Friday, July 19, 2024
Minister of Trade: All countries are keen on Iraq's return as a global economic player
Minister of Trade Athir Dawood Al-Ghariri confirmed today, Friday, that negotiations for Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization are proceeding at a rapid pace, while indicating that all countries are keen on Iraq's return as a global economic player.
Al-Ghariri told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The resumption of negotiations for Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization is a qualitative event and a testament to what the government promised through its program to reform the economic situation, considering the private sector as an essential part and the backbone of the Iraqi economy."
He expressed his "aspiration for the fourth round of negotiations to be held during the first quarter of next year," stressing that "this acceleration means that the negotiations are proceeding very quickly towards Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization, considering Iraq an important economic bloc and all countries are keen for Iraq to return as an economic player in a multilateral system."
For his part, the Saudi Ambassador to the World Trade Organization, Saqr Abdullah Al-Muqbil, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "There is a positive view that we will find Iraq joining a multilateral trade system as it is one of the largest economies outside this organization."
Al-Muqbil stressed that "the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has a priority to achieve Iraq's desire to join the organization."
In turn, the official responsible for Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization said: "The member states were happy with the Iraqi delegation, and we hope that the Iraqi delegation has completed this long journey."
She added: "We seek to see Iraq become a member of the World Trade Organization."
The Minister of Trade and head of the Iraqi team concerned with joining the World Trade Organization, Athir Dawood Al-Ghariri, announced last Monday the resumption of negotiations to join the World Trade Organization, after a hiatus that lasted more than 16 years.LINK
Here's the problem with that video [Iraqi dinar video from 3-17-2024 below]
...As much as that video was correct and powerful and education, unfortunately they did not show you the lower notes. If you have seen the lower notes your brain would have told you, 'Oh, wait a minute, they're going to replace those with these. They're not keeping this 50,000.' The video left us lacking for more information.
Question: "When we go to the bank to trade our IQD will the funds be instantly put into our accounts or will there be a waiting period to access the funds ?" Instantly because it's going to be electronic...If you go to the bank and you say I want to exchange a million dinar and they give you a million dollars, you're not going to have a million dollars in cash...You're going to have a million dollars electronically credited to your account.
It's not a subtract zeros from an exchange rate adds value to a currency. To add zeros to an exchange rate, hello Zimbabwe, reduces the value of the currency...If they add zeros then we are looking at a lop. No where did you see they were adding zeros. [In the Iraqi dinar video from 7-17-2024 below]
Iraq announces the imminent offering of 100 investment opportunities to international companies
7/19/2024 Baghdad - WAA
- Chairman of the National Investment Commission, Haider Makiya, announced today, Friday, that 100 investment opportunities will soon be offered to international companies in all Iraqi governorates.
Makiya said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The National Investment Commission and the Iraqi Economic Council have completed all preparations to hold a major investment forum in which about 100 investment opportunities will be presented in all Iraqi governorates."LINK
💢QUESTION regarding recent "intel". I'm trying to ascertain whether our currencies would be deemed valid if: a). we were gifted the currencies, or
b). we purchased the currencies from another person who purchased them
According to the intel they need to be purchased directly.
💢That intel is a bunch o'crapola. Currencies gifted to the bearer are fine. Currencies inherited from a deceased family member are fine.
To minimize any concern or question of ownership, one can easily request a gifting letter (from the gifter). I don't think it's a big dealio at all.
My gut tells me it's just another cabal-like tactic to make folks "get in the weeds" (over thinking) , become more anxious than needed & stressed.
The fact is, many people will have Currency from decades ago... whether from travel and/or military service. No they won't have proof of purchase.
The fact is, many of us have been on this crazy train (RV) for more than 5 years. More than a decade. Some dear people who had every intention of being a part of this speculative event are no longer with us -- as the numerous delays, and the years stretched on. They perished while in the waiting. The exotic currency has been passed on to surviving family members. My friend received a motherlode of IQD this way. There's no a way on earth that the UST would turn her away bc she doesn't have her F-I-L's proof of purchase from forever ago! That's not even logical. The facts are that the Chinese Elders' gold is backing the RV bc they will collect all the IQD and be able to use it to buy OIL from Iraq, for generations! The point is - the IQD *we* hold is *precious to them* & they need it just as much as we do. So the "intel" insisting people will be turned away for this formality (no purchase receipt) is completely ridiculous.
Here's what I do know after mucho research.
We were once told that proof of purchase isn't even necessary *at your exchange appt*. Not necessary to bring it along (unless for some reason you feel you must). If you have a gifting letter (friend gave it to you) or you did buy it (online or otherwise) - save your receipts and such - safe keeping-- due to the fact that IRS may wish for you to keep record (if you have it). Basic bookkeeping. But, as things have developed - in recent years, we now know that this will not even been a taxable event. IRS will have no involvement. Plus, we know that the role of IRS is changing on the other side of NESARA's announcement. Won't hurt to hang onto invoices for safe keeping if you have them, but to think you'll be denied entry / access / involvement in this RV process without them sounds preposterous to me.
Hope that helps somebody 🙂💜
The US is giving Iraq one week to pick a new speaker of the house. Next week they’ll finally have one.
That coupled with the talks to join the WTO brings us another step closer to the RI. Ultimately it’s all a stall tactic until Israel does their part. See you in September.
July 18, 2024:
We had pretty good info coming to us on Tuesday, but today it got more intense. This afternoon, we got about 4 to 5 different calls from our sources puts us.. remember we talked about the 18th our drop-dead day to get things started. Well...I think it still is. I am going to tell you what four different sources have told us:
Our redemption center source that talked directly to Wells Fargo Atlanta, saying we would have this within 24 hours
Then we had a call from New York - WellsFargo Corp, that said we would be getting notifications after markets close tomorrow Friday, they close at 4 pm for the stock market and then Forex shuts down around 5 pm for the weekend for 48 hours.
So either 4 pm or 5 pm tomorrow, depending on what market you are talking about tomorrow afternoon.
We had military special forces that contacted us that said this would start when Pres Trump accepts his nomination for President tonight. Then we found out that should be during his speech tonight. We do not know when in the speech he accepts the nomination, but we think that it was going to be within a half hour to an hour after he accepts the nomination. At that time, we heard he was going to come on and speak early during the Big Call.
Then we heard from another military source that said Pres Trump would not speak until approximately 10 pm EST, which is now, and that we would receive his speech then, and we would get his acceptance for nomination for president, and then a couple of hours after he received that nomination, we could receive our start for our 800 numbers to come.
So I think, realistically, we are looking at the possibility of getting this in the morning, and see what happens between tonight and tomorrow morning. Maybe we do get this overnight, maybe we get it tomorrow. And we get out toll free number and set our appointments, another front, Iraq has lower denominations out, this means all businesses using lower denominations in circulation in country
and we have heard that the rate on the IQD in country, international rate is over 6 in country.
This has little to do with us or our rate here, you have heard me say that they intend to offer us the contract rate on the IQD which is quite high, and that is offered to us and we should not have to ask for it, because Pres Trump wanted us to get the highest rate available.
That is what we are hearing now. This is a good time for us. Pres Trump speech should be coming up !
Evening News with MarkZ and Dr. Scott Young. 07/18/2024
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
Unfortunately there is very little intel flowing down from above for the banker but I did get a suggested current valuation in country was $3.60 to $4.00. Hopefully I will have more very soon. GOD Bless
Very hopeful banker will provide me an anticipated redemption date in the morning.
Well folks it's not like we haven't heard this before but, I just got off a call from Hong Kong, London, NYC, Reno, and me.
They are indicating that certain bond holder groups are having funds disbursed to paymasters over this weekend and that we as currency holders should remain vigilante for notifications this coming week.
An FYI only as banker has not suggested same.
Texas Snake, [07/03/2024, 8:33:10 p. m.]
No guarantees but the latest from the banker is the skuttlebutt from above him is certain bond groups will be notified over this weekend and should that occur the currency notices will go out next Tuesday or Wednesday with appointment scheduling afterwards with exchanging beginning the week of the 15th of July.
Well one item that was confirmed during the call is that there were hundreds of ATM machines positioned all over the city and loaded with new lower denomination notes. They anticipate this weekend or during the Holy Week celebration.
Well folks there appears to be some degree of validity to this as I just heard from the UK banker putting me on alert.
Sat. 29 June 2024 Texas Snake
“I have nothing to confirm the hour we will be notified about appointments to exchange or the dollar value of same, I do know the banker has had his staff on a one hour call to report to their assigned locations once the release has become authorized for the past three days, and that the rate in country was published in the Gazette today Sat. 29 June 2024. So folks we are extremely close. GOD Bless.”
As most know our Saturday is Iraq's Sunday. The new Budget was included in the latest Gazette but the rate was not given. I now have it from 3 different sources that Iraq is planning a nationwide celebration for this Sunday.
There are many foreign dignitaries in country for the party and the rate will be announced and the new ATM's with the new currency will be opened. So this is my hoped for announcement for tomorrow. GOD Bless.....
Just an FYI but I closed the room after the comments about Gurus and MarkZ, this room is for my connections with major international bankers and NYSE upper management as well as a WF banker involved with actual exchange centers his bank has prepared to do actual monetary exchanges of currencies.
I plan on advising once the exchange platform is about to begin so we will have an advance alert.
The Sudanese receive a call from Mohammed bin Salman
Shafaq News / Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani received, on Wednesday evening, a phone call from the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
A statement by the Sudanese office said that during the call, bilateral relations between the two countries and ways of their development and development in various fields were discussed, as well as the latest developments in the region.
The communication also dealt with a number of topics of common interest, especially in political, economic and development aspects, in a way that pushes towards achieving integration and mutual benefit between the two countries.سیاسة/السوداني-يتلقى-اتصالاً-من-محمد-بن-سلمان
I keep telling people, the WTO will talk about the Iraqi exchange rate but not in the sense that they're forcing or telling Iraq they have to change their exchange rate. That's not what they do. They just talk about trade and any hurdles that are between them and trade members. They can point something out, they can make recommendations, but it's not up the WTO when it comes to the exchange rate... I know people are telling you it's going to be on July 18th they're going to change the exchange rate. No they're not.
Trade Minister arrives in Geneva to chair the negotiating team for Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization
Baghdad – conscious
On Tuesday, Trade Minister Atheer Daoud Salman chaired the negotiating team for Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization in Geneva, while noting the further accession of Iraq to the World Organization.
The Ministry of Commerce said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (Waa): “Trade Minister Athir Daoud Salman arrived on Tuesday in Geneva at the head of the Iraqi negotiating team for Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization to attend the third meeting of the working group on Iraq’s accession 16 years after the second meeting.”
She added that “Iraq is continuing, through the National Committee on its accession to the World Organization, which is chaired by the Minister of Trade, to complete its procedures to complete the required files and support reforms and legislation in line with the market system and enhance the country’s economic capabilities to complete the requirements of the next phase of the accession process,” explaining that “the preparatory meetings of the Iraqi negotiating team are continuing at the headquarters of the World Trade Organization in Geneva, in preparation for the third meeting of the working group on the accession of Iraq, which will be held during this week.”
Trade Minister arrives in Geneva to chair the negotiating team for Iraq’s
Question about the dinar 3-zeros video from 7-17-2024 below: "As I watch the video, it seems their illustration hints on deleting from the currency in such a way that appears they would not recognize the existing zeros and only accept larger denominations with the thought in mind that the additional 3 zeros are no longer recognized."
The CBI will remove 3 zeros off .00076 (1310 IQD: $1USD.) This makes the exchange rate $.76. But almost at the exact same time, they will reinstate their currency internationally to $3.22 (and possibly add inflation for 20 years to it — 20%) up to $3.86. Reinstating it means we can exchange the dinar internationally just like any other currency.
Think of removing three zeros as literally ‘removing the old currency from circulation.’ That’s all it means.How they do it is entice you and me and Iraqi citizens with an attractive amount. After a certain amount of all that old currency is removed, CBI will up the exchange rate in increments until it hits the rate they want. This is called a dirty float. Most likely after awhile, the CBI will change this to a pure float which is like what you see on regular ForEx, like the dollar does, the Euro does, the pound does, etc. But that won’t matter to you and me because we will have already gotten rid of our dinars and exchanged them for dollars (or whatever currency your own country uses.)
Economist calls on the government to delay joining the World Trade Organization
Economy News – Baghdad
Today, Thursday, economic expert, Bassam Raad, called on the Iraqi government to delay Iraq’s accession to the World Trade Organization.
Raad said in an interview with Al-Eqtisad News, “Iraq, which has observer status in the World Trade Organization, seeks to join it after the removal of political restrictions that prevented this, including its exit from Chapter VII procedures of the United Nations Charter.”
He added, “This endeavor has positive effects, including expanding economic partnerships and integrating it into the global economy, but on the other hand it represents a problem, especially since the demands of the World Trade Organization are to allow the access of its members’ trade to the markets and to free trade from all restrictions, as it is an organization of producing and manufacturing countries, which means opening the Iraqi local markets to imports, and thus negatively affecting any attempt to rebuild the productive, industrial and agricultural sectors and leaving the economic horizon dependent on consumer imports coming from abroad.”
The economic expert explained that “since Iraq depends on oil exports and oil is not subject to customs barriers by importing countries, it should be cautious before seeking to join the World Trade Organization and work towards economic reform and begin implementing plans to diversify local production and build industrial capabilities that support the trend towards exporting abroad, which contributes to enhancing the positive effects of the accession process.”
It's no secret. The world knows about the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar. The international world knows about a new exchange rate that is about to come out of this. It's no secret, everybody knows the Iraqi dinar is about to go up in value.
[Response to the recent video below and articles coming out about Iraq's monetary reform] That's how it's supposed to work. The monetary reform education to the citizens. There's going to be a slew of articles that are still coming. This is just the beginning.Rafidain: A movement to implement a strategic vision aimed at expanding the customer base
Economy News – Baghdad
Rafidain Bank Director Ali Karim Hussein Al-Fatlawi confirmed on Thursday the introduction of many products and services that are compatible with economic development, while pointing to a movement to implement a strategic vision aimed at enhancing the banking experience and expanding the customer base.
The General Manager of Rafidain Bank, Ali Karim Hussein Al-Fatlawi, said in an interview with Al-Shabaka Magazine, which was followed by “Al-Eqtisad News”, that “Rafidain Bank is one of the main pillars in providing services to citizens and introducing modern technologies in line with international systems, in addition to adopting the comprehensive banking system to keep pace with the advanced information technology revolution in international banks in the confidentiality of completing transactions and simplifying procedures, away from bureaucracy and routine in work.”
He explained that “the bank has succeeded in offering many banking products and services to customers in a manner that is consistent with and in harmony with the economic development in the country, including:
– Opening savings and current accounts.
– Accepting all types of fixed deposits.
– Financing loans for investment projects.
– Granting loans of all kinds.
– Personal advances.
– Issuing letters of guarantee.
– Opening documentary credits.
– Internal and external transfers.
– Certified instruments.
– Localization of salaries.
– Electronic card for employees and citizens.
– Paying salaries to employees and retirees.
He pointed out that “the bank has recently witnessed a tremendous transformation in the way it deals with customers, banking operations, and commitment to innovation and continuous improvement,” noting that “the achievements made came as a result of the bank’s commitment to excellence in providing financial services and effective contribution to supporting the local economy and enhancing economic growth.”
Regarding future plans, Al-Fatlawi stated that “the bank intends to work on implementing an innovative strategic vision aimed at enhancing the banking experience and expanding the customer base. This in turn reflects the bank’s commitment to providing high-quality and innovative banking services that meet the aspirations of its customers.”
He added, “The bank has implemented, within the framework of the process of stimulating the economy and the labor market, many financing projects for a wide range of development and commercial projects in Iraq, which contributed to enhancing the country’s economic growth, in addition to providing the necessary financing for small and medium enterprises, which reflects its commitment to enhancing the spirit of leadership and innovation.”
He added, “All the bank’s departments are committed to social responsibility, through a variety of initiatives and programs, in which Rafidain Bank has contributed to enhancing the welfare of society,” noting that “the bank has been able to bring about a huge digital transformation in its operations, which has led to a significant improvement in the customer experience and scientific efficiency.”
He pointed out that “the main tasks carried out by the bank come within the government program and with direct support from Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani,” stressing that “the tasks included:
– Responding to the requirements of the Central Bank of Iraq regarding financial inclusion and payment systems.
– Complying with the credit inquiry system and uploading data to the Central Bank of Iraq’s platform.
– Implementing the ticking system for the purpose of providing support and assistance services to users of electronic payment systems.
– Uploading money laundering data to the Anti-Money Laundering Office platform Go Aml
– Working on the legal reserve platform
– Implementing the electronic inquiries system CAR, provided by the Central Bank of Iraq, for inquiries about customers’ financial obligations (individuals-companies).
He stressed that “Rafidain Bank has demonstrated a strong commitment to ethical and legal standards, which has given confidence to customers and investors alike,” noting that “the bank follows strict policies to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, and to comply with local and international standards.”
Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist Bank Name_________________________________________ Bank 800#____________...
Frank26 [Bank story] This time we didn't go down, we just called [the bank]... We said we want to see if we can exchange some cu...
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