Friday, May 17, 2024


Gem Finch, [17/05/2024 12:39 PM]

This came from Bond Master with WF so in Geneva is where this came from and according to the Bond PM with a regular contact and we have information coming to us they are going to try and release this T3 and T4A &B the idea is going to get the GREEN Light Tonight 

- theoretically before midnight.  I Bruce will know IF they do that about Midnight and Bruce is looking at this another green light and I’m using Faith here  - because I don’t actually know – but they are saying they are going to TRY and do this and I hope this is going to be Good for all of US 

– the one thing we really want are the Toll FREE numbers and that’s ALL WE NEED and we’ve waited a long time – 20 years for Bruce 2005 and he wasn’t late to the party.  The Bottom line we are all anticipating something BIG  - the RR and other payment our intel is saying that people on the 4th Wednesday would get a bump and it’s BIG and what we talked about and it should happen Saturday or Wednesday the 22nd,

 I think those that have already been paid might get another payment, I don’t have the particulars on that – so the 5th Wednesday is the 29th May and we are hearing it would occur on or around the 29th.  So now for us with RR this is supposed to come in when we go in for our exchanges and we would get a lump sum added to our exchange totals.   It will just be added to the totals, but we really want to know just what that total is -  

so for those over 62 not sure how you will get it but it should be at the end of this month and we’ll see how that works out and in this month still and also of course MAYBE OUR RV LATER TONIGHT WHEN THE GREEN LIGHT IS GIVEN AND then we can call and make our exchange appointments.  So that’s how close I believe we are and we HAVE NEVER BEEN WHERE WE ARE NOW HERE AT THIS TIME AND THINGS ARE DEFINITELY HAPPENING BEHIND THE SCENES  SO Bruce is saying he’s going to pray out the call –< /span>

 this is pretty good information coming in for EVERYTHING TO BE RELEASED TONIGHT And of course Bruce now talking about those programmes of Sue and all the new classes she’s hoping to have next week   - and always thanking Sue and Bob and GCK and Pastor Scott and Jeannie and Larry and all the faithful listeners from around the world.   

Then without fail praying out the call.   So please join in with Bruce in praying out the call and please keep praying because ALL OUR PRAYERS ARE NEEDED KNOW MORE THAN EVER AND EVERY PRAYER IS HEARD AND POWERFUL.   My deepest Love goes out to ALL of YOU.   But of course this really is NOW I think we ALL believe is the time for US and OUR World to Move ON.  Gem.

RV update of Iraqi dinar today 2024🔥iraqi dinar news🔥RV update iqd value

Iraqi Dinar: navigating currency volatility and black market activity, 17 MAY

Iraqi Dinar: navigating currency volatility and black market activity

Shafaq News/ The Iraqi dinar has been plagued by persistent exchange rate volatility in recent years. This instability is characterized by sharp appreciations of the US dollar followed by sluggish depreciation, creating uncertainty for businesses and consumers.

Further complicating matters is a significant discrepancy between the official exchange rate set by the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) and the rate prevailing in the parallel or black market. Many exchange shops blatantly disregard CBI directives, contributing to a wider "spread" between the official and market rates.

Some economists propose a bold strategy to address these twin challenges—volatility and the black market premium—by introducing currency "flotation." This would essentially remove the CBI's peg to the dollar, allowing the dinar's exchange rate to be determined by market forces. While initial depreciation can be painful in the short term, proponents argue that establishing greater exchange rate stability will have long-term benefits.

As of mid-May, the CBI sets the official cash selling rate at 1,305 dinars per dollar, while the rate for international remittances is slightly higher at 1,310 dinars. Local media reports suggest the black market rate hovers around 1,450 dinars per dollar, with historical highs reaching 1,600 dinars.

Iraqi authorities have implemented a series of control measures in response to these issues. These include restrictions on foreign exchange transactions, a mandate for all domestic commercial transactions to be conducted in dinars, and stricter scrutiny of international remittances. However, the effectiveness of these controls remains to be determined.

Some Iraqi economic analysts, fearing excessive volatility, express reservations about full-fledged dinar flotation. Others propose a more nuanced approach, advocating for a "managed float" system that allows for some degree of market flexibility while maintaining a degree of CBI control.

Is Currency Floating A Viable Option For The Iraqi Economy?

Mudher Saleh, the Prime Minister's Financial Advisor, believes that currency floating could be better suited for the Iraqi economy, primarily due to its reliance on oil exports and the dominance of foreign currency reserves. In an interview with al-Hurra TV, he explained that "the economic vision of floating the Iraqi dinar to eliminate the gap between the official and parallel rates might be feasible in an economy where the free market alone dictates the movement of the balance of payments, not in an economy dominated by the rentier government sector, which generates foreign currency reserves."

Saleh explained that the CBI is the only party that can manage the supply and demand for foreign currency in the domestic market. Calls for floating essentially imply "adopting the exchange rate prevailing in the parallel market to achieve the goal of stability and balance in the official exchange rate itself at a new exchange rate point reached by the market at the end of the hypothetical floating policy and a return to stability again."

Under a floating scenario, the CBI would relinquish its position as the primary provider of foreign currency, ceding control to free market forces with limited foreign currency holdings. Saleh warned that these forces carry "an uncontrolled package of inflationary expectations, referred to in economic literature as 'inflationary expectations-generating forces,'" granting dominance to a "limited number of speculators" who possess finite amounts of foreign currency, facing an "open demand for foreign currency from the market" that exceeds supply by "more than ten times, at least in our estimation."

Saleh described this policy as "uncontrolled," as the absence of a central government supply of foreign currency would prevent the establishment of any exchange rate equilibrium that floating aims to achieve, except through "a significant depreciation of the exchange rate as long as inflationary expectations-generating forces control it in a highly monopolized rentier economy."

He cautioned against the unpredictable nature of exchange rate movements in an "incomplete market" from a production standpoint in compensating for the required supply of goods and services. "No one will know what the new exchange rate resulting from floating will be," which will be accompanied by "a prior wave of inflationary expectations" whose direction is difficult to control, potentially prompting monetary policymakers to "intervene with excessive foreign reserves and unjustified squandering of foreign currency to impose stability."

Iraq's oil reserves, estimated at 145 billion barrels, are among the largest in the world, according to the World Bank. Oil Minister Hayan Abdul Ghani recently announced that the country aims to surpass 160 billion barrels.

The Iraqi Dinar: To Float or Not to Float

"Iraq cannot float its exchange rate," says Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani, a professor of international economic relations, describing pro-floating advocates as "inexperienced."

A study by World Bank experts in recent years recommended "raising the exchange rate." Still, Al-Mashhadani emphasizes that such recommendations should be taken with caution, as the IMF is primarily concerned with economic development. Meanwhile, monetary policy recommendations should be followed by the IMF, not the World Bank.

In its latest review, the IMF praised the CBI's efforts in tightening monetary policy and strengthening its liquidity management framework.

Al-Mashhadani explained that floating the dinar would lead to "a spiral of high inflation rates," disproportionately affecting marginalized groups. He argues that such a decision cannot be made solely on the basis of monetary policy but must also consider the burdens it would place on citizens.

The professor highlighted to Al-Hurra that the experiences of other Arab countries do not necessarily translate to the Iraqi economy and warns that floating the dinar could result in an exchange rate of 5,000 dinars to the dollar, as the CBI "loses control over exchange rates and leaves them to float."

He feared floating the dinar could lead to "social problems" as "wages erode significantly," potentially pushing new population segments into poverty. While a small group of traders, politicians, and businessmen might benefit from the instability, Al-Mashhadani maintained that floating the dinar would ultimately mean "handing over control of exchange rates to the parallel market."

He added that floating the dinar would not be enough to achieve the desired monetary stability. Instead, the CBI would need to "print more local currency to meet market demand," and the government would need to increase salaries and social assistance packages.

Saleh, the Iraqi government advisor, attributed the "gap" in dinar-dollar exchange rates between the official and parallel markets to "external factors imposed by the Compliance Platform and administrative control restrictions on external transfer movements." He assured that this issue was unrelated to a central bank reserve shortage.

Saleh pointed out that Iraq's foreign currency reserves are at their highest level in history, covering imports for 16 months, compared to the global benchmark of three months.

According to a previous Agence France-Presse report, dollar remittances through official channels have increased significantly in Iraq as the country continues its financial sector reforms in line with international standards.

In late 2022, the Iraqi banking sector adopted the SWIFT electronic transfer system to improve dollar usage monitoring, ensure compliance with US sanctions on Tehran, and curb the growth of the informal economy.

Saleh acknowledged that the adopted financial standards had encouraged the emergence of a parallel currency market, attracting those seeking dollars outside official channels.

He also highlighted a distortion in the support prices of certain goods "on the part of fiscal policy," stating that this support often benefits the rich and poor equally without discrimination. Saleh characterized this as an additional, unrecorded real income, a legacy of the consumerist welfare state of the rentier economy.

Saleh said, "It is unreasonable that 90 percent of Iraq's population still receives food subsidies provided by the state as an extension of the 1990s economic blockade era, despite the changing living standards, lifestyles, the growing number of affluent people, and the expansion of the middle class."



Some very positive news out of China and England re Bond Holders today but as yet I am unable to confirm, but with all the reporting about gold backed currencies world wide we are still moving in the right direction.


We speak often

His exchange personnel are on 45 minute stand by to be at exchange centers to begin scheduling appointments for us.

No he doesn't personally he has 5 states surrounding Texas, if WF is a bank in FLA they will be exchanging

Yes read up to before I opened

WF will have exchange centers

She is healed thenks for asking

Folks I am about to catch the local news, mix a whiskey and watch the second NBA game, so will advise should I get any updates.  THANKS  and GOD Bless.

RV/RI This Sunday?!🚩Going to Exchanging Next Week🤔Iraq Dinar RV Updates ...

Masrour Barzani discusses resuming Kurdistan oil exports with the US Assistant Secretary of State, 17 MAY

Masrour Barzani discusses resuming Kurdistan oil exports with the US Assistant Secretary of State

Shafaq News/ Today, Thursday, the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government discussed with the US Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Affairs, Jeffrey Payette, the importance of resuming the export of Kurdistan Region’s oil, and the two sides exchanged views on developing the energy sector, opportunities to benefit from clean energy, and joint projects in order to improve the electricity conditions in Iraq. And the Kurdistan Region. 

A statement from the Presidency of the Regional Government received by Shafaq News Agency said that Prime Minister Masrour Barzani received on Thursday US Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Affairs Jeffrey Payette in the presence of the US Ambassador to Iraq Elena Romanowski, pointing out that the two sides exchanged views on developing the energy sector and opportunities for using clean energy. And renewable energy, plans and projects to improve the electricity situation in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region.

The statement indicated that the two sides agreed on the importance of resuming oil exports from the Kurdistan Region, the suspension of which cost Iraq billions of dollars. 

 The statement noted that after the meeting, the Prime Minister and the US Assistant Secretary of State visited the Mass Global power station in Birdawood and the Khurmala power station and fields belonging to the CAR Group in Erbil Governorate, and they visited the departments of the two stations.

In a press conference, according to the same statement, the two sides stressed the importance of strengthening the energy sector in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, especially the use of clean energy, taking into account environmental protection and reducing air pollution.

The statement indicated that Masrour Barzani expressed his pleasure to hear that the United States attaches importance to developing the energy sector in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and supports Iraq and the Kurdistan Region so that they can achieve better steps and progress in these sectors. 

For his part; According to the statement, the US Assistant Secretary of State announced his country’s support for a strong and developed Kurdistan within the framework of a federal Iraq, expressing his joy at witnessing the progress of the energy industry in the region within the level of international standards. “When I see this scene, I remember many oil production areas in America and this place is the (Oklahoma) in miniature.”



Iraq has a mixed economic system with some private freedom, but weak centralized economic planning and government regulation. The country's economy is dominated by oil exports, which serve as the basis of its GDP. Successive governments have done little to wean Iraq off this heavy dependency on oil rents and diversify the economy. 

However, non-oil growth has rebounded strongly in 2023, while inflation has receded. The World Bank has highlighted the importance of banking reforms and promoting digital financial services to increase financial intermediation and promote financial inclusion. 

The Iraq Vision 2030 plan includes diversifying the economy, reducing dependence on oil, promoting innovation, supporting SMEs, and attracting foreign investment. The plan also promotes sectors such as agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, and technology.


  Militia Man    Article:  " US support for Iraq’s reform steps.. Non-oil GDP indicators rise and exceed twice the population growth ra...