Friday, February 9, 2024






DINAR SUMMARY The Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a fundamental process in ALL large commercial contracts.

🔆Remember that you are about to become an "Ultra High Net Worth Individual" and your Non-Disclosure Agreement prohibits you from:

🚫 1. Talk about your date.

🚫2. What you are exchanging.

🚫3. What rates it achieved in any format.

❇️The first brief NDA would be electronically signed and generated by the Safe Link website from which we will obtain our T4B 800#s to make our exchange and redemption appointments.

❇️The second NDA would be signed in hard copy at the exchange and redemption appointment.

✅All Calls and voice messages will be logged, all phone call logs will be logged, all text messages will be logged, Twitter will be monitored (if active), Facebook will be monitored (if active), all will be monitored social media and forums, all devices will connect to federal government systems and seek to cancel trade-ins for anyone who violates the Non-Disclosure Agreement by discussing VR trades, your appointments or trade-ins, etc.

🔆These will be approximately 90 days (possibly longer) NDA's

 ❌Certain words will not be allowed to be mentioned.

❇️If you need to speak to specific friends, family members, or anyone related to your projects, be sure to add them to your NDA Addendum/Waiver document.

🚫Be careful not to send unnecessary messages or information that goes against the law.

⚠️These are legal agreements that we are signing!

🚫Avoid sharing confidential information with your friends and family. Even telling your children puts you at risk…

⚠️ be very careful!

⚠️ Be careful of your surroundings.

⚠️Anything you text, write or say can be used against you due to your NDA.

🚫 Don't risk it.


🔆This will take effect as you complete the information on the Safelink website.

❇️There are some mechanics within the Safelink website that require you to accept NDA before receiving the 800 number to call.

✅If you are going to bring a guest with you to your appointment, inform the telephone operator.

✅They will also be asked to sign NDA and ask them to bring their KYC documents.

🔆You will not receive responses from any moderator/administrator.

❇️There are waivers for your NDA that need to know this information and are hell-bent on knowing the proof and the source of the funds, for example. lawyers, asset managers, accountants, etc.

❇️ They are already covered with confidentiality within their professional records.

✅ But that doesn't mean you can't get them to sign another one with you directly.

✅Ask your banking team to allow you to have an NDA template that you can use back-to-back with yours. Print multiple copies.

❇️When you arrive at the appointment, you will sign the NDA again with wet ink.

✅Ask if you can add a short list of exemptions,i.e. spouse, children, etc.

♻️Take that list with you and make sure it is attached to the NDA before signing it.

Iraqi dinar Exclusive Update CBI Committee Reveals Plans for Lower Denom...

Al-Zubaidi: America has ambitions in Iraq and will not leave easily, 10 FEB

  Al-Zubaidi: America has ambitions in Iraq and will not leave easily

Information / Baghdad...

A member of the Conquest Alliance, Ali al-Zubaidi, on Friday, expressed his conviction that the American occupier will not come out easily, pointing out, "The occupier has ambitions in Iraq."

Al-Zubaidi told Al-Maalouma that "the exit of the occupier will not take place easily, especially since Washington has ambitions in Iraq, represented by the strategic location and many natural resources, indicating that "America seeks to achieve its interests by continuing to stay inside Iraq."

He stressed the importance of "continuing military pressure on the ground to ensure the departure of the occupier and evacuation from the bases he controls inside Iraq."He promised that "the Islamic resistance in Iraq is carrying out major military action against the US occupation forces stationed in military bases in Ain al-Assad and Harir, which are sites for the launch of occupation attacks inside and outside Iraq."

He added, "The US presence in the bases of Ain al-Assad and Harir is a threat to the security and sovereignty of Iraq."




.... the CBI still has their goals to rebuild the economy of Iraq, see the White Paper. In this document it clearly states the “Pillars of Iraqi Financial Reform” for Iraq and how they plan to affect each of them to get where they want to go. It’s no secret. So, what comes first the chicken or the egg.

REFORMS FIRST:  In other words, Iraq will never be able to rebuild its economy unless it completes these financial reforms first. 

But in reality, under Dr. Shabibi he knew damned well the necessity of getting back their currency (liberate it) and then use it to impact the growth of the economy. 

So, we are witnessing firsthand the mistake made way back in 2012-2013 in not following the plan of Dr. Shabibi. This is really what all the ruckus is about with this parallel rate and the inability to manage it.


 ...told to me just yesterday by my CBI contact...I was told that of the committee responsible for orchestrating the project to delete the zeros, had a member given a directive to supply a set of quality photos of the newer lower denomination paper currency and the coins. 

They are then to work with the technical side to deliver these photos and a writeup on the process of how the project to delete the zeros is going to work ....

I was told that in the coming weeks they were told that a meeting will be scheduled to review timetables for the coordination of all these events...Folks this is amazing news.

Amazing News from CBI!💣Deletion of Zeroes Active!🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

Al-Sayhoud confirms that the government will proceed to remove the occupier from Iraq, 10 FEB

 Al-Sayhoud confirms that the government will proceed to remove the occupier from Iraq

Information / Baghdad...

MP for the State of Law Coalition, Mohammed Al-Sayhoud, confirmed on Friday that the government will proceed to remove the US occupation forces from Iraq.

Al-Sayhoud told Al-Maalouma that "the repeated targeting by US forces of Iraqi security sites and national figures is a targeting of autonomy, pointing to "the decision of the House of Representatives to remove US forces from Iraq."

"The government and the government are proceeding with their dialogues with the international coalition to set a timetable for the exit of these forces," he said.

He explained that "the issue of the exit of US forces from Iraq and the handover of military bases is just around the corner, because there are assurances from the Iraqi government to proceed with this issue." 



 The CBI must carefully manage the timing of revaluation...[Iraq] has over $100 billion in foreign currency reserves.  The IMF has continually said Iraq needs more income streams to offset the oil industry.  The Development Road Project and several other manufacturing projects are all a part of increasing Iraq's income streams. 

These are some of the major factors holding up the Iraqi dinar revalue...There's a lot at stake...First...Iraq relies on its oil export for revenue...If oil prices were to decrease suddenly, it could cause a  drain on Iraq's foreign exchange reserves as they try to stabilize their currency's value...Second...Iraq's political stability and security issues... Uncertainties make it challenging for investors to trust...making them hesitant to buy the dinar...

Thirdly...A sudden and significant increase in their currency's value could adversely affect their exports and trade balances.  It could also lead to inflation...  Balancing the exports and trade revenue is one of the key factors in deciding and implementing a currency revaluation.

Furthermore...Neighboring countries may retaliate by imposing tariffs or restrictions in response to Iraq's higher value in currency...A sudden revaluation potentially could destabilize other currencies...

Iraq could have a domino effect on the economies and currency values of countries like the U.S., China and Russia because these countries hold significant amounts of dinar in their reserves... The central bank of Iraq is under tremendous pressure to fit in when it comes to the revaluation of its currency.

  Kuwait receives oil revenue in its currency.  Wrong. Kuwait is a member of OPEC and receive its oil revenue in US dollars just like Iraq.  It's all about how you spend your profits.  This is why the IMF encourages Iraq to create more streams of income...

Iraqi Dinar | Iraq's Currency Reset Confirm IQD RV Closer Than Ever | Ir...

Parliamentary Talk About Financial Dues To Oil-Producing Governorates, 9 FEB

 Parliamentary Talk About Financial Dues To Oil-Producing Governorates

Economy  2024-02-09  Today, Friday, the Parliamentary Oil, Gas and Natural Resources Committee called for granting the oil-producing governorates their dues in the budget for the current year.

Committee member Bassem Al-Gharibawi said in a press interview, “The budget includes a law under which oil-producing governorates are granted financial dues in the event that the price of oil rises above the number specified in the budget, but this matter has not been implemented.”

He added, "There is an urgent need for action by Parliament, especially the Finance and Strategic Planning Committees, to follow up on the dues of the oil-producing governorates in order to ensure that they obtain their dues within the budget."

He confirmed, "There are actual parliamentary movements to ensure that the dues reach the producing governorates," explaining, "The Parliamentary Oil Committee did not approach the federal government regarding this matter, but it moved toward the Ministry of Oil to find out the extent of its implementation of the government program and curriculum."



On February the 15th, 2024, the Commodities Futures and Trading Commission is holding a commission open meeting. 

The following two items along with many others are on the table to be discussed:

* Requirements for Designated Contract Markets and Swap Execution Facilities

 * Foreign Boards of Trade

The table is being set for the general public to meet with the CFTC regarding over the counter products such as foreign currency exchanges to understand the new rules regarding these trading products. 

© Goldilocks



 [via WiserNow] 

  ...we're being told by our redemption center people that we are in for a very exciting weekend.

 we did get information...that is pointing to this going very soon...So there’s  a 4 letter word that we don’t use that often.   ...from...main sources...we will be going in for exchanges before or by Friday morning...It looks very good...I think this could be a very interesting week, weekend into next week...

  ...redemption centers are ready. The rates have been coming up on the screens of banks and redemption centers...they are significantly higher at the redemption centers than the banks...And I think you guys will be more than pleased...

 ...we've heard from a couple of...sources that we should be there...with notifications by [Friday]...and maybe we do get started [Friday] or Saturday but we should go right through the weekend...I think that's great news for us...Even though we didn't get started [Thursday] like we had thought, like we had hoped...I was honestly surprised we were not going to get started [Wednesday]... So things are moving forward...I think it’s coming ...I think it's got to, you just have to say super patient like we’ve been...

Thurs. 1 Feb. Bruce

  Today was termed National Freedom Day and from a special ops person so today Thurs. 1 Feb. through Wed. 7 Feb. we are supposed to have Nesara and Gesara. We will also see an increase in SS this month of February. Med Beds will be with us in five days.

Iraqi Dinar | Banks Confirm IQD RV and Ready to Exchange Dinar | Iraqi D...


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-8-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  1:10:00 

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight.  It is Thursday, February the 8th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in all over the globe wherever you're receiving the call, whether it's on through the starlink satellite system from our SAT team, or whether it's just on free conference call or whether you're catching it on replay link or replay number. Glad to have you here tonight, and we're looking forward to having a really good call tonight. I'm excited about my segmeny. And hopefully everybody will be excited too. But before we get underway. Let's go ahead and pray the call in.

Okay. Thank you, Bob. Excellent. Let's transition into the Intel segment for tonight.

You know, I mentioned earlier something that Sue said about being the light of the world. And I said, we heard from the banker this morning, early. That said, Soon we will all be the light of the new world. And I think that was pretty cool that he put it that way. I think he's right.

We know that we're to be light and salt in this world. And we are and we should be. But let's start and see where we are and where we’re going.

First of all, Jeanie’s always bringing up what we’re looking forward to maybe what we don't have and what we're looking forward to, and what we're praying for so I remember those things and get into that in a moment.

Whit I think is most important right now is to look at the possibility that I was presented with today. It said that we should get Supreme Court decisions around 11 o'clock in the morning tomorrow, Friday.

Political comments omitted here

 So far today, that we would get those results of Supreme Court decisions 11 o'clock Eastern time, tomorrow. And then within  1 – 2 hours after those decisions have been rendered by the Supreme Court - we would notified for our exchanges which  would put us  sometime in the early afternoon tomorrow, in which case we should see the ability to set appointments either for Friday afternoon, evening, or Saturday,  but we'll see how those come out. Whether they come out as we anticipate and what we're able to do with that.

I think that's extremely good news. And what it tells us is all of this time we've been waiting, thinking we were going to go and all the false starts,. I think that's what we've been waiting for  - even though I was told that would not be the case – for a long long time  -  I believe more recently that we needed that to happen .   So we'll see.

Tomorrow, Friday, February 9 turns into that day for us - where we get notified - after the Supreme Court brings those decisions out, if that occurs,  we are golden  - we move  forward with our notifications  - our  setting appointments and are exchanges soon to follow.

Regarding R&R – restitutional and reclamation allowance – Jeannie  was referring to I believe, we had heard and I noticed that we will get that between the first and seventh of February. Well, the seventh was yesterday- Wednesday, and today is Thursday, the eighth and we have none of it – YET

I don't believe there were increases  in Social Security, YET- either – and we thought those would occur- they were supposed to start sometime - we didn't have  a specific time in February. I think they still could -

Political comments ommitted

But I believe  that allows us to move forward and to get not only  get our RV and to get not only are our toll free number – our exchanges, but also the R&R and the increase in Social Security as well to occur sometime this month.  That's what we're looking forward to.

I know that there are rates on the bank screen I know that they should be locked in.

We should also have rates on redemption center screens, which is the better way to go. I've told you that many times. Keep that in mind. That's why we use the toll free number when we get it to set your appointments because even though you're setting a fixed appointment, that should take no more than 30 minutes. Don't arrive more than 10 minutes early for it.

But you should be absolutely thrilled with the rates that are available for all of our currencies and for the Zim that we're we will be redeeming with everything that is going to happen at the redemption center - And that is the ticket. You know that call that took place. ?? was it Tuesday morning? With all redemption centers. It was with the leaders of those redemption centers around the United States, I don’t know if it was including Canada and Mexico.

 I didn't get that. But it was a call that was originated from Wells Fargo. It did last a little longer than they anticipated. Instead of an hour and went an hour and a half. And I think they got everything. They want to get out to the leaders of the redemption centers, of which we know four of those of four different redemption centers - so I think that's very positive for us. A lot of this has been hinged on the release of the decisions by the Supreme Court on three separate cases. 

One that was filed by President Trump and his group of attorneys one filed by the Bunsen brothers, and one is one relating to the 2022 election. So we'll have to see how that comes out. Tomorrow, but we're being told by our redemption center people that we are in for a very exciting weekend. Well, I'm counting the weekend starting tomorrow. Let's see how that manifests to us. Let's see what we actually get. How soon we get notified how soon we set these appointments. 

And I think we could start if we don't start Friday evening, we could start Saturday. And we'll go right on through Sunday and the rest of the week. That's what I'm getting today. I'm very excited to hear this information earlier this morning. So with that being said, I think we've covered all the other things that we wanted to talk about. So let's go ahead and look forward to that.

 Only way we're going to use to communicate with you until we have our new URLs set up that we can use interactively For rebuild America or rebuild international for veterans retreat network or pastoral retreat network. So hopefully, you guys have registered your email on big call But if you haven't, now's a good time. to get registered, because we plan to put out the actual toll free 800 numbers. When we get it, I say,

 I think it is one number to call in to the call center with a send that out too seriously, and will also have them on the landing page of our website. they call So if you don't have anything else to do with the big call, don't give us your email. Good. We're not going to use it. But I am going to send out podcasts from time to time that I do or live and I do with it soon, Bob and I might do. Sue's going in her own direction with her projects. 

I'm going in a different direction with my projects. And Bob is going to be helping to facilitate that. So we're looking forward to that Looking forward to connect with you After everything settles down from the actual exchange itself. So let's do this. Let's pray a call out. And let's look forward to what we have to see tomorrow. Like I said, we're looking forward to spring quarter earnings as for decisions around 11 o'clock, Eastern I don't know if it'd be I don't know how we're going to see it or if we even will see it. 

 That's when the decisions just come out. And then a couple hours later, we're expected to get notifications by email from well as far as that we can use to set our appointments. All right. So that's what I wanted to bring the night. appreciate everybody and let's pray the call out.

Transparency: Imports From Sulaymaniyah And Halabja During The Past Week Amounted To More Than 4 Billion Dinars, 9 FEB

 Transparency: Imports From Sulaymaniyah And Halabja During The Past Week Amounted To More Than 4 Billion Dinars

Economy  2024-02-09  The Transparency website announced the non-oil imports of the Sulaymaniyah and Halabja governorates and the Garmian and Rabarin districts during the past week, amounting to more than 4 billion dinars.

According to the Transparency website, non-oil imports in the provinces of Sulaymaniyah and Halabja and the administrations of Garmian and Raparin from 2/3/2024 until 2/9/2024 are 4 billion and 809 million and 858 thousand and 790 dinars, of which 3 billion and 460 million and 255 thousand and 300 dinars are , i.e. 72% in cash, 696 million 324 thousand and 500 dinars, i.e. 14% in the form of bonds, and 653 million 279 thousand and 990 dinars in the form of clearing at 14%.

After 30 years of Kurdish rule in the Kurdistan Region, Qubad Talabani, Deputy Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, announced on 12/15/2022 a project for transparency in non-oil imports in the governorates of Sulaymaniyah and Halabja and the Garmian and Rabarin administrations, which is the first of its kind in Kurdistan and Iraq in general. .

The project was widely welcomed in Kurdistan circles, demanding that it be generalized to include oil imports and imports from all regions of Kurdistan.

Qubad Talabani said in his speech announcing the project: “I am announcing an important project, which is the project of transparency in non-oil imports.”

He added: “Transparency is a program that includes all non-oil imports in the provinces of Sulaymaniyah and Halabja and the administrations of Rabrin and Garmian, which are collected daily with complete transparency and are recorded so that everyone can see the details of these imports at any time through the website

The  Deputy Prime Minister went on to say “This idea came about because transparency is the basic foundation for establishing trust between the citizen and any political authority in the world, so it is important for you to look at it.”

Surveying the Aftermath; Evening News with Zester 2/9/2024



"Maxine Waters Says Lawmakers Are 'Very, Very Close' To Finalizing Stablecoin Regulation Bill"

If you can remember all the times we talked about digital payment coins being in pilot projects, the sandbox testing of several stablecoins from around the world to see how they interact with each other leads to regulations. Such as, the one taking place in Hong Kong. 

This is why we are getting this announcement from Maxine Waters. It looks like stablecoin regulations are finally being addressed and near its completion for regulation and legislation approval. We are not there yet, but we are close. 

This will help make payments to the new tokenized assets that will be interfaced together through Protocol 20 utilizing Soroban smart contracts to ensure both sides of a trade are secure and capable of moving forward. 

© Goldilocks

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 That's Pretty Powerful 🔥 News Guru Intel Update IQD Rate...

Prime Minister: Iraq Deserves Renaissance After Years Of Corruption And Neglect, 9 FEB

 Prime Minister: Iraq Deserves Renaissance After Years Of Corruption And Neglect

Posted On 02-09-2024 By Sotaliraq  The Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, confirmed on Thursday that the Baghdad metro project will be linked to new residential cities, including the cities of Al-Jawahiri, Ali Al-Wardi, and Sadr City, while noting that the high-speed train between Najaf Al-Ashraf and Holy Karbala will work to end the traffic jam caused by the million visits.

Al-Sudani said in his speech during the ceremony of launching investment opportunities for the Baghdad Metro Project and the Karbala-Najaf Express Train Project, that “the Baghdad Metro Project establishes an important shift in the movement of citizens in the capital, Baghdad, whose population has exceeded 8 million, as the project consists of 7 lines with a length of 148 km.”

It will cover most of Baghdad’s areas,” noting that “the metro project establishes a connection process with the new cities that have been initiated, namely Al-Jawahiri City, west of Baghdad, Ali Al-Wardi City, south of Baghdad, and New Al-Sadr City, east of Baghdad.”

He continued, “These projects carry a clear and significant economic feasibility for the private sector that is serious about implementing them, and that the announcement of these two projects represents a shift in the government’s work path from quick and simple projects, such as service and engineering effort projects, to major projects,” pointing out that “the work processes are continuing.”

We have worked on these two projects, launched the Development Road Project, and are directly supervising the completion of the Grand Al-Faw Port Project, concluding contracts for new cities, and soon the investment portfolio for the rehabilitation and expansion of Baghdad International Airport will be completed.”

He pointed out that “all these projects establish a development renaissance for the new Iraq, after years of neglect, poor planning, and corruption that affected all projects, especially infrastructure,” stressing that “public transportation is a goal in which we will not be satisfied with building bridges, overpasses, and tunnels, but rather we have an integrated vision for a package of Several modern means of transportation to our capital.”

He explained: “We are establishing a new philosophy of management through the state undertaking organization and planning, and making way for the technically capable private sector to undertake the implementation of these projects, as we cannot remain dependent on oil imports to implement all service projects,” noting that “Iraq is witnessing a high growth rate.”

 It is the highest among countries in the region, and we must create the requirements for an attractive and supportive investment environment to pave the way for the work of local, Arab and foreign companies.”

He continued: “We need the support of members of the House of Representatives, with its specialized committees, in supporting the state’s directions with legislation that prepares the environment that attracts investment. We also sent a draft economic amendments law that includes several laws that we want to be in one package to save time, and many international companies are waiting for these amendments.”

He noted that “launching (the Year of Achievements) is not just a slogan, but rather within a vision that has been prepared since the writing of the government program, and is planned for the life of this government. We have established projects according to timings, and we raised the slogan: There is no lagging project approved and implemented in this government, and we are continuing with it.” This trend.”

The ceremony witnessed the announcement by the Chairman of the Investment Authority to set next Monday, February 12, as the date to open applications for companies on the Authority’s platform in order to submit their offers on the two projects.

while the consulting contract for the Karbala-Najaf Express Train was signed by the Director General of the General Railway Company, one of the companies of the Ministry of Transport.

It is noteworthy that the Baghdad Metro project consists of 7 lines and 14 road stations distributed among regions; Al-Alawi, Al-Shaab, Aviation Square, Al-Baladiyat, Al-Kadhimiya, Baghdad Airport, Al-Dora, Maysloun Square, Al-Zafaraniyah, Aden Square, Al-Bayaa, and Al-Qadisiyah, and passes in multiple lanes, with a transport capacity of up to three million passengers per day. It covers 85% of the area of the capital, Baghdad.

Express-type trains will be adopted at an estimated speed of (80-140 km/h), with an automated digital metro system that runs on electric power and without a driver and includes all means of communication.

The railway tracks enter through tunnels up to 20 meters deep, to avoid any conflicts with the streets and infrastructure services. The stations include facilities to receive arrivals and departures, elevators, movable and fixed escalators, commercial stores, cafeterias, bathrooms, administrative and service rooms, parking lots for cars and buses, and power generation stations.

The station consists of two departure platforms. The two reception areas are completely separate from each other, and the project also includes workshops and warehouses for maintaining, washing and cleaning trains, and maintaining railway corridors to change tracks.

As for the Najaf-Karbala train project, it consists of 4 main stations starting from Najaf Airport, passing through Karbala Airport, all the way to the Baghdad garage in the city of Karbala, on an elevated railway line, with a distance of (90) km, with a highly efficient metro system, and with air-conditioned cars at a speed of (240). km per hour. It includes special compartments for women and children, and seats for people with special needs and the elderly, in addition to the stations containing shops, cafeterias and various service facilities.  LINK

WALKINGSTICK: How else is America going to get repaid?, 26 MARCH

  Walkingstick     Before EID you don't want to do anything.  Because before EID is Ramadan.    Ramadan is holy time but during EID or j...