Wednesday, January 3, 2024


  Nader From The Mid East 

 Question:  "Is the rate and the [lower] currency gonna come out together? I think yes.  This is why I think yes.  First, because they cannot change an exchange rate with a big numbers [rate] and Second, they cannot change a [lower] currency with the small exchange rate...If you change, you've gotta change both.  If you take the 3-zeros from the currency, you're gonna have to take the 3-zeros out of the exchange rate in the same time.  That's what I think.

Happy New Year, best wishes and all that stuff...A lot of people are sending me messages going like do you see any changes?  ...I don't know why you're asking me that. What you guys heard?  Who told you anything?  Some people wrote me tonight at midnight the currency will be launched.  Some people said their new rate will come out tonight at midnight ...I didn't see anything like that.  They didn't say they're going to change the rate tonight.  They didn't say they're coming out with currency tonight... They'll never tell you they're coming out with it...I'm not expecting anything tonight...

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