Friday, April 5, 2024

Advisor to the Association of Private Banks: Al-Sudani will discuss the sanctions file on 28 banks in Washington, 6 APRIL

 Advisor to the Association of Private Banks: Al-Sudani will discuss the sanctions file on 28 banks in Washington

4/5/2024  Baghdad

Advisor to the Association of Private Banks, Samir Al-Nusairi, announced that the US sanctions on 28 banks constitute one of the important files on the agenda of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani during his visit to Washington.

Al-Nusairi said in an interview followed by Al-Eqtisad News, “During his visit to Washington, during which he will be accompanied by a delegation from the Central Bank and the banking sector, Al-Sudani will discuss the sanctions and restrictions imposed by the United States on the 28 banks, which deprived them of dealing in the US dollar.”

He believed that these sanctions and restrictions constitute “one of the important files that the Prime Minister carries with him to Washington,” indicating that the file “falls within the financial and banking reform stipulated in the Prime Minister’s government program.”  LINK


 Mnt Goat   

What are the next steps?

  We know it is the in-country rate needed to support the Project to Delete the Zeros as the next steps and, by design, it is to retrieve all this stashed currency and get it into the banks from the hordes in the Iraqi homes.  Common sense then dictates to us that the only way they will be successful in these next steps is to raise the program rate higher over the dollar to create an incentive for this purpose. This will be the second rate change we have been told would occur and have been waiting for.

But remember that with these next steps, this is still in the “program” rate and for in-country only.  We will still NOT be able to exchange our dinars outside Iraq until the reinstatement which follows the Project to Delete the Zeros... there is much work to be done yet before we go off to the bank to exchange...So now, we are just waiting for the “giant” leap when the CBI gives them the second rate change. This should bring in much if not all the remaining currency back to the banks that they need desperately for the economy. This second rate change should coincide with the project to delete the zeros...

Iraqi Dinar | HCL Completed US Treasury Announced New IQD Exchange Rate ...

After the Eid...a parliamentary movement was revealed to host the Sudanese in Parliament, 6 APRIL

 After the Eid...a parliamentary movement was revealed to host the Sudanese in Parliament

 4/5/2024  Baghdad 

Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kadhimi, held the government responsible for delaying the release of budget allocations, noting that many projects have been halted due to the failure to release financial allocations.

Al-Kadhimi said in an interview followed by Mawazine News, that “the Prime Minister’s advisors are putting the final touches on the budget, and it is expected to be sent to Parliament for a vote after the Eid,” indicating that “there are increases in salary requirements that reached 8.5 trillion dinars per month, which led to an increase in salary requirements.” The size of the budget reaches 228 trillion dinars.”

He added, “The projects of the Ministries of Health and Education were halted due to the delay in approving the budget, despite the presence of advances approved by the Ministry of Planning.

Al-Kadhimi called on the government to “send the budget schedules to Parliament as soon as possible for approval,” noting that “the disbursement of financial allocations should not be affected by delays in the schedules, given that the budget is three-year.”
He revealed, “A parliamentary move to host the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Finance, and the relevant authorities in Parliament to discuss the reasons for the delay, if the budget is not sent after the Eid al-Fitr holiday.”   LINK



The protection of Iraq's assets and funds were because you had tons of individuals...companies and corporations...nations going after Iraq for one reason or another...If everyone was allowed to sue Iraq then it would take forever for Iraq to recover...What we need to find out is once the protections are lifted are those individuals that could have sued Iraq in the past able to sue them now?  What they've done is turn over all of the money to Iraq to handle from now on. 

Here's the good and the bad of everything...With Iraq in control of the Development Fund they have access to that money... There are no restrictions on it.  They don't have to ask permission to get the money when they do their budget.  That is a huge step forward.  In addition to that it just wouldn't look good for Iraq to go into the World Trade Organization having anther country control the money that you use for trade or anything else.  So yes, that is another huge step towering reinstating full sovereignty for Iraq. 

 The only thing left is to remove the troops out of Iraq.  No more coalition forces...US military, get them out of there.  Then Iraq would have full sovereignty.   ;It is exciting.  But the real reason why the United States closed the fund is because...there was an audit done, there's billions of dollars missing...The big question is, well who's responsible for those missing billions?  Is it the United States or is it Iraq?  Not to mention the money that was sent to Iraq for projects were being mismanaged, misused and somehow come up missing..

Iraqi Dinar 🔥 15th of this Month Fantastic 🔥 Guru Updates And Latest RV ...

Iraq will become an "alternative" to the Suez Canal , 5 APRIL

  Iraq will become an "alternative" to the Suez Canal


 Reports published by Reuters International and Splash News Agency, today, Thursday, described the large Al-Faw port project, which was expected to be completed next year, as “an alternative to the Suez Canal,” stressing that “Iraq will become, during the next few years, a “center” for international trade between the East and the Middle East.” And the West.” 

Reuters said, according to a report translated by NRT Arabic, that the Gulf countries are fully aware of the economic development taking place in Iraq, which is expected to increase soon with the completion of the Al-Faw port project and “huge” business projects, including Gulf investments in the country through the establishment of residential complexes and tourist hotels, indicating, “The Gulf has begun... "He is testing the waters by transferring his international investments to Iraq." 

She continued, "According to Gulf expectations, Baghdad will become one of the most important Arab capitals for the next twenty-five years," explaining what Splash Agency reported about the expected development of the Iraqi economy through the end of the Al-Faw port, which she said would turn Iraq into an "alternative" to the Suez Canal and an international trade corridor connecting Between East and West. 

The agency also confirmed that the new port will be able to receive goods and goods and transport them through Iraq to Turkey and then Europe in a “huge and unprecedented” manner by receiving cargo ships and giant oil tankers, which will “contribute” to transforming Iraq into an oil export center in addition to its new location as an alternative. About the Suez Canal, according to its description. 

The agency also noted that the Al-Faw port project, which has been stalled since 2010, is expected to end next year with the Iraqi authorities insisting on ending it after concluding an agreement with Turkey to establish railways and roads worth $17 billion, ensuring that the two countries will transform into a commercial transport point. Goods and commodities between the continents of Europe and Asia. 

It is noteworthy that the agency also indicated that the limited transportation of ships through the Suez Canal, which allows the passage of a small number of tankers and giant trucks, will help transform the large Al-Faw port and its transportation route into a “suitable alternative” that allows the movement of very large quantities of goods and commodities without long waiting periods, according to the agency. Describe it.   LINK



 [via PDK]  

Comment:  Praying this is the weekend we have been waiting for.   

MarkZ:   I’m with you about this weekend.   Either way I feel doggone good about April...A lot of people have been told its coming - It’s coming for so long that they don’t jump anymore when told its time for things…now suddenly it appears its time for things – so a bit of scrambling going on.

I know a person in banking that helped to set up 3 redeeming locations.  Now whether you want to call them redemption centers or redeeming banks …these are locations that have trained their personnel and has the equipment to handle the process. You can call it whatever you want.  One location in N. Carolina borrowed my currency and me to help make certain their staff was trained. For me they are very real.

BREAKING NEWS ZIM Global Currency Shift by Sandy Ingram, 5 APRIL

Evening News with MarkZ 04/05/2024

Friday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Welcome to the weekend.

​​Member: Zimbabwe Makes History: Launches New Gold-Backed Currency!

Member: Zimbabwe's Golden Gamble: Introducing the World's First Gold-Backed Currency!

Member: Zimbabwe's new gold backed currency, totally awesome!!

MZ: And its in denominations from $1-$200

MZ: This is the massive story for today!! “ Zimbabwe launches new gold backed currency-ZIG”  This sent shock waves through the entire financial world today. Gram for gram- BACKED BY GOLD!!!

MZ: Just a couple weeks ago they said they were “considering” their normal currency being backed by gold. So how in the world do you put together that whole system.  And have it printed and ready in that short period of time???

MZ: The answer is – you can’t. But here it is. It is ready , it is printed and it is out. Zimbabweans will have 21 days to exchange old-inflation hit  notes for new ZIG notes. This does not affect us. 

MZ: We have the older “bonds”. They are talking about the zim currency they use in day to day transactions. They are planning to release a series of coins to go with it. 

MZ: This is stunning news!!! Earthshattering news – in my opinion. 

​​Member: I am so happy for the people of Zimbabwe

Member: They have BRICS backing Zimbabwe which totally helps. 

Member: Hi Mark, got information from my platform, saying that Reno may liberate funds on Monday, did you hear something from bonds? TY

MZ: I cannot answer that. 

Member: knowing what you can't comment on, I wonder what is your gut saying now?

MZ: Then there is this. “ The Federal Reserve refuses to provide records of Foreign Gold Holdings” The timing of this with the Zimbabwe news is important. Things are happening. 

Member: Mark what is your thoughts all these states are declaring a state of emergency on Monday do you think it could be the collapse of the financial system

Member:  Yes- what if Monday is more than just the eclipse and everything crashes they're declaring state of emergencies

Member: Please remain calm...Let Go & Let GOD...Keep your Frequency High

Member: Have a wonderful weekend everyone. 

​​BREAKING NEWS: MarkZ's WEEKEND email address: Don't Write Me@NeverOnWEEKENDS.Com



Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.





Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 )





Sudani is not going to go see Biden with a resigned executive order 13303 because it means the monetary reforms new exchange rate is free as bird to come out.  It means Iraq is a sovereign nation now with a sovereign currency...Sudani goes to Washington on the announce a new sovereign and confident Iraq under new the new leadership of Sudani and his staff...

 Executive order 13303 was the protection of the DFI funds of their oil money.  All protected by the United States of America...

No one could sue Iraq. Now it's different, this executive order has come to an end...Iraq's new currency exchange rate is under the DFI funds... 13303 was not sighed.  This is good.  It is fantastic long as the executive order was in place Iraq could not reinstate its currency...

 There's nothing like the facts. Everything they're telling the Iraqi citizens is a fact because it's coming from the right sources.


After Saudi Arabia, Iraq ranks second among the five oil-producing countries in the region - Urgent, 5 APRIL

  After Saudi Arabia, Iraq ranks second among the five oil-producing countries in the region - Urgent

BP statistics in the last two decades show that the tightening of sanctions against Iran and the increase in Iraqi oil sales have pushed Iraq to assume the position and market of Iranian oil in the region.

When talking about the Iranian economy, oil is considered one of the most important variables that must be examined. This black gold has affected the economy such that with the flood of its sales in global markets, the Iranian economy is witnessing great prosperity, and with the decline of its sales, it is on the path to recession.

Studies have previously pointed out the importance of oil revenues and the difference in oil sales statistics from three reliable sources, and the reason for this difference has been discussed in detail.

Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, and Qatar are leading countries in the oil industry in the region, similar to Iran. Today, if we want to see the performance of Iranian oil sales compared to these countries, we must take a look at the oil sales statistics and examine them carefully.

This report, prepared by the “Aquairan” economic website, reviews Iran’s share of oil sales in the past two decades.

Iraq is at the forefront

Oil statistics provided by British Petroleum (BP) show that since 2004, Iran has become the second oil exporting country among these five oil countries after the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This year, Saudi Arabia’s oil exports reached 6 million and 800 thousand barrels per day, while it reached Iran's exports are 2 million and 700 thousand barrels.

At that time, Iraq was the fourth largest oil exporter among these countries and sold only 1.5 million barrels of oil per day.

Over time, Iran continued to maintain its position among these five countries until 2011, but Iraq's exports did not remain constant as was the case in Iran, but rather rose to reach 2 million and 400 barrels of oil per day.

In 2011, with the beginning of the series of oil sanctions on Iran, Iranian oil sales suddenly suffered a severe blow, and this blow continued, even after the nuclear agreement in 2015, as Iraq ranked second in the region and Iran fell to fourth.

The positive impact of the JCPOA on the Iranian oil market contributed to Iran’s oil export position rising by one point among the five countries and reaching third place in 2017, but this success was short-lived. With Trump's accession to American power and his withdrawal from the nuclear agreement, as well as the beginning of the Corona pandemic, Iran declined again in 2021, and ranked third with a daily export of 1.9 million barrels.

This comes at a time when, in that year, Iraq exported 3.4 million barrels of oil per day and ranked second after Saudi Arabia among the five oil-producing countries in the region.

The increase in Iraq's oil sales and the tightening of oil sanctions on Iran in these two decades caused a change in the position of Iran and Iraq in oil sales, and Iraq was able to seize second place.  link



Goldilocks - QFS Conversations ™🌱🧂, [04/05/2024, 6:07:34 p. m.]:

Uphold confirms XRP withdrawals to USD via FedNow for US users with participating banks.

While not entirely new, this development highlights the growing connection between cryptocurrencies and traditional finance.

Unclear details remain regarding the specifics of the partnership and XRP's role within the FedNow network.

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts are buzzing with excitement as Uphold, a major U.S. crypto exchange, confirms a groundbreaking development: FedNow, the payment system of the U.S. Federal Reserve, now facilitates instant XRP withdrawals directly to select U.S. bank accounts. This advancement allows users to seamlessly convert their XRP to USD and withdraw funds instantly.

Iraqi Dinar 🔥 This Will Second Rate Change 🔥 Guru Updates And Latest RV ...

Sudani's visit to Washington. Iraqi insistence on removing the occupier, 5 APRIL

 Sudani's visit to Washington. Iraqi insistence on removing the occupier

Information / Baghdad...

Amid assurances that there is an active and serious move by the government and its negotiating delegation with the so-called international coalition to end its presence in Iraq, the Iraqis insist on removing these forces or returning to resisting the American occupier.

The visit of Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani to Washington may be a gateway to ending the US combat presence in Iraq or it may fail if Washington insists on keeping its forces on Iraqi soil, which will give the green light to the Islamic resistance to Resume its operation against the foreign occupier.

In order to explain the most important files that the Sudanese will carry with him to Washington, MP for the Sadiqoun bloc, Muhammad Karim, says that "the prime minister will discuss the file of arming the army, and the development of Iraq's air defenses, In addition to the file of removing the US combat forces.

Karim added that "America will try to impose some files during the next visit, while the governments enjoy political and parliamentary support in moving towards making fateful decisions during the negotiating round, which will begin in the middle of next month, although the government has come a long way in negotiations through the joint committees formed by the two parties."

On the other hand, former MP Ahmed Ali stressed that "the attacks carried out by America on the headquarters of the Iraqi factions represent a violation of the agreement between Baghdad and Washington."

He told Al-Maalouma that "the factions announced their commitment to government decisions to resort to a diplomatic solution to remove US forces."

He pointed out that "the government is past in the file of the exit of Americans from Iraq, and the visit of the Sudanese has put this file among the priorities in the talks that will be held with Biden."

In the same context, Hussein al-Karawi, head of the organizing body of the popular movement for the Belt and Road, said that "the experience with America confirms that its forces will not leave Iraq peacefully.

Al-Karawi told Al-Maalouma that "Washington seeks not to empty the Iraqi arena of the military presence of its forces, so these forces will not leave Iraq without the resistance carrying out jihadist actions to end their presence on Iraqi territory and force them to leave."

Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said he wanted a "quick and ordered exit" of the US-led international coalition forces from Iraq amid mounting demands that US forces do not remain in Iraq.

"Let's agree on a time frame (for withdrawal) that is quick so as not to prolong the existence and the attacks continue," al-Sudani said in an earlier interview with Reuters news agency, noting that the only way to avoid a regional escalation is to stop the war in Gaza.

"ANALYSIS OF IRAQ NEWS: 1000 ATMs will be installed by end of year across all provinces in KRG" BY TISHWASH, 5 APRIL


Tishwash:  The number of banks participating in the project is steadily increasing, including BBAC, IIB, CIHAN, RT, and NBI, all of which are recognized and approved by the Central Bank of Iraq.

1000 ATMs will be installed by end of year across all provinces in KRG

The registration process for Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) salaried employees in the "My Account" project continues, with the number of registrations reaching 260,000 people. Additionally, 153,000 cards have been issued to those registered.

Approximately 1,000 ATMs will be installed across all provinces, districts, and areas of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRG) by the end of 2024, as announced by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Media and Information Office on Thursday.

The number of banks participating in the project is steadily increasing, including BBAC, IIB, CIHAN, RT, and NBI, all of which are recognized and approved by the Central Bankof Iraq.

As a pilot initiative last year, employees of Erbil Maternity Hospital received their salaries through "My Account."

At the conclusion of last year, the colleges of arts, agriculture, and science at Salahaddin University began receiving salaries through "My Account."

Some of the project's services include:

1. Access to hundreds of ATMs to withdraw all user funds at once for free.

2. Available equipment for 24-hour use, allowing employees to withdraw money at their convenience.

3. Access to various bank loans and advances.

4. Use of debit cards for online purchases and Point of Sale (PoS) transactions.

5. Secure and safe money transfers domestically and internationally.

6. Access to the bank's mobile application to monitor account activity and receive mobile notifications upon salary deposits.  link


Morales Belen




 Now on to the info: Pretty powerful, our number one guy found out that T3 BH started and he should get an email sometime tomorrow about where they are, what's going on, and liquidity. A premier called this guy out and said the activity in Reno is off the charts. and they have tightened security because those in Reno are doing the KYC and they are adding security to speed up this process and it is very, very significant. And another person called and said, and another high-level contact said, "This is RIGHT ABOVE US." You have to understand that we have contacts in the bonus space and it's like you're sitting in front of a computer screen like you're a senior executive watching.

every step and what they are telling us, so Sue thanks this man number one, who allows a fire hose to pass through him. We finally heard that we should be a couple of days away. This is Sue talking to this guy, a friend and very high-level executive who she's known for a long time and trusts to give her very accurate information interested in her well-being. and giving us information from the West Coast. And we also had a discussion to get confirmation that there was talk of asset backing and that should happen this weekend, but we don't have the third confirmation of that yet. 

Also, someone traveling in a camper contacted this guy and said, "WE ARE INCREDIBLY CLOSE." Also an important person from RC since the appointments were "pending" for today and Sue asked her boy; It hasn't been said, but the Reno people and Bonds are still finishing up with additional security and we should be next. So keep your eyes on your emails, which are supposed to arrive in the next 24 to 38 hours, Friday and Saturday.

 Sue says she focuses on Friday and Saturday and maybe Monday through Tuesday. Tell yourself you see the 800 and everyone gets it and we're next. And that little extra time you've given yourself a little extra time but you're moving forward and imagine what that's going to feel like and all of humanity feeling this and coming out of this journey. So let's keep that vision and stay strong. It all depends on you being in good health –

 So please continue to pray those prayers wholeheartedly and with deepest sincerity because you know how much the whole world so urgently needs this Heavenly Blessing. So ALL my thanks also to ALL OF YOU and all My Love to ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE LISTENING FROM EVERYONE around the world. - We really love EVERYONE. Love gem.


Morales Belen

Ahora, con la información: bastante poderosa, nuestro tipo número uno se enteró de que T3 BH comenzó y debería recibir un correo electrónico mañana en algún momento sobre dónde están, qué está pasando y la liquidez. Un primer ministro llamó a este tipo y dijo que la actividad en Reno está fuera de serie. y han reforzado la seguridad porque los de Reno están haciendo el KYC y están agregando seguridad para acelerar este proceso y es muy, muy significativo. Y otra persona llamó y dijo, y otro contacto de alto nivel dijo: "Esto está JUSTO ENCIMA DE NOSOTROS". Tienes que entender que tenemos contactos en el ámbito de los bonos y como si estuvieras sentado frente a la pantalla de una computadora como si fueras un alto ejecutivo mirando.  

cada paso y que nos están diciendo, entonces Sue agradece a este hombre número uno, que permite que una manguera contra incendios lo atraviese. Finalmente escuchamos que deberíamos estar a un par de días de distancia. Esta es Sue hablando con este tipo, un amigo y ejecutivo de muy alto nivel al que conoce desde hace mucho tiempo y confía en que le brindarán información muy precisa e interesada en su bienestar. y dándonos información de la Costa Oeste. Y también tuvimos una discusión para obtener confirmación de que se habló de respaldo de activos y eso debería suceder este fin de semana, pero aún no tenemos la tercera confirmación de eso.

Además, alguien que viajaba en una caravana se comunicó con este tipo y le dijo: "ESTAMOS INCREÍBLEMENTE CERCANOS". También una persona importante de RC ya que las citas estaban "pendientes" para hoy y Sue le preguntó a su chico; no se ha dicho, pero la gente de Reno y Bonds todavía están Terminando con seguridad adicional y deberíamos ser los siguientes. Así que mantén tus ojos en tus correos electrónicos, que se supone que llegarán en las próximas 24 a 38 horas, viernes y sábado. 

Sue dice que se concentra en el viernes y el sábado y tal vez de lunes a martes. Dígase a sí mismo que ve los 800 y que todos los obtienen y que somos los siguientes. Y ese poco de tiempo extra te lo has dado a ti mismo un poco de tiempo extra pero estás avanzando e imagina cómo se sentirá eso y toda la humanidad sintiendo esto y saliendo de este viaje. Así que mantengamos esa visión y mantengámonos fuertes. Todo depende de que tengas buena salud –
Así que, por favor, continúa orando esas oraciones de todo corazón y con la más profunda sinceridad porque sabes cuánto necesita con tanta urgencia esta Bendición Celestial el mundo entero. Así que TODO mi agradecimiento también a TODOS USTEDES y todo Mi Amor a Absolutamente TODOS LOS QUE ESCUCHAN de TODO el mundo. - Realmente amamos a TODOS. Gema de amor.

Is The U.S. Going Bankrupt? Will Your Assets Be Confiscated? Economist S...

Zimbabwe central bank says it has assets worth 2.5 tons of gold | Voice of America 4/4/24, 5 APRIL

 Zimbabwe central bank says it has assets worth 2.5 tons of gold | Voice of America 4/4/24

On the eve of the anticipated rollout of a new gold-backed currency, Zimbabwe's central bank announced Thursday that it has the equivalent of 2.5 tons of gold reserves.

Speaking in Harare after seeing the assets of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, John Mushayakarara, the new bank’s governor, told President Emmerson Mnangagwa – whom he addressed as H.E., for his excellency – that the bank’s balance sheet was healthy, with reserves of gold and other minerals worth $175 million.

“I have taken over the control of the central bank," Mushayakarara said, "and one of the things I had to do upon taking over was to verify the assets that the central bank holds. And this morning I showed H.E. the gold that is in the vaults, and I can confirm that we have in the vaults at the central bank 1.1 tons of gold.

"We also have other minerals – diamonds and so forth. If converted to gold, [they would] be equal to 0.4 ton of gold. We have other gold which is held offshore. It is worth 1 ton of gold.”

On Friday, Mushayakarara is expected to announce the introduction of a gold-backed currency to replace the worthless local dollar, which is currently trading at around 30,000 to one U.S. dollar and, unlike the South African rand, does not circulate in neighboring countries.

This was the first time in recent memory that the central bank gave an accounting of its gold and mineral assets. Mnangagwa said he was happy to physically see the assets that outgoing Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Governor John Mangudya handed over to Mushayakarara.

Responding to a question from journalists about whether the country had enough gold to back its anticipated new currency, Mnangagwa said, “Let me assure you that my government does not work on rumors. We work on facts. Rumors can continue flying, but you have been able to come here and see facts for yourselves. So you should compare the facts you see today and the rumors you hear in the streets.”

The press conference generated much debate on social media, with some saying the country’s gold reserves were being looted. One businessman allied with the ruling Zanu-PF party, Pedzisayi Sakupwanya, said he delivered 13 tons of gold to the central bank last year.

Zimbabwe has introduced and abandoned at least five currencies since independence in 1980, all of which lost value to become almost worthless. It remains to be seen how well the new gold-backed currency is accepted by the public, and how it trades against the dollar and the South African rand.



Research at the Central Bank of Iraq revealed a decrease in the ratio of non-performing loans to total credit.

The Department of Statistics and Research said that the ratio of non-performing loans to total cash credit witnessed a decline, reaching (6.3%) during the year 2023, compared to (7.2%) in 2022, while in 2021 it recorded (8.8%) and in 2020.

It reached (8.9%), and the department added that the ratio of non-performing loans to total deposits for the year 2023 recorded a rate of (3.2%) compared to the last three years, as it was recorded in 2022 (3.4%), while in 2021 it reached (4.9%) while It was (5.2%) in 2020.

The Central Bank of Iraq confirms that this percentage is an indicator of the efficiency of the Iraqi banking sector in its endeavor to develop its products and adopt new methods and advanced systems for granting credit and reducing the risks of default in accordance with the contexts followed globally.


Central Bank of Iraq

information Office




Sat. 30 March Militia Man: “Two parties have confirmed that Iraq is currently RVing in-country on  Sat. 30 March.” Ginger: “We’re hearing that the revaluation of the rate is currently underway inside the border of Iraq.

 The Parliament committee has instructed Iraqi merchants and retailers to adjust their prices of goods and services to reflect the changes of their new rate for the Iraqi Dinar and effective Sat. 30 March.”

Coffee with MarkZ, joined by Dr. Scott Young. 04/05/2024

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ, joined by Dr. Scott Young. 04/05/2024

Member: Good morning Roller Coaster Friends -- Who has their arms up?

Member: Another week has just flown by……with nothing happening. 

Member: Praying this is the weekend we have been waiting for. –Any RV news Mark?

MZ: I’m with you about this weekend. Either way I feel doggone good about April. 

MZ: I am getting a lot of chatter from the bond side. I heard that its taking the bond side longer than they thought to wrap up the paperwork ect….I don’t know if that has any effect on our timing. 

MZ: A lot of people have been told its coming- It’s coming for so long that they don’t jump anymore when told its time for things…… suddenly it appears its time for things – so a bit of scrambling going on. 

Member: The boy who cried wolf…did it so many times that no one believed him anymore…..until it was real and too late. 

Member: Better to be prepared for something that doesn’t happen then to not be prepared when it does

MZ: “Fiscal Collapse Accelerates”  This is a great article. We are quickly running over the fiscal cliff. 

MZ: “City officials say to get cash now as ATM’s could go down during the eclipse”  I’ve heard from many people they tried to get cash from ATM’s and they are empty. It’s a concern for a couple of days. 

Member: Some states are having a State of Emergency because of the eclipse. I think the Eclipse can be the event we're waiting for to exchange.

Member: Are redemption center folks working this weekend?

Member: Anything on Groups in Reno?

Member: Did anyone get fines and Penalties paid? 

Member: Any news on CMKX or Prosperity Packages?

Member: Any news from Iraq….are they still expecting the RV at any time?

Member: Ramadan ends on Mon. The same day as the solar eclipse – and then eid El Fidr starts for a few days……maybe that’s our RV timing – as soon as Ramadan ends?

Member: Will Regions bank be participating in exchanges?

MZ: I have heard they will be participating…..They may have partnered with a tier 1 bank just for this. 

Member: Good morning MarkZ. Can you do a simply recap of what Sheila shared from your understanding? It was so difficult to understand.

Member: What did Sheila say about the Bolivar last night ?

Member: I heard her say it will increase in value over time. 

Member:  Happy birthday to those celebrating and prayers for those in need

Thanks Mark, Mods and Dr. Scott. Everyone have a great day. 

Dr. Scott and CBD Gurus join the stream today. Please listen to the replay for their information and opinions. 

Iraqi Dinar update for 04/04/24 - Closer than ever before - stronger dinar BY PIMPY



Baghdad Today – Sulaymaniyah

On Wednesday (March 27, 2024), oil expert and advisor for energy affairs at the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Bahjat Ahmed, pointed out the most important problems of the oil file between Baghdad and Erbil.

Ahmed said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “the lack of transparency in oil revenues and the high cost ratio at the expense of the region’s profit, led to the inability to cover the budget, with the failure to establish an institution to manage the oil file and not allow the establishment of the oil industry, and the allocation of all oil produced for foreign export, is one of the problems.”

He added, “The legal conditions included in the region’s contracts with oil companies in favor of the Kurdistan government, must be implemented, and the public oil companies listed in the oil and gas law for Kurdistan must be established, and also the absence of a condition in the region’s contracts about setting a ceiling for oil production has allowed companies to pressure oil fields for the purpose of producing the largest possible quantity in the shortest time, and this caused damage to the majority of fields.”

He explained that “there is the publication of fake information about oil reserves in the region, so that oil companies benefit from that information for the purpose of raising the price of their shares on the global stock exchange without Kurdistan benefiting from it one dollar.”

“From 2013 until the cessation of oil exports last year, companies produced one billion and 600 million barrels of oil in all oil fields in the region, and these companies invested about 12 to 14 billion dollars,” he said.

In a sharp statement issued on Monday, the Ministry of Oil of the federal government in Baghdad blamed foreign companies operating in the oil sector in Kurdistan for the suspension of exports through the Iraqi-Turkish pipeline since last March.

Abikour, a consortium of 8 companies operating in the oil sector in Kurdistan that exports 50 percent of its oil to Turkey, claimed in its statement that the Iraqi government has not taken significant steps to open the Iraqi-Turkish oil pipeline and resume the export of oil to the Kurdistan region, despite Turkey’s announcement in October 2023 that the line is ready.

Kurdistan used to export 450,000 barrels per day to Turkey to secure the salaries of its employees and financial revenues, due to the absence of an oil and gas law regulating the management of oil wealth in Iraq. However, the region’s export of oil without reference to the federal government, and without its commitment to pay 250,000 barrels to Baghdad in accordance with the federal budget law, caused deep problems between the two sides, whose catastrophic repercussions were reflected in the standard of living of the region’s residents after the federal government failed to pay the salaries of its employees since 2015, until the region fulfilled its financial obligations to Baghdad.

To discuss investment opportunities.. An American delegation in Iraq soon, 26 MARCH

  To discuss investment opportunities.. An American delegation in Iraq soon Economy News – Baghdad The Advisor to the Prime Minister for For...