Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Iraq calls for Arab stand to halt Israeli war on Gaza, 30 MAY

Iraq calls for Arab stand to halt Israeli war on Gaza

Shafaq News / On Wednesday, the Iraqi government called for an Arab and regional stance to stop Israel's ongoing war on Gaza while also commending the countries that have recognized the State of Palestine.

In a statement, government spokesperson Basim Al-Awadi said that the Iraqi government is closely monitoring the situation in Gaza and the occupied Palestinian territories, especially the recent escalation of Israeli aggression in Rafah, which has resulted in the deaths of unarmed civilians. 

He stressed, "This situation necessitates an extraordinary Arab and regional response and demands that the international community and its organizations take responsibility and intensify efforts to stop the criminal bloodshed of the Palestinian people."

"Iraq calls for a responsible Arab, Islamic, and regional movement at both the popular and official levels, leveraging every influential voice to pressure for an end to the blatant disregard for international and humanitarian norms. Such a movement is crucial to preventing what amounts to a full-scale genocide and to stop the region from spiraling irresponsibly into endless violence."

Al-Awadi also praised the recent recognition of the State of Palestine by several nations. He described these actions as "a clear rebuke to the policies of some international powers that have either supported or remained silent on the aggression and even justified the crimes committed."

The Iraqi government reiterated its support for the Palestinian cause and urged all relevant international bodies and governments to facilitate medical, food, and humanitarian aid efforts immediately.

This statement from the Iraqi government followed a televised speech by Muqtada al-Sadr, leader of the Patriotic Shiite Movement (PSM), who criticized American promises and democracy as being "hypocritical." Addressing Israelis and Americans, he said, "Your days are numbered." 

Al-Sadr also condemned those who claim to support humanity while backing "Israeli terrorism" in Gaza.

Notably, health authorities in Gaza reported that nearly eight months of intense Israeli strikes have resulted in the deaths of over 36,000 people, more than a third of whom are children.

Israel's ongoing conflict in Gaza has significantly damaged its international image and has brought unprecedented confrontations with the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court.



 Article: Central Bank of Iraq quote "There are no current plans to print new currency.

 What that tells me is people don't have to worry about a lop or redenomination because in order for you to have a redenomination or a lop you have to create new currencies.  It also tells me they're not creating the lower denominations which means they're going to stick with the currency they currently have.  Some people see this as the glass half full.  Some people look at it as the glass is half empty.

 I agree it's going to happen.  I don't have doubt about that.  I'm just keeping an eye on whether or not they want to delete the zeros.  If they go to a free floating market hopefully there won't be...deleting the zeros and we'll see the exchange rate go up pretty quick before they have time to respond...

Iraq was already a member of the World Trade Organization.   They are going through the ascension process for a second time.  That's because all the rules, regulations, understandings and business practices...changed once the fall of Saddam Hussein.  Now we have to make sure all their practices, rules and regulations regarding trade line up once again with the World Trade Organization.  Iraq has been a member of the World Trade Organization since 2004.  This is their second time throughout the ascension process...

There's this misconception that the World Bank, IMF and the BIS get to tell countries what to do.  They don't...They facilitate.  They make recommendations but they don't control a country's bank...

Another budget is getting ready to come and go and there is no talk of the rate change.  Isn't that what they told you It would be in the new budget because there was no way for them to do large projects, there was no way for them to move forward without an exchange rate change...Why so secret now?  Is this one of those things they're trying to keep from the people?  

They didn't keep it from the people last time [they increased the value] and there's no mention of it this time...Keep your fingers crossed, it hasn't passed yet so maybe they'll change it between now and the time they pass it...You guys know what I think.

 Floating the currency means the value is determined by the market, so if people for whatever reason want to start investing in the Iraqi dinar and the start buying up the Iraqi dinar that means the demand for it is there, think supply and demand. 

 Since they have a liquidity issue, there's not going to have a lot of Iraqi dinar out there and if that's the case then they don't have the supply to feed the demand...But we'll be more than happy to sell our Iraqi dinar back to them if they get the exchange rate up around a quarter or more. I know I would.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Set to Revolutionize 🔥 News Guru Intel Update Value IQD ...

Baghdad Calls for Meeting to Resume Kurdistan Oil Exports, 30 MAY

 By John Lee.

The Iraqi Ministry of Oil has said it is prioritising the resumption of oil production in Iraqi Kurdistan, and the export of oil through the Iraq-Turkey Pipeline (ITP), “in line with national interests“.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Ministry said it has invited the Kurdistan Ministry of Natural Resources and international oil companies (IOCs) operating in the region to a meeting in Baghdad to discuss and reach an agreement.

On Monday, the Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan (APIKUR)— a trade body representing a group of IOCs operating in Iraqi Kurdistan — hit back at media reports that it said, “mistakenly point to a lack of flexibility from IOCs as the reason for the continuing impasse on resumption of oil exports via the ITP.

Following the Ministry’s announcement, APIKUR said: “We acknowledge the swift, public response from Iraq’s Ministry of Oil and look forward to scheduling joint discussions to restore oil exports through the Iraq-Türkiye pipeline.

(Source: Ministry of Oil)



 [via PDK] 

 “Futures slide as bond yields spike to a 3 week high”  We are watching an inverted bond market. We are watching the short term bonds out bid and out earn the long term bonds. I was always told this is key to the reset and we are watching it live. This bond market is in shambles. I was always told to watch for this just before the reset…and to watch for the HCL law to be passed in Iraq. We are now watching them as we approach the finish line.

This is pure gold this morning…  Article:  “US Ambassador praises Iraq’s official adoption of E-Payment system”  This particular US ambassador is well known as the “Ambassador of re-valuations”  She usually gets sent to whatever country whose value is about to change. She is there in Iraq right now.

 It certainly is a “push” ...They are talking about it openly in the Iraqi news. …They are blatant on this one  The impending rate change”.  They are telling us what they are doing... Articles in Iraq say clearly that the dinar is going to be worth more than the US dollar. 

[via PDK] 

 did hear some interesting things from military contacts. One in particular kinda surprised me overnight...don’t panic because they do their best to cloud the timing...He said “Do not worry- it will be before July 4th.” We will have it all before July 4th. Actually a couple military contacts gave me that same time frame. I still have great hopes for is interesting they have plans to have it completed by July 4th…For all we know it could happen tomorrow…nobody knows the timing.

 Out of Iraq – hearing we are supposed to be getting news on Sunday that has to do with the budget but since they have already passed it- does this mean we are getting a rate? Or which projects were executed or started?  I do not know.

   I am seeing rates of somewhere between $3.81 to $3.91 from a number of contractors working in Iraq. They are working on infrastructure - everything from hospitals to power grid to roads etc... And I am still thinking it will be $2 something on the dong. I hope I’m wrong and my contacts are right and it’s closer to the $3 mark.

Iraqi dinar ✅ WOW WOW Reserve Bank of Zimb Finally Revalued Zimbabwe Dol...

Economist: The budget is not affected by dollar exchange rates. And explain the reason, 29 MAY

 Economist: The budget is not affected by dollar exchange rates. And explain the reason

An economist excluded, the financial budget was affected by dollar exchange rates.

“The budget is not affected by the rise or decline in dollar exchange rates, because Iraq will receive the dollar from the export of oil, and on the contrary, revenues increase as dollar prices increase globally,” Bassem Jameel Antoine told {Euphrat News}.
He pointed out that “market commitments deal in the Iraqi dinar and there is no treatment in dollars and that building the budget is mainly on the Iraqi dinar and not on the dollar, so the budget is never affected by the dollar exchange rates.”

Raghad Dahhamخبير-اقتصادي-الموازنة-لا-تتأثر-بأسعار-صرف-الدولار-ويوضح-السبب


  Latest from Mark Z  ⬇️ 

Member: Frank26 said the parallel market is now even with the official market and we are ready to go to 1 to 1. 

MZ: That makes sense to me. We have been looking for parity in the parallel market and official market …. a number of Iraqi sources would agree with that. That is their goal before they move to their next step, which should be a substantial value change. That is according to them in the white papers and monetary reform papers. You can read it there. 

Member: Even if it’s 1 to 1……that would help many right now in dire circumstances. 

Member: I think the Dinar will eventually be between $3.80 to $3.95 value

MZ: Articles in Iraq say clearly that the dinar is going to be worth more than the US dollar. 

Member: Well, with the USD only being worth about 20 cents… it wouldn’t take much for the Iraqi dinar to be worth more

Member: I read that some are saying we should go very soon possibly the 1st week of June 

MZ: Nader dropped a video that is really interesting. Iraq is adding a number of other Arab banks in the country…….This is kind of a way for them to work around the US sanctions on some Iraqi banks. It's a great piece that tells us why it is so important for Iraq to get out from underneath those and have its value change. It is important ((IMO) for Iraq to move quickly on value. 

MZ: I had a great conversation with a person involved with historic bonds yesterday afternoon. We have a few that are expecting spendable dollars Tuesday morning….Tomorrow morning. They were told they would have gotten it today if the banking system was open. 

MZ: These are individual bond holders that are expecting access tomorrow. We should know in the morning if they disappeared (NDA) I am very hopeful about this one. 

MZ: I spoke with a couple people involved with the process and cannot share the specific information – but it was very encouraging. But if what they say is accurate it could put us within days or a week or two at most of us processing and exchanging on the currency side of it. 

MZ: I will try to get clearance to share a few more details in the morning but do not want to get anyone in trouble. . 

Member: It would sure help knowing if this is real and happening right now. 

MZ: I have some interesting news from the group side. Some are hearing nothing yet- and some are being told to prepare for some kind of announcement. I think some groups who have had “leaks” are being held to the end to make sure rumors of the timing is secure. 

Member: I think we will see this happen early June for us. 

MZ: I am kinda of your mindest. I think we will see solid movement before that like historic bonds…..but, it makes sense right now due to where we are in the month. 

Member: Mark Z , what would  Warren buffet value of his $100 million investment be worth after he rvs? And what do you think he invested in for the rv?

MZ: he stands to make about 1.7 billion based on my math.

MZ: “The gap between the rich and poor is larger than ever and frustration is growing to dangerous levels”  This shows us why its so important to reset our monetary system.

IMPORTANT Iraq Loosing Millions Each Month

The Sudanese direct the speedy formation of a high committee to follow up the water agreement with Turkey, 29 MAY

The Sudanese direct the speedy formation of a high committee to follow up the water agreement with Turkey

Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired today, Wednesday, the second meeting on the follow-up of agreements and memos with Turkey, which was concluded during the last visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Iraq last month.

A statement by the Prime Minister’s Office received a copy of it, “the meeting witnessed the review of the procedures for the implementation of agreements and memorandums of understanding concluded between the two sides, amounting to 24 memorandums, as the Sudanese stressed the need to continue communication with the Turkish side in proceeding with the implementation steps in parallel, and directed that each ministry concerned with the memorandums of understanding develop a clear action plan and directly under the supervision of his sovereignty; in order to accelerate the implementation.”

He also directed the Prime Minister “to accelerate the formation of the committee for the implementation of the framework agreement for water cooperation between Iraq and Turkey, and to emphasize the preparation of water projects, which will be implemented jointly, and to focus on strategic projects that are in the interest of Iraq in the long term, in order to achieve the required impact on the agricultural and water reality in Iraq.”

The statement continued, “The meeting witnessed the review of the procedures related to the signed memorandums of understanding, and the importance of forming joint committees between the concerned ministries; to follow up the implementation of cooperation measures in other vital fields and sectors, which contributes to strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries and achieving the interests of their peoples.”السوداني-يوجه-بالإسراع-في-تشكيل-لجنة-عليا-لمتابعة-اتفاق-المياه-مع-تركيا



 I received this from a friend:

Explaining the different Tier Groups involved in the RV.

There are 5 Tiers that will be exchanging.

Tiers 1, 2, 3, & 4.

The payout of the bonds and currency is done in order of the different tiers. 

Tier One: 

Is the Chinese Royals, 

Then comes: 

Bond Holders, 


Church Groups, 



Adjudicated Settlements, Ranch and Farm Claims, 

and other groups. 

While Tier 4B, (us, the Internet Group) is the largest and composed of the general public: people who have bought currency and/or bonds and keep up with the reset by way of information on the Internet.


A. D1 released for liquidity which then triggers D2&3

B. F&P’s are released to recipients (they need D1 liquid, this is their hold up)

C. Bonds will be liquid (they need D1 to be liquid)

D. Tiers 1-4b are notified. (they need D1 to be liquid) It appears all is set to go on or about the same time!   

The official GO for our level (4b) has not been released yet. It can happen any moment.

Tier 1-governments and royalty 

Tier 2 - whales, elite with platforms of currency, corporations, etc.


Tier 3 - Admirals Group, American Indians, CMKX, large church groups (like the Mormons), etc.  

Tier 4 - all the hundreds of thousands paying attention to intel - internet groups(all of us). 


Tier 5 - those who never paid attn - the general public.

D1 and D2 funds the RV. 

As all T1-4b are funded, we await the final release to reach to our level.

It's a process. It's tedious and time consuming. Making adjustments as needed along the way for accuracy and safety of all involved. It's a very quiet & discrete operation, where the general public is left uninformed for obvious reasons. 

Pay attention to the levels that are ahead of us. That will help give a better understanding of where we are, in relation to it reaching the 4b level. 

BUT, it is unfolding. And when it reaches our levels, there will be no doubts. It's coming! Keep the faith.

This is the correct definition 



D3 funds adjudicated accounts  and Gesara

Tier 1 Sovereign  nation debt 

Tier 2 Royals Elders 

Whales military generals  and some political types

Tier 3 originally generals public

Now Tier 3 groups with projects including the Admiral  who was sent to the back of the line and renamed Tier 4A  really just a pie slice of tier 3.

Admiral  composed of 3 parts.  Most notable  4A Core groups and 130 VIP groups.

Tier 3 all D2 TRUST MONEY.  THE ELDERS and German bonds and select yellow dragon bonds  must be paid first and have been.

The Pentecostal group are now 100% under NDA.

Iraqi Dinar✅Iraqi Dinar Latest Update Today 2024 / IQD RV / Iraqi Dinar ...

Good news regarding the federal budget, 29 MAY

 Good news regarding the federal budget

Shafaq News / The coordination framework held a meeting on Tuesday  in the presence of Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani.

A statement after the meeting said that the meeting deliberated on the financial budget tables and stressed the need to approve them to achieve the interests of citizens and support the economic situation.

The meeting also stressed the importance of proceeding with the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives as soon as possible.

A political source revealed to Shafaq News Agency on Monday that the reason for the meeting is due to objections to the budget tables sent by the Iraqi government, by the framework forces and refused to pass them in their current form.

The government had sent the budget tables to parliament for a vote after a delay of more than five months as a result of technical problems centered on the size of the deficit, and the government's attempts to reduce it.

There was controversy over the budget tables after allocating an investment budget to the provinces amounting to 41 trillion Iraqi dinars, which some saw as unfair to the provinces by reducing their quotas in exchange for increasing the Kurdistan Region's share of 4 trillion, which the government denied.

The 2024 budget, according to Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani, is 211 trillion dinars, and the salaries of employees for the year 2024 amount to 62 trillion dinars, while the budget for 2023 was 199 trillion dinars and the salaries of employees 59 trillion dinars.

The revenues of the 2024 budget are estimated at 144 trillion and 336 billion dinars, while expenditures amount to 210 trillion and 936 billion dinars, while the deficit is 63 trillion and 599 billion dinars .

Baghdad disburses the salaries of the employees of the Kurdistan Region for the month of March,, 26 MARCH

  Baghdad disburses the salaries of the employees of the Kurdistan Region for the month of March Economy News – Baghdad The Ministry of Fina...