Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Evening News with MarkZ 09/12/2023




 [Response to Guru Nader below] Is Iraq done with all their paperwork?  Are they fully ascended into the World Trade Organization? 

 You know it's not very hard to do, you can go over to the World Trade Organization website...and look up what the status is for Iraq...

You can see right here, July 19 2023...they appear to be submitting all the necessary paperwork in order to ascend through the World Trade Organization... They're not a member yet...We are waiting for at least the announcement of their next level or next step...

Nader From The Mid East  

 The exchange rate has been discussed with the WTO, World Bank...last week in New York they all agreed into it.

  Iran tried to slow it down but they can't anymore.  That's it. 

 They're done...Now we're just waiting for the approval of United States Treasury.  They just have to sign it.  Everything is done.  This is from the horses mouth... Sudani...Happy day today

Iraq, Austria discuss enhancing bilateral cooperation, 12 SEPT

Iraq, Austria discuss enhancing bilateral cooperation, 12 SEPT

The Iraqi Prime Minister, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, discussed Iraqi-Austrian relations and ways to enhance bilateral cooperation with the Austrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alexander Schallenberg, on Tuesday.

Schallenberg was accompanied by a delegation, which included several representatives of Austrian companies and businessmen, according to a statement issued by the Prime Minister’s Office.

Al-Sudani welcomed Austria’s reopening of its embassy in Baghdad and the signing of several memoranda of understanding related to security, transportation, and economic cooperation.

Schallenberg, on behalf of the Austrian Chancellor, invited the Prime Minister of Iraq to Austria for discussions on bilateral partnership.

The Foreign Minister of Austria expressed the government’s desire to strengthen the partnership with Iraq in various fields, including health, education, communications, infrastructure, and information technology. 

A group of Austrian businessmen assessed their companies’ proficiency and experience in various economic and technological domains.

Iraq is in Full Mode!💣New Exchange Rate Imminent?🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...



Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Oil Minister Hayan Abdul Ghani stressed, on Monday, the importance of strengthening and expanding the horizons of bilateral cooperation relations between Baghdad and Riyadh.

A statement by the ministry said, “Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul Ghani, received today, Monday, a delegation of the Saudi Shura Council, headed by Ibrahim Muhammad Al-Qannas, Chairman of the Iraqi-Saudi Friendship Committee in the Council.”

The statement added that Abdul Ghani “welcomed the guest delegation, expressing the depth of brotherly ties between the two countries, and the mutual keenness to strengthen and expand the horizons of bilateral cooperation relations in all fields, including economic, oil and energy.”

For its part, the Saudi delegation affirmed “the Kingdom’s keenness to strengthen and strengthen the bonds of relations between the two countries,” expressing its hope for “cooperation in implementing projects and investment opportunities and seeking to increase the volume of economic exchange between the two countries.”

More news….


Economy News-Baghdad

A carefully designed sequence of actions will begin when the $6 billion of released Iranian funds are transferred to banks in Qatar as soon as next week, eight Iranian sources familiar with the matter told Reuters, leading to the exchange of up to five U.S. dual nationals for a similar number of Iranian prisoners and their return to the two countries.

As a first step, Iran on Aug. 10 released four Americans from Tehran’s Evin prison and placed them under house arrest, joining a fifth American who is already under house arrest. Later that day, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken described the move as the first in a process that would lead to their return home.

(Why is this article important? It shows that Iran is backing off and willing to negotiate. Part of this agreement, which you don’t read about nor will you read about, is the deal to begin pulling out militia from Iraq. Remember also Iran accepted a deal to pay for electricity in dinars not dollars until Iraq can get their grid repaired. We needed to see this cooperation not separation.)  

More news….


The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced today, Monday, hosting the government team negotiating with representatives of the Kurdistan region to implement the budget.

Committee member Jamal Cougar said, “Today, the Parliamentary Finance Committee hosted the federal customs team negotiating with representatives of the Kurdistan region to implement the budget,” noting that “the government delegation presented its vision of the region’s share in the budget in numbers, and there were interventions from representatives to clarify some unclear numbers and texts that were interpreted by the committee.” Negotiation.”

Koger added, The committee’s meetings with the negotiating team will continue until solutions are reached.

(Remember that there are huge revenues for Iraq in Custom and tariff fees and tourism which could rival the oil revenues. Can Iraq get this under its control? This is what they are now attempting to do and is ongoing. But they will need FOREX to properly, accurately and quickly translate values of currencies when importing to charge tariffs and customs. This is where the real money is! 😊) 

More news….


This period we finally have a breakthrough on some VERY GOOD news about the currency reform and why it has been stalled. On Monday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani announced new steps in the issue of the dollar exchange rate crisis, and said that these steps would “break down” the parallel market. Al-Sudani spoke about the currency market file during a meeting with a number of news media professionals held at the government palace, indicating that “the dollar issue requires reform of the banking and financial sector, and is linked to taxes, customs, and fees to protect products and economic policies. Gee-Whiz isn’t this exactly what Mnt Goat has been saying all along? All I can say now is “I told you so”! 😊

Al-Sudani stated that the existence of “the parallel market is linked to a number of commercial operations, including trade with Iran,” and in this regard, he explained that merchants cannot send money legally in light of the American sanctions on Tehran, “which forces them to deal with the parallel market.”

The Prime Minister confirmed that “the Iranian side informed the government in the last meeting to stop dealing in the dollar, and to replace it with the euro, the yuan, the dirham, the Iraqi dinar, or the Iranian toman,” and revealed that there is “a mechanism that the Central Bank of Iraq and its Iranian counterpart are working on to prepare a plan to regulate this trade.”

Al-Sudani said that the new mechanism with Iran “will break the back of the parallel market,” while he explained that other problems associated with the parallel market relate to the trade in tobacco, gold, and medicines. You can read the full article in the articles section of today’s Newsletter.

So, what is this news mechanism with Iran?

In the article today, they tell what it is. Did you read it? 

The central banks in Iran and Iraq are working to establish a mechanism to regulate trade and payments in exchange of currencies (Iraqi dinar and Iranian toman) instead of U.S. Dollars to eliminate the parallel market altogether driving up the price of the dollar. Yes, eliminate the dollar altogether and no need for the parallel market. Like cutting the head off the snake!

I bring you this news today since I believe this has been the problem all along with the parallel market. Yes, they have told us before they had a solution but here, we sit today and still the black market is not yt under control. Will this new solution solve the problem? I firmly believe that if it does, we may very well see the second change in the rate we have been waiting for of 1000–1132. But remember that Rome was not built in a day and this new Iranian-Iraq trading policy will take a period to get underway and then to bring the desired results. So, let’s hang in and see what happens. It won’t be long so let’s not exaggerate either. 

The Coming Re-Education Process

Years ago, almost a decade now, and ever since, when I claimed my CBI contact told me about a re-education process of the citizens that must take place prior to the redenomination, many of these RV intel gurus have taken this notion and ran with it to hype you up on occasion. Since they didn’t really understand it in the first place, they simply would make up lies to make you believe the RV was about to take place. Shame, shame, shame on them!!!! 😦

Folks, they did not yet go through the re-education process for the redenomination, and I can assure you of this for a FACT. I wish these intel gurus would stop mixing up the process with other issues and stop their lying.

So, the re-education process is NOT about some speech in the mosque on Friday or by some politician. It is not about billboards or wide TV screens broadcasting news about the currency reforms now taking place and the issues they are having. Sure it’s all education but not what I am talking about. Get it? Gosh… these intel gurus can’t even get something as simple as this right!!!.

So to set the record correct let me be VERY CLEAR on just what the re-education process is. Simply put, the CBI will tell the citizens about how the process will work for the redenomination. It will include these steps as outlined to me many years ago:

1.the turning-in to the banks the older three zero notes in exchange for the lower denominations;

2.the deadlines for the exchange window, just like they did with the turning in of the old Saddam Hussien notes in 2004;

3.showing the citizens the actual new lower denominations and coins;

4.pointing out the security features on the new notes.

5.explaining the resetting of the ATMs

The CBI site itself will then list the newer notes as legal tender. Do you see them there yet? 

Click Icon to CBI Site

I find it outlandish that these intel gurus will claim this process has taken place, yet when you ask to see the newer lower denominations, they can’t show them to you. Why? Because they are not yet in the public eye as the CBI does not want counterfeiters to get a heads-up on the images. Get it? Yes, it is that simple.

Why is this Re-Education Process Important to us?

I have talked about many times that it must take place prior to the Project to Delete the Zeros. So we them will know that this project is VERY close.

Then we know what comes next…don’t we? That’s the important part. Get it? 

I was told by my CBI contact many times that when this project to delete the zeros and to redenominate the dinar will not be a secret. It will be in the news media all over Iraq. So, where are the articles then? Where is the news media then if this has taken place?   

So, the newer lower denominations did not come out and are not in the ATMs. Get it? The Kurds are being paid and will need the ATM for petty cash so they can’t reset the machines yet. How will the citizens survive if they did at this point without the full redenomination happening concurrently?

Oh… The Big “STUPID” Call Bruce, the idiot, says the RV is happening twice weekly for the last 7 years.….lol..lol..lol . He also says the entire U.S. debt of 29 trillion has been paid off by some global fund…. Really now? How stupid can someone be to repeat such nonsense? If you hear anybody even mention intel about this NESARA / GESARA crap you should run like hell from them and never come back. I warned  you about the Zimbabwe notes, I gave you all solid proof it was all lies and so what is happening with them now? Did you listen to me? How much $$$ did you waste on these null and voided “collectors” notes?

Having said all this let’s look at more of today’s REAL news from Iraq and see where we REALLY stand on the RV:

On Sunday, the economic expert, Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani, revealed the main reasons behind not launching the 2023 budget yet. Doesn’t this seem really strange that the budget was passed months ago and yet they still have not distributed the funds for all the projects to rebuild Iraq? What are they waiting for? Are they waiting for a new rate? Just saying…. as I believe they are.

We hear news that they are anticipating a global economic crisis next year, and despite the rise in oil prices, thinking the year 2024 will be difficult, thus being conservative now in their spending as reason for stalling the distribution of funds. I personally do not believe these statements for one second. They are stalling and must come up with a logical reason why. The people want to know, so they trump up this reason. How foolish to think people will believe it.

Another reason given as it’s not politics as Al-Mashhadani said in a statement, “Not releasing the budget is not for fear of it being exploited electorally, because the political blocs do not need a budget, as they have food security law money, and they also have supporters from merchants and businessmen, so the basic political blocs have power and money and support from local, international and commercial parties. You can read the full article in the articles section of today’s Newsletter.

The U.S. Conspiracy to Sink the Iraqi Economy

I know many of you don’t want to hear this part of my Newsletter and cringe when you read it, if you even read it. But folks it is reality and I have been telling you about this U.S. Conspiracy for a long time. But there is HOPE too as with other things of these wicked people do, they all tend to backfire on them and God gives us what we want in spite of their efforts to block it. So stay patient and diligent. The RV is coming to us.

So here it is and you can read the news articles directly from Iraq in the articles section today and you can read it for yourself. It is not the first of many such articles over these past months. Why? Why articles like this?

Members of Parliament are getting wise to covert actions of the US government to break (not help) the Iraqi economy. Remember actions speak louder than words. So who’s holding back the reinstatement? 

I quote from today’s article- “Many parliamentary members are now accusing the United States of America of waging a conspiratorial war to destroy Iraq’s economy. The Iraqi government, when it talks with the American side within the diplomatic framework, must bear in mind the criterion of it’s strength and try to obtain advanced and modern technological technologies that benefit Iraq.” Their words not mine! 

Many members are quoted as saying “America is leading the policy of economic conspiracy during the current period; to destroy the Iraqi currency and the exchange rate,” stressing “the necessity of referring to this war and not leaving it.” You can read the full articles in today’s articles section but they are not unlike the past articles in past Newsletters.

So, do you want to know who is holding up the RV, Reinstatement and Project to Delete the Zeros?

Still refuse to believe me about this U.S. conspiracy

-Iraq has the highest monetary reserves ever in the history of Iraq at $115 billion U.S. dollars, yet the dinar is 1/6 of a penny;

-Iraq has the highest GOLD reserves ever in the history of Iraq at 132 tons, yet the dinar is 1/6 of a penny;

-Last week we were told by Iraqi news that Iraq has the strongest and fastest growing economy, yet the dinar is 1/6 of a penny;

-Iraq is pumping over 2/3 more oil than in 2003, generating massive revenues, yet the dinar is 1/6 of a penny; 

-We are told the potential for massive profits from the tariffs, customs and toruism industry could rival the oil revenues, yet the dinar is 1/6 of a penny;

-At the onset of the 1991 gulf war, Desert Storm, the dinar was on FOREX at over $3, yet the dinar is 1/6 of a penny;

Are you listening to the REAL news from Iraq or so caught up in all the guru nonsense and hype? Do you really want to know the TRUTH or just pretend to listen? 

Like I said many times we need to see a change in the U.S. policy for Iraq and this change is NOT going to occur until we have a change in the current Biden/Obama puppet corrupt administration. So, when will this happen, if it will happen prior to 2024?


A Hand Has Been Placed On The “Reason” For The Rise In Dollar Prices, And An Expert Warns A Group Against “Burning With Fire”, 12 SEPT

 A Hand Has Been Placed On The “Reason” For The Rise In Dollar Prices, And An Expert Warns A Group Against “Burning With Fire”

2023-09-12 Shafaq News/ Economist and former general director at the Central Bank, Mahmoud Dagher, revealed on Tuesday that the rise in the dollar is due to the leakage of currency to punished entities.

Dagher said in an interview with Shafaq News Agency, “There is no dollar crisis, but rather a crisis of merchant dollars in cash that leaks to cover trade with punished entities, and it represents only less than 10 percent of the central bank’s sales. The dollar is stable in financing imports to Iraq at 1,320 dinars to one dollar.” ".

He added, "The cash problem does not represent a large volume, and therefore the demand for it is a demand for the purpose of continuing imports from punished entities. This is a mistake committed by these merchants, so let them bear the price increase."

He pointed out that "the poor Iraqi citizen has nothing to do with the dollar, as inflation is low, and the person who has a salary has nothing to do with the dollar. When he wants to travel, for example, he has a card that he puts the required amounts on, and he goes out and takes dollars for purposes of living and shopping, so he does not need cash dollars."

He continued, "Those who need cash dollars are those who deal with sanctioned entities or speculators," noting that "these will suffer the fire of this rise until they abandon this type of trade or find another outlet until they return to the right path."

He stated that "the central bank is not responsible for what happens to the cash dollar, but rather speculators and importers from the sanctioned entities, who represent a small amount of the bank's total sales."

The dollar is witnessing a gradual rise against the Iraqi dinar during these days, recording 155,000 dinars against 100 dollars on Tuesday morning on the Al-Kifah Stock Exchange.   LINK

Militia Man & Angel1 - Update on 9/11 - Iraq Dinar - Exchange Rate by MILITIAMAN


 Sandy Ingram  

 [I] was to hire an individual who could be bonded, who speaks both English and Arabic and who could open a brokerage account on the Iraqi Stock Market and an Iraqi bank account.  [We] asked this person to contact us using the channels Facebook page.  There were several responses. 

 But before conversations could begin the Facebook account was disabled.  No explanation.  No reason...These actions led me to believe someone in high place did not want us to bring our over $10 million investment in or on the Iraqi stock market into play...

How we know the value of the IQD will increase.  Mega banks slipped into Iraq...JP Morgan has assets of more than $2.62 trillion and is the 5th or 6th largest bank in the world...

Earlier this month JP Morgan & Chase won the contract to run the Trade Bank of Iraq.  The Trade Bank of Iraq facilitates foreign trade financing operations... this is huge.  Other banks working with JP Morgan are out of the United Kingdom, Poland, France, Canada and Kuwait...

Banks that influence the Forex Market are doing business in Iraq...Iraq is connected at the top

Al-Halbousi opens fire on the Central Bank: money smuggling chaos!, 12 SEPT

Al-Halbousi opens fire on the Central Bank: money smuggling chaos!

On Monday, economic expert Omar Al-Halbousi revealed a significant problem that has arisen since the United States introduced Iraq to the external transfer platform. He emphasized that the complexity and delay in sending remittances is not due to the platform itself, but rather due to influential individuals and speculators who are manipulating the financial and banking sector. These individuals have dangerous influence in the central bank, causing further complications.

In an exclusive statement to “Jarida”, Al-Halbousi expressed that after the US decision to introduce Iraq to the external transfer platform in order to monitor and limit unauthorized transfers, a significant problem arose due to the complicated procedures implemented by the Central Bank and banks, which led to delays in sending transfers.

Citizens and merchants were unhappy with a delay and complicated procedures caused by the Central Bank’s failure to monitor and hold violators accountable. The Central Bank could have prevented these issues by better utilizing its authority. This was stated by an individual who added that these complaints were received.

Al-Halbousi stated that the complexity and delay serve the purpose of perpetuating chaos in remittances, in order to maintain the black transfer process under this chaos.

The economic expert explained that despite the presence of the platform, illegal transfers still occur and are redirected towards their intended destination.

During an interview, he disclosed that the Central Bank not only turned a blind eye to the disorder and illegal transactions but also colluded with banks to sustain the smuggling process and create obstacles for ordinary citizens. This is done in order to exploit the situation by channeling money to specific parties.

Al-Halbousi explained that the complexity of the issue would persist as it is advantageous for certain parties to maintain it in this manner. They do this to be able to push through their own agendas and to use the excuse of complications and delays. Although this is often attributed to the platform, it is not the platform’s fault.

At the conclusion of his speech, the economic expert blamed “influential people and speculators” for manipulating the financial and banking sector, delaying and complicating the sending of remittances.

Iraqi Oil Minister Highlights Recent Achievements, 12 SEPT

The Minister of Oil reiterated during the opening of the first Iraq Oil Projects Exhibition and Licensing Rounds Conference in Baghdad that he has increased Iraq’s oil and gas reserves. He claimed to have added 6 billion barrels of crude oil and 32 billion standard cubic feet of gas, which brings the total oil reserves to 146 billion barrels.

According to Hayan Abdul Ghani, the current government has achieved significant milestones such as signing the development contract for the Ahdab oil field, which has a capacity of 250,000 barrels per day (bpd), and launching the Karbala Strategic Refinery, capable of producing 140,000 bpd.

In addition, he mentioned the expedited functioning of the Akkas gas field, the implementation of the first phase of liquid separation for Basra Gas Company (BGC) that has a capacity of 200 million standard cubic feet per day, and the operation of the liquid gas warehouse in Samawa.

The announcement highlighted the signing of the integrated South Iraq Agreement with TotalEnergies. This agreement includes investment in gas from five oil fields, which will produce 600 million standard cubic feet of gas daily and 210,000 barrels of crude oil daily. The project also involves the use of seawater for injection instead of river water, as well as the construction of the largest solar power station in Iraq, with a capacity of 1,000 megawatts.


Coffee with MarkZ 09/12/2023

MarkZ Tuesday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Good morning, everybody hope there's great news.

Member: So what are the thoughts, is this latest chatter much ado about nothing? Or are we actually close to the end?

MZ:  Nader and MilitiaMan appear to be right and it’s all done. 

MZ: Bond folks are hoping for some news this evening …They say they are waiting for when the west coast banking closes for their update. …

MZ: There is still a crap ton of rumors of who has money….but none of my personal contacts have any…..so I consider this all still rumors. 

Member: I thought nobody got spendable money until we get to make our appointments…..that makes sense to me. 

MZ: Lots of solid chatter from Iraqi government circles that they are looking for an announcement around the 20th or 21st. When Sadr addresses the nation. If they are expecting a rate announcement…I would think it would have already gone by then….then announce it to the world. So they do it…then they tell the world they did it. 

MZ: I am cautious but very excited over the news I continue to get. 

Member:  GM everyone... Militia man...Iraq in washington this past weekend. U S signed a M O U memorandum of understanding.....The U S will help Iraq in any way to prosper and not interfere.

Member: Angel 1 said only two things to happen - rate change and small denominations to be available

Member: MM and Angel talked about that everything in the Middle East and Asia will go through Iraq. Also said that Iraq brokered deals between the US and India and Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Member:  (From Dinar Guru)  Guru Nader From The Mid East  This is straight from the horses mouth, straight from Sudani.  He had an interview today...He talked about security...ISIS and any other terrorist group does not have anymore power in our life.  Stability, Iraq is stable.  It's amazing.  Cannot get more stable than this.  Three...we signed all the agreements.  It's ready with world trade.  It's done.  Finished...Iraq become the hub of Asia, Middle East, North Africa and maybe Europe...

Member:  Also many new contracts w/ other countrys just waiting for the new rate change to be announced.

MZ: Oh yeah……they are telling us what is happening. 

Member: Who is the admiral who is supposed to put in the codes in Reno?

MZ: It is our understanding that he had ties with Ronald Reagan and was put in this position back in the Reagan years where they first put in the Leo, Wanta, Mitterand accords and these things. And it is my understanding the admiral is the acting signatory for Reagan and those protocols to release that money. I believe he is in charge of most of the processes in Reno. It is said he is in charge of Wounded Warriors and there is a massive fund for them……but history will tell us who is right and who is not. 

Member: What does everyone think the dong will rv at?

Member: I’m sticking with $2.25

MZ: So am I …Have heard this rate forever. But many of my banking contacts believe its to low and may come out at $3 or $4…

Member: I think between 2-3 would like to see over 5 but would be happy with 1

Member: Better to hope for low…..so we are not disappointed….but if its higher..woohoo. 

Member:  So I get that these currencies can and will most likely revalue, but what guarantee do we have that they will honor our currency at new rate? Can't they just say its old and not redeemable?

Member: Legally if it’s on forex I do not think they can stop us.

MZ: Internationally they have to honor our bills. They could though tell us we have 60 days or 90 days in which to exchange them …most of my sources believe we will have 6 months to trade the old bills in. 

Member:  The United States confirmed Monday it had signed off on the transfer of $6 billion in frozen Iranian funds from South Korea, paving the way for five US citizens to leave Tehran.

Member:  The debt clock is very exciting, millionaires up and credit card debt is going down. 

Member:  Lots of chatter about getting ready for the EBS between now and Oct

MZ: Many are saying to look for the EBS during Rosh Hosanna on Friday….I don’t know though. Best just to stay calm and watch what happens. If we are getting all this news hard and fast…chances are we are also getting misinformation hard and fast as well…..

Member: May this be our last day of waiting for the RV !!!

Member:  After the way my family is, and has been treating me, you can bet I'm going to tell them "told you so!!!!"

Member: I would like to take a moment to thank all of the MODS for all you do

Member:  Happy Birthday to those celebrating today and God Bless everyone ….prayers for everyone

StacieZ Joins the stream at the end….Please listen to the replay for her information 


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Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM

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MZ: Zim payouts I hear may be traunched…..a structured payout over time…….What is a traunch?   https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/traunch.asp 

MZ:  JFK Secret Societies Speech in case we forgot   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItOPg2l7-t0 

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ObvK4NR_LI&has_verified=1&bpctr=1579044401 

Your straw man (Strawman) is an artificial person http://freedom-school.com/aware/your-straw-man-is-an-artificial-person.html

MZ: Video on PP’s and Farm claims: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAL0exvL45Y 

Mod:  Dr Shabibi answering questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol8wve53-ME

MZ: Watch the Video “The end of the road” by Monkey films on Amazon Prime….End of the Road: https://tubitv.com/movies/451883/end_of_the_road

You can share links like these one's to those who don't believe: theoriginalmarkz: https://www.slideshare.net/ahmeddinargate/the-history-of-iraqi-dinar-exchange-rate 

MZ: Farm Claims are what started the whole Nesara movement. So if you want a bit of History …please watch this one.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAL0exvL45Y 

Mark Coffee and Chat …. Monday through Friday 10:00 AM EST EDT ….Chats live or recorded https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz ONLY SPECIAL NEWS tweeted out https://twitter.com/originalmarkz

Follow Mark on odysee ( formerly known as library) at https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 

Twitch:   https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz 

Youtube:     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylFarc9qDL0 

Dinar RV News Today🔥Boosting Economy: Arab Tourism Organization-Iraq Par...


 Lunes PM Mark Z News 9-11-2023 "¿Es esto"???"

Noticias del lunes por la tarde con Markz
Miembro: Buenas tardes a todos.
MZ: Hoy voy a ser bastante breve… viajaré de regreso a PR. Mañana deberíamos volver a la normalidad.
Miembro: ¿Ya llegamos?
MZ: Sinceramente creo que voy a tener que irme otra vez… porque eso significaría que vamos a intercambiar.
Miembro: Mark: ¡Mantén tu maleta empacada!
Miembro: Excelentes noticias de Nader y mm y su equipo, muy emocionantes.
Miembro: MM dijo que dentro de una hora se había acordado una tarifa.
Miembro: Nadar publicó un video que decía que todo está hecho, solo están esperando que el Tesoro de EE. UU. apruebe la tasa.
Miembro: Gran anuncio en la televisión de Irak. Se acabó.
Miembro: ¿Esperando al Tesoro de EE.UU.? ¡¡¡No me gusta cómo suena eso !!!
Miembro: ¿Ninguna firma del Tesoro de Estados Unidos puede frenar esto?
MZ: Sí, he visto el vídeo de Nader... y está absolutamente en línea con lo que estoy escuchando. MilitiaMan también nos ha dicho básicamente lo mismo. Estamos tan cerca…..
MZ: Nader realmente salió airoso hoy. Esto viene directamente de Sudán de que es hora de abordar el tipo de cambio... BAM
MZ: Han estado en muchas reuniones... hemos tenido gente aquí desde Irak durante las últimas semanas. Personas de la Reserva Federal y del Tesoro de Estados Unidos han estado allí. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo en que ya está hecho... Sólo estamos esperando por alguna razón. Esperando a que se accione ese gatillo.
MZ: Mis contactos iraquíes creen que estará aquí desde ayer hasta el día 20... como máximo.
MZ: ¡¡¡La mayoría de mis fuentes aquí creen que esto es todo!!! Los pizarrones tienen que estar iluminados con gente llamándolo para esta noche y mañana. Estoy escuchando lo mismo. No te enfades si no es tan rápido, ya que hay muchas piezas en movimiento detrás de la cortina. Cuando aprieten el gatillo, ojalá todos lo sepamos. Nos aseguraremos de compartirlo para que todos podamos estar realmente emocionados.
Miembro: Mientras veamos que algo real suceda... será increíble.
Miembro: ¿Por qué Estados Unidos tiene algo que decir en la revaluación de Irak?
MZ: Debido a la guerra iraquí y al dinero para la reconstrucción de Irak y parte del acuerdo de rendición con Sadaam Hussein cuando se retiraron de Kuwait. Eso es todo en pocas palabras... para que Estados Unidos pueda recuperar el costo de la guerra. .
Miembro: ¿Estados Unidos se interpondrá nuevamente en el camino de los vehículos recreativos?
MZ: Puedo decirle que están cediendo y no pueden interponerse en su camino ahora.
MZ: “En Hanoi, Biden profundiza las relaciones con Vietnam... con la esperanza de ampliar el alcance económico al patio trasero de China”. Están tratando de llegar a mejores acuerdos porque Vietnam será una de las economías más fuertes. …Será un gran ganador en este reinicio…así que, de repente, Estados Unidos, en lugar de cabrearlos…les besa el trasero.
MZ: Hemos estado viendo todo tipo de tasas bancarias en las calculadoras de divisas. Mis banqueros creen que están preparando la bomba del sistema e ingresando diferentes valores para probar las cosas.
MZ: Realmente creo que esta puede ser la última semana en la que tengamos que lidiar con todo esto.
Miembro: Mire el reloj de la deuda ¡Los millonarios suben y las facturas de las tarjetas de crédito bajan!
Miembro: Estados Unidos e Irán acaban de acordar un intercambio de prisioneros liberando miles de millones de dólares
Miembro: Mark, según Bruce, es posible que los tenedores de bonos tengan acceso esta noche.
Miembro: Cuando suceda esta bendición, ¿seguirás publicando los números 800?
MZ: Me dijeron que aún podré publicar todas las instrucciones o enlaces importantes para encontrarlos.
Miembro: Noticias muy interesantes... estaremos observando esto de cerca y el teléfono completamente cargado en caso de que sea "IT"
Miembro; Gracias Mark y Mods... nos vemos a todos por la mañana para tomar un café.

Monday PM Mark Z News 9-11-2023 “Is this”???” Monday Afternoon News with Markz
Member: Good afternoon everyone. MZ: Today I'm going to be quite brief... I'll travel back to PR. Tomorrow we should be back to normal. Member: Are we there yet? MZ: I honestly think I'm going to have to leave again... because that would mean we're going to exchange.
Member: Mark: Keep your suitcase packed! Member: Great news from Nader and mm and his team, very exciting. Member: MM said that within an hour a rate had been agreed. Member: Nadar posted a video saying everything is done, they are just waiting for the US Treasury to approve the rate. Member: Great advertisement on Iraqi television. It's over.

Member: Waiting for the US Treasury? I don't like the sound of that!!! Member: Can no US Treasury firm stop this? MZ: Yes, I've seen Nader's video... and it's absolutely in line with what I'm hearing. MilitiaMan has also told us basically the same thing. We are so close... MZ: Nader really came out on top today. This is coming straight from Sudan that it's time to address the exchange rate... BAM
MZ: They've been in a lot of meetings... we've had people here from Iraq over the last few weeks. People from the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury have been there. I totally agree that it's already done... We're just waiting for some reason. Waiting for that trigger to be pulled. MZ: My Iraqi contacts believe he will be here from yesterday until the 20th... at the latest.
MZ: Most of my sources here think this is it!!! The boards have to be lit with people calling it for tonight and tomorrow. I'm hearing the same thing. Don't be upset if it's not that fast, as there are a lot of moving pieces behind the curtain. When they pull the trigger, I hope we all know. We'll be sure to share it so we can all be really excited.
Member: As long as we see something real happen... it will be amazing. Member: Why does the United States have a say in the reevaluation of Iraq? MZ: Because of the Iraqi war and the money for the reconstruction of Iraq and part of the surrender agreement with Sadaam Hussein when they withdrew from Kuwait. That's it in a nutshell... so the United States can recover the cost of the war. .
Member: Will the United States stand in the way of RVs again? MZ: I can tell you that they are giving in and you can't stand in their way now. MZ: “In Hanoi, Biden deepens relations with Vietnam… hoping to expand economic reach to China's backyard.” They are trying to reach better deals because Vietnam will be one of the strongest economies. …They will be a big winner in this reboot…so suddenly America, instead of pissing them off…kisses their asses.
MZ: We've been seeing all kinds of bank rates on currency calculators. My bankers think they are priming the system and inputting different values ​​to test things.

MZ: I really think this may be the last week we have to deal with all of this. Member: Watch the Debt Clock Millionaires Go Up and Credit Card Bills Go Down! Member: The United States and Iran just agreed to a prisoner exchange, releasing billions of dollars
Member: Mark, according to Bruce, bondholders may have access tonight. Member: When this blessing happens, will you still publish 800 numbers? MZ: I'm told I'll still be able to post any instructions or important links to find them.
Mod: WEEKEND BRANDS EMAIL ADDRESS: DONTWRITEME@NEVERONWEEKENDS.COM Member: Very interesting news...we will be watching this closely and the phone fully charged in case it is "IT" Member; Thanks Mark and Mods...see you all in the morning for coffee.


  Nader From The Mid East 

 This is straight from the horses mouth, straight from Sudani.  He had an interview today...He talked about security...ISIS and any other terrorist group does not have anymore power in our life.  Stability, Iraq is stable.  It's amazing.  Cannot get more stable than this. 

 Three...we signed all the agreements.  It's ready with world trade.  It's done.  Finished...Iraq become the hub of Asia, Middle East, North Africa and maybe Europe... 

 I told you before the CBI has nothing to do with it.  CBI can change the rate to 1160, 1134 but that's the maximum do ...Who's gonna put it back?  The United States government.

Before the end of the month we're gonna announce they have almost $140 billion in reserved...



Iraq to start operating TIR transit system next week, 26 MARCH

  Iraq to start operating TIR transit system next week Baghdad ( IraqiNews.com ) – Iraq’s Border Ports Commission revealed on Monday that it...