Tuesday, August 13, 2024

I like articles like this because they back up and verify what my CBI contact told me BY MNT GOAT, 14 AUGUST


Today, Monday, member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Hadi Al-Salami, called on the Prime Minister to end the assignment of the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, stressing that he will direct oral questions to the Governor of the Central Bank. 

He told Al-Maalouma Agency, “There are parliamentary demands to end the assignment of the Central Bank Governor due to his failure to control the official dollar exchange rate and the parallel price.” 

He added, “There are many observations on the performance of the Central Bank Governor, in addition to his reaching the legal age, indicating that he directed questions to the Central Bank Governor and is waiting for a date to be set by the Presidency of the House of Representatives to host him inside the House of Representatives .”

He stressed that “the reason for the hosting request is the presence of a major defect in the bank’s work and the existence of financial violations estimated at approximately $120 million per month.” 

(Mnt Goat – This $120 million per month is from the currency auctions. I like articles like this because they back up and verify what my CBI contact told me. 

As you can read they have not yet accepted Ali al-Alaq’s resignation.

 The federal court said it was legal if they wanted to but not that they had to. He is waiting for a date to be set by the Presidency of the House of Representatives to host him inside the House of Representatives for a Q & A session. We wait to see what happens. We must be careful not to go off half-cocked when we read articles and use out common sense too.)




 If it could be proven that [Alaq] was involved with some criminal activity...then he should be out of there and convicted...But if it's all bullshit and this is another one of those moves by Maliki and the Coordinating Framework then people have to do something...So we're not sure where this information is coming from.  But that doesn't mean you

shouldn't listen to the news, because this person is like, 'See Pimpy, you said there is no fake news.'  I did not say there was no fake news but not everything can be fake news.  Just because you don't like the information...it must be fake news.  Nope.   What you got to get to is the bottom of why this situation is there in the first place...Like anything else you have to be able to sift through the crap that you're hearing and make a decisions on whether the news is real or not...

 We know pretty soon Iraq is going to be here and talking to people in Washington about what they need to do to get back into good graces, have sanctions lifted on some of the banks and allowing Iraq to move forward with reform without looking for excuses to penalize them every time Iraq does something that pisses off the Biden Administration.

Iraqi Dinar Guru News Highlights (8/13/24)

ANALYSIS OF IRAQ NEWS: Ahead of his visit to the region, Blinken informs Al-Sudani of Iraq’s responsibility to protect military advisers from any attacks BY DINAR REVALUATION, 14 AUGUST

 Ahead of his visit to the region, Blinken informs Al-Sudani of Iraq’s responsibility to protect military advisers from any attacks

Shafaq News/ US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani on Monday.

A statement by the US State Department said that Blinken discussed by phone with the Iraqi Prime Minister enhancing stability in the region and avoiding escalation.

Blinken also stressed Iraq’s responsibility to protect coalition military advisers from any attacks.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is scheduled to arrive in the Middle East today and plans to visit Qatar, Egypt and Israel.

The visit comes amid tensions in the region, which is anticipating a dual Iranian attack with the Lebanese Hezbollah on Israel, in response to the assassination of the head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, in Tehran, and the killing of Fuad Shukr, a prominent Hezbollah leader, during an airstrike in the southern suburbs of Beirut.



Ahead of his visit to the Middle East, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani. 

During their call, Blinken emphasized Iraq's responsibility to protect coalition military advisers from any attacks and discussed ways to enhance regional stability and avoid escalation. Blinken's visit comes amid heightened regional tensions, particularly in light of recent developments involving Iran, Hezbollah, and Israel.



 [Iraqi Bank friend Aki in Michigan]

   Question presented to Aki - Concerning the statement that was made by a representative of the WTO

 [about Iraq launching a fully convertible currency in October 

 AKI:  I didn't hear anything about October...

 WALKINGSTICK:  I would call it scuttlebutt because the interpreter was telling me that he says he's not sure about that...but he knows there are rumors out there about when this is going to happen.  

AKI:  I did hear about the WTO guy.  Maybe he's talking about a new currency that would be convertible prior to October but there is no mention at the banks about October being the date.  If anything I have heard it is before that.









Evening News with MarkZ, joined by Jeff Rahm, and Chief Fast Horse. 08/1...

ANALYSIS OF IRAQ NEWS: Iraq informs US of its commitment to protect coalition advisers, asks it to prevent violations of sovereignty BY DINAR REVALUATION , 13 AUGUST

Iraq informs US of its commitment to protect coalition advisers, asks it to prevent violations of sovereignty

Mawazine News – Baghdad 

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani affirmed, on Tuesday, Iraq’s principled position on the real reasons behind the destabilization, represented by the continued aggression on Gaza. The Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement received by Mawazine News, “Al-Sudani received a phone call late Monday night from US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken,” indicating that “they discussed developments in the region and efforts to support regional and international stability.”

During the call, Al-Sudani renewed “Iraq’s principled position on the real reasons behind the destabilization, represented by the continued aggression on proud Gaza,” stressing “the need for major countries and international organizations to play their full role in stopping the crimes committed against the Palestinian people, and to apply international laws related to perpetrators of crimes against humanity to the aggressors and stop this horrific brutality, in addition to preventing the violation of the sovereignty of the countries of the region.”

According to the statement, he stressed “Iraq’s commitment to preventing any directed action that would lead to a breach of security or expose the advisors of the international coalition to fight ISIS present in Iraq to any danger,” stressing “the continuation of communication between the two sides in order to end the coalition’s missions in Iraq and move to bilateral security relations that serve the interests of enhancing security and stability.”

For his part, the Foreign Minister reviewed “the ongoing diplomatic efforts to stop the escalation, and the commitment of the United States of America to continue consulting with the Iraqi side on regional issues, and supporting the path of strengthening relations and cooperation between the two countries.”



The statement from Iraq's Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani highlights several key points from a recent discussion with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken:

  1. Iraq’s Position on Regional Conflict: Al-Sudani reiterated Iraq's stance against the ongoing violence in Gaza and called for international intervention to halt what he described as crimes against humanity and to uphold international laws.

  2. Protection of Coalition Advisers: Iraq affirmed its commitment to ensuring the safety of international coalition advisers in Iraq. This indicates a focus on maintaining security for these advisers amid broader regional tensions.

  3. Sovereignty and Security: Al-Sudani stressed the need for major countries and international organizations to respect Iraq’s sovereignty and prevent any actions that might lead to a breach of security within its borders.

  4. Future Relations with the U.S.: The discussion also touched on the transition from coalition missions in Iraq to a focus on bilateral security relations, aiming to enhance security and stability in the region.

The call reflects ongoing diplomatic efforts to address both regional conflicts and the specific security concerns related to coalition forces in Iraq.



Mark Z. 👉 MZ: It's very positive that they have received a couple of confirmations that the final contracts are done... they already have the final instructions... and they hope to start distributing "on a large scale" on Monday or Tuesday. I hope it's true. 

MZ: Some of this information is a "first" in this process... So I hope it's true. 

MZ: I was told by several contacts that my estimates on exchange rates would be way off. Those rates will be much higher than you expected. 

Member: Nader just posted a video that also says higher rates. 

MZ: I hear that from almost every source and almost every currency.



Mark Z. 👉 MZ: Es muy positivo que hayan recibido un par de confirmaciones de que los contratos finales están hechos... ya tienen las instrucciones finales... y esperan empezar a distribuir "a gran escala" el lunes o martes. Ojalá sea cierto. 

MZ: Parte de esta información es una "primera" en este proceso... Así que espero que sea cierta. 

MZ: Varios contactos me dijeron que mis estimaciones sobre los tipos de cambio estarían muy lejos. Esas tarifas serán mucho más altas de lo que esperaba. 

Miembro: Nader acaba de publicar un vídeo que también dice tarifas más altas. 

MZ: Escucho eso de casi todas las fuentes y de casi todas las monedas.


ANALYSIS OF IRAQ NEWS: Joint Operations: We will not allow Iraq to be an arena for any international or regional conflict - Urgent BY DINAR REVALUATION, 13 AUGUST

 Joint Operations: We will not allow Iraq to be an arena for any international or regional conflict - Urgent

The Joint Operations Command confirmed, on Tuesday (August 13, 2024), that it will not allow Iraqi lands to become an arena for any international or regional conflict, while indicating that Iraq will not be a starting point for attacking others.

The spokesman for the command, Major General Tahseen Al-Khafaji, said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", "According to the directives of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, Iraq cannot allow itself to be an arena for settling scores and does not accept attacks from within or from without."

He added, "The Iraqi position is clear, which is to prevent it from being used as an arena for any regional or international conflict in any way, and it will not be a starting point for attacking others."

The Iraqi arena has recently witnessed security incidents represented by the bombing of aircraft that the Popular Mobilization Authority said were American, on units in the Jurf al-Sakhar district, north of Babil Governorate, while the Ain al-Assad base in Anbar Governorate was subjected to a missile attack that resulted in injuries among the American forces stationed inside the base.

These developments come in light of the war waged by the Zionist entity against civilians in Gaza, which has been reflected in the rest of the countries that have entered the war against the entity, including Iraq, where armed factions in Iraq announce from time to time the implementation of operations targeting the entity with drones at times and missiles at other times, in addition to participating with the Houthi Ansar Allah in Yemen to carry out these operations.

The world is currently waiting for Iran to respond to the assassination of the head of the political bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, in the heart of the capital, Tehran, but it has not yet implemented the response.

Observers expect that Iran will carry out a devastating strike targeting Tel Aviv in cooperation with the Lebanese Hezbollah, which also vowed to respond to the assassination of the leader Fouad Shukr in Lebanon.  link


The statement from the Joint Operations Command, reported on August 13, 2024, emphasizes Iraq's commitment to maintaining its sovereignty and not allowing its territory to be used for regional or international conflicts.

Major General Tahseen Al-Khafaji, speaking on behalf of the command, stressed that Iraq will not permit itself to be a launchpad for attacks or a battleground for external disputes.

The recent security incidents mentioned include attacks on military bases and tensions related to the broader regional conflicts involving entities like the Popular Mobilization Authority, the American forces in Iraq, and other regional actors. 

The command’s position reflects Iraq's broader strategy to avoid becoming embroiled in these conflicts and to maintain its neutrality.

In the context of ongoing regional tensions, including the conflict involving Gaza and the potential reactions from countries like Iran and Hezbollah, Iraq's stance is a bid to prevent its territory from being used as a base for operations related to these broader conflicts.

Straight Out Of Iraq Central Bank🇮🇶🇮🇶 BY REINALDO JC, 13 AUGUST


Straight Out Of Iraq Central Bank🇮🇶🇮🇶 🚨🚨Iraq Central Bank(CBI) Have Given Their Outlets Instructions On How To Advance Train Their Employees On Foreign Currency Exchange Procedures!!! This Is Major News & Getting Closer!!! Later This Month I Will Provide (imo) An Important Post Of When I Think The (#ratechange) Our Blessing Will Occur!!! 🗣️…LFG🔥🔥🔥


Recent Posts of Reinaldo JC







NADER FROM MID EAST: Nader is back ack again chak his bak tell a friend iqd


 Supporting Article:

Global Currency Reset: Record Bank Gold Buying Happening Now, BY AWAKE IN 3D, 13 AUGUST


The links you’ve provided highlight a significant trend in central bank gold purchases, which is shaping up to be a notable aspect of global financial markets in 2024.

  1. Central Banks’ Appetite for Gold :

    • The LinkedIn article discusses the increased interest of central banks in gold as a reserve asset. It notes that despite substantial purchases, the demand for gold from these institutions remains high, reflecting a strategic shift towards diversifying reserves and potentially hedging against economic uncertainties.
  2. Record Gold Buying in 2024:

    • The Money Metals article details how central banks have set new records for gold buying in the first half of 2024. It points out that the scale of purchases is unprecedented, which could indicate a significant change in how central banks view gold in their reserve management strategies.

These trends suggest a few key points:

  • Diversification and Risk Management: Central banks are increasingly turning to gold as a safe-haven asset amid ongoing economic and geopolitical uncertainties. Gold is seen as a hedge against inflation, currency devaluation, and other financial risks.

  • Long-Term Trends: The continuous high level of gold buying suggests that central banks may be repositioning their reserves for long-term stability rather than short-term gains. This reflects a strategic approach to reserve management in response to evolving global financial conditions.

  • Market Impact: The increased demand from central banks could influence gold prices and availability in the market. As central banks accumulate more gold, it may tighten supply and potentially drive up prices.

If you're interested in how these trends might affect specific markets or financial strategies, keeping an eye on central bank policies and gold market dynamics will be crucial.

Global Currency Reset: Record Bank Gold Buying Happening Now, BY AWAKE IN 3D, 13 AUGUST

Central Banks Are Stockpiling Gold Like There is No Tomorrow as They Prepare for a Global Currency Reset

As economies around the world face challenges like rising debt and inflation, I think we can all agree that we’re on the verge of a significant financial system shift—a “global currency reset.”

In recent years, there’s been a growing sense that the current global financial system, which relies heavily on paper money (or fiat currencies), is clearly on its path to a logical conclusion in the form of a worldwide systemic crash.

This means that countries will move away from relying solely on traditional fiat currencies like the U.S. dollar and instead turn to something real, like gold, to back their currencies.

To prepare for this possible reset, central banks in various countries have been buying large amounts of gold. They see gold as a safe and reliable asset that can protect their economies if the value of paper fiat currency falls.

This article will explore why central banks are making these moves and what it means for the future of our financial system.

In This Article:

  1. Record Gold Purchases by Central Banks in 2024 Signal Preparation for a Global Currency Reset
  2. Key Factors Driving Central Bank Gold Accumulation
  3. How Gold Will Anchor a Global Currency Reset
  4. The Global Economic Impact of Central Banks’ Gold Strategy

As concerns about the stability of the global fiat currency system grow, central banks around the world are aggressively purchasing gold.

By mid-2024, these purchases had set a new record, indicating preparations for an impending global currency reset.

Central banks added a net 483 tons of gold in the first six months of the year, reflecting a strategic move towards gold as a hedge against the risks of the current financial system


Record Gold Purchases by Central Banks in 2024 Signal Preparation for a Global Currency Reset

Central banks globally have been on a gold-buying spree in 2024, with a net addition of 483 tons in the first half of the year.

This surge represents a 5 percent increase from the previous record of 460 tons set in the first half of 2023. Despite a slight slowdown in the second quarter, central banks bought 183 tons of gold during this period, a figure that remains historically high.

This activity is largely driven by concerns over a potential global currency reset, as trust in the fiat currency system continues to erode.

Key Factors Driving Central Bank Gold Accumulation

The concept of a global currency reset is gaining traction as central banks increasingly view gold as a safeguard against the vulnerabilities of the current financial system.

Countries like China, India, and Turkey have significantly increased their gold reserves, reflecting their strategic intent to diversify away from fiat currencies, particularly the U.S. dollar. China, which paused its official gold purchases in May and June, is speculated to be acquiring gold off the books, contributing to the demand.

This move aligns with broader concerns about the sustainability of the fiat currency system and the potential for a financial reset anchored by gold.

How Gold Will Anchor a Global Currency Reset

The possibility of a global currency reset is prompting central banks to accumulate gold, positioning it as a key element in a new financial system.

With the fiat currency system showing signs of strain—exacerbated by high levels of debt and inflation in major economies—gold is being viewed as a stable alternative. Poland, for instance, has made significant strides to increase the share of gold in its total reserves to 20 percent.

This strategy reflects a broader trend where central banks are preparing for a possible transition to a gold-backed system, which could offer more stability in a rapidly changing economic landscape.

The Global Economic Impact of Central Banks’ Gold Strategy

The strategic accumulation of gold by central banks is a clear indicator that a global currency reset is on the horizon.

The World Gold Council’s recent survey reveals that nearly 30 percent of central banks plan to add more gold to their reserves over the next 12 months. This widespread interest in gold underscores its value in a future where fiat currencies may no longer hold any level of trust.

As central banks continue to stockpile gold, the global economy will witness a significant shift towards a system where gold plays a central role, altering the dynamics of international trade, investment, and monetary policy.

The Bottom Line

The record-setting gold purchases by central banks in 2024 highlight a growing consensus that the global fiat currency system is approaching its end.

As fears of a global currency reset mount, central banks are turning to gold to protect their economies. This trend suggests that gold will soon become the cornerstone of a new financial system, reshaping the global economic order in profound ways.

DINAR REVALUATION : CBI's New Forex Service Procedures Explained!


Breaking News 

CBI Banking Announcement:

"Foreign Exchange Service Provider Agents Working Procedures"

Procedures for the service of foreign exchange providers are currently being given instructions.

© Goldilocks 



 It sounds like the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) is focusing on improving the proficiency of their employees in handling foreign currency exchange procedures. This is a critical area for maintaining financial stability and ensuring accurate and efficient operations in currency management.

If the CBI is providing guidelines or instructions to its outlets for advanced training, it likely involves several key areas:

  1. Understanding Exchange Rate Mechanisms: Employees would need to understand how exchange rates are determined and the factors that influence fluctuations. This includes knowledge of market forces, economic indicators, and geopolitical events.

  2. Procedures for Foreign Currency Transactions: Training would cover the specific procedures for handling foreign currency exchanges, including transaction processing, documentation, and compliance with regulations.

  3. Risk Management: Training would address how to manage risks associated with foreign currency exchanges, such as currency risk, liquidity risk, and counterparty risk.

  4. Regulatory Compliance: Employees would need to be well-versed in both local and international regulations governing foreign currency transactions to ensure compliance and avoid legal issues.

  5. Technology and Tools: Familiarity with the technological tools and systems used for foreign currency transactions, including software for exchange rate calculations and transaction processing, would be essential.

  6. Customer Service: Since foreign currency exchange often involves direct customer interaction, training would also focus on providing excellent customer service and handling inquiries and issues related to currency exchange.

If you need more detailed information on the specific instructions or the training program, you might want to refer to official communications from the Central Bank of Iraq or consult their website for updates and resources

DINAR REVALUATION REPORT: New Card Distribution for Citizens in Iraq: 2024 Commercial ATM Bank Withdrawals, 13 SEPT

  New Card Distribution for Citizens in Iraq: 2024 Commercial ATM Bank Withdrawals The recent television commercial airing in Iraq is creati...