Monday, June 17, 2024



By Russia only selling oil in CNY, and Russia holding CNY as their main currency reserve. This allows Russia - China to go to the U.S. Treasury and say “you want us to trade your dollar, this is what the new exchange rate will be” What this means is that China/Russia are now pricing the dollar to rubles/CNY in the foreign exchange The U.S. Treasury no longer prices the USD to the ruble/CNY. This could only happen if the petrodollar was not renewed. This is going to have major implications for the euro-bond markets. China/Russia may have effectively neutralized the Dollar. This is the result of China - Russia trading commodities BRICS trading commodities now sets Dollar exchange rates. Remember Niger kicking out France and the U.S. ? Niger commodities are no longer sold in Dollars or francs. They’re probably being sold in rubles. This is all part of the RMB internationalization in emerging market foreign central banks Europe doesn’t produce commodities, so this is going to affect euro/dollar exchange rates affecting the Euro bond market.

RV Update Of Iraqi Dinar By Wolverine Today 2024🔥iraqi dinar news today🔥...

Condemning the statements of the American ambassador…Al-Saray: A clear threat to Iraq’s security, 18 JUNE

 Condemning the statements of the American ambassador…Al-Saray: A clear threat to Iraq’s security

Condemning the statements of the American ambassador...Al-Saray - A clear threat to Iraqs securityInformation / private..
Today, Saturday, Khaled Al-Saray, a member of the Al-Fatah Alliance, considered the statements of the new American ambassador to Baghdad a serious threat to Iraq.
Al-Saray said in a statement to the “Al-Ma’louma” agency, “Iraq rejects any threat, whether from the American occupation or from its ambassador, who adopts inflammatory and malicious ideas against the Popular Mobilization Forces, which represents a safety valve for the Iraqi people.”
He added, “There must be official positions from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and political forces condemning these statements that still target Iraqi national security,” noting that “the American occupation continues to violate the sovereignty and stability of Iraq.”
He explained that “the ambassador dared to mention security and the economy in order to brandish them as a pressure card on the political parties that stand with the Popular Mobilization Forces,” noting that “not responding to these statements is tantamount to giving them the green light.”
Tracy Jacobson, US President Joe Biden’s nominee for the position of the new US ambassador to Iraq, attended a hearing before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee and presented her expected work plans in Baghdad.



 The investment law is being passed.  You'll see it very soon.  They have no choice. Sudani is extremely happy about it because that's how you're going to be able to get these new contract with the new exchange rate.

What is the time of the float? ...I want to watch the float.  I want to calculate exactly just when I want to go ahead and exchange the rest of my dinar.  Here's the problem.  In the same manner they are giving [Firefly/Iraq citizens] a specific amount of time to turn them in, they will give us a specific amount of time to turn them in

Did you see...Iraq and Kuwait are now linking with their fiber optics ?  This is extremely important part of the monetary reform...They know it's no longer a secret what is happening with the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.

Things are going perfect.  Everything is moving with such perfection that no one can do anything about this right now.

 How much time will they [Iraqi citizens] have to trade in 3 zero notes

 [Boot's on the ground Firefly's bank friend] told Firefly you're going to be given a short amount of time to exchange your Iraqi dinar.  This is the very first time ever that we have information from a very good source [saying] you're going to have a specific amount of time to trade in your 3 zero notes.

Iraqi Dinar 🔥Surprised All Iraqi dinar Holders $5.90 And VND $4.29 Fixe...

State of law: The new American ambassador violated Iraqi sovereignty before her arrival, 18 JUNE

 State of law: The new American ambassador violated Iraqi sovereignty before her arrival

State of law - The new American ambassador violated Iraqi sovereignty before her arrivalInformation/private..
A member of the State of Law coalition, Haider Al-Lami, said on Saturday that the new candidate to assume the position of US ambassador to Iraq violated Iraqi sovereignty before assuming the position.
Al-Lami said in a statement to the Maalouma Agency, “American interference in internal affairs is rejected, especially the statements of the new candidate to assume the position of American ambassador to Iraq,” considering them a “violation of Iraqi sovereignty.”
He added, “The new ambassador’s statements are provocative to Iraqi political circles and must receive a direct response,” noting that “the presence of the Islamic resistance is an Iraqi choice, and the new candidate cannot change its course.”
He continued, “The American candidate, Tracy Jacobson, has not yet assumed the position of American ambassador to Iraq and is making violations and provocative statements.”
It is noteworthy that the new candidate for the position of US ambassador to Iraq, in her speech before the US Senate, attacked the Iraqi resistance factions, promising to end them as soon as she assumed the position.


 Mnt Goat  

 ...the economic and financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, proposed an “unusual” idea to establish a sovereign wealth fund. ...Unlike the CBI reserves that are mandated by the IMF to cover the government expenses in time of emergencies, the SWF is more flexible and gives an additional pad of money for stability and security. This fund will also cut down the reliance  on oil revenue and help them move more quickly out of the rentier economy.  WOW!


  ...Just look at all the progress made just since December 2022 when Iraq announced they were finally entirely out of Chapter VII. And now the spigot is wide open...the final issues preventing the reinstatement are being dealt with one by contact in the CBI told me there is a very high probability that we would see the currency swap out in this month of June and so we watch and wait.

...Iraq’s exit from the list of “high-risk countries" ...was officially announced by the International Task Force (FATF) last week.

 Yes, “the writing is on the wall” now as this is the BEST news...Iraq’s exit from the list of high-risk countries could not get any better. They are slowly clearing the way to the reinstatement, one obstacle at a time...They were not about to release the currency back to FOREX with this in place...WOW! WOW! WOW! news for us today.

Iraqi Dinar Exclusive High Sources Confirm Iraq's Economic Progress!

Biden is preparing a new anti-Tehran ambassador to Iraq, 17 JUNE

 Biden is preparing a new anti-Tehran ambassador to Iraq

Biden is preparing a new anti-Tehran ambassador to IraqUS President Joe Biden’s nominee for the position of ambassador to Iraq, Tracy Jacobson, surprised official and political Iraqi circles with unusual statements about Iranian influence and militias loyal to Tehran. Jacobson presented her opening speech before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and expressed her gratitude to President Biden and the Secretary of State for their confidence in her nomination. For this “vital position”.
It seems that the new ambassador, who will succeed another controversial ambassador, Elena Romanski, wanted to enter the Iraqi scene directly regarding the Iranian file. Jacobson confirmed that she will work closely with the committee to promote American interests in Iraq.
She said: “Our army provides vital support to the Iraqi security forces and the Peshmerga in the Kurdistan region. Ten years after our forces returned to Iraq to fight ISIS, it is time for our army to move into a new role. “I will ensure that any transition from Operation Inherent Resolve to a bilateral security arrangement is directed toward defeating ISIS and ensuring Iraq’s security.”
Jacobson stressed the importance of Iraq strengthening its relations with its neighbors, noting the positive steps taken by the Sudanese Prime Minister in this direction.
Jacobson pointed out that the presence of economic development, and a government capable of providing services to its people, reduces the attraction of terrorism, and also reduces the influence of militias allied with Iran, which pose a great danger to the future of the country. Iran is a “malignant actor”
and she said, “Iran is a malicious actor in Iraq.” “It is destabilizing to the region, and we realize that the main threat to Iraq is the militias allied with Iran.”
Observers believe that Jacobson’s appointment may mean a new path for American policy in conjunction with the transition of the security relationship after the international coalition to a sustainable security partnership, according to Iraqi government statements.
Since assuming office about two years ago, Al-Sudani wanted the relationship with the countries of the coalition against ISIS to be governed by a new equation different from what it was before.
At the beginning of this year, Al-Sudani announced the end of the international coalition’s mission and the transformation of relations between his countries and Iraq into bilateral relations. He also agreed with President Joe Biden in Washington to reactivate the strategic framework agreement between the two countries signed in 2008, which was ratified by the Iraqi parliament.
At a time when Sudanese made pledges to the parties demanding the withdrawal of the Americans from Iraq as occupying forces to end this presence in stages in accordance with the “Strategic Framework” agreement, it appears that the armed factions loyal to Iran were not convinced by all these pledges, because they have another strategy in dealing with the Americans that is not in In light of the nature of the Iraqi-American relationship, but rather in light of the critical balance between Washington and Tehran.
At the beginning of the American occupation of Iraq in 2003, Washington sent an ambassador, acting as governor-general, whose entire experience was combating terrorism, which did not pose a threat when the previous regime fell. He was Paul Bremer.
Although Bremer continued to rule Iraq for a full year, while it was governed in form by a ruling council composed of the so-called founding fathers of the post-Saddam Hussein regime.
While Bremer wanted to use his experience in combating terrorism, when he left the country in 2004, clouds of terrorist movements were clouding over the skies of Iraq, and he was replaced by a Muslim ambassador of Afghan origin, Zalmay Khalilzad, who quickly entered the power equation in a country that had just begun to share positions along sectarian lines. (Sunni – Shiite) and ethnic (Arab – Kurdish) without being able to achieve any progress at the level of strengthening constitutional institutions.
During the following years, Washington sent many ambassadors to Baghdad, none of them left an imprint in the context of relations between the two countries, while the matter differed with Romanski, and it is about to be more different with the next ambassador.
In this context, Yassin Al-Bakri, professor of political science at Al-Nahrain University, told Asharq Al-Awsat, “The new ambassador’s mission will be to arrange the transition in the security relationship and arrange the roles assigned to Washington, and she will try to gain the largest space of freedom of movement for Washington’s goals, while the confrontation between Washington and And Tehran is putting more pressure on its arms in Iraq.



 When they load or if they have loaded them up [new ATMs], the note count has already been determined.  The note count for each individual machine has already been accounted for...These machines will be the state of the art...State of the art has nothing to do with a program rate.  If it was they would have had the state-or-the-art with the program rate for the last 20 years...

The CBI is desperately trying to put out the least amount of currency at the onset before they release the new exchange rate.  Because once they do this, if needed, they will be able to add to this note count as the value is needed.

These ATM machines have the capability to recognize the lower denoms that are soon to be passed out to the citizens in order to add value to their currency and to go hand in hand with a new exchange rate of the lower notes...These ATM machines have the software for the lower notes.  But does it have the lower notes in these ATM machines It is unknown...Since April there have been thousands of these ATMs being put out...

Question:  "Do these ATM machines have the lower notes ?"  Software definitely.    [I'll] text Aki [Walkingstick's Iraqi Bank friend] about the notes.

 Don't be dismayed if the rate is still the same in the budget when it comes out on Saturday...because Sudani is dealing with this [57 trillion] thievery...He could release an "operational" budget.
 [Iraqi bank friend Aki - highest level banking meeting update] 
 Sudani is putting contracts in place to be implement inside of Iraq.  Sudani has been doing this with thousands of contracts. 
"In the coming days" is what they told us that these contracts will be fulfilled in IQDs for most of the budget's proje...FOR READ MORE:


 [Iraqi bank friend Aki - highest level banking meeting update] 

 Sudani is putting contracts in place to be implement inside of Iraq.  Sudani has been doing this with thousands of contracts. 
"In the coming days" is what they told us that these contracts will be fulfilled in IQDs for most of the budget's projects...Those contracts will be fulfilled for their value but paid in IQD's only.
[Information from Iraq bank owner #1 friend] 
  Ever since Sudani came back from Washington DC the government of Iraq...has been in the process of making...videos, commercials, advertising.  Sudani has been doing this on behalf of the executive level of all the pr...for read more:

Iraqi Dinar | Rv Big News Coming From Iraqs | Dinar News Today 2024 | Iq...

A law explaining Iraq’s right to reject the American ambassador, 17 JUNE

 A law explaining Iraq’s right to reject the American ambassador

A law explaining Iraqs right to reject the American ambassadorInformation/private..
Legal expert Ali Al-Tamimi explained on Sunday that Iraq has the right to refuse to accept unwanted ambassadors, due to statements that threaten civil peace within the host country.
Al-Tamimi said in a statement to Al-Maalouma Agency, “The new candidate to assume the position of American ambassador in Baghdad has violated many diplomatic norms in her recent statements,” noting that “Iraq has the right to reject her and not allow her to come to Baghdad in accordance with the 1961 Vienna Treaty, Article 9.” “.
He continued, “Many articles of the Vienna Treaty talked about the same subject, including Article 9 and Article 40, as well as Article 41,” pointing out that “Iraq has the right to this file according to the Vienna Treaty and the US-Iraqi strategic agreement in 2008.”
Article 9 of the treaty stipulates that any host state may, at the time it wishes and for any reason, announce the result that a member of the diplomatic corps within its territory is not desirable for his presence in the country, and obliges the sending state to recall him within an acceptable short period of time. If this is not done That persona non grata may lose his diplomatic immunity with the host state itself.



There’s a fake petrodollar news story doing the rounds that Saudi Arabia and the U.S. had a 50-year contract in which Saudi agreed to settle all its oil sales in U.S. dollars. Supposedly, this is meant to foreshadow the end of dollar dominance and is good for cryptocurrency prices. Except there was no such deal.

👆The dollar is being used less and less. I just wanted to update you on a news story that was found to be fake.

© Goldilocks


BOJ Announcement:

"The Bank of Japan on Friday said it would trim its vast hoard of government bonds as it cautiously steps away from its long-running ultra-loose monetary policy."

As you can see, several countries are beginning to pull back on bond buying and use of the US dollar. 

This decrease in the use of the dollar and increase in local currencies around the world will begin the process of leveling the playing field in the currency markets. 

New demands on local currencies that have not been used in years will begin to surface new price actions. 

Stay tuned!

© Goldilocks

Iraqi Dinar | BREAKING: Iraq's Currency Set for MAJOR Shakeup! Dinar New...

Iraq Affirms Its Commitment To Supporting International Security And Stability In The Region, 17 JUNE

 Iraq Affirms Its Commitment To Supporting International Security And Stability In The Region

Political | 06/16/2024   Baghdad - Mawazine News  Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein affirmed, on Sunday, Iraq’s commitment to its effective role in supporting international security and stability in the region.

A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, received by Mawazine News Agency, stated that “Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Fouad Hussein met with Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on the sidelines of the peace summit in Ukraine, which was held at the Brukenstock Resort in the Swiss city of Lucerne.” .

The statement added, "During the meeting, the two sides held in-depth talks on ways to enhance efforts to bring peace to Ukraine and end the war, and stressed the importance of enhancing constructive dialogue between the conflicting parties through international mediation and diplomacy, and relying on peace initiatives supported by the United Nations."

The statement indicated, "The discussions between the minister and Prince Faisal bin Farhan dealt with bilateral relations between Iraq and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with a focus on ways to enhance and expand bilateral cooperation."

Hussein stressed, according to the statement, that "Iraq is striving to strengthen its efforts in cooperation with our brothers and the international community to achieve security and stability in the region, which reflects Iraq's commitment to its effective role in supporting international peace and security."


Wolverine's Guidelines

When you go to the REDEMPTION CENTRE for Your Appointment:

Make Sure You NEVER just hand over your Currencies or ZIM for EXCHANGE w/o asking the following questions first w/ someone from there as a WITNESS.
Write everything down and have the person asking and answering your questions print their name and initial or sign what you wrote down.

Here’s why:

When the security person asks for your currency and ZIM to verify it with the De la Rue Machine to determine if it is AUTHENTIC, DO NOT just hand it over. I REPEAT, DO NOT just hand it over. Do one Country and one denomination at-a-time. Ask them if by handing it over to them “ ARE YOU EXCHANGING IT?” Their answer should be NO.

This become MOST IMPORTANT when they are giving you the rates. You MUST make sure you have all your questions answered first before “handing-over” ANYTHING. Have you completed the Summary Sheet for each currency? Have you separated everything by Country and denomination and put in separate clear ZIP-LOCK Bags, ie., Dinar -$1,000, $5,000, $20,000 so you will have a post-it with  of each, then paperclip each stack. Put each in it’s own Zip Lock Bag then put Dinar Zip Lock Bags’s (3 in this Example) into 1 that Holds All three.

People that walk-in UNPREPARED
will be the 1st to “SPIN OUT” (their head will not think straight) and they will make HUGE MISTAKES. REMEMBER: They are not there to tell you what to do or fix what you haven’t done. You are on the CLOCK, so you must have your head on straight. Practice w/ a friend or Spouse, etc

ZIM STEP ARE EXTRA CRITICAL; Are you aware there could possibly be “LIMITS” on just how many ZIM you can EXCHANGE for FULL PAYOUT. Right, now, your head is on the edge of “SPINNING-OUT” because this is most likely the first time you’ve heard me or anyone else mention it. Now, QUICK! What is the Capital of Rhode Island?
Your answer should be, heck I don’t know. That was your one practice situation. And, so long as you can stay calm and breathe, why are you there? To “EXCHANGE” YOUR CURRENCIES AND ZIM.


PIMPY: Iraqi Dinar update for 06/16/24 - This project could move Iraq into bei...

Details of the memorandum of understanding signed between Iraq and Honeywell of America, 17 JUNE

Details of the memorandum of understanding signed between Iraq and Honeywell of America

Economy News – Baghdad

The Ministry of Oil explained today, Monday, the details of the memorandum of understanding signed with the American company Honeywell for the development of refineries, and while referring to the Prime Minister’s guidance to prepare a study to establish a pipeline network adjacent to the development path, it revealed projects that will soon enter service for raising refining capacity.

“There is a memorandum of understanding signed by the Minister of Oil under the auspices of the Prime Minister with the Prime Minister with Honeywell, one of the large specialized companies with extensive business in all activities,” said Hamid Al-Zoubaie, referring to “a workshop with the company on the activities of refinery activity.”

Al-Zubei explained that “the memorandum signed aims to develop projects for the development of refineries and meet what was directed by the Prime Minister on the arrival of liquidation capacity to 40 percent of the production capacities of crude oil,” noting that “the increase in refinery capacities to 40 percent will add value to the crude oil produced and lead to raising financial returns and thus be supportive of the national economy.”

He pointed out that “7 projects were discussed with regard to refineries and a capacity of 70 thousand barrels for each project in the governorates of Maysan, Dhi Qar, Muthanna and Najaf, as well as the third unit in the refineries of Al-Dura, Hadith and Al-Qayyarah.”

He pointed out that “the ministry’s plan was presented and discussed extensively with Honeywell through the workshop, and it is hoped that a full vision will be provided by the company on the process of developing the refineries with the capabilities offered within the next two weeks.”

He added, “Honeywell, is known for its expertise and technical and technological capabilities and is important for gaining and transferring expertise for national landers and facility development,” stressing that “after completing the preparation of projects, the implementation mechanism and the time periods for their completion will be determined.”

He noted that “the Prime Minister paid great attention to the liquidation sector through the development and raising the capabilities of refineries for its great economic importance,” noting that “great achievements have been made in the liquidation sector during the last short period represented in the completion of the fourth unit in the South Refinery, which added 70,000 barrels refining capacities, as well as the unit of the elimb in the same southern refineries, which will be opened very soon, where it added about 1200 cubic meters of high-octane gasoline, as well as the completion of the Azmra unit in the Dura refinery and the rehabilitation of the North refinery in a record time, which added a refining capacity of about 150 thousand barrels.”

He continued: “Over the next few days, the LCR unit in the North Refinery will enter service and will add up to 3,000,000 liters of high-octane gasoline, as well as the CCRU in the North refinery has also been operational,” stressing that “all these projects have been completed in very short periods.”

He continued, “The upcoming projects, which will enter service soon, will be a contributing factor in raising refining capacities and filling the local consumer need for some products, including the FCC unit in the southern refineries, as it is hoped that they will be completed in the first half of next year, as they will add a production of high-octene gasoline by 4,000 cubic meters to 4,000,000 cubic liters, as well as we have projects of refinery energy addition in a modern refinery, during the current quarter of this year, by adding 20,000 barrels.”

He pointed out that “the Prime Minister directed the Ministry of Oil to prepare a study that includes the establishment of a pipeline network adjacent to the development path that meets all the future strategic plans of the Ministry of Oil from the fields to the transport process, in order to facilitate the process of transporting crude oil and gas between the north and the south as well as export ports.”


 Latest from TNT Update 6.14.24

Tony said that the Banks are ready, and that the 3 letter agencies expect it tonight. Sudani wants it done before the holiday begins in Iraq on Sunday. “Something” is being done electronically, that is of importance internationally, and it needs to be completed first. If it’s done today, it will go tonight, if not, it will go tomorrow. 

He did not specify exactly “who” is responsible for this, so it remains a mystery, since he didn’t elaborate if it was the US or Iraq. 🤷‍♀️ 

The Dinar rate is over $4.00 now, and they are in the process of changing the rate from $70 to $80 in their budget.  

“Something” was done to the ATM’s in Iraq on Wednesday and today, as he speaks. He said to read between the lines, as news of it is expected to break tomorrow, with the Gazette. 🥳

Tony spoke with his Iraqi contact who said that Sudani is hoping to have this done by tomorrow, and if it’s not, then within the first 5 days of the holiday, which starts on Sunday. 

That’s it for the opening monologue, if there is anything of importance that he drops during the live callers, I’ll do an update. 

Have an amazing day everyone, and let’s pray this in !!


TNT Update 6/14/2024

Opening Monologue:

Tony said that the Banks are ready, and that the 3 letter agencies expect it tonight. Sudani wants it done before the holiday begins in Iraq on Sunday. “Something” is being done electronically, that is of importance internationally, and it needs to be completed first. If it’s done today, it will go tonight, if not, it will go tomorrow. He did not specify exactly “who” is responsible for this, so it remains a mystery, since he didn’t elaborate if it was the US or Iraq. 🤷‍♀️ 

The Dinar rate is over $4.00 now, and they are in the process of changing the rate from $70 to $80 in their budget. 

“Something” was done to the ATM’s in Iraq on Wednesday and today, as he speaks. He said to read between the lines, as news of it is expected to break tomorrow, with the Gazette. 🥳

Tony spoke with his Iraqi contact who said that Sudani is hoping to have this done by tomorrow, and if it’s not, then within the first 5 days of the holiday, which starts on Sunday. 

That’s it for the opening monologue, if there is anything of importance that he drops during the live callers, I’ll do an update. 

Have an amazing day everyone, and let’s pray this in !! 🙏❤️🥳💸

SweetpeaQ17, [06/14/2024, 10:15:13 p. m.]:

For real??? Really real??? 🙏🏼🙏🏼...