Monday, September 4, 2023

The President of the Republic confirms his support for all efforts to pass the oil and gas law, 4 SEPT

 The President of the Republic confirms his support for all efforts to pass the oil and gas law

9/4/2023 Baghdad - 

President of the Republic Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid stressed today, Monday, the need to make efforts to combat all forms of corruption and provide the best services to citizens.

A statement by the Presidency of the Republic, a copy of which Mawazine News received, said, "The President of the Republic, Abd al-Latif Jamal Rashid, visited today the Sulaymaniyah Governorate building, where he was received by the Sulaymaniyah Governor, Haval Abu Bakr."

The statement added, "During the meeting, they discussed the service and administrative conditions in the city, where the president stressed the need to make efforts to combat all forms of corruption and provide the best services to citizens, stressing his support for all efforts aimed at approving the oil and gas law in a manner that preserves the rights of all Iraqis."

And the statement continued, "The President of the Republic reviewed the governorate's library, indicating the importance of establishing cultural centers that know the Kurdish culture and its history, as well as preserving the antiquities in the governorate and caring for its museum."

The statement concluded, "Governor Haval Abu Bakr expressed his thanks to the President of the Republic for his important visit, stressing that the governorate in all its departments will continue to work to provide services to citizens in a way that achieves their aspirations for stability."   LINK  


 MarkZ "Café con MarkZ" Charla del lunes por la mañana 4 de septiembre de 2023

MZ: Feliz Día del Trabajo amigos. Estoy de regreso en los Estados Unidos por una semana.
Miembro: ¿Es esta nuestra semana????
MZ: Ciertamente se habla mucho de que podría ser esta semana.
MZ: Hay muchos rumores de que el dinero se está moviendo y comenzaron este fin de semana. Pero todavía no puedo encontrar a nadie con ese dinero en el bolsillo.
MZ: He recibido muchos mensajes de muchas personas en posiciones y lugares que dicen "hemos terminado" y está sucediendo ahora... Supongo que sabremos a lo largo del día de hoy y mañana si las cosas se han movido o no.
MZ: Muchos de mis contactos bancarios no funcionan hoy. Tengo una reunión física con uno de mis contactos más tarde hoy. Estoy muy entusiasmado con eso.
MZ: La gente del centro de canje trabajó algunas horas ayer... principalmente cuestiones de logística. ¿Quizás esto fue solo para mantenerlos en la ciudad? ¿A propósito y por si acaso? Pero hoy no están trabajando.
Miembro: Algunos dicen que los tenedores de bonos supuestamente se están hundiendo o ya están bajo NDA
Miembro: Vaya RV... todos los ojos puestos en Irak.
MZ: Mis contactos iraquíes están vacilantes con las expectativas para esta semana. Cada vez hay más confirmaciones de que el gobierno está utilizando esa tarifa 1132 con los contratistas en estos momentos. Estoy bastante seguro de que el CBI está empezando a tomar medidas. Han dicho antes que se estabilizarían a ese ritmo y luego nos darían el gran cambio que estamos buscando.
MZ: Sólo tenemos que esperar y ver qué surge de todo esto. La charla es abrumadora ahora que todo ha terminado. Lo creeré cuando podamos gastarlo.
Miembro: ¿Leí que hubo levantamientos en Irak por los pagos?
Miembro: De MM anoche: Rashid Bank pagará electrónicamente los salarios y los jubilados en Erbil. MM tiene sospechas furtivas de que no será así.
@130 a 1
Miembro: El hombre de la milicia dijo que Irak tiene 2 meses de retraso en el pago de los salarios y que emitirá cheques esta semana al nuevo ritmo que él cree. Por eso no pagaron todavía.
MZ: Eso también lo escucho de contactos sobre el terreno en Irak. Esta es una de las cosas que les hace pensar que esta es la semana.
Miembro: El pueblo iraquí está de vacaciones hasta el viernes. El gobierno podría estar trabajando detrás de escena
Miembro: El Tesoro a 10 años está en camino de sufrir una tercera pérdida consecutiva, algo que no ha ocurrido ni una sola vez en los 250 años de historia de la República en 1776.
MZ: Sí, el mercado de bonos está invertido, retorcido y en mal estado. Los fundamentos dicen que debería implosionar ahora.

MarkZ "Coffee with MarkZ" Monday Morning Talk September 4, 2023 MZ: Happy Labor Day folks. I'm back in the United States for a week. Member: Is this our week???? MZ: There is certainly a lot of talk that it could be this week. MZ: There are a lot of rumors that money is moving and they started this weekend. But I still can't find anyone with that money in their pocket. MZ: I've gotten a lot of messages from a lot of people in positions and places saying "we're done" and it's happening now... I guess we'll find out later today and tomorrow if things have moved or not. MZ: Many of my bank contacts are not working today. I have a physical meeting with one of my contacts later today. I'm very excited about it.

MZ: The people at the exchange center worked a few hours yesterday...mainly logistical. Maybe this was just to keep them in the city? On purpose and just in case? But today they are not working. Member: Some say bondholders are allegedly going under or already under NDA Member: Wow RV... all eyes on Iraq. MZ: My Iraqi contacts are hesitant with expectations for this week. There are increasing confirmations that the government is using that 1132 rate with contractors right now. I'm pretty sure the CBI is starting to take action. They have said before that they would stabilize at that rate and then give us the big turnaround that we are looking for. MZ: We just have to wait and see what comes of all this. The talk is overwhelming now that it's all over. I'll believe it when we can spend it. Member: Did I read that there were uprisings in Iraq over the payments? Member: From MM last night: Rashid Bank will electronically pay salaries and pensioners in Erbil. MM has a sneaking suspicion that it won't. @130 to 1 Member: The militia man said that Iraq is 2 months behind in paying salaries and that he will write checks this week at the new rate he believes. That's why they haven't paid yet. MZ: I also hear that from contacts on the ground in Iraq. This is one of the things that makes you think this is the week. Member: The Iraqi people are on vacation until Friday. The government could be working behind the scenes Member: The 10-year Treasury is on pace for a third straight loss, something that hasn't happened once in the Republic's 250-year history in 1776. MZ: Yes, the bond market is inverted, twisted and in bad shape. The fundamentals say it should implode now.


Vietnam PM meets with IMF Managing Director in Indonesia | Vietnam+ , 4 SEPT

  Vietnam PM meets with IMF Managing Director in Indonesia  | Vietnam+ (9/4/23)

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh met with Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Kristalina Georgieva on the sidelines of the 43rd ASEAN Summit and Related Meetings in Jakarta, Indonesia, on September 4.

Georgieva highlighted the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)’s and Vietnam’s positive economic growth, which, she said, has significantly contributed to spurring the sustainable growth of the global economy.

For his part, Chinh thanked the IMF and the Managing Director for their support to Vietnam in consultancy and policy making, helping the country stabilise the macro-economy and finance-monetary sector, and recover the national economy.

Lauding the fund’s role in promoting economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic and setting forth major orientations to remove difficulties and challenges, the PM said Vietnam stays ready to work together with the IMF to implement the agenda, focusing on the three pillars of stabilising the macro economy, supporting vulnerable countries and spurring growth.

Regarding the global economic situation, Georgieva pointed to a range of difficulties and challenges, which have also affected Vietnam.

Chinh also noted that the world economy is being impacted by many factors, including the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine, monetary tightening by many economies, supply – demand decline, and production and business stagnation.

To overcome the current difficulties and challenges, the PM and IMF Managing Directoragreed on the need for comprehensive solutions to ensure peace and stability.

They emphasised the importance of strengthening international solidarity, promoting multilateralism and continuing to boost international integration.

They shared the view that countries need to join hands to find new drivers for growth including green growth, circular economy, and sharing economy as well as the need to mobilse resources to expand production and business, create more jobs, promote innovation and start-ups, and not to politicise economic and scientific and technological issues.

The two sides agreed to strengthen the signing and negotiation of free trade agreements, remove trade barriers to facilitate the global circulation of goods; handle issues peacefully and cooperatively; promote the mobilisation of resources for development through public-private partnership.

The PM emphasised that in the context of complex global economic developments and potential risks, Vietnam will continue to implement the above mentioned groups of solutions to maintain macroeconomic stability, control inflation, maintain growth momentum, ensure major balances of the economy, and control public debt.

Vietnam will continue to implement flexible and effective monetary policy and fiscal policy with key focuses, promote both domestic and foreign investment, especially investment from the state sector. Vietnam will also coordinate and call on major economic hubs including ASEAN, to join hands in implementing the solutions.

The IMF Managing Director said that in the coming time, the IMF will continue to have solutions to help member economies increase their resilience against future shocks.

In the current trend of fragmentation in the world economy, the IMF hope that ASEAN in general and Vietnam in particular, on the basis of economic growth achievements,will promote its role in connecting economies and have a stronger voice in promoting global cooperation.

Chinh affirmed that Vietnam is ready to join hands with the IMF to implement measures to promote economic recovery.

Vietnam hopes that the IMF will continue to support Vietnam in policy consulting and making, technical support so that Vietnam can achieve its set development goals.

On this occasion, Chinh invited Georgieva to visit Vietnam soon and the latter happily accepted the invitation.

Dinar RV Breaking News 🚩 | Bank Urges Citizen to Deal with Credit/Debit Cards Instead of Cash, 4 SEPT



 Mnt Goat 

 Article:  "SPECIALISTS CALL FOR A REVIEW OF THE IRAQI FINANCIAL SYSTEM"  Quote:  "...the financial and administrative system in Iraq needs to be restructured..."  ...of course Iraq does not need all these structural changes to reinstate their currency as the value is already in the dinar with the oil market. Building the economy will only enhance the dinar and bring the rate up even more...

 Yes, there is always the possibility that the CBI could surprise everyone and they could suddenly push this forward. But...They have told me over and over again that when they get ready to do it there will be no secrets to the progress of the project to delete the zeros. This step will be announced and shown to the world... But here is the good news, The “secret” the redenomination in that the next step afterwards is the reinstatement and the liberalization of the dinar back to its “former glory” . 

...according to my conversation with my CBI contact in Iraq...I was told that there is still concerns about the dollar and the smuggling of dollars out of Iraq...There is still work to be done in this area. It was also confirmed to me that the CBI did intend to conduct the project to delete the zeros sooner than later but there are obstacles to moving ahead that still need work


As far as Iraq revaluing their currency there is no more problems...If they're going to be regional you've got to look at Iran, Saudi Arabia, all these local currencies...and you can average out the value of the currencies of the Middle East...They need to maintain that balance.  Either way it's going to be a major revaluation. 

  There's nothing wrong with cheering the dinar is going to revalue.  There's nothing wrong with being wrong if it doesn't revalue.  BTW I don't think I'm wrong.  It's a principled based investment and there's plenty of future coming for the Iraqi dinar.   Trust me, there     just is...

The President Of The Republic Confirms His Support For All Efforts To Pass The Oil And Gas Law, 4 SEPT

 The President Of The Republic Confirms His Support For All Efforts To Pass The Oil And Gas Law

Monday 04 September 2023 16:41 | political Number of readings: 131  Baghdad / NINA / - The President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Rashid, affirmed his support for all efforts aimed at approving the oil and gas law in a manner that preserves the rights of all Iraqis.   A statement by the media office of the President of the Republic said, "Rashid visited the Sulaymaniyah governorate, and he was received by the governor, Haval Abu Bakr."

During the meeting, the President stressed the need to make efforts to combat all forms of corruption and provide the best services to citizens," stressing his support for "all efforts aimed at approving the oil and gas law in a manner that preserves the rights of all Iraqis.

" The importance of establishing cultural centers known about Kurdish culture and its history, as well as preserving the antiquities in the province and taking care of its museum.

According to the statement, "Governor Haval Abu Bakr expressed his thanks to the President of the Republic for his important visit, stressing that the governorate in all its departments will continue to work to provide services to citizens in a way that achieves their aspirations for stability."/ End

Investing Lessons from Rich Retirees


 Militia Man  

 I wrapped up this week talking about all the progress that has been made. What has been done since January.  Big things like joining the World Trade organization as an observer status...which has been ongoing since February to August  we see they are gearing up for full ascension to the WTO and this is a big deal. They will be out in the world economy again and in the global financial system. 

My understanding is they have the security and stability in the country…enough that  we can see  all the countries making deals and doing things with Iraq. …Iraq is going to make a lot of money...once they have an article 8 exchange rate …that is required...For full ascension…all of us will have a different venue in a short period of time.

 Iraq is ready to go international.  What we're hoping and praying for is they show us an Article VIII compliant exchange rate and show us their new currency they're going to be using in the near future.  I think those new small category notes that were printed back in 2018 need to get exposed to the world...

  It hasn't been their job to tell us everything.  It's because we're outsiders.  It's their country and they keep it to themselves as best as they possibly can.  We should be able to understand that that's a big component of this whole process...

Brics aims to prime non-dollar oil trade, 4 SEPT

 Shafaq News/ The potential expansion of the Brics group of developing nations to include Saudi Arabia, Iran, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Egypt and Ethiopia has raised more questions about the future of the US dollar's dominance of global energy trade.

The addition of the new members would increase Brics' share of global oil production to 42% from 20%. But while interest in a system that doesn't rely on the dollar may be growing, it is likely years away from being viable — and unseating the dollar's dominance of energy trade could be particularly difficult.

Western sanctions on Russia have already given impetus to the trend, with India settling trades in UAE dirhams, Chinese yuan and, to a lesser extent, local rupees to avoid Indian banks’ concerns about dollar transactions. Pakistan has also settled deals in yuan, and India bought 1 million barrels of crude from the UAE settled in rupees. There has also been speculation that Saudi Arabia could increasingly switch to non-dollar currencies for its huge oil trade — although signs so far are that Riyadh will proceed cautiously.

Given Brics ambitions to “de-dollarize” their growing bilateral trade flows, the “Bricspansion” — as former Credit Suisse analyst Zoltan Pozsar coins it — could increase the odds of emulation. Certainly, more are considering non-dollar payment options. Some like China, Russia and India are testing their own central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), with a view to joining the mBridge project, sometimes dubbed “Brics coin.”

This new payment system — backed by of China, the UAE, Thailand and Hong Kong — aims to create a digital network of corresponding central banks that does not run through the global dollar system.

Sweeping Western sanctions against Russia, particularly the freezing of central bank reserves, have prompted other countries to look at ways of immunizing themselves from such threats. Yet many still hold assets and reserves in US dollars, for lack of viable alternatives.

There’s much talk about the yuan as an alternative currency given the size of the Chinese economy and volume of Chinese trade. Beijing has sought a more internationalized yuan for years, but keeps balking at the trade-offs involved, notably the surrender of capital control. For now, the yuan is largely used for trade between China and counterparties, not in trades between other countries.

The Saudi and the UAE currencies are also pegged to the dollar, limiting their flexibility — holding large volumes of yuan would complicate that peg.

US sanctions have had a more practical impact, forcing both Russia and Iran — existing and potential Brics members, respectively — to shift to alternative currencies for oil trade. Trades are still priced in dollars, but transactions are then converted and settled in other currencies.

China is the largest buyer of Iranian oil at the moment and is reportedly paying for it in yuan. Russia is also accepting payment in Chinese yuan, which, unlike the Indian rupee, is fully convertible to gold. Other steps toward yuan-denominated energy trade have been limited. Two yuan-settled LNG deals with China have involved TotalEnergies and Abu Dhabi National Oil Co., again seemingly converted from the dollar.

Russia's booming oil trade with India also faces currency hurdles that Brics expansion doesn't have an answer for: Russia does not want an influx of rupees, and India is reluctant to trade in yuan, the currency of its regional rival.

Another 14 countries have applied for Brics membership, including oil and gas producers like Algeria, Kazakhstan and Kuwait, potentially providing further momentum to de-dollarization efforts. However, the dollar's position in the oil trade is deeply embedded — hedging, for instance, revolves around the dollar, and alternative hedging mechanisms like in China are in embryonic stages. Still, even if alternative currency deals develop only on the margin, the CBDCs pushed by Brics central banks could lead to a more fragmented and opaque oil market, and creeping regional displacements of the US dollar over time. Argentina, for one, is changing its trade invoicing with China from US dollars to yuan, for example. The yuan became the most widely used currency for cross-border transactions in China in March, overtaking the dollar for the first time. But if Beijing is not willing to liberalize its financial system, it will limit the confidence and ability of other countries to use the yuan more widely in such transactions.

Labor Day coffee with MarkZ 09/04/2023

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ:  Happy Labor day folks. I am back in the states for a week

Member: An RV would really make it a happy Labor Day

Member: Hoping your holiday weekend has been a good one….and there is some good news today. 

Member: Is this our week????

MZ: There is certainly a lot of chatter saying it could be this week. 

MZ: The rumors are thick that the money is moving and started over this weekend. But, I cannot find anybody with that money in their pockets yet. 

MZ: I have received a lot of messages from a lot of people in positions and places that are saying “we are done”   and it’s happening now….I guess we will find out throughout the day today and by tomorrow if things have moved or not. 

MZ: Many of my banking contacts are not working today. I do have a physical get together with one of my contacts later today. I am pretty excited about that one. 

MZ: Redemption center folks did work a few hours yesterday….mostly logistics stuff. Maybe this was just to keep them in town?? On purpose and just in case? But they are not working today. 

Member: Some are saying Bond holders are supposedly going under or are already under NDAs

Member:  Go RV ……all eyes on Iraq.

MZ: My Iraqi contacts are hesitantly excited with expectations for this week. There are more and more confirmations that the government is using that 1132 rate with contractors right now. I feel pretty confident the CBI is starting to make moves. They have said before they would stabilize at that rate and then give us the big change we are looking for .

MZ:  We just need to wait and see what pops out of all this. The chatter is overwhelming right now that things have finished. I will believe it when we can spend it. 

Member:  I read that there were uprisings in Iraq about payments??

Member:  From MM last nite : Rashid Bank to electronically pay salaries + retirees in Erbil. MM has a sneaking suspicions its not going to be @130 to 1

Member: MIlitia Man said Iraq is 2 months behind paying salarys and will be issueing chks this week at the new rate he believes. Thats why they didm,t pay yet

MZ: I am hearing that as well from contacts on the ground in Iraq. This is one of the things that make them think this is the week. 

Member:  Iraqi people are in Holiday until Friday. Government could be working behind the scene

Member: The 10 year treasury is on course for a third consecutive loss , something that has not occurred once in the 250 year history of the Republic in 1776 

MZ: Yes the bond market is inverted, twisted and messed up. Fundamentals say it should implode now. 

Member:  News sounds amazing and good, but until we actually get notifications it's all just chatter. Stay grounded and hopefully this will be our week.

Member: it’s time to get this show on the road. Saddle up.

Member:  looks like it’s lining up to be a good week




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )





Iraqi Dinar-President Announced New Exchange Rate / Iraqi Dinar Currency...

Sudanese Advisor: The Ownership Of The Railway Link Project Will Be 100% For Iraq, 4 SEPT

 Sudanese Advisor: The Ownership Of The Railway Link Project Will Be 100% For Iraq

Information/Baghdad… Adviser to the Prime Minister for Transportation Affairs, Nasser Al-Asadi, confirmed today, Monday, that the ownership of the railway link project with Iran will be 100% in favor of Iraq.

Al-Asadi said in a televised interview, followed by Al-Maalouma Agency, that “the railway link agreement with Iran stipulates the transportation of passengers only,” pointing out that “the completion of the rehabilitation and development of the Shalamcheh crossing has become an urgent need.”

He added, “There are no secrets related to the railway link project with Iran,” noting that “the workforce in the project will be 100% Iraqi.”

And the Prime Minister’s Adviser for Transportation Affairs continued, “We do not know the reasons for the sensitivity of the railway link project with the Islamic Republic of Iran.”LINK

About $200 Million In Cash Sales Today From The Iraqi Central Bank

2023-09-04 Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq’s sales amounted to about 200 million dollars in the currency auction today, Monday.

Shafaq News Agency reporter stated that the Central Bank sold today, during its auction for buying and selling US dollars, 197 million, 727 thousand and 483 dollars, which the bank covered at a basic exchange rate of 1,305 dinars, per dollar for documentary credits and international settlements of electronic cards, and at a price of 1,310 dinars per dollar for external transfers. Same price in cash.

Our correspondent added that most of the dollar sales went to enhance the balances abroad in the form of (remittances, credits), which amounted to 172 million 357 thousand and 483 dollars, while cash sales amounted to 25 million and 370 thousand dollars.

Our correspondent indicated that the number of banks that bought the cash dollar amounted to 7, while the number of banks that responded to requests for strengthening balances abroad reached 20, while the total number of exchange and mediation companies participating in the auction was 89 companies. LINK



  [via PDK]  The WTO is big and it’s been percolating in the back since January.  My sources told me years ago that when we saw them join the WTO- then it was done. They would have to be fully international for that.

via PDK]  ...with the extended holiday this week between now and Thursday the indicators seem to be really coming together. We see that 1132 rate all the time behind the scenes...but the CBI has a different rate that is published.

 [via PDK]  Redemption folks working a few short hours tomorrow. That does not mean we are redeeming this weekend…but it’s a good sign...  We continue to get good news from Iraq…They are on a holiday from now until Thursday. This would give them a tremendous opportunity … and a lot of chatter in Iraq that they are going to take this opportunity this week to put things into place...Many indicators from Iraq about next week.


 Somebody reached out to me and said, 'Pimpy what do you think of this [Ebay] deal?'  For $37 you get 5,000 dinar...5,000 dinar is equal to what?  $3.80.  Don't get caught up or trapped in that kind of thing.  Make sure when you're buying dinars you're not spending a ridiculous amount of money higher than the actual value... 

Article: "Record number of new firms seen in eight months This is great news for Vietnam, their economy as well as their currency.  As long as the economy continues to get strong we will see the exchange rate increase over the US dollar.

Iraq Dinar Exchange Rate - Great Wealth - Private Sector - International...

Deputy: The Railway Link Between Iraq And Iran Is A Mercy Shot At The Port Of Faw, 4 SEPT

 Deputy: The Railway Link Between Iraq And Iran Is A Mercy Shot At The Port Of Faw

Posted On2023-09-04 By Sotaliraq   Basra - Qusay Munther    Laying the foundation stone for the rail link project between the Iranian provinces of Basra and Khorramshahr sparked reactions in favor and opposition to the government's step, amid a desire to complete the pending transportation and electricity projects with the Iraqi neighborhood. Independent MP Amer Abdul-Jabbar wrote on the XN website (the investment of the Arbaeen visit to lay the foundation stone for the project The rail link with Iran is considered as a mercy shot on the port of Faw.”

He added, “The need for 91 berths in the port will be eliminated, and it may be limited to 15 berths.”

According to reports, Iranian pressure continued on Iraq through the Minister of Transport, Rustam Qasimi, to link the two countries by rail, but that did not happen at the time.

During the ceremony, Al-Sudani welcomed (the Iranian Vice President and his accompanying delegation, and also appreciated the role of the Minister of Transport, the Governor of Basra, the advisors and the rest of the officials in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, committees and ministries, for their exceptional efforts, to proceed with this great project),

pointing to (the importance of the railway link project in Transporting travelers and visitors to the holy shrines, from Iran and the countries of Central Asia, in addition to its importance in strengthening the infrastructure of the Iraqi economy and increasing its growth),

indicating that (the project has undergone years of discussion, and it was agreed to complete it between Iraq and Iran in 2021), and he pointed out that ( The railway link through Shalamcheh, is one of several links for transporting travelers and visitors to the holy shrines,

which is scheduled to reach the governorates of Najaf and Karbala). For his part, an informant conveyed (President Ibrahim Raisi's greetings to Al-Sudani, and praised the development plans initiated by the Iraqi government in various sectors).   LINK

Statistic: Iraq Achieved The Largest Trade Surplus In 2022 Over A Period Of Ten Years

Money  and business  Economy News _ Baghdad  Statistics conducted by the German company Statista, which specializes in market and consumer data, revealed that Iraq achieved the largest trade surplus for the past year 2022 over the past ten years.

The trade balance indicates the differences in imports and exports of goods in the country during the year. If the value of its exports during a period exceeds the value of its imports, it is called a surplus in the trade balance. If the total value of imports exceeds the total value of exports, it is called a deficit in the trade balance.

And the company stated in a table seen by Al-Iqtisad News that Iraq achieved the highest trade surplus for goods in 2022 over the past ten years, as the surplus last year amounted to $53.54 billion, up by 64% from 2021, which amounted to a trade surplus for goods in that period. The year is 20.08 billion dollars, indicating that Iraq achieved a deficit in its trade balance for two years, the first in 2020, when the deficit amounted to 4.11 billion dollars, and the second in 2015, when the trade deficit reached 0.94 billion dollars.

And he continued, “In 2019, the balance achieved a trade surplus of $16.62 billion, in 2018 the trade surplus reached $35.95 billion, and the trade surplus in 2017 reached $15.1 billion,” noting that the trade surplus in 2012 amounted to $35.39 billion.

Dinar & Dong RV Same Time?💣IQD Float Up to 3 to 1?🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates...

Vietnam to host Biden visit and elevate US links amid rising China assertiveness in South-East Asia | Brisbane Times (9/2/23), 4 SEPT

Vietnam to host Biden visit and elevate US links amid rising China assertiveness in South-East Asia | Brisbane Times (9/2/23)

The United States and Vietnam are poised to significantly enhance their economic and technological ties, bringing the former wartime foes closer at a time of increased Chinese assertiveness in South-East Asia.

The deal, expected to be announced when US President Joe Biden makes a state visit to Vietnam next weekend, is the latest step by his administration to deepen relations in Asia.

For Hanoi, the closer relationship with Washington serves as a counterweight to Beijing’s influence.

The establishment of a “comprehensive strategic partnership” will give the United States a diplomatic status that Vietnam has so far reserved for only a handful of other countries: China, Russia, India and South Korea. The deal was confirmed by a senior Biden administration official and two people in Hanoi familiar with the matter.

Tightening the American relationship shows Hanoi is willing to risk angering Beijing but sees the move toward Washington as necessary given how aggressively China is flexing its military muscle in the region, analysts said.

“If you have the United States on the same pedestal as China, that is saying a lot to Beijing, but also to the rest of the region and the world,” said Derek Grossman, a senior defence analyst at Rand Corporation and a former US intelligence officer.

“That’s saying the US-Vietnam relationship has come a long way since 1995”, when the two countries normalised relations.

The agreement, proposed by the Biden administration in recent months, flows from a US strategy to build economic and security partnerships in the Indo-Pacific that can serve as a bulwark against Chinese economic and military coercion.

For Vietnam, it “serves both symbolic and substantive purposes”, said Le Hong Hiep, a senior fellow at the Singapore-based ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute.

The agreement is expected to lead to greater economic activity between the two countries, as the United States seeks to diversify its manufacturing supply chains away from China, and as Vietnam aspires to develop advanced technologies. American semiconductor firms have expressed “a willingness to support them in that ambition”, said a senior Biden administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the agreement has not yet been announced.

The United States is now the top destination for exports from Vietnam, which has made a dramatic economic transformation over the past two decades.

VinFast, the country’s leading electric vehicle manufacturer, is now selling its sleek SUVs in California and recently held an initial public offering of its stock on Nasdaq.

American companies have likewise shown a willingness to do business: Apple and Google suppliers have invested heavily in new factories in Vietnam, and a major announcement is expected from Boeing, which said earlier this year that it intends to expand its footprint in the country.



 ...If they lift 3-zeros that's still not enough because that would be at a 1 to 1.  They need this thing to float...IMO I think the Iraqi dinar will at least come out at 1 to 1 because that's what they say.  Then I believe deep IMO they are going to float this currency.  

That's when it's going to get tough on you.  You're going to be so tempted to go to the bank and exchange everything you've got at 1 to 1.  Wouldn't you like to exchange at 2 to 1?  3 to 1?...I believe 1 to 1 is their goal but the hard part is for you to decide if you want to exchange at a higher exchange rate...  [Post 2 of 2]

  Question:  "What do you think the rate should be?" You have to understand this is a Middle Eastern currency.  Do you think it should have the value it has now?  Of course not...Saudi Arabia what's your exchange rate to the dollar?  $3 plus.  UAE what's your exchange rate to the dollar ?  $3 plus Saudi Arabia...what's your exchange rate to the American dollar? $3 plus.  Do you get my point?   [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

 I have a dear friend who used to be military...but still works indirectly.  Therefore consider my friend to have contractual agreements.  These contractual agreements are with Iraq and Vietnam.  My friend calls me and say, 'Frank, I'm ready to expand...but my financial people are telling me wait..

.There is a major financial change that is about to occur and we think it would be wise for you to just wait.  You see Iraq has a lot of dong in their reserves and Vietnam Central Bank has a lot of Iraqi dinar in their reserves.'   Something is happening.  


 Global Currency Reset:

  • Sun. 3 Sept. Wolverine: “Some Bond Holders report they have been notified to set their appointments. I just received confirmation that the Green Light comes from Iraq. When the rates go international it’s GO TIME BABY.”
  • Judy Note: We have been told in the past that Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) would be notified to set our exchange/redemption appointments within 72 hours of Bond Holder notification.
  • Sun. 3 Sept. Texas Snake: The reports remain very positive, but the release still appears to be with Iraq and release of value in their budget, which is anticipated to be this week.
  • Fri. 1 Sept. MarkZ: I have some group leaders telling me that they know the exact timing, they are not telling me the date, but they seem as content as the Cheshire cat! Bond people were still expecting contracts at any time.
  • On Fri. night 25 Aug. a couple of humanitarian projects received full funding. Banks were saying there would be a free flow of money after the Labor Day banking holiday on Tues. 5 Sept. Redemption Center folk were told not to take a Labor Day vacation and to be available on Sun. 3 Sept.
  • Fri. 1 Sept. TNT: Iraq announced a rate change to 1000. Sometime over the weekend we’ll have an RV.
  • Amiel Alston Sharing from a friend: Saw this today, very exciting. Stacy G shares her recent conversation with a Wealth Management firm. Very encouraging news: “Today I’m getting my brakes done and noticed a Wells Fargo Financial Advisor building across the street. So, yup I went over there. I asked about their services and a wealth manager took me into a booth as the other rooms and offices were full. I explained I have foreign currencies and which kind. I asked what they provide. I was given a quick dissertation and told to make an appt as soon as I have the money. He knew about the coming currency revaluation. He said it is imminent and recommended I set up a team of their provisional wealth managers. Lol. He said the Zim bonds are considered fractional currency due to the high amount and will pay out in the billions. His words. We shall see. The Dong, Dinar, Bolivars and Zim agro cheques will all be worth larger values than people understand. I am definitely glad I went in. They know. They know we know. They are ready.”
  • On Fri. 1 Sept. the Quantum Financial System was fully integrated.
  • BRICS-Pay has just been announced for merchants and end customers worldwide! So far, it still looks like a normal payment service provider. It only gets interesting when your own new gold-backed currency is added
  • Wolverine claimed that on Fri. 18 Aug. Wells Fargo Bank received the cash release codes and the global launch of the funds took place across the Planet, marking the beginning of the registered global asset redemption program.
  • The Global Currency Reset appeared to be announced on Tues. 22 Aug. 2023 when the BRICS Summit launched BRICS Pay, a decentralized multicurrency digital international payments system.
  • Charlie Ward: “Months ago everything was completed for the Global Currency Reset, it just hasn’t been announced. The BRICS nations, BRICS bank and QFS have been fully trading in gold-backed digital currency for 8-9 months.”

RV Highlights on Telegram Sat. 2 Sept: very important Redemption instructions:

Step 1 – We must wait for the SafeLink website. This website can be passed along to anyone. There is no harm, there is no fault if it is shared and seen by those who are not invested in global currencies.

Step 2 – When you receive that notification, you will go to the SafeLink website. It will ask you a series of questions based on public knowledge/information in the public domain about you, where it will confirm your identity. It may ask you for an address that you have been associated in the past… or certain people who are part of your family, area code, zip code, or the vehicle you drove, etc. with general multiple choice answers.

Step 3: You’ll be given an 800 number to a call center that works for the US Treasury. You’ll call this & provid the zip code of wherever you want to go to your appointment. Many of the redemption centers are in the US predominantly. On the call, you will be asked what currency/bonds you have and you will only tell them the names of the currency/ bonds you are holding. *They won’t ask how much*. Don’t reveal how much either. If you have Zim bonds / notes, you will need to go to redemption center. If you have any of the other currencies you can be helped at any top tier bank. Once you give them your information, they will give you a number to make your appointment at a facility. and as I understand that, that number is only for you. And you may have to sign a draft NDA, just so you don’t tell other people about it.

(Note: The SafeLink website/800 numbers/instructions will be sent via email to all TETELESTAI Package subscribers. It will also be posted on the main blog for non-subscribers. ~ Dinar Chronicles)

Biometrics authentication and identification:

  • THIS is the BIG reason you must visit the Redemption Center. 30% (or more) of the people you see are not who they say they are.
  • Biometrics allows a person to be identified and authenticated based on recognizable, verifiable, unique, and specific data.
  • Biometric authentication compares data for the person’s characteristics to that person’s biometric “template” to determine resemblance.
  • The reference model is first stored. The data stored is then compared to the person’s biometric data to be authenticated. In this mode, the question is: “Are you, indeed, Mr or Mrs X?”​
  • Biometric identification consists of determining the identity of a person. The aim is to capture an item of biometric data from this person. It can be a photo of their face, a record of their voice, or an image of their fingerprint.
  • This data is then compared to the biometric data of several other persons kept in a database. In this mode, the question ​is simple: “Who are you?”

Iraq to start operating TIR transit system next week, 26 MARCH

  Iraq to start operating TIR transit system next week Baghdad ( ) – Iraq’s Border Ports Commission revealed on Monday that it...