Friday, May 17, 2024



[via Judy Byington] 

 “I hope you guys are excited. ...A lot of things are happening... Bond Holders will probably get blessed this week. Remember, the bond holders go first, and then the currencies holders. Tier4B will actually be “golden” in a few days, in my own opinion,  we are that close right now...


Wed. 15 May 2024 Wolverine

 “I hope you guys are excited. I know it has been very stressful for all of us. Yesterday’s call was not the call I wanted to say to you, because I have been told not to say anything. But what I can tell you tell you that Brazil was to go around 12 pm today, but unfortunately, the World Bank had it postponed, but they will go tomorrow Thurs. 16 May.  I will get the call when Brazil starts.

 A lot of things are happening. A huge, huge whale in Zurich whom I spoke of is looking fine, and I got the Green Light from that person, and it is looking phenomenal. Bond Holders will probably get blessed this week. Remember, the bond holders go first, and then the currencies holders. 

Tier4B will actually be “golden” in a few days, in my own opinion, as soon as Bond Holders are paid, the Tier4B should go straight away. I have a feeling that this is what’s happening. I think this will be sporadic with no announcement – Just going to happen. The announcement will come from your platform, from your whale, or maybe lawyers you are working with, saying you need to go to a redemption center. 

In terms of the public -there will be no public announcement. It all depends on what the notifications actually tell you, if they tell you to be quiet or whatever else there is. All is discrete right now. After signing NDAs no one will know who has been paid. I think that is the best way to go, so no one knows who got paid, this way we are protected. 

There are a lot of bad apples out there waiting to know if people they DO know got paid or not, and obviously, they do not want people to get harmed. This in my opinion of course. I have not received real confirmation on that. If this is the case, I cannot release the opera as it would be seen as an announcement by me. The main thing is that we all want the blessing and the Med Beds.

 And, if it is that way, I will sing the opera for you all at the get together. I might be wrong, remember, I am just a messenger. This may be a shotgun and we go at the same time – we are that close right now, and I hear wonderful news coming from certain people I know in Zurich and Miami. I am praying that this tine Bruce gets it right today. I feel sorry for Bruce – He works hard. It is a roller coaster ride for all of us. I have been wrong so many times. We do not do this on purpose. All Intel providers work hard. Things keep changing – Today, We thought Brazil would happen, and now it is tomorrow. Take care guys, Wolverine.”

Currency Auctions and their Impact on the Economy | iqd | iraqi dinar ne...

Iraqi and Bahraini Ministers Discuss Economic Cooperation in Manama, 18 MAY

Iraqi and Bahraini Ministers Discuss Economic Cooperation in Manama

On Monday, Iraqi Minister of Commerce Atheer Dawood Al-Ghurairi met with Bahraini Minister of Trade and Industry Abdullah bin Adel Fakhro in Manama, Bahrain, to discuss joint economic cooperation and investment opportunities between the two countries. The meeting focused on aspects of collaboration in economic, trade, and investment fields, as well as activating the work of the joint Iraqi-Bahraini committee.

Why this matters: The strengthening of economic ties between Iraq and Bahrain can have a significant impact on regional trade and investment, potentially leading to increased economic growth and stability in the Middle East. Furthermore, this cooperation can also pave the way for other countries in the region to follow suit, fostering a more integrated and prosperous economic landscape.

During the discussions, Al-Ghurairi emphasized the Iraqi government's keenness to open up its economic, trade, and investment relations with all countries, including Bahrain. He highlighted the significant investment opportunities available in Iraq, particularly in the aluminum and food manufacturing industries. "There are great investment opportunities in Iraq, and Bahraini companies can benefit from these opportunities by concluding partnerships between the Iraqi and Bahraini private sectors, which will have an impact on the localization of Bahraini industry on Iraqi territory, especially in the field of aluminum and food manufacturing industries, in a way that serves the joint interests," stated Al-Ghurairi.

The Iraqi Minister also stressed the necessity of activating the joint committee and holding its meetings soon to stimulate trade movement between the two countries. He extended an invitation to the Bahraini side to participate in the upcoming 48th session of the Baghdad International Fair.

In response, the Bahraini Minister expressed his country's desire to open up its economic and commercial relations with Iraq, supporting the interests of both brotherly peoples and exploiting opportunities in the Iraqi market. The two ministers agreed to hold joint committee meetings soon, consistent with the interests of both countries.

The meeting between Al-Ghurairi and Fakhro is part of Iraq's ongoing efforts to strengthen its economic ties with neighboring countries and boost its economy. By fostering partnerships and identifying investment opportunities, Iraq aims to promote trade, attract foreign investments, and drive economic growth in various sectors. The activation of the joint Iraqi-Bahraini committee and the participation of Bahraini companies in the Baghdad International Fair are expected to further enhance the economic cooperation between the two nations.

Key TakeawaysIraq and Bahrain discuss joint economic cooperation and investment opportunities.

Strengthening ties can boost regional trade, investment, and economic growth.

Iraq highlights investment opportunities in aluminum and food manufacturing.

Joint committee meetings to be held soon to stimulate trade movement.

Bahrain invited to participate in the 48th Baghdad International Fair.

RV update of Iraqi dinar today 2024🔥iraqi dinar news🔥RV update iqd value



[via PDK]  

On the banking side there are big expectations for this weekend. Many people saying this. And expecting a big announcement out of Iraq this Sunday. Hopefully this is it.  We will find out Sunday or Monday.  

Article:  “Russia  endorses Vietnams future participation in BRICS: Russian ambassador

 This is the world doing the fundamentals it takes to change their currencies. We are seeing a seismic shift from fiat back to commodities. This is a big piece of news. And Vietnam is pushing toward that end…like Iraq and it’s with or without the US.

 Question:  Will the VND go at the same time as the IQD
 MarkZ:    We still expect them to go at the same time.


Mark Z on 5.16.24 

Member: Good Morning Everyone! Have a Terrific Thursday!

MZ: Are you guys ready- are you paying attention and waiting for big announcements or “extraordinary  plans” to be revealed  in Iraq on Sunday-   according to Sudani ?

Member: Not expecting so I can be pleasantly surprised….

Member….MilitiaMan also mentioned this last night.


MZ: MM had a good solid video last night….Hope you all listen…… He talks about “Extraordinary  Plans” to be announced –according to Al-Sudani.   On Sunday. Now this has something  to do with the budget. Finishing the 2024 budget.

MZ:  I tell you what- announcing a different rate would sure fix all of those problems including the budget

MZ: We are all praying this means something big. Lots of progress internationally  and MM also talks about the impending ascension to the WTO.

Member: it seems that sudani is under enormous pressure to pull the trigger.. but I'm sure he's making sure that there's no hiccups".

MZ: I continue to hear great things from banks as they continue to train. They say it means we are close but I don’t know what that means timewise 

Member: Close is one of those words I never want to hear again after the RV. Close does not seem to mean what we used to think it meant. 

MZ: “Russia endorses Vietnams future participation in BRICS: Russian ambassador” This is the world doing the fundamentals it takes to change their currencies. We are seeing a seismic shift from fiat back to commodities. This is a big piece of news. And Vietnam is pushing toward that end…like Iraq and it’s with or without the US. . 

Member: Putin said 80% of trade between Russia and china is traded outside the USD

Member: Hey if Vietnam wants to go now I won't stop them

Member: Since Vietnam is doing so well financially on their own, I wonder if  its  possible that vnd could go higher than 50% of iqd?

Member:  has there been a change in how they'll send notifications for redemption center appointments? 

Member: I firmly believe we will not really know until it happens. No sense worrying about something we have no control of. 

Member: Will the VND go at the same time as the IQD?

MZ: We still expect them to go at the same time. 

Member: Could we be in the banks next week?

MZ: If we get a rate on Sunday- IMO we could be in the banks next week.

RV update of Iraqi dinar by MNT Goat Today 2024 🔥Iraqi dinar news 🔥RV up...

Political agreement reached for power-sharing in Kirkuk, 17 MAY

Political agreement reached for power-sharing in Kirkuk

Shafaq News / On Friday, politician Mohammad Nasir disclosed an "initial agreement" signed between the Arab bloc and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) to form a government and provincial council in Kirkuk.

Nasir clarified that "the preliminary agreement signed between the Arab bloc and the PUK stipulates power-sharing, where the governorship of Kirkuk will be held by the Kurdish component (PUK) for the first two years, while the presidency of the provincial council will be allocated to the Arab share for two years. The technical deputy governor will be Arab, and the administrative deputy will be Turkmen."

He continued, "There will be five assistant governors: two for Arabs, one each for Kurds, Turkmen, and Christians, with advisors to the governor split similarly."

In response, Kirkuk Provincial Council member from the PUK Parwin Fatih affirmed that "there is an agreement among the winning political blocs in the Kirkuk Provincial Council to share power. This agreement is linked to the size of the electoral quota and the entitlement of the blocs to key positions in Kirkuk."

Fatih told Shafaq News Agency that "the political agreement among the winning blocs in the Kirkuk Provincial Council involves Kurds, Arabs, and Turkmen, and is linked to the electoral quota and the entitlement of the blocs to important positions in Kirkuk."

She pointed out that "the delay in forming the local government and the failure to convene the council is due to power-sharing, including who will hold the positions of governor and council president. This is also tied to the fact that the blocs have half of the seats in the provincial council, totaling seven seats, giving them the right to key positions."

Fatih added, "Political agreements in Baghdad are reflected in resolving the Kirkuk issue. If we witness tomorrow's vote for the candidate for the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, we will see a breakthrough in Kirkuk and a speed in its formation."

Responding to a question about the agreement between the PUK and Arab factions in Kirkuk to share power, Fatih stated "The agreements exist, and the PUK believes in partnership and power-sharing in Kirkuk, but according to electoral entitlements."

For over five months, winning blocs in the Kirkuk Provincial Council have failed to agree on a joint proposal to form the local government, amid each insisting on assuming the position of governor. Discussions about rotating the governor's position among Kurdish, Arab, and Turkmen blocs remain unresolved, awaiting a third unspecified date set by Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani.

On February 21 2024, the Prime Minister presided over a meeting attended by all winning blocs, setting a deadline until March 3rd to prepare proposals for forming a new provincial administration and a joint local government.

Dozens of senior administrative positions in Kirkuk are expected to be redistributed among its components, most of which are currently acting, including the Council Chairman and his deputy, the governor and his deputies, the mayors of four districts, and directors of 16 districts, in addition to several public directors.

Kirkuk held its first elections since 2005 on December 18, 2023. Kurds won seven seats, divided into five seats for the PUK and two seats for the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), while the quota (Babylon) won one seat, totaling eight seats. Conversely, Arabs won six seats, distributed as follows: three seats for the Arab Alliance, two for the Leadership Alliance, and one for the Orouba Alliance, while the Unified Turkmen Front won two seats.

The electoral landscape highlights the equality achieved in the number of seats between Kurds, Arabs, and Turkmen (8-8), preventing any party from forming a local government.


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