Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Evening News with MarkZ 08/22/2023

Dinar RV News Today🔥Economic Expert: Government or CBI Can Adjust the Ra...


 Martes 22 Agosto 2023

Resumen de noticias
Hernán : Dice
— Se informa que al final del mes de Agosto del año 2023 se iniciará el RV.
Pero también puede ser antes, esta semana tendrán que caer muchas cabezas pero hay una cabeza de serpiente mayor que se cortará.
— IRAK está listo para su REVALUACION y no habrá flotación de la divisa, se informa que en USA el valor total de la moneda iraquí fluctuará en USD$3.81 dólar por un DINAR IRAQUÍ.
Esto lo confirmo el CBI ( CENTRAL BANK IRAK ).
— IRAK no se presentará en la reunión del BRICS.
EEUU se quedarán por diez años más en IRAK, los militares estadunidenses están trabajando a la par con los militares iraquíes.
— Se está trabajando duro detrás de cortinas para llevar nuestra bendición en los plazos establecidos.
— Se informan a grandes tenedores seguir en espera pronto darán su luz verde para los fondos visibles de sus cuentas.
— Hanry súper ballena fue citado ayer lunes para firmar una SOLF NDA, no divulgación de cascada con su gente y terceros.

translation IN ENGLISH:

Tuesday 22 August 2023 news summary
Hernan: Says — It is reported that at the end of August 2023 the RV will begin. But it could also be sooner, this week many heads will have to fall but there is a larger snake head that will be cut off.
— IRAQ is ready for its REVALUATION and there will be no floating of the currency, it is reported that in the USA the total value of the Iraqi currency will fluctuate in USD$3.81 dollar for one IRAQI DINAR. This was confirmed by the CBI (CENTRAL BANK IRAQ). — IRAQ will not appear at the BRICS meeting.
The US will stay for ten more years in IRAQ, the US military is working hand in hand with the Iraqi military. — Hard work is being done behind the scenes to deliver our blessing on time. — Large holders are informed to continue waiting, they will soon give their green light for the visible funds of their accounts.
— Super Whale Hanry was summoned yesterday Monday to sign a SOLF NDA, cascade non-disclosure with his people and third parties.
Greetings Hernan

The President Of The Republic Stresses The Importance Of Joint Action To Consolidate Security And Preserve Iraq's Sovereignty, 22 AUGUST

 The President Of The Republic Stresses The Importance Of Joint Action To Consolidate Security And Preserve Iraq's Sovereignty

Political  | 08/22/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News, President of the Republic Abd al-Latif Jamal Rashid stressed today, Tuesday, the importance of joint action to consolidate security and preserve Iraq's sovereignty.

A statement issued by the Presidency of the Republic, a copy of which Mawazine News received, said, "The President of the Republic received, at the Baghdad Palace, the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Peshmerga, Major General Bakhtiar Muhammad Siddiq and his accompanying delegation.

During the meeting, the security situation in the Kurdistan region and the rest of the country was reviewed. Iraqi cities, and an emphasis on continuing training and preparation to raise the combat capabilities of the Peshmerga forces and the rest of the security forces.

According to the statement, the President of the Republic stressed the importance of coordination and joint action to consolidate security and stability in a way that preserves Iraq's sovereignty and achieves prosperity and development in other areas for citizens.

For their part, the delegation reviewed the training plans, and expressed their happiness at meeting the President of the Republic. They emphasized the importance of his valuable directives in preserving security gains and achieving stability in the country, according to the statement. Ended 29/M99


Losing Stocks: Buy, Hold, or Sell?, 22 AUGUST


 I love the big push...to arrest all of the corrupt people in Iraq because it's not just Iran, they are also arresting Iraqi crooked politicians like the former Oil Minister...all of these have been the reason why the CBI cannot advance the IQD exchange rate.  This huge push to eradicate corruption is the latest of the monetary reform steps to bring forth your new exchange rate...they are destroying the corruption that was preventing your reforms... 

 Community Comment:  "We only get one chance to get this right."  Oh boy is that ever so profound for you to say.  You can't make a mistake and go back and fix it.  Not in a monetary reform.  Math would not allow it.  You make a mathematical mistake in this monetary reform it will all crumble.  Worse than anything else, you make a mistake Sudani/Alaq with the Iraqi citizens, that's it...your monetary reform will fail.

There is no delay...If you know very well that Iran is stealing the currency, the bloodline, destroying the spinal cord, destroying the unity, the harmony, the sovereignty, the proudness of Iraqi citizens as their nation would you not also want to remove that?  ...we don't have the perfect situation for the monetary reform to be released.  We've got terrorists... corruption ...thieves...Now granted it's been really reduced...

The next step in the monetary reform is exactly what you're seeing right now.  Remove those evil people - Iranians and Iraqis and any other foreign persons...Have you ever seen...a prime minister from Iraq do what this man is doing?  Never, not in your lifetime...Sudani is a great leader and Iraq is blessed to have him.  The things that he's doing is amazing.  There are no delays.  It is the next step of the monetary reform plan. 

BUSINESSTop 8 Free AI Stock Trading Bots, 22 AUGUST

 The term artificial intelligence is currently making waves as it has proven to make lives easier. From writing to game development, it has become a massive part of doing business, and many are now discovering its varied uses. Stock trading isn’t exempt as we find many free AI stock trading bots, and we found the ten best just for you. Here they are:

1. SpeedBot

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An advanced AI stock trading bot SpeedBot empowers traders with cutting-edge features and algorithms. It boasts speed and accuracy in analyzing market data, identifying patterns, and executing trades rapidly. It features an intuitive user interface that makes it suitable for beginners.

Experienced traders will enjoy its customizable settings that let them adapt the bot to their unique trading preferences. SpeedBot is a comprehensive solution that provides you with automated strategies and real-time market insights.

2. Pluto

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If you’re looking to have advanced trading capabilities, Pluto is an excellent AI stock trading bot. It offers highly powerful algorithms and machine learning techniques to help you analyze data to identify potential trading opportunities.

Its user-friendly interface makes it an excellent option for newbies and experienced traders alike. It also lets them customize their trading strategies and risk preferences. It also gives you real-time market insights and automated trade executions.

3. Zorro

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Offering a wide range of features, Zorro helps you develop and deploy trading strategies based on artificial intelligence and machine learning. Its key features include backtesting, optimization, and execution of trade algorithms. It has an extensive library of indicators and plugins that enable users to customize and fine-tune their strategies according to their specific needs.

Zorro is a robust and versatile platform that leverages the power of AI to optimize your stock trading performance. 

4. Composer

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A free stock trading bot, Composer offers a wide array of advanced features for traders. It has an easy-to-use interface that allows users to create and deploy automated trading strategies powered by AI and machine learning. It lets you backtest your strategy with the use of historical data.

Composer also helps you with analyzing real-time market insights and executing your trades more effectively. Its algorithms help you identify potential trading opportunities, manage risks, and optimize your investment decisions.

5. EA Builder

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A popular online platform, EA Builder allows you to build your own custom Expert Advisors (EAs) for automated stock trading. While its main focus is on forex trading, you can also use it for stock trading. The software lets you create EAs even without any knowledge of programming. 

With it, you can define trading rules, indicators, and conditions. EA Builders offers a free account, but you can avail yourself of all its best features when you pay a one-time fee of $97.

6. Options Road Backtester

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A powerful tool, Options Road Backtester is designed for traders to backtest and analyze their trading strategies. Primarily for options trading, you can also use it for stock trading using options as part of your investment approach. It lets you input your trading strategy parameters and historical market data. 

This allows for simulating and evaluating the performance of your options strategies. It also gives you valuable insights into risk management, profitability, and potential outcomes that help you make informed decisions.

7. Capitalise.ai

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Primarily a trading bot platform, Capitalise.ai may not fit the traditional definition of a standalone bot, but it has automated trading capabilities. It also offers the ability to create and deploy custom trading strategies without any knowledge of coding. You can set up rules, triggers, and conditions within the platform to automate your trading activities.

Capitalise has automation features that allow for executing trades based on predetermined criteria that make it comparable to a trading bot when speaking of functionality.

8. Equbot

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Another AI-driven investment platform, Equbot blends AI technology with human expertise to analyze and select investment opportunities. It leverages machine learning and natural language processing to analyze vast amounts of data and identify potential investment opportunities in the stock market.

Equbot focuses on providing intelligent insights and actionable recommendations for your investment decisions. It takes into account financial statements, market trends, news sentiment, and other relevant data points to help you make decisions.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Free AI Stock Trading Bot

Now that you’ve seen a list of free AI stock trading bots to choose from, how do you find the best one suited to your needs? While most of these bots offer similar features, some have tools that others don’t. Finding out which ones will suit you depends on your personal preferences and trading strategies and techniques. Below are a few considerations before getting one:

  • Features and Functionality – learn about the bot’s available tools and capabilities
  • Accuracy and Performance – assess its track record for reliable performance and predictions.
  • Ease of Use – check for the bot’s user-friendliness
  • Privacy and Security – make sure that it has proper safeguards in place and that your privacy and data are protected
  • Flexibility and Customization – know the extent to which the bot can be personalized to suit your trading preferences
  • Reviews and Reputation – check the feedback and reviews of other users
  • Terms and Conditions – review the bot’s terms and conditions and any potential limitations on its use

When you assess these factors, you can be sure to choose a free AI stock trading bot that will meet all your trading needs. It will also provide you with a seamless and user-friendly experience with reliable performance.

Final Thoughts

The availability of free AI stock trading bots gives traders an exciting opportunity to harness the power of AI in their investment endeavors. Exploring the list we made above gives you access to a wide range of functionalities. However, artificial intelligence isn’t as dependableas we want it to be.

To find the best AI stock trading bot, you’ll still need careful consideration. This is to ensure that your strategies, with the help of these bots, will result in more informed investment decisions in the ever-dynamic world of the stock market.


Iraq Dinar News - Timing - Dates - Prime Minister - Central Bank - Feder...by MILITIAMAN

Coffee with MarkZ 08/22/2023

Tuesday Morning News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  GM everyone, so ready to get this show on the road

Member:  Well, here we are, but where are we?

Member:  MM last night video he said Sudani back wall on money going out is August 26th (Saturday)  

MZ: MilitiaMan did drop a great one overnight….the biggest thing he talked about..imo …is de-dollarization. 

MZ:  He really dives into this and the timing to expect. The most important timing he mentioned is with Al Sudani  and the expectations to have money flowing by the 26th.   

MZ: A lot of folks in Iraq and involved with Iraq believe this could mean a change in value. 

Member:  MM stated in that video that after July 26 they had 30days to open the budget, that would be Aug 25

Member: The Kurdistan region is supposed to get money from Bagdad for their salaries by the end of this week

MZ: Keep in mind that the news is pretty slim…but, there is some excitement coming out of Tier 3 again….and support for “our Dinar”  

Member: Bond folks are for the most part dead silent…..2 that I know of went home…but the rest are still staying in place. 

MZ: Today the BRICS meetings are kicking off…so be fluid this week.

MZ: “ Over 40 countries sick and tired of the western led world order are clamoring to join a group where China and Russia are members”   With 40 countries pushing this…its over 60% of the worlds GDP..…..with just the original 5  members its over half the world’s population. This is huge….

Member:  Let see what the BRICS  boys can do to jump starts the process

Member: Charlie Ward always said the RV would happen on a Thursday, hopefully it’s this Thursday

Member: This Thursday is the last day of the BRICS Summit….fingers crossed.

Member:  Brics summit live now on youtube…..posted at Recaps

Member:  Rumor is BRICS is ready to announce their new digital payment system

Member:  BRICS launched the brics-pay online now …..Thats exciting!!!!

Member:  Watching BRICS summit news. Gives me hope for a better future.

Member:  Here’s hoping BRICS is a strong back wall that triggers the RV notifications!

Member: I wonder Will the USTN be brought out before or after the RV??

Member: I hope that debt forgiveness happens at the same time as the RV 

Member: Before-makes the most sense…..

Member:  This dam has got to break soon! I can feel it.

Member:  “Look among the nations and watch— Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days Which you would not believe, though it were told you.Habakkuk 1:5 NKJV

Member: Thanks Mark and Mods for all the encouragement …..high hopes that this really is our week. 

Member: Everyone have a blessed day. 


Markz will be on rumble on SATURDAYS ONLY so he can speak his mind. You will find him on YouTube during the week.

Ready? This Week Looks Great💣In Country RV First?🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

An American Analysis Describes Iraq As “More Like A Country Under International Tutelage”, 22 AUGUST

 An American Analysis Describes Iraq As “More Like A Country Under International Tutelage”

2023-08-22 Shafaq News/ The “Washington Institute” for Strategic Studies published an analysis of the situation in Iraq and the crises it is going through at the internal and external levels, and the failure of successive federal governments to rule recently and temporarily, describing Iraq as “more like a country under international tutelage.” At the same time, he did not rule out the return of the country under the seventh clause.  The analysis stated that the declining political and legal reality in Iraq today indicates that the country is still facing a deep strategic dilemma as a result of the international obligations and restrictions imposed on it.

According to the analysis of the American Institute, “Decades after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, Iraq is still practically under the influence of dozens of UN resolutions and sanctions as a result of the aggression launched by Saddam Hussein against Kuwait.

Despite Iraq’s official removal from Chapter VII sanctions of the United Nations Charter in June June 2013, and his commitment to pay final dues that exceeded $50 billion in compensation to Kuwait in February 2022.

However, there are some issues that are still outstanding between the two countries, while Iraq struggles to obtain the description of a “normal country” and to integrate into the international community.

The analysis also stated that, in fact, returning Iraq from describing a “state that resorts to violence” to describing a “normal state” requires complex policies and procedures that take a long time.

Moreover, the problem of Iraq’s failure to integrate with the international community is due to the ongoing internal crises. Since 2003, successive governments have plunged the country into complex internal crises of conflicts, terrorism, corruption, chaos and political polarization.

 Instead of returning Iraq to its normal state, these governments have turned into “caretaker governments” and each of them issues crises to the next government.

He pointed out that Iraq “has become in a situation similar to a state under international tutelage. Even today, the state is no longer able to fulfill its obligations under the strategic framework agreement concluded with the United States, its main ally.

Despite the tireless efforts made by the Iraqi government under the prime minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, however, Iraqi officials must realize that there is no real development for Iraq without ensuring its full commitment to the consequences of the decisions of Chapters VII and VI of the United Nations Charter related to Kuwait and other issues.

The analysis touched on a summary of the obstacles that Iraq still faces and the possible steps it can take to maintain its reputation as a stable and responsible country at the international level.

Avoid the violations set forth in Chapter VII

The analysis said that although Iraq was officially removed from Chapter VII sanctions in 2022, it still faces the risk of violating many United Nations resolutions, which in turn could lead to the reactivation of Chapter VII.

In particular, Iraq needs to heed Paragraph 32 of UN Resolution 628 which “requires Iraq to inform the Council of its commitment that it will not commit or support any act of international terrorism or allow any organization to commit such acts within its territory.”

The American Institute pointed out that “Iraq has always been willing to host a number of dangerous militias supported by Iran, including groups that the United States has included on the terrorist list such as Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq and Kata’ib Hezbollah.

And with the Shiite coordination framework now in power, the roles of the militias have escalated.” These organizations are classified by the United States on terrorist lists to unprecedented levels.

He added, “In fact, the Iraqi Minister of Higher Education, Naim al-Aboudi, is a member of Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, and the head of the prime minister’s press office, Rabih Nader, has long been associated with both Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq and Kata’ib Hezbollah. The association of these officials with groups classified on terrorist lists will constitute a source of embarrassment for Iraq and impede its return as a normal country.

The analysis also emphasized that “Iraq should work systematically to dismantle armed groups that have taken root within its borders, ensuring that they cannot threaten national or regional security.

In the long term, this initiative will be implemented alongside Iraq’s efforts and commitment to support democratic mechanisms.” in the political process, and the transfer of power peacefully without resorting to violence, which has become familiar during the past few decades in Iraq.

The analysis considered that “Iraq’s success in controlling the status of those militias and combating those groups classified on terrorist lists would help it gain the confidence of the international community and would distance it from possible violations of Chapter VII. This may also lead to the termination of the work of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).” “.

Iraq’s fulfillment of its obligations under Chapter VI

The analysis issued by the “Washington Institute” dealt with the issue of Iraq’s commitment to Chapter Six, and said: There is a need to resolve Iraq’s disputes with Kuwait peacefully in three files, which are the file of the missing Kuwaitis, the file of the missing Kuwaiti archive, and the file of border disputes.

With regard to the file of the missing, a joint committee could be formed between the two countries under the auspices of the United Nations to discuss and resolve this file, in addition to making more efforts to determine the fate of the missing Kuwaitis since 1990.

And he warned that the two parties must also coordinate efforts to recover the Kuwaiti archive, which was kept in the Iraqi intelligence headquarters, which was bombed and looted in 2003.

The thorny file, which is the file of demarcating the maritime borders, remains beyond the point of reference 162, so Iraq and Kuwait can refer to the UN committee.

And its documents, which drew the borders between Iraq and Iran in 1993, or resorting to an international technical committee to demarcate the water borders between the two parties, or the two parties may resort to the International Court of Justice, if all these efforts fail.

Improving relations with the United States through the strategic framework agreement

The analysis pointed out that Iraq can also gain more international credibility through its commitment to the strategic framework agreement with the United States, which could ensure that Iraq remains a strategic ally of the United States in any regional conflict.

Moreover, reforming and stabilizing the Iraqi National Security Apparatus in line with the objectives of the Strategic Framework Agreement will contribute to the development of the country’s infrastructure in cooperation and coordination with US agencies and international organizations.

The analysis stressed that there is a need to restructure the Iraqi national security system to liberate Iraq from international restrictions of a defensive and security nature, especially with regard to four basic files: regional and international defense and intelligence cooperation, combating terrorism and corruption, and achieving security and stability in Iraq through a commitment to support The democratic political process, and the merging of armed entities with sovereign ministries.

There is also a need to activate the National Security Council to supervise all these files and support transparency and confidence in the banking and financial sector, which is a sticking point in relations between Iraq and the United States.

In addition, Al-Sudani’s avoidance of dealing with China or other countries, in a manner that violates Iraq’s obligations under the terms of this agreement, would contribute to building trust between Al-Sudani and the United States.

The internal situation in Iraq and the possibility of success for the Sudanese

The analysis highlighted the internal situation in Iraq, and stressed that “the Sudanese government must also work to restore voter confidence in the political process by preventing the use of coercion and force in the electoral process, and the involvement of the international community to supervise the integrity of the elections is a good way to build citizens’ confidence in the electoral process.”

And gaining international recognition and trust.Finally, dealing with internal issues related to the displaced and the rights of minorities and women will contribute greatly to building Iraq’s reputation as a reliable and stable country.

The analysis considered “these steps” as “the road map for the return of Iraq as a normal country for the international community. If the “Sudanese” succeeds in implementing it by dealing with it as one package of “indivisible” measures and policies, then it will make Iraq a quantum leap in its contemporary history, and will accelerate However, Iraq’s failure to implement these commitments and steps will open the door to chaos, conflicts and division.   LINK

Coffee with MarkZ 08/22/2023

The relationship of the exchange rate with the power of the economy , 22 AUGUST

The relationship of the exchange rate with the power of the economy 

Economical 2023/08/21
Yasser Al-Mutwali

believes that the general public, who are not specialists in economics and finance, believe that the criterion for the strength of a country's economy is the exchange rate of its currency against the dollaror any other currency or means

While most economists in the world unanimously agree that this theory is not valid, we are often faced with a question; 

Does the value of the currency reflect the strength of the economy of that country?

What concerns me as a specialist in economic affairs is to show the reality of the strength of the Iraqi economy and that the fluctuation of exchange rates does not mean the reality of the country's economy , as financial and economic experts agree that the exchange rate for any currency is an accounting number agreed upon between global central banks and does not reflect the strength of the country's economy

To analyze the facts of this theory, let's take a comparison between the Saudi currency and the Jordanian currency, to verify the correctness of the theory from its error. 

With regard to the Saudi riyal, for example, (one dollar equals 3.75 riyals), 100 dollars equals 375 riyals), and as for the Jordanian currency (one dollar equals 70 piasters, every 100 dollars equals 70 Jordanian dinars. 

The question is: Does this mean that the Jordanian economy is stronger than The Saudi economy?

Of course not, because the volume of Jordan's GDP is 50 billion dollars, while the volume of the Saudi GDP is nearly a trillion dollars.

From that we conclude that the exchange rate does not reflect the strength and durability of the economy

Therefore, fixed exchange rates are a purely administrative government decisionnot It is related to the strength of the economy, and 

if we follow international experiences in dealing with the size of their currencies, Argentina, Turkey and Italy have worked to delete six zeros from their currencieswhich is a treatment to regulate currency circulation and reduce its volumes in dealing, and this proves that the exchange rate is an accounting number, nothing more, and a government decision.

There are trends in some countries that work to liberate the value of their currencies by floating them because the exchange rate of the dollar is floating and liberalized, and here the estimates of governments remain with such a decision

Finance and economic experts attribute the reason for the floating to the inability to fix the exchange rate indefinitely, and this is related to the extent of economic and political stability.

The closest example of this is the Lebanese currency, in which the exchange rate has remained constant for decades, every 100 dollars equals 1,500 poundsbut it was soon exposed to chaos and instability until the exchange rate collapsed, unfortunately, which is what is happening to it now

In conclusion, the Iraqi economy is strong and solid, but the fluctuation of the exchange rate is caused by the political and economic instability in the country



An expert proposes solutions to limit the rise in the dollar in the parallel market 

Economical 2023/08/19
 Baghdad: Haider Fleeh Al-Rubaie,

the economist, Munaf Al-Sayegh, proposed a set of solutions to control the parallel exchange rate and undermine the dollar, pointing out that 

the presence of two different exchange rates could confuse the local market and lead to a kind of imbalance in economic performance, while 

he praised the targeted measures In order to limit the rise of the green currency in the parallel market, 

he called for "liberalizing the exchange rate" in accordance with the levels of supply and demand and foreign trade activity, as well as working to change the pattern of the balance of payments and the trade balance. 

According to specialists in economic affairs, the Central Bank succeeded in controlling the exchange rate of the parallel dollar, and put an end to the booms that that currency witnessed in previous times, indicating that 

the packages of decisions issued by the monetary authority led to strengthening confidence in the national currency, stressing at the same time, 

The fluctuation of the exchange rate is no longer an influencing factor in the prices of goods and materials that are now imported at the official price of the Central Bank.  Al-Sayegh told "Al-Sabah": 

"The presence of two different exchange rates leads to a negative impact on economic performance, 

especially if it is linked to the pattern of consumption activity and thus will undermine government efforts aimed at enhancing its ability to provide quality services," stressing the 

need to "establish development paths that work on Diversifying economic activity in line with the urgent requirements of society, such as continuous energy, efficient education, health institutions, as well as the provision of high-quality services, indicating that 

these steps are sufficient to achieve an active and flexible economy capable of constantly diversifying while creating sustainable development opportunities and diverse and renewable job opportunities within the requirements of economic performance and its obligations. local and international.” 

In order to find remedies for the economic effects of the existence of two different exchange rates for the local currency, the jeweler believes that the exchange rate must be liberalized in a flexible manner, according to the levels of supply and demand, as well as the levels of commercial activity of foreign trade, in addition to the need to work to change the pattern of the balance of payments and the trade balance in a way that leads to its transformation Gradually from negative to positive.

Al-Sayegh also stressed the importance of changing the spending pattern in the budget towards the productive investment that leads to serious development paths, taking into account the change in foreign trade patterns from consumer goods to productive goods linked to a specific economic activity, as well as the trend towards making a fundamental change in the pattern of performance and activity. Finance for public and private banks, enhancing the efficiency of government programs aimed at pushing development projects that support economic activity in general, and expanding small and medium entrepreneurial projects among young people. 


Iraq News BRICS Summit Update +Upcoming Report on IQD Road to RV BY SANDY INGRAM


  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   

FIREFLY: Television says we have done a good job on getting away from the dollar but it still faces an up hill struggle.  I'm not the smartest man in the world but why don't the CBI give us a rate and a value?  

Then the people will flock to the dinar and be no black market dollar because Sudani says the dinar will be higher than the dollar.  Why they not just do that.  It's simple in our eyes.

 FRANK:  What you're asking for is what you're going to get...if they give this rate to you now...the monetary reform will fail.  If the monetary reform fails you ain't gonna see Jack son. Nothing...

I don't blame you for venting right now. I know it's simple in your eyes.


  I think as far as everything being in place where Iraq is concerned with their re-instatement timeframe…I think the writing is on the wall that they are going to go into the international financial system...

And we also expect to see the new small category notes (lower denominations) released in Iraq…and I am hoping this will happen in the next short period of time. 

Article:  "Iraq..The total looted funds are estimated at $450 billion"  Quote:   "The Iraqi government is working to strengthen cooperation with international organizations concerned with combating corruption, such as the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Police (Interpol)..."  

...Al-Sudani and other international entities are stating...corruption needed to be under control...They appear to have a good handle on things...I like the stability that it is likely to bring from the effort, not to mention the amounts of money that will be clawed back...is breathtaking.

We saw a documentary video of them specifically reducing the note count, destroying money....We don't know how much money they have destroyed yet but they will probably disclose it because it'll be a necessary thing to disclose when they go international.  People are going to  want to know what their money supply is The bottom line is they were destroying and...making little pellets with perfectly good money.  

 Those of you out there on the Internet that are doing the math saying this doesn't work, if you don't know how much money they've destroyed, you don't have good calculations. So be very careful on telling people that it's not going to happen when it clearly is showing the Central Bank of Iraq, The Finance Ministry, the World Bank, the U.S. Treasury and everybody else goes against what you're saying.  Be fair in your analysis. 


 Global Currency Reset:

  • Charlie Ward: Tier4b will be able to exchange foreign currencies after the Global Currency Reset is announced.
  • The Global Currency Reset was expected to be announced at the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg South Africa on Tues, Wed. and Thurs. 22-24 Aug.
  • Shelton Levert just said the Paymasters will start paying Tier3 AFTER BRICS Summit. Summit ends on the 24th.We know the providers accounts have the money in the banks, but cannot spend it. Maybe Shelton was right when he said they were paid in fiat and those custodial accounts have to be converted to USN. He said that is happening now. I think they are running the algorithm audits on the new quantum platforms that are in beta, to remove glitches, to launch and announce to the public at large a new banking quantum system implementation. I believe they are working to get this done, ASAP.
  • Thurs. 17 Aug. MarkZ: “I have been assured Iraq plans to finish in the month of August and bankers are still looking at around Sun. 20th Aug.”
  • Bruce: On Thurs. 17 Aug. or Fri. 18 Aug. Bond Holders were to receive new NDAs. They had to sign and return those NDAs to Wells Fargo by Fri. night 18 Aug. They would receive emails Sat. 19 Aug. that would give them access to funds on Mon. 21 Aug. or Tues. 22 Aug.
  • Fri. 18 Aug. Texas Snake: “Some very positive steps are being taken behind the scenes which all point to a very positive week upcoming. Hang in there, folks.”
  • Fri. 18 Aug. Wolverine: Wells Fargo Bank has received the cash release codes. The redemption of financial instruments has just begun. The global launch of the funds has just taken place in all parts of the world, marking the beginning of Redemption’s registered global asset redemption program. Clearance from Reno arrived at 9pm. On Sat. 19 Aug. from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. will bethe calls for direct managers”
  • Fri. 18 Aug. RV Highlights Mike Bara: “Latest I just heard: Mon. August 21st, Iraq links with gold or a gold backed currency and drops the dollar. Bankers see it when they wake up Tues. August 22nd, Iraq makes some kind of announcement on Wed. Aug. 23rd. Not sure it will be that dramatic, but there will be an announcement.”
  • Bruce: Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) should receive notification for appointments and begin to go in for those appointments on Tues. 22 Aug. or Wed. 23 Aug.
  • The fiat US Dollar can be used in US, Canada and Mexico for the next three months.
  • Tues. 22 Aug. Wed. 23 Aug. and Thurs. 24 Aug. is the BRICS Summit where major financial changes will be announced.

The EBS, Redemption Centers & GESARA/NESARA Funds.

  • Two separate things could be going on here. Foreign currency exchange for Tier groups could happen before the actual EBS/EAS. Why? This group has been prepped for this for some time (“exclusive group” for lack of better words).
  • The EBS will go off and we will receive seven text messages.
  • They will tell us that we will have 3-6 hours to get home, or go to a place where we can remain for the next ten days.
  • We will be on a Global Lockdown depending on what’s going on in different cities.
  • For ten days 24/7 we will receive broadcasts on what’s going on in the World, including information on the Global Elite criminal Arrests and Tribunals.
  • Redemption Center appointments are to receive monies owed to us from NESARA/ GESARA funds and also for those wishing to exchange foreign currencies and Zim Bonds. Appointment times will be done in three separate groups: ages 24-44, 45 to 60 and 61 and older. The 61 and older will go in first.
  • You will have 8-12 days to get to your appointment.
  • At your appointment you will set up your Quantum Account which is identified by your own biometric positive energy. (criminals with negative energy will not be given access to a Quantum Account).
  • You will also receive your Quantum Access Bank Card called Quack which is unique to you based on your biometric energy. No one can access that account but you.
  • You will also receive a laptop that connects to the Star Link Satellite System and from which you can access your Quantum Account.

Global Financial Crisis:


GOLDILOCKS: 🚨SHOCKING NEWS: RV STOP'S because of the Digital Dinar & CBDC??, 26 MARCH

  GOLDILOCKS: 🚨SHOCKING NEWS: RV STOP'S because of the Digital Dinar & CBDC?  Highlights Summary In this informative podcast, the h...