Rafidain Bank announced the implementation of the comprehensive banking system in the Baladruz branch in Diyala Governorate, stressing that the digital transformation plan is proceeding according to the scheduled timings.
The statement said, “In implementation of the government program to move from paper transactions to electronic transactions to provide the best services to citizens, Rafidain Bank announces the implementation of the comprehensive banking system in the Baladruz branch in Diyala.”[/size]
The statement added that the Baladruz branch “has thus joined the branches that have activated the comprehensive system in Baghdad and the governorates, in addition to the border crossing branches (Zurbatiyah - Safwan - Arar - Trebil), so that the number of branches that have implemented and completed the system has become 32 branches, in an important step to strengthen the banking system and achieve its requirements and leave paper work and move completely to electronic systems.”
He stressed that “the digital transformation plan and the adoption of the comprehensive banking system are proceeding according to the set timetables to include all bank branches in the implementation of the system, especially since the priorities and adoptions of the government program include electronic transformation in financial transactions, reducing the circles of routine for citizens, shortening time, simplifying procedures, overcoming obstacles, and intensifying efforts to improve the level of services provided to customers and completing their transactions. LINK
I have been told the Codes are inserted, already locked in. It is imminent now that we will be blessed. I cannot tell you the rest as it is confidential...This is coming right from the top. All is coming to fruition as we have dreamed for many years...get ready as that Green Light is just around the corner.
WOLVERINE Wed. 10 July 2024 Wolverine
A note Wolverine placed in the Chosen One Room: “Today I was told that notifications will commence today. Please check your emails.”
Wed. 10 July 2024 Wolverine News Bulletin Report to Mr. Helders, Ruben Baz:“I just found out that Reno will begin the trade
today (Wed. 10 July). Europe will followtomorrow
(Thurs. 11 July) and payments will begin onMon. 15 July.
Please pray that there are no further delays. The 12 platforms will opentonight (Wed. 10 July)in Reno andtomorrow (Thurs. 11 July)the six platforms in Zurich.
Contracts will be sentover the weekend and money to spend on
Mon. 15 July.1 billion Sow letters sent onTuesday 16 July and sovereign buyers begin on
Wednesday 17 July.”
Reno is imminent,and we are just about to cross the finish line and will start releasing funds soon. They are having a big meeting tomorrow. We will know when it happens.
I have been told the Codes are inserted, already locked in. It is imminent now that we will be blessed.
I cannot tell you the rest as it is confidential, but for you, just know to get ready. This is coming right from the top. All is coming to fruition as we have dreamed for many years.
I am going overseas pretty soon– I cannot tell you where. I will be out of the picture for a while. I cannot tell you more. God bless you and just get ready as that Green Light is just around the corner.
I am much better with no pain, now. Thank you for all the private messages worrying about my health. I was just waiting to get that Intel I needed to get this news to you. Have a beautiful day!
International Chamber of Commerce launches new office in Iraq
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), headquartered in Paris, announced the expansion of its global presence with the official launch of a new office in Iraq.
ICC, founded in 1919 in Paris, has a network of offices in more than 170 countries, representing over 45 million businesses.
The ICC reported that the official launch of the ICC office in Iraq took place at the organization's global headquarters in Paris. The new office is expected to "advance the ICC's mission in Iraq and strengthen the voice of Iraqi businesspeople and chambers globally."
The report noted that ICC Iraq will add to the total number of ICC offices, bringing the count to 92 worldwide.
A delegation from ICC Iraq attended the official launch celebration in Paris, followed by a celebration at the Iraqi Embassy in the French capital.
ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton was quoted as saying, "The context in which businesses operate today is marked by geo-economic and geo-political tensions giving rise to instability, uncertainty and new challenges in Iraq and beyond. Bringing our mission to Iraq will deliver real value for Iraqi business and the real economies in which they operate."
According to the report, "ICC Iraq will support ICC's institutional objectives for business to foster peace, prosperity, and opportunity for all through local commissions on arbitration and ADR, digital economy, intellectual property, and trade and investment."
The report highlighted that "ICC Iraq's founding members are Abdulrazaq Al-Zuheere, who serves as ICC Iraq Honorary Chair and President of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce (FICC), Mohsin Al Hamed, Chair of ICC Iraq and Al-Asriya Group, and Ahmed Alyasiri, ICC Iraq Secretary General and International Organisation Consultant at FICC."
The report concluded by noting that ICC Iraq members, through their office in Iraq, will help shape ICC policies and alert governments to issues of interest to international business.
I strongly believe they are preparing you [Iraqi citizens] for a fixed international rate along with your inner fixed rate!
The monetary reform is approaching the Iraqi citizens to give value to their currency. Every day it inches closer and closer and closer and closer and closer. The evidence is so obvious and obvious and obvious and obvious that it's extremely difficult to deny it.
The monetary reform is approaching the Iraqi citizens to give value to their currency. Every day it inches closer and closer and closer and closer and closer.
The evidence is so obvious and obvious and obvious and obvious that it's extremely difficult to deny it.
The moment the value goes up where is the Iraqi dinar, where is that exchange rate going internationally? ...Forex. It's going to the community that is starving for this currency...In doing so the value will go up in what's called a float.
Sudani made it very clear to the Iraqi citizens he was going to add value to their currency this year. We're talking about the year 2024...They go by a fiscal calendar...Iraq goes from January 1st to December 31st.
Rafidain Bank announced today, Wednesday, the implementation of the comprehensive banking systemin Diyala.
The bank’s media office stated in a statement that “in implementation of the government program to move from paper transactions to electronic transactions to provide the best services to citizens, the comprehensive banking system has been implemented in the Baladruz branch in Diyala, thus joining the branches that have activated the comprehensive system in Baghdad and the governorates in addition to the border crossing branches (Zurbatiya – Safwan – Arar – Trebil), so that the number of effective and completed branches of the system becomes (32) branches in an important step to strengthen the banking system and achieve its requirements and leave paper work and move completely to electronic systems.”
The bank confirmed that “the digital transformation plan and the adoption of the comprehensive banking system are proceeding according to the scheduled timings to include all branches of the bank in the implementation of the system, especially since the priorities and adoptions of the government program include electronic transformation in financial transactions, reducing the circles of routine for citizens, shortening time, simplifying procedures, overcoming obstacles, and intensifying efforts to improve the level of services provided to customers and completing their transactions.”
All the sales of oil are now in Iraqi dinars and no longer in American dollars...The National Oil Company of Iraq will now receive the Iraqi dinars, through them, into the banks of Iraq for the GOI to use. No foreign currency. Nobody stealing foreign currency or their currency. Security and stability is because of the control Sudani has.
The monetary reform is secured by the reserves. The reserves that back up the currency is the control that the CBI and Saleh is talking about when he says we have a strong exchange rate at 1320 because he can control it and he can change it at any time he wants. He's not just talking about what they know they have...the billions and billions of dinar that were brought back but it also includes all the tapped sources and untapped sources, gold, phosphate, oil, diamonds, etc etc, each one of these categories alone can support the monetary reform.
If they float the dinar it will be in a very tight band. If it's a low rate, if it's a dollar then they'll float and it'll drive the rate up. But if they come out at an RI, reinstatement of $3.22 and then the float, then they're going to have some serious very tight banks on the float. It will be monitored very closely. It will only allow it to be a plus or minus of 5%.It cannot go any further than that in the float.
For example, don't let it get past maybe $3.50...They will cap it quickly...
[Iraqi bank friend Aki update]
The CBI board of directors decided...to hold meeting with only all of their executives of all their banks...These two or three meeting are going on...
This is on the subject of the monetary reform, lower notes, exchange rate, budget ... These next few days are going to be very silent. The press will not cover it. No one will know anything about it. They will suppress this information...This silence is normal and to be expected right now. [Aki] has seen this quietness before when the CBI was getting ready to make a major move.
From the Director of the Assessions Division of the WTO:
#Iraq's Working Party will be formally resumed on 18 July after 16yrs. Had a productive prep meeting w/ Baghdad's team in advance of their arrival in GVA.Glad to see their readiness & excitement for this historic meeting. Grateful for the dedication & hard work of the Iraqi team.
What can we investors do to help the RV situation?
We must now buckle down and pray and pray like never before for the success of Al-Sudani and his agreements with Washington are implemented. You do want the RV don’t you? Pray for Iraq and also the U.S. in that there are strong enough representatives in Congress and the Senate who will stand up and continue to fight to uphold the US Constitution and keep fighting this Washington corruption.
Pray that that God’s Hand will intervene and save our great country. Remember you can say the Rosary daily or use the prayers and links I provided from the Auxilium Christianorum for your prayers. Of course there is also your own form of prayer too. Folks your prayers so far ARE WORKING and God has heard our cries.
Just look at all the progress made just since December 2022 when Iraq announced they were finally entirely out of Chapter VII. And now in 2024 the spigot is wide open the final issues preventing the reinstatement are being dealt with one by one. Can you see it too. I am trying my best to help you see it. We don’t’ need this foolishness of this speculative crap or everyday / any day garbage intel confusing us.
You think this is all just coincidental? God’s Hand is at work here. He has given Iraq his anointed leader Al-Sundani to help in his work. Even I have to sit back in amazement of what he has accomplished so far. Pray for him and all his success. Let see what July brings us.
Activity Transactions on the FITR Platform
July 10, 2024
Republic of Iraq Central Bank of Iraq Directorate of Supervision of Non-Banking Financial Institutions Exchange Companies Control
Section, Audit and Inspection Division Issue: 2/22/22 Date: 7/10/2022
Exchange companies / categories (A, B) and mediation companies in buying and selling foreign currencies, category C Activities transactions on the FITR platform /e
Kind regards.... Later, with our circulars numbered 20/3/33 and 35 dated 2/4 and 7/3/2024, and regarding your inquiries about the possibility of uploading data after completing each of the company's activities.
We would like to inform you that your companies can register activity transactions, buying and selling foreign currency outside the window, internal money transfers sent and received, external money transfers sent and received, available to the exchange companies Finti A, B via the companies (Western Union, Money Gram) on the FITR platform above by uploading documents. The data is at the end of the working day, with the exception of dollar sales transactions to traveling citizens, which require real-time recording with respect.
Mr. Dr. Ammar Hamad Khalaf Deputy Governor Agency 7/10/2024
If you think exploring a relationship with a traditional financial advisor is the right move, be sure to ask these ten questions during the interview process.
1. Are you a fiduciary?
A fiduciary works in the best interest of the client. Non Fiduciaries, such as broker-dealers, need only to recommend products that are “suitable” — even if they're not the lowest-cost or most ideal for you.
» Dive deeper: What Is a Fiduciary, and Why Does It Matter?
Advisors can use a variety of fee structures. To keep it simple and avoid conflicts of interest, focus on fee-only advisors. They don’t get commissions for selling products.
"Make sure it’s fee-only — those particular words," says Alice Finn, founder of PowerHouse Assets and author of "Smart Women Love Money," a guide to investing. (Some of the questions here are from her book.)
Fee-only advisors might charge a percentage of the assets they manage for you (1% is common), a flat fee for services or an hourly fee. If cost is a concern, you may want to go with a low-fee robo-advisor (https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/investing/best-robo-advisors/) or an online planning service like those mentioned above.
3. What are my all-in costs?
In addition to paying the advisor, you’ll face other fees — and you'll want to know what they are. Fees can decimate your savings over time. "You can lose half your net worth without even knowing it," Finn says. "You want to be vigilant."
4. What are your qualifications?
Financial professionals can have a confusing list of initials behind their names. And whether a finance professional goes by "investment advisor (https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/investing/investment-advisor)" or has the CFP designation, it's your job to vet them. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority's professional designations database will tell you what they mean; if there are any education requirements; if anyone accredits the designation; whether there's a published list of disciplinary actions; and if you can check professional status. (https://brokercheck.finra.org/)
You can also use a Form ADV to check an advisor's record.
5. How will our relationship work?
Put another way: How much access will you have to the advisor? You want to know how often you’ll meet and whether they're available for phone calls or emails outside of scheduled appointments. (Learn more about what financial advisors do (https://www.nerdwallet.com/blog/investing/what-does-a-financial-advisor-do/) and what you can expect from the relationship.)
6. What is your investment philosophy?
It’s important to ensure you have the same investment philosophy. Here’s why: “You have to believe in what they’re doing to stick with it,” Finn says. “When financial advisors really do their job is when the market is down and they can convince you to stick to the same page,” she says, so you don’t sell at the bottom of a market cycle.
It's also important to make sure you and your advisor align on investment style. For example, if impact investing is important to you, you may want to ask whether or not your advisor will be able to help you create a portfolio that aligns with your values.
» Want to invest ethically? Learn about impact investing (https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/investing/impact-investing)
Also ask: Who are your typical clients? Find an advisor who is used to a situation like yours and able to help you meet your goals.
7. What asset allocation models will you use?
You’ve heard how important it is to be diversified, right? Your asset allocation is how you create a diversified portfolio. “It drives most of your returns,” Finn says.
“You don’t want someone who is just going to pick U.S. large-company stocks,” Finn says. Your portfolio should include domestic and international stocks, and small-, mid- and large-cap companies.
8. What investment benchmarks do you use?
Advisors should use benchmarks that directly relate to what they’re invested in, or be able to explain why they don’t.
Some managers will use a “straw-man benchmark,” Finn says. For example, the advisor says: “My goal is to beat the Standard & Poor's 500.” But if that advisor is investing in a diversified portfolio beyond simply large-cap U.S. companies, that benchmark is a mismatch. “Over time they should beat the S&P 500 because they’re taking on more risk,” Finn says.
9.Who is your custodian?
Ideally, your financial advisor has hired an independent custodian, such as a brokerage, to hold your investments, rather than act as his or her own custodian — à la Bernie Madoff, the notorious financial advisor who defrauded clients through a multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme.
That provides an important safety check. “If I send my clients performance information … and it tells them how much I say is in their account, they can go online any minute and double-check,” Finn says.
10. What tax consequences do I face if I invest with you?
This helps ensure the advisor has your tax bill in mind when making financial decisions. And asking about taxes and fees is a way to explore what your estimated net return might be. “What you want to know is: What do you get to keep after fees and after taxes?”
By (https://www.nerdwallet.com/author/andrea-coombes) Andrea Coombes