[via PDK] Question: Do you think RV in April Mark? I think April is still well within the sites and is the goal. I am still being told that and I believe it.
Sudani‘s travels are very interesting here in the US. He is going to Texas where the CBI keeps servers…and he is going to Michigan where there is a large population of Iraqis there…dispelled from the war. And also in Dearborn they will be adding a Warka bank location. To handle exchanges for Iraqis in Michigan.
Sudani traveling to Texas and Michigan is big. He is also going to California... I am hearing he is to meet with someone named Robert who is a signatory for Chinese banking elders. This is very interesting – what we are watching. Sudani has 130 people with him…a huge entourage...Including many important people from the Finance ministry and the CBI. Things are looking positive for the next week.
Former MP Jassim Al-Bayati confirmed on Tuesday that the Sudanese visit to Washington will have positive consequences at various levels, especially military, security and economic, pointing out that the visit would resolve the issue of the American military presence inside Iraq and strengthen the dinar against the dollar.
Al-Bayati told Al-Maalouma, “The visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani will have positive consequences at all stages, whether activating the strategic framework agreement between the two countries or resolving some economic issues.”
He added, "The visit would resolve the files of some banks that were punished by the Dalil countries, as well as resolve the issue of the lack of liquidity of foreign currency (the dollar) in Iraqi banks and find solutions to ensure its availability."
He stated that "the visit would strengthen the Iraqi dinar currency against the dollar, and ensure that the parallel exchange rate is close to the official one in the local markets, in addition to emphasizing the withdrawal of American ground forces from Iraq and discussing military and security issues." link
[Walkingstick's former Iraqi bank partner Number One Update]
Number One is with Sudani. That's why Number One is in DC right now. He owns 6 banks and 4 of them are in Iraq. Those banks are playing a part of the monetary reform inside of Iraq. Also, outside with the private bank satellite banks that are representing the Central Bank of Iraq. They're going to Michigan because Aki [Iraqi Bank Manager] is in Michigan.
It's not 92% [of the 3 zero notes] they've collected. It's a lot more...
It's at your doorstep.
Sudani is not going to go see Biden with a resigned executive order 13303 because it means the monetary reforms new exchange rate is free as bird to come out. It means Iraq is a sovereign nation now with a sovereign currency...Sudani goes to Washington on the 15th...to announce a new sovereign and confident Iraq under new the new leadership of Sudani and his staff...
Executive order 13303 was the protection of the DFI funds of their oil money. All protected by the United States of America...
No one could sue Iraq. Now it's different, this executive order has come to an end...Iraq's new currency exchange rate is under the DFI funds... 13303 was not sighed. This is good. It is fantastic because...as long as the executive order was in place Iraq could not reinstate its currency.. .
There's nothing like the facts. Everything they're telling the Iraqi citizens is a fact because it's coming from the right sources.
I quote from the article –“The visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to Washington provided a strong impetus in closing the Central Bank window and moving towards direct commercial banking transactions.” – “The visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to Washington provided a strong impetus in closing the Central Bank window and moving towards direct commercial banking transactions.”
But we already knew this news, didn’t we? But what came next in an article that popped out only once Al-Sudani arrived in Washington is what really got me so excited. This article talks about just what I have been telling you all along as I received ongoing information from my source in the CBI. , it confirms it all. No rumors or speculation, just facts.
In the articles today is stated and I quote – “He explained, “What practically means canceling the auction or the foreign currency window that was established in October 2003 and its expected lifespan was two years, but unfortunately it continued for more than twenty years!”
WOW, WOW, WOW! Did you read this last quote. It says lifespan of two years. Then why did it go on for twenty years? I can sum it up in one word – CORRUPTION!
Now THINK, THINK, THINK what this statement is also actually telling us. It is telling us that the corruption that took hold in Iraq using these currency auctions as the vehicle to steal money from Iraq. Like I said previously to you many times over the last decade these currency auctions were a well-planned, premeditated vehicles setup to steal the oil revenues from Iraq. The sole purpose of them, as we were told, was not factual and as time proves we were right. These auctions were noting more than a scam, justified with something to enforce them and make them a priority. This is how these people work.
So many Iranian sympathizers in Iraq still object to doing away with these currency auctions even after everything that has been exposed about them. I quote from today’s article – “and this process requires more time and strict oversight to stop the currency auction, which has greatly destroyed the country,” he said.”
Yes, these Iranian sympathizers admit this auction process is destroying the country on one hand, yet want to continue them? Then when is a good time to end them? Is it when yet another twenty years of theft occurs and you fill the pockets of Iran with yet more of the riches of Iraq, while the people of Iraq continue to suffer?
The point I am making here is that we can see through these corrupt people now and they will not have their way. Isn’t twenty years of damage enough? By the way if you read the list of items on Al-Sudani’s list he hopes to work closely with the U.S. to expel the Iranians from his country and to disarm them. This too is “WOW!” news, as no other prime minister dared to address this issue in any real contents of these Iranian militia and get rid of them. They too are part of the security issue in Iraq. Iraq and the US forces should not be on pins and needles waiting to see if these militia will strike again or not based on Iranian policies for Iraq. Come’ on folks this is ridiculous and blackmail. Haven’t you been listening and watching to what is going on over in Iraq with all these drone and missile attacks against US forces? Who the hell do you think has been carrying them out?....
Economists and political analysts unanimously agreed on the importance of the economic and financial aspect of PrimeMinister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani's visit, noting that it will strengthen cooperation relations in banking reform and anti-corruption files and achieve significant financial and economic gains for Iraq.
Activating economic and financial cooperation.
Speaking to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), writer and political analyst Haitham Al-Khazali says, “The visit is of great importance because it will discuss activating the Strategic Framework Agreement and moving the relationship with the United States from the security framework to the rest of the frameworks stipulated in the Strategic Framework Agreement by activating cooperation.” In financial, economic, environmental, energy and anti-corruption aspects.”
He added, "We believe that this visit will be crowned with success and contribute to achieving great political and financial gains due to Iraq's increasing importance in the region, its openness to countries of the world, investment opportunities, existing economic resources, the possibility of establishing economic partnership relations with the United States, and cooperation in all other aspects, the most important of which are banking and economic reform, c
ombating corruption, energy, and financial support."
Effects of climate change.
He continued, "The Prime Minister is expected to meet with officials in the US Treasury Department, and the meeting may contribute to lifting sanctions on some Iraqi banks and easing the conditions for financial transfers to Iraq, which will contribute to consolidating and strengthening the Iraqi dinar against the US dollar."
He added, "It is also hoped that the visit will witness the signing of agreements with companies investing in traditional energy, as well as in the field of clean energy, in cooperation with American companies, while strengthening cooperation in banking reform, activating anti-corruption laws and global transparency agreements, and supporting Iraq's efforts to recover its wanted persons and money in the United States."
Addressing the issue of disabled banks.
The specialist in financial and banking affairs, Mustafa Akram Hantoush, said in his speech to the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The visit carries economic goals at 50% of its agenda, especially from the banking side, and the Prime Minister is aware and fully oriented towards supporting the reform of the banking sector, which is what included in the ministerial programme.
He added, "The Prime Minister is supposed to meet with representatives of major American banks to request facilities for the Iraqi banking system. He will also meet with officials of the US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve. We expect that there will be an official request to remove sanctions from some of the sanctioned banks that have not been proven to have committed violations."
Iraq has turned into a workshop.
Meanwhile, economic expert Abdul Hassan Al-Ziyadi confirmed in his speech to the Iraqi News Agency (INA) that “Iraq seeks to invest in the strategic framework agreement and the visit would remove the problems, especially the financial ones, that plagued the relationship between Baghdad and Washington in previous governments, and the current government moved to implement reforms.”
"Really to end it."
He added, "The government of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani implemented actual and practical steps in the field of financial and banking reform, accompanied by an economic movement to implement important projects that turned Iraq into a workshop. It invested government work that strengthened political and security stability and provided the appropriate ground for the private sector and foreign investment to exploit the great opportunities in the fields of...
Construction, reconstruction and strategic projects.
He continued, "Activating the strategic framework agreement with its financial, economic, and i nvestment aspects will contribute to the United States, as the world's first economy, playing an important role in supporting the investment movement and the Iraqi economy," noting that "the Prime Minister accompanied with him a delegation representing the Iraqi Private Sector Council, and this is a precedent that occurs for the first time in Iraqi governments represent great support for this sector in establishing partnerships with American investors and companies to support the investment movement in Iraq.”
An important visit in light of the regional circumstances.
The economic expert, Nabil Al-Tamimi, said in his speech to the Iraqi News Agency (INA) that “the visit is one of the most important stations in formulating Iraq’s foreign policy in light of the current regional circumstances, and its main goal is to chart the future relationship between Baghdad and Washington through bilateral agreements, and in fact, the Prime Minister The ministers are working to draw up a framework for the relationship between Baghdad and Washington that is compatible with Iraqi ambitions to preserve sovereignty as well as enhance economic and trade cooperation and cooperation in combating corruption.” link
Would you believe it that April is half over…. Lots to talk to you about in today’s Newsletter. It’s all “WOW!” news today as the news keeps getting better and better as the weeks roll by in April. Remember the CBI told us there is going to be a closing of the currency auctions by the end of the year, with a significant event of the ending of the US Treasury “electronic platform” in June. Remember this platform was developed and installed by the US Treasury in Iraq in January 2023 to help curve corruption by auditing the auctions and limiting them to legitimate transactions. So far it has worked and since then much has changed. They tell us the parallel black market is now under control.
I highly encourage everyone to read the following articles listed below prior to reading the rest of my Status of the RV for today. What I have to say next will make much more sense.
Here are the titles of the articles. You can find them in the Articles Section.
Was the RV supposed to happen prior to Al-Sudani’s visit to Washington?
I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt and with 1000% certainty that anyone who told you this foolishness was only speculating, as usual and then trying to hype you up again with their fake intel lies. Yes, I mean you TNT Tony and the rest of you idiots. There was ABSOLUTELY no way the RV could have happened or was going to happen at that time. Get it? It wasn’t even on the agenda for the CBI, as my contact told me.
Folks the RV is NOT going to just pop out. We must get this notion out of our heads. It is not going to work that way. I don’t give a damn who it telling you this. It is all made up lies.
Insert head on wall, keep banging….bang, bang, bang. Doesn’t it hurt yet?
We will have plenty of advance warning for significant change in the dinar rate and there are a multitude of signs to watch for. So far these all important confirming signs or events have not yet happened. One sign is that we need the second “program” rate change to over a dollar and then the Project to Delete the zeros to follow. This could very well happen prior to cutting off the electronic platform in June. But I warn you I am just guessing. Right now, I have no confirmation of this. I will report on it when I get it. I think it’s coming. Don’t get excited yet.
Also, I warn you of being sucked into some ridiculous rumors that the RV will also just pop out when Al-Sudani returns back to Iraqi in about a week.
These stupid intel gurus are going to tell you this because, of course, the RV did not happen as they lied to you about it prior to his visit. So, now they will need to string you along again for another week, until you find out a week from now it did not happen again and then more disappointment. Then they will move on to the next lie to string you on again and then again. Get it? Get the roller coaster ride? How many rides must you take before you ditch these idiots.
Oh.. but they already used the excuse to justify their lies that it did not happen prior to his visit as the rockets flew ever Israel. Always an excuse. Get it? Why do you buy into this insane madness without any substantial proof that it will happen. Oh…but a three letter agency told them it would happen…lol… lol… lol… 😊 okay and I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn too… lol… lol… lol… These are the same three letter agencies stringing you along for twenty years now. Who are these people any how? And you what? You still believe their nonsense? After all the information I have been showing you as to why the RV could not have possibly happened over that time. You still follow these jerks?
So, let’s discuss the FACTUAL news today…. NO Rumors and NO hype. Just the factual news as it is told to us in the news. This is what will intelligently inform us of the RV process. Folks there is no other news. Any other “secret” sources of news would be just made up lies t fool you and get you to click on their site or listen to the sponsored calls.
So, there are details in the articles I present to you today of the Sudanese and Biden meeting held yesterday in the Whitehouse. So far we hear talks are all going very good and successful for Iraq. But remember the Al-Sudani’s accompanying group is about 130 Iraqi officials on this visit and so there are many side meetings and more formal meetings to take place this week to talk about the government’s seriousness of activating the “strategic framework” agreement. They already told us prior to his visit what that the two main files (or issues) to be discussed are, and I quote from one of today’s articles – “Al-Sudani will focus in Washington on the file of “security cooperation and the state of the international coalition forces to fight ISISand will devote a major part of the visit to the dollar file and the American sanctions on Iraqi banks,” as an Iraqi government source said.
In Shafaq News / Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani, on Monday, during his meeting with US President Joseph Biden at the White House, confirmed the seriousness of the Iraqi government in activating the strategic framework agreement, indicating that the military deal between Iraq and the United States was within the framework of the war on ISIS.
But this is just the beginning of the “WOW!” news for today. There is more.
I quote from the article –“The visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to Washington provided a strong impetus in closing the Central Bank window and moving towards direct commercial banking transactions.” – “The visit of Prime Minister Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to Washington provided a strong impetus in closing the Central Bank window and moving towards direct commercial banking transactions.”
But we already knew this news, didn’t we? But what came next in an article that popped out only once Al-Sudani arrived in Washington is what really got me so excited. This article talks about just what I have been telling you all along as I received ongoing information from my source in the CBI. , it confirms it all. No rumors or speculation, just facts.
In the articles today is stated and I quote – “He explained, “What practically means canceling the auction or the foreign currency window that was established in October 2003 and its expected lifespan was two years, but unfortunately it continued for more than twenty years!”
WOW, WOW, WOW! Did you read this last quote. It says lifespan of two years. Then why did it go on for twenty years? I can sum it up in one word – CORRUPTION!
Now THINK, THINK, THINK what this statement is also actually telling us. It is telling us that the corruption that took hold in Iraq using these currency auctions as the vehicle to steal money from Iraq. Like I said previously to you many times over the last decade these currency auctions were a well-planned, premeditated vehicles setup to steal the oil revenues from Iraq. The sole purpose of them, as we were told, was not factual and as time proves we were right. These auctions were noting more than a scam, justified with something to enforce them and make them a priority. This is how these people work.
So many Iranian sympathizers in Iraq still object to doing away with these currency auctions even after everything that has been exposed about them. I quote from today’s article – “and this process requires more time and strict oversight to stop the currency auction, which has greatly destroyed the country,” he said.”
Yes, these Iranian sympathizers admit this auction process is destroying the country on one hand, yet want to continue them? Then when is a good time to end them? Is it when yet another twenty years of theft occurs and you fill the pockets of Iran with yet more of the riches of Iraq, while the people of Iraq continue to suffer?
The point I am making here is that we can see through these corrupt people now and they will not have their way. Isn’t twenty years of damage enough? By the way if you read the list of items on Al-Sudani’s list he hopes to work closely with the U.S. to expel the Iranians from his country and to disarm them. This too is “WOW!” news, as no other prime minister dared to address this issue in any real contents of these Iranian militia and get rid of them. They too are part of the security issue in Iraq. Iraq and the US forces should not be on pins and needles waiting to see if these militia will strike again or not based on Iranian policies for Iraq. Come’ on folks this is ridiculous and blackmail. Haven’t you been listening and watching to what is going on over in Iraq with all these drone and missile attacks against US forces? Who the hell do you think has been carrying them out?
It is now the time. Iraq can no longer continue in this mode of operation. This too has been said in many past articles. They are losing billions each year over these auctions and trillions so far over these past decades. I am talking about US dollars not in dinars.
Folks, this is a lot of money and could have rebuilt Iraq three times over, as they told us years ago in their news. So, now is the time. They have procrastinated too long already. Soon oil will not be the preferred energy source in the world and the near future. Any oil revenues will drop and stay low. Okay, so this is where prophetic words come into play also. Kim Clement told us almost a decade ago that in these times coming up very soon (we are here now), there will be three (3) new sources of energy that will arise. He said that scientists will say “why did we not see this before”. These new energy sources will be cheap, clean to use and flexible in their usage. WOW! I just thought I would remind you of this prophecy again today. In fact, another prophet told us that Ford Motors Company will be revived and with it the depressed Detroit area, as they finally develop an engine to run on this new energy source. The future is very hopeful. I know it looks like gloom and doom now but this will change rapidly soon.
With almost a year and a half now of serious efforts down this path of moving to standard international banking practices, currency reform and getting off these damned corrupt currency auctions, there is no turning back now. Just keep remembering the White Paper….They are committed and Al-Sudani’s trip to Washington with his list of items to accomplish is solid proof of this. This is like to other visit by any of the other prime ministers before. But remember the economy has gotten used to this process of the currency auctions and corruption has gotten so used to them that it is like normal behavior and business practices to be corrupt. But this paradigm shift must occur and is occurring and so in January 2023 a serious process under the new prime minister Al-Sudani began. We have since been witnessing the success and small setbacks of this process. But the overall train is moving on and as more and more success occurs, as now to get yet more support of the U.S., I believe this choo choo train will progress yet even faster down the tracks. The trip to Washington is just more evidence and another stop along the journey on the RV choo choo train. But I want to emphasize this stop is so VERY, VERY significant for Iraq. Let’s see what the next stop of the choo choo brings us… hint… hint… 😊
We must now buckle down and pray and pray like never before for the success of Al-Sudani and his trip to Washington. Pray for the U.S. in that there are strong enough representatives in Congress and the Senate who will stand up and continue to fight to uphold the US Constitution and keep fighting this Washington corruption. Pray that that God’s Hand will intervene and save our great country. What good will any significant amount of money do you if you can’t freely spend it and enjoy it!
(Go ahead and rub it in…again….dinar is still 1/6 of a penny? )
The Prime Minister’s advisor for financial affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, confirmed on Monday that the central bank’s reserve exceeds $110 billion in 2024.
Salih said in an interview with “Al-Iqtisad News” that “Iraq is financially in a stable situation, given that oil prices are the basis of revenues.” The general budget for the year 2024 has been priced on the basis of $70 per barrel, while the average sales of Iraqi exported oil exceeds $80, which reduces the pressures of the planned deficit in the annual budget (which was approved for three years 2023, 2024, and 2025).”
The Sudanese advisor expects the dollar to decline after the Washington discussions
4/16/2024 Baghdad,
The political advisor to the Prime Minister, Sobhan Mulla Jiyad, expected Iraq's readiness to transform the relationship with the "International Coalition" into bilateral relations, anticipating a relative decline in the "dollar" with the Sudanese visit to Washington.
Mullah Jiyad said in a televised interview followed by Mawazine News: “Iraq wants to transform the relationship with the International Coalition into bilateral relations.”
He added, "We expect the dollar to decline relatively with the Sudanese visit to Washington," noting that "Iraq wants to transform the relationship with the International Coalition into bilateral relations." LINK
MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions
MZ: A really tough travel day or two. I will keep it short and give a quick update. I’m in Brazil for an event. Charlie Ward and I are key note speakers…..And won’t return home to PR until next Monday.
MZ: Should be a normal week from now on.
MZ: I have been telling you for awhile that the bond folks have expectations of things starting from between the 15th to the 22nd.
MZ: And we were told from day one that bonds need to be close to completion or well underway before they pull the trigger….Hopefully we will know by tomorrow if bonds kick off- from European contacts.
MZ: The first bond movement we hear is slated for tomorrow afternoon …So we should hear by then .
MZ: I honestly thought I would get to break this news, but Frank beat me to it. (Thanks to Frank26) Sudani ‘s travels are very interesting here in the US. He is going to Texas where the CBI keeps servers…and he is going to Michegan where there is a large population of Iraqis there….dispelled from the war. And also in Dearborn they will be adding a Warka bank location. To handle exchanges for Iraqis in Michegan.
MZ: Sudani traveling to Texas and Michegan is big. He is also going to California…this surprised me the most. I am hearing he is to meet with someone named Robert who is a signatory for Chinese banking elders. This is very interesting –what we are watching. .
Member: Sudani has 130 people with him…a huge entourage.
MZ: Includiing many important people from the Finance ministry and the CBI.
MZ: Things are looking positive for the next week. Calling it a night and tomorrows schedule will be much more normal. See you then.
Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz
Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.
GUYS YOU CAN FIND ALOT OF INFO AT MARK’S WEBSITE: GO TO: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home
Merger deadline
♦ The Central Bank of Iraq decided to approve a request to extend the deadline for receiving requests from brokerage companies to buy and sell foreign currencies of category ( C ) through the merger ..
For more, click here
Central Bank: Approval of converting the Industrial Bank into a joint stock company
April 14, 2024
The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed its approval of the Council of Ministers’ decision to transform the Industrial Bank into a public joint stock company with the contribution of local and external investors, indicating that the second phase will include the Agricultural Cooperative Bank.
The Banking Supervision Department stated through a document obtained by Iraq Observer, which stated: You refer to the meetings that took place with His Excellency the Prime Minister in the presence of His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank and His Excellency the Minister of Finance regarding the decision of the Council of Ministers held on 1/2/2024, paragraph (2) thereof, The proposed idea of converting your bank into a public joint stock company with the contribution of local and external investors, and for the second stage to include the Agricultural Cooperative Bank, explains to you the new plan regarding your bank and other government banks as follows:
1- Rafidain Bank is being structured by dividing it into two banks, the old with government accounts, and the new with the status of a commercial bank and a public joint-stock company.
2- After that, Al-Rasheed Bank will be merged with the new Al-Rafidain Bank
3- The Industrial Bank will be transformed into a public joint stock company, after which the Agricultural Cooperative Bank will be acquired
4- At a later stage, the Real Estate Bank will be merged with the Housing Fund.