Tuesday, July 4, 2023


 Parliament is moving to launch a “bullet of mercy” for the disputes between Baghdad and Erbil

2023-07-03 06:36

Parliament is moving to launch a bullet of mercy for the disputes between Baghdad and ErbilShafaq News/ A member of the Oil and Gas Committee in the Iraqi parliament, Ali Abdul Sattar al-Mashkoor, suggested, on Monday, the approval of the oil and gas law during the current parliamentary session, considering the passage of this law as a “bullet of mercy” for all financial and oil disputes between Baghdad and Erbil.

The oil and gas law, which has been stalled in the Iraqi parliament since its first session until today, is one of the most prominent points on which a preliminary agreement was reached between the two sides, but there are signs of disagreement that may affect the possibility of passing it.

The oil and gas law in Iraq, which has been awaiting legislation in parliament since 2005, stipulates that the responsibility for managing the country’s oil fields must be entrusted to a national oil company, and it is supervised by a federal council specialized in this matter.

Al-Mashkoor told Shafaq News agency, “The oil and gas law has been returned to the cabinet to amend some of its paragraphs, pending the completion of the amendments and putting it to vote during the current parliamentary session.”

He added, “The law will regulate the oil and financial relationship between the provinces and districts and between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government,” stressing that “the main reason for spinning the wheel of the oil and gas law and its approval after 18 years of deportation and postponement, is to end the eternal dispute between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government.”

A member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee promised that the approval of the oil and gas law would be a “bullet of mercy” for all financial and oil disputes between Baghdad and Erbil.

Regarding the political differences that may arise in conjunction with passing the paragraphs of the law, Al-Mashkoor believed that “every law is not devoid of existing political differences and tensions, and it is not possible to reach absolute acceptance by all parties of the enacted laws.”



 Cuatro de julio Café con MarkZ. 04/07/2023

Miembro: Feliz Día de la Independencia
Miembro: "Estados Unidos no se construyó sobre el miedo. Estados Unidos se construyó sobre el coraje, la imaginación y una determinación insuperable para hacer el trabajo que tenía entre manos". — Harry S. Truman
Miembro: El RV de hoy para todos sería un gran Día de la Independencia.
Miembro: ¡Quién sabe lo que podría traer el día! ¡Podría ser emocionante!
Miembro: ¡Quiero grandes explosiones y fuegos artificiales masivos y no cosas brillantes!
MZ: Todos con los que hablé esperan que las cosas sucedan el día 5. Miraremos a ver si pasa algo por la mañana.
MZ: Si por casualidad recibimos noticias de última hora hoy, se lo haré saber a todos. Por Telegram, La Verdad y Twitter.
MZ: En este momento está tranquilo en el lado de los bonos, el lado del grupo y un silencio absoluto de Reno. Muchos están ocupados con las celebraciones del 4 de julio... Sería un buen momento para meterse en el RV. Nadie lo espera hoy.
Miembro: ¡MarkZ IMO antes de que abran el presupuesto deben tener una nueva tarifa!
Miembro: ¿Nader dice Irak en Forex?
MZ: Nader publicó uno que fue muy interesante. Asegúrate de ir a escuchar y darle me gusta y compartirlo. En conclusión, dijo que el IQD está en el forex porque es una moneda negociable... este fue un buen recordatorio...
MZ: Las expectativas son altas…..otro informe bueno y sólido de Militiaman….asegúrese de verlo. Dice que estamos muy cerca y que Irak está listo para el cambio de valor.
Miembro: Mark, ¿hay algo de verdad en la historia que circula de que el RV no puede o no sucederá hasta mediados de agosto, cuando los BRICS se respalden oficialmente como Gold Asset?
Miembro: Todo es posible..
Miembro: Edward of Ocala dijo que el Tesoro debería anunciar USN respaldado por oro hoy.
MZ: "Los BRICS clave se reúnen esta semana para discutir la expansión " Son un jugador masivo en el mundo... Esto los empuja a más de la mitad del PIB de todo el mundo. Se reunirán esta semana en Durbin….
MZ: “ 41 países listos para aceptar la moneda BRICS un mes antes de la cumbre ” Están ocupados en este momento estableciendo el marco de lo que los países deben hacer para unirse.
Miembro: ¿FedNow es bueno o malo?
MZ: No sabemos... es una herramienta que puede usarse para cualquiera... Es un sistema de entrega. Podría usarse con el nuevo QFS o el CBDC.




 The Iraqi government adopted the White Paper for Economic Reform prepared by the Crisis Cell for Financial and Fiscal Reform in October 2020.

The White Paper is a comprehensive programme that sets out a clear roadmap to reform the Iraqi economy and address the accumulated, decades-old serious challenges that confront it.

The White Paper identified two overarching strategic objectives. The first is to initiate an immediate reform programme to address the budget deficit to create a fiscal space to give time for the process of implementing the other wider reforms over the medium term.

The second objective is to put the economy and the federal budget on a sustainable path, after which Iraqis can decide and choose the economic direction of the country.

The Iraqi government is preparing to begin the implementation phase of its reform program known as the White Paper for Economic Reform.

This phase will focus on the implementation mechanisms and on the fulfilment of the objectives and the vision outlined by the White Paper.

The implementation phase consists of:

  • Putting in place governance, oversight, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure that the reform process is administrated and managed effectively under the direction and guidance of strong and competent leadership which will have a direct link to the Prime Minister, with the aim of equipping the implementation team with the necessary authority to carry out the reform programme, providing vigorous oversight of the implementation process, and ensuring coordination between different governmental institutions
  • Translating the vision of the White Paper for Economic Reform into a practical program for delivering 64 projects and for ensuring their implementation in an integrated and coherent manner by specifying detailed procedures for each project, setting a specific timeline for progress and identifying the state entity which will be responsible for carrying out each project.

The White Paper for Economic reform enjoys the support of the international community as reflected by the establishment of the Iraq Economic Contact Group (IECG) whose mission is to provide the support needed for the economic reform process in Iraq within the framework of the White Paper. The IECG includes, in addition to Iraq, the G7 group of industrialised countries, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the European Union.

So, what do we know about the “White Paper” and how can this be used to try to detect a timeframe for the revaluation (reinstatement) of the Iraqi dinar? That is the million dollar question (literally) and the answer lies in understanding the timeframes for the implementation of each category of the White Paper. 

When trying to tackle these kind of problems I always like to write down exactly what I know first, then back into where each item may take us. So what do I (we) know? 

1.We know that the project to delete the zeros is in the White Paper and is a critical part of the financial reforms.

2.We know that by implementing the project to delete the zeros it will lead to the reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar on FOREX. We then know that this leads us to the bank to exchange our dinar. We can not exchange until the rate is reinstated and OFAC sanctions are lifted off the dinar. OFAC sanctions are put on the Iraqi currency by the US Treasury so to say they are now just waiting to “go ahead” (for almost 7 years now) is a lie, as they must first lift the sanctions. Can they do this simultaneously. Yes and it could happen quickly. 

3.We know they just told us in this week’s news August 10th 2021 articles update that they fully intend to implement EVERY item within the White Paper and do it in 5 years. That does not mean it will take 5 years for every item just that they will need 5 years to complete all items. 

4.We know that they just told us in this week’s news August 10th 2021 that they are phasing out the implementation and are now chunking our the items in priority. The White Paper anticipates that the short and medium-term objectives and associated reforms will require between 3 to 5 years to implement.

5.We know that over the last decade the CBI has told us multiple times that they were going ahead with the project to delete the zeroes only to “postpone” (not cancel) the project later and set a future date for it. Again the future date gets postponed again. So we know this project is important and is a higher priority item on the White Paper. 

So, this draws us to a few conclusions: 

1.We must first know the categories and timeframe they are chunking out the implementation of the White Paper, thus getting our hands on the most recent copy of the White Paper. 

2.Then follow the news in Iraq to get a handle on how they are implementing it. Of course, having an updated implementation schedule would be our best case. Maybe Iraq might even publish this for us in the near future and so we watch and keep a close eye on the news for it. I will add it to this section on his site, if it does come out. So come back often and check.

So this is all we know for now. This White Paper will progress over the weeks and months. Pay attention to read my newsletter. Please, please stay away from this intel guru bullshit. LINK


July fourth Coffee with MarkZ. 07/04/2023

July fourth Coffee with MarkZ. 07/04/2023

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Happy Independence Day 

Member: "America was not built on fear. America was built on courage, on imagination and an unbeatable determination to do the job at hand."— Harry S. Truman

Member: The RV today for everyone would make a great Independence Day.

Member: Who knows what the day might bring! Might be exciting!

Member: I want some big booms and massive fireworks and not from sparkly things!

MZ:   Everyone I talked to is squarely expecting things to happen on the 5rh.  We will watch and see if anything happens in the morning 

MZ: If by any chance we get breaking news today I will let you all know. By Telegram, Truth and Twitter. 

MZ: Right now it is quiet on the bond side, group side and  dead silent from Reno. Many are busy with July 4th celebrations…..Would be a good time to squeeze in the RV. Nobody is expecting it today. 

Member: MarkZ IMO before they open the budget they must have a new rate!!!

Member:  Nader says Iraq on Forex?

MZ: Nader posted one  that was very interesting.  Be sure to go listen and like and share it. He said in conclusion the IQD is on the forex because it’s a tradable currency ….this was a good reminder …

MZ: Expectations are high…..another good solid report from Militiaman…..be sure to watch it. He says we are super close and Iraq is ready for the value change. 

Member:  Mark, any truth to the story circulating that the RV can’t or won’t happen until Mid August, when BRICS officially goes Gold Asset backed?

Member: Anything is possible..

Member: Edward of Ocala said treasury should announce gold backed USN today.

MZ: “Key BRICS meet this week to disccuss expansion”   They are a massive player in the world …This pushes them to well over half the GDP of the entire world. They are meeting this week in Durbin….

MZ: “41 countries ready to accept BRICS  currency a month before the summit”  They are busy right now laying out the framework of what countries have to do to join. 

Member: Is FedNow good or bad?

MZ: We don’t know…..it is a tool that can be used for either …It’s a delivery system. It could be used with the new QFS or the CBDC’s. 

Member:   Think FED NOW as a tool. As a tool it is neither good or bad; it is the intent of the person using the tool.

Member: As far as the FED Now goes, see who's pushing it and that will let you know which side its on.

Member: Simon Parkes said on his update, watch the 10th of July , and the 20th as well, we will wait and see RV family

Member:  Happy 4th of July! Hopefully this will be the month of moving forward to a new world without lies and corruption !

Member: Be safe tonight everyone …drink responsibly……God Bless us all 

Member: Markz , moderators, and fellow patriots, I pray that you all have a safe and happy Independence day. I also pray that all of our troubles are over soon.

Markz will be on rumble on SATURDAYS ONLY so he can speak his mind. You will find him on YouTube during the week.


Note From PDK: I will be traveling for the next week or so. I may or may not be able to transcribe Marks Podcasts or they may be later than usual….Be sure to listen to his daily calls for all of his intel and opinions……..Thank you 


 Former parliament decision: Passing the oil law is enough to end all the problems of Iraq

Former parliament decision - Passing the oil law is enough to end all the problems of IraqInformation / Baghdad…
Former Parliamentary Rapporteur Muhammad al-Khalidi confirmed, on Sunday, that Iraq’s most complex crises would end immediately after the adoption of the oil and gas law.
Al-Khalidi said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, “The oil and gas law is one of the pending legislations since 4 parliamentary sessions due to political differences, and if it is approved, most of the complex problems will end.”
He added, “Five important points must be available to proceed with approving the law, the most prominent of which is political consensus, defining export and management mechanisms, the quantities produced from each field, and the powers and quotas of the provinces.”
Al-Khalidi pointed out that “approving the law according to a consensual formula will be in the interest of everyone without exception and end the dispute between the center and the Kurdistan region.”
He continued, “Iraq’s dependence on what is known as the rentier economy is a dangerous step in light of the rapid changes in the energy sector, indicating the emergence of solutions regarding the energy file that may push oil prices down at record rates, which constitutes a source of embarrassment for the country’s budget, which relies 90% on revenues from the sale of oil.”

Evening News with MarkZ 07/03/2023

Frank 26 …..7-3-23…….SUDANI IS IN FULL CONTROL


 Judy Note:

  • On Sat. 1 July the gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System activated Worldwide, while by August the Deep State’s Federal Reserve would try to release FedNow – their Great Reset Fiat Digital Currency Web of Control and Surveillance over The People.

Global Currency Revaluation:

  • On Fri. June 30 2023 the US Federal Reserve and US Treasury, unable to pay the Global Repository back quadrillions owed, was asked to hand over all their assets.
  • On Sat. 1 July International Financial Markets transformed into a digital asset-based economy. The new Quantum Financial System interfaced in computers around the World to coordinate currency transactions through International Payment System ISO 20022.
  • After the EID holiday ended on Sat. 1 July the Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset, the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was implemented into the Iraqi Budget.
  • Also on Sat. 1 July the fiat US Dollar transferred into a gold/asset-backed US Note.
  • On Sun. 2 July about 5 pm EST the Dinar Rate on the Forex went public. A live Foreign Currency Converter showed the new Dinar Rate was slowly climbing upward in value:1,000,000 IQD to USD – Iraqi Dinars to US Dollars Exchange Rate (xe.com)
  • Khan Baba: Iraqi Dinar $4.86 International Rate: https://dinardetectives.com/khan-baba-111/
  • On Mon. 3 July the US economy was set to implode as SOFR, Libor and many nations dumped their US Treasuries.
  • On Tues. 4 July the Quantum Financial System would be fully integrated worldwide. Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) was expected to be notified to set exchange and redemption appointments according to Bruce.
  • Wed. 5 July was the first day Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) could go in for exchanges according to Bruce.
  • Former BlackRock employee: “The global fiat currencies are about to fail! If this collapse is imminent, it just means one thing from my perspective. The RV is right around the corner. RV stands for the revaluation of the current currencies. This is the birthing of a new financial system on the horizon.  The new currency will be backed by gold. No more inflations and no more making money from thin air. I can’t wait for this to happen. What an exciting time to be living in.”



...everyone is sitting at the ready…and the anticipation on the banking side as of yesterday they are still expecting some kind of announcement this week…they don’t know what that means as to when we go in…but, they have anticipation. We all hope it is accurate. …I think its highly “doable” and reasonable we see an 

Frank26 (KTFA)

All of you that are going to exchange your dinars into American dollars, where are those dinars going? Into our U.S. Treasury.  You think we can pay off the deficit Yeah in a blink of an eye

“We’re gonna see the 800 number soon  Frank?”

There is no 800 number…you want an 800 number? Take your credit cared, turn it around…there’s the 800 number for your bank.

 Call them when this thing happens and see what their rate is.  Want a universal 800#?  Call the U.S. Treasury…don’t do it now!  Wait till it happens.  But for there to be 1 number for every bank, every exchange institution, that’s an insanity even to consider.


In the 1930’s…You used to be able to get $4.86 for every Iraqi dinar you had.  This continued on up until…1950’s.  Then all of a sudden the value started to go down for decades.  Once you got to about 1971…$2.80…Then it went back up…$3.22…Then in 1973…$3.39.  This continued to about 1980…and has been in a steady decline ever since…

I agree it would be nice if they had a stronger currency.  I think it’d be more helpful.  They just don’t have the right things in place in order for them to jump up to a high exchange rate.  That’s why I said you’re going to see them doing it in increments.  It’s impossible for them to jump right into $3.22…All it takes is one small thing to happen within the oil market and it would totally collapse the entire economy.


MilitiaMan (KTFA)

There’s some squabbling going on who’s going to control the Iraq exchange rate that’s been going on in the parallel market…they have to change some things because it hasn’t been quite working …What would cure the parallel market is obvious to everybody.  It’s an exchange rate change.  Something significantly stronger than the dollar would clear it up…They’ve said yesterday the situation has become more urgent to adopt new approaches that focus on blocking illegal channels and providing the facilities and flexibility required for legitimate currency trading markets.


We expect the dinar to rise gradually as a result of the success and growth of their economy as a result of the private sector investment and the increase in their own GDP Iraq would make the dinar the main currency in Iraq which they’re beginning to do.  They need to continue this transition to the digital dinar…