Monday, September 25, 2023

The ceo of the CBI risk to get fired BY NADER FROM MID EAST

Shiite Coordination Framework discusses PM's New York visit and Khor Abdullah issue, 25 SEPT

Shiite Coordination Framework discusses PM's New York visit and Khor Abdullah issue, 25 SEPT

 Shafaq News/ On Monday, the Shiite Coordination Framework (CF) held its regular meeting with Prime Minister Mohammad Shia Al-Sudani today. The framework convened to discuss key issues, including the Prime Minister's recent visit to New York to participate in the 78th United Nations General Assembly session and the ongoing Khor Abdullah crisis with Kuwait.

The Khor Abdullah crisis has been a significant point of contention in recent weeks.

On September 4, the Federal Supreme Court of Iraq, Iraq's highest judicial authority, declared the law ratifying the Khor Abdullah maritime navigation agreement with Kuwait unconstitutional. This decision sparked a diplomatic row between the two countries.

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs officially protested against the Federal Court's ruling, delivering a note of protest to the Iraqi Ambassador to Kuwait. The protest highlights Kuwait's dissatisfaction with the court's decision to rescind the agreement regulating maritime navigation in Khor Abdullah.

The Khor Abdullah Agreement, signed in 2012 and ratified by Iraq in 2013, is crucial in regulating maritime navigation in the narrow strait that connects the Persian Gulf to the Gulf of Basra. It serves as Iraq's primary access point to the Gulf and facilitates the flow of its oil exports.


 Sandy Ingram

  Article:  "Summary of Iraqi Prime Minister's Schedule at the UN General Assembly September 2023".  The Prime Minister of Iraq addressed the UN General Assembly this past week in New York City...He had a one-on-one meeting with US Secretary of State...He also met with US companies  on Thursday...

In his speech to the general assembly..he said the country has become a safe environment for investors focusing on eradicating corruption and is committed to international law...The PM told the general assembly everything they wanted to hear.  He called Iraq a key player in the global marketplace  and said other countries cannot use Iraq as a central point to hurt either Iran or Turkey.


 I would like to think this "Jolly Farm's" ride is about to come to an end soon.  With all the meetings with the UST, WTO, AMF, travels back and forth between countries, contracts being signed, countries pouring in to do business, Iraq to be the leader in the middle east and so on and so forth, this cannot drag out...I'm personally looking for this soon, not months down the road, as international business, if all true, won't stand for it.


A representative reveals the reason for his request to host the Prime Minister in Parliament: The dollar has burdened the citizen, 25 SEPT

 A representative reveals the reason for his request to host the Prime Minister in Parliament: The dollar has burdened the citizen


Independent MP Hadi Al-Salami revealed today, Monday, that he had submitted a request to host Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani in Parliament to discuss the repercussions of the dollar exchange rate.

Al-Salami said in a statement to Al-Mutala’ Agency, “A request was submitted to the Presidency of Parliament to host Prime Minister Mohamed Al-Sudani, based on the supervisory role and the legal provisions in the Constitution and internal regulations, to ask an oral question regarding not replacing the Governor of the Central Bank and to discuss the repercussions of the dollar exchange rate.”

He added, "The date for hosting the Sudanese has not yet been determined, and we are waiting for it to be determined," noting that "the dollar exchange rate has burdened the citizen, and the Central Bank and other executive bodies have not been able to control it."

 He explained, "The session hosting the Prime Minister witnesses his demand to dismiss the Governor of the Central Bank due to his failure to carry out the tasks assigned to him." LINK

Iraq, Egypt, and Jordan collaborate on multiple fronts, 25 SEPT

Iraq, Egypt, and Jordan collaborate on multiple fronts, 25 SEPT

Shafaq News / The foreign ministers of Iraq, Egypt, and Jordan convened in a judicious meeting, delving into the realms of political and economic collaboration.

The three parties charted the imperative course of action to consummate the ongoing projects among the three nations. This accord was resoundingly declared today by the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The ministry expounded on the proceedings of the gathering, where the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sameh Shoukry, played host to Jordan's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates, Ayman Safadi, and Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussein. The meeting was held on the sidelines of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly.

The statement further elucidated the tripartite foreign ministers' deliberations, which encompassed the strategic activation of cooperation across diverse sectors, both economic and political. It was unanimously underscored that expeditious project completion, coupled with the inception of novel initiatives, was paramount.

These initiatives spanned a broad spectrum encompassing electric grid interconnection, renewable energy, telecommunications, commerce, industry, transportation, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, housing, reconstruction, as well as domains pertaining to culture, tourism, youth, sports, and security and defense cooperation.

Furthermore, the statement underscored the ministers' collective contemplation of the regional landscape, with a firm resolve to uphold the principles of security and stability therein. The Palestinian issue, deemed the central predicament, featured prominently in their discourse, as they affirmed the inalienable, non-negotiable rights of the Palestinian people.

In a concerted effort to alleviate the Syrian crisis, the ministers discussed avenues toward a resolution, particularly through the endeavors of the Arab Contact Group, with a paramount focus on advancing the welfare of the Syrian populace and terminating their protracted ordeal.

Concluding their deliberations, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated the ministers' unanimous commitment to perpetuate coordination in anticipation of the forthcoming tripartite summit scheduled to convene in Cairo. It is worth recalling that the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, played host to the last trilateral summit in June 2021, attesting to the enduring partnership among the three nations.


 Nader From The Mid East  

The HCL they start payment tomorrow and it goes all the way to 28th to 8th of October for 10 days.  They're gonna pay people.

 My boss [Prime Minister Sudani] back home let see what his decisions

[Response to needing documents to exchange] 

 "Hey, get your documents/papers ready"  What documents?

  What papers

 ...You can change any money in the world you don't need any documents besides the passport, drivers license or ID.  You don't need anything else even if you have 50 million of them.


 Al-Sudani wraps up his visit with the United Nations General Assembly...He was supposed to meet with Biden but my understand is that they did not meet but he did speak with a couple of his staff members. 

  I'm sure by now he must have some kind of idea how this [Thursday's] vote's gonna go...on whether or not they reverse the authorization of military use over there in Baghdad.  I'm wondering if there was any kind of stipulations or agreements that were made one way or the other but next week we're going to find out.

We know they've been working on reforming their banking system so it could work with international financial system. 

 If they de-dollarize, get rid of the capital controls and they can have access to international financial systems, outside investors would come from all over to invest in Iraq.  You could see the Iraqi dinar jump up pretty good.

We know that the Iraq dinar is much more valuable currency, how much of an impact it's 

[The US House of Representatives will hold a session next week to cancel the authorization for the invasion of Iraq]  going to have on Iraqi dinar remains to be seen. 

 Like I said I don't want to promise anything but I think then we could see some much bigger jumps in the value if outside investors start coming in  because the authorization has been reversed, if these restriction are removed off the Iraqi dinar then we can see some huge jumps.  

 Things are starting to look up, this is awesome...Prosperity is definitely on its way to Iraq.  I'm pretty sure I know what's on everybody's mind - When will the dinar change?

  I get it why people are excited but things have to be implemented.  They have to be already in play before you start to see some changes happening. 

Al-Sudani: Electronic payment is one of the most important financial reform measures of the government, 25 SEPT

 Al-Sudani: Electronic payment is one of the most important financial reform measures of the government

Today, Sunday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired a special meeting to follow up on the implementation of the unified treasury account and electronic payment.

The Prime Minister’s Media Office stated in a statement, a copy of which was received by NRT Arabic, that “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani chaired today a meeting devoted to discussing and following up on the steps for implementing the unified treasury account, and completing the application of electronic card/POS payment points, as well as discussing the facilities and incentives that It can be provided to citizens who use electronic payment, with the aim of encouraging them to do so.”

He explained, "The Prime Minister listened to a comprehensive presentation on the measures taken in this path, the rates of progress and requirements, as he stressed the necessity of continuing to hold meetings with technicians and specialists to remove the sanctions."

He pointed out during the meeting that, “These steps are among the most important financial, banking and economic reform measures, which the government is focusing on as a priority in its program.”  ink 

Podcast Will Bank Stocks Be the Next Hot Stocks

Watch for future meetings with America to arrange the withdrawal of its forces from Iraq, 25 sept

 Watch for future meetings with America to arrange the withdrawal of its forces from Iraq

Security expert Fadel Abu Ragheef confirmed on Monday that the joint Iraqi-American committee will soon hold its meetings in order to arrange the withdrawal of the American army from Iraq. 

Abu Ragheef said in a statement to Al-Maalouma, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, during his visit to the United States of America to participate in the annual session of the United Nations, was keen to make the file of ending the presence of international coalition forces a priority in his files.” 

He added, "An agreement was reached between the government side and the American side to form a joint committee to reschedule and organize the presence of advisors," noting that "the committee will hold its meetings in the coming days to arrange the withdrawal."

Abu Ragheef explained, “The Sudanese stressed the necessity of reorganizing the presence of the international coalition and demanding that Iraq be provided with modern weapons and equipment and that members of the security forces undergo courses to raise the efficiency of the combat level, as well as providing Iraq with security information to activate the intelligence aspect.” 

 The Prime Minister announced several days ago that his government had received a draft of a memorandum of understanding from the US Department of Defense, indicating that the draft is currently under study by the Iraqi Ministry of Defense related to the form of the relationship between Iraq and the international coalition.    link


 Militia Man 

 Al-Sudani came home from the United States of America.  He showcased his presentation.  He did it very very well, professionally, turns out people felt he was a statesman all around the world.  When it comes down to it are you going to do a tripartite budget at 1310?  The answer is probably 100% IMO no...

There's a total shift and a move to expose Iraq.  What are they doing?  They're creating confidence.  They're going to create liquidity...Iraq is gearing for a global financial system mechanism that's gonna provide liquidity to the world. 

They're really serious about this investing aspect of Iraq...The meeting with the US Secretary of State discussed the activation of the Strategic Framework Agreement, the entry of American companies and the resumption of oil exports through the Turkish port...They're going to help Iraq to be supportive of their currency and the value of that currency because all the income streams are going to be able to support Iraq to get investment projects done...

 Iraq has been in the UN in New York since the 18th...doing things like The Path of Development which is going to shape the face of Iraq's county in the next stage...It's going to be a post oil era...their path to prosperity and growth...Sudani coming to New York is an instrumental step and we'll see if that is THE step that is going to be the beginning...        

Sudani Quote from UN speech "The time has come for Iraq to take its natural place in the International community..."  Sudani is saying it's time for us to  open up to the world...He said it to the the World....Iraq is going international how can you deny it?  It's completely phenomenal...

Truth - Iraq Dinar - Exchange Rate -BY MILITIAMAN

Al-Moussawi: Al-Sudani’s visit to New York opened the door to foreign investment in Iraq, 25 SEPT

 Al-Moussawi: Al-Sudani’s visit to New York opened the door to foreign investment in Iraq

Al-Moussawi - Al-Sudanis visit to New York opened the door to foreign investment in IraqInformation/Baghdad..
The representative of the Sadiqoun bloc, Zainab Jumah al-Moussawi, confirmed today, Sunday, that the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to New York opened the door to foreign investment in Iraq.
Al-Moussawi said in a statement received by the Al-Ma’louma Agency, “The visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, to attend the meetings of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, will open the door for foreign companies to invest in Iraq.”
She added, “We noticed the influx of heads of state to the Prime Minister’s residence, which is evidence of the eagerness of those countries to enter Iraqi lands to invest in them.”
Al-Moussawi called for “removing obstacles to the entry of foreign investors into Iraq,” indicating that “investments in various sectors contribute to improving the infrastructure and superstructure and absorbing unemployment rates in addition to the entry of foreign currency into the country.”

Baghdad And Washington Are Negotiating About Linking The Iraqi Market And Currency To The Dollar, 25 SEPT

Baghdad And Washington Are Negotiating About Linking The Iraqi Market And Currency To The Dollar

Posted On2023-09-25 By Sotaliraq    Baghdad and Washington are negotiating about linking the Iraqi market and currency to the dollar 20230924152721_original_45The Iraqi Foreign Minister, Dr. Fouad Hussein, confirmed that the provisions of the security agreement recently signed between Iraq and Iran have been fully implemented by the Iraqi side.

Hussein explained that the terms of the agreement were fully implemented by the Iraqi side, with regard to the return of militants present on the border between the two countries in the Kurdistan Region to refugee camps.

Regarding the political and security importance of this agreement, Hussein stressed that Iran’s cessation of bombing areas in the Kurdistan Region was a condition of the agreement, in exchange for removing militants from the border, which the federal government did in cooperation with the Kurdistan Regional Government, in an “important and successful” process for both sides. .

Regarding the possibility of signing a similar agreement with Turkey regarding the presence of Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) militants, whom Ankara demands to be removed from the border, Hussein stated that Baghdad has always been in favor of dialogue, hoping for “intensive dialogue by the same means” with the Turkish side.

The Iraqi diplomat says that Ankara has not yet made room to discuss solutions to this problem in another way, far from the use of weapons and violence.

The Iraqi minister denied the existence of any agreement with Turkey to allow it to carry out repeated strikes on PKK militants in northern Iraq.

Regarding relations with the United States, Hussein said that the recent Iraqi-American discussions focused on bilateral relations and joint work in the fields of economy, energy, health and security, noting that the American-Iraqi relations are distinguished and have expanded to include various fields, after they were based on security and military cooperation, pointing out that Washington's support for the Iraqi position in the international arena, and for economic reform and development in the country.

The Iraqi official revealed that among the important files raised at the level of dialogue with Washington is “the issue of linking the Iraqi market and currency to the dollar and the flows of American currency into the country,” noting that it is “a financial and banking issue related to the financial and economic situation of Iraq.”

Regarding whether security issues related to armed groups affiliated with Iran were among the files discussed, he said, “We did not discuss this issue, and all groups are subject to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, that is, to the orders of the Iraqi Prime Minister.”

 Regarding the relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran, the spokesman indicated that the two countries have declared and strong relations, after the exchange of ambassadors and visits by the two foreign ministers, indicating that Baghdad played a role in the restoration of their relations, but the discussions between them are now direct.

Regarding relations with Kuwait, the spokesman explained that the Iraqi Prime Minister held an “important meeting” with his Kuwaiti counterpart, during which he stressed “Iraq’s full commitment to all Security Council resolutions, bilateral agreements, and respect for Kuwait’s sovereignty.” LINK

Coffee with MarkZ 09/25/2023

MarkZ Monday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Happy Monday everyone!

Member: I know I say this every week….but may this be the RV week we have been waiting for. 

Member: Let's see what happens in this last week of September.

Member: Remember It’s also the last week of the third quarter and the last week of the 2023 fiscal year……

MZ: There are a number of articles and comments that we are to expect some kind of announcement out of Iraq on Tuesday…on how they plan to handle the exchange rate. Perhaps this means they are still fighting the rate in the parallel market…or perhaps it is our full blown revaluation. But we are expecting some kind of announcement on the value of the Iraqi dinar to the US dollar. 

MZ: “ Iraq will restrict all internal transactions to Iraqi Dinars next year.”  This was just yesterday our of Rueters. This is all part f the de-dollarization and the belief that the dinar will be worth more than the dollar….

MZ: We continue to get interesting articles on BRICS. “Brics will change the world…slowly” . I believe it will be slowly, slowly, slowly…SUDDENLY.  BRICS has become a juggernaut until it gets where it wants to go. We are watching the world change right in front of us…

Member: Follow the yellow BRICS

MZ: I like that one. 

MZ: Bond rumors are very quiet for me this morning. I am waiting for updates but have not heard from them since Friday. They have done a good job cracking down on any leaks in that community. And cracking down on any leaks from groups and group leaders as well. 

Member: If they signed NDA’s- They are being quiet for a very good reason. 

Member: Whatever happened to Isaac? He quit posting

MZ: I guarantee you the same thing that happened to 99 % of other bond holders…They have been silenced on leaks. 

Member: Sure been a lot of gurus saying it's done ???

Member:  I read Iraq entry into the WTO on October 4th. Possible EBS October 4th. coincidence

Member:  why would they "announce an EBS" weeks in advance? That kind of thing will not be announced, it would come by surprise.

Member:  Does the QFS have the gold and money in it and READY to go forward??

Member: Fox news was discussing debt forgiveness of loans, mortgages and credit cards over the weekend NESARA !!!

Member:  Bank story , Saturday afternoon I went to pick up Pizzas and there is a Wells Fargo in the Plaza, and noticed it was Packed with cars . Never anyone there, just Packed. !!! People coming in and out!!

Member:  I heard on a podcast yesterday that the QFS has officially taken over all bank accounts as of last Friday. 9/22/2023

Member:  Did you all hear the rumor from Wolverine say that London announcing the Quantum system at midnight?

Member: both Nader and Militiaman had good videos last night

MZ: Yes they did….

Member:  Nader indicated that we should see something this week

MZ: Yes he is very hopeful we will see something this week. This coincides with a number of articles and clips coming out of Iraq. 

Member:  That Nadar video of Sudani leaving NYC with an escort and then landing back in Iraq with Red Carpet....sure looked like he was a man on a mission that was accomplished and was celebrating!!!

Member: MilitiaMan said oil might go as high as $150 a barrel.

MZ: Yes…there is a good chance we will see that. Militiaman talked about this article..”Deposit of 250 Billion dinars by Rafidain Bank in the account of the ministry of finance of the  Kurdistan region”  There was a tremendous amount of progress over the weekend in the Kurdish region …agreements, funds , money and actual deposits.

MZ: MilitiaMan said the money is in the budget to spend but they have been holding off distributing that money……why?  Would they hold it off if they knew the dinar was about to have a new value???

Member:  I feel bad for some of the ppl in Iraq as some have not been paid for a month or two. Some teachers are even on strike until they get their money

Member:  I listen to Nader and MMan every day so exciting what Iraq's Sudani and team are doing

Member: When do you head back to Pueroto Rico Mark?

MZ: I head back the first week of October. I really hope to have exchanged by then. I know we don’t know the exact timing…but, it sure feels good this week. 

Member:  You are watching amazing progress happening...more than ever...hang in there...Our Worldwide RAINBOW is AHEAD

Member: Thanks Mark and Mods for all you encouragement……see you all tonight 


Coffee with MarkZ 09/25/2023

Economic calls to follow new measures to restore the dollar exchange rate, 25 SEPT

 Economic calls to follow new measures to restore the dollar exchange rate

Economic calls to follow new measures to restore the dollar exchange rateInformation / Exclusive:
Economic expert Nabil Al-Ali confirmed on Sunday that putting an end to the rise in the exchange rate of the US dollar requires new diplomatic measures, while pointing to the most prominent challenge of not declining the exchange rate.
Al-Ali said in a statement to “Al-Ma’louma” that “the most prominent challenge facing the Central Bank of Iraq regarding the continued rise in the dollar exchange rate is its inability to find a way to address foreign trade transfers,” noting that “addressing these challenges requires a diplomatic effort to convince the US Federal Reserve to set a value.” specific for commercial exchange.
He added, “The Central Bank’s measures to grant travelers abroad the exchange of three thousand dollars at the official rate are incorrect and will not work.”
The economic expert called on the government to “intensify its diplomatic efforts to move to obtain approvals from the US Federal Reserve to open a financial transfer platform worth 30 to 40 million dollars per day.”
Washington continues to create crises and create chaos through its malicious cards that it uses from time to time, as America continues to obstruct Iraq’s progress through many files, most notably the dollar.

Parliamentary Finance: The Dollar Crisis Is On Its Way To A Final Solution, 25 SEPT

 Parliamentary Finance: The Dollar Crisis Is On Its Way To A Final Solution

USD-Iraqi dinarEarth News/ The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed today, Sunday, that the dollar crisis is on its way to a final solution, due to the presence of a real government movement towards this issue.
Committee member Moin Al-Kazemi told Earth News, “There is an unannounced government movement to end the dollar crisis and the rise in the exchange rate in the parallel market, with a large difference from the official rate, and this movement is witnessing great progress.”
Al-Kadhimi stated, “The crisis of the rise in the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market will witness a final solution during the coming period, but this matter needs some time, and the monetary authority in the Iraqi state is working on that, and there will be tangible results in this file.”


 As I was looking through all my old Dinar related documents, I came across one from 2012 which listed all the things that needed to take place for the RV to happen.

Interestingly, it is only within the last few of weeks/days that everything that was listed has almost completed…
I also found an old document from 2011 which was a Q & A with someone at US Treasury who was one of the original planners of the RV.
It was the reason I became a true believer back in the day…
This is real, people…

Iraqi Dinar News Today- Iraq’s Play International Role / Rv Update Iqd /...

US to work with Iraqi government, CBI, Financial Intelligence to prevent sanction evasion: spokesperson, 25 SEPT

 US to work with Iraqi government, CBI, Financial Intelligence to prevent sanction evasion: spokesperson, 25 SEPT

Shafaq News/ The US recognizes "opportunities" in Iraq's financial sectors and works with the Iraqi government, Financial Intelligence Unit, the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI), and other banks to prevent fraud, sanction evasion, and terrorism funding, a spokesperson to the US embassy in Iraq revealed on Sunday. 

"The United States and Iraq have a strong working partnership, and the U.S. Treasury relationship with Iraq is important," US Diplomat Danielle Korshak told Shafaq News Agency, "For years, Treasury has worked with Iraq to improve transparency in financial transactions, prevent criminal and corrupt actors from accessing the international banking system and smuggling their illegal proceeds, and to bring Iraqi banks into compliance with international standards."

"Iraq has made significant progress since then in taking due diligence requirements seriously," she explained, "one positive example is the work done on international wire transfer requests; the Central Bank of Iraq is ensuring banks are acting transparently and in line with international practices."

In addition to creating new opportunities, these joint efforts, according to Korshak, have provided protection to the resources of Iraqi people and a trajectory towards "increased connectivity" between Iraqi banks and the international financial system. 

Korshak said that the U.S. Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes Elizabeth Rosenberg traveled to Baghdad, Iraq, September 12-13.

Rosenberg, according to Korshak, met with Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani and leaders at the Central Bank of Iraq, Trade Bank of Iraq, the Iraqi Financial Intelligence Unit, as well as representatives from the Iraqi private banking sector.

"Both sides, recognizing the opportunities and challenges ahead for further improving the Iraqi financial sector," she said. 

They also agreed to "continue working together and take positive steps towards meaningful and lasting reforms that will raise Iraq to international standards and prevent fraud, sanctions evasion, terrorist financing, and other illicit activities."

The US diplomat said that Prime Minister Sudani also met with U.S. Department of Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York on September 18. 

The meeting discussed "the continued progress toward strengthening Iraq’s financial sector."

"The U.S. Treasury continues to work closely with the Government of Iraq as it seeks to implement meaningful reforms to strengthen the Iraqi financial sector against fraud, sanctions evasion, terrorist financing, and other illicit activities," Korshak concluded.


Iraq's central bank to curtail international transfers in 2024, governor says, 25 SEPT

 Iraq's central bank to curtail international transfers in 2024, governor says, 25 SEPT

Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq is set to abandon international transfers in the coming year, focusing on domestic transactions conducted in the Iraqi dinar, announced the Bank's Governor, Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, on Sunday.

The policy change, exempting funds allotted for travelers, comes amid efforts to streamline and enhance the country's financial operations.

Al-Alaq confirmed that transfers through correspondent banks accounted for 60% of the total (outside the Central Bank's electronic platform) with a realization rate exceeding 95%.

The shift was precipitated by an agreement between the Iraqi and the U.S. Federal Reserve Banks, aligning Iraq with global banking standards that centralize oversight and regulation.

"This initiative is part of a phased effort to open direct communication channels for Iraqi banks with their foreign counterparts in correspondence and trade exchanges," Al-Alaq stated in a meeting with bank officials.

He said that the ongoing process will help initiate transfer channels in various currencies, including the Emirati Dirham, Turkish Lira, Indian Rupee, and the Euro.

Al-Alaq attributed the control over general price levels and a reduction in inflation rate to the majority of traders entering official transfer channels, stabilizing the dollar at a rate of 1320 dinars. He emphasized that the black market rate is not a suitable indicator as it pertains to cash transactions for non-essential operations, not designated for legitimate trading purposes.

The new foreign transfer and dollar sale system, according to Al-Alaq, offers comprehensive risk protection for all transaction parties, and aligns with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing laws. "It lays an essential foundation for direct relations between Iraqi banks and globally accredited banks, receiving international acknowledgment and praise." 

According to the Central Bank’s statement, the meeting also explored the establishment of "Riyada Bank." It will serve as a window for those eager to launch small production and commercial projects, contributing to local economic development and reducing unemployment with direct support from the Central Bank, in sync with the Prime Minister’s vision and directivesLINK


 Judy Note:

With that said, this next week was expected to be very dramatic.Bankruptcy of the world’s largest real estate company, China’s Evergrande, plus expected Oct. 1 shutdown of the US Government due to bankruptcy of US Inc, and with an ever-growing demise of the fiat US Dollar, a Global Financial Crisis was on the horizon – that appeared bound to instigate a Global Currency Reset very, very soon.

Global Currency Reset:

  • Sun. 24 Sept. Wolverine: The funds have been released and have been placed on the Quantum Financial System. Redemption Centers have announced the official date: The US will start on Monday 25 September 2023 , while Asia and Europe will start Tuesday 26 September 2023.
  • On Fri. 15 Sept. Iraq officially RVd their Dinar. On Mon. 18 Sept. Iraq presented their Dinar RV and Sovereignty to the UN. On Wed. 20 Sept. the new Dinar Rate was published in the Iraqi Gazette and on Fri. 22 Sept. Iraq announced the new Iraqi Dinar International Rate as $11.90. On that same Fri. 22 Sept. the Quantum Financial System took over the Global Financial System, while Exchange Centers staff were placed on High Alert.
  • By Sun. 1 Oct. all banks were required to be on the gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System rather than the old SWIFT System that was based on the fiat US Dollar.
  • By Tues. 10 Oct. the bulk of redemption appointments and exchanges were expected to be done.
  • It was the goal to have Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions completed by Wed. 1 Nov, at which time the US Federal Dollar would be considered worthless.
  • Sat. 23 Sept. Intel of the Masters Update: Iraqi Dinar News, RV & Investment in Iraq and Sudan – Taxation and Possible New Rates – American Media Group (


 KTFA FRANK26:  "PARLIAMENT BEGS TO KNOW.".......F26 Parliamentary confirmation of the resumption of parliamentary sessions and ca...