Tuesday, March 19, 2024

🔥 Iraqi Dinar 🔥 Floating Rates $1.32🔥 Guru Updates News Currency Value E...

Iraq to stick to OPEC's voluntary oil production cuts, 20 MARCH

Iraq to stick to OPEC's voluntary oil production cuts

Shafaq News/ Iraq, OPEC's second-largest producer, will continue to adhere to the voluntary output cuts agreed upon by OPEC+ members, the Ministry of Oil announced, reiterating its commitment to the organization's efforts "to maintain stability and balance in the global oil market."

In a statement, the ministry said that despite reports of increased production from the Kurdistan region of Iraq, "which is not coordinated with the federal government," the country will continue to limit its exports to 3.3 million barrels per day (bpd) for the coming months.

"This is in order to absorb the increase in production that occurred in January and February," it said. "The ministry is coordinating with secondary sources to ensure that this information is reflected in their reports on OPEC+ production levels for the coming period." 

Iraq announced in February that it would assess its production levels and take measures to address any surplus output exceeding its agreed cuts under the OPEC+ agreement.

The OPEC+ voluntary cuts, currently extended until June, are part of a series of measures implemented by the group since late 2022. These measures aim to bolster the market as concerns over weak economic growth are anticipated to constrain oil demand, especially with increased supply from producers outside the OPEC+ alliance.




[via PDK]   I have a number of banking contacts that have launched into overdrive for this week …Lots of people expected announcements overnight last night...the electronic platforms being wildly successful is key to them implementing their change in value. And the Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER) is expected this week according to Iraqi contacts.  Most of my Iraqi contacts expect it by April 1st.  Praying they are right. 

...There is a tremendous amount of chatter from my contacts with expectations for the next day or 2...we will see but I think that may be a little premature...I do feel really good about where we are.

  I think things are in a mad dash to the finish line… We have an impending visit from Sudani here in the Us ...  We have Sudani on Friday mentioning the rate of $1.32…which is very specific... 

Comment:  The $1.32 rate is actually .76 cents US for each dinar….  Al Sudani promised the Iraqi people the dinar would be stronger than the dollar. . 76 cents is NOT stronger.   

MarkZ:  They may be floating the rates of $1.32 and .76 cents to get people ready for a change. I still think it will be more in the $3 or $4 range…but I could be wrong. IMO $1.32 and .76 cents rates would still be fantastic.. 

Pimpy is live 03/19/24

The International Atomic Energy Agency sends an official invitation to Iraq to participate in its next summit, 20 MARCH

The International Atomic Energy Agency sends an official invitation to Iraq to participate in its next summit

Shafaq News/ On Monday, the International Atomic Energy Agency sent an official invitation to Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to participate in the nuclear energy summit that will be held in Brussels this month, while confirming that it is awaiting an Iraqi delegation’s visit to its headquarters in the coming weeks to develop a road map to empower the country. From obtaining nuclear technology in peaceful fields.

The Prime Minister’s Media Office stated in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency that Al-Sudani received this morning the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Rafael Mariano Grossi, and confirmed during the meeting that Iraq was one of the first countries that sought to join the agency, abide by its treaties, and worked to establish nuclear reactors. For peaceful purposes due to his conviction that nuclear energy should be a source of prosperity and not for the development of lethal weapons.

He pointed out that at the end of last year, Iraq submitted to the Agency the requirements for joining the Nuclear Safety Agreement and the Joint Agreement on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management, and it is looking forward to re-entering the field of peaceful applications of nuclear energy.

Al-Sudani expressed Iraq’s desire to occupy its natural position in the international arena and to engage in peaceful activity in the field of atomic energy. He also looked forward to assisting the Agency in developing programs and projects related to development in the field of nuclear applications for peaceful purposes.

For his part, Grossi extended an invitation to the Sudanese to attend the Nuclear Energy Summit, which will be held in Brussels this March, expressing his appreciation for Iraq’s cooperation with the agency.

He pointed out that Iraq is one of the leading countries working with the agency, and he also declared a commitment to work with Iraq in its peaceful program and projects, which include energy, soil desalination, treatment of diseases, and other peaceful fields.

Grossi expressed his aspiration for the Iraqi delegation to visit the agency’s headquarters in the coming weeks. To work on developing a road map to develop Iraq’s work, build infrastructure, and obtain nuclear technology in peaceful fields.



  Militia Man

  Al-Sudani...talked about having the dinar be 1.32 dinars to the dollar...turns out to be around $0.76.  That's a big bit of purchasing power for the citizens. 

 Is it what they're going to end up with in the future based off all the natural resources that they...all the non-oil maximized income...tourism, all the extra stuff you never had when Saddam Hussein was in office ?

  Saddam Hussein's $3.22 to 1 dinar was based off about $35 a barrel of oil.  Oil is pushing $85 today...They have surplus money coming from all these different places...

Al-Sudani talked about having $1.00 equaling 1.32 dinars...I believe in my view is when they drop the three zeros from the exchange rate, what you'll have is about .76 USD.  Then they apply the Real Effect Exchange Rate to that.  And that's going to be based off of their assets...

Vietnam Dong 🔥Vietnam Dong something happening big 🔥Vietnam Dong rate up...

Iraq sends technical and military committees to several countries to purchase advanced air defense systems, 19 MARCH

  Iraq sends technical and military committees to several countries to purchase advanced air defense systems

The spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Major General Yahya Rasoul, announced today, Monday, the sending of technical and military committees to several countries to contract for the purchase of advanced air defense systems.

Major General Rasoul said, according to the official agency, “Iraq has contracted French radars and a batch of them have arrived, and we are proceeding to
complete the radar system in general,” indicating that “there are low-, medium- and high-range radars.”

He added, "The Air Defense Command is capable of radar detection and monitoring the movement of aircraft within Iraqi airspace," noting that "the Military Command, led by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, confirms the first priority of the Air Defense Command systems."

He stated that "there are technical and military committees that visited a number of countries and made offers to them, along with reviewing anti-aircraft weapons," pointing out that "when contracting for weapons or advanced systems, this will be announced." link



 One of the major things Iraq has to do before they can revalue the currency is they have to pause all of their money.  They have to suspend it.  Freeze it.  As of Friday both the central bank and the government of Iraq paused and froze all their monies.   What does that mean to us? 

 ...By them suspending all of their monies between the central bank and the government that makes this [past] weekend...the first eligible weekend for Iraq to be able to revalue the currency...

   They have suspended currency auctions from this point forward, through the remainder of March...giving them eligibility to revalue this weekend - having this weekend being the earliest point throughout this entire year to be able to revalue...Iraq was not even eligible to revalue before this weekend...

Iraqi Dinar🔥Big Announcement Of Al Sudani $1 Equal 1.32 Dinars Today 202...

Sudani reveals progress in ending foreign military presence, 19 MARCH

   Sudani reveals progress in ending foreign military presence

Baghdad - Iraq Today:

Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani confirmed progress in ending the presence of the international coalition during his meeting with German Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Tobias Lindner and his accompanying delegation.

A government statement explained that "Prime Minister Mohamed Shia Al-Sudani, German Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, received Tobias Lindner and his accompanying delegation."

During the meeting, Al-Sudani stressed "Iraq's welcome to the presence of German companies and their participation in development projects and infrastructure construction," pointing to "the government's continuation in expanding the investment environment and attracting global expertise, especially with the launch of the development road project and the associated opportunities, and the imminent signing of an agreement by Iraq with Siemens, and other German companies, in the field of gas investment associated with electric power generation," according to the statement.

"The state of stability and security achieved today in Iraq, and the growing capabilities of our security forces, confirm progress in ending the presence of the international coalition and shifting to bilateral relations with member states, especially in the context of the defeat of the terrorist remnants of ISIS," al-Sudani said.

According to the statement, the Prime Minister touched on "the current situation in the Gaza Strip, and Iraq's endeavor to deliver the necessary humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip under aggression, and to support efforts aimed at a ceasefire and prevent the expansion of the conflict," and called on "the international community to take responsibility in stopping the approach of aggression and the war of genocide to which the Palestinian people are exposed."

The statement added, "For his part, Lindner expressed his appreciation for the size of development, economic growth and security improvement witnessed by Iraq," stressing "the German government's continuation in activating the joint action plan signed by the Sudanese with the German chancellor, during the recent Sudanese visit to Berlin."

He continued, "He also expressed his country's support for the government's steps to end the presence of the international coalition in Iraq," expressing "Germany's readiness to sign a bilateral cooperation agreement with Iraq in the security and military fields, as well as its support for Iraq's position on the need for a permanent ceasefire in the Palestinian territories, and to help the Palestinian people."



[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

 FIREFLY:  The funding for all of 2024, last Wednesday was suspended...and it was changed...They must be using the new exchange rate.   They said they changed it and then sent it to the Council of Ministers for the review.  Then it is to be sent to the House for a vote...It should be going for a vote any time.  We think it's going to move to 1.32 making it $0.76 which is not more than the dollar like Sudani promised, until they add the new exchange rate to it.  That's what we're expecting.

   FIREFLY:  Alaq was on TV Channel One talking...with the United States Treasury on reconsidering sanctions on our banks. 

 FRANK:  He's going over there to tell them about the new exchange rate...

Jon Dowling & Holly Celiano Geo Political Updates & The Media Is Droppin...

Iraqi move to build the largest solar power plant, 19 MARCH

  Iraqi move to build the largest solar power plant

Economy News - Baghdad

A member of the parliamentary oil, gas and natural resources committee, Sabah Sobhi, revealed on Tuesday an Iraqi trend to establish the largest solar power plant.

Sobhi said that "the renewable energy law is in the process of discussions and is incomplete so far, and the committee is working in cooperation with the Energy Committee to launch legislation on renewable energy, pointing to "the parliament's interest in legislating this law during the current session."

"The largest solar power plant in Iraq will be built after the law is enacted," he said, adding that "so far the site has not been determined, but approval is in the process of obtaining it.

The $21 Trillion RV Question: Iraq’s Economic IQD Dilemma and the Gold Solution by AWAKE IN 3D, 19 MARCH

 The $21 Trillion RV Question: Iraq’s Economic IQD Dilemma and the Gold Solution

On March 18, 2024
By Awake-In-3D

From Economic Impossibility to Golden Opportunity: The Path Forward for the RV of the Iraqi Dinar

I tremendously enjoy engaging with my subscribers at GCR Real-Time News.

The questions raised and the discussions held around currency revaluations, particularly concerning Iraq’s dinar (IQD), provide for compelling conversation on the limitations of fiat currencies and the potential for a shift towards a gold-backed monetary system.

As countries assess and plan realistic strategies to combat today’s growing fiat economic and monetary uncertainties, the conversation about the nature of currency value, the impact of oil revenues, and the feasibility of significant currency revaluations serve as both informative and relevant.

Here’s the summary breakdown of a recent conversation thread on GCR Real-Time News.

The Iraqi Dinar RV Conundrum

At the heart of the debate is Iraq’s consideration of revaluing its currency, the IQD, potentially to $3.00 (or higher) against the U.S. dollar, a move that poses significant mathematical and economic challenges.

With an estimated 7 trillion (or more) IQD notes held outside of Iraq, a revaluation (RV) at such a rate would require an unfathomable $21 trillion ($3.00 x 7 Trillion IQD) fiat Dollars to fund the RV.

A sum far beyond Iraq’s current financial capacity, generated primarily through its oil trade revenues of around $100 billion per year at current oil prices. It would take Iraq centuries to pay for a $3.00 RV exchange rate at Iraq’s current and future production capacities. No Oil Contracts or economic development project investments scenario gets Iraq to $21 Trillion in the near or long term.

Iraq produces around 4.2 million barrels of oil per day combined with constant geopolitical instabilities. The USA produces over 13 million barrels per day.

This stark reality highlights the inherent limitations of fiat currencies, which are not backed by physical commodities like gold but only by public confidence and a government’s declared ‘promises’.

The Gold-Backed Purchasing Power Solution

The potential solution lies in transitioning to a gold-backed currency system, a concept currently being explored by the BRICS nations as they seek to introduce an alternative to the fiat currency system dominated by Western economies.

A gold-backed currency promises enhanced stability and purchasing power, directly challenging the existing fiat system’s dominance.

If Iraq, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc., are accepted into BRICS, their currencies would participate in the new BRICS gold-backed common trade currency and financial system.

In other words, the IQD, VND, etc. would significantly gain purchasing power (exchange rate) against the Dollar, Euro, and other major fiat currencies.

So why can’t Iraq just peg the IQD to a high dollar exchange rate like Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain do?

Because unlike the other high-rate currencies in the region, Iraq has the unique problem of having over 7 trillion (or more) in IQD being held outside of Iraq by foreigners like you and me.

Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain do not have a fraction of their currencies being held by foreigners as does Iraq. This is why these other countries can maintain their high fiat exchange rate peg to the US Dollar. Iraq simply cannot repeg the fiat IQD value (purchasing power) with that many IQD held around the world.

The Ripple Effect of a Gold-Backed System

Should a gold-backed currency system come to fruition, the implications become financially significant, forcing Western economies to reconsider their fiat monetary policies and potentially launch their own gold-backed currencies in order to stop their old currencies from massive devaluation.

This shift could dramatically increase the purchasing power of currencies from Iraq and other countries like Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Zimbabwe, making a revaluation of the IQD both mathematically and economically viable.

The key would be the relative devaluation of fiat currencies like the U.S. dollar against new gold-backed currencies, fundamentally and forever altering the global economic landscape.

In other words, the increase in the IQD’s purchasing power (exchange rate) would originate from the depreciation of the US Dollar vs. the gold-backed IQD – not from the IQD suddenly gaining purchasing power out of thin air (because it can’t).

There are not enough oil contracts or native economic development value-generation within Iraq’s realistic capability that could support (pay for) a fiat IQD revaluation to $3.00+ against the current fiat dollar.

Basically, $21 Trillion dollars rivals the total GDP of the entire United States. Let that sink in…

The Re-denomination vs. Revaluation Debate

Iraq’s ongoing strategy to re-denominate the IQD, removing three zeros from its notes, illustrates the difference between re-denomination and revaluation.

While re-denomination is a superficial change affecting the currency’s appearance and public perception (confidence), revaluation alters the currency’s actual purchasing power.

The Iraqi Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Central Bank of Iraq’s consideration of this strategy underscores the complexities of currency management and the pursuit of public confidence in the IQD.

The Global Context and the Future of Fiat Currencies

The discussion extends beyond Iraq, touching on the broader dynamics of the global financial system, the role of free-floating currencies, and the managed pegs that stabilize many oil-dependent economies.

The possibility of transitioning to a gold-backed system raises questions about the sustainability of fiat currencies and their future in a world looking for more stable and reliable monetary foundations.

As all of us in the RV/GCR community seek to freely and openly discuss these issues, the situation in Iraq serves as a critical point of analysis for the future of the global financial system as a whole.

Sidebar of topics discussed at GCR Real-Time News Telegram Channel:

  1. Estimated IQD Notes Held Abroad: 7 trillion IQD, as reported by Iraq’s Ministry of Finance.
  2. Hypothetical RV Rate: If Iraq revalues (RVs) the IQD to $3.00 against the U.S. dollar.
  3. Total Dollar Requirement for Hypothetical RV: $21 trillion (7 trillion IQD x $3.00).
  4. Iraq’s Annual Oil Revenue: Approximately $100 billion at current oil prices.
  5. Time Required to Cover RV Cost with Oil Revenue: Over 210 years, assuming 100% of Iraq’s annual oil revenue is dedicated to funding (paying for) the RV.
  6. Current Exchange Rate Perception Issue: If Iraq re-denominates by deleting 3 zeros from the currency, 1 IQD equals 1.310 per dollar, compared to the less favorable current rate of 1310 IQD per dollar. But the purchasing power of the IQD remains unchanged.
  7. Major Free-Floating Currencies: Dollar, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Japanese Yen, Russian Ruble, Indian Rupee, among others. These countries have highly diverse economies (their GDPs are not dependent on a single industry or service).
  8. Countries with Pegged Currencies: China, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Singapore, Hong Kong, Iraq, and many others emphasizing the prevalence of stable, managed currency pegs and floats among oil-dependent, or less diverse economies.
  9. Economic Dependency on Oil: The majority of GDP for many pegged/managed currency countries comes from oil revenues, highlighting the risk and volatility in oil markets if these countries utilized a free-floating currency exchange rate system.

The shift towards a gold-backed currency system could herald a new era in finance, challenging the status quo and offering a path toward greater economic stability and equity among nations.

The journey from fiat to gold-backed currencies is most certainly fraught with challenges and uncertainties, yet the potential rewards could redefine the essence of monetary value in the near future.

Quick Update

Exclusive Leak: Wells Fargo’s 400,000 Emails Trigger Massive Liquidity with Zim Bonds & NESARA! – Gazetteller

 Mon. 18 March Exclusive Leak: Wells Fargo’s 400,000 Emails Trigger Massive Liquidity with Zim Bonds & NESARA! – Gazetteller

  • In an unprecedented move that’s set to rock the financial world, Wells Fargo and HSBC are on the brink of initiating a massive liquidity release, a maneuver that’s as audacious as it is lucrative. This is a covert operation that could alter the economic landscape forever. The plan? To send out over 400,000 emails to currency and bond holders, providing them with the golden keys to a treasure trove that has been hidden in plain sight.
  • The emails, laced with instructions on how to exchange and redeem, are just the tip of the iceberg. The real magic happens on specific websites, each country armed with its own 800# or website code, a digital gateway to fortune.
  • Clicking on these links isn’t just a mere action; it’s a commitment, a leap into a world where your computer or phone becomes the wand that conjures your unique signature, granting you an appointment for exchange and redemption. In a world where travel restrictions clamp down like an iron fist, these websites offer a beacon of hope, a chance to obtain a travel document to the promised land of financial redemption.
  • Enter the Tier4b Internet Group, a collective poised on the brink of this financial revolution. Armed with emails containing a code and a link for a 15-minute appointment, they stand ready to exchange foreign currencies and redeem Zim Bonds at rates that would make Midas blush. But time is of the essence; this opportunity is fleeting, with public disclosure looming on the horizon.
  • Special redemption centers, shrouded in secrecy and operating under the cover of dawn to dusk, are the arenas where this financial gladiatorial contest unfolds. Here, in a mere twenty minutes, fortunes are made and lost. As you watch an instructional video, unseen forces conduct background checks, sifting through your past, ensuring that the wealth doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
  • For those without a trust account, the Treasury Direct account emerges as a beacon of hope, a temporary harbor for your newfound wealth. Wealth Managers, the new age financial wizards, stand ready at each Redemption Center. Yet, the choice is yours – stick with the assigned sage or venture out to find your own financial Merlin.
  • The Zim Bond, a chameleon in the world of finance, masquerading as a currency, holds a secret – its redemption money is earmarked for humanitarian needs. The rates offered are not just numbers; they are a reflection of your commitment to the greater good. And for those who dare to dream big, who present a humanitarian project that can change the world, the rewards are boundless.
  • Structured payouts, the new norm for Zim holders, offer a steady stream of wealth, with interest rates that would make traditional banks weep. And for the seniors among us, a choice – to dive into this river of wealth or watch from the shore.
  • But this is more than just a financial transaction; it’s a foray into the world of international humanitarian projects. The China-Zimbabwe Humanitarian Project Contracts stand as a testament to this new era of philanthropy, where your investment not only yields financial returns but also sows the seeds of global change.
  • Yet, with great power comes great responsibility. The Non-Disclosure Agreement, a binding contract of silence, looms over this entire operation. Break it, and your fortune vanishes like a mirage in the desert. The NSA watches, omnipresent, a digital guardian ensuring that the secrets of this financial revolution remain just that – secrets.
  • This is not just a financial transaction; it’s a rite of passage into a new world order, where the lines between wealth, power, and humanitarianism blur. It’s a game-changer, a paradigm shift orchestrated by the financial elite, a dance of numbers and currencies that could redefine the very essence of wealth and power.



MZ: Have a bank story sent to me today. 

Quote: “I went to a Chase bank branch in Maryland about 2 weeks ago where I have an account. I was greeted by an employee who asked “may I help you” I told him I wanted to see a private client banker. 

He asked what this was regarding? 

I replied that it was related to currency. 

So that employee went to an office and had a conversation with another banker .

 I was shown into a room and the first thing the private client banker said was “Is this about the Iraqi Dinar?”

 I said yes,

 He smiled and closed the door and told me this was the 5th meeting he has had this week about the dinar and that what was happening in Iraq about the rate change.?

 I told him what I knew , and he said it aligned with what he was hearing. 

He said the dinar rate change is a hot topic in the bank right now.

 I asked him when he expects to know of the rate change …and when it would be on forex.

 He said “About 3 days” and took my contact information. I have not heard from him yet but hopefully soon.”


Iraqi Dinar Update - Expectation Results - Al-Sudani - Taif Sami - Al-Al...by MILITIAMAN

The United States Embassy expresses its concern about the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s boycott of the regional parliament elections, 19 MARCH

The United States Embassy expresses its concern about the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s boycott of the regional parliament elections

Shafaq News/ The United States Embassy in Iraq expressed, on Monday, its concern over the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s announcement of a boycott of the Kurdistan Regional Parliament elections.

Earlier today, the Kurdistan Democratic Party announced a boycott of the parliamentary elections in the Kurdistan Region, scheduled to be held next June, while threatening to leave the political process in Iraq if the “state administration” coalition does not commit to implementing the agreements concluded between its parties.

US Ambassador Elena Romansky wrote on the X website, “We are concerned about the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s announcement of a boycott of the elections in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.”

She added, “We urge the Iraqi government and the Kurdistan Regional Government to ensure that the elections are free, fair, transparent and credible.”

She stressed that “all citizens of the Kurdistan region of Iraq should have a voice in determining their future.”




  • The NESARA/GESARA funds owed to The People will finally see the light of day, while The People will be entrusted with the monumental task of rebuilding a long-oppressed world.
  • Mon. 1 April 2024 is Dawn of Global Financial Reset and New Quantum Financial System: April 1st Shockwave! QFS Integration with Wells Fargo Sparks Global Financial Reset, Redemption Centers, Military Alliances – Trump & Musk’s AI Unleashes War on Globalist Elites! – Gazetteller
  • Timeline:

    • Mon. 1 April: “FINAL DANCE” MAKE BACKUPS, BE READY:  03/22 – 03/28 …Mr. Pool on Telegram 11 March 2024.
    • Judy Note: Is Mr. Pool talking about the EBS starting on Fri. 22 March and going to the end of the month? Mon. 1 April is the Julian Calendar New Year’s Day, and perhaps release of the GCR to the General Public.
    • Mon. 1 April BRICS CURRENCY IS OUT and bye bye to the almighty dollar that government officials have been using to steal the country dry

    Recent GCR History:

    • On Sat. 23 Feb. 2024 the World Trade Organization announced that Iraq had completed all requirements to be accepted as a member including having set their new Iraqi Dinar Rate, which the next day on Wed. 28 Feb, the Central Bank of Iraq announced as $3.47. Then the Dinar went live on back screens of the Forex for $2.70 and began fluctuating upward in value.
    • By Thurs. 29 Febat around 7 pm EST Iraqi PM Al-Sudani formally announced that the Dinar was asset-backed and Iraq had officially joined BRICS.
    • On Fri. 1 March, with various countries new currency rates having been agreed upon, Iraq officially joined other BRICS nations for the Global Currency Reset – exactly one year (March 2023) after the new Quantum Financial System went live on the Star Link Satellite Network.
    • On Thurs. 7 March after Biden’s State of the Nation Address, President Trump hit the Green Light that released the new gold/asset-backed US Treasury note to the World.
    • Fri. 15 March was the deadline to fund the US Government which, according to the Federal Reserve, was already $34 Trillion in debt, rises by $1 trillion every 100 days and owes Social Security recipients another $175 Trillion, while Biden’s budget includes $289 billion to build illegal migrant’s housing out of his $7.3 Trillion in new spending. The system is unsustainable. Banks can no longer give loans on the fiat US Dollar. Fulford Sources in the Japanese Imperial Family say the 15th is the date for a Financial Black Swan Event.
    • On Sun. 17 March, Brazil, Hong Kong and other places across the World were given the Green Light for the Global Currency Reset.


    Iraqi Dinar update for 03/18/24 - Thank God the content creators were ri...BY PIMPY

    Oil Announces Its Commitment To Voluntarily Reduce Exports, 19 MARCH

     Oil Announces Its Commitment To Voluntarily Reduce Exports

    Energy   Economy News – Baghdad   On Monday, the Ministry of Oil announced its commitment to voluntarily reduce exports.

    The ministry said in a statement, seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “in confirmation of Iraq’s positions in support of the initiatives of the OPEC+ member states to maintain stability and balance in the oil market, the Iraqi Ministry of Oil confirms its commitment to the agreed upon voluntary reduction.”

    She added, "Despite the reports received regarding the region's production outside of coordination and agreement with the federal government, and in order to address this, the Ministry of Oil took the initiative to reduce oil exports for the coming months to absorb the increase recorded in Iraq for the past months of January and February."

    She pointed out that "coordination is being done with secondary sources to confirm this in their reports issued regarding the production rates of OPEC+ countries for the coming period."

    Views 7   03/18/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=41608


    Mon. 18 March MarkZ:
     “The term “redemption center” may be a little off.  They are mainly different banks and banking facilities that are set up and will have equipment and trained personnel for exchanging foreign currency .

    It may just be a bank branch with extra offices in your area. Some may be full blown centers in areas with many foreign currency holders. They have a good idea on demographics from who has bought what in areas. 

      But many location may just be say, an unused second floor that used to house mortgages or something like that.

     A place they can set up machines to check and validate our currency with trained personnel for our exchanges.”

    Now you see what the exchange rate for the dinar would be after this pro...BY PIMPY

    Al-Sudani: We Succeeded In Implementing The 2023 Budget, And We Must Continue To Complete Economic Projects, 19 MARCH

     Al-Sudani: We Succeeded In Implementing The 2023 Budget, And We Must Continue To Complete Economic Projects

    Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  Today, Monday, while chairing a meeting regarding the 2024 budget schedules, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani stressed the importance of proceeding with the completion of economic projects.

    Al-Sudani said in a statement reported by his media office and received by Al-Iqtisad News: “It is necessary to focus attention on projects that are nearing completion, and projects that drive the economic cycle and support infrastructure, in addition to projects that provide the largest number of job opportunities and meet the service, health and social needs provided.” On other general necessities.

    Al-Sudani stressed that "the success witnessed in implementing the 2023 budget must be invested in completing the remaining economic projects, especially those related to aspects of economic reform, investment, and infrastructure construction in the areas of transportation, health, and municipal services, and supporting productive agricultural and industrial programs."

    In the path of comprehensive development and administrative decentralization, he stressed “the importance of selecting projects with the highest priority in the allocations to governorate councils, and making the local targets of the governorates in a state of integration with the programs implemented by the federal ministries, which allows achieving the highest returns and results at the level of employment and development, and meeting basic services.” For all citizens throughout Iraq.

    Views 95   03/18/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=41591



    Mon. 18 March Texas Snake

     Most recent banker update occurred shortly after 10 am this morning Mon. 18 March.

      Word from those higher ups was that we were in a 24 to 36 hour (10 am EST to 10 pm EST Tues. 19 March) window for announcement with Thurs. 21 March still being an important day for the banks.

     Tier4b was in a 24 to 36 hour (10 am EST to 10 pm EST Tues. 19 March) window for announcement of how to set redemption appointments, with Thurs. 21 March being an important day (to begin appointments?).


     KTFA FRANK26:  "THE TRUTH WILL SET THE EXCHANGE RATE FREE!!!".......F26   Baghdad informs Washington: Iran used Iraqi documents t...