Friday, August 16, 2024



   [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

FIREFLY: We see Saleh again on TV.  This is the second time he talks to us now about the float.  He's saying the float can be adventurous.  We intend to have it fixed.  Ours will be fixed or managed float.  That is what's best at this time for Iraq and our currency.  He went and talked about how...we went from 11,000 ATMs to over 55, gas stations alone...

 FRANK:  Ever since the United States Treasury showed up last week they just cannot stop talking to you every day on the television about the success of the monetary lower notes...the new exchange rate...Now it's gone way deeper into the float.



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

 FIREFLY: Television show...the topic was about dropping the zeros from our currency and the introduction of a new currency and the issues of the implementation of this new currency.   They had on there a doctor of economics.  We don't know him but he is being sent by Sudani...He said...we have low inflation so we can delete the zeros.  They talked about how we will be obtaining purchasing power with this move.  

FRANK:  It's exciting to see the monetary reform education now on a daily basis teaching you on your television what you are about to be given...This is the third week in a row they talk to you about lifting the three zeros and about a new currency coming to you and now on the process of how they're going to implement that new currency to you...They continue to reaffirm purchasing power is coming to your currency...


 FIREFLY: CBI spokesman on television talking about the advantages and the different types of floating our currency is going to go through.  He said there are two types of float.  Free float and managed float.

  FRANK: ...You are in the monetary reform phase that is educating you on your new exchange rate...lower notes.  This campaign is pounding the information about the next step of the monetary reform...Why are you floating your currency Because they're adding value to it...Be ready at any moment.


 Militia Man  

 There's no inflation so there's not going to be a lop...They're going to add value to their currency.  Why?  Because they have valuation.  

 Iraq has some of the largest deposits of phosphates and sulfur...massive world class gold supply...rare Earths...liquid natural gas and they have...tourism... They all generate income... The Development Road're going to find taxes and tariffs at the borders. 

 There's going to be a lot of revenue, a lot...Back in Saddam Husain era [the dinar] was around $3.22.  It may have been considered a little bit overpriced, should have been more about $2.80...It's at 1310 right now!  

There's a big difference.  Now you have to add all those things I just mentioned.  The valuation of a country.  That's what they have to do... Sudani wasn't lying when he said the dinar is going to be stronger than the dollar...

Iraq has some of the largest deposits of phosphates and sulfur...massive world class gold supply...rare Earths...liquid natural gas and they have...tourism... They all generate income... The Development Road're going to find taxes and tariffs at the borders.  There's going to be a lot of revenue, a lot...

Back in Saddam Husain era [the dinar] was around $3.22.  It may have been considered a little bit overpriced, should have been more about $2.80...It's at 1310 right now!  There's a big difference.  Now you have to add all those things I just mentioned.  The valuation of a country.  That's what they have to do... Sudani wasn't lying when he said the dinar is going to be stronger than the dollar...

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Good RV News 🔥 Today IQD Value to Dollar RV News Guru Up...

Too little, Too late Mr. Alaq! BY MNT GOAT, 17 AUGUST


The Central Bank’s media office stated in a statement received by {Al Furat News} that “Central Bank Governor Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq chaired the first preparatory meeting to establish a national company to manage central electronic payment systems in Iraq, with the participation of a number of bank officials, bank managers, electronic payment service provider companies, and the Iraqi Private Banks Association.”

He added, “During the meeting, the importance of regulating electronic payment operations, keeping pace with rapid technological developments, and creating a competitive payment industry that provides secure, reliable, easy-to-access, widely interoperable payment services, rapid response, and high flexibility to technical and regulatory changes were discussed.”

The office stated that “the meeting reviewed the company’s basic objectives and the special requirements for starting the establishment, as it will undertake the tasks of managing some of the central and basic electronic payment systems at the national level, operating them and developing them,” noting that “this step came in line with the strategic plan of this bank, which goes hand in hand with the government program in the field of electronic payment and its development in Iraq.”

(Too little, Too late Mr. Alaq!   ☹)


 Militia Man 

 Corruption...At the very last minute you're going to do something that's dramatic and you're going to create valueyou're going to want to have all the bad folks under the gun and maybe even notified prior to that we got your number..

 What I bring has data behind it.  I'm not just making it up or just getting phone calls.  I'm actually doing the work.  I put it together.  It takes a lot of time to put all the work together.  

I like doing it because it does help so many people...You're not the only ones that are tired.  Everybody in our crews can be tired at times.  We all need to support...

Article quote:  "Federal Integrity Commissioner...says we discussed the development in the integrity file and the government's efforts to recover funds into the Iraqi state treasury."

  There's some people out there that have stolen a lot of money and that money is still floating around the world...If you stole it you're probably going to have a knock on the door...If you're playing by the rules you shouldn't have a problem.  Depends on who writes the rules of course...

Why the Iraqi Dinar Revaluation Is Taking So Long | Financial Power Play...

Parliamentary Oil Committee reveals details of oil smuggling from the region to Iranian ports, 17 AUGUST

  Parliamentary Oil Committee reveals details of oil smuggling from the region to Iranian ports

The Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee revealed, on Thursday, the details of oil smuggling from the Kurdistan Region to Iranian ports, explaining that this operation caused a crisis in the transfer of crude oil between Iraqi refineries.

The committee’s deputy chairman, Adnan al-Jaberi, said in a press interview, “We have seen a document issued by the State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO) regarding the smuggling of oil from the Kurdistan Region to Iranian ports,” noting that “this document states that oil is smuggled from Erbil and Sulaymaniyah via tankers through the Bashmakh and Pirouz Khan crossings.”

Al-Jabri added, "The document revealed that the price of transporting one ton of crude oil to Iran is $135," noting that "this issue caused an internal crisis in the land transport of oil, considering that most of the tankers are private and have turned towards loading these smuggled materials, and there has been a defect in the transport of official oil, because SOMO pays $33 per official ton, while the cost of transporting smuggled oil reaches $135 per ton, and thus most of the tankers have turned to transporting smuggled oil."

Al-Jaberi continued, "This crisis has caused the accumulation of crude oil in a number of refineries, which has affected the quantity of petroleum derivatives in these refineries," noting that "the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee is following up on this issue with importance, and we will host general managers in this regard."   link




Gem Finch, [16/08/2024 12:29 PM]

First R&R  - new information today the money from BC and Divorce Decree or Death Certificate parent’s spouse there were four areas traded as bonds.  The other thing is interest we paid on mortgages and bank loans for cars or whatever?  And for some of the older folks so older people will get a pretty big chunk – now for those in the currencies and Zim and those with Zim  - we will get our R&R put into our QFS accounts.   They should tell us that and how much it’s going to be before the total from the exchanges are added.   When it comes to the QFS  - so the Quantum Card thicker than a CC and has three chips  but we never carry that around with us and we only use it to move funds into your primary and secondary accounts, from the QFS account.    You can move to three different banks.   You don’t use it for anything else  - it’s not a CC /Debit card and you don’t ever want to lose it.

Access to the QFS we will get the R&R into that account and know what that is before the other funds are added.  Now here is the other thing to access the QFS they’ll use a biometric finger or thumb print and username and password all of which have to be written down and all other passwords at that exchange.   And a five digit  ID number and a new email address all you have to add to access your QFS accounts.   So this is backed by the New UST  - Bruce is saying gmail is a safe email.

We know when the R&R is happening for us  - but for non-exchanges because this goes to anyone 28 years and older and the green card holders you need to have had your card for 18 month minimum.  Say your 55 or younger – but this will be deposited directly into your bank account.   They know what your bank account is because of the Ssecurity you had to use  and this all starts on Monday 19th August and could take up to 7 days to show up and you’ll know when you have a deposit  - email/phone call or online notification.  And for the older folks its substantial – but for the younger ones under 35 that says you won’t quit your present job for 10 years or stay employed part-time  - retirement age maybe working or not, many of them don’t even want to retire, so these people we want to get in MedBeds and their lives restored.

Now Monday 19th  - what we are hearing is the Nesara /Gesara is supposed to be announced.  Either by Justice Clarence Thomas or Gen Mike Flynn, one of those two.

What about the new USN – US New Note Treasury Note.   The USN supposed to be coming out around Monday.   I hope it get’s announced as Asset Backed but it might not be announced as Gold Backed.   Nesara and Gesara and R&R is part of that – so we should get an announcement on Monday   -   NOW MEDBEDS now if you are a Zim Holder and you have priority so those should be rolled out in the first three days of Next Week and that IS BIG FOR US. 

When you go in for your exchange  - you mention then about your need for the MedBed  - but you might have to mention about your particular issues and then they enter that info a computer and for all those we want to get to the MedBeds for our loved ones immediately and they also want us to be around to see the longevity of our Projects, and to get Age Regressed is important but of course we retain our wisdom – just we’ll feel and look maybe up to 40 years younger.

DINAR REVAUATION : Iraqi Dinar & NDAs: The Secret Behind Currency Deals

A deputy reveals the results of the war on “hard currency” smuggling, 16 AUGUST

 A deputy reveals the results of the war on “hard currency” smuggling

On Thursday, Representative Yasser Iskandar revealed the results of the war on the smuggling of hard currency from Iraq. 

Iskandar said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “The smuggling of hard currency is one of the tools that drain the economy and creates an anomaly in the balance of exchange rates and pushes the parallel market to rise, which leads to excessive prices in the markets, the price of which is paid by the simple people.” 

He added, “The efforts of the Ministry of Interior with the Central Bank and supporting formations contributed to reducing the file of hard currency smuggling by 80%, while directing 11 specific strikes to companies and offices dealing in the file of selling currency illegally.” 

He pointed out that "currency smuggling is part of corruption that requires exceptional efforts to dismantle it, and government committees are continuing to expose it day after day." 

It is noteworthy that the smuggling of hard currency leads to an increase in exchange rates in Iraq, which puts pressure on the markets and leads to the emergence of excessive prices.   link



Nesara will be announced first. This way the PUBLIC (everyone) will receive financial relief from debts. 

The RV will also be released QUIETLY for T4b for us to revalue.  Once 4b is done or nearly done, then the public will commence on their exchange.

  The purpose of the NDA is to keep T4b mouths shut (or their funds will be clawed back) regarding the amount of rates being paid out because the PUBLIC will NOT be receiving the same high rates.  This is to keep the PUBLIC for being upset and causing backlash.  IMO…..



FAMILY:  I know everyone is excited from what we’ve been TOLD, but please please stay grounded.  There has been just “verbal communications” between individuals without physical proof of such event.   Let’s just stay the course and see what goes on from here.  Still waiting on proof from Iraq’s Gazette also.  



Family:  This is Bearded Patriot.  Just sitting here in my hospital room waiting for my heart surgery tomorrow morning, but if you don’t mind me saying this……I truly don’t believe we will be seeing the new rate BEFORE we are revaluing. 



Please remember….we don’t need it to be posted (RV RATE) on the Gazette for us to RV.  THE POSTING of the Gazette is for the Budget to make it finalized by law.  IMO, we’re still extremely close to getting this completed.   Keep a close eye on your emails. 

Remember, it’s supposed to be a surprise and In my opinion, it doesn’t help our cause when we have all the gurus or podcasters claiming things out of hopium without significant proof, other than someone’s words or hearsay.  Let’s all stay cool, calm and collective as a family and we will cross this line together.  

Yelling “WOLF” is doing nothing but bringing our consciousness and desires to a minimum and bringing negativity to the forefront.  

I can tell you family that I truly believe we’re extremely close from what is currently occurring to our destiny and dreams…..HANG ON TO THEM CLOSELY AND VERBALLY MANIFEST IT TO FRUITION!




I believe we will go and then a few days to weeks, then the rate will appear of the forex giving the single to the public for their turn to exchange.  Again, this is only my opinion.  So stand ready whether the rates on forex or not!!!!

Jon Dowling The Weekly Wrap Up 16th August 2024 Truth & News Updates

Postponement of Announcement Regarding End of International Coalition Military Mission in Iraq, 16 AUGUST

Postponement of Announcement Regarding End of International Coalition Military Mission in Iraq

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iraq announced the postponement of the much-anticipated end date for the international coalition's military mission in the country in August 2024.  The decision to delay the announcement was made due to recent developments and rising tensions in the region. 

Reasons for the Postponement

The postponement of the announcement regarding the end of the international coalition's military mission in Iraq can be attributed to several factors, including:

  1. Escalating regional tensions: The situation in the Middle East has been tense, with increasing hostilities between various factions, including Iranian-backed militias and US forces. 
  2. Ongoing discussions: The US-Iraq Higher Military Commission is still in talks, discussing the details of withdrawing advisors from military sites in Iraq. 
  3. Unresolved logistical aspects: Finalizing the timeline for withdrawal and addressing logistical aspects remain crucial points for the Iraqi government and its partners. 

Implications of the Postponement

The postponement of the announcement regarding the end of the international coalition's military mission in Iraq has several implications for the region:

  1. Potential prolongation of the coalition's presence: The postponement may result in the coalition's presence being extended, as the Iraqi government seeks to finalize details about the withdrawal timeline. 
  2. Increased pressure on the Iraqi government: The delay in announcing the end of the coalition's mission may put additional pressure on the Iraqi government, which is already under strain from Iranian-backed militias. 
  3. Uncertainty for the future of US-Iraq relations: The postponement may lead to increased uncertainty in the relationship between the US and Iraq, as both countries navigate the complex political landscape in the region. 


The postponement of the announcement regarding the end of the international coalition's military mission in Iraq is a significant development in the region. As the situation continues to evolve, it is essential to monitor the ongoing discussions and negotiations between the US and Iraq, as well as the broader implications for regional stability and US-Iraq relations. 



 Thurs. 15 Aug. 2024 MarkZ

 “The CBI started sending out procedures and instructions on how to handle exchanges to banks. It is clear that they are preparing. You can go to the CBI and read it yourselves. This morning a bond person said they are still expecting funds today. 

Also had a bond processor in a different area (a different continent) is still being told to expect their fees and payment this afternoon. I am very hopeful we will see real bond money movement today. I am antsy and excited after one confirmation today and one last night from another source. 

Quite a few people believe that Iraq will be in the WTO on 18 Aug 18th and quite a few people were looking between Sun. 18 Aug and Wed. 21 Aug. forsome changes in values. We saw Farm Claims start to move with the Pickford farm claims for black farmers. I am also hearing good things on the fines and penalties that could go  at any moment.”

Wed. 14 Aug. MarkZ: “Not only were the Pickford claims (black farmers) being paid out, but also the other Farm Claims have started paying out – in the billions, along with the R&R payouts” (which were assumed to be going into our QFS Accounts).





RV Update Of Iraqi Dinar By Wolverine Today 2024🔥iraqi dinar revaluation...

Joint Strategic Framework: Iraq and Turkey's Foreign Ministers Meeting in 2024, 16 AUGUST

Joint Strategic Framework: Iraq and Turkey's Foreign Ministers Meeting in 2024

The foreign ministers of Iraq and Turkey are set to activate the joint strategic framework during their meeting in 2024. This high-level meeting aims to strengthen the cooperation between the two countries, particularly in security, military, and counterterrorism efforts. 


The joint strategic framework between Iraq and Turkey has been in development for several years. In April 2024, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a historic visit to Iraq, during which 27 agreements and memorandums of understanding were signed.   This visit marked a turning point in Ankara-Baghdad relations, and the Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA) established the Joint Planning Group (JPG), co-chaired by the foreign ministers of both countries, and various Joint Permanent Committees (JPCs) to institutionalize and sustain cooperation. 

Key Objectives

The primary objectives of the joint strategic framework include:

  1. Enhancing security cooperation: The two countries will collaborate on security matters and take concrete steps to address common threats, such as the PKK terrorist group, which operates along their shared border. 

  2. Strengthening military collaboration: The joint strategic framework aims to reinforce the mutual understanding of military matters by enhancing the legal framework to support collaborative efforts, including joint coordination and training centers. 

  3. Addressing counterterrorism efforts: The framework emphasizes the importance of countering terrorism and fostering cooperation in this area. Both countries have recognized the PKK as a "common threat" and a "banned organization".  [3]:url3.

  4. Expanding cooperation in various sectors: The Strategic Framework Agreement envisions establishing Joint Permanent Committees in key areas of collaboration, such as trade, energy, water issues, transportation, health, and education. 

Expected Outcomes

The activation of the joint strategic framework during the foreign ministers' meeting in 2024 is expected to yield several positive outcomes, including:

  1. Improved relations between Iraq and Turkey: The joint strategic framework will help to strengthen and institutionalize the historical ties between the two countries, fostering greater cooperation and collaboration. 

  2. Enhanced security and military collaboration: The framework will enable both countries to work together more effectively in addressing common security threats and countering terrorism, ultimately contributing to regional stability. 

  3. Expanded cooperation in various sectors: By establishing Joint Permanent Committees in key areas of collaboration, the joint strategic framework will facilitate increased cooperation and partnership in various sectors, benefiting both countries economically and socially. 

In conclusion, the activation of the joint strategic framework during the foreign ministers' meeting in 2024 represents a significant step forward in Iraq and Turkey's bilateral relationship. By working together to address common challenges and expand cooperation in various sectors, the two countries can foster greater stability, security, and prosperity in the region.


Iraq will disrupt official working hours throughout the next week, 26 MARCH

Iraq will disrupt official working hours throughout the next week Economy News — Baghdad The Council of Ministers decided, on Tuesday, to su...