Thursday, April 25, 2024
The US Treasury praises the actions of the government and the Central Bank in the Washington meetings
Samir Al-Nusairi
Some other guru says, 'Oh, they're waiting for Article VIII.' Man, when you hear someone say that you got to run as far away from them as possible. Article VIII is ancient history. It's older than mythology ...They've been in Article VIII for over a year and a half. Catch up.
Community comment: "Please explain there's no chance of a LOP."
Anybody that thinks this is a LOP you have to run away from them...they have no idea what they are talking about. A LOP adds zeros to the exchange rate. An RV and RI removes zeros.
Sudani is going to be sharing with the Iraqi citizens soon. I still hold to what I told you, they want to put screens up. I know I have been mocked about it and laughed at about it. But everything I say I'm mocked at and laughed at until a few days or a few weeks later, there it is...I believe Sudani is waiting for those screens to be put up.
The regional government sends non-oil revenues to Baghdad
The Kurdistan Regional Government announced, on Wednesday, that non-oil revenues would be sent to the account of the Federal Ministry of Finance.
A statement stated that the Kurdistan Regional Council of Ministers held its regular weekly meeting, headed by Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, and discussed a number of important files on the agenda.
In the first paragraph of the meeting’s agenda, the Minister of Finance and Economy presented a report on the steps taken by the ministry regarding the region’s salaries for the month of April, noting that the official audited and approved salary lists for this month were sent to the Federal Ministry of Finance during the past few days, and it included all the information. Necessary.
The minister expected that salaries would be sent through the same mechanism that was followed last month, similar to the salaries of employees in the rest of Iraq.
In the context of his report, which he prepared in conjunction with the negotiating delegation, the Minister of Finance and Economy presented a set of mechanisms through which the obligations of the regional government regarding non-oil revenues can be implemented, as well as how these revenues can be shared with the federal government.
The Council of Ministers directed the Ministry of Finance and Economy and the negotiating delegation to transfer the federal public treasury’s share of non-oil revenues generated in the region to the account of the Federal Ministry of Finance, in accordance with applicable federal laws.
Regarding the issue of localization of the region’s salaries, the Council of Ministers considered this issue important, and stressed that the Kurdistan Regional Government is not and has never been against nationalization, and the region has already begun, for a long time, the process of localizing the salaries of litigants within the framework of the (My Bank Account) project, based on what was stated in Ministerial formation work programme.
The Council of Ministers stressed that discussions with the federal government are focused on the Emiratisation mechanism, and not on the essence of the Emiratisation process itself, and therefore addressing the issue requires finding a common understanding that is in the interest of salary recipients, and ensuring that the process is completed easily and smoothly through banks approved and approved by the Central Bank. Confirming that the (My Account) project met all the conditions and requirements of the Central Bank of Iraq.
People are still asking about the deletion of the zeros. They want to know how that's going to change the exchange rate...April 28, 2011 Article "Iraq plans to change currency: Three zeros will be removed from IQD" Quote: "The Iraq government plans to chop three zeros off the national currency. It should make transactions easier and enhance the exchange rate...the government announced they were close to completing plans for a re-denomination ."
I told you guys it's called a re- denomination, a lop, the removal of the zeros, the deletion of the zeros, reducing the zeros, it's all the same thing. Quote: "Three zeros would be removed from Iraq's currency...and old bank notes will gradually be phased out. For example this would make the IQD 1000 note into IQD 1 note..." This is taking it from 25,000 dinar to 25...25000 dinar times the current exchange rate .00076 = $19. When we do the deletion of the zeros, the zeros are gone. 25 dinar x .76 = $19...This is deletion of the zeros. This is lopping of the currency...
The Iraqi Central Bank Sold More Than $270 Million At Auction Today, 25 APRIL
The Iraqi Central Bank Sold More Than $270 Million At Auction Today
Economy News – Baghdad Today, Thursday, the Central Bank of Iraq's dollar sales amounted to more than $270 million in the currency auction.
In its auction today, the Central Bank sold 270 million, 897 thousand and 422 dollars, which it covered at a base exchange rate of 1,305 dinars per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements for electronic cards, at a price of 1,310 dinars per dollar for external transfers, and at a price of 1,310 dinars per dollar in cash.
Most of the dollar sales went to strengthen balances abroad in the form of transfers and credits, which amounted to 264 million 37 thousand and 422 dollars, an increase of 97% over cash sales amounting to 6 million and 860 thousand dollars.
The number of banks that purchased cash dollars reached 6 banks, while the number of banks that responded to requests to enhance balances abroad reached 14 banks, and the total number of exchange and brokerage companies participating in the auction was 58 companies.
Views 104 04/25/2024 -
I wish he would have sold it to a exchange center instead of a bank. Can you imagine how much he really lost on this exchange.
Copper is now a critical mineral and a global shortage metal. Know what you hold my friends. Know it's worth.
A wise investor explores exchange options.
👆4.49 per lb×2800 lb of copper= $12,572
The above is copper's current actual worth. The bank gave this man...$5,136. He lost over $7,000 on this deal.
Do your own research my friends.
© Goldilocks,5-gallon%20jugs%20of%20copper%20rolled%20into%20your%20bank
The Central Bank Warns Of The Dangers Of Misuse Of Electronic Payment Cards, 25 APRIL
The Central Bank Warns Of The Dangers Of Misuse Of Electronic Payment Cards
Economy Thursday, April 25, 2024 Baghdad/National News Center
The bank explained in a statement received by the National News Centre, that “reports of misused cards are referred to the Supreme Judicial Council, to take the necessary legal measures in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Law No. (39) of 2015 and the instructions issued pursuant thereto.”
The statement indicated that “the bank’s efforts in this field resulted in the issuance of judicial rulings against violators, which included sentences of imprisonment and confiscation of cards.” The Central Bank called on
Today the 23rd tomorrow the 24th and the BH are still waiting for emails to access. Today they told us they were in all BHs and they are doing their best to get those emails out to you in the next few days. We received Intel from RC and on Sunday the staff went to watch a video about the QFS and also about the new banking system, what they could and couldn't do, how to make money with our money, we will see it in the exchange and On Monday they thought that We would receive the 800 and we arrived at 9 and no, the numbers did not arrive, so today they were scheduled for 9 to 9 p.m. for the next 9 days, and it would have been great if we had the notifications. .
What's happening from two different sources: Saying it should all come to us in a climate frenzy later this week. Now we can call it Thursday/Friday or Saturday; They were not specific; now a boss of an RC said “THIS IS THE WEEK” and yes, it is a forbidden phrase, but we must at least hope that he is right and we will follow this. weekend, so that's cool and if it happens we'll be very grateful, it might even be Thursday on the CW, and I might get an update from him tonight, so are you watching on the back screen of RC 19 coins?
They constantly RISE in value and are being watched: on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays they rise in value; they may not reach their maximum for a couple of days; We had a good rate on the Dong over the weekend, but its value could go up more every day. and it could be that there will be more in the coming days. It won't alter Bruce's strategy, the Zim is still on par with the US dollar; what we don't know is how many more days, then what day, we don't know, but we will keep it in our sights over the next few days and IF we have a call on Thursday, we may have more information and RC Bruce believes we are trying to tie up all the loose ends and EVERYTHING should end in a very positive outcome that will come true for us THIS WEEK - Bruce Now he's talking about Sue and her new show.
I think that's all the information Bruce has for us tonight; I'm sure he will thank his entire team, Sue, Bob, GCK, Pastor Scott, Jeannie and Larry and of course all of you faithful listeners around the world. And as always praying the call. So please join Bruce in that prayer – don't forget that the BHs will be getting paid in the next few days – and they may be a little ahead of us – but we should start almost a stone's throw away with them. So please keep saying all those sincere prayers and keep repeating them until we finally receive those NOTIFICATION EMAILS we are all praying for. As always, my love to you, ALL Gems: ALL OUR PRAYERS ARE HEARD AND ALL SAID TOGETHER WILL BE A POWERFUL WAY TO TELL OUR FATHER AND HEAVEN THAT WE ARE READY TO RECEIVE THIS MIRACULOUS BLESSING.
Bruce just said they will be in touch after RV via email
American Threats Close The Iraqi Stock Exchange At A Loss, 25 APRIL
American Threats Close The Iraqi Stock Exchange At A Loss
Market Economy News – Baghdad The Iraqi Stock Exchange closed the weekend session, losing by 0.35%, as a result of security developments in northern Iraq after the United States threatened to launch strikes inside Iraq.
The main index of the stock exchange reached 1006.5, with 890 million shares traded, worth 1.1 billion dinars, through 817 transactions, on the shares of 40 companies.
As for the most active companies in terms of traded shares, the Middle East Bank led with 200 million shares, worth approximately 243 billion dinars, and the Iraqi Islamic Bank with 182 million shares.
Views 169 04/25/2024 -
Wednesday April 24, 2024
Walking Stick was on the phone with Frank during the subway. The head of Walking Sticks, who owns banks and ATMs in Iraq and Jordan, and his friend who runs his bank in Dearborn, Michigan, are at this big meeting at the CBI, with the 964-person delegation that was in D.C. Everyone is in this meeting.
It is the Arab Monetary Fund, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, all the companies and investors who have contracts are saying these words, about lower banknotes and a new exchange rate. Everyone knows that the exchange rate is about to change. Eddie said on television saying The budget will come to Parliament next week. Walking Stick and Frank believe that the exchange rate will rise and force parliament to hold an emergency session. Then Parliament would have to vote. There is too great a possibility of insider trading (parliament are criminals). Walking Stick says Sudani wants this now. Promises must be kept. Do you remember that they audited the banks? Maliki's State of Law Party tried to raise $600
Millions of dollars. The entire party is being shut down by the IMF, the FMA and the CBI. They were funneling funds to Iran across the border into Iran for their own enrichment. They and the private banks were closed. That's why they think that with all the corruption, they will have to announce the new exchange rate and the parliament will hold an emergency vote (after the exchange rate change). The CBI determines the exchange rate.
Sudani and CBI are working together. Those sanctions were lifted in time for a
Change of fee. Everyone at those meetings will be on stage with Sudani, including the two friends from Walking Sticks. Walking Stick says Sudani will make the presentation, and this will happen after that. Sudani wants it now, everyone is there waiting. It shouldn't take long.
-All credit to Frank and his team!
Miércoles 24 Abril 2024
To discuss investment opportunities.. An American delegation in Iraq soon, 26 MARCH
To discuss investment opportunities.. An American delegation in Iraq soon Economy News – Baghdad The Advisor to the Prime Minister for For...
Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist Bank Name_________________________________________ Bank 800#____________...
Frank26 [Bank story] This time we didn't go down, we just called [the bank]... We said we want to see if we can exchange some cu...
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