Monday, April 15, 2024

Kurdish MP: Sudanese success in the dollar crisis is the most important step in his visit to Washington , 16 APRIL

  Kurdish MP: Sudanese success in the dollar crisis is the most important step in his visit to Washington

 4/15/2024   Sulaymaniyah

Today, Monday (April 15, 2024), the representative of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Iman Abdel Razzaq, considered that the success of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani in addressing the dollar crisis is the most important step if completed with his visit to Washington.

Abdel Razzaq said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “the Sudanese’s success in this file, lifting the ban on Iraqi banks, and pumping the dollar naturally is the most important success for the Sudanese government if it is fully achieved.”

She added, "The citizen suffered from the dollar crisis, exhausted his pocket, and raised market prices. Therefore, the Sudanese's success in addressing it will be important, and we believe that the visit will be able to address the crisis in agreement with US President Joe Biden."

Officials from the Central Bank of Iraq, led by the Governor of the Bank, Ali Al-Alaq, are among the delegation accompanying the Sudanese on his visit to Washington, while the issue of lifting the ban on some banks prohibited from dealing in dollars in Iraq is on the agenda of the Sudanese visit.   LINK


 Sandy Ingram

  On April 15th President Joe Biden will hold Prime Minister Al-Sudani of Iraq at the White House.  This meeting is a crucial opportunity for the United States and Iraq to discuss common priorities and strengthen their bilateral partnership.

 Oil has risen to over $90 a barrel...OPEC is cornering itself into position of oil profits by reducing the amount of oil available...

  In Zimbabwe, the new currency, Zimbabwe Gold (ZIG) will be circulated alongside foreign currencies.  Banks have to convert their current Zimbabwean dollar balances into the new Ziggy currency which will go into effect immediately. 

 People have 21 days to exchange their old notes and coins for new ones.  It is expected the new currency will have a profound on inflation...The new currency is anchored by a composite basket of foreign currency and precious metals, mainly gold...The ZIG has denominations between 1 and 200.

Iraqi Dinar🔥Wait Is Over Iraqi Dinar Is On Turning Point Today 2024🔥iraq...

Al-Sudani from Washington: The development road and Al-Faw port projects will create a new Iraq, 16 APRIL

 Al-Sudani from Washington: The development road and Al-Faw port projects will create a new Iraq

4/15/2024   Baghdad

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani announced today, Monday, work on a study to establish a department for expatriate affairs. While he indicated that the signing of contracts with Total, the fifth round, and the national effort will enable Iraq to achieve gas self-sufficiency, he stressed that the Development Road and Al-Faw Port projects will create a new Iraq.

The Prime Minister's Media Office stated, in a statement received by Al-Iqtisad News, that "Al-Sudani met with the Iraqi community in Washington and other American states, on the sidelines of his official visit to the United States of America."

He continued, "The Prime Minister expressed his pride and appreciation for the Iraqi communities in the United States and the rest of the world," stressing that "Iraq is for all Iraqis, and the country needs the expertise, experiences, opportunities, and initiatives of Iraqi figures in America."

He pointed out, "Working on a study to establish a department for expatriate affairs, in order to achieve effective communication with Iraqi communities in the world, as the government is looking for competencies away from quotas." 

He added, "Our visit to the United States is important to clarify our vision about the shape of the relationship with America," noting that "America granted Iraq preferences in customs exemption and a memorandum was signed with financing institutions worth 5 billion dollars, all of which are not activated within the strategic framework agreement."

He explained, "Iraq today is different from what it was in 2014, because ISIS no longer poses a threat to Iraq," pointing out that "we want to move to bilateral relations with the countries of the international coalition after the victory over ISIS, similar to the countries of the region, including security relations." .

He stated that "the first meeting of the founding committee stipulated in the framework agreement will be held, and there will be periodic meetings of this committee," stressing that "Iraq is witnessing today an unprecedented recovery, stability, security, real development, and tangible services in all parts of Iraq."

The Prime Minister stated, "The government's first step was to reform oversight institutions, and our measures in combating corruption are professional and not vindictive, as we recovered a lot of money and those wanted in corruption cases who hold other nationalities, and some of the wanted persons voluntarily surrendered themselves to the judiciary."

He pointed out, "The signing of contracts with Total, the fifth round, and the national effort will enable Iraq to achieve gas self-sufficiency within 3-5 years, in addition to starting projects related to refineries," explaining that "2024 will be the last year for importing oil derivatives."

He noted, "Iran is a neighboring country with which we have common interests, and America is a strategic ally and our relationship with it is important, as the relationship with Iran and the United States is an advantage for Iraq, and can be used to reduce tension, and this is what happened in all crises in the region."

He pointed out, "The US Treasury recorded observations on the work of banks in previous years, and not during the current government that adopted the electronic platform."

He pointed out, “The industrial and agricultural sectors were activated, and idle factories were operated, such as fertilizer, iron and steel production factories,” stressing that “the basis of economic advancement is the belief in the role of the private sector, which was supported by the government.”

He stated that "the development road and Al-Faw port projects will create a new Iraq," pointing out that "the development road is the least expensive and fastest project for transporting goods, and its first principles will be signed during the Turkish president's visit soon."   LINK


 Militia Man 

 [Sudani] is going to need some exceptional strength, which is exchange rate oriented to do business deals with the likes of GE...big oil companies...big solar energy...

They're looking to get people in the steel industry, rebar industry, cement companies because they're going to need more than Iraq has on the ground.  They're going to want the support from around the world and Al-Sudani is stating he's ready for business and opening to the world. 

 Iraq has met the required security and stability in country that is needed to be productive and to perform her duties as a nation to her people in a correct and internationally acceptable manner. If she hadn't she wouldn't be where she is now, which is out from under the protection of EO 13303 outside the DFI.
 Al-Sudani was supposed to be in Washington on the 15, well it sounds like he's arrived and it sounds like he has the Central Bank delegation with him and it sounds like Al-Alaq is with him which would be a really good thing...They said he was going to be here on the 15th, it turns out he's early which is phenomenal...

Iraqi dinar 🔥Iraqi dinar countdown start for big cash dinar holders 🔥Ira...

The Sudanese visit will activate 11 items in the strategic framework agreement, one of which is security , 15 APRIL

 Expert: The Sudanese visit will activate 11 items in the strategic framework agreement, one of which is security


The security expert, Sarmad Al-Bayati, suggested activating 11 items in the strategic framework agreement during the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani to Washington.

Al-Bayati said: For the program {Free Speech} broadcast by Al-Furat satellite channel this evening, it was stated that: “The visit has been planned for a long time and within Al-Sudani’s statement that Iraq wants the United States as a strategic partner free of wishes. The main purpose of the visit is to activate the strategic framework agreement, which includes 11 sections of... "Including the security item." 

He added, "Al-Sudani will meet with the US President, the Secretary of State, the National Security Advisor, the US Treasury Undersecretary, and others during the visit, and will sign new partnerships and contracts with American companies, including those specializing in energy."

Al-Bayati continued, "As for the security aspect, America will be the mediator by importing weapons from foreign companies to preserve Iraqi money, and the government is determined to end the military presence on Iraqi territory."

He added, "We have high-frequency radars, and France was contracted to import low-frequency radars. America did not force Iraq to buy weapons, but the defect in air defenses, as well as the danger of the terrorist ISIS, still exists in remote extremist areas."

Al-Bayati concluded by saying, "The Western countries proposed to Iraq the activation of the railway between Basra and Mosul to transport goods to Europe, and Turkey is moving forward to participate in the path of development, and internal problems have hindered the activation of many agreements."

Wafaa Al-Fatlawi    LINK

FRANK26….4-15-24…….PUT THEM UP

Al-Sudani begins his visit to Washington by meeting with the Iraqi community: Your country is different today , 15 APRIL

  Al-Sudani begins his visit to Washington by meeting with the Iraqi community: Your country is different today


Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani began his official visit to the United States, by meeting with the Iraqi community in Washington and other American states, on Monday. While he pointed out that the relationship with Iran and America is an advantage for Iraq that can be used to reduce tension, he stressed that “Iraq today Different from before."

Al-Sudani announced, during his speech to the Iraqi community, the work on a study to establish a department for expatriate affairs, in order to achieve effective communication with Iraqi communities in the world, pointing out that the government is looking for competencies away from quotas.

He said that his visit to the United States is important. To clarify his government's vision about the shape of the relationship with America, stressing that "Iraq today is different from what it was in 2014, because ISIS no longer poses a threat to Iraq... Iraq today is witnessing unprecedented recovery, stability, security, real development, and tangible services in all parts of the country."

Al-Sudani continued: “We want to move to bilateral relations with the countries of the international coalition after the victory over ISIS, similar to the countries of the region, including security relations. The first meeting of the founding committee stipulated in the framework agreement will be held, and there will be periodic meetings of this committee.”

Regarding the tensions in the region, the Prime Minister pointed out that “Iran is a neighboring country with which we have common interests, and America is a strategic ally and our relationship with it is important,” explaining that “the relationship with Iran and the United States is an advantage for Iraq, and can be used to reduce tension, and this is what happened in every situation.” crises in the region.  LINK


 Mnt Goat  

... I am not sure why, but this Kuwaiti dinar has been in the news so much lately...Remember Dr. Shabibi told us that when Iraq does get reinstated its nominal rate will be no more than around 25% higher than the Kuwaiti dinar.  Remember this is when the Iraqi dinar finally settles down to its nominal after the onslaught by the market once reinstated for trading. Does this mean the Kuwaiti dinar could also revalue?

 ...quote – “the Kuwaiti dinar has maintained its position as the most expensive currency in the world for many years, and its exchange rate against the dollar is currently 1 to 3.25..."  ...

Will the Iraqi dinar over run the long-standing Kuwaiti dinar in its position as the most expensive currency in the world? ...we can clearly now see something BIG is about to happen to these currencies.

 Shafaq News Agency followed the data and tables issued by the Ministry of Finance in April for the January accounts of the current fiscal year, which showed that oil is still the main resource for Iraq’s general budget, reaching 89%, which indicates that the rentier economy is still the main basis of the country’s general budget...

the “rentier” economy is the oil economy of Iraqi. But...even with the “rentier” economy alone the Iraqi dinar can still maintain a realistic rate of at least $3 or more and this is not considering all the other assets and the 2/3 more oil Iraq is pumping and selling since 1991 when the dinar was just around $3


His advisor: Sudanese attention will focus on the economy during his meeting with the American President, 15 APRIL

 4/15/2024  Baghdad

 The financial advisor to the Iraqi Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed that Iraq is linked with the United States through cohesive ties and foundations, the principles of which were outlined in the strategic framework agreement signed between the two countries in 2008 and ratified by the Iraqi Parliament.

Saleh stated, in an interview followed by Mawazine News, that attention will be focused on providing a climate of promising opportunities through which major companies in the United States can contribute to major strategic development projects in Iraq, whether in the path of development or otherwise, especially in the fields of renewable energy, gas, and technology. Digital and basic federal projects in the areas of transportation, communications, agriculture, investment in natural resources and important aspects of the manufacturing industry.

According to the advisor, this is in addition to benefiting from higher education opportunities, obtaining academic seats in American universities, and accepting scholarships in fields that serve development and economic progress in Iraq.

He explained that what we see today of “positive developments” in the relationship between Iraq and the United States “will turn the page on the past and open a page based on direct economic relations and productive investment opportunities, with a first priority that precedes other priorities, including the establishment of solid banking relations between the two countries that will help them grow and prosper.” The current banking reform policy in our country will contribute to adding an element of strength to the financing relations between the two friendly countries.

Thus, Counselor Saleh believes that the economic aspect (investment, development, and financing) “will be activated for the first time in this broad form of the strategic framework agreement in order to be consistent with the data and principles of the program.” government in a way that serves the interest of stability and economic prosperity in Iraq.”   LINK


 Texas Snake, [04/14/2024, 8:05:12 p. m.]:

Should be interesting what occurs in DC this coming week with the Premier visiting Biden, rumors aare to watch Tuesday with a publication in the Gazzete whixh is their Wednesday.  We shall see!!!!!

Do I need to correct my spelling or do you get it?

Ok thank you folks for your attendance and participation

Am hearing this is possibly the most positive week we have are will have since this journey began

Will the US interfere with Iraq and prevent the dinar from a higher exch...BY PIMPY

With the participation of 100 companies from 13 countries...the oil, gas and energy exhibition activities will start tomorrow in Basra, 15 APRIL

 With the participation of 100 companies from 13 countries...the oil, gas and energy exhibition activities will start tomorrow in Basra


The activities of the Oil, Gas and Energy Exhibition will be launched in Basra Governorate tomorrow, Tuesday, sponsored by the Ministry of Oil and with the participation of 100 companies.

Basra International Exhibition Media and Relations Officer, Osama Majeed, told the National Iraqi News Agency ( NINA ) that all preparations for the opening of the Iraq Oil, Gas, Energy and Oil Equipment Exhibition, scheduled to be held for the period from 16 to 19 of this month, have ended. On the grounds of the Basra International Fair next Tuesday at 11 am. He added, "There are more than 100 local, Arab and international companies from 13 countries, including Iraq, Switzerland, the United States, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, France, Japan, Britain, Egypt, and the Emirates, with various specializations in oil and energy industry technology. They will participate in the exhibition."

Majeed pointed out that The exhibition will be open to visitors from eleven in the morning until five in the evening. LINK


 Sunday April 14, 2024

Rod Steel : He says
My friend talked to Patriot Rod Steel today and confirmed he talked to some title agents and they received funds.
More Rod details: "I was told paperwork has just been completed and the Admiral will release all Monday."
Rod continues: "The Iraqi government will release the new 'lower denomination' banknotes this week and then publish the new exchange rate (4+) which will be published in the Official Gazette on Sunday and then move to FOREX next Monday 22 April 1024.
My very close friend reviewed this information with two other contacts. Someone very close to the Admiral, who works alongside him daily. And the second gentleman is very close to those on the Bond side who are regularly aware of the details.
Both are also online with Rod's news, which is extremely encouraging. We also know Mark is listening to similar stories.
More from Ginger: I can't give details because I swore to secrecy, but I can say the documents were signed by people we know and others heard good news from the leaders of their groups on the T3 Bond side.
I personally don't know anyone in T3 who has cash to spend so far, but I'm very pleased with all the news we're getting. I am firm and steady, being optimistic.
translate spanish

domingo 14 de abril de 2024
Varilla de acero: Él dice. Mi amigo habló con Patriot Rod Steel hoy y confirmó que habló con algunos agentes de títulos y recibieron fondos.
Más detalles de Rod: "Me dijeron que se acaba de completar el papeleo y que el almirante saldrá en libertad todo el lunes". Rod continúa: "El gobierno iraquí publicará los nuevos billetes de 'menor denominación' esta semana y luego publicará el nuevo tipo de cambio (4+) que se publicará en el Boletín Oficial el domingo y luego pasará a FOREX el próximo lunes 22 de abril de 1024.
Mi amigo muy cercano revisó esta información con otros dos contactos. Alguien muy cercano al Almirante, que trabaja a su lado a diario. Y el segundo caballero es muy cercano a aquellos del lado de Bond que regularmente están al tanto de los detalles.
Ambos también están en línea con las noticias de Rod, lo cual es extremadamente alentador. También sabemos que Mark está escuchando historias similares.
Más de Ginger: No puedo dar detalles porque juré guardar el secreto, pero puedo decir que los documentos fueron firmados por personas que conocemos y otros escucharon buenas noticias de los líderes de sus grupos en el lado del Bond T3. Personalmente no conozco a nadie en T3 que tenga efectivo para gastar hasta ahora, pero estoy muy contento con todas las noticias que estamos recibiendo. Soy firme y estable, siendo optimista. Saludos hernán

Zimbabwe's New Currency Update Rate 13.56 GiZ to $1.00 BY SANDY INGRAM

The General Authority Of The National Bank Of Iraq Announces An Increase In Its Capital To 400 Billion Dinars And The Distribution Of Cash Dividends At A Rate Of (20%), 15 APRIL

 The General Authority Of The National Bank Of Iraq Announces An Increase In Its Capital To 400 Billion Dinars And The Distribution Of Cash Dividends At A Rate Of (20%)

Economy News – Baghdad  The General Authority of the National Bank of Iraq announced the approval of the Board of Directors’ recommendation to increase the bank’s capital from 300 billion Iraqi dinars to 400 billion dinars through the balance of retained earnings and distributing them as free shares to shareholders and working to amend Clause Five of the bank’s articles of incorporation, praising the policies and instructions of the Central Bank of Iraq.

Which was distinguished by its “flexibility and rapid response” to economic and political changes, while pointing out the completion of all technical requirements for launching the Swiss T24 system and preparing for the adoption of the anti-money laundering system “IML Sirion”.

The bank said in a statement received by Al-Eqtisad News that the general assembly of the bank approved, during its annual meeting, the distribution of cash dividends to shareholders at a rate of (20%) of the bank’s capital, in addition to the Board of Directors’ report and the financial statements of the National Bank of Iraq for the year 2023 and its future plans, especially those related to Financing the opening of 7 branches of the bank during the current year 2024 from retained earnings.

The Chairman of the Bank’s Board of Directors, Bassem Khalil Al-Salem, explained that “the Central Bank of Iraq’s monetary policies and banking instructions during the year 2023 were characterized by flexibility and rapid response to economic and political changes, which contributed to preserving the pillars of monetary stability and supporting exchange rate stability, which strengthened the role of the Iraqi banking sector and maintained... “Its durability, protected the rights of depositors and shareholders, and increased their confidence in the sector.”

Al-Salem pointed out that, “by the end of the year 2023, the National Bank of Iraq achieved distinguished financial performance, after recording net profits after tax of 190 billion Iraqi dinars, compared to 27.5 billion Iraqi dinars during the year 2022, and net interest income increased from 67.6 billion Iraqi dinars.”

To 99.8 billion Iraqi dinars, with a growth rate of 46%, and total income increased from 108.1 billion Iraqi dinars to 343.1 billion Iraqi dinars, with a growth rate of 217%,”

explaining that “these results reflect the effectiveness of the bank’s business strategy, which focuses on basic banking services, the most important of which are bank loans.” For individuals, large, medium and small companies and trade finance services for large companies.”

According to Al-Salem, “The volume of customer deposits increased from 1.5 trillion Iraqi dinars in the year 2022 to 2.9 trillion Iraqi dinars in the year 2023, with a growth rate of 90%, and the total direct credit facilities also increased from 951 billion Iraqi dinars to 1.3 trillion Iraqi dinars, with a growth rate of 38%.” %,” indicating that “this growth came as a result of the expansion of loans granted to the category of employees whose salaries were localized with the bank, in addition to small, medium and large companies.”

Al-Salem pointed out that “the growth of various financial indicators contributed to an increase in the bank’s assets by 65% ​​to reach about 3.9 trillion Iraqi dinars, the highest in the bank’s history,” pointing out that this increase reflects the growth in the volume of banking business, the increase in the bank’s market share, and the strengthening of its ability to provide banking services to its customers.

For his part, the authorized director of the National Bank of Iraq, Ayman Abu Dhaim, said, “The growth in the bank’s business also included a noticeable expansion in its customer base, which reached 210,000 customers in the year 2023, compared to 57,000 customers in the year 2022,” indicating “the expansion as well.” In the ATM network, adding 50 new machines around Iraq, bringing the total number to 190 machines.

Regarding geographical expansion, Abu Dhaim explained, “The bank opened 5 new branches in the year 2023, bringing the total to 31 branches, including one branch in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which provided great added value to Saudi and Iraqi companies by facilitating sending and receiving internal transfers.” Foreign affairs, granting credit facilities, and providing trade financing services.

Abu Dhaim stated, “The National Bank of Iraq opened a number of advanced centers for counting and sorting cash, and a section dedicated to external transfers to ensure the provision of distinguished service to the bank’s customers from large, medium and small companies,” explaining that the bank offers a variety of new products that meet the needs of its customers and enhance their banking experience.

 In addition to providing custodian services, after obtaining official approvals from both the Securities Commission and the Iraqi Stock Exchange, this service aims to protect Iraqi and foreign investors and provide them with all investment services.

At the level of international cooperation, Abu Dhaim pointed out that “the National Bank of Iraq opened a new account with JPMorgan and increased financial transactions with Citibank, in addition to signing a financing agreement with the US International Finance and Development Corporation (DFC),”

pointing to “a commitment The bank is keeping pace with the latest technological developments and enhancing information security and the efficiency of banking services, as it worked to complete all the technical requirements to launch the T24 banking system, the best and most modern in the world from the Swiss company Temenos, which was launched at the beginning of 2024.

We also made technical preparations to launch a new anti-money laundering management system (AML). Sirion".

Abu Dhaim stated, “The Iraqi National Installment Company began its work during the year 2023, as it provides car selling services in installments to customers whose salaries have been settled with the National Bank of Iraq.”

Regarding the bank’s future plans, Abu Dhaim confirmed that “the bank will continue to expand its branch network, which will be increased by 7 branches to reach 38 branches by the end of 2024. The ATM network will also be expanded and increased to reach 400 tellers, in addition to focusing on developing and marketing services.

” Electronic banking, increasing the bank’s share in financing trade for large companies, expanding the salary localization project and financing small and medium-sized companies, in addition to expanding the attraction of deposits from individuals, companies, and official government institutions, armed with the confidence the bank has gained in the banking sector supported by its financial results and advanced services.”   Views 137 04/14/2024 -



Sunday April 14, 2024

20:21 P.M. Time TEXAS USA

Texas Snake: Says

News of the visit of the Prime Minister of IRAQ to


It should be interesting what happens in DC next week with the Prime Minister's visit to Biden, the rumors will be seen on Tuesday with a publication in the Gazzete, which is Wednesday. We will see!!!!!

I've heard that this is possibly the most positive week we've had since this journey began.

The banker very much hopes to hear something tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest.





Domingo 14 Abril 2024
20:21 P. M. Hora TEXAS USA
Texas Snake : Dice
Noticia de la visita del primer ministro de IRAK a
Debería ser interesante lo que sucederá en DC la próxima semana con la visita del Primer Ministro a Biden, los rumores se verán el martes con una publicación en el Gazzete, que es el miércoles. ¡¡¡¡¡Veremos!!!!!
He oído que esta es posiblemente la semana más positiva que hemos tenido desde que comenzó este viaje.
El banquero tiene muchas esperanzas de escuchar algo mañana o el martes a más tardar.

Monopoly In Banking Services , 15 APRIL

 Monopoly In Banking Services 

 Economy News – Baghdad  Yasser Al-Metwally   In a remarkable step, there is a reading in the recent directives of the Prime Minister regarding stimulating the activity of the private banking sector, as an important paragraph indicated that the Council for Competition and Monopoly Affairs was authorized to take the necessary measures to prevent monopoly in banking services, and this is the paragraph that I stopped at and pondered a lot...

The title was striking and an unprecedented step that, if successful, will create a qualitative leap in the performance of the private banking sector and push it to return to practicing its basic activity of providing credit and loans aimed at achieving the required economic development.

I am certain that one of the most prominent reasons for the decline in the performance of the banking sector is its duties assigned to it by the Banking Law, which is the practice of the activity of banking services and products, such as deposits, credit, and lending, given that deposits are the basis of banking activity, but the government banking sector’s monopoly on banking services and the deprivation of private banks has created an imbalance in the performance of private banks. .

Among these services are government deposits, restricting them to government banks, and depriving private banks of benefiting from them in order to invest them in serving borrowers, which has limited them, and I mean private banks, to rely entirely on the currency window to conduct banking affairs.

Thus, these procedures contributed to neutralizing private banks from performing their development role and pushing them to deviate from their banking duties, and this language is understood by specialists.

If the Competition Affairs Council succeeds in this mission, the directives will bear fruit and achieve their goals.

This is at the level of government monopoly on banking services and its restriction to public (governmental) banks.

To be fair, a new phenomenon of monopoly in banking services has recently emerged, which is summed up by the reliance of a limited number of private banks on dealing in dollars, and this is what was imposed by the circumstances of collective sanctions on many private banks.

Here, the Competition Commission must take this aspect of monopoly seriously and search for means to dismantle this type of monopoly by some private banks, especially those with external partnerships. Note that I am not against participation and I do not target these banks,

but to be fair I say that it is unfair for banks participating with foreign countries, regardless of their nationality, to enjoy state funds and to deprive a number of steadfast Iraqi local banks that received a strong blow with penalties for various reasons, most of which are violations. Call them whatever you want and it is possible to address their deprivation. of dealing in dollars and affected its performance.

We hope that this phenomenon will be studied and fair measures will be taken so that banks are equal in their tasks and duties, that there will be no monopoly on banking services, and that an integrated and competitive banking market will be achieved at the same time.

Views 55 04/14/2024 -



Yesterday – Isreal   2 m ago  15:32  Shortly before news that Iran had started firing drones at Israel, a short video speech by Benjamin Netanyahu was posted on his X handle. 

There, the prime minister said Israel had been preparing for years for a possible direct attack by Iran and its defense systems were deployed and prepare for any scenario. Here’s a link to that video and the official translation that accompanied it.



Yesterday – Isreal   Israel war updates: Iran launches drones at Israel as tensions soar.  Iranian forces seize ship with ties to Israel in Strait of Hormuz amid escalating tension. |  USA Today


BREAKING: Iran Launches Strikes On Israel (Brace For Surging Oil!) | Youtube

Thus, nations that are actively at war experience a higher level of currency volatility compared to those not engaged in conflict.  How global events affect the forex market. | Investopedia


You have heard me say it before. Currency values have been known to change during wartime throughout history. Is history about to repeat itself? We are about to find out.

© Goldilocks

Big News!🚩Bankers Excited to Meet U.S. Treasury!🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates |...

Expert: The Central Bank Is An Obstacle To Sudanese Economic Directives, 15 APRIL

 Expert: The Central Bank Is An Obstacle To Sudanese Economic Directives

Economy | 04/13/2024  Mawazine News – Baghdad  The economic expert, Mustafa Akram Hantoush, confirmed today, Wednesday, that the Central Bank of Iraq is an obstacle due to its delay in implementing the economic directives of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani.

Hantoush told Mawazine News, “The Central Bank is standing in the way due to its delay in implementing the Prime Minister’s directives to launch the initiative for loans for small, medium and large projects, as well as residential ones.”

He added, "The current central bank policy will contribute to delaying the wheel of development by leaving the national banking sector and allowing foreign banks to enter the Iraqi market."

He pointed out that "Iraqi law sets the percentage of foreign ownership at 49%, while today we see many banks owned by foreigners at rates of more than 50%, which is against the law."



  • Sun. 14 April Texas Snake
  •  “Should be interesting what occurs in DC this coming week with the Premier visiting Biden, rumors are to watch Tues. 16 April with a publication in the Gazette, which is their Wed. 17 April.  …Am hearing this is possibly the most positive week we have are will have since this journey began. …Banker is most hopeful he will hear something tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest.”

Texas Snake, [04/06/2024, 8:04:35 p. m.]:

Have received multiple communications today that this is our month, most are settling on the 21st or 22nd as the actual announcement date with the appointments to exchange following. 

I have forwarded all these messages to my WF banker who will hopefully have some conclusions when he calls me in the morning with his latest update. 

I know Salty Toes is always concerned when I post such info as so many are at the very end of their ropes financially but this currency reorganization world wide is a fact happening.  Use discernment and continue to do your own research.  GOD Bless.

Thanks will just open her up.

Texas Snake, [04/06/2024, 9:56:02 p. m.]:

Was going to wait until the call was over but have time constraints

We appear to be in a gret placer folks 

They are supposed to announce the new values in country of the IQD on the 21 first

Have known the owner of Snoopy's sine he was in High School and we live on the main channel into Padre Isles riight down from his place.

Nothing more until I hear from the banker in the morning so will be back then