Tuesday, July 2, 2024

"STATUS OF THE RV: So, what is holding up the U.S. to give its permission and assurances?" PART. 1 BY MNT GOAT, 2 JULY


Welcome to July. First, I want everyone to know why the RV process has not yet begun (Project to Delete the Zeros) in June as planned by the CBI. My conversation with my CBI contact this past Saturday has assured me once again the CBI is not going to be fooled again. They told me the CBI needs,

in a FORMAL written agreement assurances that the US Treasury will promote the Iraqi dinar back to FOREX, if and when the CBI begins the final stage of the currency reform. They need to move ahead, they want to move ahead. I was told it would be disastrous to increase the rate, then delete the zeros yet not move to FOREX.  It all has to work in steps.  

Folks, I know we all expected something is June and the US Treasury promised they would cooperate a month ago, but here we sit and its now July. The confirmation letter of agreement has not yet been provided under the Biden administration.

So, what is holding up the U.S. to give its permission and assurances? I have talked to people in the Biden administration and they flat out told me Biden in not going to give permission. But I asked why?

This is left to me to speculate on. But I believe the spineless deep state idiots running our government today could not care less about us investors and most importantly about the Iraqi people. We are all just pawns they play with. These crooked politicians already exchanged way back in 2012–2013 and so who now cares about us. Yes, this is the Obama and now Biden mentality.

I assure you this has gone way beyond us investors telling anyone what to do. It is all about “corruption” and we are now seeing it for all its worth. In my last Newsletter I talked about my conversation with my CBI contact at that time. What did she tell me then?

She told me basically the US are bastards. Opps… I wasn’t supposed to tell you that. But I owe you the TRUTH! I am no longer going to hold back. My contact told me the same.

 This is now ridiculous. The US Treasury knows damn well to kickoff the 3rd phase of the strategic plan was to bring the dinar back to FOREX. They were in meetings held to talk about this 3rd stage to the overall plan.  

This manipulation is really sad. A decade ago, I could hardly make these claims. But come ‘on folks it has been 20 years already and the entire Europe was rebuilt in a shorter timespan post WW2. But who cares about Iraq, they say. Yes, as long as the oil if flowing, they are taking their corrupt share, the US politicians don’t give a shit about the people of Iraq. Shame, shame, shame on them. Yes, this means democrats and republicans too.....FOR READ MORE: https://mntgoatnewsusa.com/latest-mnt-goat-newsletter/

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