Saturday, January 13, 2024

Barzani and the US ambassador discuss the issues of Erbil and Baghdad, 14 JAN

Barzani and the US ambassador discuss the issues of Erbil and Baghdad

On Saturday, the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, discussed with the US Ambassador to Iraq Alina Romanowski the outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad.

“The two sides exchanged views on the political and security situation in Iraq, relations between Erbil and Baghdad, and talks between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the federal government to resolve issues between them,” the presidency of the region said in a statement.

According to the statement, the two sides agreed “on the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the region and preventing the escalation of tensions. They also discussed US relations with Iraq and the Kurdistan region and other issues of common interest.”

“The two sides discussed the latest developments in the region in general,” he explained.بارزاني-والسفيرة-الأميركية-يبحثان-قضايا-أربيل-وبغداد



 Wed. 10 Jan. Ginger’s Liberty Lounge on Telegram: Admiral contact:

 The RV was scheduled for the first week of January 2024, actually January 2nd, specifically. Not that we will care, but the RV international rate will be retroactive to January 1st. Basically the currency exchange calculations (the “math” he said) within Iraq was not within guidelines at that time.

 We are hearing that it has since been corrected. Perhaps they were just pushing it to occur – on what we’ve often been told would be likely – a three-day weekend? A 3-day weekend approaches just around the corner.

 Iraqi Prime Minister Al Sudani and the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Al Allaq are both attending the World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland for the annual meeting  January 14th to 19th. Today Wed. 10 Jan. there is an exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar and the US Dollar. On Mon. 15 Jan. the Iraqi Dinar is to have international rates with multiple international currencies. 

Meaning it’ll be tradable, internationally. He goes on to say that “Everyone is expecting the RV on Sun. 14 Jan. The IMF, which is in charge of timing, said, “Anytime Friday to Sunday.”  Bond liquidity has to happen first.

Vietnamese Dong Latest Exchange Rate Today 13 January-Iraqi Dinar News T...

Minister of Finance chairs an expanded meeting to organize and restructure banks, 14 JAN

Minister of Finance chairs an expanded meeting to organize and restructure banks

Friday, Minister of Finance, Taif Sami Muhammad, chaired an expanded meeting with representatives of the international company Ernst & Young, which specializes in auditing and financial consulting, to determine an action plan and initiate steps to merge and organize a number of the ministry’s institutions and restructure them in line with the objectives of the ministry’s financial and banking sector reform policy.

According to a statement by the ministry, “The meeting discussed the draft submitted by Ernst & Young relating to the organization and restructuring of the Rafidain and Rasheed banks and the merger of the National and Iraqi Insurance companies, and discussed the proposed plan and implementation stages, and determined the frameworks of the contract and drafted them in a way that suits the priorities of reform and development, as well as discussing the study submitted by Before the company, diagnosing the obstacles to transformation, and providing financial and legal solutions and treatments that ensure the integrity of the merger and structuring process.”

The Minister of Finance explained, “The Ministry has a program to restructure government banks and is working on it in cooperation with the Central Bank of Iraq and the relevant international organizations,” adding that the process of merging, structuring, and introducing modern financial technologies will push towards making Iraqi banks acceptable internationally and locally and providing services to the government financial system and individuals. At the same time, determining the roles of the banks and subcommittees, and determining contract durations.”

Sami added, “The Ministry’s vision includes a comprehensive review and evaluation of the work of banks, and carrying out structural administrative reforms, which include providing a package of integrated banking services to citizens and companies and making them more consistent with the national economy that supports achieving sustainable economic development.”

The Minister of Finance stressed “the necessity of benefiting from the expertise of reputable international companies, which can play an effective and essential role due to their expertise and consultations in charting the correct path for the projects implemented by the Ministry in accordance with its financial policy that conforms to international standards and specifications.”



 [via PDK]  There is a lot of good news coming out of Iraq… Lots of good group chatter...There is all kinds of exciting rumors.

[via PDK]   “Sudani: We are proceeding in the wheel of reconstruction and construction despite the challenges facing us”  Sudani says they are meeting and fulfilling their promises to the Iraqi people.  Part of the wheel of reconstruction is the Monetary reform and the White Papers and making the dinar stronger and more valuable.

 The news continues to be great…Things look great and I’m not hearing anything negative...We just have to wait and see what is real …We are getting so many things thrown at us…we don’t know yet what is accurate... Most groups are looking for over the weekend or first of next week…let’s see what happens.

 ”Here is a great article written last August..”The Kuwaiti Dinar: A closer look at the world’s strongest currency”   this talks about the history of the Kuwait dinar and why it is so valued…They have many of the same things going for it that Iraq now has.  What does that tell us? The Iraqi dinar should be worth the same or higher…imo

Friday, January 12, 2024



  [via PDK]   The news continues to be great…Things look great and I’m not hearing anything negative...We just have to wait and see what is real …We are getting so many things thrown at us…we don’t know yet what is accurate...Most groups are looking for over the weekend or first of next week…let’s see what happens. 

”Here is a great article written last August..” The Kuwaiti Dinar: A closer look at the world’s strongest currency”   this talks about the history of the Kuwait dinar and why it is so valued…They have many of the same things going for it that Iraq now has.  What does that tell us? The Iraqi dinar should be worth the same or higher…imo

There has been some incredible chatter, gossip and rumors today. Group contacts have erupted through the day. There are great expectations of last minute changes to compliance over this weekend and our notifications early next week... Other contacts are saying the same thing…the chatter is notifications early next week. Just cross your fingers and hope it’s accurate. I’m kinda excited but going to stay grounded.

Iraqi Dinar✅World Bank Big Announcement For Dinar Revaluation-Iraqi Dina...

Al-Maliki after his meeting with Nechirvan Barzani: The improvement of the situation in Kurdistan affects Baghdad, 14 JAN

Al-Maliki after his meeting with Nechirvan Barzani: The improvement of the situation in Kurdistan affects Baghdad

Shafaq News/ The head of the State of Law Coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, considered on Saturday that resolving the disputes and outstanding issues between Erbil and Baghdad is the responsibility of all political parties in Iraq.

This came in a statement he made to reporters after his meeting with the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, in the capital, Baghdad.

Al-Maliki said in his statement, “The discussions and dialogues between us and the regional presidency and all of our brothers in Kurdistan are continuing because our fate is common, and the improvement of the situation in Kurdistan affects Baghdad positively.”

He added, “There are some matters that need to be addressed, and they are some problems caused by the nature of political work. Therefore, we discussed the course of the political process and the relations between the federal government and the Kurdistan Region.

Al-Maliki also said: We discussed some matters related to the security situation in some areas, which are based on the fact that we are partners in achieving stability and security in Iraq.

The leader of the State of Law coalition continued to say: Resolving the differences between Erbil and Baghdad is a duty for all of us, and these problems are not in the interest of the region or Iraq.


By Hernán Robert Hbravo

Friday January 12, 2024

 Positive: Says •

Thursday, January 11 MarkZ: Expectations are high for last-minute compliance changes this weekend. The talk is notifications early next week.

• Thursday, January 11. Wolverine: Yesterday morning, Wednesday, January 10, CR leaders, managers, and banks across the United States entered their access codes into the US Treasury around 11:30 (noon) EST. Now they just need to give them the green light to proceed and send the emails to Level 4b (us, the Internet group) to make our appointments. Some bondholders have received emails and others are still waiting for emails. I think most should have them tonight to access the accounts, get 10% of those funds and have access to the remaining 90% in 90 days.

 • IRAQI Prime Minister Al Sudani and Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Al Allaq will attend the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, for the annual meeting from January 14 to 19. “Everyone is waiting for the RV on Sunday, January 14.” according to Sudani. The IMF, which is in charge of the calendar, said: "At any time, from Friday to Sunday."

 • Judy's Note: Bond liquidity has to happen first, which is happening right now.

• Wolverine: People are traveling. I was on a call with a huge whale who is going to Bogotá to receive his blessing. We are definitely close. Notifications ARE going out to bondholders. T4B notifications are rumored to have started going out.

 • Texas Snake: While someone deletes previous posts, I'm relatively sure I mentioned that we should stay alert between the days of January 10-12, and I'm now pushing those dates, so stay tuned for any updates regarding our expectations.

 • Thursday, January 11. Iraq's heroic action sparks global change: departure of international forces paves way for GESARA and RV – American Media Group

 **** Thursday January 11, 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe Sources are under confidentiality agreements and gag orders and do not communicate with Intel.

 • A person from Intel said we would receive a notification on Friday, January 12.

 • The Whales have completed and expect to be notified when they have access to their funds over the weekend.

• A major payer said they would work for the next 48 hours until Saturday, January 13 to get a mediator paid.

 • Tier4b should receive a notification to schedule appointments sometime between Friday, January 12 and Monday, January 15.

 • Monday, January 15, is a Martin Luther King Day bank and federal holiday.

 • R&R should happen in January and will come out a week after Tier4b exchanges begin.

 • Social Security increases should be this January.

 ***The exchange/refund process:

 • The storm is upon us, we are not coming back: BREAKING! Dave XRP Lion: A Matter of Fact for All Truth Seekers! (video) – American Media Group

 • How to Start RV Trade-In: How to Start the RV Trade-In Process – Inside the Exclusive World of Trade-in Centers! – American media group

 • Redemption Center Protocol, León XRP: Nuevo León Ddave XRP: I have to know this at the Redemption Center: January 2024 (must be observed).


De Hernán Robert Hbravo

Viernes 12 Enero 2024
Positivo : Dice •
Jueves 11 de enero MarkZ: Hay grandes expectativas de cambios de última hora en el cumplimiento durante este fin de semana. La charla son notificaciones a principios de la próxima semana.
• Jueves 11 de enero. Wolverine: Ayer por la mañana miércoles 10 de enero, líderes, gerentes y bancos de RC en todo Estados Unidos ingresaron sus códigos de acceso en el Tesoro de EE. UU. alrededor de las 11:30 (mediodía) EST. Ahora sólo falta que les den luz verde para proceder y enviar los correos electrónicos al Nivel 4b (nosotros, el grupo de Internet) para concertar nuestras citas. Algunos tenedores de bonos han recibido correos electrónicos y otros todavía están esperando correos electrónicos. Creo que la mayoría debería tenerlos esta noche para acceder a las cuentas, obtener el 10% de esos fondos y tener acceso al 90% restante en 90 días.
• El Primer Ministro IRAQUÍ , Al Sudani, y el Gobernador del Banco Central de Irak, Al Allaq , asistirán al Foro Económico Mundial en Davos, Suiza, para la reunión anual del 14 al 19 de enero. “Todo el mundo espera el RV el domingo 14 de enero.” según Sudani. El FMI, que está a cargo del calendario, dijo: " En cualquier momento, de viernes a domingo".
• Nota de Judy: La liquidez de los bonos tiene que ocurrir primero, lo cual está sucediendo en este momento.
• Wolverine: La gente está viajando. Estuve en una llamada con una ballena enorme que va a Bogotá para recibir su bendición. Definitivamente estamos cerca. ESTÁN saliendo notificaciones para los tenedores de bonos. Se rumorea que las notificaciones de T4B han comenzado a enviarse.
• Texas Snake: Mientras alguien borra publicaciones anteriores, estoy relativamente seguro de que mencioné que debemos permanecer alerta entre los días del 10 al 12 de enero, y ahora presiono esas fechas, así que estén atentos a cualquier actualización relacionada con nuestras expectativas.
• Jueves 11 de enero. La acción heroica de Irak provoca un cambio global: la salida de las fuerzas internacionales allana el camino para GESARA y RV – American Media Group
**** Jueves 11 de enero de 2024 Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe Las fuentes están bajo acuerdos de confidencialidad y órdenes de silencio y no se comunican con Intel.
• Una persona de Intel dijo que recibiríamos una notificación el viernes 12 de enero.
• Las Ballenas han completado y esperan recibir una notificación cuando tengan acceso a sus fondos durante el fin de semana.
• Un importante pagador dijo que trabajarían durante las próximas 48 horas hasta el sábado 13 de enero para que se le pague a un mediador.
• Tier4b debería recibir una notificación para programar citas en algún momento entre el viernes 12 de enero y el lunes 15 de enero.
• El lunes 15 de enero es un feriado bancario y federal del Día de Martin Luther King.
• La R&R debería ocurrir en enero y saldrá una semana después de que comiencen los intercambios Tier4b.
• Los aumentos del Seguro Social deberían ser en este mes de enero.
*** El proceso de canje/reembolso:
• La tormenta está sobre nosotros, no vamos a regresar: ¡ ROMPIENDO! Dave XRP Lion: ¡Una cuestión de hecho para todos los buscadores de la verdad! (vídeo) – American Media Group
• Cómo comenzar el canje de RV: Cómo iniciar el proceso de canje de RV: ¡dentro del mundo exclusivo de los centros de canje! – Grupo de medios estadounidense
• Protocolo del Centro de Redención, León XRP: Nuevo León Ddave XRP: tengo que saber esto en el Centro de Redención: enero de 2024 (debe observarse).

Expecting Major Announcement!💣Kuwait Dinar = IQD?🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

The Iraqi Parliament holds a session to elect its new president, 13 JAN

The Iraqi Parliament holds a session to elect its new president

Shafaq News/ Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, opened today, Saturday, the first session of the current legislative term, which is related to electing the Speaker of the House of Representatives to replace the deported Muhammad Al-Halbousi.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that Al-Mandalawi opened the session after the quorum was reached with 260 deputies present.

On Friday, the representative of the “Taqaddum” parliamentary bloc, Fahd Al-Rashed, confirmed that the only candidate from his bloc to fill the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives is Shalan Al-Karim.

Al-Rashed told Shafaq News Agency, “Saturday’s session is dedicated to electing the Speaker of the House of Representatives to replace Muhammad Al-Halbousi, and that there is more than one candidate to fill this position, including Representative Salem Al-Issawi, Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani, Shalan Al-Karim and other candidates.”

He added, “The only candidate from the (Taqaddum) party is MP Shalan Al-Karim, while MP Salem Al-Issawi is the candidate of the (Sovereignty) coalition, and Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani is the candidate of the (Al-Azm) coalition.”

Al-Rashed explained, “The (Taqaddum) Party officially informed the coordination framework and the Kurdish blocs that its only candidate is Representative Shalan Al-Karim.”

The number of candidates for the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives reached five representatives:

Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani

Salem Al-Issawi

Shaalan the generous

Talal Al-Zubaie

Amer Abdul Jabbar

While the sixth candidate, Abdul Rahim Al-Shammari, withdrew before the session was held.

The day before yesterday, Thursday, the Presidency of the House of Representatives set the date for a session to elect a new Speaker of Parliament to replace former President Muhammad al-Halbousi.

The Parliament’s Media Department issued an agenda received by Shafaq News Agency, setting today, Saturday, January 13, as the date for electing the new Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Since the end of Al-Halbousi’s membership in the House of Representatives, the House has held several sessions to elect a new speaker, but the issue was not raised in those sessions due to the heads of the political blocs not agreeing on the alternative candidate.



Most of the news is all about whether or not the US forces should leave Iraq.
Yes, the CBI is still working on tactics to bring the parallel rate into conformity and stability.
Of course the Iranian backed politicians, especially backed by Nori Al-Maliki will find any reason to push the agenda of getting rid of US forces.
He wants a third term and a dictatorship.
I don’t have to remind you of what happened in 2004 with the ISIS invasion and so, if the forces did happen to pull out, ISIS would not be their biggest worry as the Iranian militia would certainly move in and fill the gap.
We would experience an invasion of Iraq all over again and so this would end the SECURITY part of the needed security and stability Iraq needs to move ahead with the currency reform.
Yes, it would kill the process for very long time.
But in today’s article they show that the US forces are not going anywhere soon as the prime minister Al-Sudani and the Kurdistan president Barzani both request the forces to remain.
I would not worry about this.
So, of course I asked this question in my conversation with my CBI contact on my Wednesday call.
I was also told not to worry about it and it is just pressure and talk from the Iranian back politicians.
We also talked about, of course the monetary reform and where it stood.
I was told it would take some time, maybe weeks or months even for the currency swaps to take the needed effect in leveling out the parallel black market rate for the dollar.
But my contact seemed very optimistic that the plan now in place could move this rate quicker than expected even.
But I was warned not to expect instant success as there is still a period of monitoring it for wide swings, in other words it needs to be stable.
Again I asked what rate the CBI wants to bring the parallel rate of the dollar down to?
I was told at least around the “official” CBI rate.
They are driving to have them match very closely.
In consultation with the IMF this is what they are now mandating and is in the plan.
When this is reached and stable, the committee will be notified to begin the process of deleting the zeros and move ahead with it.
I will always stand by the prophetic word too as I trust God’s Hand to work this for us.
We can see that there has been more progress towards currency reform in the last 12 months than in the twenty years combined.
So go figure what is happening.
It is a new year and all the prophets tell us that in 2024 it is going to be the year of the breakthrough.

Responding to more of your comments 01/12/24 - Million dollar projects w...BY PIMPY

Parliamentary forecast for the course of the session to select the Speaker of Parliament: Shaalan Al-Karim is the first to lose, 13 JAN

Parliamentary forecast for the course of the session to select the Speaker of Parliament: Shaalan Al-Karim is the first to lose

Former MP, Jassim Muhammad Jaafar, predicted today, Saturday, the course of the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives within the dome of Parliament, and while he expected that several rounds would be held to decide the most prominent candidate for the presidency, he pointed to Al-Mashhadani’s chances.

Jassim said in an interview with the Maalouma Agency, “The election session for the Speaker of the House of Representatives, instead of Muhammad Al-Halbousi, will take place according to several rounds,” indicating that “the first round will not witness the victory of any candidate, and the competition will be intense between Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani and Salem Al-Issawi.” And the generous Shaalan.”

He added, “The first candidate who will drop from the nomination race is the Taqaddam Party’s candidate, Shalan Al-Karim, and the competition will be between Al-Mashhadani and Al-Issawi.”

The former MP explained, “The Azm Alliance candidate, Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani, has more chances of obtaining the position of Speaker of Parliament than Salem Al-Issawi, as a result of the coordination framework’s support for him,” stressing that “If Al-Mashhadani reaches the second round of voting, all the representatives of the coordination framework will be with him.”

A member of the House of Representatives, Ali Al-Jamali, had confirmed in an interview with the “Al-Ma’louma” agency, “The failure to reach consensus on a specific person to head Parliament will not affect the holding of the inauguration session for the replacement today,” adding that the coordination framework tends to vote for the Al-Azm Alliance candidate, Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani.

All the forces of the Coordination Framework and its allies are moving to close the page of the expelled Speaker of the House of Representatives, Muhammad al-Halbousi, by installing a replacement, restoring stability to the House of Representatives, and legislating many laws.


  Militia Man 

  The Port of Faw is going be absolutely insane when it comes expansion...How much revenue streams are going to go through?  From the Silk Road...development road in to Europe...This is really exciting stuff...Why would all this be happening if Iraqis use going to be at this punishment rate of 1310 to the dollar 

Why would Al-Sudani be going to Davos trying to explain how his country is going to be the savior of the Global Financial System

 Al-Alaq said he was going to delete the zeros/the project to delete the zeros off the exchange rate .  What did Al-Sudani say?  He said the dinar would be stronger than the dollar.  What did Salih say? 
   He said they were going to have a major announcement.  We're going to see if all three of those guys are telling the truth or not.  I have a feeling they are...

Accounting started January 1st.  Taxation in the dinar, commercial trading in the dinar was supposed to start on the 1st.  We're going to have to watch them expose how this rolls out.  

Iraqi Dinar🔥Starting Now Final Countdown Of Iraqi Dinar RV Today 2024🔥ir...

Al-Sudani and Barzani discuss resolving the outstanding files and issues and absolute concern for Iraq’s sovereignty, 13 JAN

Al-Sudani and Barzani discuss resolving the outstanding files and issues and absolute concern for Iraq’s sovereignty

Today, Saturday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani discussed with the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, a solution to the issues between Baghdad and Erbil and absolute concern for Iraq’s sovereignty.

A statement by Al-Sudani’s media office said in a statement, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shia’ Al-Sudani received the President of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, and his accompanying delegation.”

He added, “The meeting witnessed discussion of all issues and files at the national level, the latest security and political developments in the region, and an emphasis on Iraq’s firm and principled positions regarding the challenges facing the sustainability of stability, and its absolute concern for Iraq’s sovereignty under various circumstances.”

The statement continued, “The meeting discussed mechanisms for moving forward in resolving files and issues between the federal government and the regional government in accordance with the constitution, in a way that ensures that citizens in the region’s governorates are spared any harm, or bear the consequences of the challenges affecting the administrative, financial, and economic files.”



 Don't get me wrong, they're going in the right direction.  They're taking the right steps to strengthen their economy to strengthen the Iraqi dinar but if you're thinking this is going to happen overnight, you are sadly mistaken...The Iraqi dinar IMO is going to go up in increments.  I still believe you're going to see an increase in the first quarter of this year.

 What's attractive about coming over to Iraq to do business is the fact that the currency is so cheap, that labor... production...and product cost are all cheap as well.  

Why do you suppose Nike gets their shoes made in China?  Because...they pay $5/month and then bring the shoes over here to America and sell them for several hundred dollars.  Do you see the huge profit margin.  

That's the same thing with Iraq.  The currency is so cheap the companies would rather do business in Iraq ...because of the cheap labor...When they increase the exchange rate it's more costly for labor, products and production...Do you think they want this low exchange rate?  Yes.  And...they want it much lower.  They don't give a shit. 

Iraqi Dinar News LIVE Reconstruction Banks Long Term Reforms CBI Next Sp...

Sudanese participates in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, 13 JAN

Sudanese participates in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland

Shafaq News/ A government source reported, on Saturday, that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani will participate in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

The source told Shafaq News Agency, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is participating in the World Economic Forum in the Swiss city of Davos in its fifty-fourth edition, which will begin its work on the fifteenth of this January.”

This year’s edition of Davos carries the slogan “Restoring Confidence,” and will focus on the conflict in the Gaza Strip, along with issues of global concern, such as climate and artificial intelligence. The forum is supposed to witness the participation of heads of 100 governments and representatives of 1,000 international organizations.

Government spokesman Bassem Al-Awadi had confirmed earlier today, Saturday, that the Council of Ministers session would be postponed to tomorrow, Sunday, instead of Tuesday, which witnesses the holding of the Council’s regular sessions every week.



 Question:  "Is the US government placing a hold on the currency revaluation to keep people from becoming wealthy?" 

 No, our government has nothing to do with the monetary reform of the Central Bank of Iraq...We did everything possible to make them modern and they are.  But can we tell them, Okay go ahead do it now? 

   No.  It is strictly their prerogative.

 The lower denoms to me is the most top secret subject of the monetary reform of Iraq.  The lower denoms and the new exchange rate that they have selected through the RV process.  That to me is the most critical piece of information to release and that should be released in the last seconds of the monetary reform.

Question: "Do you feel the dong will go with the dinar?

 I believe the dong is still a little bit behind the race of the monetary reform.  I believe Vietnam has a lot of issues with China.  I believe Vietnam ...dong has great potential...But unfortunately it is being shackled ...retarded ...abused by the banking policies that China continues to use...

🔥Iraqi Dinar🔥Great News🔥News Guru Intel Update IQD Value to USD🤑💵🤑🎉

Al-Fateh: America does not want to leave Iraq for these reasons, 13 JAN

Al-Fateh: America does not want to leave Iraq for these reasons

Today, Saturday, the Al-Fatah Alliance explained the reasons for the American forces’ insistence on remaining in Iraq, while stressing that Washington does not want to leave Iraq “at all.”

The leader of the coalition, Aed Saheb, said in an interview with the “Al-Ma’louma” agency, “America does not want to leave Iraq, given that this region contains the two most important trade corridors around the world between the East and the West, which are the Suez Canal and the port of Al-Faw.”

He wondered: “If the Al-Faw port were to be completed, it would either be an alternative or a solution to the Red Sea and the Suez Canal for the passage of global trade,” pointing to “the global energy market, which depends mainly on what is present in the region, especially as it supplies the world with more than 33%.” “.

The leader of the Al-Amiri coalition explained, “Most of the countries in the region are partners of America, and have allied themselves with the Zionist entity, and therefore Washington came to Iraq to preserve its interests, and this matter made it pay and provide what it provided over the past years, in terms of money and support to this or that party.”

Earlier today, Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, called on the government to implement the decision to end the foreign presence in Iraq, indicating that the House of Representatives’ decision to end the presence of foreign forces in Iraq is a principled and firm decision.

Most of the Iraqi political forces issued their support for the Prime Minister regarding the steps to remove American forces from Iraq after a series of attacks against the Iraqi security forces.


 [Aki - Iraq Bank In US update] 

 AKI:  There are many Iraqi citizens in the United States of American holding 3-zero notes.  It is my job to collect them for the CBI, where they will destroy them.  Our [job] is to turn in the 3-zero notes. 

 WALKINGSTICK: This is huge! 

 AKI:  Agree.  Direct deposit from now on.  No limitations.  Article VIII not only for the citizens but for investors. 

 [Aki - Iraq Bank owner in US update] 

Question:  "The new orders you got on January 1st, are they for you to dispense the lower denoms and collect 3 zero notes?"

  Here in the Untied States we are preparing to do everything with electronic platforms...We are prepared to collect the 3 zero notes from those that wish to exchange them for American dollars...We follow International banking laws, the same laws American banks follow.  Here in the United States the bank that I am in charge of will be all electronic. 

When you ask about the LDs they are only found in Iraq.  We do not possess them.   Iraq will give to the Iraqi citizens, when the time comes, physical lower notes and coins and collect three zero notes...The difference is that here in the US I have to do everything electronic where  my friends in Iraq, their banks can do it electronic or physically if they want the lower denoms and coins in their hands .

  [Aki - Iraq Bank In US update] 

 There are many Iraqi citizens in the United States of American holding 3-zero notes.  It is my job to collect them for the CBI, where they will destroy them.  Our [job] is to turn in the 3-zero notes.  WALKINGSTICK: This is huge!  AKI:  Agree.  Direct deposit from now on.  No limitations.  Article VIII not only for the citizens but for investors

[Aki - Iraq Bank owner in US update]

 Question:  "The new orders you got on January 1st, are they for you to dispense the lower denoms and collect 3 zero notes?"  Here in the Untied States we are preparing to do everything with electronic platforms...We are prepared to collect the 3 zero notes from those that wish to exchange them for American dollars...We follow International banking laws, the same laws American banks follow.  Here in the United States the bank that I am in charge of will be all electronic.

When you ask about the LDs they are only found in Iraq.  We do not possess them.   Iraq will give to the Iraqi citizens, when the time comes, physical lower notes and coins and collect three zero notes...The difference is that here in the US I have to do everything electronic where my friends in Iraq, their banks can do it electronic or physically if they want the lower denoms and coins in their hands

Iraq to start operating TIR transit system next week, 26 MARCH

  Iraq to start operating TIR transit system next week Baghdad ( ) – Iraq’s Border Ports Commission revealed on Monday that it...