Sunday, June 16, 2024



[vai WiserNow]   we know...that the Iraqi dinar has been on the forex and trading upward, and also on the bank screens, they can see it trading upward, and it made some nice moves...from just over $4 - $6, probably on its way to $8...and that's what we want to see...happening


[vai WiserNow]

   ...what we're getting  from, I'm going to call it some of our military sources  saying that the notifications for us...are to come out...Friday or Saturday..

Tues. 11 June 2024 Bruce

Two sources expect notification tomorrow Wed. 12 June 2024.  A connection to the Bond Holders says they should receive their emails tomorrow Wed. 12 June 2024.


[via WiserNow] 

  ...we got some information from one of our sources in Iraq - Very powerful - spoke with Dr. Sudani, the prime minister of Iraq...He said that the rate on the dinar and the budget...had been handed their official documentation to their official record...but... We haven't had publishing in the gazette  yet...the theory is that...once we have the Iraqi dinar out with a the printed version of the Gazette ...we have a  “Game Over”...



High Sources says 800 numbers Today or Tomw. She feels reg Trumps situation this could kick off June 1st.   She has very little info regarding dates due to the Silence. She said keep eyes on emails.


MAY 28, 2024




Sue to sort and clarify and make it possible what this information is pointing to and Sue thinks it would be wise to take everything and filter it, and one problem that Sue has seen is that people are confused, distracted and have conflicting doubts, but you have to get different perspectives . .   So keep in mind that you hear something from us and then you hear that it won't happen until the 4th of July - there are two things happening and we have boots on the ground and on the front lines, RC heads and people giving us very high level information . but understand that we're in a covert war, so an X and O team and stuff happens in the background, so,

 Wouldn't we love to be in the War Room for this and help them? So if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem, so please put your energy behind this information and hold the intention to see the 800 NOW; reality is our focus and our consciousness is incredibly powerful, so hold onto this INTEL, see it NOW and declare. do it NOW – it will help you maintain positive energy.  So PLEASE DO THIS.   You have to be Clear – WITHOUT A DOUBT – THE BEST YOU CAN DO .

We are in this covert war and not everyone can see it so we have to support the conclusion and our number one man says: 1. call from one of the oldest and biggest guards of this event and said that the cleanliness is not to be believed what's happening.   So get all excited about taking out the trash onto a clean, fresh field to play on and may you do better than you thought.   So this is very, very COOL.

And then he told our guy: we could wait for midday and early afternoon to receive notifications and go from tomorrow to the weekend.   And maybe swap from Thursday to weekend.  

Then another call from a very important and strategic person, so look for anytime from tomorrow until June 4th, which is next Tuesday.    Sue has been in this alongside Bruce for 9 and a half years and Sue is very grateful to know these people and there is a lot going on behind the scenes and these people are shoulder to shoulder with us so in this war it is always on a state of flow.   There is a lot going on so the best thing you can do IS HOLD THE LINE AND THE 800 NUMBERS ARE COMING SOONER THAN YOU THINK - DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE WHO PUSH THIS - THOSE PEOPLE ARE MAKING ASSUMPTIONS -

SO EXPECT THIS BEFORE WE THINK AND WALK WITH THE EXPECTATION THAT THIS IS GOING TO BE SOON - SO MAGNITIZE IT FOR US - So Sue says let's see 800 from TOMORROW TO SATURDAY call the Light of God and bring it to US NOW.   Sue I am sure she will pray for the calling so please pray for the calling with her and keep praying like we always do every day because all our prayers are very important and also very powerful so we will help everyone PRAY THIS NOW. - KNOW THIS IS THE TRUTH.   So my love to ALL of you Gem.   Sue is still chatting, but you can see him listening to the recording.    Maybe even Friday will just be a CELEBRATION CALL – how happy Bruce would be to hear that.   I know how happy we would ALL be.


28 MAYO 2024


Sue para ordenar y aclarar y hacer posible a qué apunta esta información y Sue piensa que sería prudente tomar todo y filtrarlo, y un problema que Sue ha visto es que la gente está confusa, distraída y con dudas contradictorias, pero hay que obtener perspectivas diferentes. . 

Así que tenga en cuenta que escucha algo de nosotros y luego escucha que no sucederá hasta el 4 de julio: están sucediendo dos cosas y tenemos botas en el terreno y en la vanguardia, jefes de RC y personas que nos brindan información de muy alto nivel. pero entiende que estamos en una guerra encubierta, por lo que un equipo X y O y esas cosas suceden en segundo plano, entonces,

¿no nos encantaría estar en la Sala de Guerra para esto y ayudarlos? Entonces, si no eres parte de la solución, usted es parte del problema, así que por favor ponga su energía detrás de esta información y mantenga la intención de ver los 800 AHORA; la realidad es nuestro enfoque y nuestra conciencia es increíblemente poderosa, así que aférrese a esta INTEL, véala AHORA y declare. hágalo AHORA: le ayudará a mantener la energía positiva. Así que POR FAVOR HAGA ESTO. Tienes que ser Claro – SIN DUDA – LO MEJOR QUE PUEDES HACER

Estamos en esta guerra encubierta y no todos pueden verla, así que tenemos que apoyar la conclusión y nuestro hombre número uno dice: 1. llamada de uno de los viejos y más grandes guardias de este evento y dijo que la limpieza es No es de creer lo que está sucediendo. Así que emocione todo lo que es sacar la basura a un campo limpio y fresco para jugar y que les vaya mejor de lo que pensaban. Así que esto es muy, muy GENIAL.
Y luego le dijo a nuestro chico: podríamos esperar el mediodía y las primeras horas de la tarde para recibir notificaciones y pasar de mañana al fin de semana. Y tal vez intercambie de jueves a fin de semana.

Luego, otra llamada de una persona muy importante y estratégica, así que busque en cualquier momento desde mañana hasta el 4 de junio, que es el próximo martes. Sue ha estado en esto junto a Bruce durante 9 años y medio y Sue está muy agradecida de conocer a estas personas y están sucediendo muchas cosas detrás de escena y estas personas están hombro con hombro con nosotros, por lo que en esta guerra siempre está en un estado de flujo. Están sucediendo muchas cosas, así que lo mejor que puedes hacer ES MANTENER LA LINEA Y LOS NÚMEROS 800 ESTÁN LLEGANDO ANTES DE LO QUE PIENSAS - NO ESCUCHES A LOS QUE IMPULSAN ESTO - ESOS GENTE ESTÁN HACIENDO SUPUESTAS - 

ASÍ QUE ESPERE ESTO ANTES DE PENSAMOS Y CAMINAMOS CON LA EXPECTATIVA DE QUE ESTO VA A SER PRONTO - ASÍ QUE MAGNITÍCELO PARA NOSOTROS - Entonces Sue dice que veamos 800 de MAÑANA A SÁBADO llama a la Luz de Dios y tráela a NOSOTROS AHORA. Sue, estoy seguro de que orará por el llamado, así que por favor ore por el llamado con ella y siga orando como siempre lo hacemos todos los días porque todas nuestras oraciones son muy importantes y también muy poderosas, por lo que ayudaremos a todos a ORAR ESTO AHORA. - SEPA QUE ESTA ES LA VERDAD. Así que mi amor para TODOS ustedes Gem. Sue todavía está charlando, pero puedes verlo escuchando la grabación. Tal vez incluso el viernes será simplemente una LLAMADA DE CELEBRACIÓN: qué feliz estaría Bruce al escuchar eso. Sé lo felices que seríamos TODOS.

Iraqi Dinar | Finally Reach $6 To $8 Again Hit New Rate | Iraqi Dinar Ne...

Sudanese emphasizes extending the hand of the law and liberalizing and developing the economy, 17 JUNE

Sudanese emphasizes extending the hand of the law and liberalizing and developing the economy

On Sunday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani reiterated his commitment to upholding Iraq’s sovereignty, upholding the rule of law, liberating and expanding the economy, bringing about progress and development, creating creative opportunities, and eliminating all forms of social inequity and corruption from every nook and cranny.

“I extend my best congratulations and blessings to the honorable Iraqi people on the occasion of the blessed Eid Al-Adha, coupled with sincere prayers to the Almighty God, to repeat this occasion for our people in all parts of the world,” Al-Sudani stated in a statement that was issued by his media office on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha and was received by the. Mesopotamia and the people groups of the Bedouin and Islamic universes, with additional overflow of goodness and the gift of safety and soundness, and to give His triumph and benevolence to our patient individuals in Gaza, and to repulse hostility from them.”

“Added he: I turn to the All-Powerful to accept the good deeds of those who performed the Hajj to His Sacred House and to safely return our Iraqi pilgrims, win God’s forgiveness and contentment, and experience His abundant mercy. He is the best Ruler and Ally.”

During his congrats on the favored Eid al-Adha, the State head recharged the obligation of obligation and pledge with the Iraqi nation of all classes and groups, to proceed with work and steadiness, and to apply endeavors and energies, to accomplish every one of the things of the taxpayer supported initiative, which is a reasonable extrapolation of the requests and yearnings of individuals, and a genuine and field reaction to defy all that disrupts the general flow. A way brimming with difficulties and hardships.



 These ATM machines have the capability to recognize the lower denoms that are soon to be passed out to the citizens in order to add value to their currency and to go hand in hand with a new exchange rate of the lower notes...These ATM machines have the software for the lower notes.  But does it have the lower notes in these ATM machines It is unknown...Since April there have been thousands of these ATMs being put out...

Question:  "Do these ATM machines have the lower notes?"  Software definitely.    [I'll] text Aki [Walkingstick's Iraqi Bank friend] about the notes.

 Don't be dismayed if the rate is still the same in the budget when it comes out on Saturday...because Sudani is dealing with this [57 trillion] thievery...He could release an "operational" budget.
 [Iraqi bank friend Aki - highest level banking meeting update] 
 Sudani is putting contracts in place to be implement inside of Iraq.  Sudani has been doing this with thousands of contracts. 
"In the coming days" is what they told us that these contracts will be fulfilled in IQDs for most of the budget's proje...FOR READ MORE:


 [Iraqi bank friend Aki - highest level banking meeting update] 

 Sudani is putting contracts in place to be implement inside of Iraq.  Sudani has been doing this with thousands of contracts. 
"In the coming days" is what they told us that these contracts will be fulfilled in IQDs for most of the budget's projects...Those contracts will be fulfilled for their value but paid in IQD's only.
[Information from Iraq bank owner #1 friend] 
  Ever since Sudani came back from Washington DC the government of Iraq...has been in the process of making...videos, commercials, advertising.  Sudani has been doing this on behalf of the executive level of all the pr...for read more:

Memo Received 'Not a Rumor!'🚩Bank Insider Leaks: RV in Happening🤔Dinar R...

4 parliamentary proposals to amend investment laws in Iraq.. What about the problems?, 17 JUNE

4 parliamentary proposals to amend investment laws in Iraq.. What about the problems?

Individual from the Parliamentary Venture and Advancement Board, Saeb Al-Hajami, proposed today, Sunday, making four revisions to the speculation regulations in Iraq, while resolving the main issues in the texts of these regulations.

“Amending investment laws in Iraq aims to create a more attractive environment for investors by improving some legal texts and simplifying procedures,” Al-Hajjami stated in an interview with

With respect to proposed changes to speculation regulations, he called attention to “working with regulatory methodology, which lessens the time and exertion expected to acquire the essential licenses and endorsements to begin venture projects.”

Al-Hajjami made sense of, “The other revision is to give legitimate ensures, by giving financial backers ensures that shield their speculations from any abrupt lawful or political changes,” calling attention to the significance of “further developing foundation by giving high level framework that upholds venture activities like streets, power, and water.” .

He addressed “charge exclusions, by conceding them to financial backers for specific timeframes to draw in additional speculations.”

He cited “ambiguity in some texts, which may open the way for multiple interpretations, in addition to legal instability, which may make the investment environment unstable” as examples of the issues with the investment law texts.

Al-Hajjami expressed, “The other issue spins around complex administration and long methodology, which might prevent the speed of beginning speculation projects.”

“Investment in Iraq can be mixed,” he stated. While there are extraordinary open doors because of the regular assets and key geological area, the security and political difficulties might influence the engaging quality of speculation.”



Lagarde Urges Governments to Respect Global Trade Rules"

Remember what we said the other day about Trade Wars beginning, and how, Treaty Agreements are signed at the end of them.

Trade Wars are attempts by countries to damage each other's trade, typically by the imposition of tariffs or quota restrictions. 

This will cause distortions in prices that will have to be reset under new Treaty Agreements that are universally signed.

Look for this to come at a time when Basel 3 Capital Requirements can be implemented into a new financial order.

Here we go.

© Goldilocks

Big Announcement Rafidain Bank About ATM Today 2024🔥iraqi dinar RV holde...




The industry opens the door to investment in the Al-Qaim phosphate plant

 6/12/2024  Baghdad

Anbar Governor's Advisor for Energy Affairs, Aziz Khalaf Al-Tarmouz, announced today, Wednesday, that the Al-Qaim phosphate plant will soon be transferred for investment after a hiatus that lasted for more than 15 years.

Al-Tarmouz said, "A large number of investment companies have submitted their papers to obtain this investment opportunity."

He added, "It is hoped that the project will be referred to one of the international investment companies within approximately 45 days."

He continued, "The value of the investment contract is about 3 billion dollars, as the plant is considered one of the most important sovereign strategic projects that serve the
economy of Iraq and Anbar."

He explained, "The Ministry closed the tender a week ago, awaiting its referral to the relevant international companies."  LINK



 Community Reminder ["He pointed out that the new currency entry does not mean the destruction of ancient coins, but will continue to trade for about ten years, pointing out that this period will enable the central bank to withdraw the old currency in accordance with the dynamics and mechanics in order to preserve liquidity In the market" This 2016 article says.They will coexist with 10 years.] 

 Exactly! And, this was further clarified that active trading in the Market Place will be upwards of two years while through the banks it would be at least 10...This is what I believe will be told to the citizens when they bring out the Fils and lower notes...IMSO, it won't be a week or 90 days or even 180...Nor will they be cancelling the 3-Zero series for at least 10 years...They are currently following the Dr S plan to a "T"...


It is great to see more articles regarding the "Float"...I strongly believe this is the early stages of the last push by the CBI to educate the Citizens prior to implementing the "Delete the Zeros" project ...Patience all...this is slowly coming together.

If you go back and read articles after 7/1/23 you will see that Iraq is still under US/(UK) guardianship (receivership) ...There were calls then for the UN to lift this guardianship but [4/10/2024 Article "Our agency publishes the text of the request of the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, to permanently end the work of the United Nations mission in Iraq."] may now be the first "Official" call that I have seen...The corrupt in the US do not want this to change.....The good news is that IMSO, their days are numbered...

 Iraq's WTO Accession Package will likely not be submitted for adoption until MC14 which will be held in early 2026... It clearly was not submitted for adoption at MC13...I anticipate that by then we really won't care.


 Community Comment: "Iraq on May 9 ascends to FULL membership in the WTO"   I hope you are correct regarding the WTO.  However, the documentable facts and articles regarding this issue would say otherwise.  Don't misunderstand, the documentable facts and articles are EXTREMELY positive.  Iraq, under Sudani appears to be serious about becoming WTO members, opening the country to International trade, moving from a Rentier Economy to a Market Economy and finally implementing the Delete the Zeros Project.  Everyone should be excited even if it takes months more to accomplish...FOR READ MORE:


🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 TV Says Rate $4 🔥Today News Guru Intel Value Update Exch...

Iraq is preparing to establish a project that changes the oil map. Does it affect energy producers?, 16 JUNE

Iraq is preparing to establish a project that changes the oil map. Does it affect energy producers?

Economy News – Baghdad

Iraq’s budget for the current year 2024 allocated an amount of $4.9 billion to establish a pipeline that extends from Basra in the far south of Iraq on the waters of the Gulf, to a city of Hadithi, located in the far west of Iraq within the Anbar border province with Jordan and Syria, which means the return of life to the Iraq-Jordan project, which has been witnessing political opposition inside Baghdad for years, and the export of Iraqi oil through Jordan to the world through the Mediterranean, considering that the project was mainly related to the construction of the oil pipeline through two stages, the first to Haditha, which is the longest, and the second to enter the neighboring Jordanian territory.

The project has for years witnessed controversy over economic feasibility, along with opposition from political and armed forces and parties allied to Tehran, describing the project as allowing Iraqi oil to reach the Israeli occupation, but the proposals provided by oil economists and experts confirm that opening a third export outlet for Iraq other than the waters of the Arabian Gulf and Turkey will give Iraq an advantage over Iran and Saudi Arabia in terms of export diversity, especially in times of military and political tensions in the Middle East.

Iraqi Oil Ministry adviser Ahmed Al-Omar said that the arrival of the pipe to Hadith, western Iraq, means the possibility that Iraq will transport its oil not only through Jordanian territory and then Aqaba, but also through the Syrian port of Baniyas. Al-Omar added that “the project will change the map of the oil industry and its production in the region and give Iraq a great advantage over other oil neighbors.” By approving the amount allocated for the start of the project, according to age, the government will start working on the implementation phase, stressing that Iraqi companies will work on it, and the pipe will be implemented through the Iraqi Ministry of Industry as well.

a strategic project

The Director General of the Oil Projects Company, Ali Ward Hammoud, said, “The Oil Pipeline Project in Hara is considered one of the most important strategic projects of the oil movement in Iraq, and it enhances the economy by enabling the country to export oil through new outlets.”

He added that “oil produced from the southern fields is exported through our ports and loading points overlooking the Gulf, which is the only outlet for most Iraqi oil currently, and with the presence of geopolitical challenges in the region, the Ministry of Oil has taken it upon itself to diversify the export outlets, as it has prepared during the past decade a study of the northern export system with the help of the most important international consulting companies and develop appropriate plans to develop new export outlets to serve the expansion of oil production in the country through licensing rounds offered by the Ministry.”

He continued that “a modern Basra pipe falls within this trend, and the size of the tube is 56 knots, and a card that provides the export of two million and 250 thousand barrels per day, and it will be manufactured by Iraqi hands, and the bulk of it will be made by the Iron and Steel Company of the Ministry of Industry. It provides new export outlets for Iraqi oil to the countries of Europe and North America, in line with the development road project and the government’s endeavor to make it a corridor for global energy, in addition to its role in transporting goods between East and West.”

He stressed that “there is an intention to connect the pipeline in the future to the port of Tartus on the Mediterranean, after the achievement of the appropriate security conditions in Syria, through a pipeline that is established for this purpose and connects a modern warehouse to the port of Tartus,” according to him.

Iraq towards new markets

According to Iraqi political sources, the beginning of the project was in 1983, when the Iraqi and Jordanian sides agreed to extend a pipeline from Basra to the port of Aqaba on the Red Sea, passing through Jordanian territory. At the time, the two sides demanded guarantees by the United States so that Israel should not target the pipe.

The sources state that the Sudanese government of Mohamed Shiaa is seeking to start the project as soon as possible, because the pipe represents a new type of Iraqi energy export outlet, specifically oil, and it also offers the opportunity for Iraqi oil to reach new markets in Europe, as well as economic gains and sustainable and diversified financial returns, in addition to participation and investment in international manufacturing sectors.

Although the financial budget of Iraq for this year included the new pipeline project with an estimated amount of 6.5 billion Iraqi dinars ($4.9 billion), the deputies of Basra Governorate confirmed that they would obstruct the project.

A member of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Hadi Al-Salami, said that “the strange thing in this project is that he was rejected by most Iraqi parties during the period of Mustafa Al-Kadhimi’s (previous) government, but the parties themselves currently agree with it, and we do not know what the reasons, especially that the information is scarce about it, and we do not know the reasons for the government’s secrecrecy on it.”

Al-Salami explains that “politicians and deputies in Iraq do not have enough information about the pipe project, and we are demanding to know the economic feasibility of the project from the point of view of the government.”

The consultant in the international transport economy Ziad Al-Hashemi pointed out that “the Basra-Aqaba pipeline project is a strategic project to raise the level of cooperation between Iraq, Jordan and Egypt, and enhance the level of inter-regional relations, whether political, security and economic, and that the passage of the oil pipeline through a regional state such as Jordan, will not exploit this pipe to pressure Iraq in the future, and this ensures the smooth flows of Iraqi oil flows without hinderance.”

Al-Hashemi continues by saying that “the project raises fears of exploiting the line in the Israeli entity’s repliement of Iraqi oil in response to assumed Western requirements or pressures.”

Al-Hashemi added that “one of the problems that may face the project is the rejection by some regional pivotal countries to hinder Iraq’s attempts to diversify Iraqi oil export ports to the West, in addition to security pressures and problems in stability, which are still an obstacle to the completion and success of any Iraqi project, not to mention the possibility of opening new outlets for corruption inside and outside Iraq because of the high cost of construction.”

In turn, oil expert Kovnd Shirwani considered that “the modern Basra oil pipeline project falls within the framework of the first phase of a project that extends to the port of Aqaba in the Mediterranean, which will provide a new export outlet for Iraq.”

He continued that “we also believe that it is necessary to revive the Kirkuk-Ceyhan line, which was transporting up to 400,000 barrels per day, in addition to an investment possibility in the transport of Nineveh and Salahuddin oil and a card that could reach up to one million barrels per day, which provides important export outlets to Iraq.”


 Nader From The Mid East   

Article:   "Iraq Bulks Up Gold Reserves, Inch Up World  Rankings"  Quote:  "Their holdings have grown to 145.7 tons, a bump of over 3 tons compared to 142.6 tons the previous month.  This enough to nudge Iraq one spot higher in the WGC's global ranking, landing them 31st place out of 100 countries."

Last week...I said Iraq government start a new white paper, it's all about the currency.  From here to the 8th of July we should have an answer.  What they going to do - Are they going to change the exchange rate or not?  That's what I said exactly.  They're working on it.  I know they created a white paper on that.   The CBI... government of Iraq, the reserve and the IMF are all working on the same page on those white papers.  I don't know if it's going to change or not...


The UN agreement, 2003 when they invaded the country, now they said the last day is next year 2025.  They been talking about the end of the war and this is one of them.  That is very good news. 

 We talk about sovereignty, that's one of them.  It's good for Iraq.  It's going to make Iraq stronger and happier...Sudani what he's talking about the coalition gonna leave in's official.


'Nader you said it was going to happen in June.'  No I didn't say in June happen. 

 I said June they're a possibility for them to work on the dinar because each time they worked on him it's between June and August...They created a new white paper.  They're going to start working on the exchange rate and I think from here to the 8th of July.  We'll see what's going to happen.

Iraq wanted to de-dollarize.  They start de-dollarizing in January but it didn't work for them too much. 

 The government didn't expect that to happen even by telling them that the dinar are stronger...use the dinar instead of the dollar for the benefits of the country.  They tried everything.  Now, they said that plan didn't work so they come out to the new white paper...They realized they cannot do nothing without changing the exchange rate.

They're going to have to go down in the exchange rate for the de-dollarization...They're going to have to change their exchange rate...Between now and 8th of July we should have an answer...

 what they going to do?  Are they going to change the exchange rate...keep it the same...go up...go down

 I think they're going to have to go down on the exchange rate a lot for them to take off the dollar from the street.

SANDY INGRAM: What Iraq Must Do Before RV Can Happen

Advisor to the Sudanese responds to the statements of the candidate for the US ambassador’s website, 16 JUNE

 Advisor to the Sudanese responds to the statements of the candidate for the US ambassador’s website

Security Advisor to Prime Minister Khalid Al-Yaqoubi: We listened to the hearing of the candidate for the website of the United States Ambassador to Iraq

🔹Yaqoubi: The session included a clear lack of understanding of the new recovering Iraq and interference in its internal affairs and the abuse of its neighbors

🔹Yaqoubi: The candidate must be aware of a clear fact that the sentence of what she spoke does not fit the tasks of her new work

🔹Yaqoubi: The task of the prospective candidate is specific to clear international agreements and treaties

🔹Yaqoubi: We look forward to a performance that enhances the good relationship between the two countries, especially as we are close to bilateral relations that preserve the great sacrifices that were made to victory over terrorism.مستشار-للسوداني-يرد-على-تصريحات-المرشحة-لموقع-السفيرة-الأمريكية



  What is the time of the float? ...I want to watch the float.  I want to calculate exactly just when I want to go ahead and exchange the rest of my dinar.  Here's the problem.  In the same manner they are giving [Firefly/Iraq citizens] a specific amount of time to turn them in, they will give us a specific amount of time to turn them in

Did you see...Iraq and Kuwait are now linking with their fiber optics?  This is extremely important part of the monetary reform...They know it's no longer a secret what is happening with the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.

Things are going perfect.  Everything is moving with such perfection that no one can do anything about this right now.

 How much time will they [Iraqi citizens] have to trade in 3 zero notes

 [Boot's on the ground Firefly's bank friend] told Firefly you're going to be given a short amount of time to exchange your Iraqi dinar.  This is the very first time ever that we have information from a very good source [saying] you're going to have a specific amount of time to trade in your 3 zero notes.

PIMPY: Gold Silver and Crypto update for 06/15/24 - Nice trend in the metals ma...



Looks like things are kicking off – I had three different intel saying Zurich has started. People are receiving notifications and having contracts signed, some are under NDA and will be waiting for their blessing by next week.  If you say that is not true, it is because it is not yet your turn. It is a process. 


“Dear Mr XXY, I hope you have a good day. I would like to inform you of the good news soon. In addition to exclusively positive news, we can now see an amazingly positive bustle in the market. All official buyers are working feverishly to prepare files for settlement, and this month we can see the first ones. HARP first settles all types of dragons and HK-$, but only a few days later with German bonds and then currencies. What is important now is peace of mind on the part of the environment and, above all, intermediaries, confidential cooperation with the protection of all security interests, as well as good direct cooperation and communication between the sellers and Mr XY and/and you. 

As previously stated,: If you are contacted by any unknown party, please note their name and contact details, do not provide any information or sign anything.

Now is the time when many criminal individuals and organizations will try to obtain data. 

Carpathia also heard from a source who has an associate in Zurich! 

Yesterday, the telegram channels blew up when one of the leaders of the Pentecostal group on a YouTube video

People were overjoyed, emotional and I had hundreds of private messages coming to me, What’s App was blowing up… people were full of Joy. What we received is they have gone liquid.  It is purely liquid now and now they are on the verge of releasing those funds right now. 

Soon we will get messages to come through to be ready. 

I was quite emotional, because I am in that platform, soon I will be signing that NDA, but when that happens, I am sorry, you will not hear from me because I will have to shut down, but it depends on what the NDA says, what you can and cannot say, but if I cannot talk about Intel I cannot do the live chat, but If I can talk about it, I will do more live chats.  

I received another message from Brazil. 

They received their contracts, signed their NDA and they are waiting for their blessing.  One person from Colombia called me and said:

 “Wolvie, Wolvie, I received the email!  Oh my God, I received my email! This person has had a very hard time and barely able to survive and he was praising God that this was to finally come through. He will receive those funds by next week.   

I am not hearing much from Reno. Hopefully, I will get some news coming from there. The admiral needs to go first, so we will get news for the 4 A group, that is a private for that group, so the Admiral needs to go first.  

Notifications should be coming out - HOLD ON


Just received a message that HE just received his blessing!)   There you go guys, just got a pop-up message! It is a special code that describes his blessing. 

If you are a bondholder that registered with a group, it is coming your way as soon as they arrange payout for all of their members.

For the 4B, for currency/bonds, we just need those notifications.  

I am sure we will receive those notifications for currency on the weekend. 

I am very positive we will receive that notification. 

Some are asking about "why cell phone notifications"? 

That is for bondholders in groups.  

The leaders will have phone numbers for their members and send texts to all members. There is a different set up with different groups. 

In my group we have emails, most have emails.

Wolverine via Carpathia

GOLDILOCKS: Vietnam STABLECOIN Raising the value of DONG! April 2nd VERY Important. BONDS, BONDS, 26 MARCH

 GOLDILOCKS: Vietnam STABLECOIN Raising the value of DONG! April 2nd VERY Important. BONDS, BONDS Highlights Summary In this detailed and co...