Sunday, July 7, 2024

Iran and Iraq agree to reopen border markets in Baneh and Saqqez

 Shafaq News/ On Sunday, Iran and Iraq decided to reopen the border markets in Baneh and Saqqez cities in the Iranian Kurdistan Province.

According to Mehr News Agency, Mohsen Biglari, the representative of Saqqez and Baneh in the Islamic Shura Council, revealed in a press statement that he discussed this matter with Brigadier General Ahmad Ali Goudarzi , the Commander of the Iranian Border Guard. 

"We reviewed the conditions of the border markets in the provinces of Siranband, Hangazal, Ghalesor, Baneh and Saif Saqqez." He said.

The representative described the reopening of the border markets of these two border cities as a general demand of the people.

"Fortunately, the Border Guard leadership agreed to reopen Kurdistan (Province)'s borders 100%," he added. 

Notably, Iraq boasts five official crossings along its 1,599-kilometer (about 1,000-mile) border with Iran: Mandali-Sumar, Almunthrya-Khosravi, Zurbatiyah-Mehran, Chazabeh, and Shalamcheh. Additionally, there are three border crossings between Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan: Haji Omeran-Tamarchin, Penjwen-Bashmaq, Parviz Khan, and Sayran Ban.


 Militia Man

  Article: "Prime Minister's Advisor: Iraq in the process of paying off long-term development loans to the World BankIt looks like Iraq's financial situation is solid as they get effectively. She has so many revenue streams coming on board now it will only get better and the World Bank, the IMF, the UST, etc all know it.   Hence, the view of Iraq will bring confidence to the largest Banks and Financial Entities in the world. That was broadcasted globally too.

 Key players are ready to get this thing done.   It's a very good sign.  I honestly believe we're watching history in the making...We're seeing progress like no other...If you're paying attention I think you guys should be really pumped and excited that things are happening. 

Al-Sudani told us what?  The project to delete the zeros is on the table.  He said $1 will equal 1.32 dinars...If you look at the math, that's dropping the 3-zeros.  

💥IRAQI DINAR SO HOT🔥MUST WATCH💥#dinar #iraqidinar #iraqicurrency #centra...

Newspaper: Barzani’s visit to Baghdad rearranged the relationship between the Democrat and the framework

 Baghdad – Mawazine News

The newspaper “New World” published a report in which it talked about the tension between the two Kurdish parties, the Democratic and the National Union, explaining that the visit of Masoud Barzani, the leader of the Democrat, cast a shadow on a number of questions about the impact of that visit on the status of the National Union in Baghdad, especially between the forces of the coordination framework that (national) sees as the best Kurdish partner, given the great tensions that appeared in the past period between the framework and Barzani.

The relationship between the Kurdistan Democratic Democrats and the coordination framework has witnessed a kind of break and tension for several years, especially in the last two years, as the party reached the stage of threatening to withdraw from the coalition of state administration and boycott the political process, because of Baghdad’s decisions, which it considered against it.

In return for what happened with the Democratic Party, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, held an important position, and its influence became stronger in Baghdad, and was reflected in the elections of the recent provincial councils, especially in Kirkuk and Nineveh, at the expense of the Democratic Party.

A political source says, during an interview with the “New World,” that “KDP leader Massoud Barzani, when he was in Baghdad, refused to attend the President of the National Union Pavel Talabani, to meet the leaders of the State Administration Alliance.

The source adds, “The leaders of the framework agreed to Barzani’s request, which clearly indicates that there is great tension between the two Kurdish parties, at a time when the region is preparing to hold parliamentary elections.”
The head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, arrived in Baghdad last Wednesday, on a two-day visit, during which he met with most of the leaders of the political blocs, after he began his visit with a meeting with Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, and then attended the meeting of the State Administration Alliance.
It is noteworthy that the political office of the Kurdistan Democratic Party held the parties to the coalition of state administration “their national responsibility to implement the constitution and all the provisions of the political and administrative agreement related to the formation of the current government headed by Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, stressing that “on the contrary, we cannot continue the political process,” after a member of the Federal Supreme Court decided to withdraw, against the background of court decisions issued by the Kurdistan region, including the elections and the salary crisis.
But the PUK, he expressed its commitment to the date of the provincial parliament elections, considering it the best way to promote democracy.
It is noteworthy that the decisions of the Federal Court strongly highlighted the large gap between the two main Kurdish parties, after the National Union welcomed those decisions, which included changing the way the salaries of the region’s employees are paid by transferring them to their beneficiaries directly through Iraqi banks, instead of sending them to the regional government for distribution to them.
For his part, a member of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Ahmed Herki, explains, during an interview with the “New World”, that “the visit of the head of the Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani to Baghdad, came to restore the relationship between the Democratic Party and the Shiite parties, and was preceded by prefaces, represented by the visit of the deputy head of the Democratic Party Nechirvan Barzani to the Iranian capital, Tehran, and everyone knows the size of the Iranian influence on the Iraqi equation, and this contributed to the wettening of the atmosphere with the Shiite extremists.”
Regarding the impact of Barzani’s visit on the framework’s relationship with the National Union, Herki explains, “The Union has a relationship with Shiite forces for a long time, and support for the majority project of which the Democrat was one of the parties, and the Union remained firm on its position and support for the state and the judiciary, and we have a balanced policy in the relationship with all parties, and the Union will not be affected by this rapprochement between Barzani and the Shiite parties.”
He continues that “the visit may help to improve relations between the Democratic Party and the Shiite parties, but it will not be at the expense of the National Union at all, and in the Kurdish and Iraqi equation, the Union remains effective and influential, no matter how of the developments have occurred.”
It is noteworthy that the Federal Supreme Court issued decisions on the elections of the region’s parliament, where it divided the region into 4 electoral districts, and also decided to dissolve the Independent High Commission for the federal elections, instead of Kurdistan, and the court’s decision came in favor of a complaint submitted by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan after the failure to resolve its dispute with its traditional rival, the Kurdistan Democratic Party, on the election law within the Iraqi Kurdistan Parliament.
In addition, during an interview with the “New World”, KDP leader Rebin Salam explains that “the Barzani visit is important and historic, and has nothing to do with pulling the rug from any party, whether it is the National Union or any other party.”
He points out that “the visit is much greater than these secondary topics, it carries a Kurdish, Iraqi, regional and even international agenda, and it is much greater than the positions of the Kurdish parties, which seek from their relations with the Shiite parties to obtain a certain position or privilege.”
“In the last stage, the PUK took advantage of the tense relationship between the Democrat and the coordination framework, and some of its parties tried to troll with turbid water, and pour oil on the fire, but we tell them that this phase is over, and there is no safe distance to play in it,” Salam continues.
He continues, “the National Union was acting in its relations with the Shiite parties to serve its party interests only, and it was not working on the basis of the Kurdish interest, and we reassure them that, the leader of the Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, is too big to think of revenge from a certain side, and always loves all different parties on one table.”
It is noteworthy that the two democratic parties and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, entered into a major conflict after holding the parliamentary elections last October, about the post of President of the Republic, the first demanded this position, being the largest number of parliamentary seats from the Kurdish parties, at a time when the other insisted on it, given the sharing of positions that has existed since 2005, where the Democratic Party controls the positions of the regional government while the presidency of the Republic goes to the National Union.
It is worth mentioning that the National Union, an alliance with the forces of the coordination framework in the Nineveh Provincial Council, at the expense of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, and has held several administrative positions, which prompted the latter to announce the withdrawal from the Nineveh Council, before Barzani’s visit to Baghdad, but after the visit, a decision was issued by the Prime Minister, to stop the changes that took place in the local Nineveh administration.
On the other hand, political analyst Oed Al-Hilali confirms, during an interview with the “New World,” that “Barzani’s visit to Baghdad carried messages regarding the tension of the regional and international situation, especially in light of the desire of the armed factions to participate in this conflict, specifically in southern Lebanon.”
He points out that “the coordination framework and Shiite forces see the Democratic Party and Massoud Barzani as a great force that cannot be overcome, especially after reforming the relationship between the Democrat and Tehran,” adding that “the visit will not affect the relationship of the National Union with the coordination framework, the latter sees it as a reliable and guaranteed partner and more trust than other parties.”

Source: The New World


 Sandy Ingram  

The two exchange rates [Official rate and market rate] MUST come into alignment before there can be an increase in the currency value.

 If the Iraqi dinar revalued next week are you ready? ...Understanding this one fact, you will  do just fine.  The wealthy never never ever spend their bases or the foundation of their wealth In your case this would be the  profits from your Iraqi dinars...Wealthy people invest their initial profits.  The first person they hire is a financial advisor.   The a tax make sure Uncle Sam doesn't get large sums of their money.  If you do anything else you are in the fast lane to going broke.

Article:  "JSC: The government has successfully completed the sale of securities"  Quote:  "

The government has successfully completed the sale of financial bonds...all the financial bonds that were sold, were all subscribed...This reflects the strength and stability of the State of Iraq.

 Government bonds are a type of debt-based investment, where you lend money to the government at an agreed interest rate.  Governments use them to raise funds that can be spent on infrastructure or new projects and investors can use them to get specific returns paid at regular intervals...

Iraqi dinar | IMF Statement for IQD RV | Iraqi Dinar News Today 2024 | d...

Central Bank raises system paper on e-commerce to Sudanese

 Baghdad – Mawazine News

The Central Bank of Iraq submitted, on Sunday, the “system paper” to the Council of Ministers concerning the regulation of e-commerce in Iraq.
The bank said in a statement received by Mawazine News, that “the Governor of the Central Bank, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, chaired the meeting of the Diwani Order Committee (24079) to regulate e-commerce in Iraq with the participation of the concerned authorities.”
During the meeting, they discussed the draft of the e-commerce system and consumer protection through the controls discussed by the attendees, through the procedures for registration and obtaining a license to practice this trade,” pointing out that “the committee contributed to the definition of the service provider and granting it the license through an electronic platform established by the Ministry of Commerce.”

The members of the committee stressed “the installation of controls for granting the license to those wishing to practice electronic commerce in a way that preserves the rights of all parties,” while the attendees agreed to submit the “system paper” to the Council of Ministers for review and approval to proceed with work.

Iraqi Dinar🎉Demanding Rates $3.22 For Iraqi Dinar Today 2024🔥iraqi dinar...

The Iraqi Private Sector and Improving the Investment Environment in the National Development Plan 2024-2028

  The Iraqi Private Sector and Improving the Investment Environment in the National Development Plan 2024-2028

7/6/2024 Samir Al-Nusairi

 During the past three months, the Ministry of Planning and the specialized work teams have made efforts to prepare and prepare the National Development Plan 2024-2028, the draft of which addressed in detail the main challenges facing the Iraqi private sector and the main objectives aimed at achieving its effective contribution to improving the investment environment.

While I agree with what is stated in the plan, we emphasize the need to add the basic pillars stated in the private sector development strategy.

For the years 2014-2030, and in particular its three time periods, its four pillars, its four pillars, what has been achieved since its launch in 2014, and what has not been achieved.

It is also necessary to state what has been achieved from Iraq’s Vision 2030, which clearly outlined the path to achieving a “strong and developing private sector.”

In addition to determining what has been achieved during the implementation of previous national development plans and the economic, financial and banking reform strategy included in the government program of the current government and what is the real role through which the private sector should contribute with government participation and support in managing the overall economy. This requires providing a legislative environment and a stable business environment and focusing on the axes that aim to build sound preliminaries for the transition to a complete economic reform.

This is what we all agree on, but this requires the government and the private sector in all its banking, industrial, agricultural, energy, health, construction, tourism and service sectors to participate and cooperate in implementing the transitional, medium and long-term economic reform strategy.

This means involving the private sector in a greater role in economic decision-making and leading the market institutionally and legislatively through the following: 

 1- Contributing with the government to improving the business environment in Iraq and providing an encouraging investment climate to attract national and foreign capital in accordance with the government’s program and encouraging and stimulating the achievement of partnerships between the public and private sectors in financing and developing development projects that have achieved implementation rates. 

Good and its allocations are included in the general budgets of 2024 and 2025

 2- Contributing with the government to creating a new legislative environment based on Article (25) of the Permanent Constitution, the strategies and laws related to economic reform, the private sector development strategy, its pillars and specific contents, in a way that ensures its activation and leadership of the market in the future. 

 3- Maintaining and activating the partnership, dialogue and cooperation between the private sector and the government by taking rapid measures to activate the Private Sector Development Council and start its work under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister, enacting a special law for it and forming a joint advisory council from the government and private sectors linked to the council that includes experts from the various economic sectors nominated by the council members and provides its advice and works according to a special system approved by the council.

 4- Contributing with the government in developing policies, mechanisms and strategies and participating in following up on their implementation to resolve the transition to time-programmed stages to a market economy. 

 5- Working with the government to provide additional sources of funding for the state’s general budget by adopting the development and diversification of resources towards raising the percentage of resources other than oil in the gross domestic product, by activating the real economy and diversifying sources of national income.

 6- Work to encourage the establishment and development of small, medium and micro enterprises in order to achieve comprehensive and sustainable development, including the formation of specialized institutions for this purpose and issuing a special law to develop and advance these projects and determine their economic feasibility and benefit from the Riyada initiative launched by the Prime Minister and the National Lending Strategy launched by the Central Bank on 5/25/2024. 

 7- Cooperation in financing and ensuring the implementation of central plans to provide infrastructure to encourage and develop the private sector in industry, trade, agriculture, tourism, health, energy, construction, strengthening and services. 

8- Activating the role of specialized banks and private banks to provide soft loans to the national private sector, as well as finding solutions to the problems of taxes and accumulated interest incurred by owners of projects that have stopped production, and setting a short- and medium-term financial policy. 

 9- Coordination and cooperation with the relevant ministries and financial and statistical institutions, especially the Ministries of Planning and Finance, in building a financial and statistical information base and ensuring its transparency.  LINK


 MZ: Yes, More and more sources are telling me that serious money movement and us moving towards the banks somewhere around the 12th-15th. Noone knows the exact timing but they are certainly preparing lots of bank contacts for that time period , so I think it may speak well to where we may be on that. 


I have been told by a number of different sources that the system [QFS - quantum financial system] is fully in place and tested. Nothing left to do but trigger it...with a possibility (treat as rumor- as we have heard this before) of money moving for us/ currencies as early as next week. 

 This is all coming from many, many different sources right now.  Reputable sources.  This is very consistent chatter with big expectations. The system is in place and they hope to trigger it.   I am pretty excited...

...I’m not saying a float is not possible …but I believe it would have to be managed and come out closer to the end rate they want. 

There are supposedly movement of Kurdish leaders in Iraq visiting Baghdad and the rumor is the HCL will be nailed down tight…done, done, done…and the announcement could be today.

Iraqi Dinar RV Update By MNT Goat Today 2024🔥RV update iqd value increas...

Parliamentary Finance to NINA: Oil companies’ dues added to budget tables, government coordination to resume exports

  Parliamentary Finance to NINA: Oil companies’ dues added to budget tables, government coordination to resume exports


The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed the continuation of coordination and communication between the federal government and the Kurdistan Region to resume oil exports through the Turkish port of Ceyhan.

The Vice-Chairman of the Committee, Ikhlas Al-Dulaimi, stated in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA /, that "the general budget tables approved by the Council of Representatives are the ones adopted by the government, thus canceling any financial texts and paragraphs mentioned outside it," and pointed out that there are allocations for the costs of oil production and transportation worth 3 trillion and 800 billion dinars, which were added to the general budget tables.

She added, "If an agreement is reached between the federal government and the region to resume oil exports, the federal Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Oil and Natural Resources in the region will proceed to coordinate to find a mechanism to disburse those amounts and pay the dues of oil companies."

She explained, "The oil companies operating in the Kurdistan Region, the region requests 6 months' amounts and there are contracts signed between the two parties that are difficult to cancel, because they are giant foreign companies that will resort to the judiciary and sue the region and the federal government."  LINK




Member: Wow- We are at another weekend again…..something good needs to happen soon 

Member: Hopefully we will get some RV news, even if it can’t be confirmed, we as your listeners understand sometimes it can’t be confirm but we would like to know we here it might be!!!

MZ: I keep getting loaded up on the Rumor side …There is a lot going on and they are saying that we hit the banks someti...FOR READ MORE:


Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 07/05/2024

Member: Good Morning Mark, Mods and fellow RV’ers!!

Member: Hope everyone enjoyed your 4th of July……

Member: If you drink a 5th on the 4th you may not go forth on the 5th…lol

Member: Can we All hope that there is some great news today

MZ: There is a lot of chatter as of yesterday over the HCL in Iraq. 

MZ: “Parliamentary committee for “Economy News” The Oil and Gas law is almost complete-this is what we hope from Barzani’s visit to Baghdad”  They want you to know they are almost done with HCL. From day one I was to..FOR READ MORE:

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 New National Currency 🔥 IQD to Dollar Today RV News Guru...

Iraq announces the start of direct flights between Baghdad and Beijing

  Iraq announces the start of direct flights between Baghdad and Beijing

7/6/2024  Baghdad

Iraqi Airways announced the start of direct flights from Baghdad to Beijing after a hiatus that lasted for several years.

A statement by the Ministry of Transport received by "Al-Eqtisad News" stated that "in line with the directives of the Minister of Transport, Razzaq Muhaibis Al-Saadawi, on the necessity of expanding the destinations of the national carrier to various regional and international sectors, the Iraqi Airways administration announces the start of direct flights from Baghdad to Beijing after a hiatus that lasted for several years," noting that "the first flight took off this afternoon from Baghdad International Airport to Beijing Daxing International Airport."

The company's general manager, Eng. Manaf Abdul-Moneim, said according to the statement that "the resumption of operation of this vital line between Iraq and China, which is the second of its kind after the (Guangzhou) sector, is an important step, especially since it will open new horizons of joint cooperation between the two countries," noting that "the number of scheduled flights for this sector has been set at two flights per week, going from Iraq on Saturdays and Tuesdays, and returning from Beijing on Sundays and Wednesdays, in addition to allocating the latest aircraft to serve the line, which are the Dreamliner model, distinguished by its ability to cover long distances and high travel comfort."  LINK


  💢 Here's an update from Around The World 🌎. This info is coming from my friend who's connected to Mil and he's also been in the Camper Event for over 21 years. He prefers to stay anonymous.

This is going to include information referencing South America & also Mil Movement. (Having already listened to Chronicles of an Ambassador Part 12 will really help you assimilate what's here.)

💢 Trusted Friend: I asked him what's the latest from Reno because he's got the (real) Admiral's team on speed dial. 

· A: As of right now, no response.  Not sure if that's good or bad. (🔹Gin - it's likely not bad news because of how much they need to cloud the timing. Those who know what's happening aren't talking and that's the goal.) 

· His contacts in Brazil whom he personally got involved in currencies (Camper Event) have informed him they've not been called in, nor have they been funded. 

Furthermore, these men haven't heard anything new from their channels in Brazil. 

· WORLDWIDE look at Mil. Three areas of concern are Chyna/Taiwan, Israel/Lebanon & NorKo/SoKo

·Moreover, Russia is giving surface-to-air missiles to countries, which will prove to be a game changer

·Israeli forces are getting pounded by two Marine Expeditionary Units. 2000 Marines involved, Air, Sea & Land Capability. 

·He explained further that there's no way we can legally get involved unless a US Force is attacked, which would then result in a Declaration of W@r. False Flags should remain on everyone's radar. Also keep in mind that an emergency proclamation such as this could cancel an election. 

·My friend remains hopeful, but after being involved in this so long, he remains dubious, especially being aware of sources who are suspect.  ;

·His son's unit has just been called to deploy. First Sargent presumed they will be going to either Israel or Chyna/Taiwan. 

·Another MEU heads to NorKo/SoKo


💢 Ginger: There are a lot of moving parts. This is why I'm conscientious to remind you that we must look at the entire scope of Geo Political, Geo Mil Engagement and not merely Geo Financial (banker's chatter). All of this, combined, tells the story more accurately of where we're at. 

I also put you in remembrance of the times I've explained that the so-called Truthers who made assertions that 'there was absolutely zero military action going on in the world right now', have absolutely no clue what they're talking about. 

- Gin Gin signing out and heading back to my perch at 40K foot 😉 7.5.24 

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge

 💢 Exciting update posted by Mike Bara on July 4, 2024 

💢Mike Bara: UPDATE

 Exchanges are taking place at major banks with branch managers and wealth managers. Dinar, Dong and Rupiah are being exchanged. Zim and Bolivar can only be exchanged at Redemption centers. The rates on Dinar are $2.93 as of today, $2.21 on Dong. No rate on Rupiah. 

Exchange has taken place, and 10% of monies are spendable today. Currencies were set up in separate accounts. New debit card issued for new funds. No NDA. Recipient will return in "72 hours" (Monday) to finish the process. This implies rates will be public when Forex goes live or shortly thereafter. Also implies funds released on Monday will be gold backed. We are very, very close.

💢 FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO LISTENED TO GINGER'S CHRONICLES OF AN AMBASSADOR PART 12, this will make some sense to you. This fits with her Gintel 😉😁

iraqi dinar✅Some Excited News Coming Out From Iraq Today 2024 / iraqi di...

28 Countries Joining BRICS: What Next?

 Fastepo:  7-5-2024

According to a Russian newspaper, Izvestia, 28 countries have expressed interest in joining BRICS, either as full members or partners.

This information was confirmed by representatives from one of the association's countries during the BRICS Foreign Ministerial Council in Nizhny in Russia. The list includes countries from different continents including Palestine.

However, Palestine, which is not yet fully recognized internationally, has expressed interest in joining as an observer state or partner.

Please note that the timing of this expansion has not yet been confirmed. Some sources, such as the Russian Prime Minister, have mentioned that it will be discussed during the BRICS summit in 2024.

However, other sources believe that it will be further discussed next year. Regardless of the timing, it is important to discuss this expansion in more detail.

 This video will detail all 28 countries interested in joining BRICS and analyze their potential contributions, including how their membership could expand BRICS' influence and economic clout globally.

 The analysis will consider the economic, political, and strategic implications of this expansion, providing insights into how BRICS could evolve in the coming years.




"Ripple President Monica Long explains the dual role the forthcoming RLUSD stablecoin could play alongside XRP for developers and payment utilities."

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