Tuesday, January 2, 2024


 Militia Man 

 The United States Treasury, the US Federal Reserve Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, World Trade Organization, the EU, many different entities have been working with Iraq to get her to go to an international standard.  The stage is set for Iraq to be international...Everybody should know that and it's not just a simple Dinar Guru situation, it's actually the largest financial entities in the world are the ones that are giving us this information.   I hope you take that to heart and pay attention to it.

All of this is coming together. There's no reason for any pessimism or snide remarks for anybody around in dinarland... There's shouldn't be any doubt anymore that this is a real process and it's underway...

 Iraq is going to be interconnecting with international countries and they're going to be doing it by International standards and guess what they're not going to be doing that with a 1310 program, or I call it, a  punishment rate..

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