Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Baghdad Calls for Meeting to Resume Kurdistan Oil Exports, 30 MAY

 By John Lee.

The Iraqi Ministry of Oil has said it is prioritising the resumption of oil production in Iraqi Kurdistan, and the export of oil through the Iraq-Turkey Pipeline (ITP), “in line with national interests“.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Ministry said it has invited the Kurdistan Ministry of Natural Resources and international oil companies (IOCs) operating in the region to a meeting in Baghdad to discuss and reach an agreement.

On Monday, the Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan (APIKUR)— a trade body representing a group of IOCs operating in Iraqi Kurdistan — hit back at media reports that it said, “mistakenly point to a lack of flexibility from IOCs as the reason for the continuing impasse on resumption of oil exports via the ITP.

Following the Ministry’s announcement, APIKUR said: “We acknowledge the swift, public response from Iraq’s Ministry of Oil and look forward to scheduling joint discussions to restore oil exports through the Iraq-Türkiye pipeline.

(Source: Ministry of Oil)

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