Sunday, July 16, 2023


 Mnt Goat   Article:  "IRAQ: REVITALIZING THE STOCK MARKET"   Article quotes:   "...there is an urgent need to activate the role of the stock market as a mirror reflecting economic activity in the country";  "It is said that the size of the cash block that is hoarded outside the banking circulation space amounts to about 70 percent of the cash issued"  .

Remember a lot of this cash is outside the country in our pockets and they won’t get it unless they reinstate the dinar and we can go to the bank and exchange at a rate we want as investors. Heck they sold us this currency in a time of need and now, as they are so rich, they have to pay us for it with a higher exchange rate.


The oil and gas law is in the "finishing touches". And the Democrat stresses: We will not compromise this time

Baghdad Today - Kurdistan

Today, Sunday (July 16, 2023), a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Wafaa Muhammad Karim, revealed that the "final touches" to the "controversial" oil and gas bill have been stalled for years due to political differences over it.

Karim told "Baghdad Today" that "Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani showed full commitment to approving the oil and gas law during the coming period," noting  that "the approval of the law in the House of Representatives will not take long, and there is continuous communication between al-Sudani and the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, pleased Barzani, to put the finishing touches on it.

Karim Ali stressed, "The Democratic Party will not compromise this time on adding amendments and mixing political papers with a technical law," noting that "approving the law will contribute to resolving most of the outstanding disputes between Baghdad and Erbil for years, and we believe that the Sudanese is serious about approving the law despite political pressures." .

It is noteworthy that one of the issues that raised controversy between Erbil and Baghdad for many years is the ratification of the oil and gas law, but it was agreed to approve the draft law between the two parties within the framework of a political agreement that led to the formation of the current government.

The ministerial curriculum of the Sudanese government includes a paragraph stipulating the legislation of the oil and gas law, within a period not exceeding 6 months from the start of its work, which has been delayed for several months now.

The Kurdish blocs in the parliament are seeking to pass the draft oil and gas law by approving it in accordance with Article 112 of the Iraqi constitution, and according to the government platform, the project must be submitted to parliament during the current government period.

The Sudanese Prime Minister has previously considered this law the only way to resolve the outstanding differences and problems with the Kurdistan Regional Government.


 De Hernán Robert Hbravo

Domingo 16 Julio 2023
Holly Celiano (Publicado en su sitio)
La Fed tenía hasta hoy para pagar sus trillones de deuda o entregar todos sus activos al Nuevo Tesoro de EE. UU.
Todos funcionan con la norma ISO 20022. Protocolos respaldados por activos.
¡La Corporación ya no existe! ¡Bienvenidos a la Nueva República de los Estados Unidos!
¡Ya no eres un bien mueble vendido en la bolsa de valores, eres un soberano independiente!
¡Deberías estar muy emocionado por este día! ¡Libertad!
*Así es!!😀👍💖...y vienen más de las buenas noticias!!
Christmas 🎄 in July!

By Hernán Robert Hbravo
Sunday 16 July 2023
Holly Celiano (Posted on her site)
The Fed had until today to pay off its trillions of debt or turn over all of its assets to the New US Treasury. They all work with ISO 20022. Asset-backed protocols.
The Corporation no longer exists! Welcome to the New Republic of the United States!
You are no longer a chattel sold on the stock market, you are an independent sovereign! You should be very excited for this day! Freedom! *That's right!!😀👍💖...and more of the good news is coming!! Christmas 🎄 in July!

Iraq News MAJOR NEWS Iraq's $27 Billion Deal with Total Energy? IQD, SANDY INGRAM


 Parliamentary Committee: The oil and gas law will see the light soon

Parliamentary Committee - The oil and gas law will see the light soonInformation / Baghdad..
The Committee on Oil, Gas and Natural Resources confirmed, on Saturday, Parliament’s intention to legislate the oil and gas law during the current session, while noting that the adoption of the law will contribute to resolving the problems between Baghdad and Erbil.
Committee member Alaa Al-Haidari said in an interview with Al-Maalouma agency, “According to the government program and what was agreed upon by the state administration coalition, the oil and gas law will be legislated soon.”
He added, “The legislation of such a law is an urgent necessity, as it regulates the method of extracting oil and minerals throughout Iraq, including the Kurdistan region, as well as regulating oil revenues.”
He pointed out that “the oil and gas draft law is of economic importance, and it is obligatory to deliver oil revenues through the Federal Oil Marketing Company, as well as knowing the quantities exported.”
He pointed out that “there is an agreement between Baghdad and Erbil to legislate the federal oil and gas law,” stressing that “the House of Representatives will work to legislate it during the next stage.”
The rapporteur of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan parliamentary bloc, Karwan Ali Yarouis, revealed earlier that there was a political agreement to pass the oil and gas law in Parliament, stressing that “discussions regarding it will start after the end of the legislative recess.

Iraqi Integrity declares readiness for a “major confrontation and a fateful battle” against corruption
2023-07-15 06:56
Iraqi Integrity declares readiness for a major confrontation and a fateful battle against corruptionShafaq News/ The head of the Federal Integrity Commission, Judge Haider Hanoun, said on Saturday that the commission will launch a “major confrontation and a fateful battle” against corruption and the corrupt at all levels.
This came during the launch of the activities of the conference organized by the Federal Integrity Commission in cooperation with (UNODC) and Basra Governorate, entitled (Supporting partnership and dialogue between the public and private sectors, the way to combat corruption).
The head of the Integrity Commission stressed, according to a statement received by Shafaq News agency, that “the major confrontation and the fateful battle against corruption and the corrupt has been prepared for in the past months, and the commission is about to announce its launch at all levels, calling on the private sector to be an active part in it, by not participating corruption and his obligation to report corruption crimes.
The head of the Integrity Commission described corruption as “the greatest danger and the worst enemy that impedes all attempts at progress and the main undermining of the pillars of development,” noting that “the commission has completed the preparations and preparations for the battle against corruption, in which victory depends on the amount of those preparations, which include strengthening partnership and dialogue between the two sectors.” Public and private, and take measures to prevent the involvement of the private sector in corruption, pursuant to the provisions of the articles and provisions of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, which Iraq joined a decade and a half ago, noting the importance of citizen interaction and participation in it, and the cooperation and participation of community actors, trade unions, federations, civil society organizations, and non-governmental organizations.
He warned of the repercussions of the phenomenon of corruption and its extension to the economy and its contribution to impeding economic growth, wasting part of the state’s resources, and the flight of national and foreign investments due to the absence of incentives, pointing out that corruption violates the distributive justice of income and resources, the decline in economic effectiveness, the widening gap between the rich and poor groups, as well as the weakening of revenues. public of the state; as a result of evading paying taxes and fees, explaining that corruption is one of the causes of poor spending of state resources and depriving important sectors such as health, education and services from benefiting from them, and the low efficiency of public investments and the weakening of the level of quality in infrastructure due to the bribes that are paid; To ignore the required standard specifications.
For his part, the Governor of Basra expressed his optimism about holding this conference in the province, pointing out that this represents a message in the launch of the partnership between the private and public sectors in this province, which has embarked on reconstruction and is on its way to achieving development. This would be a starting point for the reconstruction of the country in all its governorates, praising the work of the Federal Integrity Commission and its role in removing the corrupt from state institutions, and ensuring the preservation of public money, stressing the importance of cooperation between state institutions and oversight agencies; In order to preserve the public budget from spoilers, and invest it in the best way for reconstruction.
For his part, the head of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Iraq (Ali Al-Barir) indicated that the economies of the Middle East and North Africa region face great challenges to develop trade and investment related to corruption, calling for the need to ensure fair competition by raising awareness and strengthening the implementation of joint anti-corruption provisions and applying measures deterrent to combat bribery.
In turn, (Ibrahim Al-Baghdadi), the head of the Iraqi Economic Council, warned against administrative and financial corruption, accusing it of dangerous phenomena facing public and private institutions alike and having a significant impact on the process of construction, reconstruction, and economic, political and social development in the country.
He pointed out that a large part of the private sector is the major victim of corruption, which must be combined with benevolent efforts to confront it and stand against it, stressing that the Iraqi Economic Council and businessmen and women from federations, organizations and entities of the Iraqi private sector stand entirely on the side of the oversight bodies, as they consider themselves the best partner and supporter. And Moaded for its role in curbing the corrupt and reducing corruption paths, praising the Sudanese government and its ministerial approach for issuing many decisions, which he described as bold and courageous in the interest of various sectors, including supporting the private sector and fighting corruption.




4Abba:  Chase bank story

Went to my private banker with $500M bolivar.

He investigated the exchange amount and it was $ .3531 which was $17.5M.  He checked the banned  list to see if it could be exchanged.   It was not on that list.  

Then he checked the second list to see if the bank had a restriction and  it was  restricted.  

I told him hopefully it will not be restricted next week. He put it on his watch list and as soon as the restrictions were lifted, he would call me.

Iraq Dinar - Valuation Budget Allocations - Launch Sunday- Massive BY MILITIAMN & CREW


 Holly : (Posted on her site)

Feds had until today to pay back their trillions in debt or turn over all their assets to the New US Treasury. All run on ISO 20022 standard. Asset backed protocols.

The Corporation is now defunct! Welcome to the New Republic of the United States!

You no longer are chattel sold on the stock exchange, you are an independent soveriegn!

You should be damn excited for this day! Freedom!


 White Paper Reform Plan, Iraq At Page 48 of Total 83 Pages Progress Now

"Earn more than 5% interest on your money", 16 JULY

Earn more than 5% interest on your money: The best high-yield savings accounts of July 2023

When it comes to building an emergency fund or saving up for a large expense, such as a down payment on a home, putting your money in a high-yield savings account can help you reach your goals quicker.

Unlike traditional savings accounts, high-yield savings accounts reward you with a higher interest rate and your money grows even faster thanks to compound interest — which lets you earn interest on interest. The higher your annual percentage yield (APY), the faster your money grows and you get a better return than you would with a traditional savings account.

The national average APY on savings accounts is just 0.42%, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). That’s over 12 times less than the 5-plus percent APY and around 6% APY that the highest-yield savings accounts offer. And as the Federal Reserve continues to raise interest rates, banks are responding by paying out higher annual percentage yields, or APYs, to their customers.

To determine which high-yield savings accounts are the best overall,  CNBC Select analyzed and compared dozens of savings accounts offered by online and brick-and-mortar banks, including large credit unions. We found that although most online banks don’t have physical branch locations, they typically offer higher APYs, lower fees and overall better benefits than national brick-and-mortar banks.

When rating our top nine, we considered each account’s APY, its ease of use, account accessibility, monthly fees and minimum balance requirements. The savings accounts selected offer an above-average APY to all customers (no matter their balance), are FDIC-insured, have zero monthly maintenance fees and low (or no) minimum balance requirements. (See our methodology for more information on how we choose the best high-yield savings accounts.)

Best high-yield savings accounts


 MilitiaMan (KTFA)

It’s not about get rich quick.  It’s been about, get the country up to its real effective exchange rate and I think that’s where we’re headed.


The truth is, we are months if not years away from seeing the dinar rise in value via float. Before that happens, they must implement laws to create a suitable investment environment for their economy to diversify and prosper.  

Bruce (The Big Call)

[via WiserNow]

…we found out they were planning to print the new rate and the oil and gas law or the HCl hydrocarbon law…HCl in the printed version Gazette…Wednesday…guess what – it didn’t happen. …our contacts from Iraq are saying they’re planning to bring it out in a printed version Saturday. They said this weekend, but I believe it’s gonna be Saturday their normal, printed version day. So let’s look for it Saturday...

the exchange rate we were looking to see yesterday in the Gazette…should be in Saturdays Gazette… So other than that, we know the rates that were supposed to be in the Gazette yesterday [Wednesday]
 the so called in country rate, or CBI rate, the International rate all of that…was very, very strong, and is still strongAnd the rate that was on our screens here is very strong… 

Nader From The Mid East

When I tell you Iraq is not independent yet, then it is not

The head of the Fatah alliance, Hadi Al-Amri…said in a speech at a memorial service followed by the Twilight news agency, it is a shame that we have to be controlled by an employee of the U.S treasury he called on the political forces to take a United position on the independence of Iraq.”