Saturday, June 8, 2024

SUMMARY OF Wolverine Live Chat ON JUNE 6, 8 JUNE

 Thurs. 6 June 2024 Wolverine Live Chat

  • “Things are moving! Yesterday I got a call from a very high contact that has Intel with the general of Brazil, and the general has authorized the release of funds from Brazil, and various sources from Brazil have all the same timeline that it has started. Notifications will be received in Brazil. Not everyone has seen them yet, but when they receive it they will know it is happening and their frame of mind will change.
  • I received this great info today International Operations: “TIER 4 B IS ALREADY RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS. (Beneficiary Commission).
  • And then I received this one from a huge contact: “Wolvie, I hope you’re feeling little better. I have some great news – we are working on International Contracts outside of Brazil for Individual Bond Holders. We also received more good news from one of our top Contacts working with the Chinese Elders on some International Platforms that they control involving Yellow Dragons and “Other” types of Bonds…. This Contact acts as a local Paymaster on behalf of the Chinese and he was tearful, saying, he received authorization to start the Payment process.” This Contact is one of the top Representatives for them and has been involved for more than 10 years – so he’s very emotional that he’s finally received authorization.
  • Also, this came through, from a member: Hopefully, you are feeling well, Wolvie. Got news that two people that have groups under them are on their way to get paid! One in Zurich and one in Brazil.
  • So we are finally there my friend – good night and thanks for everything and tomorrow I have to fly off to Brazil.
  • In Reno, I am expecting to get the news we are waiting for hopefully today. I am hoping you guys receive notifications today. I hope Bruce has good news. I feel sorry for him, as Bruce is having health issues, gone blind, and hopefully he will get the right intel, this time. We are very, very close.
  • The United States dollar is going down on Sunday,  (the petrol dollar) Saudi Arabia will not use the United States Dollar anymore, and that will be the fall of the US dollar, and the economic collapse starts Tuesday or Wednesday. This is when the release date actually starts.
  • The law case against Hunter, including the laptop, is now in the courts,everything is coming out, and there is more exposure going on against Hunter, not just the about the guns, but other things that will develop in that case. Hopefully, it will get Biden removed asap and all others involved arrested.
  • We are close. Things are rolling, and there is a lot going on in Australia as well.
  • We are looking for a worldwide celebration that is about to commence. Remember where you were on the day this actually happens. You are all part of history. It will be a historical moment. We can write a book about it and put our names in the chapters. Maybe someone will! I am absolutely ecstatic with what I am seeing. I am sure I will get the call for the RV.
  • The bond release of funds has started. Mauricio was right. He had an event – a press announcement in Mexico. He had the Colombian flag on his desk. He has a surprise for Colombia.
  • Hopefully we will see that in a couple of days – It is all moving. Some of you are not seeing it, saying nothing is happening, but there is a lot going on behind the scenes. I have not received anything yet, but it does not mean it is not happening. We will see what our friend Bruce has this time. Hopefully, it will be great news. This is coming to your side of the woods pretty soon! Take care guys, love you all, Wolverine.
  • Thurs. 6 June 2014 MarkZ: “I have a number of bond people who have been waiting all week.  They woke up to messages today Thurs. 6 June saying their appointments were  changed to around 10am on Mon. 10 June. They expect full payout. This means they expect money movement this weekend. I still have a few MIA bond folks…where they have turned off their devices….goes straight to voicemail.”
  • On Mon. Evening 3 June 2024 the Iraqi Parliament finally passed their budget with the new Iraqi Dinar International Rate in it. On Wed. 5 June 2024 the Iraqi Parliament sent the budget with the new Iraqi Dinar Rate in it to the Gazette to be published presumably by Sat. 8 June.
  • Wed. 5 June 2024 Frank26: The international world is currently using the new Iraqi Dinar international exchange rate right now.
  • Tues. 4 June Bruce’s Source in Iraq spoke with PM Sidani – he said rates on Dinar were handed over and now were officially recorded.
  • Tues. 4 June Texas Snake: “Well folks, the information I have rec’ed today indicates a number of the large bondholder paymasters have been invited to Reno to begin exchanging their bond portfolios over the next 24 to 48 hour window.  We are then scheduled to begin receiving notification to begin scheduling appointments.  I have this info from three sources and am waiting confirmation from the banker.
  • Thurs. 6 June 2024 Robynhood59 on Telegram: “63 banks will be insolvent tomorrow Fri. 7 June. Janet Yellen has stated for months today Thurs. 6 June was the date govt runs out of money. June 15 was the hard date for completion of Basel 3 and working on Basel 4 and why banks will be closing. BEST NEWS OF ALL!! IRAQ currently voting in Senate on rate, then moves to House for rate vote. When vote passes it will go right in the Gazette for Law, and announced Sat. 8 June 2024 in Mosques. This Fri. 7 June through the weekend moves forward with liquidity of bonds.”
  • Thurs. 6 June 2024 BRICS Summit Russia: “BRICS says establishing payment mechanisms within BRICS that do not depend on the Western banking system is one of the most pressing topics today at the BRICS Summit in Russia.”
  • As of 30 May 2024 States can legally obtain their own gold backed currency and bypass the Federal Reserve.

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