Member: Can't we ever just go a week or two without some heartbreaking news???
MZ: A terrible tragedy……many details will be coming out today. Lots of conspiracy theories….we will be hearing more throughout the day.
Member: BREAKING: President Trump will hold a press briefing in the D.C. aviation disaster at 11 am EST.
Member: Some are saying nothing until Chinese new year ends and HSBC is open on Monday next week
Member: Another Intel person says IQD rate being 4.75 and contract rate at 5.19. And possible announcement on Saturday
Member: Majeed is indicating Iraq Forex this Weekend!
Member: That would be amazing.
MZ: I am hearing they have sped things up massively in the last 10 days.
Member: With Kuwait having the highest currency in the world, it makes no sense for Iraq to revalue at a rate too much higher than Kuwait.
Member: Mark why hasn't 4b got notifications for the rv? what are your thoughts on when it would happen?
MZ: I have zero bond updates today. This may have been one of the longest stretches I have seen in weeks with nothing on that front. Same with PP’s CMKX ect…..contacts are not sharing information. They have really tightened up the lips. Zipped the lips
Member: Maybe that is good news then?
MZ: We are hearing in Iraq some kind of agreement was reached with Sudani and crew and they are expecting fireworks on Friday –or completion in the voting……That is what I was told this morning from a contact in Iraq. We will see how this plays out.
MZ: “ The most prominent of which is civil aviation: Parliamentary transport plans to put three important laws to a vote.” I think this is an important one. They havn’t been allowed to fly the Iraqi flag on their planes ect…..since 2002. Guess what….they are going international again and are allowed to proudly fly their colors. We are seeing signs Iraq is now fully international again. Big news.
MZ: “Iraq oil settles at $78 a barrel for the second executive day” Things now appear less tumultuous in the energy markets .
MZ: We see pressure on Iraq from the US treasury and there are representatives from all over the world for some reason…..right now in Iraq. This tells us of International business –if nothing else.
MZ: Iraq has to be international, secure and safe, and stable oil prices preferably at $70 or more.
MZ: “ Kirkuk signs the first investment contract to establish an oil refinery in the province” Iraq wants to become fully energy independent. They pump their own oil, refine it and sell it. In the past they just produced it and it was sent elsewhere around the world to be treated and refined. With their own refinery their oil will become highly profitable with refined gas, lubricants ect…..and make exponentially more money than they are now.
MZ: “2 economists say Iraq’s foreign reserves are reassuring compared to previous years” Iraq has large cash reserves that are greater than 100% of the volume of the issued currency. They have more assets, more money backing up the dinar then they have in circulation. So Iraq has over 100% backing for their currency…..This is important as most countries only have 20% or so to back their currencies.
MZ: “3 scenarios for Iraq under Trump including “guardians of the region”
The most likely one is Trump working with international parties and strengthening Iraq to be guardians of the region.
Member: The london metals exchange is in a lot of trouble because their physical gold is Depleted bigly.
Member: Mark what's your opinion on which currencies are in the basket with the dinar?
Member: A list from awhile ago…..may still be accurate. 1. US 2. UK 3. Kuwait 4. Canada 5. Mexico 6. Russia 7. China 8. Venezuela 9. Iranian Rial 10. IRAQ 11. Indonesia Rupiah 12. Malaysia 13. Vietnamese 14. Brazil 15. Saudi Arabia 16. Qatar 17. United Arab Emirates 18. Turkey 19. Afghanistan possibly20. India 21. Libya 22. Japan23. Zimbabwe
Member: Could Iraq’s RV (revaluation) be in the double digits.
MZ: I could be if you look at all the numbers I have shared with you and listen to Dr. Shabibi years ago who said Iraq could support a $16 rate……and back then there was far more dinar in circulation then there is now…..So it could be. I will just continue to think “lower” so I am not disappointed.
Member: plan for the worst and hope for the best.
Member: Thank you Mark for all you do thanks to your crew
Member: Everyone have a safe and hopeful day…..The best is yet to come.
Member: Never give up…..its coming
Wendy from Lifevantage is on the stream today. Please listen to the replay for her information.