Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Parliament’s finances regarding the 2024 budget: still ambiguous, 25 JAN

Parliament’s finances regarding the 2024 budget: still ambiguous

Member of Parliamentary Finance, Jamal Kujar, confirmed on Wednesday that things are still ambiguous regarding the 2024 budget, and what paragraphs will be changed, while he indicated that the issue of Kurdistan region salaries will be resolved in the budget.
Cougar said, in an interview with the official newspaper, followed by Al-Maalouma, that “the government is supposed to send this year’s budget to Parliament with all its financial paragraphs because they are subject to change, as some of them include sums allocated to projects that have been fully implemented and completed or partially implemented, in addition to… Other paragraphs, the goal is to study them and make changes, if any.”
He added: “We still do not know what the current year’s budget contains, even though the operating budget has increased significantly from last year’s budget.”
He pointed out that “the 2024-2025 budget schedules are supposed to change when it is sent to Parliament, as well as the salary schedules, because there are those who will be retired and there are promotions and bonuses.”
He continued: “We do not know the government’s expectations for the oil price on which the budget will be based, and the release of raises and allowances in the budget depends on the government’s assessment of resources and the economic situation.”
Cougar pointed out that “the issue of the region’s salaries will be resolved in this budget, and it is among the paragraphs that do not contain numbers, but rather texts, and they will be changed.”



  [via PDK]  Question:  What’s the impact of Iraq joining the Bank of international Settlements?

  MarkZ:  It’s their acceptance and elevation to the World Trade Organization and all the other organizations they were removed from when they were sanctioned many years ago. These sanctions are quickly all going away which means they will be able to reinstate or revalue their currency. It is just one more clear indicator of how close we are getting. 

Question:   Is tomorrow the big day
 MarkZ:  We will see soon. 
  There is an enormous piece of news...Somewhere in the last 48 hours appearing on the website of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS).  “Central Bank and Monetary Authority Websites”  ...In Iraq they have made it to the BIS website now as a “Central Bank” I believe this is an enormous sign that we are about to see a “boom“ in the World Trade Organization. To me this is a big one.

Iraqi Dinar update for 01/23/24 - Misinformation. how much dinar the US has BY PIMPY

Corrupt Money Is Raiding Baghdad's Real Estate... Prices Are Astronomical, Higher Than London Areas, And Citizens' Suffering Is Increasing, 25 JAN

 Corrupt Money Is Raiding Baghdad's Real Estate... Prices Are Astronomical, Higher Than London Areas, And Citizens' Suffering Is Increasing

Posted On 01-24-2024 By Sotaliraq  Baghdad/ Haider Hisham  Real estate prices in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, have witnessed a noticeable rise in recent years. This rise has made it difficult for many Iraqis to obtain suitable housing, especially those with limited income.

A real estate investment company revealed shocking statistics about real estate prices in some areas of the capital, Baghdad. In the Yarmouk area, they ranged between $4,000 and $20,000 per meter. As for the Al-Harithiya area, real estate prices ranged between $3,500 and $14,000 per meter, while the Prices in the rest of the capital’s areas range from $3,000 to $20,000.

Member of the Parliamentary Services and Reconstruction Committee, Mahma Khalil, identified a number of reasons behind the rise in real estate prices in the capital, Baghdad, while explaining the relationship of “money laundering” to the real estate file.

Khalil said, in an interview with (Al-Mada), that “the rise in real estate prices in the capital, Baghdad, is due to several real reasons, which in one way or another cause the phenomenon to worsen,” indicating that “the first reason is the failure of the Iraqi governments to distribute lands within the borders of the capital’s municipality for many years.” “.

He points out, “The second reason revolves around the increase in the number of people in the capital, in addition to the absence of future government visions regarding the residential buildings sector, and the development of investment plans to accommodate the increase in population numbers.”

During his talk about the “theft of the century,” Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani revealed that a large portion of the stolen tax money was used to “purchase important real estate in important areas in Baghdad.”

Regarding the relationship of “corrupt money” to the rising crisis, a member of the Services Committee explains, “There are huge amounts of money that have entered the real estate market, and have been invested in this field, by the corrupt, through (money laundering), which is one of the main reasons for the rise in real estate prices in Baghdad".

Khalil points out “the reverse population migration from the provinces to the capital, which led to an increase in the number of people,” noting that “all these factors came together and caused an increase in demand for Baghdad real estate, compared to the rest of the provinces.”

In a report published by The Century Foundation Research Center, it confirms that “more than a billion dollars of the stolen tax money, amounting to 2.5 billion, was invested in 55 properties in Baghdad, and another billion was distributed among properties, lands, and other assets.”

In turn, economic affairs expert, Ali Daadoush, explained ways to control “money laundering” operations in the real estate market, while he considered the imaginary rise in Baghdad real estate prices “a natural thing.”

Daadoush mentioned in an interview with Al Mada, “Most money laundering operations take place within the scope of the real estate market in the world because it is considered one of the easiest ways, and the same is true in Iraq.”

He notes, “The rise in real estate prices in Baghdad to very large amounts is a normal condition,” stressing that “money laundering is the main reason for the astronomical rise in Baghdad real estate.”

Regarding ways to control “corrupt money,” Daadoush explains that “controlling corrupt money that negatively affects the real estate market is possible through disclosing the financial assets of influential people before and after assuming government positions.”

The economic affairs researcher points out “activating the law (Where did you get this from), which will work to create a qualitative decline in the extent of financial and administrative corruption in the country.”

The head of the Federal Integrity Commission said at the end of last year that the implementation of the campaign (Where did you get this from?) on graft will not only apply to employees and officials, but will include the heads and founders of parties, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and civil society organizations.

It is noteworthy that Iraq is a country ranked 157 out of 180 in the Transparency International Organization’s corruption perceptions index, and that the issue of high real estate prices in Baghdad is linked to money laundering, according to representatives and economists.  LINK



The basket of currencies is what they intend to peg to instead of just pegging to one currency - the USD...This is what the CBI and the GOI has stated...If they are pegged to just one currency, if the value (purchasing power) of that currency drops significantly, so does the value (purchasing power) of the IQD.  If they are pegged to a basket a currencies, if one drops the others keep the IQD "propped up". This is extremely important to Iraq as they are predominantly an import country.  This is precisely what they stated years ago...Bottom line, the pegging to a basket is to maintain the purchasing power and stability of the currency and not a singular event to increase the IQD purchasing power.

 Clare:  With the closure...the dollar price decreased


The main stock exchange in the capital, Baghdad, closed today, Saturday, due to the decline in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar.

Selling prices in money exchange shops in local markets in Baghdad reached 153,250 Iraqi dinars for 100 dollars, while purchasing prices reached 151,250 dinars for 100 dollars.  LINK

Sir_ShawnIMO- CBI official rate 1310
1 USD ~ 1310 IQD = 0.000763
Drop the three zeros 
1USD ~ IQD 0.763 = 1.310 
Anyone for a mic  drop…

Question is when….

Paulette:  IMO......I don't believe .76 USD for one IQD (1.31 IQD/1USD) would be adequate for the Iraqis to want to abandon the more valuable USD......The MOP/MOI study all the way back in 2009 stated 1.14-1.18USD to 1 IQD to start for 3 years prior to reinstating the true value of 3.22USD per 1 IQD

Sir_Shawn:  Well in my opinion, you are right, so this brings up the basket of currencies and the float. The Dinar will correct itself probably instantaneous. The question is the second set of books where I believe they were using the 1.31 per Dinar. We know that all those buildings and cities were not built on 1310 Dinars. But still we wait…  IMO

Paulette:  IMO......the basket of currencies is what they intend to peg to instead of just pegging to one currency - the USD.  At least this is what the CBI and the GOI has stated in the past.  If they are pegged to just one currency, if the value (purchasing power) of that currency drops significantly, so does the value (purchasing power) of the IQD.  

If they are pegged to a basket a currencies, if one drops the others keep the IQD "propped up".  This is extremely important to Iraq as they are predominantly an import country.  This is precisely what they stated years ago and those articles are probably somewhere within the pages of the Final Article thread.  Bottom line, the pegging to a basket is to maintain the purchasing power and stability of the currency and not a singular event to increase the IQD purchasing power.

The issue I still see is in order to peg to a basket of currencies, they would "officially" have to depeg from the USD.  While I have yet to see the US relinquish their receivership status over Iraq and the fact that the US is desperate to try to keep the USD propped up, I am unsure the actual mechanism of how they will be allowed to depeg and then repeg.  It seems like receivership would need lifted first for that kind of move.

The buildings and cities were built on the USD value predominantly from oil sales.  The number of IQD to the USD value seems irrelevant.  Look at Vietnam and all they have accomplished with a currency value of less than a tenth that of the IQD.  The big difference is Vietnam expanded their currency supply and Iraq has not.  Iraq clearly has full intent to RI their currency and change their currency structure to rid itself of the 3 zeros.  These articles are definitely contained in the FA thread.

If they are truly heading to a simple 3 decimal space move on their exchange rate and as you said they are heading to 1.31USD to 1 IQD, they would have to make another move first to 763.4 from 1310.  Frank has said they had planned on one more move.  As of now, a simple decimal move of 3 places would mean 1310 IQD to 1 USD would become 1.310 IQD to 1 USD or 76 cents per IQD

Iraqi Dinar There is a Big News Dinar News Update Dinar IQD Iraqi Dinar ...

The Finance Committee Reports Violations Against The Federal Government: Sending Money To Kurdistan Outside The Scope Of The Law, 25 JAN

 The Finance Committee Reports Violations Against The Federal Government: Sending Money To Kurdistan Outside The Scope Of The Law

Posted On 01-24-2024 By Sotaliraq  Baghdad/Zayer Ali   The Parliamentary Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament believes that the central government committed violations by sending more than 700 billion Iraqi dinars to the Kurdistan government, while indicating that sending money is outside the scope of the law.

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Muhammad Nouri, says, “The federal government committed a violation, and it is not the first time,” noting that “the Baghdad government had previously paid more than 7 billion Iraqi dinars to the Kurdistan Regional Government outside the scope of the law and through legal loopholes that are not real.”

He added, "The government exceeded the provisions of the general financial budget, which obligated the region to pay imports to the central government, as well as to pay what is collected from oil and revenues from border crossings."

Al-Nouri pointed out, “The region did not pay any of these revenues, according to what Finance Minister Taif Sami stated during her meeting with the Parliamentary Finance Committee during the current week.”

The member of the House of Representatives pointed out that “the government’s violation casts a shadow over the allocations of the other 15 governorates,” noting that “the government justifies these allocations by saying that they are to pay the salary entitlements of the region’s employees. The regional government did not pay the employees’ allowances and forced them to compulsory savings.”

In December 2023, the Federal Ministry of Finance announced the launch of a loan worth 700 billion dinars to finance the salaries of Kurdistan Region employees.

The Federal Ministry of Finance also stated in a statement, “In implementation of the directives of the Prime Minister and the follow-up of the Minister of Finance, Taif Sami Muhammad, the Ministry issued letters granting the regional government a loan worth 700 billion dinars to cover the salaries of the region’s employees by guaranteeing a deposit provided to the Federal Ministry of Finance, provided that it is settled from dues.” The region after their commitment to the provisions of the budget law, based on the approval of the Council of Ministers and in implementation of what was stated in its resolution No. (23520) of 2023.”

The ministry added that this “came out of keenness to implement its procedures in accordance with what was stated in the Federal General Budget Law No. 13 of 2023, including securing the financial rights of those entitled to it, and as confirmation of the government’s keenness to meet the requirements of employees in the Kurdistan region, and to implement financial reforms aimed at promoting economic growth.”

Economic affairs researcher Nabil Al-Marsoumi believes that “the confusion that occurred is due to two reasons. The first is the cessation of the region’s revenues after the cessation of exports to Turkey,” noting that “the other reason is that Kurdistan’s share is calculated by the value of actual spending, not planned.”

He added, “The loan approved by the Council of Ministers was preceded by a group of loans amounting to 2.5 trillion dinars,” pointing out that Kurdistan’s share of 12.67%, which is equivalent to approximately 16 and a half trillion, but what should be transferred is actual spending.[/size]

Al-Marsoumi pointed out, “This is one of the mistakes in the budget, and the salaries item should have been excluded from actual spending because it is the largest percentage, which is equivalent to 9.3 trillion dinars.”

In January 2023, the Federal Court issued a decision canceling all government decisions related to transferring funds to the Kurdistan region.

The court stated in a statement that it “decided to rule that the decisions issued by the Council of Ministers in the years 2021 and 2022 were invalid” regarding transferring funds to the Kurdistan region, adding that “the ruling is now binding on all authorities.”

Last Sunday, Finance Minister Taif Sami confirmed that the Kurdistan Region did not deliver any revenues to the federal government during 2023.

The Parliamentary Finance Committee, headed by Atwan Al-Atwani, hosted the Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, to discuss a number of important files, including preparing to make the required amendments to the budget tables for the year 2024.

The head of the committee, Al-Atwani, confirmed that “the meeting came to review the financial path in implementing the items of the tripartite budget and to determine the funding ratios with regard to the implementation of projects and in a manner consistent with the government program and other governing entitlements, as the minister noted that there is a problem with the data for including projects within the investment budget, and that it No funds will be disbursed to government institutions for the year 2024 unless the project components are marked and the imbalance in the allocations for last year’s schedules is addressed.”

He explained, “The most important problems and obstacles facing the implementation of the budget law were also reviewed, most notably the paragraph related to appointments and contracts, and it was agreed with the Minister of Finance to complete the tables for calculating financial costs with a view to launching them in 2024.”

Al-Atwani pointed out that “the Kurdistan region’s oil file was present in today’s meeting with the Minister of Finance, where the latter confirmed that the region did not deliver any financial revenues to the federal government during 2023, and was only satisfied with supplying government refineries with 50,000 barrels of oil per day.”

The Chairman of the Finance Committee stressed “the necessity of finding radical solutions to all outstanding problems with the region, especially after the Turkish side agreed to resume oil exports through the port of Ceyhan, and this requires resolving the issue of production and transportation costs for oil produced from the region’s fields, as well as addressing the problem of salaries of the region’s employees and deportation.” This file is free from any political tensions, calling at the same time on the Kurdistan Regional Government to fully commit to implementing the federal general budget law.” LINK


 Militia Man 

 The fact remains Iraq is filthy with wealth.  They're filthy with their revenue streams.   They're going to be filthy with employment.  They're going to be doing a massive amount of stuff.  When I say, 'radical', it's true.  Is there going to be a radical their currency?   I believe so...When I talk about radical changes, they're happening.

 Big push...They are finishing the reforms...But one of the things they an international currency exchange rate.  They haven't started pumping oil to the Cyan Port yet, why?  Because they haven't had a customs valuation yet.  Why haven't they gone to the WTO just yet?  Because the WTO is going to need what?  Valuation. What did they say they were going to bring in the short term

 The customs valuation with the WTO...They need big movements.  They're going to need a Real Effective Exchange Rate.  1310 is radically different than what I believe a Real Effective Exchange Rate is.

Article "The ports discuss the operational plan for the years (2023-2024)"   Al-Sudani told us this the year of achievements. Finishing the Port of Faw 100% this year will be flat out amazing.  Having it 100% operational is going to bring massive revenue stream into the country for decades and decades to come.

 The whole thing is basically doing what?  Restoring confidence, engaging the private sector.  Iraq's going to be going international.  What we expect to see is that Iraq has an IMF article VIII compliant currency that has a Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) that supports the value of the currency and does restore that confidence...Is 1310 exchange rate going to restore confidence? ...In my belief absolutely not.

Iraqi dinar update 🔥 The power over Iraqi dinar RV 🔥 Iraqi dinar Reveals...

Parliamentary Finance: We Are Close To Ending The Phenomenon Of “Parallel Markets” And Prices Are Heading To Decline, 24 JAN

 Parliamentary Finance: We Are Close To Ending The Phenomenon Of “Parallel Markets” And Prices Are Heading To Decline

Economy |Baghdad today – Baghdad The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed today, Wednesday (January 24, 2024), that Iraq is close to resolving the crisis of the high dollar exchange rate and ending the phenomenon of “parallel markets.”

Committee member Moeen Al-Kazemi said, in an interview with “Baghdad Today,” that “the Iraqi government and the central bank were able to truly control the exchange rate of the dollar and prevent its rise, after taking various steps and decisions over the past months that led to the gradual decline of the dollar in the parallel markets.”

He added, "Work is currently underway to end the so-called (parallel markets) and we are approaching that. The dollar will not be exchanged except at the rate approved by the Central Bank of Iraq, and this matter requires a short time," pointing out that "the decline in the parallel markets "It will continue gradually over the coming days."

Earlier, the Central Bank of Iraq announced in a statement that it had decided, as of this January, “to limit all commercial and other transactions to the Iraqi dinar instead of the dollar” inside the country, in an attempt to control exchange rates in parallel markets.

Yesterday, Tuesday (January 23, 2024), a member of the Parliamentary Economics Committee, Representative Briar Rashid, monitored the danger of the “parallel market” in Iraq.

 Rashid said in an interview with “Baghdad Today,” that “many factors contributed to creating the parallel market for dollar exchange in Iraq, which is currently far from the official price set by the Central Bank at about 20 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars (the official price is 132 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars). $)".

Rashid pointed out that “the continuing gap between the parallel and the official is putting strong pressure on the markets and increasing the rate of price rise,” stressing that “his committee will hold a series of sessions with the Central Bank starting next week in order to coordinate towards supporting the markets and responding to the requirements of companies and traders in order to reduce prices as much as possible.” Possibility.

He explained that "supporting banks and openness in the labor market and production is a priority during the next stage," stressing that "increasing national production will reduce the demand for hard currency and lead to reducing the parallel market, and this is what we are seeking to achieve at the present time."  LINK




 For any Iraqi that lives outside of Iraq they will take advantage and exchange their 3-zero notes for American dollars.  The monetary reform is getting louder and louder everyday and very direct.  There is no confusion.  There's no need to wonder when it's going to happen because they're telling you it's happening.  IMO the lower denoms, new exchange rate and the float in the basket is the next phase of your monetary reform...Prime Minister Sudani is bragging about it right now...

Article "The International Monetary Fund welcomes Iraq's accession to a program that supports economic reforms  "

  All I could say was Holy cow!  That's huge.  The IMF, remember who they are.  They are the one who give Iraq/CBI permission to raise or lower the value of their currency, to print or to destroy currency.  Everything they do in their banking structure is governed by the IMF...This is the announcement by the IMF that Iraq is international. 

Major BIS Announcement Iraq's Central Bank Listed on 'Central Bank and M...


In 2023… fines from the Iraqi Central Bank on banks and banking companies amounting to approximately 141 billion dinars, 24 JAN

 In 2023… fines from the Iraqi Central Bank on banks and banking companies amounting to approximately 141 billion dinars

Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq revealed, on Wednesday, that it had imposed financial fines on banks and banking companies exceeding 140 billion dinars during the past year 2023.

A bank table, seen by Shafaq News Agency, showed that the fines imposed on banks and financial companies during the past 12 months amounted to 140 billion, 924 million, 318 thousand and 901 dinars.

He stated that “the fines also included 402 administrative penalties for these banks and non-banking institutions, distributed between warnings, warnings, and grace periods.”

According to the table, last April witnessed the highest rate of fines for banks and non-financial institutions, amounting to 17 billion, 440 million, 383 thousand and 447 dinars, with administrative penalties amounting to 17 penalties, while last November witnessed the lowest rate of fines, amounting to 8 billion, 337 million. And 645 thousand and 628 dinars with 8 administrative penalties.

The table did not show the names of the banks on which fines and administrative penalties were imposed.

In early June, the Iraqi Stock Exchange Investors Association criticized the Central Bank of Iraq’s increase in fines on banks, noting that it would affect the profitability of investors in the shares of these banks.



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06/06/2021 The List of Bonds

Historical Assets and Currency Notes:

1. Super Petchili Bonds and Boxes
2. Chinese Bonds
3. Golden Bibles and Boxes.
4. Golden Trumpets and Boxes
5. Golden Qurans & Boxes.
6. Golden Guns – Bullets & Boxes.
7. Golden City & Boxes.
8. Golden Castles and Boxes.
9. Golden Palace and Boxes
10. US Bonds
11. US FED Instruments (US Treasury Instruments)
12. Liberty Bonds
13. Farmer Bonds
14. Rail road bonds
15. American Dream Boxes
16. TOV Boxes (Baby Boxes & Mother Boxes)
17. Golden Morgan Boxes.
18. Liberty Boxes.
19. Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs)
20. Federal Reserve Boxes (FRBs)
21. Wells Fargo Boxes
22. Gold Bonds
23. US Silver Certificates
24. Golden Morgan
25. WFN
26. Tiger FRN
27. Ohio Box
28. JP Morgan & Wells Fargo
29. Dragon Notes
30. Pilate Ring
31. Salmon Castle
32. Jericho Boards
33. Box Farmer
34. Box Kobe (Japan)
35. Golden Castles with Towers
36. K333 Versailles Boxes
37. Imperial Black Eagles
38. LTNs
39. Gold Solomon
40. Bugatachi
41. Sovereign Gold Bonds
42. Golden Buddha statue
43. Golden Buddha Sword
44. Metal Boxes
45. Exotic Boxes
46. Golden Horse
47. Golden Camel
49. Iraqi Dinars and Boxes
50. Zimbabwe Gold and Blue Zim Quads Notes, Boxes and Containers.
51. Yellow Dragon notes
52. Gold backed Zim, high value zim and red, black and gold dragons
53. Yellow Zim 100 quintillion Dragon notes.
59. Zim Blue Containers
60. Blue zim 100T mother boxes and gold zim 100T boxes.
61. Black Eagles
62. Black dragon boxes, Red dragon boxes and Yellow dragon boxes
64. 2B – IQD White Box
65. 1B – IQD Beige Box
66. 1B – Zim (Blue) Mother Box
67. B – Red Dragons
68. B – Black Dragons
69. B – Double Dragons
70. 5 Octillion Dollar Zimbabwe Notes
71. Octillion Dollar Zimbabwe Notes
72. 100 Quintillion Dollar Zimbabwe Notes
73. Quintillion Dollar Zimbabwe Notes
74. Blue Quintillion Notes
75. Gold Quintillion Notes
76. Sixtillion Zim notes
77. Septillion Notes
78. Decillion Notes
79. Nonillion notes
80. 100 Sixtillion Zim notes
81. 100 Septillion Notes
82. 100 Decillion Notes
83. Imperial Notes
84. Unodecillion Notes
85. Duodecillion Notes
86. Vigintillion Notes
87. Trevigintillion Notes
88. Sex vigintillion Notes
89. Google Notes
90. Centillion Notes
91. Agriculture Notes
92. Sextillion Coin
93. Gold Quintillion Notes
94. Bicentillion Notes
95. Centillion Notes
96. Golden City (large) & Golden City (small)
97. Solomon’s Temple
98. Forbidden City
100. Chariot of Fire
101. Black Coffin
102. Golden Coffin
103. Golden Pagoda (large) & Golden Pagoda (small)
104. RED DRAGON 1000
113. PINK DRAGON 1000
120. Quintillion note (Blue, Gold, Blue-Gold)
121. Sixtillion note
122. Septillion note
123. Octillion note (Green, Silver and Gold)
124. Nonillion note
125. Decillion note
126. Duodecillion
127. Novillion
128. Undecillion
129. Quindecillion
130. Septendecillion
131. Vigintillion note
132. Trevigintillion
133. Sexvigintillion
134. Novemvigintillion
135. Centillion (303 zeroes)
136. Bicentillion (600 zeroes)
137. Trecentillion (903 zeroes)
138. Quadrigentillion (1200 zeroes)
139. Quinquacentillion (1503 zeroes)
140. Sexcentillion (1800 zeroes)
141. Septcentillion (2103 zeroes)
142. Octocentillion (2403 zeroes)
143. Nonacentillion (2703 zeroes)
144. Milletillion (3003 zeroes)

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation News Today 2024-Iraqi Dinar News Today Iqd Dinar...

Sudanese approves recommendations for establishing a gas platform that is the first of its kind, 24 JAN

 Sudanese approves recommendations for establishing a gas platform that is the first of its kind

Shafaq News/ Today, Wednesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani ratified the recommendations of the specialized committee to establish a fixed platform for imported gas in the Grand Al-Faw Port, which is the first of its kind in the national oil and gas sector and its related infrastructure.

This came during his chairmanship, this morning, of a meeting devoted to following up on the procedures for implementing and operating the fixed platform for importing gas, which was approved by the Council of Ministers. To ensure the continuity of gas supply from multiple sources and to fill the shortfall in the operation of electrical stations, according to a statement issued by the Sudanese Media Office.

The statement quoted Al-Sudani as saying that initiating this vital project would not have been possible without the great progress made in the completion of the Grand Al-Faw Port project, and the imminent entry into service of its berths, and it falls within the government’s efforts to solve the problems of gas supply, end the obstacle of imported gas, and move completely to Reliance on gas produced from national fields.

The statement added that the approved recommendations submitted by the committee composed in this regard included inviting a reputable international consulting company to supervise the technical and commercial aspects, and directing invitations to establish a fixed platform for importing liquefied gas in the Grand Al-Faw Port, with all the infrastructure for this project, and connecting it to the national pipeline network. .



First the bad news of today. This news is negative because it impacts the SECUIRTY of Iraq. We all have read articles from the CBI that they needed SECURITY and STABILITY in order to conduct the final stages/steps of the monetary reform. So, the US Treasury Department announced, on Monday, the designation of no-fly sanctions on the Iraqi airline “Fly Baghdad” and its CEO providing assistance to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard “Qods Force” and its proxy groups in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. You can read the full article below in the Articles Section.

The second piece of negative news is that on Monday, a number of citizens of the Kurdistan Region expressed their support to call a boycott on Iranian products. This was announced by the Erbil Chamber of Commerce, after the capital of the Kurdistan Region as it was subjected to a violent Iranian attack. While they described the boycott as “economic punishment” for Tehran, they stressed that the boycott will be a popular response to the “crimes” committed by Iran against Iraq in general. 

You can read the full article below in the Articles Section. So, you see President Trump was right again. You have to place economic sanctions on Iran as it is the only way they learn to behave. Can Iraq find these products elsewhere? I am so happy that finally Iraq is facing Iran for what they are. Maybe these attacks on their cities and the US forces finally woke them up to reality. But didn’t I tell everyone way back in 2004 that if Iraq so freely lets these Iranian militia in to their country to fight ISIS this will come to haunt them for a very long time.

One would think there should have been agreements in force at that time that would have expelled these militia from Iraq after the defeat of ISIS. This would give Iraq legal justification now to expel them, by force, if necessary. Remember reading all these articles over the decade since from Iraq on what the hell to do with all these thousands of armed militia. They are taking the jobs of Iraqi forcefully and forming gangs to enforce their will. Remember they are armed. This is the Iranian way of trying to force Iraq to get rid of any American combat troops in Iraq. Get rid of the US forces and the attacks will stop, they claim. Really? Oh… boy would hey luv to fill the gap and occupy Iraq permanently. Maybe now Iraq is waking up to just how horrible the Iranian dictator is. So far Iraq has been very patient with Iran as they are their major trading partner and so -called “Muslim brothers”. But patients are growing thin with Iran and we can see it beginning now.

These bombings in Erbil also hurt the Iraqi economy says an expert in economic and tourism affairs, Sirwan Ibrahim, confirmed today, Monday (January 22, 2024), that Erbil has been, during the past period, a stop for tourists and businessmen from countries around the world who want to establish projects in Iraq and make Erbil their headquarters and depart from there to other governorates.  Ibrahim told “Baghdad Today” that “Erbil was a station for holding seminars, workshops, and courses for international organizations,” noting that “all of these matters contribute to reviving the tourism sector, as they use hotels, restaurants, markets, and the city’s airport.” So, we can see how this Iranian bombings must end and stability returned back to Iraq.

While he noted and I quote – “If this conflict continues, it will decline further because tourists will search for other alternatives, in addition to the bad economic situation that the city in particular and the region in general is going through.”

So, here is the good news. 😊 These events are NOT going to stop the Iraqi dinar currency reform as part of the financial reforms. Why? I have already told everyone in past news from my CBI contact that the currency reform is beyond the stage already to be able to appropriately stop it. There is just too much at stake not to continue the process. It is moving ahead, however these events may just delay it, NOT stop it. Remember I was told they fully intended to conduct the Project to Delete the Zeros last December and to reinstate the dinar in early January. Can you see how events have impacted their plan but not stop it. I intend to verify again these statements are still true with my CBI contact on my Wednesday call to Iraq. Stay tuned!

Dinar RV News Today🔥Impressive Growth💣US Ambassador Reveals 37% Surge in...


 Bearded PatriotUSA

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Forwarded from Carpathia:


I hope everyone is excited I am excited! Things are definitely happening. Things I can’t say. God has heard our cry and heard our suffering. Finally, God is answering our prayers. Soon it will be our turn to celebrate.

For bondholders there will be no green light it will just happen! For currencies, you will get notifications and I will release the opera. There is a lot happening in Zurich, reno, other platforms. I have been on a lot of emotional calls and these are NOT small players, they are huge players, i.e.; St. Germaine, huge foundations.

Remain in faith. Believe this is happening! We always said things would start on a Tuesday and we are seeing that already!  I have been told tomorrow is a good day!!!! Pentecostal is doing great.

God Bless you. Never, ever lose hope. Love you guys. Wolverine


Bearded PatriotUSA
Telegram post

Forwarded from Wolverine:

Colombia has received disbursement order January 23/2024


God bless you all




All my thoughts and comments are my opinion only and not guaranteed

As mentioned in – Part 2

Erase your current thoughts  “and “ See the real picture

Keep your mind open and remember the key facts – the Puzzle , the Picture

In my opinion Rates have been established for some time

The numbers I will be talking about are real , even bigger and my be hard to believe , so stay grounded

I have a dear friend that has some currency , but his real money made is brokering  (not exchanging)  a sizable block of Dinar – approx. $200 billion Dinar, not US

This is where the picture / magic comes in.

They are brokering the $200 billion dinar in smaller blocks ($20-$40 billion dinar)  to buyers and seller using separate brokers . I asked him the rate , he said $4.81 and this was almost 2 months ago. Interesting, the last few weeks intel Dinar rate’s mentioned were $4.81 to the penny .

Is it Guaranteed ? Hmm,  I call it strong validation !

Another contact – confirmed at a tier level I can’t mentioned,  Dinar is in the $ teens exchanging  

What does that mean ?

To me it means if $200 Biillion Dinar was brokered (not exchanged) at $4.81 . Someone  or ones , paid a bit less than $1 trillion US with the knowledge he will get a much higher price *** players at this level have agreements already in place

So that person (s) knows he will get one heck of a lot more than what he paid for – remember $1 trillion was bought  . They will probably exchange in the teens less any fees.  

Looking back on Part 1 & 2 ,

So much repetitive chatter about important but useless things.

All the chatter is allowing the final touches to be completed .

Knowing there are 210 countries banks and more,  now and have been linked to the quantum . NESARA / GESARA are ready to have the trigger pulled . Do you really think the Global Alliance will allow counties that are in the 210 that will benefit in the  trillions ++++ dictate the timing .

In my humble / blunt opinion “no

As I have said,  *** look at the Picture ***  the Puzzle ***  even the Chess Game, the RV has started , slow but started with mega whales established rates and exchanging

By the way, as a point of reference,  a Whale has box’s of currency , usually not loose. A box is $1 billion per box . Whales typically have 20 – 50 – 100 – 500 – 1,000’s of boxes of one currency. The whales are playing in a different world .

“That whale world had to start 1st —- and has started the RV”  4b soon 

So what do I feel the Dinar will be ? “The answer/hint is above”,  but will be broken down in tiers in Part 4 – stay tuned if interested

Just sit back and watch the show — as a reminder, there must be some type of shutdown and negative scary info will accelerate

I hope you enjoy my thoughts

Remember to :

  • Help your neighbors – buy extra food and supplies
  • Help Family – buy extra food and supplies
  • Help Humanity when our blessing arrives


MR. POOL : Tier4b activation has begun. , 26 MARCH

  Mon. 24 March Mr. Pool: Tier4b activation has begun.   Final e*******n underway. The wait is over. The first notifications will be given  ...