Central Bank: No Decision Or Directive Has Been Issued Regarding Closing Outlets Or Converting Them Into Exchange Companies
The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed today, Saturday, that it had not issued a decision or directive to close exchange outlets, and the Central Bank called for caution in transmitting and circulating news that indicates the closure of exchange outlets.
The bank explained in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA) that "the Central Bank is working to expand the spread of cash delivery outlets through all available channels, including automated teller machines (ATMs), cash payment machines (POCs), and authorized exchange companies, in addition to electronic payment company outlets and electronic payment machines (POS) spread throughout Iraq." The bank also stressed "the need to obtain news from its official sources published on its website and its verified pages on social media." The statement indicated that "the bank has issued circulars to all parties in the Iraqi financial and banking sector, including directing banks and non-banking financial institutions to expand financial services in areas that lack this type of service."
Okay guys, I'm going to give you an update on where we think we are and what I'm hearing.
The intel has broken down into two factions: The "It's tonight" faction and the "After the inauguration" faction. But both sides agree on the following: It's done.
There is nothing left that needs to be done from a paperwork or agreement perspective. Everything is signed, sealed and delivered. HCL: DONE. GOLD TREATY: DONE. TRADE AGREEMENTS: DONE. CODES ISSUED AND READY: DONE. RATES: DONE. NEW TREASURY NOTES IN BANKS: DONE.
I even know the exact amount each Iraqi citizen is going to get under the HCL agreement, and you won't believe the mere pittance they've been haggling over for the last 10 years while we waited for Zimbabwe to get their act together.
Anyone telling you there is still work to be done is either not connected or a disinfo agent. Any further delays are not financial or bureaucratic. They are geopolitical shenanigans.
Points favoring the "It's tonight," Faction:
They can make the announcement in the mosques tonight, which we've always been told they would do.
The FOREX would be closed.
It's too late for Biden to get credit for it. Yellen would have less than 48 hours to respond.
It might precipitate a dollar crash when the FOREX reopens on Sunday, which is the perfect cover.
The Iraqi's fear that Trump, once in power, will halt the proceedings and try to secure a better deal for the United States, so they MUST go now before he gets in.
They insist that the Dinar revaluation will be announced tonight at midnight eastern time.
Points favoring the "After the inauguration," Faction:
Trump gets full credit.
Biden cannot steal or interfere.
The inauguration itself gives cover in the news.
It would still look like a mess that Biden handed over to Trump.
NOTE: If they wait too long after the inauguration, it could look like it was Trump's fault, or he was asleep on the job. This creates A LOT of pressure for something to happen in the next 3 days.
If it goes beyond that, I don't know what to tell you.
Including Facilitating The Entry Of Investors.. Al-Haimas: The Draft Law Of The Securities Commission Includes Four Important Articles
Chairman of the Securities Commission, Faisal Al-Haimas, stressed today, Tuesday, the necessity of passing the Securities Commission Law, while pointing out that the law includes four important articles .
Al-Haims told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The Parliamentary Finance Committee hosted us in order to discuss the draft law of the Securities Commission, which had its first reading in Parliament,” indicating that “there are several obstacles facing the stock market due to the lack of a law, and we hope that the Finance Committee will help pass the law as soon as possible .”
He added that "the draft law was submitted by the Council of Ministers to the House of Representatives in the last chapter of the last legislative year," noting that "the law includes many articles, the most important of which are keeping pace with the current laws in addition to facilitating the entry of investors into the market and transforming the market into a joint-stock company listed on the market ."
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-16-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-16-25
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, January 16, and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in again for us, with us, and thank you everyone for paying attention and riding this long ride with us again. We love you and we thank you for tuning in. We love the fact that we still are getting out the call, all over the world. Thank you Sat team for doing that.
Let's switch gears for a minute. Let's get into Intel. It's getting closer, guys, I can tell you, I was looking for the possibility of us to be notified today, but we did hear and I got a text very early this morning.
That was 4:54 this morning. And no, I wasn't up reading it at that hour. Sorry. I caught it a little later in the morning, but it said that the dinar, the Iraqi dinar, which is the linchpin of all of the currencies that are going up in value, these exotic currencies that are going up into Normal trading ranges, was on the Forex today, and it was on this morning at 4.19 and since that time, it increased up on the forex to 4.52 this afternoon, and it's probably still going up.
And as you guys know, forex trades around the clock in different markets that are watching it and up and trading it. But that's pretty cool, and it doesn't mean our rate is going to be there, or even the bank rate is going to be there. It could be higher, and I know it is higher now than that, even at the banks.
But we're most concerned with the dinar at the contract rate, which our contract rate on the dinar is tied to North Sea Brent crude oil, which seems to be the price that Iraq is sold their oils for
it's within $1 or so of whatever the North Sea Brent crude price is, and if it's 80, well, that's what the contract rate is, and that's the North Sea Brent crude price yesterday. So it sort of it fluctuates a little up, a little down, but it's it's trending up, it's trending higher. So that's a good thing to be aware of
What I like is the fact that we do have some contacts that are important. One of the major banks, that's kind of international bank that is over international redemption centers, is indicating that the latest indication was that we would be in that there would be releases tonight and overnight. Tonight,
I think this is referring to notifications to bond holders, to platform participants or their their leaders, their pay masters, and also, when it says releases overnight, it's possible that we wake up To notifications tomorrow. I say possible, because the same banking institution is suggesting that we could, and I'm going to say that's the operational word. Could be notified Friday or Saturday and begin exchanges prior to the three day weekend.
Or let's put it this way, prior to Monday. Monday, as you know, is Martin Luther King Day, and it's also Inauguration Day, and the banks is a federal holiday, and the banks will be closed. And because of that, I don't think we're going to see any activity on Monday for us.
But if we get started tomorrow with numbers and we exchange starting Friday, tomorrow, 17th, we would do Saturday the 18th, and we would skip over Monday and resume on Tuesday, or we would skip over Sunday, excuse me, and Monday. No, I've got that wrong. I'm going to rewind that in my mind.
If we started tomorrow, and we could start exchanges on Friday, we would also go Saturday and Sunday at the redemption centers, not the banks, but at the redemption centers. Then we would skip over Monday and resume on Tuesday. That's if it were to start Friday or Saturday. That would be the the timeline. which is exciting.
Now, listen, I have been told two different things. I've been told that we would get started Friday or Saturday, and I've also been told we could start if they don't let it go, and that's how they put it if they don't let it go this three day weekend, really it's four day if you count Friday, and they tend to count Friday, but if they don't let it go Friday or Saturday, then We're looking at a Tuesday start after President Trump has been inaugurated on Saturday at noon.
Now I've been told forever that we don't have to wait on President Trump to get back in the saddle, back in as he's already been commander in chief. And some say he's always been President. I think he's, I don't want to say what I think, but I think that for him, for us to get this prior to his inauguration, would be fantastic. That'd be awesome. I'd love to see it tomorrow or Saturday, and right on through, enjoy the inauguration and go from there.
Now, if it doesn't happen and we see it on this on the 21st which is Tuesday, then so be it. Then what I've been told in the past about he doesn't have to be back in the White House for this to go was it for us?
And I was misinformed. But there's a there's a high possibility, if the releases started tonight and I think we're talking about releases to bond holders to platforms to tier four. If that starts tonight and tomorrow morning we wake up to it, or we get it tomorrow and start setting our appointments in a teaching then we're so much the better. And I'm excited about that possibility, so I'm presenting both sides of what I have heard.
The latest thing we got from that major international bank was Friday, Saturday. The earlier information we got from that major bank was, if they can, if they let it go this weekend than we get obviously, and if they don't let it go, we'd start Tuesday, the day after President Trump is sworn in
on inauguration day. Now this is more information that I found interesting was, remember, we talked Tuesday about one inaugural ball that was advertised, one with specific The All American ball, and that's, you know, on Capitol Hill at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.
And that's on the 18th, which is Saturday. But we found out that there are 29 gala events and balls, you know, inaugural balls, that are scheduled in the DC area, most of them in DC, some in the outer outlying areas like Arlington Virginia, and one in Baltimore, I think, is at the harbor, one of the major hotels at Baltimore Harbor.
So quite a bit scheduled, quite as planned, evidently. And it just was released, I guess, today. But that's interesting. I mean, there's 29 and, yeah, one was at the MGM, I don't know what, if it's grant or just MGM hotel in Baltimore Harbor, so in the DC area, that's going to be that's really good
I'm looking forward to watching that. I'm looking forward to that. I believe it's going to be a good eastern time on the 21st it's Martin Luther King Day, both on the same day, and I think that would be a good thing to do
Now, in addition to that, that's really the intel we want to know. When we want to know what's going on. This is redemption centers. We're talking about. We're talking about contract rate on the dinar at the redemption center. Nobidy knows where they are - I know where a few of them are, because we know five leaders of redemption centers personally.
But beyond that, it's a matter of just getting that toll free number – using it – calling it . You call it, setting your appointment. Boom, off you go. Gonna be great. Make sure you don't forget courtesy when you go in, you know, and if you do, you better drive home again, if has but be careful, guys, and don't arrive more than 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time, not more than 10 minutes.
And this thing should run like a well oiled sewing machine, like a Singer sewing machine, and they're ready for us. I know they're ready after all this time and prep. I think they're actually ready.
The most you can take at the redemption center, in terms of new currency United States Treasury notes, is $500.05 bills, five smackers. That's it.
They don't want us going out with more than 500 bucks. If you want more cash than that of the new money, you're going to go back later to the bank, maybe the next day or so.
We can only assume that the new currency will be out in the banks when we're in for our exchanges, it should be, should be operational, or it should, let's see, the banks have had it for a year and a half.
So have the redemption. They've had it the new currency. They just don't have it in the telcos yet. But they might soon - like this by a couple of days. They might not bring it out till Tuesday.
Don’t know , just saying, but we can come there with 500 different and it comes out of your total. You're going to get aQ phone as well. If you're a zim holder, one per customer Q phone. It's a satellite phone that work all over the world. It's like a satellite phone with using the starlink satellite system and it is secure to move money from your quantity into your primary and secondary bank accounts.
So we'll see what's going to be able to do. I think it's going to be kind of amazing that we can do that, you know, securely. Let's see what else.
We don't have time if they're coming out tomorrow, if, if they're coming out Saturday, when they're coming. We just don't have it. But we did hear later tonight that we had an image of a green light. You know green light means go. Of a green light indicating everything is a go. Releases have begun and will continue overnight. Now that's what I'm getting. I'm only giving you what I received. ‘
You guys have a great weekend. This should be an excellent weekend between the timeline that we created, starting Tuesday to the to the Martin Luther King day on Monday and the inauguration on Monday. And then we're we are definitely off to the races, if not before we would be on Tuesday, off to the races, and maybe as early as Friday or Saturday. So let's pray the call out
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 1-16-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:58
4 days separate Iraq from a phase full of "unexpected events"
Iraq is awaiting a transitional phase full of political, security and economic transformations. Perhaps the next four days will be decisive in the country’s relationship with the United States of America, as Donald Trump will officially assume the US presidency on January 20.
Observers believe that Iraq will be the main front that the United States will deal with in the next stage, considering that it is the only remaining front in which Iran is still strongly present.
At a time when Iraq does not have the freedom to choose between renaissance and sustainable development with the United States, and remaining in a cycle of crises with Iran, it does not even have the option of neutrality and holding the stick in the middle between the two parties, according to observers.
Observers confirm that Iraq has no friend but America, for many reasons, the most important of which are the Iraqi financial situation and the American care, protection and continuous support for Iraq since 2003 until now.
In the details, political researcher Ramadan Al-Badran told Shafaq News Agency, "Trump's arrival to the US presidency is a return to the files he opened in his first term, and he wants a stable Middle East that cares about the economy and development in a way that contributes to finding alternative sources of funding and production to China, which support the American economy in particular and the Western economy in general."
Al-Badran added, "Trump's vision for the Middle East is for it to be an ally of America and the West in terms of economic integration, and anyone who stands in the way of this will be considered against American and Western interests."
“Therefore, Trump will be harsh and firm with Iran and with anyone who cooperates with it in a way that does not serve his vision. Consequently, he will target Iran directly and alone this time, especially with the development of the situation in the Middle East and the collapse of all lines of bargaining and Iranian pressure in the region and the world. It (Iran) is retreating on the confrontation front, and it has not yet met any of the world’s requirements for non-interference in the affairs of other countries, armament, nuclear, ballistic, and other matters,” he continued.
Regarding Iraq's position, Al-Badran explains that "Iraq has nothing but America's friendship, for many reasons, the most important of which are the Iraqi financial situation and the American care, protection, and support for Iraq that has continued since 2003 until now."
He points out that "Iraq will lose America if it tries to continue to hold the stick in the middle between Iran and America, because the latter only accepts friends, and therefore Iraqi policy needs to exercise strict and firm decisions in this regard."
Al-Badran believes that "the factions are perhaps one of Iraq's knots, so he has to be firm with them because he does not have time, because Trump will need a clear vision, decisions, and policy."
Settlement equation
For his part, strategic expert Ahmed Al-Sharifi told Shafaq News Agency, "Trump's policy will differ according to the balances that are taking place in the Middle East, which began with an international settlement between Russia and the United States, as evidenced by the withdrawal and handover between Bashar al-Assad's regime and the entry of the factions that currently represent the direct ruler in Syria, followed by a regional settlement including the selection of a president and prime minister in Lebanon, as well as the changes that are taking place in the Gaza agreement, and the most important equation is what is called the local settlement affected by the regional settlement and the international settlement."
Al-Sharifi points out that “Iraq will suffer from a transitional phase in which Trump’s program contradicts the political path in Iraq. He wants to bring about a radical and comprehensive change, and implementing that depends on the reactions of both parties, to remove a political group that is no longer convincing to the United States, the sponsor of the political project in Iraq and its direct supervisor, and the United Nations, the observer of the political change in Iraq.”
Al-Sharifi expects that “Trump will move to remove part of the ruling class loyal to or linked to Iran, because it is time to resolve the situation according to regional and international balances. As for politicians in Iraq, they no longer have the opportunity to freely choose as before, to choose between renaissance and sustainable development with the United States or to choose to remain in the cycle of crises with regional balances.”
He explains, “The United States gave Iraqi politicians the opportunity to choose, but they chose regional balances. They are divided into two groups, one side leaning towards Turkey and the other towards Iran. Both sides seek to undermine any role of regional balances and the United States, as evidenced by the targeting of the (SDF) forces supported by the United States. The same is true for the armed factions in Iraq supported by Iran, as they seek to abort the issue of integration in international relations between Iraq and the United States.”
Al-Sharifi added, "Therefore, the political system failed to choose the United States, so the latter will change it towards it by force, whether through sanctions, direct containment, physical liquidation via drones, or a demonstration and overthrow of a government. All possibilities are possible."
Main Front
In turn, Professor of International Relations, Firas Elias, believes that “Trump’s new policy towards Iraq will be based on new paths that differ from his first term, so he is in the process of reproducing a new path on several levels (security, political and economic).”
Elias told Shafaq News Agency, "The United States of America is in the process of re-establishing a safe distance between Iraq and Iran, specifically in the security and economic fields, as well as liberating Iraqi foreign policy from some of the restrictions it faced during the past period, especially with regard to the necessity of reintegrating Iraq into the regional system that began to take shape after the ceasefire agreement in Gaza."
He continues, "There are new regional balances, and the title of this was containing Iran in Lebanon, Syria and Gaza, and thus Iraq will be the main front that the United States will deal with in the next stage, considering that Iraq is the only remaining front in which Iran is still strongly present."
He added, "Therefore, it is expected that the American preconditions that were discussed in the past period regarding the dissolution of the armed factions and the production of a new mechanism to deal with the weapons of the factions, come in the context of an American preemptive phase before Trump's arrival to the White House, because maintaining the state of conditional truce that Iran had previously dealt with during Trump's first term, is not possible to continue in the second term."
Elias explains, "This justifies America's demands to dissolve the armed factions, because the United States needs to create a state of political and security stability in Iraq in the next phase, in order to secure the Syrian arena and maintain the regional balances that emerged in the period following the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime."
He points out that "since Iraq represents one of the threats to stability and peace in the Middle East, the Trump administration will be concerned with resolving the Iraqi situation in any way and in a manner that will push Iran to deal with a logic that is desired regionally and internationally. Therefore, Iraq will be a central issue on Trump's policy agenda during the coming period."
Elias expects that "Iraq will have four years ahead of it, full of political, security and economic transformations with the United States of America."
For his part, prominent Iraqi politician, Mithal Al-Alusi, told Shafaq News Agency, "The difference between the Trump administration and Biden is that the latter's administration sought to contain Iran with a soft-road policy, and thus Tehran exploited Washington and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard rushed to seize political, military and governmental decisions in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon."
Al-Alusi added: “As for Trump, he is against Iranian hegemony over the peoples and countries of the Middle East. Rather, the Trump administration will support calm and peace projects in the Middle East, including Israeli-Palestinian or Saudi-Israeli dialogue and peace.”
He points out that "Washington, the Western world and the Arab world understand that Iranian influence in Iraq passes through the Popular Mobilization Forces, and there is no Popular Mobilization Forces without militias and so-called armed factions, and there are no armed terrorist threats inside or outside Iraq through drones or missiles except through the cells of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard under the cover of the factions."
He points out that "the Iranian leader, during his meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, told him that the Popular Mobilization Forces are an Iraqi institution that must be supported and encouraged. At the same time, he said that America is the biggest enemy and that the armed factions affiliated with the Revolutionary Guards must escalate to confront America. This is a smart Iranian tactic, in an attempt to push Trump to carry out assassinations of militia leaders. It (Iran) believes that America will be satisfied with these assassinations and leave Iranian influence in Iraq, but it does not realize that America does not compromise on Iraq."
Al-Alusi confirms, "Therefore, the Iraqi government is required to adopt a national policy that is not Iranian, otherwise Al-Sudani and his government will pay the price for that with the advent of a new era for Iraq and the Middle East that may begin on January 21, and whoever does not realize the evolution of time will pay a heavy price."
The world, especially the Middle East, is awaiting Trump’s arrival to the White House next week, while expectations indicate “an intention to impose economic sanctions on Iran and to continue pressure to limit its influence, which may expose Iraq to economic pressure as well,” according to the spokesman for the Nazl Akhed Haqi Democratic Movement, Khaled Walid.
Walid added to Shafaq News Agency, "This coincides with news about a possible targeting of some faction leaders, as well as talk about a political movement for an expected change. What increases the anxiety of the Iraqi street is the talk of some representatives about a financial crisis sweeping the country."
Walid concluded by saying, "What is happening today is generally related to the fate of the resistance factions and the Popular Mobilization Forces institution, and the government's confirmation that the Popular Mobilization Forces is an official security institution, this reinforces the regional and international pressures towards Iraq and the ruling political class."