We are still in our first week of Newsletters for February 2025 already. Well, still no RV as of yet.
What will the new President Trump’s foreign policy towards Iraq and the middle east bring us investors. What may be instored for us?
☹ Next I want to bring to your attention a very discerning article once again from Tuesday’s news that also fits into our study of the Iraqi dinar RV today.
You can go read the entire article in the Archives here. Many of my readers doubt what I say and think that the actions of the US are all in support of Iraq in the past.
Again I am telling you this has NOT BEEN THE CASE. I even going to show you evidence of this statement today from yet more articles in the news in Iraq. Please take few minutes and go read it in its entirety.
“Economic expert Rashid Al-Hamdani confirmed on Saturday that the United States, since its occupation of Iraq in 2003 until now, has been following an economic policy that has transformed the economic recovery and made its fate linked to the financial policy of the US Federal Reserve through its dominance over oil sales resources and preventing the entry of major international companies to establish projects that develop and stimulate its economy.”
He added, “The obstacles placed by the US administration in preventing Iraq from developing its economic and financial activity”, and “ The United States of America continues to dominate Iraq through political, security and economic agreements that Washington” . Enough said….
Once again, all I can say now is “I told you so”. Please don’t tell me the CBI is independent in making the RV decision.
This is ridiculous and those making this claim are ignorant, irresponsible and have not been following Iraqi politics.
Will Trump change this Obama/Biden era foreign policies towards Iraq?
This is the only way and I mean ONLY way we will see the RV in short order.
Yes, I know it’s a pity what the US is doing to Iraq. The abuse is appalling. Each time Al-Sudani tries to dig his way out the mud, the US finds new ways to entrench Iraq. When will it end?
I don’t want any of my readers to go off half-cocked and stressed out about some of the headlines you may be reading about US sanctions on Iraq.
This is why I have my blog and it is to clarify these concerns and simply put – TO GET THE FACTS out to you.
☹ So here are a few new articles in the Iraqi news titled “STORM” APPROACHING AS TRUMP SHARPENS SANCTIONS AGAINST IRAQ” and “TRUMP TO RESTORE ‘MAXIMUM PRESSURE’ ON IRAN – REUTERS | IRAN INTERNATIONAL” US President Donald Trump issued a directive on Tuesday restoring “maximum pressure” on Iran, Reuters reported citing a US official. As investors in the Iraqi dinar, we are all thinking how will this affect Iraq?
I want everyone to actually read the content of the articles and not get so engulfed in the titles.
Here is what it actually says and I quote: “Warnings are increasing about the potential use of economic warfare by US President Donald Trump in the coming period in the Middle East. There are also growing concerns over the outbreak of new types of wars in the region, which could affect Iraq.”
So, please don’t go off half-cocked thinking Trump has or will slap sanctions back on Iraq. We don’t know this for certain.
It has not yet happened and probably won’t unless Iraqi Iranian sympathizers prove otherwise. Iraq has made great strides since being relieved of the UN Chapter VII in late 2022. They have elected a great prime minister who has proven himself of reforming Iraq.
So, let’s not go off half-cocked at least not yet….. ☹
Does the U.S. still have great leverage over Iraq?
Certainly it does, there is still great leverage since the “petro-dollar” is still in force over Iraq by the U.S. But I ask why? Why is this petro-dollar still in effect when we know the war sanctions have been relieved in full in late 2022? When will this change? How many more reforms must Iraq implement before the U.S. trust the country enough to let them truly encounter their “full” sovereignty and independence again. Surely this has not yet happened. Don’t be confused with the chatter you hear from these stupid, ridiculous, numerous intel gurus out there in social media. They are part of the problem in learning the TRUTH about Iraq. They are part of the problem not the solution.