Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Al-Shammari: Oil, gas and energy issues are at the top of the agenda of Sudanese discussions in Russia, 10 OCT
Al-Shammari: Oil, gas and energy issues are at the top of the agenda of Sudanese discussions in Russia
The political advisor to the Prime Minister, Fadi Al-Shammari, said on Tuesday that the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to Russia, during which Russian-Iraqi discussions will be held to discuss political, security and economic files and discuss bilateral relations between the two countries.
Al-Shammari added in a statement, “The summit meeting between the two presidents will include a group of strategic issues related to world peace, the energy file, and Iraq’s commitment to settling debts and related financial obligations, given their impact on Iraq’s credit rating.”
He pointed out that "President Putin expressed his aspiration to discuss security in the Middle East region and security files that enhance Iraqi internal security," noting that "Moscow confirmed its support for the development road project that connects the ports of the Middle East with Turkey and Europe through a network of roads, railways and energy infrastructure." And support the diversification of Iraq’s economy to reduce the heavy dependence on the oil sector.”
Al-Shammari pointed out, "The visit will include discussing oil and gas files, as cooperation in this sector is one of the most important axes of the economic partnership between the two countries."
Al-Shammari stated, "The dangerous developments of the current events in occupied Palestine were discussed, and Iraq called on Russia to call on the permanent members of the Security Council to take urgent action and stop the ongoing attacks on the Palestinian territories and the targeting of civilians there."
Al-Shammari warned that “oil, gas and energy issues are at the top of the agenda of the discussions, given that Iraq and the Russian Federation represent the largest oil-producing countries in the world and their impact on the stability of the oil market and its implications for global stability.”
Al-Shammari concluded the statement by saying, "Russia affirmed its position in support of Iraq's stability and enhancing the investment environment and economic growth in the country. In addition, the cooperation of the two countries can contribute to diversifying Iraq's economy and achieving greater sustainability in the future." link
Evening News with MarkZ 10/10/2023
US State Department: We Did Not Issue Sanctions On Iraqi Banks, But Rather They Were Decisions To Strengthen The Banking System, 10 OCT
US State Department: We Did Not Issue Sanctions On Iraqi Banks, But Rather They Were Decisions To Strengthen The Banking System
Political | 10/10/2023 Baghdad - Mawazine News The US State Department affirmed Washington's support for the efforts of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani in combating corruption and improving the financial sector, while noting that his upcoming visit to Washington represents a good opportunity to strengthen bilateral relations and enhance comprehensive partnership in all sectors.
US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Iraq and Iran Affairs, Victoria Taylor, said: "The visit I am making is my first time to Iraq, and I am pleased to be here to strengthen relations between the two countries."
She added, "Iraqi relations with the United States of America are strategic and long-term, and we support the war waged by Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani against corruption, which is a very good goal and a common priority."
She continued, "Washington supports the Prime Minister's effort to improve the financial sector and make it transparent, which was supported by the dialogue conducted by the US Treasury Department with the Central Bank of Iraq to strengthen the banking and financial sector and improve the Iraqi economic reality, which will benefit Iraq by developing its international relations and attracting investments."
She pointed out that "what was issued by the United States on some banks were not sanctions in the literal sense, but rather were decisions that provided ways and means to strengthen the Iraqi banking system in order to maintain transparency in transactions in general and find good ways for the presence of the dollar in the markets."
She pointed out that "the United States is working with Iraq in various security, economic and environmental sectors, and there was a meeting of the Iraqi-American Coordination Committee that focused on the economic and security files during the visit of high-ranking Iraqi delegations to the United States," stressing that "we are awaiting the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to discuss "To more opportunities for joint cooperation between the United States and Iraq."
More news….
BAGHDAD, Oct 5 (Reuters) – Iraq’s central bank is taking steps to reduce the parallel market rate of the dinar to the U.S. dollar and there is no indication that the exchange rate will hit 1,700 dinars per dollar, the Iraqi central bank said in a statement. The Iraqi central bank also said that a ban on cash dollar withdrawals as of Jan. 1, 2024 would only affect dollar transfers from abroad, while the account balances of Iraqi citizens in dollars would not be affected. The statement came as a response to a story published earlier Thursday by Reuters.
Sometimes “CHANGE IS HARD”
“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” -Jimmy Dean
Today the news is almost all about the dollar crisis in Iraq and the CHANGE that must take place. I hate to keep saying it but it is true in that “I told you so”. Yes, years ago when Dr Shababi, the then governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, wanted to reinstate the Iraqi dinar and get off the US dollar he too first undertook the de-dollarization phase. If I refer back to his 2011 plan for the currency reform I can clearly see it is there and how they intended to do it. He made great strides in controlling the dinar and the dollar back then and had to make some hard decisions too. If you want to recall he used a variety of tactics.
At that time Dr Shabibi did an extensive campaign to de-dollarize and stable the rate the dinar, however in 2011 the dollar was not as cemented into the economy as it is today and the full Iranian sanctions were not in place. So, his strategy worked and the CBI received an unprecedented permission to move ahead with the project to delete the zeros in the fall months of 2012 and then follow up with the reinstatement in January 2013. In 2015 he gave a news media interview and stated why his plan failed. He could only account for the massive incentive to stay on the dollar (or get back on it) caused by the corruption that caused the failure of his plan. I will not get into the details as to why this happen again in the corruption scheme by Nori al-Maliki to prevent it is not my talking point today. I am sure you heard it a thousand times already.
My talking point today is about this dollar crisis Iraq and how it is now experiencing it in simple terms, caused by still being on the US dollar through these currency auctions and being on it way too long already. Seems the corruption schemes have taken deep roots and Turkey, Iran, Syria and other middle eastern countries have become dependent on the dollars smuggled out of Iraq’s financial system. This too is going to be painful for these other countries when the dollar stops in Iraq in early 2024.
In an article in today’s news and I quote – “Since the U.S. invasion of Iraq two decades ago, the U.S. has supplied $10 billion or more a year to Baghdad on semimonthly cargo flights carrying massive pallets of cash, drawn from Iraqi oil sales proceeds deposited at the Fed. In Iraqi hands, the bank notes have become a lucrative source of illicit dollars for powerful militias and corrupt politicians, as well as for Iran, U.S. officials say.” A vast amount of dollars flows through loosely regulated Iraqi banks and currency-exchange shops, which U.S. and some Iraqi officials say are rife with fraudulent transactions and money laundering.” Remember countries pay for Iraq’s oil in Petro-dollars (US Dollars) and so this money rightfully belongs to Iraq. Why are they still on this system when they are out of Chapter VII? Why does the US still control their money are they not a sovereign nation?
Dr. Shabibi warned the Iraqi Financial Committee (a separate financial entity from the CBI) of the hazards to the economy and the corruption if they did not get off the US dollar when he was still governor in 2011 and then again in 2015, after he was already illegally ousted from that position in the CBI. Hey…hey…. by the way, the reason we were given for the currency auctions being instituted by the US Treasury in the first place was to keep the dollar out of the hands of the terrorist sanctioned countries in the middle east? Seems to me this strategy has backfired on them and they are now paying the price. Now the US Treasury states this as the main reason for the de-dollarization. Go figure was this a good idea or is this just the excuse /reason given to try to justify the currency auctions, knowing damn well it would be an avenue for corruption and stealing their money! ☹
Change is not easy and as investors in the Iraqi dinar we have witnessed first-hand in 2023 the pain of this change that MUST take place. The goose that is laying the golden eggs is on its last breath and almost dead. I said ALMOST! I dare say too “once again” as Dr Shabibi already suffered through it and then they dollarized again and so here we are eleven years later still no RV and still no Reinstatement.
In today’s news we learn that Iraq was seeking a special shipment of $1 billion in cash from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, but U.S. officials have withheld approval, saying the request runs counter to their efforts to rein in Baghdad’s use of dollars and halt illicit cash flows to Iran. Then yet another article came out later by the CBI tells us something much different and I quote – “the Central Bank of Iraq denies the us federal reserve’s refusal to send the country’s oil dues and confirmed on Friday that the dollar shipments sent by the US Federal Bank are proceeding according to a specific schedule and timings agreed upon between the two monetary institutions adding that the shipment was received on time, denying news and media reports that talk about stopping or reducing shipments sent to the bank“. So, who is lying? Does Iraq also have a FAKE news media channels and for what purpose do they hope to serve?
To me anyhow, it is obvious who the FAKE news in Iraq serves. It serves the corrupt and by bashing the Central Bank they hope to get consent to oust Ali Al-Alaq as the governor and to destabilize the dinar, hoping to keep their racket of corruption going with the US Dollar. It is really that simple. They need to split public opinion, as we are watching the same tactics now being used too in the US politics over Donald Trump and many of his close ties. Seems if you can’t nail down who the actual corrupt individuals are, then it is much easier to keep them in power. We see this with the Bushs, Clintons, Obamas and now the Bidens. Of course, these same rings of corrupt politicians exist in Iraq and so they must also be rooted out and dealt with. Just like what the US now faces, we have to ask is the new and still fragile Iraqi democratic republic strong enough to deal with them?
I get a kick out of questions asked of me like – when will the RV happen? Folks, there is no other news I can tell you about the timing of the RV that I have not already shared with you. I have no hyped fake bank stories, memos or 2 hour targets for the RV for every day and any day. I am so tired of all this bullshit. Do you know why? Because it’s all just bullshit and I know it. Some guru actually has the nerve to tell his audience that the RV was held up on Sunday because of the Palestinian attack on Israel. Really? How stupid of a thing to say. First of all, this is the same idiot who has been claiming the RV is going to happen every weekend since the summer months. Oh….but he is now so certain it was going to happen last Sunday for sure? Next, I have to tell you the RV was absolutely, positively NOT scheduled and if it was, this idiot would certainly would be the VERY LAST person they would tell of a target window.
Folks this is all FAKE news no matter how serious the people may sound on their conference calls who are giving you this bullshit. There is NO behind the scenes efforts like they describe. Yes, there is still a plan in motion, the plan of Dr Shabibi and this is why they want to oust Ali al-Alaq so much from the CBI. Seems every week yet another article bashing the great work of the CBI and Ali al-Alaq’s efforts. He knows the plan and worked in the CBI alongside Dr Shabibi. When I heard he came back as governor I saluted him as I know he is going to help facilitate what we are looking for and not prevent it.
So, today, like you, I sit and wait for the re-education phase to begin. My CBI contact is on the committee in the CBI to facilitate these events and the phases they must take to get where they want to get – back on FOREX and trading the dinar once again. But I am not going to lie to you and tell you bank stories coupled with some FAKE US Treasury stories.
If you are trying to figure this process out just remember – “first things first”. We can not and will not see the reinstatement on FOREX until the pre-cursor events first take place. We cannot go to the bank until the rate is back on FOREX. The rate is not just going to magically appear on FOREX one day without us first hearing about these other events taking place. There is a sequence to the process they MUST go through to get to FOREX.
But this brings us to another important point. If the UN Chapter VII sanctions have been lifted from Iraq, then why has the currency not yet been reinstated? Why have they not gone through these steps already to RV and Reinstate? Why do the banks still enforce the US Treasury OFAC sanctions on the dinar? If you are paying attention to the articles I am presenting here in my blog, the answers to these questions should be VERY obvious to you. Are they?
It is now almost all about stabilizing the dinar against the dollar inside Iraq. I believe also the Oil and Gas law must be passed so honestly, I don’t know where these intel gurus get their information that the RV is happening every day. Just as I said that politics do interfere with the progress of the RV as politicians blackmail Iraq and have been blackmailing Iraq for a very long time. It is not until these entities are neutralized that we will finally see the RV followed by the Reinstatement.
https://mntgoatnewsusa.com/latest-mnt-goat-newsletter/Putin announces $19 Bn investment in Iraq, 10 OCT
Putin announces $19 Bn investment in Iraq, 10 OCT
Shafaq News / Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed on Tuesday the volume of Russian investments in Iraq, stating that it amounts to $19 billion, with over 50 Russian companies operating in Iraq.
Putin made this announcement during talks held on Tuesday in Moscow with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al Sudani, who arrived in the Russian capital earlier in the day.
Putin pointed out that Moscow and Baghdad are successfully coordinating within the OPEC+ framework with the aim of stabilizing global energy markets, stating, "We are coordinating our efforts within OPEC+ and doing so very successfully to achieve stability in the global markets, and I hope that we will continue to work in this direction."
The Russian president also added that the energy sector is a key area of cooperation between Russia and Iraq, which is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
Regarding the volume of Russian investments in Iraq, Putin stated, "Our major companies are operating very successfully in Iraq, with our total investments amounting to approximately $19 billion. There are prospects for further developing our cooperation."
Moscow and Baghdad share strategic and historical ties, with nearly 50 Russian companies currently operating in Iraq, including "Lukoil" and "Gazprom Neft", the oil subsidiary of the Russian company "Gazprom."
Russia is currently executing a large project to rebuild and modernize a glass and ceramic products manufacturing plant in the city of Ramadi in al-Anbar governorate. An industrial alliance of Russian companies has begun practical implementation of this project on behalf of the Iraqi Ministry of Industry and Minerals.
Militia Man
Article: "The Iraqi Central Bank issues a warning to banks regarding dollar deposits."
A fresh edict from the central bank...Spelling out that the citizens have the right to redeem their deposits in the banks and that the monies are guaranteed and it is their inherent right to do so through or by the year 2024.
None the less the unprecedented crowds ensued...What is unusual is...the way the Central Bank exposed those [banks] that didn't have the money on hand were apparently found to be speculating with depositors funds in dollars. That is not good and there will be consequences.
The Central Bank is now going to take measures against banks that abstain from taking care of their obligations to the citizens.
Article quote: "The United States has warned Al-Sudani's government eight times publicly ...American side has provided ample evidence the majority of buyers of the dollar are smuggling it out of the country to Iran, Syria and Lebanon."" IRAQ BOOTS ON THE GROUND REPORT" BY FIREFLY, 10 OCT
FIREFLY: The dollar is out of control and we afraid from what TV says makes like we are in trouble.
FRANK: It's just the same ole exaggeration...please don't drown on a drop of water..
.Both Alaq and Sudani are doing the monetary reform and they're doing it to the best of their abilities.
I will admit they are kind of slow and I wish they would speed it up. One of the requirements is to remove all foreign currency because you are now a sovereign country with a sovereign national currency which will soon have a new international exchange rate...
Serbia and Iraq Strengthen Diplomatic Ties, Mark 65 Years of Friendship, 10 OCT
Serbia and Iraq Strengthen Diplomatic Ties, Mark 65 Years of Friendship
In a significant diplomatic development, the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, met with Muhammad Al-Halbousi, the Speaker of the Parliament of Iraq. The meeting aimed to strengthen bilateral ties on the 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two nations, reflecting on their shared history and mapping a path for future cooperation.
A Renewed Commitment to Cooperation
The discussions, characterized by mutual respect and a shared vision, covered various areas of potential cooperation, including the economy, agriculture, health, and education. The two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing cooperation, underscoring the importance of their long-standing friendship and mutual support. The importance of respect for international law and preservation of sovereignty and territorial integrity were also emphasized during the meeting.
Al-Halbousi invited Serbian companies to explore opportunities in Iraq by participating in joint projects and doing business in the country. This invitation signifies Iraq’s proactive approach in building diplomatic alliances and strengthening its global presence. It could also pave the way for enhanced trade relations and economic partnerships between the two countries, fostering mutual growth and development.
Support for Serbia’s Territorial Integrity
The meeting also saw Iraq expressing its clear position on non-recognition of Kosovo’s independence, offering full support for Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. This stance aligns with Iraq’s commitment to promoting peace and stability in the region through dialogue and engagement. It also echoes Serbia’s position, further solidifying the strong diplomatic bond between the two countries.
This meeting is not just a milestone marking 65 years of diplomatic relations, but it’s also a harbinger of a more globally connected future for both Serbia and Iraq. The strengthened ties could lead to more joint initiatives, increased trade, and shared efforts in promoting regional stability. The meeting also enhances Iraq’s international standing by showcasing its commitment to international law and cooperative diplomacy..
Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Sudani Arrives in Russia to Meet Putin, 10
Iraqi Prime Minister Al-Sudani Arrives in Russia to Meet Putin, 10
On a mission to strengthen bilateral ties and explore cooperation opportunities, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Al-Sudani has embarked on a two-day visit to Russia. The visit, which is aimed at bolstering diplomatic relations, kicked off with a warm reception by Russian officials at Moscow’s Vnukovo Airport.
Strengthening Diplomatic Ties
Prime Minister Al-Sudani’s visit to Russia manifests the significance of maintaining robust diplomatic relations between the two nations. The main agenda of this diplomatic rendezvous orbits around discussions on the enhancement of cooperation, particularly in the fields of energy and economy. These discussions could have far-reaching implications for the future of Iraq-Russia relations and the geopolitical dynamics of the region.
High-Profile Meeting
Adding weightage to this diplomatic visit, Al-Sudani is scheduled to hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The high-profile meeting will focus on issues of bilateral cooperation and the situation in the Middle East. This will be their first meeting, marking a vital milestone in the relationship between the two nations. The leaders are also slated to participate in the Russian Energy Week forum, further emphasizing the importance of energy cooperation in their bilateral relations.
Implications for the Middle East
The meeting between Al-Sudani and Putin is not just crucial for Iraq and Russia, but it also holds considerable significance for the broader Middle East region. Given the tumultuous and complex political landscape of the Middle East, any form of consolidation or change in alliances can have ripple effects across the region. As such, the outcomes of this meeting will be closely watched by regional and global stakeholders.
Looking Forward
While the visit is a testament to the importance of maintaining strong diplomatic relations, it is the potential outcomes of the talks between Al-Sudani and Putin that are of utmost significance. The discussions could potentially shape the future trajectory of Iraq-Russia relations and the strategic dynamics of the region. As the world watches, it remains to be seen what the future holds for the relationship between Iraq and Russia and the impact of their strengthened ties on the Middle East’s geopolitical
Federation of Chambers of Commerce: Iraq has granted great facilities to countries of the world to participate in the path of development, 10 OCT
Federation of Chambers of Commerce: Iraq has granted great facilities to countries of the world to participate in the path of development
The Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce confirmed today, Tuesday, that Iraq has granted great facilities to countries of the world to participate in the path of development, while noting that Al-Faw Port constitutes a high percentage of global land and sea transport.
The head of the Federation of Iraqi Chambers of Commerce, Abdul Razzaq Al-Zuhairi, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ Al-Sudani focused on exploiting the opportunity,” indicating that “Iraq is in a good position with the world, and this opportunity must be invested in establishing a road.” development and implementation at this time.”
He added, "Iraq granted facilities to countries around the world in the transit process and greatly reduced rates for all countries, especially neighboring countries," noting "the importance of having a joint-stock company to support the road."
He added, "The development road project is profitable if the promotion process is facilitated," explaining that "Iraq must focus on important countries that have a future, such as China and India, in supporting the road."
He pointed out that "Turkey is the second beneficiary after Iraq from the path of development, considering it the gateway to Europe," pointing out that "Iraq started with the port of Al-Faw with an amount of 400 billion dinars, and today the port has become a reality, and it will constitute a high percentage of land and sea transport work for the world."
He stressed the need to "focus on the method of development and lay the foundation stone for it, and there is a financial abundance of oil revenues that can be invested in this project." link
Mountain Goat
REAL REASONS FOR AL SUDANI DONT GIVE FUND DISTRIBUTION FOR ALL PROJECTSI was…told [by my CBI contact in Iraq] the real reason why the GOI, under prime minister al-Sudani has not directed full funding distribution for all the projects listed in the budget. It was for multiple reasons: 1. to first continue to clean up more of the corruption in the provinces; 2. hold back the dollars in the reserves as long as possible needed to back any reinstatement process and global rating for the dinar.
Global Currency Reset:
- On Tues. 3 Oct. US Treasury representatives entered RV codes at Redemption Centers.
- On Wed. 4 Oct Iraq was welcomed to the World Trade Organization with a fully reinstated Iraqi Dinar international traded currency; Tier 1 was funded and the 12 days of Disclosure began.
- On Sun. 8 Oct. the RVd Iraqi Dinar was made public to Iraqi citizens, causing Iraqi bank runs where they were exchanging the fiat US Dollar to the more valuable Iraqi Dinar.
- Mon. 9 Oct. TNT Tony Update: The RV was supposed to occur Sunday, but only if nothing happened…. Then Israel happened. His guy in Iraq says it’s still going to happen in a couple days. His contacts here in the states say it’s been rescheduled for Thurs./ Friday 12,13 Oct.
- By that Mon. 9 Oct. the new gold/ asset-backed US Note was fully in the system and available at banks. Banks worldwide were reported being closed starting in the UK and coming to US. On that same Mon. 9 Oct. the Military gave Trump three different Plans of Action to chose from. No one knows which one he chose, but there were two timelines running parallel and merging as we speak. You’ll soon find out what’s happening. NCSWIC.
- Thurs. 12 Oct to Fri. 13 Oct. possible notification and starting of Tier4b exchange/ redemption appointments according to TNT Tony.
- On Sun. 15 Oct. the IMF and World Bank would hold their last meeting.
- Starting in the fourth week of October Restitution and Recreational Allowance will be paid out. The amount of monies paid back will be based on federal taxes paid since 1940s, interest on mortgages, bank loans, car loans and credit card interest – along with interest earned on those monies over the years. Those 60 and older will be paid in three equal monthly payments for Oct, Nov & Dec. Those 50-60 will get payments over the next 12 months and those younger will be paid out over 15 years, though they have to be employed in order to qualify.
- Starting in October and continuing for three months Social Security benefits will be significantly higher, topping out at $5,200.
- Wed. 1 Nov. was the goal to have Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions completed, although that date could vary.
- Starting 1 Jan. 2024 the fiat US Dollar will be worthless, all currencies across the Globe will be on par 1:1 with each other, Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments start on a monthly basis.
- In the next three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer “universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.
- Rumored to be in first basket: 1. US Note 2.UK 3. Kuwait 4. Canada 5. Mexico 6. Russia 7. China 8. Venezuela 9. Iranian Rial 10. Iraqi Dinar 11. Indonesia Rupiah 12. Malaysia 13. Vietnamese 14. Brazil 15. Saudi Arabia 16. Qatar 17. United Arab Emirates 18. Turkey 19. Afghanistan (possibly) 20. India 21. Libya 22. Japan 23. Zimbabwe
Global Financial Crisis:
Redemption Centers
- Wells Fargo has mirrored every bank account across the Globe onto the Quantum Financial System (QFS).
- You will get a Quantum Financial Access Card to gain access to your bank account and GESARA/ NESARA funds.
- Zim holders will be directed to Redemption Centers based on their zip codes.
- The Redemption Centers function continuously for 15 days.
- Currencies exchanged at Redemption Centers include Zim, Dinar, Dong and US Dollar.
- Although Zim Bonds are redeemed at a Redemption Center, national currency bonds need to be in an SKR for a solid five years before they could be redeemed.
- Bond payments are in a three year payout, or could span up to 25 years and with a NDA for the same duration.
- The Exchange/ Redemption Rate of Zim and foreign currencies were in constant flux. 80% of the Zim payout will be dedicated to Humanitarian Projects.
Iran Calls for Extraordinary OIC Meeting Amid Escalation in Gaza, 10 OCT
Iran Calls for Extraordinary OIC Meeting Amid Escalation in Gaza, 10 OCT
In a significant diplomatic move, Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has initiated a conversation with the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), seeking to address the escalating situation in Gaza. The Iranian diplomat has proposed an extraordinary meeting of the OIC member countries’ Foreign Ministers to extend support to the Palestinian people.
Call for Solidarity and Coordination Among Islamic Nations
The phone conversation between Amir-Abdollahian and his Iraqi counterpart Fuad Hussein revolved around the current developments in Palestine and their bilateral relations. The diplomats underscored the necessity for solidarity and coordination among Islamic nations to aid the Palestinian people. The call for an emergency meeting of the OIC aims to assess the situation in Palestine and furnish support to Palestinians against the “aggressive actions of the Zionist regime.”
Iran’s Stand on Palestine’s Right to Resist
Amir-Abdollahian affirmed the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to resist aggression and occupation. He urged for coordinated action by Islamic countries to assist Palestine and cease Israel’s attacks. The phone conversation comes at a time when the Gaza-based Hamas resistance group has launched Operation Al-Aqsa Storm against Israel, following the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem and increased settler violence. In response, the Israeli army initiated Operation Swords of Iron, leading to casualties on both sides.
Iranian President’s Support for the Palestinian Cause
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi lent his support to the Palestinian people, calling on Muslim countries to back them. Iran and Israel share a history of bitter enmity and do not have diplomatic ties. This recent development reflects Iran’s unwavering stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict and its commitment to the Palestinian cause.
Potential Ramifications on Regional Stability
The proposed extraordinary OIC meeting can potentially influence the dynamics of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Increased solidarity among Islamic nations could present a united front against Israel’s military actions. The outcomes of this development hold considerable implications for regional stability and the future course of the conflict.
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