’s embassy in Iraq is safe and on-going.“I welcomed U.S. Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources by Pritchard Verma to see our facilities in Iraq,” the ambassador said via X.

“Our embassy is safe and on-the-job,” she added.“I am pleased to introduce it to diplomatic and local staff who are working hard on a daily basis to promote the comprehensive U.S.-Iraqi partnership,” she added.


Mnt Goat  

 I asked [my CBI contact] what rate the CBI wants to bring the parallel rate of the dollar down to?  I was told at least around the “official” CBI rate. They are driving to have them match very closely. In consultation with the IMF this is what they are now mandating and is in the plan. When this is reached and stable, the committee will be notified to begin the process of deleting the zeros and move ahead with it. my conversation with my CBI contact on my Wednesday call...We...talked about...the monetary reform and where it stood. I was told it would take some time, maybe weeks or months even for the currency swaps to take the needed effect in leveling out the parallel black market rate for the dollar. But my contact seemed very optimistic that the plan now in place could move this rate quicker than expected even. But I was warned not to expect instant success as there is still a period of monitoring it for wide swings, in other words it needs to be stable...We can see that there has been more progress towards currency reform in the last 12 months than in the twenty years combined.

There is much prosperity and abundance coming our way this new year. Let’s all just be patient and stay calm. 

  If this really does happen we will be in great shape to see the one more program rate change we have been waiting for. But remember they will probably wait and monitor the rate to ensure it is first stable, How long we don’t know.  But this is fantastic news today.

Mnt Goat 


SOON"  If this really does happen we will be in great shape to see the one more program rate change we have been waiting for. But remember they will probably wait and monitor the rate to ensure it is first stable, How long we don’t know.  But this is fantastic news today.

I believe we will not get out of January without seeing the project to delete the zeros and my CBI contact ...gave me assurances that this could be the case. Keep our fingers crossed nothing else interferes in the process.

 I am told they fully intend to have this parallel market on target and under control within January...if they can accomplish this target, we know what their next move will be... We don’t need to speculate...We know as a FACT

Iraq Confronts Economic Crises With Digital Dinar, Parallel Market Threatened With Extinction, 26 MARCH

  Iraq Confronts Economic Crises With Digital Dinar, Parallel Market Threatened With Extinction   Reports  Economy News – Baghdad  The  Cent...