Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Iraqi Dinar🔥CBI Green Signal For Iraqi Dinar Rv And New Rate 1 IQD Is Eq...

Al-Sudani is making an upcoming visit to Washington, 22 FEB

 Al-Sudani is making an upcoming visit to Washington


Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani discussed, with US Ambassador Alina Romanowski, on Wednesday, the issues that will be raised during his upcoming visit to the United States.

During his meeting with Romanowski, according to a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, Al-Sudani discussed relations between the two countries and ways to strengthen them, and confirmed the continuation of bilateral dialogue rounds and the joint supreme military committee, concerned with organizing the end of the international coalition’s missions in Iraq.

The two sides discussed the files that will be raised during the Prime Minister’s upcoming visit to Washington, and “the cooperation mechanism within the strategic framework agreement between Iraq and the United States, and the committees formed in this regard,” according to the statement.   LINK


 Sandy Ingram 

 Iraq's tourism could easily increase to over 10 billion US dollars a year, comparing it with Egypt's tourism. 

The problem for people in the United States is no bank in the US will do any transactions using the Iraqi dinar.  Until this changes we have to find other ways to pull our profit out of Iraq.  We can do this.  I found one way and will discuss it in a an upcoming [post]...   

 There is an organized effort in Iraq to never revalue or increase the value of the currency abasing the US dollar or to provide profits for people in the west...Between the different factions within Iraq, revaluing their currency, even when they can afford it, may not be on their agenda...

 Iraq is getting closer to a currency reset...Iraq's rail plans have investors worldwide watching carefully...The rail connection in Iraq from the Gulf to Europe will change Iraq's economy.  This same method of increasing the GDP was recently used by Mexico when they built a connecting rail system...Mexico's exchange rate increased against the US dollar and now Americans are spending more money to live in Mexico...This is one of the major paths that can lead to a higher GDP and a higher value in the currency.  The project is set to start in early 2025.

The International Monetary Fund has consistently recommended Iraq develop additional streams of income outside of the oil industry.  Iraq holds a significant amount of the world's history within its borders...What is  needed is security and safety for travelers.  Once safety issues are address and the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers are flowing again there will be substantial annual revenue to help boost Iraq's GDP. 

 "  Iraq's central bank revokes Iran's Bank Melli operating license"  This article tells us the US is serious about not allowing Iran to have access to US dollars.  It also tells us Iraq is serious about aligning with the US Treasury Department to maintain access to over one hundred billion US dollar of its money in the Federal Reserve.

 Vietnam is making major financial news.  Vietnam factory activity returns to growth status after the pandemic, tourist arrivals increased by 73.6% in January and retail sales are still growing for the 26th straight month.  The inflation rate is at a five month low of 3.7%.  Overall Vietnam has green lights on all growth patterns...Vietnam knows precisely what to do to bring the value of its currency back into the line of profit...

Iraqi Dinar🔥March 11th The Day Of IQD Revaluation-Iraqi Dinar News Today...

Iraq and Russia are intensifying their cooperation to confront the scourge of corruption, 22 FEB

 Iraq and Russia are intensifying their cooperation to confront the scourge of corruption

The head of the Federal Integrity Commission, Haider Hanoun, announced the commission’s intention to twin with counterpart institutions in countries around the world, noting the long-standing experience of the Russian public prosecutor in the field of combating corruption and the possibility of transferring expertise from the two institutions and exchanging experiences.

 During his meeting with the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation (Igor Krasnov) in the capital, Moscow, Hanoun renewed the intention of the Iraqi regulatory agencies to partner with their counterparts in the Russian Federation, especially between the Authority and the Russian Prosecution, in addition to concluding a memorandum of understanding between the Iraqi Anti-Corruption Academy and the Public Prosecution University.

Russian, expressing the Authority’s desire to benefit from the experience of the Russian Public Prosecution and its university and to train the Authority’s staff there, in addition to inviting their experts to train and participate as lecturers in studying the professional higher diploma in specializations related to anti-corruption announced by the Academy.
For his part, the Russian Attorney General (Igor Krasnov) noted the strengthening of relations between the Republic of Iraq and the Russian Federation and its coincidence with the eightieth anniversary of the beginning of the relationship between the two countries, pointing out that one of the main components of cooperation between countries is unifying efforts in combating the most serious challenges, among which corruption occupies a special place. He stressed that he supports the efforts of the Iraqi Integrity Commission seeking to recover the fugitive defendants and the looted funds wherever they are found.
He pointed out that the signing of the memorandum of understanding between the two parties is of great importance in deepening and developing the relationship between the Office of the Prosecutor General in Russia and the Federal Integrity Commission in Iraq, expressing his readiness for further professional dialogue on any issues of common interest, even if they are not stipulated in the memorandum or the program. Cooperation, expressing its pleasure to see employees of the Republic of Iraq in short-term training courses, at its affiliated university, whether among its students or among the participants, welcoming the Authority’s call for Russian prosecution experts to contribute to training its staff in the Iraqi Anti-Corruption Academy.
During the meeting, a cooperation program was signed between the two parties, which will serve as a roadmap for implementing the terms of the memorandum over the next two years, which stipulates a full set of activities (workshops, meetings, and training courses). To exchange experiences in the field of international cooperation in the field of combating corruption, recovering the proceeds and proceeds of corruption crimes from abroad, forming national coordination committees to combat corruption, coordinating positions on multilateral international anti-corruption forums, and reviewing experiences in implementing legislation concerned with combating and preventing corruption, including those related to conflicts of corruption. interests, and financial disclosure.
The program also stipulated holding a round table meeting on the topic “Using modern digital technologies to combat corruption and holding training courses for the Authority’s employees by representatives of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation and the Public Prosecution University, as well as exchanging scientific and educational literature, periodicals and methodological materials on the topics of combating and preventing corruption.”  link


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-13-24   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:02:30

Welcome to the big call everybody. Glad to have you here. and glad that Sue and Bob are here to support me in the big call and to get the information that we want to get out to you tonight. I think it's going to be a really good call. I know I'm looking forward to my Intel segment. I always look forward to Sue and Bob. But before we go any further, let's pray in the call

 So let's see. Thank you, Bob for very much for that. That's excellent. All right guys time to go into the intel portion of the call tonight. I told you guys I was a little bit excited, a little bit feisty earlier because I'm just I just know we're, we're getting down to the wire on this thing.

And I have a theory. I'm going to tell you my theory in a moment.

But I know that we were looking for our notifications according to the information that we've had come to us. We were looking at gotta get notified today

We didn't get notified today. But I have a theory. First of all, let's talk about what's been happening since Sunday.

Prime minister of Iraq met with our President Trump for a couple of hours in an undisclosed location on Sunday afternoon and they were discussing the fact when Prime Minister, Sudani of Iraq was going to fly back to Iraq that afternoon -

Whenever he got in on Sunday supersonic jet, I don't know that absolutely. But when he was to get back he was going to announce to the entire country of Iraq they were indeed a sovereign nation and had a  sovereign currency -  once that occurred, that announcement, we would have simultaneous announcement here, but our announcement would be made - not quite sure who was going to be make it but was to be made to banks and to our redemption centers,  and other institutions - with other officials dealing with currency exchanges that the sovereign nation and as a sovereign currency,

 and that once those announcements were made, we felt like we were good to go and get ready to get started. Now tonight's Tuesday -  we haven't started yet. But we know that we've checked with certain banks and certain banks, like Chase and Wells have the dinar, for example is one of our currencies on the front screens of the banks and they are going up they're moving up, they're rising in value.

But there the last time we checked, the bank screens rates were flashing - when a rate is flashing and not stable - In other words, it's not just the rate itself on the screen, but when it's flashing on and off, it's flashing on auto. It's flashing it means that it's not quite ready for exchange, not quite ready to be exchanged.

Because we checked with certain banks that know this, and they have this and it's not quite ready now. So we're waiting according to the latest information that we have from redemption centers and banks, that they're waiting for the green light to come in the form of an email from Wells Fargo, corporate New York.

When that email comes in to the redemption centers, they will know that it's time to go it's time to start. But that's got to come from Treasury to Wells Fargo corporate office in New York.

And from New York, it comes down to the redemption center leaders that would get those emails and be able to say it's time to go or such and such a time is delta.

That point we would say that our notifications would be released from Wells Fargo servers and we would get our 800 numbers included in those emails. And we would also get a heads up and have our 800 number on the big call website as well as be able to send out and an email a bulk mail that we would do to the people who have registered on our website. Okay, so that's kind of a scenario there.

Now. Here's some other information and then I'll give you my theory

we have been told that with dates of February 22, which is Thursday, two days from now - to the end of the month, which since we're in Leap Year this year, has been February 29, which is a Friday - On the 22nd through the 29th is supposed to be the time when a lot of NESARA is starting to be released.

Now, here's where I'm going with this. That's two days away. The start of it doesn't mean it happens on the 22nd but it can start anywhere from the 22nd through the 29th -  are supposed to get the R&R, the restitution and reclamation allowance. and it's going to really be a wonderful thing for a lot of people, seniors 62 and older will get as a lump sum. And then younger people would get it over a period of probably two years divided over two years.

Now this is a big deal for a lot of people especially who are not in the currencies like we are  - it’s going to be a big deal and and I'll get to my theory here because I think I'm tying it all together. So we're supposed to receive by the 29th could be on the 29th Anytime, by or before the 29th from the 22nd through the 29th are  supposed to hear something about our USTN - United States Treasury notes.

USTN - United States Treasury notes is what would be on our new currency as opposed to Federal Reserve note Remember the Fed is dead. Is that absorbed was a remnant of it was absorbed by the US Treasury as was the IRS.

Okay, so all of those aspects of NESARA I don't know that they're all gonna make it out. in that week of the 22nd through the 29th. but at least some of them should come out in that period.

And we are supposed to receive let's call it the first fruits of our reclamation, restitution and reclamation allowance – it’s supposed to happen in that timeframe -  Now it may happen all at the end of the month - I don't know But in that week it’s supposed to come out.

All right. well, here's what my grand theory is coming in.

We heard from two separate sources  this evening before the big call that   the --- say this, that we should be getting notifications or put it  this way, how it was said to both of these sources. they're going to try to bring out our notifications Tomorrow, which is Wednesday.

Okay, try to bring those out to us tomorrow. We're hearing this out of Reno. we're also hearing this out of Geneva our two different sources.  I’m thinking - okay, that's good - that's working with Bruce theory.

And here's where I'm going with it.

If the R&R and the NESARA and everything that we look for in it starts coming out on the 22nd which is two days from now Thursday.  and we were to be notified Tomorrow, Wednesday - But we get notified and start our exchanges even Thursday, which is Charlie Ward’s day -is that what we do  - do we get notified tomorrow, start our exchanges on Thursday, and essentially join the NESARA activity with R&R in the USTN

And Everything else that is coming out as part of that NESARA week. Let's call it  - it’s possible isn’t it. That's only a working theory. I don't have I made that up. I don't have that from anybody else. But it makes me think hey, listen, I want to get notified and start tomorrow.

I don't need us to start on Thursday.

But yes, we do get notified tomorrow. Could we set our appointments tomorrow and start them on Thursday? Just saying?    I don't know. We'll see.

I hope that it comes through for us Wednesday, Thursday or Wednesday. But I was encouraged to find out that we actually were tone reading time source that they were going to try to get out the notifications tomorrow which is Wednesday.

So we don't have the time. So when just that we will see if that is the case.

And I like the fact that we're getting R & R  on because anybody at the age of 21 and above will get some form of compensation from this plan of NESARA –because R&R

 Now, the older folks 62 and older will get a lump sum. Those that are 21 will get like an annual stipend. It's pretty decent amount of money. I'm not gonna go into the amounts because this thing has changed every which way from Sunday. It's just changing. I don't want to put something out and have it be changed. But you've got that happening. And then you've got the seniors and 62 and above getting their lump sum and getting some kind of annual or monthly stipend as well.

The whole thing's probably graduatedfrom  21 and on up , but we'll have to see how it actually comes out. We'll see -  say if you're 62 and above and already receiving Social Security, like many of us are you will receive this amount as your lump sum. As we understand it is coming to your bank account where your Social Security is now going to that same bank account - because they had that information already.

So I think that's amazing. We knew it was coming sooner or later and we've been talking about it for three months now. But it looks like they're finally ready to do it at the very end the last week of February this month.

So I'm excited about it. I'm excited about the start and excited about us possibly getting our notification to Set our appointments tomorrow. And I'm excited about --  seeing here's my theory, if we have and we actually start on Thursday, and some of the other RNR starts going out to people on Thursday.

 It is kinda like we're doing the party with joining what's happening for the rest of those that don't have any currency. They're gonna have some real money but as real as owners, but it'll be real it'll be it'll be decent, especially  seniors -since they're going to be getting the mother lode of R&R. Everybody will be getting something and it's gonna seem like everybody is part of the same thing.

Even though our exchanges and our redemption of zim is far and above higher and greater than that they're going to be getting with R&R but it's it's I can see them merging these in the same timeframe so that everybody is getting the same thing. That's my theory. We'll see we'll see what happens. I don't have to be right. I do not have the right to get it tomorrow and start tomorrow. But whatever happens, we're close. That's how close we are to everything happening now.

Guys I could go into greater depth on any number subjects like the exchange and what that's gonna look like. All I can say is you've heard it if you listen to a call for any length but you know what to do. You know it’s going to go quick. That'd be a 30 minute appointment - they want to get most of us in and out of there in that amount of time.

If you have bonds, tell them that you have sheet bonds, being a box box -  sheet bonds, like whatever number bonds, you got railroad bonds, whatever they are just tons of different kinds of bonds. If you haven't already exchanged those bonds, then bring them with you to the redemption center. They can handle it there. But you got to let them know that you add them so when you're setting your appointment for you know, presume and for dinar and Dong and rupiah  every other currency that we might have, that might be in the first basket. Let them know that I have sheet bonds and let us know how many you got 20 sheet bonds or a box of bonds. Let them know that because there's no need to allow your time for you to 30 minutes.

There'll be at least 40 minutes that want to knock out all of us bonds and currency in 40 minutes. Challenge I really do think it'll be tough. But this is not going to be this laid back Sit, sit around, put your feet up on a desk table and this is let's let's knock this out with it was going to be flashed you have to set up your quantum account that set up your Wells Fargo account giving you a credit debit card with that knocked down.

They're gonna also I mean, they have to go through and qualify who you are at the beginning. And then we're going to take the currency that you have and when it's ready to do – run that through the delarue machines, multiple machines in some cases will have two to three to four people working with you on your appointment.

No you don't rotate you stay put rotate to you. You're gonna get saved hopefully five minutes to give a quick synopsis of your projects and how you plan to increase your increase hiring people, increase job creation, whatever your project is about relating to that. that did an event with him. And then you'll also get your account set up, and oh  by the way here's a change. 

If you………..  two - things I want to bring out.

Remember we talked about getting $6,500 in cash 3000 in cash – it’s down to 500 in cash, they don't want you walking out with over $500 And it might be Fiat dollars. It might not be the new USTN currency - our new money. It could be in some cases it might not be it might be the same fiat currency  we are carrying now.

Don't think you're gonna walk out of there with a wad of money 500 bucks. So five bills you walk out with? That's good.

And then the other thing is if you're only exchanging currency and no Zim and no bonds, guess what? No NDA for you know, NDA for you know symphony or knowing that you will not have to sign an NDA if all you have is dinar or Dong or rupiah or Afghani or Bolivar, or anything - unless you have  Zimbabwe notes that we have. Or you have bonds, bonds or zimbabwe notes, which sign an NDA is at least 30 days, or there'll be another 90 - 120 days. They're gonna make that judgment.

They are judging you based on how you come across at the appointment – if they think you are a chatty Kathy  going to be spreading all kinds of stuff.over social media – Which you are not then you will probably end up with  only a 30 day NDA, but if they look at you as like, oh, I don't know about this one. I don't know if they're gonna be able to keep their mouth shut, but probably put you on a longer NDA

Remember, once you get in your quantum accounts you and the quantum financial system you're going to get access to up to $10.5 billion on day one, to put into a what I call a What am I calling it? Kind of a master account with Wells Fargo.

Your primary account was one I've been using that term primary account. You set that up and everything moves from your quantum account using your cue card that has it's three times thicker than credit cards made of titanium. It's got a three chips embedded in it. That gives me basic information on you. Your system, the biometric fingerprint is in there. All of that will allow you to move money to  - is to move one more quantum account which nobody sees but you – your quantum account to your primary Wells account.

Then you go from there, and you can move money from – listen- That's for the first 90 days after 90 days after the exchange and again you have access to all of it. all of the remaining funds in your quantum financial account. So I hope that's everything and I hope you've got all that.

You also get you're gonna get a debit credit card from Wells think it would be a gold card. So that's going to be good do not want it to be too flashy. Like a black card would be too flashy. You wouldn't want to do that. Because then people who see the black card Oh, look at that guy. He got Money -. I'm gonna follow him out.

Oh no, you didn't -- you want to use a car that's a little bit more chilled out - a gold for me. I got a gold card, a gold card would be good.

We'll see what happens you know and then you get to use and you can spend -- oh listen to this. I just got this tonight too. You can. You can have up to $2.1 billion on your credit debit card 1.8 billion with it. You know that's a lot of details to put on your on your credit debit card. So you wouldn't want to load that much on it unless you're I don't know why you want to load that much on it. but they do have that limit.

So you know about no NDA for most of you don't have zim those years, then your NDA

after the 90 day, and by the way, they’re tracking every transaction you make with your card, every nickel you spend, they'll track it and if you've given it to the wrong type of people, or the wrong organization, They're going to stop it in its tracks.

And probably freeze your primary account in the process.

So don't be stupid and give your money to some stupid organization. You know, because they're watching you. They're gonna watch every transaction you make from here, as long as you live, you’ll be monitored so you don't spend it in the wrong to the wrong people. You don’t give it to the wrong people say How will I know what you'll know? Because the first time you'll get a warning The second time they freeze your account.

So be careful who you donate to be careful who you wire funds to. Just be careful how you use and spend the money you're wide open  to spend it  but just just be careful that you don't go to the wrong side of humanity.

Alright, I've said enough. That's it. Let's do this Call out. and then we'll look forward to a possible notification tomorrow.


🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥Big News About IQD Rate IRAQ Gona Happens 24 Hours Finall...

Iraqi Dinar | Its Huge News : Everyone Can Exchange Iraqi Dinar From Ira...

The Russian Ambassador’s vision: Iraq and the chances of joining the “BRICS” group, 22 FEB

 The Russian Ambassador’s vision: Iraq and the chances of joining the “BRICS” group

The Russian ambassador to Iraq, Elbrus Kutrashev, said that the opportunity is available to Iraq to join the BRICS countries, and that he is not concerned with the nature of the American response to this decision if Baghdad takes it.

He also spoke with great admiration about the visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to Moscow (October 2023). He said that he did not expect the visit to be so successful.

Kutrashev, in a televised interview, said, “Russian-Iraqi relations are good and have a long history, and there are no complications, neither from a historical standpoint nor from a current standpoint, and external factors are what complicate these relations. As for the two peoples, we have a good and solid friendship. I am very comfortable with being Russia's ambassador to Iraq.

He added, “In diplomatic life, it is very difficult to separate personal life from work life, and I intended to choose Iraq as my first diplomatic station, because I love Iraq and my personal life is linked to Iraq. My first son was born in Baghdad in 1999, and bears the name David, so I am Abu David.” “.

He pointed out that “Russia is ready to provide anything that Iraq needs, and we will not hold back on anything that we can provide and give to Iraq, including economic cooperation. The visit of the Sudanese President to Russia was very successful and above all expectations, and I was convinced that the visit would be successful, but not to this.” Al-Hadd, and the visit had a historical dimension and formed a solid base for continuing to develop our relations in all fields.”

Kutrashev stated, “In Iraq, we do not play the game of axes, and we do not look at Iraq as an arena for conflicts with anyone. Iraq is the one who chooses with whom it will develop its relations, and we have no sensitivity towards any country, whether Russia, America, China, or other countries.”

If Iraq wishes to join the BRICS group, there is a joint leadership that is looking into the matter. In fact, we have no agendas against America or others. If Iraq wants, welcome, we will work to help it comfortably, and I do not care about the American response on this issue. link



Chance, great news..   NDAs were signed in Reno Tuesday and the Reno 12 will be getting their 1% Fiat late Wednesday, then Thursday in Europe,  Asia and the Philippines on Friday.

 Chance, 8:47 PM EST

 Was told the paperwork was just completed and the Admiral is going to release everything on Monday.

8:48 AM EST   The Iraq Government will reveal the new ‘lower denomination’ notes this week  and then release the new Dinar Rate (4+) to be published in the Government  Gazette on Sunday and then go on Forex this coming Monday the 12th.

Breaking News World Bank Minister of Finance Reveals Bold Plans for Iraq...

Parliament Finance Does Not Know The Date Of Sending The 2024 Budget!, 21 FEB

 Parliament Finance Does Not Know The Date Of Sending The 2024 Budget!

Posted On 02-21-2024 By Sotaliraq  The Finance Committee in the House of Representatives still does not know the date for approving the 2024 budget law, while it indicated that the government is required to expedite sending the details of the financial budget to Parliament for the purpose of reviewing and studying it.

Committee member Jamal Cougar said: “Until now, we do not know when the government will send the schedules of the 2024 budget law and what these schedules will include in terms of financial allocations for projects and other expenditures, and we do not know what the deficit is within this budget.”

Cougar stated, “The government is required to expedite sending the details of the 2024 budget to the House of Representatives for the purpose of reviewing and studying it. There is also the possibility of making amendments to it, as this is within the powers granted to Parliament.”

Member of the House of Representatives, Ahmed Taha Al-Rubaie, had revealed new details related to the amendments expected to occur in the financial budget for the current year, while noting that they include job grades and confirmation of contractors.

Al-Rubaie said, “The ministries have begun preparing the tables that they want to be included in the 2024 budget for the purpose of continuing to include them on the agenda for passage,” indicating that “the budget needs an amendment appendix through texts and tables.”

Al-Rubaie explained that “the deletion of job grades may be stopped in order to create appointments according to the grades of deletion and creation, in addition to continuing to confirm those who have completed two years to work as a contract, following the example of those who were previously confirmed.”

On (February 1, 2024), the Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the latest developments in the financial budget for the year 2024, while indicating that it would rise to 206 trillion dinars instead of 199 trillion dinars.

Committee member Mustafa Al-Karaawi told the official agency, “Article 77/Second of the Tripartite Federal Budget Law for the years 2023, 2024 and 2025 stipulates that the House of Representatives will be provided with updated tables for the 2024 budget in order to discuss the file of increase or decrease in the file of financial allocations according to expected revenues and according to the price of oil.” “The installer.”

He added, "The schedules are still being prepared in the Council of Ministers in preparation for approval, and the House of Representatives will begin discussing the budget after it arrives from the government. We believe that transmission must be accelerated because the delay may restrict the disbursement of operational and investment budgets in the coming days," noting, "Disbursement is now limited to salaries." Employees and their benefits directly.”

Al-Karaawi stressed that “the issue of updating the tables depends on the oil market and the quantities exported, on the basis of which the expected revenues will be calculated, and it is based on the size of expenditures and the percentage of the deficit,” pointing out that “there is a point of view that occurred in the 2023 budget according to the quantities that were spent and how to deal with... The deficit and revenues achieved, and it is assumed that there will be a growth in expenditures given that there is a growth in the operating budget, and there are contracts concluded in 2023 that have not been disbursed yet and must be added in the next budget.”

Regarding the appointments, he explained that they “may include contracts, firsts, holders of advanced degrees, and contracts for the 150,000 governorates that have not been implemented yet and which have been transferred to the 2024 budget.”   LINK



👆I'm aware that a lot of rumors will begin to surface on this March the 2nd date, I can hear the keystrokes of our gurus already typing out new stories surrounding this date from around the world. 

Assumptions are made, but no one knows for sure until we get to that date exactly what they're going to do say. No one person can predict the future, the RV date will be revealed through new Market support patterns. Bretton Woods will make an announcement when everything has moved into new values.

A lot of people have been brainwashed into the constant beating into their heads of looking at the markets through the eyes of a date and rate. It doesn't happen that way. 

Believe me, the revaluation process will be a part of that meeting. Meetings like these are always about creating new values that can benefit the Global Economy. 

Just sit tight, and enjoy the process. Europe still needs to bring out their MICA regulations for stablecoins and cryptocurrencies. My understanding is that these are mandated to be done by the end of May - just before their elections.

If you have your money in iso digital tokens, you are sitting in a good place. For those who have their investments only in paper money, you are going to have to wait until those tokenized assets begin to show reasons to change your currencies' values.


RV/RI is Happening Now!💣Iraq Set The Stage to RV!🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

A Representative Accuses America Of Standing In The Way Of The Growing Iraqi Economy, 21 FEB

 A Representative Accuses America Of Standing In The Way Of The Growing Iraqi Economy

Information / Baghdad..   Today, Wednesday, the representative of the State of Law coalition, Muhammad Al-Shammari, accused the United States of America of obstructing Iraq’s economic openness to international countries.

Al-Shammari told Al-Maalouma, “The United States of America stands as a stumbling block in the way of Iraqi economic growth, through its interventions that obstructed arming the Iraqi army, controlling oil imports through the US Federal Reserve, obstructing reconstruction, and concluding contracts with reputable international companies.”

He pointed out that "America contributed greatly to preventing the arrival of reputable international companies to Iraq." LINK


  Militia Man 

 The amount of construction and all those things that we've talked about are not going to be affordable at 1310. 

 They specifically did a tripartite budget which they haven't totally exposed yet...But notice the things they have done.  They were in the UN assembly... Davos...Munich and they were doing deals behind closed doors with all these different countries of the world...Middle East, United States, Great Britain and on and on and on...

Are they going to be doing this to stay where they were before or are they going back to a previous era?  1169, 1182, 1460, 1310, they never went international with those rate...

 Article:  "Government advisor: Iraq is on the cusp of a transitional stage in the development of promising economies globally"   Is this the major announcement or a lead into one, that Salih told us about? If it isn't an announcement it surely is a good lead into one...Awesome news indeed.. International ships arriving, partnering with the private sector, integration with the global economy, compliance with with international standards. Surely we can all see the writing on the wall.. Yep.. Powerful.. imo

One of the things that's important is what we didn't have in the past was banks talking to us at the length that they are now...

Article quote  "...Iraq will return to being a strong economic player."  If they're not a strong economic player at 1310 why would they be tomorrow?  ...Iraq's not going to go international until they show us a Real Effective Exchange Rate.  I'm looking forward to it.  I think it's going to be powerful. 

 [Mr. IT Guy Bank Story] 

My brother asked [JP Morgan Wealth Manager] whether he could bypass the US dollar and exchange straight from the IQD to gold and silver and the private banker said he didn't know but he would find out and call him back.  

 MILITIA MAN:   My understanding is that is possible...I have been told some time ago by more than one source that if the currency is traded on the international acceptable foreign exchange currency...they'll take that currency in exchange for precious metals. 

My wife and I...were looking for a Chase branch that had  JP Morgan Wealth Management printed on the door as well as Chase...I'm in a large metropolitan area...We found one near us...My brother took  it upon himself to call the branch yesterday.  He specifically asked for a private banker...My brother asked him if they exchange foreign currencies and if he was aware of the Iraqi revalue of their currency.  

The private banker said yes he was and that they would be exchanging at that location...and names and numbers he's taking will get priority over anybody else that calls or walks in  after the revalue..

As soon as it hits Forex he's going to start making  phone calls...He told my brother they were expecting a number of people to be coming in and were preparing for that, a bunch of new people with wealth is...exactly what he told my brother...They're planning on having police officers available at the location for  those customs that are planning on leaving the establishment with large sums of cash... 

 MILITIA MAN: ...Is it a coincidence that  this expert came out tonight and talked about deletion of the zeros?  We're going to find out.  It's pretty interesting stuff.

FRANK26…..2-21-24……BE IN CONTROL

Iraqi Dinar🔥Important Big News Update About 3 Zero Notes Today 2024🔥iraq...

The 2024 Budget Has Not Yet Been Implemented Because The Ministry Of Finance Has Not Completed The Schedules, 21 FEB

 The 2024 Budget Has Not Yet Been Implemented Because The Ministry Of Finance Has Not Completed The Schedules

February 21, 2024  Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: In light of the difficult economic conditions facing Iraq, the importance of transparency and the right to access information emerges as essential tools in combating corruption and gaining citizens’ trust in the state.

Obtaining accurate information about the budget preparation process and spending details is a basic condition for achieving this goal.

However, government work in Iraq suffers from a lack of transparency and clarity in the budget preparation process. Although a long period of time has passed since the beginning of 2024, the year’s budget has not yet been implemented, due to the Ministry of Finance not completing the necessary schedules and the lack of clarity on the reasons for restricting disbursement to salaries and not other items, despite the abundance of available financial funds.

These conditions are considered an indicator of a lack of transparency in the budget preparation process, which increases ambiguity and creates mistrust between citizens and government authorities.

The budget preparation process must be open and transparent, with relevant documents and information provided to citizens and interested parties, in order to ensure everyone understands the priorities and financial details.

Analyzes indicate that the Iraqi government must enhance transparency, provide full access to information about the budget preparation process, clarify the reasons and justifications behind spending decisions, and determine financial priorities.

Complete transparency contributes to building confidence between the government and citizens, and enhances legitimacy and political and economic stability in Iraq.

Iraqi politician Raed Fahmi said that transparency and the right to access information are conditions for preventing corruption and gaining citizen confidence in the state. These two conditions are not met in the process of preparing the budget and identifying its items and spending.

He added: The 2024 budget has not been implemented yet because the Ministry of Finance has not completed the schedules, and ambiguity surrounds the reasons for limiting disbursement to salaries and nothing else, despite the financial abundance.



 Tues. 20 Feb. Banker “Well folks, preparation is the key to success so after news of Protocol 20 being approved keep your phones charged and your email close. Word is trickling in that ATMs are being loaded with the new rainbow currency and then being placed out of service until all machines are loaded.

…According to some sources, Bond Holder payments begin to be processing tomorrow Wed. 21 Feb. …I was on a call that was most positive and is affirming we stand at the threshold of scheduling/ exchanging currencies. They do not have rates or exactly when the announcement will be made but it could be as early as the next couple of days.

Tues. 20 Feb. Wolverine

“The QFS is connected to 108 banks, is active in 14 countries and the platforms are already to  allow transfers. We are ready. God bless.

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 02/21/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 02/21/2024

Member: Is anybody very frustrated with how “close” we really are but nothing actually happens

Member: Been frustrated for 18 years….but this time it really does feel like it could happen at any time!

Member:  Hey Guys , Lets pray for this RV to start today!!!!

MZ: A hodgepodge of news today. On the bond side….I had one  from one of the biggest bond groups out there check in and told me they have not had an update from about 2 weeks now and they are not under an NDA. So some are going and some are not? Maybe it has to do with whatever bank or paymasters is handling the transactions? 

MZ: It is odd why certain groups are cracking down on information and some are not? I continue to hear from some that they can no longer talk. And that is more and more prevalent. One particular church group has gone dead silent. 

Member: It is intentional how else can they blur the timeframe

MZ: “Egypt moves to ditch the US dollar in trade” We continue to see the methodical progression of BRICS. 

MZ: “ Protocol 20 codes, QFS, BRICS nations, Gesara and the power shift in global finance”  Interesting article from AMG. 

MZ: “Gold, Copper to get largest immediate boost from Fed easing, Goldman Sacs says”  We are looking for metals to continue to grow. 

Member: I heard that Vietnam started their currency reform on 6/23…Do you think they are almost done?

MZ: I know they are making good progress and have talked about the need to raise their currency. Our US state dept. said a year and a half ago that they need to adjust their currency up. 

This morning a PNC Hawthorn rep messaged me to call him to discuss their investment platform. I had spoken in person to a Senior VP about 6 months ago. Hope it is because they know it's close.

Member: If bonds are getting paid. How long to get to 4b ?

Member: That is the big question we all want to know. 

Member: Mark, thank you for your service to this podcast. You are the hardest working person along with MM that I listen to.

Member: Thank you Andy! Thank you, Mark!! Have a great day, Everyone!

Andy Schectman from Miles Franklin joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions 




Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )




Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics. 

MILITIAMAN: Iraqi Dinar News - Budget Acceleration - Global Development , 26 MARCH

 MILITIAMAN:  Iraqi Dinar News - Budget Acceleration - Global Development  Highlights Summary In this video, the speaker discusses the lates...