Thursday, October 24, 2024

Uncertainty Over The 2025 Budget.. Parliament: We Don't Know Anything About It Yet - Urgent, 25 OCT

 Uncertainty Over The 2025 Budget.. Parliament: We Don't Know Anything About It Yet - Urgent

Politics / Economy |Today  Baghdad Today - Baghdad   The Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed, today, Thursday (October 24, 2024), that the House of Representatives does not know anything about the details of the 2025 budget schedules.

Committee member Jamal Kojer said in an interview with Baghdad Today, "The House of Representatives has not yet reviewed any of the details of the 2025 budget schedules, and we do not know the size of the budget, the percentage of the deficit in it, what projects it includes, and other financial issues."

Koger said, "We do not expect there to be a major or fundamental change in the 2025 budget schedules compared to the past two years, and we believe that the deficit will exist virtually or in reality, and this is what the budget schedules will determine when they reach us and we review them, as there is no official date for their arrival yet."

The financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed on Tuesday (October 8, 2024) that the Ministry of Finance is preparing the general budget tables for the year 2025, while pointing out the most important pillars that will be adopted in the budget for next year.

Saleh said in a statement carried by the official news agency, "Article 77/Second of the Federal General Budget Law No. 13 of 2023, which regulates the preparation of the three-year budget, stipulates that the government sends the budget tables for the years 2024 and 2025 to the House of Representatives for approval before the end of the previous fiscal year."

 He added, "The Ministry of Finance has announced that it is in the process of preparing the general budget schedules for the year 2025, in accordance with the constitutional mechanisms adopted by the aforementioned three-year budget law."

He pointed out that "based on the indicators of budget implementation over the first two years of Law No. 13 mentioned above, the financial authority has the necessary administrative and financial capabilities to submit the 2025 budget tables to take their legislative path through discussion and approval in the Council of Ministers and refer them to the House of Representatives before the end of this year."

Saleh noted that "the federal general budget tables for the year 2025 will be based on the constants of Federal Budget Law No. 13 of 2024, taking into account international and regional economic conditions and their changes, in a way that ensures the adaptation of the provisions of the budget tables for the year 2025 within the available legal texts, in addition to relying on the performance of the indicators of the general budget tables for the year 2024."

He stressed that "major construction projects will continue to progress in accordance with the vision of the government programme to ensure the continuity of growth rates in the gross domestic product in general and the gross domestic product (non-oil) in particular."   LINK



So what did we learn October about the Project to Delete the Zeros? We learned that the media is constantly broadcasting commercials about how the swap out will work. I even should you a couple of these videos.


We learned that the banks set up a special “cash center” to take the stress off the other banks, who were unindicted with citizens depositing their stashes of cash. 

Did you read my list of accomplishments just for the October period? I think this was the WOWest list yet. 



IMF Expects Iraq's Inflation Rate To Rise In 2025, 25 OCT

 IMF Expects Iraq's Inflation Rate To Rise In 2025

Money and business   Economy News - Follow-up  The International Monetary Fund predicted in a report issued this October on the inflation index for Arab countries, indicating that the inflation index in Iraq will rise slightly in the year 2025.

According to the table reviewed by "Al-Eqtisad News", "the annual inflation index in Iraq recorded 3.2% in 2024, compared to 4.4% in 2023 and 5% in 2022."

The International Monetary Fund expects that "the inflation index in Iraq will rise slightly next year, 2025, to reach 3.5%, and the inflation index will decline in 2029 to reach 3%."

The table indicated that "Oman will witness the lowest inflation among Arab countries in 2025, reaching 1.3%, while the highest inflation will be in Sudan, at 200.1%."



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   FIREFLY:Saleh on TV saying a new monetary and financial system that allows acceptance of the international and stability of the currency is imminent. 

 FRANK:  That would be because they are releasing a new exchange rate.


Parliamentary Integrity Commission Reveals Government Move To Recover Looted Funds, 24 OCT

Parliamentary Integrity Commission Reveals Government Move To Recover Looted Funds

Information / Baghdad..   Member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Hamid Al-Shiblawi, revealed today, Thursday, a government move to recover the corrupt and the stolen money outside the country.

Al-Shablawi told Al-Maalouma Agency, "There is coordination between the oversight institutions and Parliament to uncover major corruption files."

He added that "his committee is in the process of legislating a number of laws that will help the government's oversight body combat corruption and recover stolen funds."

He pointed out that "his committee had previously begun opening numerous files by the Parliamentary Integrity Committee concerning all state institutions and ministries."

Al-Shablawi pointed out that "there is a government move to recover the corrupt and the looted money inside and outside the country." LINK


What else is in the news?

😊 I saved the best for last. The title of the article is “REMOVING ZEROS AND REVALUING THE IRAQI DINAR”. 

If you just read the title it is all telling of what the author is trying to say. 

Yes, it says revaluing the Iraqi dinar and isn’t that what we are here for in the blog, to learn more about the process as to how they are doing this and getting ahold on the timing of it. 

So, I really like this recent article as it tells much more than many of the other articles, we have read about removing the zeros. In today’s article let me quote from it as Ali Daadoush gives us many reasons why a country may do this process other than just hyperinflation, as many people want to tell you and discourage you. 

I quote from Ali Daadoush’s article: “There are several reasons behind renaming the currency (removing zeros), and they can be summarized as (controlling inflation, facilitating trade and the economy, political factors such as a change in government, for example, in addition to technical considerations such as updating financial systems, which are usually part of a larger project to update the country’s financial systems, such as converting to new digital systems for dealing with the currency).”

Then he goes on to say also and I quote “From what has been mentioned, we find that (deleting zeros)  is not carried out randomly, but rather is implemented after a comprehensive study of the economy and the challenges it faces, and it must be accompanied by other economic and financial measures to protect the economy from financial fluctuations. 

Therefore, renaming the currency is a complex decision that requires a comprehensive study of the economy and politics in the country, and it must be implemented while minimizing the potential negative effects on the economy and citizens.

Is all of what he is saying all of what Ali Al-Alaq, the Director of the CBI has been telling us too.

 So why do we all worry so much about when this event is going to happen? 

Don’t you see that if you just follow what else the CBI is telling us as he just told us and I quote “by other economic and financial measures to protect the economy”. So, what are the “other” economic and financial measures? 

We know them to be the Pillars of the Finanicial Reform and the Economic changes they are making. 

We now see in the news this migration more to much news on working on the economy now and moving away from news on the Pillars (banking, stock market and insurance reforms).

 So what does this tell us? 

It says they have made much progress in the reforms as stated that needed to be accomplished in their strategies. Remember the article about the strategies and how they planned to tackle these issues with the economic and financial and what measures they would take.

Folks, I hope this all makes sense to you. I know my RV Status commentary was wordy and long today but I do not know how else to explain it all to you except to try to connect the dots and help you see the bigger picture that Iraq is not just going to pop out a rate on FOREX without first accomplishing all these other tasks, and they need to first accomplish these items as they talk about in these ongoing strategies, then to conduct the Project to Delete the Zeros and the final product, a byproduct of it all, is to reinstate the dinar to FOREX.

We must all just settle down, relax as we are NOT going to see the RV process kick into high gear until after the U.S. November election and you damned well better pray this current corrupt administration is gone.  

What can we as investors do right now?

  • Pray and pray that nothing will mess this up….
  • Be very patient….
  • Do not sell you dinar….  
  • No more intel guru talk….
  • No more NESARA / GESARA crazy talk
  • Stop listening to all these idiots as they are only confusing you more and more (especially TNT and “The Big Call” idiots.)
  • Don’t over speculate and set unjustified expectations

I know the path to this reinstatement and I don’t have to speculate or guess.

If you are faithful follower of my blog you then clearly see I have NEVER misled you on the information. How can I say this? It is because I show you evidence and FACTUAL information not some make-believe fairytale bank stories, or lies that four letter agencies are talking to me, because the aren’t and I don’t care what the hell they are saying anyway. None of this ridiculous NESARA or GESARA bullshit either. Get it? Stay away from all this crap. It is an illness that has spread throughout our dinar investment community. It is easy to lie and make up stories but much, much harder to spend the time translating articles and applying them to what is really going on. Yes, we must stay grounded as this RV is coming to a closure and there is not much longer to wait..

Dinar Revaluation Update: Whales in Zurich & BRICS Summit BY MIKE BARA @DINARREVALUATION


MP Reveals Strategy To Achieve Self-Sufficiency In Petroleum Derivatives, 24 OCT

MP Reveals Strategy To Achieve Self-Sufficiency In Petroleum Derivatives

Information/ Baghdad..  Member of the Parliamentary Oil Committee, MP Ali Saadoun, revealed on Thursday a strategy to achieve self-sufficiency in oil derivatives in a southern governorate.

Saadoun said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, "Maysan Governorate comes after Basra in crude oil production, which reaches 600 thousand barrels per day, and despite the presence of a refinery, it does not cover its needs for oil derivatives.

He added, "The Ministry of Oil has begun adopting a strategy, the first stage of which is to add a unit with a capacity of 70,000 barrels per day to the Maysan refinery in order to produce larger quantities of petroleum derivatives, especially gasoline and kerosene."

He pointed out that "achieving self-sufficiency in petroleum derivatives will create high flexibility in providing needs throughout the year without any difficulties, especially with the growing rates of demand for various types of fuel."

It is noteworthy that the Maysan refinery consists of 4 production units with different capacities, which provide the largest part of the governorate’s needs for petroleum derivatives.” LINK


What else is in the news?

In speaking about the Pillars of Financial Reforms, I am referring now to two articles concerning the Stock Market reforms. 

😊  The first article talks about obligating all licensed exchange companies under categories (A, B) and all licensed brokerage companies of category (C) to buy and sell foreign currencies to obtain a specialized certificate for their companies’ work. This is all good as it shows the CBI is adding yet another safeguard of  the Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX) from corruption. It is titled “SPECIALIZED COURSE IN THE WORK OF EXCHANGE AND BROKERAGE COMPANIES (A, B, C)”

😊  Then in another article they tell us the market value of listed companies on the ISX increased in market Iraq for securities to exceed the 20 trillion dinar barrier for the first time Iraqi supported by the banking sector. I want to point out that the articles says “supported by the banking sector”. Do you see now how the Financial Reforms support each other and are an important foundation for what is to come next?

 What is to come next? 

Could it be the currency reform? Yes, the Financial Reforms will have to be put in place for the currency reforms to be implemented. Again, the foundation must be laid before we can see the currency reform process.   Go read the article titled “INCREASE IN THE MARKET VALUE OF COMPANIES LISTED ON THE IRAQ STOCK EXCHANGE”. Go read it. 

Yes, so I am going to be persistent in drilling the Pillars of Financial Reforms into everyone’s head. I am relentless as this is the CBI talking to me asking now to tell you the TRUTH. This is how and ONLY how we are going to see the reinstatement. This groundwork or foundation work must first be laid and it is being accomplished as I write this Newsletter. Get it? 

What else is in the news?

😊 Croatian PM: Iraq represents an important opportunity for development and investment in the energy and oil sector

😊 EdgeNext and Commercis announce Partnership for Iraq Expansion. According to a press release, this collaboration will enable the expansion of EdgeNext’s cloud delivery services throughout Iraq, “bringing transformative improvements to the country’s digital landscape.”

😊 US Ambassador discusses with Oil Minister reopening Iraq-Türkiye pipeline. US Ambassador Alina Romansky discussed with Oil Minister Hayan Abdul-Ghani the reopening of the Iraq-Turkey pipeline today, Friday.

😊 Al-Sudani: Investment opportunities exceeded $100 billion and industrial cities were established in Baghdad. Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani held a meeting yesterday, Monday, with the Chairman of the Egyptian Al-Suwaidi Group of Companies, Ahmed Al-Suwaidi, and a group of directors of Egyptian industrial and commercial companies, in the presence of a number of advisors to the Prime Minister.

During the meeting, Al-Sudani pointed out the expansion of economic cooperation between Iraq and Egypt, especially in partnerships with the Egyptian private sector, stressing that the investment opportunities offered in Iraq, 

😊 Next, I want to bring one more bit of news to you that I consider a very good explanation of exactly what I have been telling you about the phased approach to reforms all in one article. It is a VERY GOOD summary of it all. Please take the time to go read it. I talked more about this in my Tuesday 10/22 Newsletter. Of course, I can also say I showed you all of this in various articles from the past. Do you remember? The title of the article is  BANKING REFORM METHODOLOGY AT THE CENTRAL BANK (2016-2026)”. Yes it is a WOW! article.

I quote from the article –“The steps of banking reform that the Central Bank has been taking since 2016 began when Mr. Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq was appointed Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq on 9/9/2014, which is a difficult and complex stage in Iraq’s security and economic history.”

So, you see this is why my CBI contact told me Ali Alaq was not going anywhere when he pressured them to accept his methods of reform or he would resign. The pressure to get him to resign did not work. The good guys in the government did not accept his resignation and instead they are now only following and supporting his plan even more. But who wanted him to resign in the first place?

 It was, of course, the Iranian backed politicians in the parliament. Can you see it now? Can you see the corruption of the politicians on one hand who do not want Iraq to move ahead? Like in the U.S. they seeded these corruption politicians in the government through the free elections, which they probably rigged. Can you see why it is taking so long to get back on FOREX? Yes, it’s a long road and they are literally “slugging it out” to get there. But they will succeed and we are seeing their success in every one of my Newsletters. We all know what the final “prize” is, don’t we?

MILITIAMAN: MM&C News Reporting-Iraqi Dinar Recovery being Strong-World Bank Group-I...

Coffee with MarkZ joined by MM and Crew. 10/24/2024

Coffee with MarkZ joined by MM and Crew. 10/24/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good morning Mark, Mods and fellow RV’ers

Member: Hi to all. Just stopped in to see what condition our condition was in

Member: Happy Thursday!! Please let it be our day/weekend.

​​Member: I wait, I wonder, I sigh, When will it come? Is it near? The hours crawl, the days feel slow, Time drips like raindrops, steady and slow. A question lingers - When will the RV finally arrive?

Member: Take it Wednesday was not what you hoped?

MZ: On the bond side – I am not sure I can share what I learned…but it sure makes seeing the EBS this weekend seem possible. 

MZ: Based on what I am hearing on the bond side I would expect, guess, believe-IMO  that between now and Nov. 6th we will be seeing different rates and doing some banking .There is a really good chance based on what we are hearing right now. 

Member: Read between the lines and you know what Mark isn't able to say

MZ: I am going to ignore your questions today if you push hard on things I cannot answer.

Member: Have your sources ever been correct Mark?

MZ: Yes they have been correct a lot of times on a lot of different things……..unfortunantly we just have not RV’d yet 

Member: BREAKING: Iraq joins TIR of WTO

MZ: And I am hearing from Iraq that the HCL law may be voted on this weekend.  Hope its true 

MZ: “ Prime Ministers advisor : 85% of Iraqis receive salaries from the government”  I had no idea the number was that high. That is a stunning figure. 

Member: Can you explain the Islamic banking that I’ve read about?

Member: Under Sharia Law, banks are restricted to the interest they can charge in loans or credit cards. Deposits are safe

Member: I read Islamic banks don't require reporting your deposits to the US. Gets around Fatca.

MZ: They have a higher standard of banking then here in the west. 

Member: New Speaker for Iraqi parliament to be voted on Saturday?

Member: BRICS is supposed to have a big announcement today.

MZ: And they have already announced so much . They have shown us what the new BRICS cash looks like…..They have added 12-13 new partner members (not full membership yet) Things are getting juicier. 

Member: At least the BRICS talk has finally become mainstream...

Member: supposed to be 150 countries at BRICS summit to not use fiat after today

Member: Putin was walking around showing the new BRICS money

Member: Jeff Rahm says this is our week….saying EBS this weekend. 

MZ: I am hearing that is possible too…..Doesn’t mean it will happen…but I am hearing that 

Member: Who is Jeff Rahm?

Member: Jeff is Jeff Rahm, Possible Trustee of Rodriguez fortune.

MilitiaMan joins the stream today… Please listen to the replay for his opinions and information 

Member: What happens if Iraq and Zim go alone what do we do with the rest of the foreign currencies we have are they going to allow us to have a second appointment to bring those in.. very confused?

Member: They would have to ..imo 

Member: I just hope the zim and bolivar are in the first basket

Member: Heard of the WISE card? Easy to set up, I have VND and IDR currency sitting in there waiting for RV. Tell friends $20 can get them lots of VND. Easy to transfer to USD when they have RV

MZ: I believe about 20% of our members already have WISE accounts. 

Member: Turn on EBS and let chips fall where they may!!

Member: Good things come to those that wait and God knows we have done that!

Member: I feel like something is about to pop off like a champagne bottle!

MZ: We will have Dr. Scott Young on tonight. 

Member: Your watching amazing progress happening...more than ever...hang in there...Our Worldwide RAINBOW is AHEAD

Member: Thank you Mark and MilitiaMan for all your encouraging news. May all our dreams come true very soon. 


Where these past news about Iraqi DEBIT Cards with rates on them real of fake? BY MNT GOAT, 24 OCT

 Where these past news about Iraqi DEBIT Cards with rates on them real of fake?

Another reason I find this article and video interesting is that it debunks yet more of the lies these intel gurus have been telling you for years now about some fictitious debit cards being used in the U.S. with an RV’d rate on them. I have to tell you this was all just lies and this article proves it now. Yes, the lies always catch up to the liar eventually.

Think, think, think! Now you know the truth that such cards didn’t ever exist just like I told you years ago could not exist. You simply can’t put a rate for a currency on a debit card. The rate is controlled by the currency exchange or the CBI (official rate) whichever one they are linked to. Either way, the rate is determined at the bank, when the transaction goes through at the bank when the card is used. Get it? READ MY LIPS – NO rate on the card. Not possible and common sense even dictates this.

Next, we read from this article that ONLY now are the banks finally issuing these debit cards that can be used globally, such as in the U.S. So, who was lying to you years ago and you all sucked up to the lies and went off half-cocked believing all this hyped-up nonsense about these cards? Yes, it was all for nothing. Just more TNT bullshit nonsense. Again, the lies always seem to catch up with this guy Tony Renfrow and his side Kick Tonto ( I mean Ray), the master minded con men.

Next, we can interpret these electronic debit cards as yet another move by Iraq to open up to the rest of the world. So, what is the first thing that should come to you mind when you read this article today? It should tell you yet another move out of the sanctioned- mode that Iraq has been in just occurred. Thus they are joining the world stage again but bigger and better this time. Get it? Yes, it is slower than we want but it is happening right in front of our noses now. The choo-choo train just made yet another stop. I rest my case…… 😊 choo-choo! Go read the article!


IRAQI DINAR READY TO GO?? #iraqidinar #dinar #centralbankofiraq #god #we...



If you remember a couple months ago, at just about this timeframe, the Iraqi economist Yasser Al-Mutawali asked the question to the Finance Ministry and to the general public – “Is It Time To Remove The Zeros” ?

So, another month has passed and we still didn’t see this project executed. But should we? Oh…. but yet another article today about removing the zeros. Why? We will also explore this again today. 

So what did we learn October about the Project to Delete the Zeros? We learned that the media is constantly broadcasting commercials about how the swap out will work. I even should you a couple of these videos. Remember? We learned that the banks set up a special “cash center” to take the stress off the other banks, who were unindicted with citizens depositing their stashes of cash. 

Did you read my list of accomplishments just for the October period? I think this was the WOWest list yet. 

So, let’s get to work today and cover more news that I did not cover in the Tuesday Newsletter or that has come out since. 

Oh… there are few juicy articles I need to cover in this edition of the Newsletter today. You gotta Luv it! Don’t worry the news it is all VERY, VERY good. All of it is  exactly WOW! news, VERY GOOD news for us investors and exactly what we all need to hear today. Let’s sit back in our cozy chairs and get a hot cup of tea or coffee. My commentary today is wordy and long, but most informative. But most importantly remember that these are not my “opinions” or “suggestions” rather they are the FACTS, their words not mine taken from the news directly from Iraq. All I did it translate them and try to make some sense of them for you. All the articles can be found in the articles section of today’s Newsletter. I hope you will also reference and remember what I said in my Tuesday 10/22 Newsletter about the strategies and how they chose to come up with these plans to move Iraq in the direction it needs to go. My very last article that I dive into today in this Status of the RV commentary finally connects everything else together that I talk about, so please don’t spill the beans and jump ahead. Please take the time to slowly and methodically read through this commentary today.

😊 I quote from the article titled “I WANT TO SPREAD AWARENESS ABOUT ELECTRONIC PAYMENT? READY TO USE IT?”  Let’s talk about this juicy articles? There are many points I need to bring out to you from this one. These are all important points as I do not forget what happened in the past with all these intel gurus spreading lies. This topic is of great concern to us in this intel about the dinar.

First, I want to say there is a video also you need to watch today. I will ask my CBI contact, on my Wednesday call to Iraq, if this is their promotional video or not.

Here is the video. I find it very interesting. The closed captions gives English.

Next, I need to add something about these kinds of videos. Yes, they are finally being released. But for what purpose and why now? These videos are now finally coming out of Iraq and are real and not from some imagination out of the minds of these intel gurus, as in the past years. Yes, it is time for them now. Get it? Like I said in the past, that if the videos were real, they why couldn’t they (anybody) record them and send them to us? The reason why is that the intel was all nothing but lies and hype. But today it is real. Yes, false hope in the past but not today. But now we see this all changing and finally falling into place, just as I told you. We are now seeing the videos recorded and released to us. One has to wonder if many of these intel gurus, like TNT Tony and his gang are nothing but propaganda meant to fool us investors and to discourage us.






Establishment of the “Iraqi Money Changers Syndicate” in Baghdad.. and Al-Taie as its President, 24 OCT

Establishment of the “Iraqi Money Changers Syndicate” in Baghdad.. and Al-Taie as its President

The establishment of the “Iraqi Money Changers Syndicate” and the election of Diaa Al-Taie as its president were announced today, Wednesday, in a move that is the first of its kind in Iraq. The purpose of this move was to end the injustice that was perpetrated against the owners of money exchange offices and businesses and protect the rights of those owners.

The “” platform attended the union’s founding conference at the “Mansour Melia” Hotel in central Baghdad. The event was attended by a number of parliamentarians, including Hassan Al-Khafaji, head of the Parliament’s Investment Committee, and Hussein Mounes, member of the Finance Committee, in addition to businesspeople.

Diaa Al-Taie was elected head of the Iraqi Money Changers Syndicate in front of all present in a transparent and fair manner. This is the first of its kind to bring together the majority of companies and money changers into a syndicate to present ideas, communicate with one another, and clarify their positions with the Iraqi government.

Al-Taie emphasized that the establishment step had been studied for some time, and that with the establishment of the “Iraqi Money Changers Syndicate,” this concept has matured and crystallized.

In a speech they gave at the conference, the attending representatives, most notably Hassan Al-Khafaji and Hussein Mounes, said that the parliamentary committees support this legal regulatory path. They also said that this step is important for direct legal communication with the Central Bank of Iraq, Iraqi banks, and those who are concerned from exchange companies to deal with each other about the local market.

The representatives pledged to support and communicate this concept, which will open up numerous avenues of communication between the Iraqi government and the private sector, which includes exchange companies represented by the “Iraqi Exchange Union.”

Bruce’s Big Call, 24 OCT

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 10-22-24  REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins 1:15:35

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, October 22nd and you’re listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for listening and tuning in again. And gosh, here it is October, and it feels like summer, and a lot of parts of the country is still warm and almost hot. We're going to be 90 degrees here in Tulsa on Thursday. It's crazy, but that's all right, a lot of the countries have warm weather, and that's nice. Let's go ahead and, pray the call in. All right, let's go into where we are on the Intel portion of the call tonight. Appreciate that, Bob. It's very good explanation of everything. Love the Myatrol. Let's see what else. Okay, let's, get into what has been happening over the last three or four days, we knew we were close, you know, last Thursday into the weekend, we knew we were really coming in the time, and we really thought that we would be there. And now, I believe we can say that at least everything that we're hearing is point this going right away. So even this evening, before the big all started, I received some information that said that, let's see. How are we going to say this? Okay, we're hearing that the fines and penalties, F&P’s, they call it fines and penalties, the farm claims and the Native American claims will be paid out tonight and tomorrow. So that's kind of an ongoing thing. Tonight / tomorrow. We're also hearing that – that is supposed to go and then we go -- that happens and then we go. I believe the bond holders information that we're getting is saying that we're going to they're going to receive their notification approximately the same time that we get ours and then they'll be able to go on to their particular websites and see put in their code, and be able to see the amount in their account. They already have a pre- designated amount that they want to have for the first 60 days. So they have that already designated a year ago, so that amount they can have access to that will last them for 60 days. All right, so that's good news. I'm coming up with things that I'm remembering. After we exchange and redeem our zim note – the amount that we have in our quantum account, we will move up to 1.6 billion into each LLC, or structure that we have created, okay, 1.6 B into each one. So that gives us plenty of liquidity that's to last you for 60 days -- after 60 days, we can do whatever we need to do with the money in quantum account, if we want more – we bring more into bank account. We can do that. Okay, so that's a good thing. So just remember, 1.6 D is the amount that we're we've been authorized to move from the quantum account, using our quantum access card into our primary Wells Fargo account, or we're also calling it our master account, if you will, whichever term you like. And then once that's in that master account, we can move funds into the other sub accounts, or LLC accounts - In the case of what I'm doing, I have four LLC you guys know I will be using the same bank - Wells for those initial accounts, but you can tie a total of three different banks, Wells, plus two others, to that quantum account card so that you can download those funds to those accounts and Go ahead and deposit those funds into those banks, those other banks, besides Wells, I will stay with Wells initially, and then maybe add them later. Okay, let's talk about interest rates for a moment, before we go too much further. Interest rates, that's the amount that we are going to be paid in the bank accounts, not on the quantum account. Remember, the quantum account is a non interest bearing account, okay, The banks will pay us interest, and we are to All right, this is going to be interesting. See if you guys can follow this, we have the ability to gain between five and eight and a quarter percent, and that's negotiable. (5- 8.25%) That's negotiable. But -- Here's the deal -- say you've got a boatload of zim, the more zim and other currencies that you have, the lower the interest rate will be. You would think it would be the opposite of that. But if you have a boat load of zim and you're going to move billions and billions into your bank account. Obviously you don't need a high interest rate. Okay? So that means the more you have, the lower the interest rate, the least you have, the higher the interest rate that you can earn - Now these aren't currency rates. You guys know the difference - this is the rate of return called APY - annual percentage yearly, APY - that's what they're using as a term for paying out interest. Okay, so you'll get that as an APY between five and eight and a quarter percent, and let's say you have is a few dinar notes – or some dong that you come out of the exchange with maybe only $100 million dollars in USN - you made 100 million on the whole deal – you would be able to get the highest rate of return you could actually go above 8.25%- “just saying” Now there's no way to guess the system, so don't even worry about that, or think about it. You’re going to get paid - that if you've got trillions and quadrillions and quintillions of dollars from zim, that you're going to need to need interest at all? Of course not. But it would be nice, because we know that they want us to go possibly 200 300 400 plus years to see all of our projects to fruition. And I tell you, with the Med beds, we'll be able to live that long or longer. So just realize that - It's going to be really interesting to see how all this goes. But don't worry about your rate of interest. It's going to be there. You're going to have a nice interest rate, and I'm still going to sort of try to get maybe five or 6% interest, and then take that quarterly That gives me a goal that I can take so much and I make an interest per quarter and and make a goal to invest in people's lives or my projects, or which is the same thing, and try to use it all up before the next quarter. That's what I'm going to try to do, it’s going to be tough - but I think we make an attempt to do that, it's going to be great. All right, let's see. Let's go even further and see what else we can say about where we are. At least three separate sources have said that we would go, and I don't know if I had this on on Thursday’s call, I can’t remember if I did, but if I didn't that, we would be notified and exchange - and redeem zim either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday of this week – we were told by the same individual that this is definitely the week, and that individual was a member of the new United States Treasury. So taking that man and his word, we are definitely going either today, tomorrow or Thursday. Now - what can I say about today-Thursday -- things are happening today, but we're not being notified today – so we can write today off, except for what is happening tonight, the fines and penalties, the and farm collection overnight tonight. Now that shouldn't hold us up too far. We've been told we would be notified tomorrow before lunchtime, but with these other things going on, let's just explain. Expect to be known to exchange at some time on Thursday. Okay, so I'm very excited about where we finally are in this quest - to have everything ready. To go for us - Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays. hat are left, and I believe its happening tonight. And with us getting notified with our emails tomorrow, we will set our appointments and start exchanges tomorrow and or Thursday. I really believe that's where we are now. And I'm not the only one out there that's suggesting that. I know there are other people that put things out, some of which is real Intel, some of its cut and pasted, but I believe that that's a good a good assessment of where we are, as far as let's see where as the, (what do we call it now) shotgun start is concerned. Thank you, Jeannie, for bringing this up in your prayer requests. R and R, as I mentioned was this month, but I don't know exactly when it's going to show up. It should still be this month, let me say, say that - The increase in Social Security payments to seniors 62 and older. If you already signed up for Social Security received by the age of 62 and you'll be receiving that in November. And the first Wednesday of the month will get the increase in the second week, and the second week will get their normal amount on the second and then they'll get the increase in the third week. And the third week will get their regular social security in the third Wednesday, and then get the increase in the fourth week. And if your fourth week of social on that Wednesday, and you'll get the increase two days later if you're the fourth of so that's going to work out really well for us. It's going to be a nice piece of change. It really is. It's going to be a nice amount. Obviously, if you're loaded with zim and other currencies, it's not going to mean that much, but we're not going to look a gift horse in the mouth - as the expression goes I'm also excited about everything coming through for us – I’m also excited about what we've talked about with some people that want to help with rebuild North Carolina, Andrea. Andrea and I think James is working there as well connect them, as well as Henry, to make a start for us there to find out exactly how we can participate and what that can look like. I'm excited about what that what that will mean for us in helping - There are plenty of things that we’ll be able to do - not only North and South Carolina - Virginia and Tennessee and even coastal or upcountry in Georgia, but also be looking into rebuild America opportunities In Florida, which as you know Bob knows first hand about those, because he's been rendering help already for, you know, himself, for Larry, or his friends, his neighbors, people down the street, his sister out there on the island. You know, there's so much to be done in terms of the rebuild effort. We're going to plug in as much as we can and make that happen, even if it's only when donations we will help with donations - we are looking into reputable organizations and people specifically that we can work with and come alongside. All right, so I'll be getting that information out to you when we solidify that, but I want everybody to enjoy the few weeks of this blessing by taking care of themselves. You know, whatever they're doing, they're moving, if they're not moving, if they're looking real estate, look at a new car, whatever it is. And vacation time do what I've done many years and enjoy it for a little while, and we'll try to be ready for you so check your emails, because we are going to be sending out updates from big call universe, so that you guys can follow what it is we're looking to do. Okay? I'll try to make that short and sweet – so you can follow it and that you could participate with us in re build America. And rebuild international So there's a lot that's going to be happening. Pretty soon. All right, well, that's what I wanted to share tonight. I really think that's to bring out to you, and let's see, where am I going to go over here and try to get where I can turn the recording off, and I think the phone is over here. Did you ever lose your phone? Ok I found the phone – Good Night everybody .