Tuesday, February 18, 2025


 Militia Man 

The president of the republic [of Iraq] has signed the amendment to the budget law...

It's waiting for the exposure of the exchange rate that's going to be in the Gazette

 Does Alaq have a conversation with everybody before that or it it all around the same time ?  It's to be determined. 

 Obviously they haven't moved oil at 1310.  They haven't paid all the salaries at 1310.  They haven't exposed the budget. 

 Obviously they're doing something trying to keep it contained till down to the wire.





The former director of the Financial Supervision Bureau, Salah Nouri, revealed the steps taken by Iraq to move to fully implement international accounting standards by 2026.

Nouri said in a statement to {Euphrates News} that: “The unified accounting system, which was adopted in the mid-eighties, was appropriate for the economic situation at the time; but it led to Iraq’s delay in keeping pace with international standards.”

He added, “The Accounting and Auditing Standards Board adopted 14 accounting rules according to international standards until 2016; but that was not enough to keep pace with global developments. In 2017, the board made a bold decision to adopt all international accounting standards, with the aim of enhancing financial transparency and attracting foreign investments, especially in the oil and banking sectors.”
Nouri pointed out that “the committee tasked with preparing the new unified accounting system completed its work in 2019, and the implementation of international standards was announced in 2021, but the Corona pandemic postponed this implementation.”

He stressed that “the year 2026 will witness the final implementation of these standards, which will make the Iraqi accounting environment consistent with the requirements of global financial markets.”
“This step will encourage foreign companies to invest in Iraq and will provide transparent financial data that will help in making sound investment decisions,” Nouri concluded.

International accounting standards are a common language for companies around the world, making it easier for investors to understand companies’ financial statements and make informed investment decisions.

This step comes as part of Iraq’s efforts to enhance financial transparency and attract foreign investment, especially in light of the economic challenges facing the country.



😊You might want to take a look at article titled “CENTRAL BANK ANNOUNCES DETAILS OF ITS MEETINGS WITH THE TREASURY AND THE FEDERAL RESERVE”. The Central Bank announced the end of the first quarterly meetings for the year 2025 with the US Treasury and the US Federal Reserve, which were held in Dubai / United Arab Emirates with the participation of international auditing and consulting firms (EY, K2 Integrity, Oliver Wyman).

 The meetings culminated in praise for the steps taken by the Central Bank of Iraq and the Iraqi government in reforming the banking sector, the most important of which were…bla, bla, bla ( you heard it all before from the IMF, World Bank and the US). But the dinar is still at 1/6 of a penny?

So, we might believe that any unauthorized banking activities can be caught relatively quickly just as in any bank in any developed country does today. This is fantastic news. The article emphasizes encouragement for enterprises to join the formal banking sector and not rely on the black market. 

But how do you give them incentives? Do you maybe change the value of the dinar so the “official” price is now much higher than the parallel market price? Would this draw them into the CBI supervision by the SBI of this shadow economy?

The idea of putting in place an optimal solution which creates a legal frameworks to regulate the work of informal financial institutions and place them under the supervision of the central bank to ensure a minimum level of oversight. I am surprised the CBI has not yet done this. Why is this a revolutionary idea?

My main point today is not so much what the CBI can recognize or not as the Black Market but rather can they can’t control it? It is obvious the Black Market is a know entity and an obstacle. Seems to me the only real

 solution and a final solution is to simply to take the paper CASH dollar out of circulation in Iraq, which the US has just announced that are doing. Didn’t I bring this to your attention before? Iraq then needs to keep emphasizing the use of the dinar. Remember we already read over the last two year about the de-dollarization of the economy.  

But there is a breaking point too. This point is triggering a revaluation in-country and it will begin down that path of seriousness to reinstatement back on the foreign exchange market. Would this simply help or would the Black Market simply turn around and raise their rates even higher.

 However, I have to keep saying where are they going to get the dollars if plane loads of CASH is no longer being flown to Iraq and these payment are now all done electronically? How will they get this CASH?

To get any CASH in Iraq someone would have to go to a bank and fraudulently file receipts to pay imports into Iraq. Now this is when the audits can control and monitor the sales of imports and who is importing what and how much. But still, this CASH will be very limited and scarce.

The Obama/Biden plan is to grow the economy enough so that the reliance on imports is lessened ergo the need to pay for them in dollars or any currency is lessoned. But this still does not automatically revalue the dinar. Does it?

 There has to be a breaking point when the CBI says lets just use the dinar then more and more to pay for imports. Other countries have to want to take it. It must be valuable enough to drive a desire to take it. 

But it is hard to give incentives for importers to want it at 1/6 of a penny. Do you see where I am going with this? Yes, there is going to be a breaking point when they have to raise the rate of the dinar. The CBI will have no choice if the economy keep growing.

FNU LNU : There is a hold on the RV for an unspecified amount of time! @DINARREVALUATION #iraqidinar




The President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Rashid, approved the first amendment to the Iraqi Federal Budget Law No. 13 of 2023, related to the export of Kurdistan Region oil through SOMO.

Secretary of the Kurdistan Regional Government Council of Ministers, Amanj Rahim, said, “The President of the Republic approved the first amendment to the Iraqi Federal Budget Law No. 13 of 2023.”

He added that “the law became official after the President of the Republic signed it, noting that the revenues from the sale of oil exported from the region will return to the federal treasury, according to the amendments related to the costs of production and transportation of oil.”

He added, “The law will not officially enter into force until it is published in the Official Gazette, Al-Waqa’i’ Al-Iraqiya, which is the last procedure required before its implementation begins.”



The  new president Trump has a new policy towards Iraq and it is beginning to take form. This recent move of stopping the physical dollar CASH flow to Iraq is apparent. 

As investors we now just have to hunker down and wait. This was a huge move and it will take time to shake out what paper CASH US dollars are already in the Iraqi economy. Again, I am telling you – THEY MUST BREAK THE PARALLEL MARKET AND DISSOLVE ILLEGAL VENDERS. I am presenting a very good recent article on this topic today and I am going to review it in detail.

 I was told many times already by my CBI contact that this crisis is at the heart of why the CBI can not set the in-country revaluation rate to what they need to conduct the Project to Delete the Zeros. The article it titled “FOUNDATION WARNS OF ‘PARALLEL BANKING SYSTEM’ AND ‘SHADOW ECONOMY’ IN IRAQ”

FIREFLY: Mr Sammy feels everything has been corrected! @DINARREVALUATION #iraqidinarinvestor




February 16, 2025

By Yassn Fawaz

For almost two decades, Iraq was at the center of U.S. foreign policy, absorbing huge sums and costing thousands of American lives. Now, just a few years later, it risks fading into geopolitical obscurity—forgotten by the U.S. public and by policymakers as well. That would be a mistake.

Donald Trump built his brand on disrupting the status quo, whether in politics or foreign affairs. His first term saw major shifts in the Middle East, from the assassination of Iran’s Qassem Soleimani to the Abraham Accords between Israel and several Gulf and other Arab states. Now, he begins his second term with a clear inclination to shake things up again.

In that context, Iraq should be front and center. The government in Baghdad must be held accountable for harboring and legitimizing Iran-backed militias, the very forces that have destabilized the region for years.

As part of such a move, the regime in Iran would also be put in its place. For too long, Tehran has meddled in the affairs of Arab countries via a network of militias that it partly funds, supports, and occasionally directs. This so-called “Axis of Resistance” has suffered major blows in the past year because of the regional conflict sparked by the October 7 massacre in Israel by Iranian-backed Hamas.

Hamas is now badly degraded in Gaza. Hezbollah has been thrashed in Lebanon. Yemen’s Houthis, emboldened by Iran, face the real prospect of serious Western retaliation for their outrageous impeding of commercial traffic in the Red Sea. The Iran-backed Syrian dictatorship has collapsed.



I wanted to first summarize where we are now with this IQD reinstatement.

 I also want to give more insight as to what is holding up the RV and the Reinstatement of the Iraqi dinar. Folks its been 20 years already. Enough is enough!

But, if you have been reading my blog AND watching my presented videos all along, you can now CLEARLY see that there has been massive corruption in Iraq and with the US keeping the Iraq dinar artificially suppressed.

 Why did they do this? Let’s dig a little deeper into these causes today. In today’s news I give you a couple more interviews with Steve Forbes about the Feds actions.

 Do you really think the Feds want us to have all this money when they have been controlling the economy and any large fluctuation of prosperity in the US with interest rates and other measures. 

Do you think they want thousands of new millionaires? 

What makes you honestly think they want us to have all this money when their real intent is to destroy the U.S. and Canadian economies? All you need to do is listen to Forbes today and this comes very clear. I don’t know about you but I trust Forbes a hell of a lot more than all these intel guru idiots out there.  

Economic Sector:

So, knowing about all this corruption do you now see what is holding up the RV? I have been telling you about this for many years, but many of you have to see it to believe it. How can you deny it now?

I wish I could support Obama/Biden and their policies in Iraq but unfortunately, they were the source of the problems that plagued Iraq for about the last two decades. 

The  new president Trump has a new policy towards Iraq and it is beginning to take form. This recent move of stopping the physical dollar CASH flow to Iraq is apparent. 

As investors we now just have to hunker down and wait. This was a huge move and it will take time to shake out what paper CASH US dollars are already in the Iraqi economy. Again, I am telling you – THEY MUST BREAK THE PARALLEL MARKET AND DISSOLVE ILLEGAL VENDERS. I am presenting a very good recent article on this topic today and I am going to review it in detail.

 I was told many times already by my CBI contact that this crisis is at the heart of why the CBI can not set the in-country revaluation rate to what they need to conduct the Project to Delete the Zeros. The article it titled “FOUNDATION WARNS OF ‘PARALLEL BANKING SYSTEM’ AND ‘SHADOW ECONOMY’ IN IRAQ”.

 Okay, so this is not new   of the parallel market and its detriment to the “official” CBI rate. However in today’s new we dig deeper into this topic as economists are now telling us of some of the solutions to this crisis of the parallel market. Here are the solutions. I would think that if they concentrate on implementing all of these solutions and do it now they can finally combat this black marketing of the dollar:  

1.preventing unauthorized banking activities, and;

2.working to encourage small and medium enterprises to join the formal sector by providing attractive incentives, and;

3.legal frameworks can be put in place to regulate the work of informal financial institutions and place them under the supervision of the central bank to ensure a minimum level of oversight and:

4.In the most serious cases, the optimal solution may be to completely close unlicensed institutions and link all banking operations to formal institutions.

 Here is yet another article on this topic in todays news titled “MANAR AL-OBAIDI: THE SHADOW ECONOMY IN IRAQ EXCEEDS THE SIZE OF THE FORMAL ECONOMY”

The parallel banking system in Iraq is one of the major challenges that directly affects the stability of the financial system, as it consists of a group of financial institutions that operate outside the official framework and without supervision from regulatory authorities. Are you listening to me?

What these articles do not emphasize is that the CBI already outlawed the black market to some extent which includes those street exchangers working under illegal, unlicensed operations. 

Yes, you now have to be registered with the CBI to exchange currency outside the banking system. The are commonly called currency street venders.

 These non-registered ones are the ones they are worried about and can’t control. These are the culprits.

 In today’s news we also learn about the praising of the CBI in all it’s other efforts to reform the banking institutions and establishing the international banking relationships.

MILITIAMAN: Iraq has done all the things NEEDED to BE IN compliance with THE IMF!!




Former member of the Natural Resources Committee in the Kurdistan Parliament, Jihad Hassan, commented today, Monday (February 17, 2025), on the statements of the Minister of Natural Resources in the regional government regarding the resumption of the region’s oil exports.

Hassan said in an interview with Baghdad Today, “This is an economic step that will revive the economy of the region and Iraq in general, and the matter was dependent on Baghdad and Ankara, as the region has been ready for a long time to export oil without any obstacles.”

On the other hand, the expert and advisor on oil affairs, Govind Sherwani, confirmed that “the President of the Republic signed the amendment to Article 12 of the budget law related to the allocations for production and transportation of the region’s oil, and this issue was the obstacle to resuming exports.”

In an interview with Baghdad Today on Monday (February 17, 2025), Sherwani said, “The law will come into effect after its publication in the Official Gazette, and with regard to the technical aspect, a delegation from the Federal Ministry of Oil visited the region to review the technical aspects.”

He added, “It is expected that within a week or the end of this month, the technical arrangements will be completed, and export will become possible. It is certain that the previous quantities, which are 400 thousand barrels per day, will not be, because these arrangements and the rehabilitation of the oil wells that were left for two years require a long time, and it may take more than 3 months to reach the previous rates.”

He pointed out that “the beginning will not be less than 250 thousand barrels exported daily, and it is possible that within a month or twoexports will return to 400 thousand barrels, and this is a new resource to raise the public treasury, especially since this oil can be marketed to European markets without any obstacles.”

At the beginning of 2025, new developments came in the amendment of Article 12 of the budget law, which paved the way for the resumption of oil exports from the Kurdistan Region. This step is considered an important solution to a legal problem that was hindering oil exports, and provides the region with an opportunity to enhance its economic revenues by exporting oil to global markets, especially European ones.

Despite the technical challenges facing the process of resuming exports, such as rehabilitating oil wells that have been out of service for two years, experts expect that the export process will begin in limited quantities, with the possibility of gradually increasing them in the coming months.




"The Iraqi economist Al-Mustagbal warned, on Saturday, of the danger of the parallel banking system, which constitutes about 84% of the "informal" economy in the country, 

considering this system to "limit the ability of official bodies to monitor the movement of funds." - the parallel banking system stands out as one of the major challenges that directly affects the stability of the

financial system." "It was pointed out that "to deal with this situation, it is necessary to adopt firm solutions aimed at closing the gap between the two systems," indicating that "this

can be achieved by:.... Let's take a look at this situation today in much more detail and see what solutions they

are telling us they have in mind to finally solve this crisis and close this gap.

Their words not mine.....

Walkingstick :they're redoing all contracts in Iraq because there will be a rate change soon!! #iqd




In a surprising move, reports indicate that the United States has decided to stop sending cash dollars to Iraq, a decision that could have profound effects on the Iraqi economy and its financial market. This shift raises many questions about its impact on the value of the Iraqi dinar, currency markets, and the local banking sector.

(All I can say is its about time! But this is a major change and there will be adjustments that will have to be made.)

What is a cash dollar?

Cash dollars refer to money that is physically sent to Iraq by the United States, usually through banks or other economic mechanisms. This cash flow has played an important role in supporting the Iraqi economy, especially in light of the economic challenges facing the country.

The reason behind the American decision

Sources indicate that the US decision comes in the context of economic and diplomatic pressures on Iraq, which include issues related to the national economy and monetary policies. Some reports also indicate that the United States may seek to limit the use of the dollar in Iraqi financial transactions, in an attempt to enhance the stability of the local currency and reduce dependence on foreign currencies.

Impact of the decision on the Iraqi dinar

The decision is expected to cause significant volatility in the local currency market. The US dollar is one of the main currencies traded in Iraq, and stopping its cash flow could lead to a shortage in supply, which could (initially) push the dollar higher against the dinar.

The impact of the rise on the Iraqi market

The increase in the value of the dollar may lead to higher prices in the Iraqi market, which will exacerbate the burden of inflation and affect the ability of citizens to purchase basic commodities. This may also indirectly affect economic activity, especially in sectors that rely heavily on imports.

(So how can the CBI get the dinar to be worth more than the dollar? Is it time to conduct the in-country RV to just over a dollar? Just asking…)

Are there any solutions?

The Iraqi government will face a major challenge in dealing with these developments. The next phase may require developing new economic and financial strategies to mitigate the impact of sudden changes in currency rates. It is necessary to have a move towards strengthening the Iraqi dinar and diversifying the sources of the national economy away from heavy reliance on the dollar.


In light of these developments, it will be important to monitor the short- and long-term effects of this decision. Iraq needs decisive steps to secure the stability of its national currency and protect its economy from the repercussions of the decision to stop the use of the CASH dollar.

(Remember this is the use of CASH dollar. They will still have electronic transfer from the Feds of dollars to Iraq. But this is a move that I believe is in agreement with the CBI to finally shut down the parallel market for good. This comes on the heals of the issue with Rafidian bank’s continue smuggling of the cash dollars to Iran. This is an amazing article. A “WOW!” article. I still am having a hard time believing it when I read it. The US is finally doing it. They should have cut off the dollars off years ago. We would be much farther ahead now in the RV process. But now it is being done. A good sign for us investors. How will this impact the Iraqi economy? Seems to me the US wants the dinar to rise in value and this may be leading us to something VERY IMPORTANT.)   

Ariel (@Prolotario1): Pros and Cons of a Rate Change this Week for Iraq, 18 FEB

 Ariel (@Prolotario1): Pros and Cons of a Rate Change this Week for Iraq

Iraqi Dinar Update

What are the Pros & Cons Of A Rate Change This Week?

Pros: Urgent salary needs, Article 12’s timing, and potential oil price softening (e.g., $65 fears) push for a stronger dinar to maximize revenue. Past CBI action (2023) shows willingness to adjust under pressure.

If exports start mid-week and oil prices wobble, the CBI might act by February 23 to preempt losses, especially with salaries due soon. Rough Guess 40–50% chance, assuming exports trigger immediate fiscal strain.

Cons: CBI’s cautious approach, logistical delays (pipeline readiness), and the option to tap reserves or borrow reduce urgency.

No official CBI statement ties exports to an imminent rate shift. Odds Dampeners: A week is tight for policy shifts rate changes typically follow weeks of deliberation unless crisis-level (e.g., 2020’s oil crash).

Rough Guess: 50–60% chance they hold off, monitoring export impacts first.

The odds lean slightly against an immediate change (say, 45% for, 55% against) due to CBI inertia and logistical unknowns, but they’re close to even because the USD oil pricing and salary crunch create real pressure.

If exports flow this week and markets signal oil price risks, the odds tilt higher maybe 60% as Iraq’s economy can’t easily absorb losses.

You all are reading this wrong.

This doesn’t confirm a 60-day deadline for changing Iraq’s exchange rate. It actually refers to a 60-day period needed to start Kurdistan’s oil exports after the amendment.

Any exchange rate change would depend on economic conditions, oil prices, and fiscal needs, not a fixed timeline from the gazette’s publication. So, the idea of a strict 60-day window for the rate change is incorrect.

They can not afford to go on a hardline 60 days based on current conditions due to the oil prices which fluctuate. Especially considering the 65$ figure which would immediately preempt Iraq to adjust the rate which is not contingent upon waiting after 60 days.

Given Iraq’s heavy reliance on oil revenue for funding public sector salaries and addressing fiscal deficits, an immediate need to stabilize or strengthen the dinar could arise if oil prices fluctuate or if there’s pressure from the parallel market rates.

The urgency to address these economic pressures could prompt an earlier rate adjustment. Which can happen at anytime. Especially given current conditions.






February 2, 2023

BAGHDAD (AP) — For months, the United States has restricted Iraq’s access to its own dollars, trying to stamp out what Iraqi officials describe as rampant money laundering that benefits Iran and Syria. Iraq is now feeling the crunch, with a drop in the value of its currency and public anger blowing back against the prime minister.

The exchange rate for the Iraqi dinar has jumped to around 1,750 to the dollar at street exchanges in some parts of the country, compared to the official rate of 1,460 dinars to the dollar.

In Baghdad, exchange houses were closed on Thursday, while the Kurdistan Regional Government banned exchange companies in Sulaimaniyah from making transfers.

Mustafa Al-Karawi, a member of the parliamentary budget committee, told the state news agency that the Central Bank “must meet the requirements of the Federal Reserve to…reduce the scarcity of hard currency in the country.” He said new domestic procedures would be rolled out to improve access to currency, while a delegation of Iraqi officials will travel to the U.S. for negotiations next Friday.

The devaluation has already sparked protests. If it persists, analysts said, it could challenge the mandate of the government formed in October after a yearlong political stalemate.

The dinar’s deterioration comes even though Iraq’s foreign currency reserves are at an all-time high of around $100 billion, pumped up by spiking global oil prices that have brought increasing revenues to the petroleum-rich nation.

But accessing that money is a different story.

Since the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003, Iraq’s foreign currency reserves have been housed at the United States’ Federal Reserve, giving the Americans significant control over Iraq’s supply of dollars. The Central Bank of Iraq requests dollars from the Fed and then sells them to commercial banks and exchange houses at the official exchange rate through a mechanism known as the “dollar auction.

In the past, daily sales through the auction often exceeded $200 million per day.

Ostensibly, the vast majority of the dollars sold in the auction are meant to go to purchases of goods imported by Iraqi companies, but the system has long been porous and easily abused, multiple Iraqi banking and political officials told The Associated Press.

U.S. officials confirmed to the AP that they suspected the system was used for money laundering but declined to comment in detail on the allegations or the new restrictions.

For years, large quantities of dollars were transferred out of the country to Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Lebanon through “gray market trading, using fake invoices for overpriced items,” a financial adviser to the Iraqi prime minister said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

The inflated invoices were used to launder dollars, with most of them sent to Iran and Syria, which are under U.S. sanctions, leading to complaints from American officials, he said.

In other cases, the currency is smuggled across land borders under the protection of armed groups that take a cut of the cash, said Tamkeen Abd Sarhan al-Hasnawi, chairman of the board of Mosul Bank and first deputy of the Iraq Private Banks League. He estimated that as much as 80% of the dollars sold through the auction went to neighboring countries.

“Syria, Turkey, and Iran used to benefit from the dollar auction in Iraq,” he said.

A member of one of Iraq’s Iran-backed militias, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak publicly on the subject, said the majority of Iraqi banks are owned indirectly by politicians and political parties that have also used the dollar auction to their benefit.

Late last year, the Fed began imposing stricter measures.

Among other steps, at the request of the U.S., the Central Bank of Iraq started using an electronic system for transfers that required entering detailed information on the intended end-recipient of the requested dollars. One hundred Central Bank employees were trained by the Fed to implement the new system, the prime minister’s financial adviser said.

“This system started rejecting transfers and invoices that used to be approved by the central bank,” he said. “Around 80% of transactions were being rejected.”

The amount of dollars sold daily in the auction plummeted to $69.6 million on Jan. 31, from $257.8 million six months earlier, according to Central Bank records. Far fewer of the dollars are going toward buying imports as well, down to around 34% from 90%.

Even when transactions are approved, it takes banks up to 15 days to get the funds rather than two or three days, Hasnawi said.

Unable to get dollars at the official price through banks, he said, traders turned to the black market to buy dollars, causing the price to rise.

In November, the Central Bank of Iraq added four new banks to the list of those banned from dealing in dollars. Two U.S. officials confirmed that the Fed requested the four banks be blocked because of suspected money laundering. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to comment on the case.

A spokesperson for the New York Fed declined to discuss the specific measures taken with regards to Iraq. But the Fed said in a statement that it enforces “a robust compliance regime” for the accounts it holds. The statement said that this regime “evolves over time in response to new information, which we gather in the regular course of monitoring transactions and events that may impact an account and in communication with other relevant U.S. government agencies.”

The system of keeping Iraq’s oil revenues at the Fed was originally imposed by U.N. Security Council resolutions after the 2003 ouster of Iraq’s Saddam Hussein by the U.S-led invasion. Later, Iraq chose to maintain the system to protect its revenues against potential lawsuits, particularly in connection to Iraq’s 1990s invasion of Kuwait.

(We will need Exec Order 13303 to end for this DFI fund to be transferred to Iraq and out of the hands of the U.S. Feds. This is key and we all need to watch for this move. Will Trump extend it in May 2025? ) 

The new U.S. restrictions come at a time of increased tensions between the U.S. and Iran. Negotiations over a nuclear deal are floundering. Washington has imposed new sanctions and condemned Iran for cracking down on protesters and providing drones for Russia to use in Ukraine.

Also, in Iraq, allegations came to light in October that over $2.5 billion in Iraqi government revenue was embezzled by a network of businesses and officials from the country’s tax authority.

The case “brought (U.S.) attention to the scale of corruption in Iraq” and how the corruption can benefit Iran and other parties hostile to the U.S., said Harith Hasan, head of the Iraq unit at the Emirates Research Center, an Abu Dhabi-based think tank.

The new Iraqi prime minister, Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, who came to power via a coalition of Iranian-backed parties, does not have a strong relationship with the U.S. that could have enabled him to soften the implementation of the new financial measures, Hasan said.

Al-Sudani has downplayed the current devaluation as “a temporary issue of trading and speculation.” He replaced the Central Bank governor and instituted measures intended to ensure a supply of dollars at the official rate.

Al-Hasnawi said the government’s recent measures will not stop the financial bleeding. If the current situation persists, he said, “within one year, most banks will declare bankruptcy” and there is likely to be mass civil unrest.

“This U.S. pressure impacts the Iraqi street in a clear manner, and we do not see clear solutions until now,” he said.



Global Currency Reset:

  • Mon. 10 Feb.: Liquidity was released to the 12 platforms that then funded the 38 platforms beneath them (Tiers 1 and 2). …JR Truth
  • Tues. 11 Feb. 2024: A military Intel contact said they released everything for the Global Currency Reset at 3pm PDT on Tues. 11 Feb. 2025 to start the shotgun release of liquidity & notifications …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram
  • Wed. 12 Feb. Funding released to Bond Holder accounts. Banks could no longer see or have access to individual bank accounts. Some private groups were paid out on  Wed. 12 Feb, while others will be paid on Thurs. 13 Feb. …Bruce
  • On Thurs. 13 Feb. Nesara funds started going out. Redemption Center leaders went into work at 10am on Thurs. 13 Feb.…Bruce
  • Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: Tier 1 and Tier 2 have been paid, I was just told.  …Mike Berra
  • Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: I’ve been told my platform (that has currency and bond holders in it) started today Fri. 14 Feb. and will start payments on Tues. 18 Feb. I expect currency notifications around same time. …JR Truth
  • On Sun. 16 Feb. the Iraqi budget with the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was ratified and expected to be published in the Gazette soon.






Iraq wins the position of Vice President of the Middle East Committee of UNTO



Baghdad - 

Iraq achieved a remarkable achievement today, Wednesday, by winning the position of Vice President of the Middle East Committee of the United Nations Tourism Organization.

The correspondent of the Iraqi News Agency (INA) reported: "Iraq participated in the fifty-first meeting of the Regional Committee for the Middle East of the United Nations Tourism Organization, in the presence of a number of Arab tourism ministers and tourism sector officials in member states."

He added, "Iraq achieved a remarkable achievement by winning the position of Vice President of the Middle East Committee, in a step that reflects the progress witnessed by the Iraqi tourism sector and its growing role at the regional and international levels."

He continued, "The Iraqi delegation, headed by Nasser Murad Ghanem, Chairman of the Tourism Authority, and including Jabbar Manloon Al-Gharibawi, Director General of the Department of Tourism Facilities, and Ali Yassin, Director of the International Relations Department, held intensive meetings with their counterparts from Arab countries to enhance joint cooperation in the tourism field, and presented souvenirs to the participants, including copies of the blog "Baghdad, the Capital of Arab Tourism for the year 2025", the Baghdad Tourist Guide, and carpets decorated with pictures of Iraqi historical and archaeological sites, in addition to medals bearing the logo of Baghdad, the Capital of Arab Culture and Tourism." He continued,  "This achievement is an important step to enhance Iraq's position on the regional and international tourism map, especially with its preparations to host the events of "Baghdad, the Capital of Arab Tourism for the year 2025", which represents a great opportunity to highlight Iraq's rich cultural and historical heritage."