Thursday, May 2, 2024

Iraqi dinar new rate 1 To 1 🔥Iraqi dinar new rates latest 🔥Iraqi dinar

Iraqi Dinar | Word Bank Big Announcement About Rate Fixed Of Iraqi Dinar...

The Central Bank of Iraq organizes a celebration on the occasion of Financial Inclusion Week, 3 MAY

 The Central Bank of Iraq organizes a celebration on the occasion of Financial Inclusion Week

May 02, 2024

The Financial Inclusion Department at the Central Bank of Iraq organized a celebration on the occasion of Financial Inclusion Week in Iraq.

The celebration reviewed the efforts of the Central Bank of Iraq in promoting and achieving the ideal environment for the success of financial inclusion in Iraq, encouraging savings and spreading banking culture.

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank, Mr. Ali Mohsen Al-Alaq, confirmed on the sidelines of the celebration that the steps achieved in financial inclusion that were accomplished today are accelerating and can close the gap that occurred during the past years as a result of the circumstances that Iraq went through

His Excellency stated that the bank has ongoing meetings with the Iraqi government to expand the customer base in electronic payment methods and enhance financial inclusion, as we see a great response from various state institutions in the context of expanding the financial and banking culture in Iraq.

His Excellency believed that the factors that lead to the success and expansion of the role of financial inclusion are the citizen’s confidence in the institutions and tools available to him, as well as his vision of his interest in using them.

He continued, that the Central Bank has become at the forefront of global central banks using various financial technologies that provide speed and accuracy, revealing at the same time that the bank has received large preparations to establish digital banks and the relevant departments are working on the possibility of granting them a license to carry out their work in accordance with the controls and instructions issued by the bank.
His Excellency noted the “Riyada” Bank project, which will be an important project as we are in the advanced stages of establishing the bank and will constitute a qualitative leap in supporting and financing small and medium enterprises and providing job opportunities for wide segments of society. It will also have branches throughout Iraq.

It is noteworthy that the Financial Inclusion Department organized many different events in the capital, Baghdad, and other governorates within the Financial Inclusion Week in Iraq, which began on April 27 and continued until May 2 of the current year.

Central Bank of Iraq
Information Office
2 - May – 2024    LINK



 Article: "Advisor to the Prime Minister: The dollar exchange rate in the parallel market is gradually approaching the official one”  

Quote:  "Saleh, explained the dangers of the exchange rate fluctuations in the event that demands for floating the dinar are met, while confirming that the dollar exchange rate in the parallel market is gradually approaching the official one..."

Article: "On a tour that included Karbala, Babylon, and Ur... Two American tourists: We felt  completely safe in Iraq"

 Quote: "Hudson and Emily Crider, travel the world on a mission to explore each country and document its  cultural experiences..

.In a series of more than 20 videos, the Criders detail what it's like to be an American tourist in Iraq,  offer travel tips and debunk misconceptions about the country...They said: As Christians, we found (Karbala) a wonderful city to see and the people were very welcoming. It is really special that they allow people of all religions to come here and learn more  about their beliefs. ”  


 Article: "Prime Minister’s Advisor: We will see the dollar fall on the black market soon". Quote:  "The political advisor to the Prime Minister, Fadi Al-Shammari...pointed out that Iraq agreed “with the US Treasury on a road map that includes a third party represented by an international consulting company to audit the procedures of the sanctioned banks, and its decisions are binding on the US Treasury.

Article:  "CEO of JPMorgan Chase expresses Support for Iraq”  Quote: "Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani received Mr. Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, and his accompanying delegation on Wednesday, during his visit to the Washington DC."

 Article: "Vietnam central bank says it’s ready to intervene in forex market; dong now at record low against dollar"

 Quote: "Intervention is possible even today, if needed, State Bank of Vietnam Deputy Governor Dao Minh Tu said at a briefing in Hanoi on Friday.  The dong dropped to a record-low 25,463 per dollar on the day."

Article:  "Al-Sudani stresses the necessity of dialogue with the US Treasury, the Federal Bank, and the International Monetary Fund"   

Quote:  "Al-Sudani stressed that it is not possible to work in any development sector without reform steps for the banking sector, stressing the need to continue dialogue with the US Treasury, the US Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, and other international financial institutions."

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Get $1 USD for Every 1 Dinar 🔥 News Guru Intel Update Va...

The “Deep State” In Iraq: A Struggle For Power In Light Of A Network Of Corruption And Influence, 3 MAY

 The “Deep State” In Iraq: A Struggle For Power In Light Of A Network Of Corruption And Influence

 Deep state conflicts in Iraq: The assassination of “Umm Fahd” reveals the depth of the crisis

 May 1, 2024Last updated: May 1, 2024

 The Independent/- Baghdad is experiencing heated conflicts between the parties of the “deep state” since the return of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani from his last visit to Washington.

 Political sources indicate that these conflicts are due to fears about the results of the visit, which some pro-Iranian parties saw as a “departure from the agreed upon text.”

 Disagreements over American agreements:

 Al-Sudani's opponents believe that the agreements he concluded with American entities and companies constitute a loss to Iran, which enjoys the largest share of the Iraqi economy's returns.

 Information indicates that these differences have begun to surface after disagreements emerged within the “coordination framework” against the backdrop of the latest elections for the governorate councils and the election of a new speaker of parliament.

 Possible “bone fracture”:

Observers expect that the escalation of these conflicts will lead to unexpected “bone-breaking” operations, especially after two separate incidents that occurred last week:

Drone attack on the Kormor gas field in Sulaymaniyah: It is believed that this attack, which led to the death of several workers and the disruption of electrical power in large areas of the region, is a message from Iran’s pro-government militias that Iraq will not be able to end its import of Iranian gas.

  Assassination of an influential social media figure: It is believed that the assassination of “Umm Fahd,” a person close to senior officers and prominent military and security figures, carries special political messages at this time.

 “Umm Fahd” black box:

 Before her death, Umm Fahd threatened to reveal “files that would collapse the political process and the military establishment.”

 Many observers believe that it represents a “black box” that contains everything that those in power fear.

 The Deep State: A Network of Corruption and Influence:

 The deep state in Iraq is not limited to militias and mafia men, but also includes political, active, and even religious figures

This network controls important aspects of the country from behind the scenes, and has external links as well.

 Iraq: a model of a failed state:

 Due to the control of the deep state, Iraq has turned into a model of a failed state that has nothing to do with it.

 The leaders of this network use the method of physical elimination of those who pose a threat to it, as happened with “Umm Fahd.”

Future: Skilled surgeons for major surgery:

Iraq needs a “major surgery” performed by “skilled surgeons” to treat its incurable diseases.

 But it seems that the current players are not qualified to fix what was corrupted by the past twenty years.الدولة-العميقة-في-العراق-صراع-على-الس/   



 A country's currency is not some random act. An exchange rate is based on many factors including: reserves, GDP, economic growth etc. Iraq has a long ways to go and must pass laws to encourage investment. Only with the success of Iraq's economy can the dinar rise in value.

[aka Kaperoni]  

Article:  "Advisor to the Association of Banks: The Central Bank is following a consistent approach to achieving banking reform

 Quote:  "the management of the Central Bank of Iraq plans to gradually cancel the window for selling foreign currency during the year 2024, until it leaves it completely."  ...this is huge news... Iraq cannot end the auctions unless they have an alternative to the auctions... which means they plan to float the dinar by the end of the year...floating the dinar will give them a new mechanism to maintain the dinar, the CBI will buy and sell blocks of dinar like other central banks do to maintain their currency... 

 They will also have to use dinar to pay for goods and services which will make the dinar internationally traded...they want the banks and Iraq to establish relationships around the world with International standards and full compliance which means that means IMF Article XIV...This seems pretty clear and excellent news. We very well see that Iraqi dinar float on the global market at the end of this year or early next year...I think it's very definitely is very good news.

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Get $1 USD for Every 1 Dinar 🔥 News Guru Intel Update Va...

Economist reassures: Financial liquidity is available and there are no risks to the Iraqi dinar, 2 MAY

 Economist reassures: Financial liquidity is available and there are no risks to the Iraqi dinar

5/1/2024 Baghdad,

Economic affairs expert Safwan Qusay confirmed that financial liquidity is available and there are no high risks regarding the existence of the Iraqi dinar.

Qusay said, in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News, that “oil revenues rose during the first three months of this year, and this is thanks to the current government’s policy and with Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani personally supervising this success.”
He added, “Iraq currently embraces more than 600 investment projects, including the Baghdad Metro.”

He pointed out, “Iraq has completed all its financial needs, and the rest of it needs the price of a barrel of oil to reach only $96 to cover the financial deficit.”

He pointed out that “there should be rationalization and advice in local financial consumption.” LINK



 Question:   "Do you have to change rates before May 9th ascension in the WTO? No, you can have a membership in the WTO with a low exchange rate.  That doesn't interfere with it.

The budget does not need parliament...The budget waits for the exchange rate.  The exchange rate is not waiting for it or anything else...The budget is born without them...

 Article:  "Will the agreements signed with the US Treasury reflect positively on the exchange rates?"  

Yeah because they want at least 1 to 1 but they never changed it.  They kept it at 1320.  I think they're going to come out at maybe 1 to 1.30 or 1 to 1.50 and then float...The only reason they ask this question is because they know the answer to the question!

This good news now lest talk about BY NADER FROM MID EAST

“Hidden Hands"... An Expert Diagnoses A Strange Growth In The Profits Of Banks Owned By Non-Iraqis, 2 MAY

 “Hidden Hands"... An Expert Diagnoses A Strange Growth In The Profits Of Banks Owned By Non-Iraqis

  May 1 Information / Baghdad.. The economic philanthropist, Manar Al-Obaidi, on Wednesday reported a “strange growth” in the profits of banks owned by non-Iraqis, warning of “hidden hands” behind it.

 Al-Obaidi said in a publication seen by “The Information” that

 “the profits of banks owned by non-Iraqi parties, according to the first quarter data, show significant growth and numbers that are strange for any sector,” wondering,

 “Is it normal for any project to achieve annual profits amounting to 100% of the capital while Other banks are suffering, and

 is it normal for a bank whose maximum profits in previous years did not exceed the barrier of 10 billion dinars as a maximum amounting to more than 300 billion Iraqi dinars within a year?”  He added,

 "It was a true success story based on free competition without external interference.

 Of course, we are with it, but we fear that there are hidden hands that intended to make these particular banks achieve profits without others," noting that

 "one of the banks' expected net profit in 2024 will be 100%." % of its capital and the amount of cash credit granted by it does not exceed 2% of its total assets. Ended/25 hoursأياد-خفية-خبير-يشخص-نموا-غريبا-في-أرباح-البنوك-المملوكة-لغير   

Evening News with MarkZ. 05/01/2024

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Evening to all

Member: So what’s new today Mark?

MZ: Well some chatter from another different contractor that is hearing the same as the previous contractors. So, multiple confirmations that are hearing a range of rates from the mid to upper $3.s.

MZ: They work in different industry’s in different companies….and they think it will be extremely soon.

Member: Doesn’t the rate have to change by the 9th?? Iraq joining WTO

Member: We all hope and pray they do.

Member: Mark has Iraq checked all the boxes needed for RV?

MZ: That is the question?  Is there an opportune time for them to pull this thing?

Member: Mark, Would that $3.90 rate include the “oil for dinar” contract rate? Is that still on the table for us?

MZ: I am told no- that would not be our contract rate…that would be the street rate. ..and yes I am told the contract rate is still very much a thing and expected to be more than the street rate. .

Member: I would absolutely take the street rate if it was right now.

MZ: I’m with you.

Member: Are the bonds being paid out in the new dollar? If that’s true then shouldn’t CMKM start to be paid out since 30 plus percent has been paid out by now????

MZ: No new news from bond people today.

Member: I drove by a chase location this morning and saw a security guard holding the door for a lady leaving but then looked like he was staying posted at the door.

Member: I heard Banks must comply with basel 3 by May 2nd. (tomorrow). More banks’ failure coming.

MZ: “ Republic’s first seizure signals more bank failures to come”  They have already told us more banks will fail.  The FDIC is going to be hard pressed to bail everybody out.

Member: Went to my Bank today. They are excited about the new Currency

Member: Would love to see what they look like.

Member: (From Dinar Guru) Mnt Goat    …What will May bring us investors? I have to tell you that April’s news was amazing and I don’t know how the news can top last month except maybe give us what we are looking for. Am I saying its going to RV in May? Of course not…no one knows the date of this event…Does it seem that we are very close? Yes, it seems this is just around the bend and the finish line is in our sights. …there is a huge glimmer of hope we could see the RV very soon.

MZ: That’s a great one from Mountain Goat. I am glad you shared it. We just need to hang on until we cross the finish line.

Member: If I’m out of the country for the RV and have a few IQD  on me- will I be able to exchange those to get back?

MZ: Absolutely

Member: We so very, very, very, VERY much appreciate all you do for us. Mark

Member: Thanks to all. Everyone enjoy your evening.

CBD Guru’s join the stream tonight. Please listen to the replay for their information.


RV/RI Before 5/9🚩CBI on X About Currency Exchange🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

An Economic Planner Is Trying To Normalize Iraq... And Jordanian Banks Are Taking Care Of IT, 2 MAY

 An Economic Planner Is Trying To Normalize Iraq... And Jordanian Banks Are Taking Care Of It

  May 1 Information/Report..   Despite the sanctions affecting more than thirty Iraqi banks, the government did not work hard to lift the sanctions against them and is trying to replace them with Jordanian banks that arouse suspicion and suspicion because of their owners.

 Four Jordanian banks were pushed by America into Iraq in an attempt to control the Iraqi economy from Another chapter on the government's unconsciousness and duplicity regarding the Central Bank of Iraq's dealings with granting licenses to foreign banks on the one hand and punishing local banks on the other hand.

Experts' concerns indicate

   complete control over banking and the benefit of the Jordanian economy at the expense of Iraq, and

   American hegemony over the Iraqi economy may appear in a new form.

 *An American game. 

 Speaking more about this file, the representative of the Al-Fatah Alliance, Muhammad Al-Baldawi, revealed the existence of an American game to change the facade of banking in Iraq by pushing Jordanian banks into the arena. 

Al-Baldawi says,   “America is trying to change its approach to controlling the Iraqi economy by imposing sanctions on Iraqi banks and introducing Jordanian banks, which is planned,” noting that

 “attention must be paid to the suspicious role that America is playing in trying to control the Iraqi banking sector and hold it hostage.” With external banks.  He adds,

 “This game goes towards matching the visions of the Jordanian and American authorities,” noting that

 one of the banks is owned by a person of Zionist origins. Lifting sanctions on Iraqi banks by the American side.”

 An economic planner is trying to normalize Iraq... and Jordanian banks are taking care of it Clip_image002

 Central Bank Duplication*

 In addition, economic expert Ahmed Abd Rabbo confirmed that the Central Bank of Iraq works duplicatively in granting licenses to foreign banks and imposing sanctions on Iraqi banks.

 Abd Rabbo said in a statement to the “Al-Ma’louma” agency,

 “The work of the Central Bank of Iraq carries a great deal of duality between local and foreign banks, especially Jordanian ones,” noting that

 the Central Bank granted licenses to four Jordanian banks: Housing, Jordan, Al-Ittihad, and Al-Arabi.”  He continues,

 "Granting licenses to these banks means losing control over the banking business in Iraq," stressing that

 "Jordanian banks swallow up Iraqi banks while local banks face American sanctions."  Abd Rabbo continues his speech:

 “The management of the Central Bank has not succeeded in dealing with this important file, and it may pose a threat to the Iraqi economy,” pointing out,

“We have repeatedly called for changing the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, but to no avail.”

 Specialists believe that the economic file cannot be handed over in this way, as

 it is a sovereign matter that affects the security and economy of the state, with the invasion and penetration of these banks into the economy in a large way that may make the Iraqi economy hostage to the Jordanian banks.

It is noteworthy that America imposed sanctions on 34 Iraqi banks in order to limit the Iraqi economy, and pushed the entry of Jordanian banks, which numbered four banks, into Iraq to fully control the Iraqi economy amid the negligence of the Iraqi government. Ended 25\cمخطط-اقتصادي-يحاول-تطبيع-العراق-والمصارف-الأردنية-تتكفل-بالأ   


 Global Currency Reset

  • Wed. 1 May 2024 BREAKING: Zimbabwe’s New Gold-backed Currency (ZiG) Has Officially Entered General Circulation Today – American Media Group ( fall of the Zim dollar, which plummeted over 70% in value against the U.S. dollar, paved the way for the birth of ZiG. Anchored by the intrinsic value of gold and supported by a backdrop of precious minerals, the ZiG debuted at an impressive 13.4 to the dollar on its first day of circulation. 
  • Tues. 30 April Dawn Saddleup on Telegram: One banker in Texas with contacts n Iraq says in country IQD RATE is $3.91. It will float. On Wed. 1 May Turkey will start energy pipelines flowing to Iraq so they say Iraq can’t do that unless it changes the rate of Exchange. Things are moving. Pray God’s intervention in this. As so many are hurting and so many want to Give A lot!
  • Tues. 30 April Wolverine Colombia: “As of this morning Tues 30 April at 10 amBonds Holders from Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador and Peru were going to Bogota, Colombia to get exchanged. We know that the process has started and certain people were being paid. 
  • Tues. 30 April Bruce: The Global Financial System and Global Emergency Alert System have been connected globally. Nesara/Gesara should be announced around Thurs. or Fri. 2, 3 May. We should get our R&R allowances and increases in Social Security in May.


New agreements between Iraq and Iran on facilitating trade, 2 MAY

 New agreements between Iraq and Iran on facilitating trade

Iranian media reported today, Wednesday (May 1, 2024), that Iraq and Iran have reached new agreements on facilitating trade movement between the two countries.

Mohammad Rezvani Far, Deputy Minister of Economy and Director General of Iranian Customs, and Hassan Hammoud Hassani, Advisor to the Ministry of Finance and Director General of Iraqi Customs, emphasized the facilitation of trade in addition to the new customs agreements between the two countries.

The Iranian official agency, according to what was translated by “Baghdad Today”, quoted Radwani as saying, “This meeting along the long borders and near 5 important provinces bordering Iran and Iraq, which requires doubling trade between Iran and Iraq, and developing relations, coordination and cooperation.”

Radwani added, "Regular border meetings between border customs directors in the two countries can contribute to the effectiveness of this cooperation," indicating that "Iranian Customs is fully prepared to exchange customs information with Iraqi Customs in order to facilitate and develop trade."

The Iranian official considered that "exchanging and coordinating procedures and policies and applying similar methods at various border points, in addition to matching working days and hours in customs offices in the two countries, is important and vital for trade exchange."

The Iranian Deputy Minister of Economy called for "expediting notification of changes in customs procedures and regulations in the two countries."

Radwanifar stated that “the cornerstone of customs policies to facilitate and develop trade lies in the World Customs Organization,” noting “the importance of this organization,” calling for “consensus and consultation among Islamic countries in promoting common goals and interests.”

For his part, the head of the Iraqi Customs Authority, Hassan Hamoud Hassani, described the Iranian side as “one of Iraq’s most important trading partners, and included developing trade relations between the two countries as one of his country’s priorities.”

He expressed his satisfaction with “the progress of customs cooperation between the two countries,” expressing his hope to “follow up on common issues with continued cooperation and exchange of views.”

The head of Iraqi customs promised to "continue coordination between his government and the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government in order to implement customs unity in these two regions."

Hassani also expressed his regret "about the phenomenon of fuel smuggling at the common border crossings between the two countries," adding that "Iraqi customs will cooperate with the Iranian side in resolving this problem."

It is noteworthy that during the meeting, it was agreed to sign an agreement on cooperation and mutual administrative assistance in customs affairs between the governments of the two countries, with the aim of facilitating the electronic exchange of customs information and providing facilities in performing customs procedures at the border level of the two countries, and agreeing to sign an agreement to facilitate the temporary entry of goods vehicles between Iran and Iraq. And the establishment of a designated parking lot outside the customs borders of the two countries in order to prevent the risks resulting from the stopping of trucks carrying fuel materials in the border area, as well as the establishment of representatives of the organizations that issue import licenses, including standards, health and quarantine units, and related organizations in the Iraqi border customs, among others. linK


 Wed. 1 May 2024, Ariel: Hold onto to your Zim-Notes people.

The Zimbabwe Bond Notes (You Hold) could not be paid out in any form prior to this announcement. A Bond is a Promissory Note issued by a government and can legally not be refused.
Look at the writing on the Zim-Notes you hold. What does it say? “I promise to pay bearer on demand”.  Do you understand the gravity of this statement? Do you understand how rich in natural resources Zimbabwe is?

The Royal Bank of Zimbabwe $835,000,082,302,000,000 (13 metric tons of in ground gold estimated to yield $14 billion per annum by RBZ going forward) is the richest in the world.
People, did you know I had a private contract back in 2016 exclusively for Zim-Notes only?  I have many of you this already last year.

 I even uploaded the process in a condensed format to give people an idea of how it was supposed to go. But that was 10+ years ago. Some of my followers remember that. Because a couple of them were also a part of it.

The amount of un-mined Gold in Zimbabwe is astonishing. There is more than enough to back all the millions of printed 2008-2009 Bonds alone. Not even mentioning the other minerals.
People Zimbabwe no longer just had gold backed digital coins. The paper is also being supported by the new gold standard. 

You now hold very valuable bonds in your possession. Do you know how far ahead you are of those who are oblivious to this?

The government said that Holders of physical gold coins, at their discretion, will be able to exchange or convert, through the banking system… into gold-backed digital tokens,” the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe said in a statement inviting individual and corporate entities to use the digital currency that can be bought either in Zimbabwean dollars or foreign currency.
Zimbabwe is now in a process to get all the 2008 to 2009 Zim Promissory Notes (Bond) off the streets. This should be done very soon. Remember Iraq is doing the same thing. Everything they are doing in their local economies is to ensure maximums value for their new precious metal based economy.


  RAFIDAIN BANK DEPLOYS ATMS AT 5 STATIONS IN BAGHDAD Rafidain Bank announced today, Friday, the deployment of ATMs at five stations in Bagh...