Friday, April 12, 2024
Sudanese for US companies: The current stability in Iraq encourages them to engage in development projects, 13 APRIL
Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa al-Sudani called on US companies to work inside Iraq.
Al-Sudani said, the current stability in Iraq should be encouraging for American companies to engage in important development projects in the fields of energy, communications, housing, health care, education, transport and others.
He added that it is also important to fight corruption, which is the other face of terrorism, as its impact is no less destructive, and to work to ensure that the people’s money is directed towards valuable goals, and that we must also work to diversify our economy away from dependence on oil, even while we take advantage of our position as the second largest oil exporter in OPEC (in addition to our acquisition of large natural gas reserves).
Al-Sudani stated that our urgent need for American expertise and technology extends to clean energy and the green economy, as we seek to develop sustainable and renewable sectors, adding that “the strategic framework agreement laid the legal basis for these activities, and that by investing in them, we will be able to put Iraq in a position that helps it strengthen its democracy, strengthen the state, and strengthen the rule of law, which are the pillars that will allow us to restore Iraq to its historical brilliance.
[via PDK] Iraq now has full control of its funds and one of the requirements now that it has control of its pay back the United States. It cannot do that at a rate of 1310. But it can easily do it with a value change. I believe the next 10-11 days are going to be huge.
Question: Where will redemption
centers be? MarkZ: I have been told this over and over that the majority of the US - 90% of us will have a RC within 50 miles of where we live. The only people who may have a longer drive are those in rural areas…low populations like the Dakotas and Wyo…They will not release exact locations before the event starts for security.
[via PDK] I do have one Iraqi contact that is convinced we are in a day or two. I think he may be premature…but he is convinced it is this week. He does work in the Iraqi government so he may know more than I do. I am hoping he does. But I am keeping an eye on it.
I heard there will be more activity from Redemption banks for later this month as they are getting some last minute instructions... They even used the term “Last minute instructions” So I take that as a very good sign. I am hopeful we are in the last few days or weeks at worse….
Question: Do you think things have started? MarkZ: After this week I have no doubts that things have started. And are well underway. I think we are in the rollout process right now.
Mazhar Saleh: The launch of government spending in the coming weeks will constitute 50% of the gross domestic product, 13 APRIL
} The financial and economic advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed today, Friday, that the launch of government spending in the coming weeks will constitute 50% of the country’s gross domestic product.
Saleh told {Al-Furat News} agency, “The launch of government spending after the adoption of the federal general budget schedules for the year 2024 in the coming weeks will constitute the most important incentive in moving the joints of aggregate demand in the national economy.”
He added, “Government spending or demand constitutes approximately 50% of the country’s gross domestic product.”
From.. Raghad Dahham
Iraq is a sovereign nation now with a sovereign currency. Therefore IMO Sudani goes to Washington to deal with Monetary Reform and banking advancement...Billions and billions are retuning to Iraq. It's an incredible amount of money that's coming back. It'll [DFI?] probably come back to them now or after the 15th when Sudani comes back.
...We are in the best position possible. We already went to the banks in Ohio. We already opened an account - Checking/Savings whatever you want...Some banks are willing to talk and say a little bit...I respect those banks.Internal Affairs: The national card will be the basis for all transactions, 12 APRIL
Internal Affairs: The national card will be the basis for all transactions
Economy News – Baghdad
The Ministry of Interior confirmed on Friday that the national card will be the basis for all transactions.
The Director General of Civil Status, Passports and Residency, Major General Nashat Ibrahim Al-Khafaji, said, “There is prior coordination with the Ministry of Commerce and Planning and the Election Commission so that the national card is the basis for all transactions.”
He pointed out that “the basis of electronic governance in the national card is that its data is real, in addition to the presence of a face image, eye print, and fingers, and all of these things were not present in the status records.”
Al-Khafaji added, “Any citizen can be easily identified in the national card system, so the Prime Minister and the Minister of Interior paid great attention to the project and the cadres are able to register all Iraqis.”
There still seems to be some major confusion about what a real effective exchange rate is versus an actual nominal exchange rate...A Real Effective Exchange Rate is for assessing its trade increase in the nations REER is an indication that the exports are becoming more expensive and its imports are becoming cheaper. It is losing its trade competitiveness. So the REER is used to check out its competitiveness with other trade partners. That's it...It's not the same thing as a nominal exchange rate...
I read this book [ Quest For Good Money]...I kept playing with the numbers, reading my ass off...This is the formula they use [to determine the exchange rate]...The person that wrote the book said if they can get their inflation down, at it is down,...
and they can catch up to their dinar price should be at the pre-war rate...which is over $3.00. So I did the formula based on all the information they gave me, it came out to $3.56...I said wow, that's going to be phenomenal...that is worth getting excited about...The study does tell you that there's no reason Iraq can't be the most valuable currency out there...The question is always going to be whether they re-denominate or not.
Al-Shammari: Sudan’s upcoming visit will chart the identity of the relationship between Baghdad and Washington, 12 APRIL
Political adviser to Prime Minister Fadi Al-Shammari confirmed today, Friday, that Sudan’s upcoming visit to the United States of America will chart the identity of the relationship between Baghdad and Washington.
Al-Shammari said in a press statement, “It is expected that the Prime Minister will put the activation of the framework agreement at the top of the visit’s agenda in order to enhance cooperation and coordination with the United States and activate the terms of the agreement between the two countries, especially in the fields of development, economy, investment, education, technology, artificial intelligence and climate.”
He added, “The Prime Minister seeks to deal with the files in a way that restores balance, strengthens the partnership, matures the relationship between the two countries, and draws out the nature, identity and identity of joint relations, by fixing the factors of joint commitment and focusing on the main aspects of the strategic framework agreement as well as the joint political, security and military files.”الشمري-زيارة-السوداني-المرتقبة-سترسم-هوية-العلاقة-بين-بغداد-وواشنطن
We are at the place where Credit Valuation Adjustments are about to begin.
The process will be monitored and assessed throughout most of this year and as new changes take place.
Look for all sectors of the market to be involved in this process such as banking systems and Forex.
Central Banks all over the world continue to focus on accumulating gold. Utilizing Gold as a World Reserve Asset makes this asset a matter of time before a country or countries of significant influence will build upon it's fixed value into their currency.
The BRICS Nations have been looking to do this for some time in the creation of and use of a trading currency that would appeal to all countries around the world.
Sprinkle a little gold dust on this new currency, and you will have a standard by which all trading protocols can be measurable on the QFS and utilized as a bridge asset through a digital asset backed by GOLD such as XRP.
© Goldilocks,possibility%20of%20a%20counterparty's%20default.
Turkey announces the formation of a ministerial council between “Ankara and Baghdad” to follow up on the “development road” project, 12 APRIL
Shafaq News / Turkish Transport and Infrastructure Minister Abdulkader Uraloglu revealed on Friday a (Turkish-Iraqi) decision to establish a joint mechanism similar to the “Ministerial Council” to follow up the “development road” project.
Uraloglu said in a statement that the visit, which President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is planning to conduct, to Baghdad, at the end of this month, will address issues that will enhance cooperation between the two countries in the “development methods” project.
The “development road” is an economic project aimed at connecting Iraq with Turkey through land and railway routes with the aim of transporting goods between Europe and the Gulf countries.
Uraloglu pointed to the taking of important steps over the past year on the “development path”, and the holding of ministerial negotiations between the two countries to develop cooperation.
In this regard, Ankara hosted technical talks under the supervision of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, with the participation of representatives from the Turkish Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and an Iraqi delegation, including representatives from the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Transport and the General Authority of Customs.
“As a result of our regular meetings with Iraq, we have decided to establish a mechanism similar to the Ministerial Council between the two countries,” he added.
Uraloglu pointed out that in the past period he held talks with his Iraqi counterpart Razak Mheibis Al-Saadawi, during which they agreed to start establishing the mechanism along the lines of the ministerial councils between Turkey, Hungary and Serbia.
He explained that they are waiting for the participation of the UAE and Qatar along with Turkey and Iraq in the Ministerial Council.
BRICS refers to certain emerging market countries—Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and more—that seek to establish deeper ties between member nations and cooperate on economic expansion, including trade. The countries act as a counterbalance to traditional Western influence.”
When the BRICS Nations become strong enough to have a trading influence equal to or greater than the Western Culture, there will be bilateral agreements “only” as a reason for us to sign documents in the near term.
This is expected to change in about two decades when the BRICS Nations are expected to be strong enough to overtake the dollar. The transition of the dollar is expected to be a slow process. In the meantime, the Dollar Act is in process of moving through Congress to support this transition.
To have a (digital) currency strong enough to challenge the dollar or equal within its dominance able to level the playing field for the BRICS Nations, they will more than likely have a gold backed digital trading coin that will give them the capacity to do so.
At that time or before, the United States will be under a Gold Standard and part of the new leveling playing field.
Al-Sudani to American companies: The current stability in Iraq is encouraging for you to engage in development projects, 12 APRIL
Al-Sudani to American companies: The current stability in Iraq is encouraging for you to engage in development projects
Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, called on American companies to work inside Iraq.
Al-Sudani said, the current stability in Iraq should encourage American companies to engage in important development projects in the fields of energy, communications, housing, health care, education, transportation, and others.
He added that it is also important that we combat corruption, which is the other side of terrorism, as its impact is no less devastating, and that we work to ensure that the people’s money is directed towards valuable goals, and that it is also imperative that we work to diversify our economy away from dependence on oil, even while we benefit from it. From our position as the second largest oil exporting country in OPEC (in addition to our possession of large reserves of natural gas)
Al-Sudani stated, “Our urgent need for American expertise and technology extends to clean energy and the green economy, as we seek to develop sustainable and renewable sectors,” adding that “the strategic framework agreement established the legal basis for these activities, and that by investing in them, it will enable us to put Iraq in a position that helps it strengthen Its democracy, strengthening the state, and strengthening the rule of law, are the pillars that will allow us to restore Iraq to its historical brilliance link
The New Quantum Financial System (QFS) BY CHARLIE WARD, 12 APRIL
Operates completely independently from the existing “centralized” banking and ends the “Central Banking System” that perpetuates “Debt Slavery” around the world.
Even though it is the ultimate in design, reliability, security and safety, the roll-out process will occur over time.
The QFS operates on a Distributed Ledger Technology. It is NOT crypto currency or Blockchain technology.
Quantum Qubits “interact” with every financial transaction anywhere in the world of finance to ensure that each transaction is legal, owner-intended and transparent.
Since Central Banks do not have the ability to “reconcile” old FIAT (paper) money into the new QFS system, all fractional reserve banking and central banking activities will cease.
Every sovereign currency and every bank represents a separate Ledger in QFS.
Data on all account holders, at all banks, in all 209 participating countries was downloaded into QFS in March 2017 and serves as a “Distributed Ledger”.
The QFS is designed for and ready to convert ALL bank accounts denominated in any Fiat currency anywhere in the world into a local asset-backed currency.
The QFS pings the originating Fiat currency bank account to ensure it is still valid, active, and operational at the time the exchange of fiat currency for asset-backed currency takes effect.
After the successful ping of a local bank account, the fiat currency holdings are converted into the new local asset-backed currency on a 1:1 basis.
A Government Advisor Announces The Start Of Implementing The Reform Plan In Government And Private Banks,12 APRIL
A Government Advisor Announces The Start Of Implementing The Reform Plan In Government And Private Banks
Economy News – Baghdad Adviser to the Prime Minister for Economic and Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Saleh, confirmed on Thursday that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is interested in reforming the course of the private and government banking system, while indicating the start of implementing the reform plan for government banks.
Saleh said, in a statement reported by the official news agency and seen by Al-Iqtisad News, that “the banking market has a great division. For example, the capital of private banks, or their share of capital from the government, is about 78 percent, while the capital of government banks is 22 percent.”
He continued, "While government banks account for 85 percent of activities and assets, while private banking activity is 15 percent, so there are large disparities between private and government banks."
He explained, “Private banks have almost coexisted on government allocations, whether through the window or by opening letters of guarantee for projects, meaning that any vibration exposes private banks to serious problems, so approximately 29 banks have been deprived of dealing in foreign currency.”
Saleh added, “Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani is very interested in reforming the course of the private and governmental banking system,” stressing that “there is a reform plan for government banks, and there is a foreign company that evaluates the banking work, its capital, and its functions until they are parallel to the work of international banks.”
He stated, "Private banks are facing a dilemma, especially after being deprived of trading in foreign currencies, even though they have coexisted with this issue. Therefore, the government is trying to create an internal environment that is supportive of them, and they need to correct their situations first."
He went on to say: “The Prime Minister is correctly supportive of private banks, on the condition that these banks improve their course of work,” stressing that “there is a reform plan to correct the course of private banks that will be implemented soon.”
A government source revealed, the day before yesterday, Tuesday, that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani issued a set of measures and steps to revitalize the private banking sector, while directing a study of the possibility of strengthening the needs of private bank branches abroad in foreign currency.
The source said, “As part of the Iraqi government’s efforts to formulate a strategy that stimulates the activity of the private banking sector during the next stage, allowing it to engage more in efforts to diversify the economy and strengthen its foundations, Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani directed the adoption of a number of measures and steps in this regard, including: -
1 - The Ministerial Council for the Economy studies a proposal to increase deposits of government institutions and the central government with private banks, enabling them to provide more banking operations and contribute to the development of various vital sectors and increase their ability to provide various financing services inside and outside Iraq.
2- Support by the Iraqi government and the Central Bank of Iraq for banks Iraqi private banks through foreign institutions and banks, taking into account the credit rating of each bank.
3- Studying the possibility of enhancing the needs of private bank branches abroad in foreign currency for the purposes of financing foreign trade - the private sector and in accordance with the applicable contexts.
4- The Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq determining Contribution of foreign capital to Iraqi banks and assessment of the reality of the situation in a way that benefits the Iraqi economy and in accordance with what is stated in Banking Law No. 94 of 2004.
5- Participation of representatives of the private banking sector when discussing relevant issues in all state institutions, including meetings of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq .
6- Studying the reactivation of the financing initiative presented by the Central Bank of Iraq and in accordance with the contexts proposed by the Central Bank in this regard.
7- The Competition and Monopoly Affairs Council shall take the necessary measures under Law No. 14 of 2010 to prevent monopoly in banking services, provided that the Council shall submit reports to the Central Bank of Iraq and in coordination with it periodically and in accordance with the aforementioned law. Views 174 04/11/2024
Monetary policy statement highlights of the new Zimbabwe Currency, the Gold backed ZIG FROM TELEGRAM CHAT, 12 APRIL
Thurs. 11 April Monetary policy statement highlights of the new Zimbabwe Currency, the Gold backed ZIG. …US Debt Clock on Telegram Thurs. 11 April
- Structured currency to be backed by reserves and royalties
- ZWL dollar currencies are to be converted to ZIG
- ZIG to circulate alongside other currencies.
- A multi-currency system is to stay until 2030 as per the law.
- All obligations are to be converted to ZIG.
- All banks are to accept old notes for the next 21 days.
- ZIG notes 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 100 200
- Paper cash isn’t going anywhere for some time. People who will want to use paper will have these paper notes and will have a QR Code for tracking.
Coffee with MarkZ and the Codeman. 04/12/2024
Al-Sudani says his meeting with Biden is “an opportunity to put the partnership between the two countries on a new basis.”, 12 APRIL
Al-Sudani says his meeting with Biden is “an opportunity to put the partnership between the two countries on a new basis.”
Shafaq News/ Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani considered, on Thursday, the meeting that he will have with President Joe Biden during his upcoming visit to the United States of America in mid-April “will be an opportunity to put the American-Iraqi partnership on a new and more sustainable basis.”
This was stated in an article published in “Farn Affairs” magazine, today’s issue.
“Our discussions will emphasize the continuing importance of our economic relations, cooperation in combating money laundering and terrorist financing, and the use of political and diplomatic tools to defuse regional tensions,” he wrote in his article.
He added, "The war against terrorism will remain a central topic for our governments," adding, "We recognize and appreciate the critical role played by the United States and other members of the international coalition to combat ISIS in defeating terrorism."
Al-Sudani added: This support has helped Iraq achieve stability, make great strides on the path to democracy, the rule of law, and ensure the government’s monopoly on the use of force.
He continued, "The time is right for our relationship to become broader, while recognizing the growing capabilities of our forces to defend Iraq and ensure the safety of its citizens - and to contribute in essential ways to building a prosperous and stable Iraq."
The Iraqi Prime Minister concluded his article by saying that the relationship “in its new form, our partnership can represent a source of mutual benefit for both our countries, and a driving force for achieving stability in the Middle East.”
Thurs. 11 April Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (
667-770-1866, pin123456#:
“Yesterday (Wed. 10 April) a Source indicated that the window to receive notification for Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) was between now and Mon. 15 April.
A Bond Paymaster said that the Military would give the Green Light to the USA Treasury to release the email notification from Wells Fargo.
I think we can expect release overnight Sun. 14 April to Mon. morning 15 April.
Tues. 9 April Wolverine
“I have got some incredible news for you – the greatest transfer of wealth is about to commence. It is no rumor. I know it has been hard for all of you, but we are finally close to reaching the last hurdle. Get ready!!! I will soon be releasing the opera for you guys!!!
- For the people who say the ZIM is not good – if you want to throw away your currency, it is your currency, but please do not bring that negativity into the rooms, as it lowers morale. The people who throw this away will regret it for the rest of their lives.
- Zimbabwe is now a gold backed currency and that is what we were waiting for. It is the trigger to get it done. Zimbabwe is protected by the USA. It has tons and tons of gold. This is what was needed and what we have waited on for so long.
- This is the information that came through last night from many sources. We have been waiting for this for many years. Many countries will now be gold backed. This was the trigger we were waiting for!!!
- We will get paid this month, and I will actually take a risk, even though one should never guarantee things, as guarantee is a risky word, but this time, I am so sure it will happen!
- MarkZ said the 15th.
- I think this week will be a good week for the bonds, but for the currency, I am looking at the 15th of April.
- Regardless we are not far from Mon. 15th of April.
- Finally, now we can rejoice that this is happening – the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever known. God bless you and remain faithful. Love you guys, Wolverine
Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist Bank Name_________________________________________ Bank 800#____________...
Frank26 [Bank story] This time we didn't go down, we just called [the bank]... We said we want to see if we can exchange some cu...
Fri. 21 Feb. 2025 Crucial Announcement : The Tier 4 B Internet Group is officially active. …QFS on Telegram This is the beginning of a n...