Friday, July 12, 2024



  [via Judy Byington]  

I have been told the Codes are inserted, already locked in. It is imminent now that we will be blessed. I cannot tell you the rest as it is confidential...This is coming right from the top. All is coming to fruition as we have dreamed for many years...get ready as that Green Light is just around the corner.



Wed. 10 July 2024 Wolverine

 A note Wolverine placed in the Chosen One Room: “Today I was told that notifications will commence today. Please check your emails.”

Wed. 10 July 2024 Wolverine News Bulletin Report to Mr. Helders, Ruben Baz:“I just found out that Reno will begin the trade  today (Wed. 10 July). Europe will follow tomorrow
 (Thurs. 11 July) and payments will begin on Mon. 15 July.

 Please pray that there are no further delays. The 12 platforms will open tonight (Wed. 10 July) in Reno and tomorrow (Thurs. 11 July) the six platforms in Zurich. 
Contracts will be sent over the weekend and money to spend on 
Mon. 15 July. 1 billion Sow letters sent on Tuesday 16 July and sovereign buyers begin on  Wednesday 17 July.”
Reno is imminent, and we are just about to cross the finish line and will start releasing funds soon. They are having a big meeting tomorrow.  We will know when it happens.

I have been told the Codes are inserted, already locked in. It is imminent now that we will be blessed. 

I cannot tell you the rest as it is confidential, but for you, just know to get ready. This is coming right from the top. All is coming to fruition as we have dreamed for many years.

I am going overseas pretty soon – I cannot tell you where. I will be out of the picture for a while. I cannot tell you more. God bless you and just get ready as that Green Light is just around the corner.

I am much better with no pain, now. Thank you for all the private messages worrying about my health. I was just waiting to get that Intel I needed to get this news to you.  Have a beautiful day! 

Take care, Wolverine

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