Monday, March 24, 2025
IRAQ NEWS HEADLINES: Iraqi Minister of Finance Taif Sami has signed the final audit report for the Kurdistan Region’s March payroll, 25 MARCH
#LATEST: Iraqi Minister of Finance Taif Sami has signed the final audit report for the Kurdistan Region’s March payroll, with salary funds expected to be released soon, a source from the KRG Ministry of Finance told Zoom News.
The source also confirmed that Sami has pledged to disburse funds for KRG civil servants before Eid al-Fitr.
FIREFLY: TV has a big special right now about we are ditching the dollar with digital currency, 25 MARCH
[Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]
FIREFLY: TV has a big special right now about we are ditching the dollar with digital currency to put an end to the parallel market.
FRANK: That's Fantastic. Fantastic.
FIREFLY: TV says within hours oil can flow [into Turkey]. Why you asking me?
FRANK: I didn’t know it was already flowing or tested flowing or is about to flow in a few hours or can flow in a few hours. Dear God because if the oil flows, the exchange rate flows IMO.
FIREFLY: My opinion is all related to the mechanism in this Article 12-2c. 12-2c will give us the new value…They are saying within hours oil can start…The budget table are coming. All is pointing to a Real Effective Exchange Rate IMO
FRANK: I agree Article 12-c holds the key, which is the new exchange rate.
Iran stops the new exchange rate from coming out. It’s so obvious. It’s being protected, the exchange rate, from Iranian influence inside of Iraq’s parliament. Trump is going to stop an Iran Shadow Fleet in order for security and stability to increase inside of Iraq.
The budget for Iraq for 2025, ’26, ’27…1310 is not going to do it. It’s only logical. You’ve already seen the budget. You saw the whole breakdown. Were they teasing the citizens of Iraq? …Are they showing them something that is impossible to receive?
Well it is at 1310, you agree don’t you? The whole world agrees, logic agrees, this budget is not for 1310…
Trump's Middle East envoy: Iran will not possess a nuclear bomb
US special Envoy to the Middle East Steve Witkoff confirmed on Sunday that Iran cannot possess a nuclear bomb, while noting that the United States stands with the State of Israel against Hamas.
"The message to Iran is to sit down and get to the right place through diplomacy," Witkoff told Fox News, as seen by Shafaq News.
He pointed out that "Trump said in the message he sent to the Iranians, 'I am a president of peace, and we must not resort to a military solution. Rather, we must negotiate. We must clarify misconceptions and establish a monitoring and verification system so that no party is concerned about nuclear armament .'"
Regarding the war in Gaza, Witkoff said that "Hamas is responsible for the renewed fighting in the Strip after rejecting efforts to move forward with what was considered an acceptable agreement."
"The responsibility lies with Hamas," Witkoff added. "Hamas is the aggressor in the current situation. The United States stands with the State of Israel."
He continued, "Hamas had every opportunity to disarm and accept the interim plan proposal, but it chose not to do so."
[via PDK]
Article: “146 thousand dinars per $1,000 dollars. Dollar falls significantly in Iraq” This one is very interesting.
On the very same day there was another article:
“The rise in the price of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar-new economic repercussions” There were two conflicting articles running back to back…the rise of the dollar and the fall of the dollar…
this is identical to what we saw in Kuwait and China prior to their value changes. More misdirection to cloud the timing. We saw the same thing in the last few currency revaluations.
After a suspension of more than a month, parliament confirms that the parliament session will convene today, 24 MARCH
After a suspension of more than a month, parliament confirms that the parliament session will convene today
Arif al-Hamami, a member of the Coordination Framework, confirmed that the House of Representatives will hold its session today, Monday, to proceed with the reading of important laws after sessions were suspended for more than a month.
Al-Hamami told Shafaq News Agency, "The House of Representatives will successfully hold its session today, after sessions were suspended for more than a month due to disagreements over the Popular Mobilization Forces' service and retirement law. However, after the law is submitted for its first reading, the House will proceed with the session and the legislation will be expedited."
He added, "The House of Representatives will work to double its sessions over the coming period to compensate for the absence of a session during the previous period. The House will also witness accelerated activity to activate its oversight and legislative role during the coming period, especially after the Eid al-Fitr holiday. "
Political positions vary regarding the inclusion of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) law on the agenda of the parliament session scheduled for Monday. This move aims to end the parliament's nearly two-month hiatus from holding sessions.
The Iraqi Parliament has repeatedly failed to reach a consensus on the provisions of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) law, particularly since it mandates the retirement of more than 3,500 PMF leaders, including the commission's chairman, Faleh al-Fayyadh, who are over the legal retirement age.
A source within the Coordination Framework revealed on March 11 that Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani had withdrawn the Popular Mobilization Forces' civil service and retirement law from the Iraqi parliament to minimize political disagreement and prevent it from interfering with parliamentary sessions. The source added that the convening of parliamentary sessions was now contingent on the law being added to the parliament's agenda.
The House of Representatives is witnessing ongoing disruptions to its sessions, due to the lack of a quorum to hold them, despite the announcement of the agenda and the setting of a session date. link
💎 Understanding the Current State of IQD as an Investment , 24 MARCH
Understanding the Current State of IQD as an Investment
Al-Sudani forms a 40-member council to promote the private sector, 24 MARCH
Al-Sudani forms a 40-member council to promote the private sector
The Ministry of Planning announced on Sunday the issuance of a royal decree to form a private sector development council, headed by the Prime Minister. The council's members will be 40.
The ministry said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, "A royal order was issued to form the Permanent Private Sector Development Council, headed by Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, and two deputies. The first is Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning Mohammed Ali Tamim, while the second deputy will be a representative of the private sector, elected by the council members."
She added that “the council consists, in addition to the first and second deputies, of (38) members, (10) of whom represent the government agencies related to the private sector development file, while the (28) members represent the various activities under the banner of the private sector, which include industrial and agricultural activities, banking sectors, contracting and public investments, entertainment investments, hotels and restaurants, general trade and commercial agencies, communications and health, private education, residential activity, real estate development and energy.”
She pointed out that "the council includes a group of experts and representatives of youth and entrepreneurship," explaining that "the Permanent Council for Private Sector Development is of great importance, as it is the effective representative of all economic activities in this sector, and will play a fundamental role in formulating economic and investment policy, contributing to achieving a true partnership with the public sector." link
RV IQD / VND Reported : Confirmed Intel !!, 24 MARCH
RV IQD / VND Reported
Confirmed Intel Friday 21st March 18:00 ESTTIDBIT FROM FNU LNU, 26 MARCH
Fnu Lnu Article: " Iraq's Council of Ministers has endorsed the Joint Management Committee's decision on Artawi [Ratawi] o...
Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist Bank Name_________________________________________ Bank 800#____________...
Frank26 [Bank story] This time we didn't go down, we just called [the bank]... We said we want to see if we can exchange some cu...
Fri. 21 Feb. 2025 Crucial Announcement : The Tier 4 B Internet Group is officially active. …QFS on Telegram This is the beginning of a n...