Mnt Goat
I know it’s been a very long road for us investors but we will get to the end of this and we can now see the writing is on the wall...we must...follow the 2011 plan and it is going to lead us to the RV, whenever that occurs. We can see now their next step ...we can clearly see it is VERY, VERY close, according to the interview with Salih.
.it is very significant to collect...dollars stashed in the homes of the citizens. This is the next step. But they told us the CBI would not take this next big step, to collect all this cash, unless they first got the parallel market under control. Now they are telling us it is under control . ...But how will the CBI get all these hordes of cash out of the homes and into the banks? ...Yes, more purchasing power...But how do you get more purchasing power? You must increase the rate of the dinar and I firmly believe this will be next step and this is coming soon, VERY soon!
But slow down cowboy, I did not yet say reinstatement...this is going to be first an in-country revaluation... We don’t actually know the next “program” rate revaluation from 1320, but we do know with certainly it must be over a dollar. How much over to give enough incentive to turn in the dollars, we don’t know. ... We are not going to exchange at this rate anyhow. Later, after the reinstatement, If you live in the U.S. you will get the U.S. rate, if in Canada you will get the Canadian rate or if you live in the EU you will get the European rate. I told it will be significantly higher than the initial in-country rate by the time we see it and go to the bank..